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* Copyright 2015 herd contributors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.finra.herd.service.impl;

import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;

import javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar;

import com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException;
import org.apache.commons.lang.BooleanUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Propagation;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;

import org.finra.herd.core.HerdDateUtils;
import org.finra.herd.dao.EmrDao;
import org.finra.herd.dao.config.DaoSpringModuleConfig;
import org.finra.herd.dao.helper.EmrHelper;
import org.finra.herd.dao.helper.HerdStringHelper;
import org.finra.herd.dao.helper.JsonHelper;
import org.finra.herd.model.annotation.NamespacePermission;
import org.finra.herd.model.api.xml.EmrCluster;
import org.finra.herd.model.api.xml.EmrClusterCreateRequest;
import org.finra.herd.model.api.xml.EmrClusterDefinition;
import org.finra.herd.model.api.xml.EmrClusterDefinitionKey;
import org.finra.herd.model.api.xml.EmrMasterSecurityGroup;
import org.finra.herd.model.api.xml.EmrMasterSecurityGroupAddRequest;
import org.finra.herd.model.api.xml.EmrStep;
import org.finra.herd.model.api.xml.NamespacePermissionEnum;
import org.finra.herd.model.api.xml.StatusChangeReason;
import org.finra.herd.model.api.xml.StatusTimeline;
import org.finra.herd.model.dto.AwsParamsDto;
import org.finra.herd.model.dto.EmrClusterAlternateKeyDto;
import org.finra.herd.model.dto.EmrClusterCreateDto;
import org.finra.herd.model.jpa.EmrClusterDefinitionEntity;
import org.finra.herd.service.EmrService;
import org.finra.herd.service.helper.AlternateKeyHelper;
import org.finra.herd.service.helper.AwsServiceHelper;
import org.finra.herd.service.helper.EmrClusterDefinitionDaoHelper;
import org.finra.herd.service.helper.EmrStepHelper;
import org.finra.herd.service.helper.EmrStepHelperFactory;
import org.finra.herd.service.helper.NamespaceDaoHelper;

 * The EMR service implementation.
@Transactional(value = DaoSpringModuleConfig.HERD_TRANSACTION_MANAGER_BEAN_NAME)
public class EmrServiceImpl implements EmrService {
    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EmrServiceImpl.class);

    private AlternateKeyHelper alternateKeyHelper;

    private AwsServiceHelper awsServiceHelper;

    private EmrClusterDefinitionDaoHelper emrClusterDefinitionDaoHelper;

    private EmrDao emrDao;

    private EmrHelper emrHelper;

    private EmrHelperServiceImpl emrHelperServiceImpl;

    private EmrStepHelperFactory emrStepHelperFactory;

    private HerdStringHelper herdStringHelper;

    private JsonHelper jsonHelper;

    private NamespaceDaoHelper namespaceDaoHelper;

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * <p/>
     * This implementation starts a new transaction.
    @NamespacePermission(fields = "#emrClusterAlternateKeyDto?.namespace", permissions = NamespacePermissionEnum.READ)
    @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)
    public EmrCluster getCluster(EmrClusterAlternateKeyDto emrClusterAlternateKeyDto, String emrClusterId,
            String emrStepId, boolean verbose, String accountId, Boolean retrieveInstanceFleets) throws Exception {
        return getClusterImpl(emrClusterAlternateKeyDto, emrClusterId, emrStepId, verbose, accountId,

     * Gets details of an existing EMR Cluster.
     * @param emrClusterAlternateKeyDto the EMR cluster alternate key
     * @param emrClusterId the cluster id of the cluster to get details
     * @param emrStepId the step id of the step to get details
     * @param verbose parameter for whether to return detailed information
     * @param accountId the optional AWS account that EMR cluster is running in
     * @param retrieveInstanceFleets parameter for whether to retrieve instance fleets
     * @return the EMR Cluster object with details.
    protected EmrCluster getClusterImpl(EmrClusterAlternateKeyDto emrClusterAlternateKeyDto, String emrClusterId,
            String emrStepId, boolean verbose, String accountId, Boolean retrieveInstanceFleets) {
        AwsParamsDto awsParamsDto = emrHelper.getAwsParamsDtoByAccountId(accountId);

        // Perform the request validation.

