Java tutorial
package org.firstinspires.ftc.rmrobotics.histoy.opmodes.feRMilab.experimental; import; import android.widget.ImageView; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.Autonomous; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.Disabled; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.DcMotor; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.DcMotorSimple; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.DeviceInterfaceModule; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.util.ElapsedTime; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.util.RobotLog; import com.vuforia.HINT; import com.vuforia.Image; import com.vuforia.PIXEL_FORMAT; import com.vuforia.Vuforia; import org.firstinspires.ftc.rmrobotics.core.FeRMiLinear; import org.firstinspires.ftc.rmrobotics.opmodes.sandstoRM.BetterDarudeAutoNav; import org.firstinspires.ftc.rmrobotics.util.autonav.AutoNavConfig; import org.firstinspires.ftc.rmrobotics.util.autonav.Drive2; import; import; import; import; import org.firstinspires.ftc.rmrobotics.util.enums.Color; import org.firstinspires.ftc.rmrobotics.util.enums.Direction; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcontroller.internal.FtcRobotControllerActivity; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.matrices.OpenGLMatrix; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.matrices.VectorF; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.navigation.VuforiaLocalizer; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.navigation.VuforiaTrackable; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.navigation.VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.navigation.VuforiaTrackables; import; import org.opencv.core.Core; import org.opencv.core.CvType; import org.opencv.core.Mat; import org.opencv.core.Size; import org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; /** * Created by Simon on 4/13/2017. */ @Autonomous(name = "AutoExperimental") @Disabled public class AutoExperimental extends FeRMiLinear { //runtime calculations static ElapsedTime runtime = new ElapsedTime(); private RMVuforia vuforia; private Drive2 drive = null; private ImageView mImageView; private double dir = 1; private final int RECOGNITION_DIST_Y = 330; // Distance to turn on OpenCV private final int RECOGNITION_TOLER_Y = 40; // Positioning tolerance along Y private final int RECOGNITION_TOLER_X = 30; // Positioning tolerance along Y private final int REPOSITION_DIST = 480; // Distance to back up if out of position to recognize button @Override public void runOpMode() { super.initialize(Color.RED, DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_USING_ENCODER, Direction.BACKWARD); // Read config file AutoNavConfig cfg = new AutoNavConfig(); cfg.ReadConfig(((FtcRobotControllerActivity) hardwareMap.appContext)); if (cfg.isRight) dir = 1; else dir = -1; //init vuforia VuforiaLocalizer.Parameters parameters = new VuforiaLocalizer.Parameters(/**/); parameters.vuforiaLicenseKey = "AfMO3Zb/////AAAAGRP6yrVXWkBalSEp+NZax44NTzFOkclxZo99uF0DhcZXRp0O2qHl6wcPx8Bp+3dppnmePU1HwDeEwSmWl5k/QEHiTAXMEfc/DBjkAVcMvEBnJGaGEHjKsD4/YaU+cdVcU7Q+NbG7fT1KYcpRUu2btnjhHWCPPhS0mu2AtWNw87FuXX0ob8GCP9jc7fKqVkdgChkshd9aaqJ6113IosFisru2Jk2V098iWv20c3ASuEp0oZfFp6DtLKjx0GQWc7+PhM8rxNRRFNbvwTKAUeiQBRyDoh+UroSO39fon2BcFrStL6pEKa6pqIahZGaeIZXcbx9KpmfO6LNX2vkIgdbw+KZjcszjI0x1RYZDcCu4U5V6"; parameters.cameraDirection = VuforiaLocalizer.CameraDirection.FRONT; parameters.cameraMonitorFeedback = VuforiaLocalizer.Parameters.CameraMonitorFeedback.AXES; parameters.useExtendedTracking = false; vuforia = new RMVuforia(parameters); Vuforia.setHint(HINT.HINT_MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_IMAGE_TARGETS, 4); VuforiaTrackables targets = this.vuforia.loadTrackablesFromAsset("FTC_2016-17"); // Enable