Source code

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* Copyright 2015 herd contributors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.finra.herd.service.impl;

import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.activiti.engine.RuntimeService;
import org.activiti.engine.history.HistoricActivityInstance;
import org.activiti.engine.history.HistoricProcessInstance;
import org.activiti.engine.repository.ProcessDefinition;
import org.activiti.engine.runtime.Execution;
import org.activiti.engine.runtime.ProcessInstance;
import org.apache.commons.collections4.CollectionUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;

import org.finra.herd.core.HerdDateUtils;
import org.finra.herd.dao.JobDefinitionDao;
import org.finra.herd.dao.NamespaceDao;
import org.finra.herd.dao.S3Dao;
import org.finra.herd.dao.config.DaoSpringModuleConfig;
import org.finra.herd.dao.helper.HerdStringHelper;
import org.finra.herd.dao.helper.JavaPropertiesHelper;
import org.finra.herd.model.ObjectNotFoundException;
import org.finra.herd.model.annotation.NamespacePermission;
import org.finra.herd.model.api.xml.Job;
import org.finra.herd.model.api.xml.JobActionEnum;
import org.finra.herd.model.api.xml.JobCreateRequest;
import org.finra.herd.model.api.xml.JobDeleteRequest;
import org.finra.herd.model.api.xml.JobSignalRequest;
import org.finra.herd.model.api.xml.JobStatusEnum;
import org.finra.herd.model.api.xml.JobSummaries;
import org.finra.herd.model.api.xml.JobSummary;
import org.finra.herd.model.api.xml.JobUpdateRequest;
import org.finra.herd.model.api.xml.NamespacePermissionEnum;
import org.finra.herd.model.api.xml.Parameter;
import org.finra.herd.model.api.xml.S3PropertiesLocation;
import org.finra.herd.model.api.xml.WorkflowError;
import org.finra.herd.model.api.xml.WorkflowStep;
import org.finra.herd.model.dto.ConfigurationValue;
import org.finra.herd.model.dto.JobDefinitionAlternateKeyDto;
import org.finra.herd.model.dto.S3FileTransferRequestParamsDto;
import org.finra.herd.model.jpa.JobDefinitionEntity;
import org.finra.herd.model.jpa.JobDefinitionParameterEntity;
import org.finra.herd.model.jpa.NamespaceEntity;
import org.finra.herd.service.ActivitiService;
import org.finra.herd.service.JobService;
import org.finra.herd.service.helper.AlternateKeyHelper;
import org.finra.herd.service.helper.JobDefinitionHelper;
import org.finra.herd.service.helper.NamespaceDaoHelper;
import org.finra.herd.service.helper.NamespaceSecurityHelper;
import org.finra.herd.service.helper.ParameterHelper;
import org.finra.herd.service.helper.S3PropertiesLocationHelper;
import org.finra.herd.service.helper.StorageHelper;

 * The job service implementation.
@Transactional(value = DaoSpringModuleConfig.HERD_TRANSACTION_MANAGER_BEAN_NAME)
public class JobServiceImpl implements JobService {
    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JobServiceImpl.class);

    private ActivitiService activitiService;

    private AlternateKeyHelper alternateKeyHelper;

    private HerdStringHelper herdStringHelper;

    private JavaPropertiesHelper javaPropertiesHelper;

    private JobDefinitionDao jobDefinitionDao;

    private JobDefinitionHelper jobDefinitionHelper;

    private NamespaceDao namespaceDao;

    private NamespaceDaoHelper namespaceDaoHelper;

    private NamespaceSecurityHelper namespaceSecurityHelper;

    private ParameterHelper parameterHelper;

    private S3Dao s3Dao;

    private S3PropertiesLocationHelper s3PropertiesLocationHelper;

    private StorageHelper storageHelper;

    private RuntimeService activitiRuntimeService;

    @NamespacePermission(fields = "#request?.namespace", permissions = NamespacePermissionEnum.EXECUTE)
    public Job createAndStartJob(JobCreateRequest request) throws Exception {
        // Perform the validation.

