Java tutorial
package org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode.opmodes.demo; import; import; import; import android.util.Log; import android.widget.ImageView; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.Autonomous; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.Disabled; import com.vuforia.CameraCalibration; import com.vuforia.CameraDevice; import com.vuforia.Image; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.matrices.OpenGLMatrix; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.navigation.RelicRecoveryVuMark; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.navigation.VuforiaLocalizer; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.navigation.VuforiaTrackable; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.navigation.VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.navigation.VuforiaTrackables; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.internal.vuforia.VuforiaLocalizerImpl; import org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode.libraries.OpenCVLib; import org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode.libraries.OpenCVLoad; import; import; import org.opencv.core.Core; import org.opencv.core.Mat; import org.opencv.core.Point; import org.opencv.core.Range; import org.opencv.core.Scalar; import org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingDeque; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingDeque; import static org.opencv.core.CvType.CV_8U; import com.vuforia.Matrix34F; import com.vuforia.PIXEL_FORMAT; import com.vuforia.Tool; import com.vuforia.Vec3F; import com.vuforia.Vuforia; /** * Created by Noah on 9/12/2017. * getting rid of warning */ @Autonomous(name = "Concept: VuMark OpenCV", group = "Concept") @Disabled public class VumarkOpenCV extends OpenCVLib { private BlockingQueue<VuforiaLocalizer.CloseableFrame> ray; private VuforiaLocalizerShim vuforia; private VuforiaTrackable relicTemplate; private ImageView mView; //bullshoot factors private static final float horizBullFactor = -15.0f; private static final float vertBullFactor = -7.0f; //viewing angles for nexus 5x (in degreres) private static final float horizontalViewAngle = 53.2988f + horizBullFactor; private static final float verticalViewAngle = 67.5747f + vertBullFactor; //viewport sizes private static final int viewWidth = 360; private static final int viewHeight = 640; //pixel constants private static final float horizConst = (float) ((viewWidth * 0.5) / Math.tan(Math.toRadians(0.5 * horizontalViewAngle))); private static final float vertConst = -(float) ((viewHeight * 0.5) / Math.tan(Math.toRadians(0.5 * verticalViewAngle))); //center points private static final int centerX = viewWidth / 2; private static final int centerY = viewHeight / 2; //define the jewel platform relative to the image with a buncha vectors to add //all units in vuforia are mm, so we multiply to inches to make it readable private static final float inToMM = 25.4f; //units in inches, then converted to mm private static final float boxLeftFromImage = 3.625f * inToMM; private static final float boxBottomFromImage = 5.125f * inToMM; private static final float boxWidth = 9.75f * inToMM; private static final float boxLength = 3.75f * inToMM; private static final float boxHeight = 3.75f * inToMM; private static final float ballCenterFromBoxEdge = 1.875f * inToMM; //identity mats to be constructed later in the project private Vec3F[] point; private float[] size; //output bitmap private Bitmap bm; //Canvas canvas; //Paint p; private BlockingDeque<Mat> matQueue = new LinkedBlockingDeque<>(); //storage camera calibration private CameraCalibration camCal; private float[] sizeScalar; private Point[] imagePoints; private int[] leftBall = new int[2]; private int leftDist; private int[] rightBall = new int[2]; private int rightDist; //vuforia -> opencv camera parameters private int xOffset; private int yOffset; @Override public void init() { mView = (ImageView) ((Activity) hardwareMap.appContext) .findViewById(; mView.setAlpha(1.0f); int cameraMonitorViewId = hardwareMap.appContext.getResources().getIdentifier("cameraMonitorViewId", "id", hardwareMap.appContext.getPackageName()); VuforiaLocalizer.Parameters parameters = new VuforiaLocalizer.Parameters(cameraMonitorViewId); parameters.vuforiaLicenseKey = "AZPbGaP/////AAAAGcIykH/KO0QNvZGSYxc0fDlVytYrk0HHv6OLmjHsswRvi/1l9RZCkepChaAZup3DIJlrjK2BV57DEz/noNO0oqT9iu2moP/svGmJ+pBG7FlfF4RHxu6UhvVLaKUZCsTJ1zTkd7XnMuRw8aSuIxowOiLJQYcgjmddi11LG26lAr6aRmoWJzr2pv6Yui2Gom0wt9J4+1g3kXqjngnH3h6NPA/6aUfpVngFaFPp5knyDJWZT88THttPsqcKW41QC/qgNh3CHIdADu15Rm51JNRlvG+2+sYstiHeHFQqCDwUkTgWor0v/Bk+xXoj3oUCb4REwT9w94E/VEI4qEAFPpmeo6YgxQ4LLFknu6tgNy8xdD6S"; parameters.cameraDirection = VuforiaLocalizer.CameraDirection.BACK; parameters.cameraMonitorFeedback = VuforiaLocalizer.Parameters.CameraMonitorFeedback.NONE; //bwahaha java shim this.vuforia = new VuforiaLocalizerShim(parameters); camCal = vuforia.getCameraCalibration(); //constrt matrixes //contruct top and bottom of both balls final Vec3F ballLeftTop = new Vec3F(boxLeftFromImage + ballCenterFromBoxEdge, -boxBottomFromImage + boxHeight, ballCenterFromBoxEdge); final Vec3F ballLeftBottom = new Vec3F(boxLeftFromImage + ballCenterFromBoxEdge, -boxBottomFromImage, ballCenterFromBoxEdge); final Vec3F ballRightTop = new Vec3F(boxLeftFromImage + boxWidth - ballCenterFromBoxEdge, -boxBottomFromImage + boxHeight, ballCenterFromBoxEdge); final Vec3F ballRightBottom = new Vec3F(boxLeftFromImage + boxWidth - ballCenterFromBoxEdge, -boxBottomFromImage, ballCenterFromBoxEdge); //construct points like a box final Vec3F botLeft = new Vec3F(boxLeftFromImage, -boxBottomFromImage, 0); final Vec3F botRight = new Vec3F(boxLeftFromImage + boxWidth, -boxBottomFromImage, 0); final Vec3F botFrontLeft = new Vec3F(boxLeftFromImage, -boxBottomFromImage, boxLength); final Vec3F botFrontRight = new Vec3F(boxLeftFromImage + boxWidth, -boxBottomFromImage, boxLength); final Vec3F topLeft = new Vec3F(boxLeftFromImage, -boxBottomFromImage + boxHeight, 0); final Vec3F topRight = new Vec3F(boxLeftFromImage + boxWidth, -boxBottomFromImage + boxHeight, 0); final Vec3F topFrontLeft = new Vec3F(boxLeftFromImage, -boxBottomFromImage + boxHeight, boxLength); final Vec3F topFrontRight = new Vec3F(boxLeftFromImage + boxWidth, -boxBottomFromImage + boxHeight, boxLength); point = new Vec3F[] { botLeft, botRight, botFrontRight, botFrontLeft, topLeft, topRight, topFrontRight, topFrontLeft, ballLeftTop, ballLeftBottom, ballRightTop, ballRightBottom }; imagePoints = new Point[point.length]; size = camCal.getSize().getData(); //half size b/c vuforia does that internally size[0] /= 2; size[1] /= 2; bm = Bitmap.createBitmap((int) size[0], (int) size[1], Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); //setup view Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mView.setImageBitmap(bm); } }); telemetry.update(); initOpenCV(); telemetry.addData(">", "Press Play to start"); telemetry.update(); VuforiaTrackables relicTrackables = this.vuforia.loadShimTrackablesFromAsset("RelicVuMark"); relicTemplate = relicTrackables.get(0); relicTemplate.setName("relicVuMarkTemplate"); // can help in debugging; otherwise not necessary relicTrackables.activate(); this.vuforia.setFrameQueueCapacity(1); this.ray = this.vuforia.getFrameQueue(); } @Override public void init_loop() { RelicRecoveryVuMark vuMark = RelicRecoveryVuMark.from(relicTemplate); if (vuMark != RelicRecoveryVuMark.UNKNOWN) { /* Found an instance of the template. In the actual game, you will probably * loop until this condition occurs, then move on to act accordingly depending * on which VuMark was visible. */ telemetry.addData("VuMark", "%s visible", vuMark); /* For fun, we also exhibit the navigational pose. In the Relic Recovery game, * it is perhaps unlikely that you will actually need to act on this pose information, but * we illustrate it nevertheless, for completeness. */ //qualcomm is stupid and