frame grabbing Vuforia.setFrameFormat(PIXEL_FORMAT.RGB888, true); //This line is very important, make sure the keep the format constant throughout the program. I'm using the MotoG2. I've also tested on the ZTE speeds and I found that they use RGB888 vuforia.setFrameQueueCapacity(1); //tells VuforiaLocalizer to only store one frame at a time mImageView = (ImageView) ((FtcRobotControllerActivity) hardwareMap.appContext) .findViewById(; //gets trackable objects and puts them in an array VuforiaTrackable wheels = targets.get(0); wheels.setName("Wheels"); VuforiaTrackable tools = targets.get(1); tools.setName("Tools"); VuforiaTrackable legos = targets.get(2); legos.setName("Legos"); VuforiaTrackable gears = targets.get(3); gears.setName("Gears"); VuforiaTrackable firstTarget = null; VuforiaTrackable secondTarget = null; //Sets two targets to be the ones that will be tracked based on config. for (int it = 0; it < 4; it++) { if (targets.get(it).getName().equals(cfg.firstBeacon)) firstTarget = targets.get(it); if (targets.get(it).getName().equals(cfg.secondBeacon)) secondTarget = targets.get(it); } targets.activate(); List<VuforiaTrackable> allTrackables = new ArrayList<VuforiaTrackable>(); allTrackables.addAll(targets); // Create NAVX device DeviceInterfaceModule dim = hardwareMap.deviceInterfaceModule.get("dim"); ADBLog(dim.toString()); ADBLog("NavX is ready"); //drive class for big roboto FR.setDirection(DcMotorSimple.Direction.FORWARD); BR.setDirection(DcMotorSimple.Direction.FORWARD); drive = new Drive2(FL, FR, BL, BR, navx, telemetry, this); drive.ReverseDirection(); targets.activate(); float x = 0; float y = 0; Mat img = null; sleep(500); ADBLog("Initialization complete"); telemetry.clear(); telemetry.addData("Finished", "the initialization"); telemetry.update(); // waitForStart(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Start here // Start the engine!!! // 1 encoder tick ~ 1 mm // test(cfg); try { ADBLogReset(); ADBLog("Start"); new Thread(drive).start(); flyL.setPower(1); flyR.setPower(1); drive.DriveByEncoders(0, 0.4, 335); drive.brake(); sleep(1000); index.setPosition(1.1); // TODO: check position sleep(760); index.setPosition(.5); // TODO: check position sleep(1000); index.setPosition(1.1); // TODO: check position sleep(1500); index.setPosition(.5); // TODO: check position flyL.setPower(0); flyR.setPower(0); ADBLog("Step 1"); drive.DriveByEncoders(63 * dir, 0.4, 590); drive.DriveByEncoders(63 * dir, 0.5, 750); drive.DriveByEncoders(63 * dir, 0.5, 100); ADBLog("Step 2"); drive.DriveByEncoders(0 * dir, 0.5, 300); drive.DriveByEncoders(0 * dir, 0.4, 100); drive.brake(); ADBLog("Step 4"); drive.TurnToAngle(90 * dir); ADBLog("Step 5"); // Approaching first target double d = 1000; while (opModeIsActive()) { ADBLog("Starting approach"); d = Approach(firstTarget); ADBLog("Approached with Xerror = " + d); if (Math.abs(d) < RECOGNITION_TOLER_X) { boolean success = RecognizeAndPush(cfg.isRed); if (success) break; } // Try to reposition ADBLog("Repositioning"); int back = REPOSITION_DIST - RangeDist(); drive.DriveByEncoders(90 * dir, -0.2, back); drive.brake(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Go to the second beacon ADBLog("Step 1-2"); drive.DriveByEncoders(90 * dir, -0.3, 100); ADBLog("Step 2-2"); drive.DriveByEncoders(172 * dir, -0.4, 400); drive.DriveByEncoders(172 * dir, -0.5, 500); drive.DriveByEncoders(172 * dir, -0.5, 1070); drive.brake(); ADBLog("Step 3-2"); drive.TurnToAngle(90 * dir); ADBLog("Step 5"); pushLeft.setPower(0); pushRight.setPower(0); // Approaching first target while (opModeIsActive()) { ADBLog("Starting approach"); d = Approach(secondTarget); ADBLog("Approached with Xerror = " + d); if (Math.abs(d) < RECOGNITION_TOLER_X) { boolean success = RecognizeAndPush(cfg.isRed); if (success) break; } // Try to reposition ADBLog("Repositioning"); int back = REPOSITION_DIST - RangeDist(); drive.DriveByEncoders(90 * dir, -0.2, back); drive.brake(); } drive.DriveByEncoders(90 * dir, -0.2, 100); drive.brake(); sleep(50); pushLeft.setPower(0); pushRight.setPower(0); } finally { ADBLog("Exiting opmode"); drive.Stop(); pushLeft.setPower(0); pushLeft.close(); pushRight.setPower(0); pushRight.close(); index.setPosition(0.5); // TODO: check position index.close(); navx.close(); stop(); } } private void test(AutoNavConfig c) { telemetry.addData("cfg", c.isRed + " " + c.firstBeacon + " " + c.isRight + " " + c.secondBeacon); telemetry.update(); ButtonFinder.EllipseLocationResult btn = null; BeaconRecognizerAlternate br = new BeaconRecognizerAlternate(); double start_time = runtime.milliseconds(); while (opModeIsActive()) { ADBLog("Recognizing"); Mat img = GetCameraImage(); img = img.t(); boolean isRed = false; btn = br.detectButtons(img, isRed); img = img.t(); DisplayImage(img); if (btn != null) { ADBLog("Recognized, got button"); break; } ADBLog("Cannot find button in the image"); sleep(10); if (runtime.milliseconds() - start_time > 1000) { ADBLog("Cannot locate beacon, retry approach"); } } } private volatile static double initial_time = 0; static synchronized public void ADBLogReset() { initial_time = runtime.milliseconds(); RobotLog.d("Initial time: " + initial_time); } static synchronized public void ADBLog(String msg) { double t = -initial_time; t += runtime.milliseconds(); RobotLog.d(String.format("%.0f", t) + ": " + msg); } private int RangeDist() { byte[] array =, 2); //amplifies the y value to emphasize it in the vector (it is in centimeters so it needs to be increased) return array[0] * 10; } BetterDarudeAutoNav.Integrator I = new BetterDarudeAutoNav.Integrator(400); double prevX = 0; double prevY = 0; double prevT = runtime.milliseconds(); private double Approach(VuforiaTrackable target) { double X = 0; double Y = 1000; // First find target VectorF vuf_coord = new VectorF(0, 0); while (!getVuforiaCoord(target, vuf_coord, 100)) { ADBLog("Lost Vurforia track. Do something!!!"); sleep(30); } X = prevX = vuf_coord.getData()[0] - 10; Y = prevY = getRangeSensor(); drive.resetYDist(); I.Reset(); boolean retesting = false; ADBLog("Intercepted. Coords: X:" + X + ", Y:" + Y); // Follow perpendicular while (opModeIsActive()) { if (((VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener) target.getListener()).isVisible()) { if (!getVuforiaCoord(target, vuf_coord, 100)) { // Lost Vuforia track! Do something! ADBLog("Lost Vurforia track. Do something!!!"); continue; } X = (vuf_coord.getData()[0] + 20); Y = getRangeSensor(); double currT = runtime.milliseconds(); // Get incremental data from drive double Xd = drive.getYDistIncr(); I.Add(Xd, currT); double xi = 1.1 * I.Get(currT); double XE = X - xi; double absXE = Math.abs(XE); double XV = (prevX - X) / (currT - prevT); double YE = Y - RECOGNITION_DIST_Y; double absYE = Math.abs(YE); double YV = (prevY - Y) / (currT - prevT); double x_dir = 2 * Math.signum(XE); double y_dir = Math.signum(YE); double sp = 0.3; // Set speed according to Y distance if (absYE < 100) { sp = 0.23; } if (absYE < 50) { if (Math.abs(YV) < 0.01) { if (!retesting) { retesting = true; sleep(300); } else break; // Got into position } drive.brake(); // Still moving, check later x_dir = 0; y_dir = 0; } else { // Set speed according to direction of Y movement if (YV == 0.0 || Math.signum(YV) == Math.signum(YE)) { // Going in right direction if ((absYE < RECOGNITION_TOLER_Y + 30) && (Math.abs(YV) > 0.1)) y_dir = 0; } else { // Going in wrong direction if (Math.abs(YV) > 0.05) y_dir = -y_dir; } if (XV == 0.0 || Math.signum(XV) == Math.signum(XE)) { // Check whether