        // Get the namespace and ensure it exists.
        NamespaceEntity namespaceEntity = namespaceDaoHelper.getNamespaceEntity(request.getNamespace());

        // Get the job definition and ensure it exists.
        JobDefinitionEntity jobDefinitionEntity = jobDefinitionDao.getJobDefinitionByAltKey(request.getNamespace(),
        if (jobDefinitionEntity == null) {
            throw new ObjectNotFoundException("Job definition with name \"" + request.getJobName()
                    + "\" doesn't exist for namespace \"" + request.getNamespace() + "\".");

        // Build the parameters map
        Map<String, Object> mergedParameters = getParameters(jobDefinitionEntity, request);

        // Create a process instance holder to check for a handle to the process instance once it is created.
        String processDefinitionId = jobDefinitionEntity.getActivitiId();
        ProcessDefinition processDefinition = activitiService.getProcessDefinitionById(processDefinitionId);
        Assert.notNull(processDefinition, "No process definition found for Id: " + processDefinitionId);
        Assert.isTrue(!processDefinition.isSuspended(), "Cannot start process instance for process definition Id: "
                + processDefinitionId + " because it is suspended.");
        ProcessInstance processInstance = activitiService
                .startProcessInstanceByProcessDefinitionId(processDefinitionId, mergedParameters);

        // If we get here, we have a newly created process instance. Log to know it was created successfully."Created process instance with Id: " + processInstance.getProcessInstanceId()
                + " for process definition Id: " + processDefinitionId + " with merged parameters: "
                + mergedParameters);

        // Create and return the job object.
        return createJobFromRequest(namespaceEntity.getCode(), jobDefinitionEntity.getName(), mergedParameters,

    public Job deleteJob(String jobId, JobDeleteRequest jobDeleteRequest) throws Exception {
        Assert.hasText(jobId, "jobId must be specified");
        Assert.notNull(jobDeleteRequest, "jobDeleteRequest must be specified");
        Assert.hasText(jobDeleteRequest.getDeleteReason(), "deleteReason must be specified");

        // Trim input parameters.
        String localJobId = jobId.trim();

        ProcessInstance mainProcessInstance = activitiService.getProcessInstanceById(localJobId);

        if (mainProcessInstance != null) {
                    new NamespacePermissionEnum[] { NamespacePermissionEnum.EXECUTE });

            // Load all processes (main process and sub-processes) into a deque to be later deleted.
            Deque<String> processInstanceIds = new ArrayDeque<>();
            Deque<String> superProcessInstanceIds = new ArrayDeque<>();
            while (!superProcessInstanceIds.isEmpty()) {
                String superProcessInstanceId = superProcessInstanceIds.pop();

                // Get all executions with the parent id equal to the super process instance id.
                for (Execution execution : activitiRuntimeService.createExecutionQuery()
                        .parentId(superProcessInstanceId).list()) {

                // Get all active sub-processes for the super process instance id.
                for (ProcessInstance subProcessInstance : activitiRuntimeService.createProcessInstanceQuery()
                        .superProcessInstanceId(superProcessInstanceId).active().list()) {

            // Delete all processes individually in LIFO order.
            while (!processInstanceIds.isEmpty()) {
                activitiService.deleteProcessInstance(processInstanceIds.pop(), jobDeleteRequest.getDeleteReason());
        } else {
            throw new ObjectNotFoundException(
                    String.format("Job with ID \"%s\" does not exist or is already completed.", localJobId));

        return getJob(localJobId, false, false);

    public Job getJob(String jobId, boolean verbose) throws Exception {
        return getJob(jobId, verbose, true);

    public JobSummaries getJobs(String namespace, String jobName, JobStatusEnum jobStatus, DateTime startTime,
            DateTime endTime) throws Exception {
        // Trim the parameters.
        String namespaceTrimmed = namespace == null ? null : namespace.trim();
        String jobNameTrimmed = jobName == null ? null : jobName.trim();

        // Construct the list of job summaries to return.
        JobSummaries jobSummaries = new JobSummaries();

         * Get the namespaces which the current user is authorized to READ.
         * If a specific namespace was requested, and the current user is authorized to read the namespace, include ONLY the requested namespace.
         * If a specific namespace was requested, but the current user is not authorized to read the namespace, clear all namespaces.
         * Otherwise, include all authorized namespaces.
         * This ensures that only authorized namespaces are queried from the database and that
         * an unauthorized user cannot determine if he specified an existing namespace or not.
        Set<String> authorizedNamespaces = namespaceSecurityHelper
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(namespaceTrimmed)) {
            NamespaceEntity namespaceEntity = namespaceDao.getNamespaceByCd(namespaceTrimmed);
            if (namespaceEntity != null && authorizedNamespaces.contains(namespaceEntity.getCode())) {
            } else {

