Java tutorial
package org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode; import; import android.hardware.Sensor; import android.hardware.SensorEvent; import android.hardware.SensorEventListener; import android.hardware.SensorManager; import android.os.Looper; import android.util.Log; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.Toast; import com.qualcomm.ftcrobotcontroller.R; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.Disabled; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.DcMotor; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.util.ElapsedTime; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.util.Range; import com.vuforia.CameraCalibration; import com.vuforia.HINT; import com.vuforia.Image; import com.vuforia.Matrix34F; import com.vuforia.PIXEL_FORMAT; import com.vuforia.Tool; import com.vuforia.Vec3F; import com.vuforia.Vuforia; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcontroller.Util.Global; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.ClassFactory; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.matrices.OpenGLMatrix; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.matrices.VectorF; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.navigation.VuforiaLocalizer; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.navigation.VuforiaTrackable; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.navigation.VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.navigation.VuforiaTrackables; /** * Created by Kerfuffle on 9/24/2016. */ import org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode.Util.ButtonRange; import org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode.Util.OCVUtils; import org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode.Util.VortexUtils; import; import org.opencv.core.Core; import org.opencv.core.CvType; import org.opencv.core.Mat; import org.opencv.core.Rect; import org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc; import org.opencv.imgproc.Moments; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import ftclib.FtcAndroidAccel; import trclib.TrcAccelerometer; import trclib.TrcSensor; import static org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode.Util.VortexUtils.BEACON_BLUE_HIGH; import static org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode.Util.VortexUtils.BEACON_BLUE_LOW; import static org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode.Util.VortexUtils.getImageFromFrame; @com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.Autonomous(name = "DONT USE ME", group = "vuf") @Disabled //@Autonomous(name="Concept: Vuforia Navigation", group =sensorManager = (SensorManager) Activity.getSystemService(SENSOR_SERVICE);"Concept") public class VuforiaOp extends MMOpMode_Linear { //extends MMOpMode_Linear{ public static double beaconStepBack = 2; public static int numBeacons = 2; double timePerRotationClockwiseMS = 4 * 1000.0; double timePerRotationCounterClockwiseMS = 4.1 * 1000.0; static int targetRPM = 2400; enum TeamColor { BLUE, RED } enum Proximity { NEAR, FAR } enum States { MOVE_FROM_START, FIND_BEACON, GET_BEACON_LOCATION, MOVE_TO_BEACON, MOVE_TO_CORRECT_BUTTON, FIX_ANGLE, PRE_MOVE_IN, PRESS_BUTTON, PRE_MOVE_OUT, BACK_OFF_BUTTON, GET_BEACON_COLOR, DONE } private VuforiaLocalizer vuforia; private ElapsedTime runtime = new ElapsedTime(); VuforiaTrackables beacons; public static TeamColor teamColor = TeamColor.RED; public static Proximity proximity = Proximity.NEAR; private void initVuforia() { VuforiaLocalizer.Parameters parameters = new VuforiaLocalizer.Parameters(; parameters.vuforiaLicenseKey = "AeWceoD/////AAAAGWvk7AQGLUiTsyU4mSW7gfldjSCDQHX76lt9iPO5D8zaboG428rdS9WN0+AFpAlc/g4McLRAQIb5+ijFCPJJkLc+ynXYdhljdI2k9R4KL8t3MYk/tbmQ75st9VI7//2vNkp0JHV6oy4HXltxVFcEbtBYeTBJ9CFbMW+0cMNhLBPwHV7RYeNPZRgxf27J0oO8VoHOlj70OYdNYos5wvDM+ZbfWrOad/cpo4qbAw5iB95T5I9D2/KRf1HQHygtDl8/OtDFlOfqK6v2PTvnEbNnW1aW3vPglGXknX+rm0k8b0S7GFJkgl7SLq/HFNl0VEIVJGVQe9wt9PB6bJuxOMMxN4asy4rW5PRRBqasSM7OLl4W"; parameters.cameraDirection = VuforiaLocalizer.CameraDirection.FRONT; this.vuforia = ClassFactory.createVuforiaLocalizer(parameters); vuforia.setFrameQueueCapacity(1); Vuforia.setFrameFormat(PIXEL_FORMAT.RGB565, true); Vuforia.setHint(HINT.HINT_MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_IMAGE_TARGETS, 4); beacons = this.vuforia.loadTrackablesFromAsset("FTC_2016-17"); beacons.get(0).setName("Wheels"); beacons.get(1).setName("Tools"); beacons.get(2).setName("Legos"); beacons.get(3).setName("Gears"); beacons.activate(); } private VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener getVisibleBeacon() { for (VuforiaTrackable b : beacons) { VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener beacon = (VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener) b.getListener(); if (beacon.isVisible()) { return beacon; } } return null; } private VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener getBeacon(String name) { for (VuforiaTrackable b : beacons) { VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener beacon = (VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener) b.getListener(); if (b.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name) && beacon.isVisible()) { return beacon; } } return null; } private MMTranslation getCurrentLocation(VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener beacon) { OpenGLMatrix pose = beacon.getPose(); if (pose == null) return null; VectorF translation = pose.getTranslation(); return new MMTranslation(translation); } public int getBeaconColor(VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener listener) { int color = -1; boolean usingFrontCamera = true; try { Image img = getImageFromFrame(vuforia.getFrameQueue().take(), PIXEL_FORMAT.RGB565); runtime.reset(); do { color = getBeaconConfig(img, listener, vuforia.getCameraCalibration()); //TODO } while (opModeIsActive() && runtime.seconds() < 5 && color == -1); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } catch (Throwable e) { robot.dashboard.displayText(0, e.getMessage().toString()); } if (usingFrontCamera) { if (color == VortexUtils.BEACON_RED_BLUE) { color = VortexUtils.BEACON_BLUE_RED; } else if (color == VortexUtils.BEACON_BLUE_RED) { color = VortexUtils.BEACON_RED_BLUE; } } if (color == VortexUtils.BEACON_BLUE_RED) { robot.dashboard.displayPrintf(15, "Blue on left, Red on right"); } else if (color == VortexUtils.BEACON_RED_BLUE) { robot.dashboard.displayPrintf(15, "Red on left, Blue on right"); } else { robot.dashboard.displayPrintf(15, "Unable to determine config: %d", color); pauseBetweenSteps(); //pauseBetweenSteps(); //pauseBetweenSteps(); //pauseBetweenSteps(); } return color; } ButtonRange lastTarget = ButtonRange.Unknown(); private ButtonRange getTargetButton(VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener visibleBeacon) { //VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener visibleBeacon = getVisibleBeacon(); ButtonRange targetButton; int mycolor = getBeaconColor(visibleBeacon); if (mycolor == -1) { logState("[GET_BEACON_COLOR] Unable to determine color"); return ButtonRange.Unknown(); } else { logState("[GET_BEACON_COLOR] Got a beacon color [%d]", mycolor); if (mycolor == VortexUtils.BEACON_BLUE_RED) { if (teamColor == TeamColor.BLUE) { targetButton = ButtonRange.LeftButton(); } else { targetButton = ButtonRange.RightButton(); } } else if (mycolor == VortexUtils.BEACON_RED_BLUE) { if (teamColor == TeamColor.BLUE) { targetButton = ButtonRange.RightButton(); } else { targetButton = ButtonRange.LeftButton(); } } else { //logState("[GET_BEACON_COLOR] Unable to determine color"); return ButtonRange.Unknown(); } lastTarget = targetButton; return targetButton; } } private void turn(double angle) { double timeForTurn = 0.0; if (angle < 0) { timeForTurn = (timePerRotationCounterClockwiseMS / 360) * Math.abs(angle); } else { timeForTurn = (timePerRotationClockwiseMS / 360) * Math.abs(angle); } robot.dashboard.displayPrintf(15, "Time for turn: %f", timeForTurn); double rotationSpeed = 0.3; if (angle < 0) { rotationSpeed *= -1; } runtime.reset(); Drive(0, 0, rotationSpeed); while (opModeIsActive() && runtime.milliseconds() < timeForTurn) { robot.dashboard.displayPrintf(14, "Runtime: %f", runtime.milliseconds()); } Stop(); } private void fixAngles(VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener visibleBeacon) { logState("[SQUARE UP TO WALL]"); //VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener visibleBeacon = null; MMTranslation angles = null; double angleToWall = 0; //visibleBeacon = getVisibleBeacon(); if (visibleBeacon == null) { //uh oh logState("Unable to locate beacon"); Stop(); return; } angles = anglesFromTarget(visibleBeacon); if (angles == null) { return; } angleToWall = (Math.toDegrees(angles.getX()) + 270) % 360; double angle = angleToWall - 90; logState("[SQUARE UP TO WALL] Angle: %f", angle); if (Math.abs(angle) > 4) { turn(angle); } } private void moveToBeacon(VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener visibleBeacon) { logState("[MOVE_TO_BEACON] Move closer to beacon"); //VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener visibleBeacon = null; MMTranslation angles; MMTranslation currentLocation = null; double angleToWall; angles = anglesFromTarget(visibleBeacon); runtime.reset(); do { //visibleBeacon = getVisibleBeacon(); if (visibleBeacon == null) { Stop(); logState("Unable to find beacon"); return; } currentLocation = getCurrentLocation(visibleBeacon); angleToWall = (Math.toDegrees(angles.getX()) + 270) % 360; moveToBeacon(currentLocation.getX(), currentLocation.getZ(), angleToWall - 90); } while (opModeIsActive() && currentLocation.getZ() < -500 && runtime.seconds() < 10); } private void centerOnBeacon(VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener visibleBeacon) { logState("[Center On Beacon] Centering on beacon"); //VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener visibleBeacon = null; // MMTranslation angles; MMTranslation currentLocation = null; // MMTranslation nav = null; // // double angleToWall; runtime.reset(); do { //visibleBeacon = getVisibleBeacon(); if (visibleBeacon == null) { mechDrive.Stop(); logState("Unable to find beacon"); return; } //angles = anglesFromTarget(visibleBeacon); currentLocation = getCurrentLocation(visibleBeacon); double x = currentLocation.getX(); double moveSpeed = 0.15; if (Math.abs(x) >= 20 && opModeIsActive()) { if (x < 0) { moveSpeed *= -1; } mechDrive.Drive(0, moveSpeed, 0, false); } } while (opModeIsActive() && Math.abs(currentLocation.getX()) < 20 && runtime.seconds() < 2); mechDrive.Stop(); } private void moveToCorrectButton(ButtonRange targetButton, VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener visibleBeacon) { if (opModeIsActive()) { if (targetButton.getName().equals("Left Button")) { Drive(0, 0.12, 0); } else if (targetButton.getName().equals("Right Button")) { Drive(0, -0.12, 0); } runtime.reset(); do { } while (runtime.seconds() < 0.125); Stop(); } /*MMTranslation currentLocation = null; boolean done = false; do { //visibleBeacon = getVisibleBeacon(); if(visibleBeacon == null){ Stop(); logState("Unable to find beacon"); return; } currentLocation = getCurrentLocation(visibleBeacon); if (currentLocation.getX() < targetButton.getMin()) { Drive(0, -0.12, 0); //move to the right } else if (currentLocation.getX() > targetButton.getMax()) { //move left Drive(0, 0.12, 0); } else { done = true; } //angleToWall = (Math.toDegrees(angles.getX()) + 270) % 360; } while(opModeIsActive() && !done && runtime.seconds() < 5); Stop(); pauseBetweenSteps(); /*double offset = 0; double moveSpeed = 0.15; if(targetButton.getName() == "Left Button") { offset = 1; } else { offset = -1; } Drive(0, moveSpeed * offset, 0); runtime.reset(); while(opModeIsActive() && runtime.seconds() < 0.3) {} Stop();*/ } private void moveToBeacon(double x, double z, double angle) { double h = 0, v = 0, r = 0; // slow movement into beacon as we get closer if (z < -650) { h = -0.35; } else if (z < -600) { h = -0.3; } else { h = -0.25; } //fix side to side movement if (Math.abs(x) > 100) { v = 0.15; } else if (Math.abs(x) > 50) { v = 0.1; } else if (Math.abs(x) < 25) { v = 0.0; } if (x < 0) { v = 0 - v; } if (Math.abs(angle) > 10) { r = 0.1; } if (Math.abs((angle)) > 5) { r = 0.05; } else if (Math.abs((angle)) < 2.1) { r = 0; } if (angle < 0) { r = 0 - r; } if (opModeIsActive()) { Drive(h, v, r); } } private VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener moveOffWall() { VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener visibleBeacon = null; runtime.reset(); Drive(-0.9, -0.9, 0); do { //visibleBeacon = getVisibleBeacon(); logState("[MOVE_FROM_START] moving from start [%f]", runtime.seconds()); } while (opModeIsActive() && runtime.seconds() < 2); Stop(); logState("[MOVE_FROM_START] move over in front of beacon"); //pauseBetweenSteps(); //move more runtime.reset(); Drive(0, -0.9, 0); do { } while (opModeIsActive() && runtime.seconds() < 0.8); Stop(); do { if (teamColor == TeamColor.RED) { visibleBeacon = getBeacon("gears"); //getVisibleBeacon(); } else if (teamColor == TeamColor.BLUE) { visibleBeacon = getBeacon("wheels"); } } while (opModeIsActive() && runtime.seconds() < 5 && visibleBeacon == null); //pauseBetweenSteps(); /*if(visibleBeacon != null){ //move back a bit? runtime.reset(); Drive(0, 0.2, 0); while(opModeIsActive() && runtime.seconds() < 0.6) { } Stop(); }*/ Stop(); pauseBetweenSteps(); return visibleBeacon; } private void moveBackToSecondBeacon() { /*runtime.reset(); Drive(0.4, 0, 0); do { } while(opModeIsActive() && runtime.seconds() < 1.1);*/ runtime.reset(); Drive(0, 0.9, 0); do { } while (opModeIsActive() && runtime.seconds() < 1.73); Stop(); pauseBetweenSteps(); } public void tempLog(String str) { robot.dashboard.displayPrintf(4, str); } private void runBeaconPressManuever(VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener visibleBeacon) { ButtonRange targetButton = null;//ButtonRange.Unknown(); boolean fixAngle1 = true; boolean centerCorrectButton = true; boolean moveToBeacon = true; boolean fixAngle2 = true; boolean fixAngle3 = true; boolean fixAngle4 = true; boolean getBeaconConfiguration = true; boolean moveToButton = false; boolean pressButton = true; robot.dashboard.displayText(15, "Fix angle"); //fix angle if (fixAngle1) { fixAngles(visibleBeacon); //fixAngles(visibleBeacon); Stop(); pauseBetweenSteps(); } /*robot.dashboard.displayText(15, "Center on beacon"); if(centerOnBeacon) { centerOnBeacon(visibleBeacon); Stop(); pauseBetweenSteps(); }*/ robot.dashboard.displayText(15, "Get beacon configuration"); //targetButton = null; Stop(); waitFor(1); //get beacon configuration if (getBeaconConfiguration) { targetButton = getTargetButton(visibleBeacon); if (targetButton == null || targetButton == ButtonRange.Unknown()) { robot.dashboard.displayText(10, "UNABLE TO FIND TEAM COLOR"); return; } pauseBetweenSteps(); } robot.dashboard.displayText(13, "Beacon Config: " + targetButton.getName()); robot.dashboard.displayText(15, "Move towards beacon"); //move towards beacon if (moveToBeacon) { moveToBeacon(visibleBeacon); Stop(); pauseBetweenSteps(); } if (fixAngle2) { fixAngles(visibleBeacon); //fixAngles(visibleBeacon); Stop(); pauseBetweenSteps(); } // Get in front of correct Button if (centerCorrectButton) { if (opModeIsActive()) { if (targetButton.getName().equals("Left Button")) { Drive(0, 0.12, 0); } else if (targetButton.getName().equals("Right Button")) { Drive(0, -0.12, 0); } runtime.reset(); do { } while (runtime.seconds() < 0.125); Stop(); } // check to make sure that you are centering on the beacon correctly, it seems like its not, check out the code doug had to progressively slow down /* MMTranslation currentLocation = null; boolean done = false; do { //visibleBeacon = getVisibleBeacon(); if(visibleBeacon == null){ Stop(); logState("Unable to find beacon"); return; } currentLocation = getCurrentLocation(visibleBeacon); if (currentLocation.getX() < targetButton.getMin()) { Drive(0, -0.1, 0); //move to the right } else if (currentLocation.getX() > targetButton.getMax()) { //move left Drive(0, 0.1, 0); } else { done = true; } //angleToWall = (Math.toDegrees(angles.getX()) + 270) % 360; } while(opModeIsActive() && !done && runtime.seconds() < 10); Stop(); pauseBetweenSteps();*/ } robot.dashboard.displayText(15, "Fix angle"); //fix angle if (fixAngle3) { fixAngles(visibleBeacon); //fixAngles(visibleBeacon); Stop(); pauseBetweenSteps(); } if (targetButton.getName() == "Unknown") { logState("[MOVE TO CORRECT BUTTON] Unable to determine color, skipping"); } else { logState("[MOVE TO CORRECT BUTTON] doing the do"); robot.dashboard.displayText(15, "Move