going into right direction if (absXE < RECOGNITION_TOLER_X / 2) { x_dir = 0; // Within tolerance, stop strafing } if (absXE < RECOGNITION_TOLER_X + 90) { x_dir /= 2; // Close to target and moving fast, stop strafing } if (absXE < RECOGNITION_TOLER_X + 30 && Math.abs(XV) > 0.1) { x_dir = 0; // Close to target and moving fast, stop strafing } } else { //if(Math.abs(XV) > 0.02) x_dir = -x_dir; if (absXE < RECOGNITION_TOLER_X) { x_dir = 0; // Within tolerance, stop strafing. } // Moving in wrong direction and not close to target X. Continue and hope it sorts itself out. } } ADBLog("x:" + X + ", xi:" + xi + ", y:" + Y + ", XE:" + XE + ", YE:" + YE + ", XV: " + XV + ", YV:" + YV + ", xd:" + x_dir + ", yd:" + y_dir + ", sp:" + sp); drive.VecDriveBalanced(y_dir, x_dir, sp, 2000); prevX = X; prevY = Y; prevT = currT; } } ADBLog("Brake"); drive.brake(); return X; } /* private double Approach(VuforiaTrackable target) { double X = 0; double Y = 1000; // First find target VectorF vuf_coord = new VectorF(0, 0); while (!getVuforiaCoord(target, vuf_coord, 100)) { ADBLog("Lost Vurforia track. Do something!!!"); sleep(30); } X = prevX = vuf_coord.getData()[0] - 10; Y = prevY = getRangeSensor(); drive.resetYDist(); I.Reset(); boolean retesting = false; ADBLog("Intercepted. Coords: X:" + X + ", Y:" + Y); // Follow perpendicular while (opModeIsActive()) { if (((VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener) target.getListener()).isVisible()) { if (!getVuforiaCoord(target, vuf_coord, 100)) { // Lost Vuforia track! Do something! ADBLog("Lost Vurforia track. Do something!!!"); continue; } X = (vuf_coord.getData()[0] + 20); Y = getRangeSensor(); double currT = runtime.milliseconds(); // Get incremental data from drive double Xd = drive.getYDistIncr(); I.Add(Xd, currT); double xi = 1.5 * I.Get(currT); double XE = X - xi; double absXE = Math.abs(XE); double XV = (prevX - X) / (currT - prevT); double YE = Y - RECOGNITION_DIST_Y; double absYE = Math.abs(YE); double YV = (prevY - Y) / (currT - prevT); double x_dir = 2*Math.signum(XE); double y_dir = Math.signum(YE); double sp = 0.3; // Set speed according to Y distance if (absYE < 100) { sp = 0.23; } if (absYE < 50) { if (Math.abs(YV) < 0.01) { if(!retesting) { retesting = true; sleep(300); } else break; // Got into position } drive.brake(); // Still moving, check later x_dir = 0; y_dir = 0; } else { // Set speed according to direction of Y movement if (YV == 0.0 || Math.signum(YV) == Math.signum(YE)) { // Going in right direction if ((absYE < RECOGNITION_TOLER_Y + 30) && (Math.abs(YV) > 0.1)) y_dir = 0; } else { // Going in wrong direction if (Math.abs(YV) > 0.05) y_dir = -y_dir; } // Stop strafing if prediction is past target and Vuforia didn't catch up yet. Don't go back. if (Math.signum(X) != Math.signum(XE)) { x_dir = 0; } else { if (XV == 0.0 || Math.signum(XV) == Math.signum(XE)) { // Check whether going into right direction if (absXE < RECOGNITION_TOLER_X/2) { x_dir = 0; // Within tolerance, stop strafing } if (absXE < RECOGNITION_TOLER_X + 90) { x_dir /= 2; // Close to target and moving fast, stop strafing } if (absXE < RECOGNITION_TOLER_X + 30 && Math.abs(XV) > 0.1) { x_dir = 0; // Close to target and moving fast, stop strafing } } else { //if(Math.abs(XV) > 0.02) x_dir = -x_dir; if (absXE < RECOGNITION_TOLER_X) { x_dir = 0; // Within tolerance, stop strafing. } // Moving in wrong direction and not close to target X. Continue and hope it sorts itself out. } } } ADBLog("x:" + X + ", xi:" + xi + ", y:" + Y + ", XE:" + XE + ", YE:" + YE + ", XV: " + XV + ", YV:" + YV + ", xd:" + x_dir + ", yd:" + y_dir + ", sp:" + sp); drive.VecDriveBalanced(y_dir, x_dir, sp, 2000); prevX = X; prevY = Y; prevT = currT; } } ADBLog("Brake"); drive.brake(); return X; }*/ private boolean