        // Continue the processing only when the list of authorized namespaces is not empty.
        if (!authorizedNamespaces.isEmpty()) {
            // Build a set of Activiti process definition keys for each job definition that was filtered.
            Set<String> processDefinitionIds = new HashSet<>();
            for (JobDefinitionEntity jobDefinitionEntity : jobDefinitionDao
                    .getJobDefinitionsByFilter(authorizedNamespaces, jobNameTrimmed)) {

            // Continue the processing only when the list of filtered job definitions is not empty.
            if (!processDefinitionIds.isEmpty()) {
                 * Keep a mapping of definition ID to its key.
                 * Activiti API does not provide an easy way to get the key without doing extra queries for each definition.
                Map<String, String> processDefinitionIdToKeyMap = new HashMap<>();
                for (ProcessDefinition processDefinition : activitiService
                        .getProcessDefinitionsByIds(processDefinitionIds)) {
                    processDefinitionIdToKeyMap.put(processDefinition.getId(), processDefinition.getKey());

                List<HistoricProcessInstance> historicProcessInstances = getHistoricProcessInstances(
                        processDefinitionIdToKeyMap.values(), jobStatus, startTime, endTime);

                // Get a set of all runtime suspended process instance ids.
                Set<String> suspendedProcessInstanceIds = getSuspendedProcessInstanceIds();

                // Compile the Regex pattern.
                Pattern pattern = jobDefinitionHelper.getNamespaceAndJobNameRegexPattern();

                // Loop over the process instances and build a list of job summaries to return.
                for (HistoricProcessInstance historicProcessInstance : historicProcessInstances) {
                    // Exclude all process instances started using older versions of the process definition.
                    if (processDefinitionIdToKeyMap.containsKey(historicProcessInstance.getProcessDefinitionId())) {
                        // Set a flag if this job is SUSPENDED.
                        boolean suspended = suspendedProcessInstanceIds.contains(historicProcessInstance.getId());

                        // If the job status filter is specified to select only RUNNING or SUSPENDED process instances,
                        // exclude the relative process instances from the result. This check is needed, since
                        // getHistoricProcessInstances() returns both RUNNING and SUSPENDED process instances.
                        if (!(JobStatusEnum.SUSPENDED.equals(jobStatus) && !suspended)
                                && !(JobStatusEnum.RUNNING.equals(jobStatus) && suspended)) {
                            // Create a new job summary.
                            JobSummary jobSummary = new JobSummary();

                            // Get the job definition key.
                            JobDefinitionAlternateKeyDto jobDefinitionKey = jobDefinitionHelper
                                            .get(historicProcessInstance.getProcessDefinitionId()), pattern);

                            // Set the namespace and job name on the job summary.

                            // Set the start time always since all jobs will have a start time.

                            if (historicProcessInstance.getEndTime() == null) {
                                // Since there is no end time, the job is running or suspended.
                                jobSummary.setStatus(suspended ? JobStatusEnum.SUSPENDED : JobStatusEnum.RUNNING);

                                // If the end time is null, then determine the status based on the presence of any exceptions.
                            } else {
                                // If the end time is set, then the job has finished so set the end time and the status to completed.

                            // Add the new summary to the list.

        // Return the list of job summaries.
        return jobSummaries;

    public Job signalJob(JobSignalRequest request) throws Exception {
        // Perform the validation.

        Execution execution = activitiService.getExecutionByProcessInstanceIdAndActivitiId(request.getId(),

        if (execution == null) {
            throw new ObjectNotFoundException(
                    String.format("No job found for matching job id: \"%s\" and receive task id: \"%s\".",
                            request.getId(), request.getReceiveTaskId()));

        String processDefinitionKey = activitiService.getProcessInstanceById(execution.getProcessInstanceId())

        checkPermissions(processDefinitionKey, new NamespacePermissionEnum[] { NamespacePermissionEnum.EXECUTE });

        // Retrieve the job before signaling.
        Job job = getJob(request.getId(), false, false);

        // Build the parameters map
        Map<String, Object> signalParameters = getParameters(request);

        // Signal the workflow.
        activitiService.signal(execution.getId(), signalParameters);

        // Build the parameters map merged with job and signal parameters.
        Map<String, Object> mergedParameters = new HashMap<>();

        for (Parameter jobParam : job.getParameters()) {
            mergedParameters.put(jobParam.getName(), jobParam.getValue());