didn't let me see the real vuforia matrix, so I shimmed it //heres where is gets good VuforiaDefaultListenerShim writeGoodCode = (VuforiaDefaultListenerShim) relicTemplate.getListener(); OpenGLMatrix pose = writeGoodCode.getRawPose(); telemetry.addData("Pose", format(pose)); /* We further illustrate how to decompose the pose into useful rotational and * translational components */ if (pose != null) { //alternate projection! //get vuforia's real position matrix Matrix34F goodCodeWritten = writeGoodCode.getRealPose(); //reset imagePoints final float[][] vufPoints = new float[point.length][2]; //use vuforias projectPoints method to project all those box points for (int i = 0; i < point.length; i++) { //project vufPoints[i] = Tool.projectPoint(camCal, goodCodeWritten, point[i]).getData(); //convert to opencv language //telemetry.addData("point", "num: %d, x: %f.2, y: %f.2", i, vufPoints[i][0], vufPoints[i][1]); } //telemetry.addData("Camera Size", "w: %f.2, h: %f.2", camCal.getSize().getData()[0], camCal.getSize().getData()[1]); //get frame from vuforia try { VuforiaLocalizer.CloseableFrame frame = ray.take(); int img = 0; for (; img < frame.getNumImages(); img++) { //Log.i("OPENCV", "Image " + img + " " + frame.getImage(img).getWidth()); if (frame.getImage(img).getWidth() == size[0]) break; } final Mat out; if (img < frame.getNumImages()) out = getMatFromImage(frame.getImage(img)); else throw new IllegalArgumentException("No frame with matching width!"); frame.close(); //convert points, halfing distances b/c vuforia does that internally so we gotta fix it for (int i = 0; i < vufPoints.length; i++) imagePoints[i] = new Point((int) vufPoints[i][0] / 2, (int) vufPoints[i][1] / 2); Scalar color = new Scalar(0, 255, 0); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) for (int o = 0; o < 4; o++) Imgproc.line(out, imagePoints[o == 0 ? 3 + i * 4 : i * 4 + o - 1], imagePoints[i * 4 + o], color); //connect the rectangles for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) Imgproc.line(out, imagePoints[i], imagePoints[i + 4], color); for (int i = 8; i < imagePoints.length; i++) Imgproc.drawMarker(out, imagePoints[i], color); //flip it for display Core.flip(out, out, -1); matQueue.add(out); //display! mView.getHandler().post(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { Mat frame = matQueue.take(); //convert to bitmap Utils.matToBitmap(frame, bm); frame.release(); mView.invalidate(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { //huh } } }); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("OPENCV", e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } } else { telemetry.addData("VuMark", "not visible"); } } @Override public void start() { //die die die mView.setAlpha(0.0f); Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mView.setImageDrawable(null); mView.invalidate(); if (bm != null) bm.recycle(); if (matQueue != null) matQueue.clear(); } }); this.ray.clear(); vuforia.stop(); //calculate points from projection //find the midpoint between the two points int leftXPoint = (int) ((imagePoints[8].x + imagePoints[9].x) / 2.0); int leftYPoint = (int) ((imagePoints[8].y + imagePoints[9].y) / 2.0); //find the y distande between the two leftDist = (int) (Math.abs(imagePoints[8].y - imagePoints[9].y) / 2.0); leftBall = new int[] { leftXPoint - (leftDist / 2), leftYPoint - (leftDist / 2) }; //find the midpoint between the two points int rightXPoint = (int) ((imagePoints[10].x + imagePoints[11].x) / 2.0); int rightYPoint = (int) ((imagePoints[10].y + imagePoints[11].y) / 2.0); //find the y distande between the two rightDist = (int) (Math.abs(imagePoints[10].y - imagePoints[11].y) / 2.0); rightBall = new int[] { rightXPoint - (rightDist / 2), rightYPoint - (rightDist / 2) }; //LIVE startCamera(); } @Override public void loop() { telemetry.addData("Left image point", "x: " + imagePoints[8].x + " y: " + imagePoints[8].y); telemetry.addData("Left Point", "x: " + leftBall[0] + " y: " + leftBall[1]); telemetry.addData("Left