        // Get the EMR cluster definition and ensure it exists.
        EmrClusterDefinitionEntity emrClusterDefinitionEntity = emrClusterDefinitionDaoHelper
                .getEmrClusterDefinitionEntity(new EmrClusterDefinitionKey(emrClusterAlternateKeyDto.getNamespace(),

        EmrCluster emrCluster = createEmrClusterFromRequest(null,
                emrClusterDefinitionEntity.getNamespace().getCode(), emrClusterDefinitionEntity.getName(),
                emrClusterAlternateKeyDto.getEmrClusterName(), accountId, null, null, null, null);
        String clusterName = emrHelper.buildEmrClusterName(emrClusterDefinitionEntity.getNamespace().getCode(),
                emrClusterDefinitionEntity.getName(), emrClusterAlternateKeyDto.getEmrClusterName());
        try {
            // Get Cluster status if clusterId is specified
            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(emrClusterId)) {
                Cluster cluster = emrDao.getEmrClusterById(emrClusterId.trim(), awsParamsDto);

                // Validate that, Cluster exists
                Assert.notNull(cluster, "An EMR cluster must exists with the cluster ID \"" + emrClusterId + "\".");

                // Validate that, Cluster name match as specified
                        "Cluster name of specified cluster id \"" + emrClusterId
                                + "\" must match the name specified.");
                setEmrClusterStatus(emrCluster, cluster.getStatus());
            } else {
                ClusterSummary clusterSummary = emrDao.getActiveEmrClusterByName(clusterName, awsParamsDto);

                // Validate that, Cluster exists with the name
                Assert.notNull(clusterSummary, "An EMR cluster must exists with the name \"" + clusterName + "\".");

                setEmrClusterStatus(emrCluster, clusterSummary.getStatus());

            // Get active step details
            if (emrHelper.isActiveEmrState(emrCluster.getStatus())) {
                StepSummary stepSummary = emrDao.getClusterActiveStep(emrCluster.getId(), awsParamsDto);
                if (stepSummary != null) {
                    EmrStep activeStep;

                    // If verbose get active step details
                    if (verbose) {
                        activeStep = buildEmrStepFromAwsStep(stepSummary, true);
                    } else {
                        activeStep = buildEmrStepFromAwsStepSummary(stepSummary);

            // Get requested step details
            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(emrStepId)) {
                Step step = emrDao.getClusterStep(emrCluster.getId(), emrStepId.trim(), awsParamsDto);

                emrCluster.setStep(buildEmrStepFromAwsStep(step, verbose));

            // Get instance fleet if true
            if (BooleanUtils.isTrue(retrieveInstanceFleets)) {
                ListInstanceFleetsResult listInstanceFleetsResult = emrDao
                        .getListInstanceFleetsResult(emrCluster.getId(), awsParamsDto);
        } catch (AmazonServiceException ex) {
                    "An Amazon exception occurred while getting EMR cluster details with name \"" + clusterName
                            + "\".");

        return emrCluster;

     * Builds EmrStep object from the EMR step. Fills in details if verbose=true.
     * @param stepSummary The step summary
     * @param verbose The verbose flag
     * @return EmrStep
    private EmrStep buildEmrStepFromAwsStep(StepSummary stepSummary, boolean verbose) {
        EmrStep emrStep = new EmrStep();
        if (verbose) {
        return emrStep;

     * Builds EmrStep object from the EMR step. Fills in details if verbose=true.
     * @param step The step
     * @param verbose The verbose flag
     * @return EmrStep
    private EmrStep buildEmrStepFromAwsStep(Step step, boolean verbose) {
        EmrStep emrStep = new EmrStep();
        if (verbose) {
        return emrStep;

     * Builds EmrStep object from the EMR StepSummary. Fills in details if verbose=true.
    private EmrStep buildEmrStepFromAwsStepSummary(StepSummary stepSummary) {
        EmrStep emrStep = new EmrStep();

        return emrStep;

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * <p/>
     * This implementation starts a new transaction.
    @NamespacePermission(fields = "#request?.namespace", permissions = NamespacePermissionEnum.EXECUTE)
    @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.NOT_SUPPORTED)
    public EmrCluster createCluster(EmrClusterCreateRequest request) throws Exception {
        return createClusterImpl(request);