        // Update the parameters in job
        populateWorkflowParameters(job, mergedParameters);

        return job;

    public Job updateJob(String jobId, JobUpdateRequest jobUpdateRequest) {
        // Validate the input parameters.
        Assert.hasText(jobId, "A job id must be specified.");
        Assert.notNull(jobUpdateRequest, "A job update request must be specified.");
        Assert.notNull(jobUpdateRequest.getAction(), "A job update action must be specified.");

        // Trim input parameters.
        String localJobId = jobId.trim();

        // Get process instance by id.
        ProcessInstance processInstance = activitiService.getProcessInstanceById(localJobId);

        // Perform action as per job update request.
        if (processInstance != null) {
            // Check the namespace permissions for the current user for the given process definition key.
                    new NamespacePermissionEnum[] { NamespacePermissionEnum.EXECUTE });

            // Suspend or resume the process instance per specified job update action.
            if (JobActionEnum.SUSPEND.equals(jobUpdateRequest.getAction())) {
                if (!processInstance.isSuspended()) {
                    // Suspend the process instance.
                } else {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                            String.format("Job with ID \"%s\" is already in a suspended state.", localJobId));
            } else // The job update action is RESUME.
                if (processInstance.isSuspended()) {
                    // Resume (activate) the process instance.
                } else {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                            String.format("Job with ID \"%s\" is already in an active state.", localJobId));
        } else {
            throw new ObjectNotFoundException(
                    String.format("Job with ID \"%s\" does not exist or is already completed.", localJobId));

        return getJob(localJobId, false, false);

     * Checks the namespace permissions for the current user for the given process definition key.
     * @param processDefinitionKey The process definition key
     * @param permissions The list of permissions the current user must have
    private void checkPermissions(String processDefinitionKey, NamespacePermissionEnum[] permissions) {
        // Get the job definition key.
        JobDefinitionAlternateKeyDto jobDefinitionKey = jobDefinitionHelper

        // Checks the permissions against the namespace.
        namespaceSecurityHelper.checkPermission(jobDefinitionKey.getNamespace(), permissions);

     * Creates a new job object from request.
     * @param namespaceCd, the namespace Code
     * @param jobName, the job name
     * @param mergedParameters parameters that were submitted with the job
     * @param processInstanceId process instance ID of the submitted job
     * @return the created job object
    private Job createJobFromRequest(String namespaceCd, String jobName, Map<String, Object> mergedParameters,
            String processInstanceId) {
        // Create the job.
        Job job = new Job();

        // Populate parameters from process instance.
        if (!mergedParameters.isEmpty()) {
            List<Parameter> jobParameters = new ArrayList<>();
            for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : mergedParameters.entrySet()) {
                Parameter parameter = new Parameter(entry.getKey(),
                        entry.getValue() != null ? entry.getValue().toString() : null);

        return job;

     * Gets a list of historic process instances by the given process definition keys, job status, start time, and/or end time. If the given list of process
     * definition keys is empty or null, the result will not be filtered by the process definition keys. If the given job status is null, the result will not be
     * filtered by the job status. When job status is RUNNING or SUSPENDED, then all "unfinished" process instances are returned.
     * @param processDefinitionKeys Optional. The set of process definition keys
     * @param jobStatus an optional job status
     * @param startTime an optional job start time
     * @param endTime an optional job end time
     * @return A list of historic process instances
    private List<HistoricProcessInstance> getHistoricProcessInstances(Collection<String> processDefinitionKeys,
            JobStatusEnum jobStatus, DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime) {
         * Validates the result count before actually retrieving the result set, so that it would fail-fast and minimize the impact of the query.
        long processInstanceCount = activitiService
                .getHistoricProcessInstancesCountByStatusAndProcessDefinitionKeys(jobStatus, processDefinitionKeys,
                        startTime, endTime);

        int jobsMaxQueryResults = herdStringHelper
        Assert.isTrue(processInstanceCount <= jobsMaxQueryResults,
                "Too many jobs found for the specified filter parameters. The maximum number of results allowed is "
                        + jobsMaxQueryResults + " and the number of results returned was " + processInstanceCount
                        + ".");

        return activitiService.getHistoricProcessInstancesByStatusAndProcessDefinitionKeys(jobStatus,
                processDefinitionKeys, startTime, endTime);