RecognizeAndPush(boolean isRed) { ButtonFinder.EllipseLocationResult btn = null; BeaconRecognizer br = new BeaconRecognizer(); double start_time = runtime.milliseconds(); while (opModeIsActive()) { ADBLog("Recognizing"); Mat img = GetCameraImage(); img = img.t(); btn = br.detectButtons(img, isRed); img = img.t(); DisplayImage(img); if (btn != null) { ADBLog("Recognized, got button"); break; } ADBLog("Cannot find button in the image"); sleep(10); if (runtime.milliseconds() - start_time > 1000) { ADBLog("Cannot locate beacon, retry approach"); return false; } } if (btn == null) return false; if (!opModeIsActive()) return false; // Now push! if (btn.isRight) { ADBLog("============= Pushing right"); pushRight.setPower(1); // TODO: check direction } else { ADBLog("============= Pushing left"); pushLeft.setPower(-1); // TODO: check direction } sleep(100); int Y = getRangeSensor(); drive.DriveByEncoders(90 * dir, 0.2, Y + 180); drive.brake(); sleep(100); if (btn.isRight) { pushRight.setPower(1); } else { pushLeft.setPower(1); } return true; } public boolean getVuforiaCoord(VuforiaTrackable target, VectorF coord, int timeout) { double start_time = runtime.milliseconds(); while (runtime.milliseconds() - start_time < timeout) { OpenGLMatrix pose = ((VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener) target.getListener()).getRawUpdatedPose(); if (pose != null) { float[] poseData = Arrays.copyOfRange(pose.transposed().getData(), 0, 16); coord.getData()[0] = poseData[3]; coord.getData()[1] = poseData[11]; return true; } sleep(5); } return false; } public int getRangeSensor() { byte[] array =, 2); //amplifies the y value to emphasize it in the vector (it is in centimeters so it needs to be increased) return array[0] * 10; } class TimestampedData { public double X; public double time; public TimestampedData(double x, double t) { X = x; time = t; } } class Integrator { private int delay = 0; private double S = 0; ArrayList<BetterDarudeAutoNav.TimestampedData> history = new ArrayList<BetterDarudeAutoNav.TimestampedData>(); public Integrator(int d) { delay = d; } public void Add(double x, double t) { history.add(new BetterDarudeAutoNav.TimestampedData(x, t)); S += x; } public double Get(double t) { while (history.size() > 0) { if (history.get(0).time < t - delay) { S -= history.get(0).X; history.remove(0); } else break; } if (history.size() == 0) S = 0; return S; } public void Reset() { S = 0; history.clear(); } } private Mat GetCameraImage() { Mat mat = null; while (mat == null) { try { VuforiaLocalizer.CloseableFrame frame = vuforia.getFrameQueue().take(); //takes the frame at the head of the queue Image rgb = null; long numImages = frame.getNumImages(); for (int i = 0; i < numImages; i++) { //finds a frame that is in color, not grayscale if (frame.getImage(i).getFormat() == PIXEL_FORMAT.RGB888) { rgb = frame.getImage(i); break; } } if (rgb != null && rgb.getPixels() != null) { ByteBuffer bb = rgb.getPixels(); byte[] b = new byte[bb.remaining()]; bb.get(b); mat = new Mat(rgb.getBufferHeight(), rgb.getBufferWidth(), CvType.CV_8UC3); mat.put(0, 0, b); frame.close(); Imgproc.resize(mat, mat, new Size(852, 480)); Core.flip(mat, mat, 1); } } catch (InterruptedException ex) { sleep(10); } } return mat; } // Display image on phone's screen protected volatile static Bitmap mImageMap = null; private void DisplayImage(Mat img) { // Scale down x2 Core.flip(img, img, -1); mImageMap = Bitmap.createBitmap(img.cols(), img.rows(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); Utils.matToBitmap(img, mImageMap); ((FtcRobotControllerActivity) hardwareMap.appContext).runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mImageView.setImageBitmap(mImageMap); } }); } // Load OpenCV libraries static { System.loadLibrary("opencv_java3"); } }