Dist", leftDist); telemetry.addData("size", size[0] + " " + size[1]); } @Override public Mat onCameraFrame(CameraBridgeViewBase.CvCameraViewFrame frame) { Mat currentFrame = frame.rgba(); //if we haven't figured out how to scale the size, do that if (xOffset == 0 || yOffset == 0) { //find the offset to the sqaure of pixels vuforia looks at xOffset = (int) ((currentFrame.cols() - size[0]) / 2.0); yOffset = (int) ((currentFrame.rows() - size[1]) / 2.0); //add the offset to all points calculated for (Point point : imagePoints) { point.x += xOffset; point.y += yOffset; } leftBall[0] += xOffset; leftBall[1] += yOffset; rightBall[0] += xOffset; rightBall[1] += yOffset; } //operation: subsquare //take a square mat we are 100% sure will have a ball in it //sum it up and find the average color drawSquare(currentFrame, leftBall, leftDist); drawSquare(currentFrame, rightBall, rightDist); Scalar color = new Scalar(0, 255, 0); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) for (int o = 0; o < 4; o++) Imgproc.line(currentFrame, imagePoints[o == 0 ? 3 + i * 4 : i * 4 + o - 1], imagePoints[i * 4 + o], color); //connect the rectangles for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) Imgproc.line(currentFrame, imagePoints[i], imagePoints[i + 4], color); //flip it for display Core.flip(currentFrame, currentFrame, -1); return currentFrame; } private static void drawSquare(Mat src, int[] ballPoint, int ballDist) { //find average left and right ball square //find the average color for all the pixels in that square if (ballPoint[0] >= 0 && ballPoint[1] >= 0 && ballPoint[0] + ballDist < src.cols() && ballPoint[1] + ballDist < src.rows()) { double total[] = new double[3]; for (int x = 0; x < ballDist; x++) for (int y = 0; y < ballDist; y++) { double[] pixel = src.get(y + ballPoint[1], x + ballPoint[0]); total[0] += pixel[0]; total[1] += pixel[1]; total[2] += pixel[2]; } //make average color Scalar color = new Scalar(total[0] / (ballDist * ballDist), total[1] / (ballDist * ballDist), total[2] / (ballDist * ballDist)); Imgproc.rectangle(src, new Point(ballPoint[0], ballPoint[1]), new Point(ballPoint[0] + ballDist, ballPoint[1] + ballDist), color, -1); } } @Override public void stop() { mView.setAlpha(0.0f); Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mView.setImageDrawable(null); mView.invalidate(); if (bm != null) bm.recycle(); if (matQueue != null) matQueue.clear(); } }); this.ray.clear(); stopCamera(); } private String format(OpenGLMatrix transformationMatrix) { return (transformationMatrix != null) ? transformationMatrix.formatAsTransform() : "null"; } private Mat getMatFromImage(Image img) { java.nio.ByteBuffer grey = img.getPixels(); Mat thing = new Mat(img.getHeight(), img.getWidth(), CV_8U); byte[] ray = new byte[grey.limit()]; grey.rewind(); grey.get(ray); thing.put(0, 0, ray); //rotate -90 //Core.transpose(thing, thing); //Core.flip(thing, thing, 0); //fill color space Imgproc.cvtColor(thing, thing, Imgproc.COLOR_GRAY2RGB); return thing; } /** * I'm so sorry * Shims created so I can access the pose in vuforia matrix form * they are protected variables, so I need to java fu my way into them */ //start from the very begining... //vuforia localizer shim private static class VuforiaLocalizerShim extends VuforiaLocalizerImpl { //constructor VuforiaLocalizerShim(VuforiaLocalizer.Parameters params) { super(params); } //the shim part public VuforiaTrackables loadShimTrackablesFromAsset(String assetName) { return loadTrackablesFromAsset(assetName, VuforiaDefaultListenerShim.class); } public void stop() { //god damn quallcomm this.stopAR(); } } //vuforia default listener shim public static class VuforiaDefaultListenerShim extends VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener { //constructor shim public VuforiaDefaultListenerShim(VuforiaTrackable trackable) { super(trackable); } //and the jesus data gettums @Nullable public synchronized Matrix34F getRealPose() { return this.currentPose; } } }