     * Gets a job by the given jobId, and displays verbose information if verbose flag is true. Does namespace permission check if namespace permissions flag is
     * true.
     * @param jobId the job ID
     * @param verbose specifies if verbose mode is enabled or not
     * @param checkNamespacePermissions specifies whether to check namespace permissions or not
     * @return the job information
    private Job getJob(String jobId, boolean verbose, boolean checkNamespacePermissions) {
        String jobIdLocal = jobId;

        // Validate and trim required elements
        Assert.hasText(jobIdLocal, "A job Id must be specified.");
        jobIdLocal = jobIdLocal.trim();

        // Get process instance from Activiti runtime.
        ProcessInstance processInstance = activitiService.getProcessInstanceById(jobIdLocal);

        // Get historic process instance.
        HistoricProcessInstance historicProcessInstance = activitiService

         * Check permissions against namespace of the job.
         * Cannot be done through the annotation because the namespace is not part of the request.
         * TODO refactor this so it gets namespace from JobDefinitionEntity instead of parsing process definition key.
        if (checkNamespacePermissions) {
            String processDefinitionKey = null;
            if (processInstance != null) {
                processDefinitionKey = processInstance.getProcessDefinitionKey();
            } else if (historicProcessInstance != null) {
                processDefinitionKey = activitiService
            if (processDefinitionKey != null) {
                        new NamespacePermissionEnum[] { NamespacePermissionEnum.READ });

        Job job = new Job();

        if (processInstance == null && historicProcessInstance == null) {
            // Process not found
            throw new ObjectNotFoundException(String.format("Job with Id: \"%s\" doesn't exist.", jobIdLocal));
        } else if (processInstance != null) {
            // Process is still running or suspended.
            job.setStatus(processInstance.isSuspended() ? JobStatusEnum.SUSPENDED : JobStatusEnum.RUNNING);

            // Check if there are errors.
            List<org.activiti.engine.runtime.Job> erroredJobs = activitiService

            if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(erroredJobs)) {
                // Errors found.
                List<WorkflowError> workflowErrors = new ArrayList<>();

                for (org.activiti.engine.runtime.Job erroredJob : erroredJobs) {
                    WorkflowError workflowError = new WorkflowError();

            if (processInstance.getActivityId() != null) {
                // Set current workflow step.
                WorkflowStep currentStep = new WorkflowStep();

            // Set the workflow variables.
            populateWorkflowParameters(job, processInstance.getProcessVariables());

            // If verbose, set activiti workflow xml.
            if (verbose) {
                populateActivitiXml(job, processInstance.getProcessDefinitionId());
        } else {
            // Process completed

            // Set the workflow variables.
            populateWorkflowParameters(job, historicProcessInstance.getProcessVariables());


            // If verbose, set activiti workflow xml.
            if (verbose) {
                populateActivitiXml(job, historicProcessInstance.getProcessDefinitionId());

        if (historicProcessInstance != null) {
            // If verbose, set completed steps.
            if (verbose) {

            // Set the start time always since all jobs will have a start time.

            // Set the end time if the historic process instance has it set (the job is completed).
            if (historicProcessInstance.getEndTime() != null) {

        return job;

     * Gets the parameters from the given {@link JobDefinitionEntity} and {@link JobCreateRequest} and their respective S3 locations provided. If there are any
     * parameter conflicts, this method will automatically merge them by a predefined precedence, from least to greatest: <ol> <li>Job Definition S3
     * location</li> <li>Job Definition parameters</li> <li>Job Create Request S3 location</li> <li>Job Create Request parameters</li> </ol>
     * @param jobDefinitionEntity {@link JobDefinitionEntity}
     * @param jobCreateRequest {@link JobCreateRequest}
     * @return merged parameters
    private Map<String, Object> getParameters(JobDefinitionEntity jobDefinitionEntity,
            JobCreateRequest jobCreateRequest) {
        Map<String, Object> mergedParameters = new HashMap<>();

        // Get parameters from job definition S3 location
        putParametersFromS3(jobDefinitionEntity.getS3BucketName(), jobDefinitionEntity.getS3ObjectKey(),

        // Get parameters from job definition parameters
        for (JobDefinitionParameterEntity definitionParam : jobDefinitionEntity.getParameters()) {
            mergedParameters.put(definitionParam.getName(), definitionParam.getValue());

        // Get parameters from job create request S3 location
        S3PropertiesLocation s3PropertiesLocation = jobCreateRequest.getS3PropertiesLocation();
        if (s3PropertiesLocation != null) {
            putParametersFromS3(s3PropertiesLocation.getBucketName(), s3PropertiesLocation.getKey(),