to correct button"); //move to correct side // if (moveToButton) { // moveToCorrectButton(targetButton, visibleBeacon); // Stop(); // pauseBetweenSteps(); // // } robot.dashboard.displayText(15, "Move in to press button"); //move in to press button if (pressButton) { //move in runtime.reset(); double moveSpeed = 0.4; Drive(0 - moveSpeed, 0.02, 0); do { //idle(); } while (opModeIsActive() && runtime.seconds() < 1.5); Stop(); pauseBetweenSteps(); //move out runtime.reset(); Drive(0.9, 0, 0); do { } while (opModeIsActive() && runtime.seconds() < 0.9); Stop(); pauseBetweenSteps(); if (fixAngle4) { fixAngles(visibleBeacon); //fixAngles(visibleBeacon); Stop(); pauseBetweenSteps(); } } } } private void shootBalls() { double power = 0.4; while (power < 1 && opModeIsActive()) { power += 0.005; power = Range.clip(power, 0, 1); robot.shooterMotor.setPower(power); if (power == 1) { break; } robot.dashboard.displayPrintf(2, "Waiting for shooter power: %2.5f", power); waitFor(0.02); } if (!opModeIsActive()) { return; } waitFor(0.1); robot.dashboard.displayText(3, "Turning on elevator"); robot.ElevatorLiftBalls(); robot.dashboard.displayText(4, "Waiting for 0.5 seconds"); waitFor(0.5); robot.dashboard.displayText(4, "Stopping elevator. let wheels spin back up"); robot.ElevatorStop(); robot.dashboard.displayText(4, "Waiting for 1 second"); waitFor(1); robot.dashboard.displayText(4, "Turning on elevator"); robot.ElevatorLiftBalls(); robot.dashboard.displayText(4, "Waiting for 1 second"); waitFor(1); robot.shooterMotor.setPower(0); robot.ElevatorStop(); robot.StopAllMotors(); } public void prepShooter() { robot.shooterMotor.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.STOP_AND_RESET_ENCODER); robot.shooterMotor.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_USING_ENCODER); robot.shooterMotor.setMaxSpeed((2200 * 28) / 60); } private void moveBackToShoot() { runtime.reset(); Drive(0.9, 0, 0); do { } while (opModeIsActive() && runtime.seconds() < .4); Stop(); } private void moveFwdToPark() { runtime.reset(); Drive(0, 0.9, 0); do { } while (opModeIsActive() && runtime.seconds() < 0.4); Stop(); } private void moveBackAndFixAngle(VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener visibleBeacon) { fixAngles(visibleBeacon); fixAngles(visibleBeacon); } private FtcAndroidAccel accelerometer; @Override public void runOpMode() throws InterruptedException { super.runOpMode(); robot.dashboard.displayText(0, "*****WAAAAAIITT!!!!! for it to say ready"); accelerometer = new FtcAndroidAccel("Accelerometer", null); accelerometer.setEnabled(true); if (!OpenCVLoader.initDebug()) { logState("Unable to initialize opencv"); pauseBetweenSteps(); //Logger.d("Internal OpenCV library not found. Using OpenCV Manager for initialization"); //OpenCVLoader.initAsync(OpenCVLoader.OPENCV_VERSION_3_1_0, this, null); } else { //Logger.d("OpenCV library found inside package. Using it!"); //mLoaderCallback.onManagerConnected(LoaderCallbackInterface.SUCCESS); } initVuforia(); robot.dashboard.displayText(0, "Autonomous mode READY, waiting for start..."); waitForStart(); /************************************************************************************************************************/ /*while (opModeIsActive()) { TrcSensor.SensorData<Double> dataX = accelerometer.getXAcceleration(); TrcSensor.SensorData<Double> dataY = accelerometer.getYAcceleration(); TrcSensor.SensorData<Double> dataZ = accelerometer.getZAcceleration(); robot.dashboard.displayText(5, String.valueOf(dataX.value)); robot.dashboard.displayText(6, String.valueOf(dataY.value)); robot.dashboard.displayText(7, String.valueOf(dataZ.value)); }*/ robot.dashboard.displayText(3, "Color: " + teamColor); if (opModeIsActive()) { runNearWithBothBeacons(); } } private void runNearWithBothBeacons() throws InterruptedException { //VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener visibleBeacon = null; boolean moveOffWall = true; boolean runBeaconManuever = true; boolean press2ndbeacon = true; boolean shootBalls = false; boolean park = false; robot.dashboard.displayText(15, "Move off wall"); VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener nearBeacon = null; if (moveOffWall) { nearBeacon = moveOffWall(); //returns the beacon that is nearest Stop(); } if (runBeaconManuever && nearBeacon != null) { runBeaconPressManuever(nearBeacon); //runtime.reset(); fixAngles(nearBeacon); Stop(); pauseBetweenSteps(); } //move to 2nd beacon if (press2ndbeacon) { double firstToSecond = 1.6; if (teamColor == TeamColor.BLUE) { if (lastTarget.getName().equals("Right Button")) { firstToSecond += 0.2; } } if (teamColor == TeamColor.RED) { if (lastTarget.getName().equals("Left Button")) { firstToSecond += 0.2; } } runtime.reset(); Drive(0, -0.9, 0); do { } while (opModeIsActive() && runtime.seconds() < firstToSecond); /*Drive(0.9, 0, 0); do { } while(opModeIsActive() && runtime.seconds() < 0.7);*/ Stop(); //waitFor(10); /*******Pause to move beacon over to other side manually******/ //moveBackToSecondBeacon(); //waitFor(1); // gears then tools VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener visibleBeacon = null; runtime.reset(); do { if (teamColor == TeamColor.RED) { visibleBeacon = getBeacon("tools");//getVisibleBeacon(); } else if (teamColor == TeamColor.BLUE) { visibleBeacon = getBeacon("legos"); } } while (opModeIsActive() && runtime.seconds() < 5 && visibleBeacon == null); //waitFor(1); if (visibleBeacon != null) { // moveBackAndFixAngle(visibleBeacon); runBeaconPressManuever(visibleBeacon); } pauseBetweenSteps(); } if (shootBalls) { runtime.reset(); robot.shooterMotor.setPower(-1); do { } while (opModeIsActive() && runtime.seconds() < 1); Stop(); pauseBetweenSteps(); } if (park) { runtime.reset(); Drive(-0.9, 0, 0); do { } while (opModeIsActive() && runtime.seconds() < 2); Stop(); } } //all drive 'v' values configured as red. reverse for blue private void Drive(double h, double v, double r) { if (teamColor == TeamColor.BLUE) { v *= -1; } mechDrive.Drive(h, v, r, false); } private void Stop() { mechDrive.Stop(); } private void logState(String msg, Object... args) { robot.dashboard.displayPrintf(11, msg, args); } private void pauseBetweenSteps() { //logPath("pausing waiting 2 seconds"); waitFor(0.25); } // private void waitFor(double seconds){ // robot.waitForTick((long)(seconds * 1000)); // } //this assumes the horizontal axis is the y-axis since the phone is vertical //robot angle is relative to "parallel with the beacon wall" public MMTranslation navOffWall(VectorF trans, double robotAngle, VectorF offWall) { return new MMTranslation(new VectorF( (float) (trans.get(0) - offWall.get(0) * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(robotAngle)) - offWall.get(2) * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(robotAngle))), trans.get(1), (float) (trans.get(2) + offWall.get(0) * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(robotAngle)) - offWall.get(2) * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(robotAngle))))); } public MMTranslation anglesFromTarget(VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener image) { try { if (image == null) { return null; } float[] data = image.getRawPose().getData(); float[][] rotation = { { data[0], data[1] }, { data[4], data[5], data[6] }, { data[8], data[9], data[10] } }; double thetaX = Math.atan2(rotation[2][1], rotation[2][2]); double thetaY = Math.atan2(-rotation[2][0], Math.sqrt(rotation[2][1] * rotation[2][1] + rotation[2][2] * rotation[2][2])); double thetaZ = Math.atan2(rotation[1][0], rotation[0][0]); return new MMTranslation(new VectorF((float) thetaX, (float) thetaY, (float) thetaZ)); } catch (NullPointerException e) { return null; } } class MMTranslation { private double x; private double y; private double z; public double getX() { return x; } public double getY() { return y; } public double getZ() { return z; } public double getAngle() { //double angle = Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(z, x)) + 90; double angle = Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(x, -z)); return angle; } public MMTranslation(VectorF translation) { if (translation == null) { return; } x = translation.get(0); y = translation.get(1); //not really used z = translation.get(2); } } public int getBeaconConfig(Image img, VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener beacon, CameraCalibration camCal) { OpenGLMatrix pose = beacon.getRawPose(); if (pose != null && img != null && img.getPixels() != null) { Matrix34F rawPose = new Matrix34F(); float[] poseData = Arrays.copyOfRange(pose.transposed().getData(), 0, 12); rawPose.setData(poseData); //calculating pixel coordinates of beacon corners float[][] corners = new float[4][2]; corners[0] = Tool.projectPoint(camCal, rawPose, new Vec3F(-127, 276, 0)).getData(); //upper left of beacon corners[1] = Tool.projectPoint(camCal, rawPose, new Vec3F(127, 276, 0)).getData(); //upper right of beacon corners[2] = Tool.projectPoint(camCal, rawPose, new Vec3F(127, 92, 0)).getData(); //lower right of beacon corners[3] = Tool.projectPoint(camCal, rawPose, new Vec3F(-127, 92, 0)).getData(); //lower left of beacon //getting camera image... Bitmap bm = Bitmap.createBitmap(img.getWidth(), img.getHeight(), Bitmap.Config.RGB_565); bm.copyPixelsFromBuffer(img.getPixels()); //turning the corner pixel coordinates into a proper bounding box Mat crop = OCVUtils.bitmapToMat(bm, CvType.CV_8UC3); float x = Math.min(Math.min(corners[1][0], corners[3][0]), Math.min(corners[0][0], corners[2][0])); float y = Math.min(Math.min(corners[1][1], corners[3][1]), Math.min(corners[0][1], corners[2][1])); float width = Math.max(Math.abs(corners[0][0] - corners[2][0]), Math.abs(corners[1][0] - corners[3][0])); float height = Math.max(Math.abs(corners[0][1] - corners[2][1]), Math.abs(corners[1][1] - corners[3][1])); //make sure our bounding box doesn't go outside of the image //OpenCV doesn't like that... x = Math.max(x, 0); y = Math.max(y, 0); width = (x + width > crop.cols()) ? crop.cols() - x : width; height = (y + height > crop.rows()) ? crop.rows() - y : height; //cropping bounding box out of camera image final Mat cropped = new Mat(crop, new Rect((int) x, (int) y, (int) width, (int) height)); Bitmap pic = OCVUtils.matToBitmap(cropped); //filtering out non-beacon-blue colours in HSV colour space Imgproc.cvtColor(cropped, cropped, Imgproc.COLOR_RGB2HSV_FULL); /*try { FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(new File("/storage/emulated/0/", "poop.txt")); out.write((new String("ppoooop")).getBytes()); out.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e){} catch (IOException e){} */ /*try { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(new File("/storage/emulated/0/", "cropped.png")); //bm.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 90, fos); if (pic.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 100, fos)) { } else { } fos.close(); }catch (IOException e) {} try { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(new File("/storage/emulated/0/", "non.png")); //bm.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 90, fos); if (bm.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 100, fos)) { } else { tempLog("didgfeds"); } fos.close(); }catch (IOException e) {} */ //get filtered mask //if pixel is within acceptable blue-beacon-colour range, it's changed to white. //Otherwise, it's turned to black Mat mask = new Mat(); Core.inRange(cropped, BEACON_BLUE_LOW, BEACON_BLUE_HIGH, mask); Moments mmnts = Imgproc.moments(mask, true); //calculating centroid of the resulting binary mask via image moments Log.i("CentroidX", "" + ((mmnts.get_m10() / mmnts.get_m00()))); Log.i("CentroidY", "" + ((mmnts.get_m01() / mmnts.get_m00()))); //checking if blue either takes up the majority of the image (which means the beacon is all blue) //or if there's barely any blue in the image (which means the beacon is all red or off) // if (mmnts.get_m00() / > 0.8) { // return VortexUtils.BEACON_ALL_BLUE; // } else if (mmnts.get_m00() / < 0.1) { // return VortexUtils.BEACON_NO_BLUE; // }//elseif //Note: for some reason, we end up with a image that is rotated 90 degrees //if centroid is in the bottom half of the image, the blue beacon is on the left //if the centroid is in the top half, the blue beacon is on the right if ((mmnts.get_m01() / mmnts.get_m00()) < cropped.rows() / 2) { return VortexUtils.BEACON_RED_BLUE; } else { return VortexUtils.BEACON_BLUE_RED; } //else } //if return VortexUtils.NOT_VISIBLE; }//getBeaconConfig }