        // Get parameters from job create request parameters

        return mergedParameters;

     * Gets the parameters from the given {@link JobSignalRequest} and the S3 location provided.
     * @param jobSignalRequest {@link JobSignalRequest}
     * @return parameters
    private Map<String, Object> getParameters(JobSignalRequest jobSignalRequest) {
        Map<String, Object> signalParameters = new HashMap<>();

        // Get parameters from S3
        S3PropertiesLocation s3PropertiesLocation = jobSignalRequest.getS3PropertiesLocation();
        if (s3PropertiesLocation != null) {
            putParametersFromS3(s3PropertiesLocation.getBucketName(), s3PropertiesLocation.getKey(),

        // Get parameters from request

        return signalParameters;

     * Gets a set of all currently suspended runtime process instance ids.
     * @return the set of currently suspended process instance ids
    private Set<String> getSuspendedProcessInstanceIds() {
        Set<String> suspendedProcessInstanceIds = new HashSet<>();

        for (ProcessInstance suspendedProcessInstance : activitiService.getSuspendedProcessInstances()) {

        return suspendedProcessInstanceIds;

     * Populates the job Object with workflow xml.
     * @param job, the Job object
     * @param processDefinitionId, the process definition Id.
    private void populateActivitiXml(Job job, String processDefinitionId) {

     * Populates the job Object with completed workflow steps.
     * @param job, the Job object
     * @param historicActivitiTasks, the completed activiti steps
    private void populateCompletedActivitiSteps(Job job, List<HistoricActivityInstance> historicActivitiTasks) {
        // Set completed steps
        List<WorkflowStep> completedWorkflowSteps = new ArrayList<>();
        for (HistoricActivityInstance historicActivityInstance : historicActivitiTasks) {
            completedWorkflowSteps.add(new WorkflowStep(historicActivityInstance.getActivityId(),


     * Populates the job Object with workflow variables.
     * @param job, the Job object
     * @param variables, the workflow variables
    private void populateWorkflowParameters(Job job, Map<String, Object> variables) {
        List<Parameter> parameters = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Entry<String, Object> paramEntry : variables.entrySet()) {
            Parameter parameter = new Parameter(paramEntry.getKey(),
                    paramEntry.getValue() == null ? null : paramEntry.getValue().toString());

     * Gets a Java properties from the given S3 location, and puts the key-value pairs into the given parameters. If either bucket name or object key is null,
     * this method does nothing.
     * @param s3BucketName S3 bucket name
     * @param s3ObjectKey S3 object key
     * @param parameters parameters to merge
    private void putParametersFromS3(String s3BucketName, String s3ObjectKey, Map<String, Object> parameters) {
        if (s3BucketName != null && s3ObjectKey != null) {
            S3FileTransferRequestParamsDto s3FileTransferRequestParamsDto = storageHelper
            Properties properties = s3Dao.getProperties(s3BucketName, s3ObjectKey, s3FileTransferRequestParamsDto);

     * Converts the given list of {@link Parameter} into a map.
     * @param parameters list of {@link Parameter}
     * @return map of key-values
    private Map<String, Object> toMap(List<Parameter> parameters) {
        Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
        if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(parameters)) {
            for (Parameter parameter : parameters) {
                map.put(parameter.getName(), parameter.getValue());
        return map;

     * Validates the job create request. This method also trims request parameters.
     * @param request the request
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if any validation errors were found
    private void validateJobCreateRequest(JobCreateRequest request) {
        // Validate and trim the required elements.
        request.setNamespace(alternateKeyHelper.validateStringParameter("namespace", request.getNamespace()));
        request.setJobName(alternateKeyHelper.validateStringParameter("job name", request.getJobName()));

        // Validate that parameter names are there and not duplicate

        if (request.getS3PropertiesLocation() != null) {

     * Validates the job signal request. This method also trims request parameters.
     * @param request the request
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if any validation errors were found
    private void validateJobSignalRequest(JobSignalRequest request) {
        // Validate required elements
        Assert.hasText(request.getId(), "A job id must be specified.");
        Assert.hasText(request.getReceiveTaskId(), "A receive task id must be specified.");

        // Validate that parameter names are there and not duplicate

        if (request.getS3PropertiesLocation() != null) {

        // Remove leading and trailing spaces.