     * <p> Creates a new EMR cluster based on the given request if the cluster with the given name does not already exist. If the cluster already exist, returns
     * the information about the existing cluster. </p> <p> The request must contain: </p> <ul> <li>A namespace and definition name which refer to an existing
     * EMR cluster definition.</li> <li>A valid cluster name to create.</li> </ul> <p> The request may optionally contain: </p> <ul> <li>A "dry run" flag, which
     * when set to {@code true}, no calls to AWS will occur, but validations and override will. Defaults to {@code false}.</li> <li>An override parameter, which
     * when set, overrides the given parameters in the cluster definition before creating the cluster. Defaults to no override. </li> </ul> <p> A successful
     * response will contain: </p> <ul> <li>The ID of the cluster that was created, or if the cluster already exists, the ID of the cluster that exists. This
     * field will be {@code null} when dry run flag is {@code true}.</li> <li>The status of the cluster that was created or already exists. The status will
     * normally be "Starting" on successful creations. This field will be {@code null} when dry run flag is {@code true}</li> <li>The namespace, definition
     * name, and cluster name of the cluster.</li> <li>The dry run flag, if given in the request.</li> <li>An indicator whether the cluster was created or not.
     * If the cluster already exists, the cluster will not be created and this flag will be set to {@code false}.</li> <li>The definition which was used to
     * create the cluster. If any overrides were given, this definition's values will be the values after the override. This field will be {@code null} if the
     * cluster was not created.</li> </ul> <p> Notes: </p> <ul> <li>At any point of the execution, if there are validation errors, the method will immediately
     * throw an exception.</li> <li>Even if the validations pass, AWS may still reject the request, which will cause this method to throw an exception.</li>
     * <li>Dry runs do not make any calls to AWS, therefore AWS may still reject the creation request even when a dry run succeeds.</li> </ul>
     * @param request - {@link EmrClusterCreateRequest} The EMR cluster create request
     * @return {@link EmrCluster} the created EMR cluster object
     * @throws Exception when the original EMR cluster definition XML is malformed
    protected EmrCluster createClusterImpl(EmrClusterCreateRequest request) throws Exception {
        // Extract EMR cluster alternate key from the create request.
        EmrClusterAlternateKeyDto emrClusterAlternateKeyDto = getEmrClusterAlternateKey(request);

        // Perform the request validation.

        EmrClusterDefinition emrClusterDefinition = emrHelperServiceImpl
                .emrPreCreateClusterSteps(emrClusterAlternateKeyDto, request);

        String accountId = emrClusterDefinition.getAccountId();

        EmrClusterCreateDto emrClusterCreateDto = emrHelperServiceImpl.emrCreateClusterAwsSpecificSteps(request,
                emrClusterDefinition, emrClusterAlternateKeyDto);

        if (emrClusterCreateDto.isEmrClusterCreated()) {
            emrHelperServiceImpl.logEmrClusterCreation(emrClusterAlternateKeyDto, emrClusterDefinition,

        if (BooleanUtils.isTrue(emrClusterCreateDto.isEmrClusterAlreadyExists())) {
            // Do not include cluster definition in response
            emrClusterDefinition = null;

        return createEmrClusterFromRequest(emrClusterCreateDto.getClusterId(),
                emrClusterAlternateKeyDto.getNamespace(), emrClusterAlternateKeyDto.getEmrClusterDefinitionName(),
                emrClusterAlternateKeyDto.getEmrClusterName(), accountId, emrClusterCreateDto.getEmrClusterStatus(),
                emrClusterCreateDto.isEmrClusterCreated(), request.isDryRun(), emrClusterDefinition);

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * <p/>
     * This implementation starts a new transaction.
    @NamespacePermission(fields = "#emrClusterAlternateKeyDto?.namespace", permissions = NamespacePermissionEnum.EXECUTE)
    @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)
    public EmrCluster terminateCluster(EmrClusterAlternateKeyDto emrClusterAlternateKeyDto,
            boolean overrideTerminationProtection, String emrClusterId, String accountId) throws Exception {
        return terminateClusterImpl(emrClusterAlternateKeyDto, overrideTerminationProtection, emrClusterId,

     * Terminates the EMR Cluster.
     * @param emrClusterAlternateKeyDto the EMR cluster alternate key
     * @param overrideTerminationProtection parameter for whether to override termination protection
     * @param emrClusterId The EMR cluster ID
     * @param accountId The account Id
     * @return the terminated EMR cluster object
    protected EmrCluster terminateClusterImpl(EmrClusterAlternateKeyDto emrClusterAlternateKeyDto,
            boolean overrideTerminationProtection, String emrClusterId, String accountId) {
        AwsParamsDto awsParamsDto = emrHelper.getAwsParamsDtoByAccountId(accountId);

        // Perform the request validation.

        // Get the EMR cluster definition and ensure it exists.
        EmrClusterDefinitionEntity emrClusterDefinitionEntity = emrClusterDefinitionDaoHelper
                .getEmrClusterDefinitionEntity(new EmrClusterDefinitionKey(emrClusterAlternateKeyDto.getNamespace(),

        String clusterId = null;
        String clusterName = emrHelper.buildEmrClusterName(emrClusterDefinitionEntity.getNamespace().getCode(),
                emrClusterDefinitionEntity.getName(), emrClusterAlternateKeyDto.getEmrClusterName());
        try {
            clusterId = emrHelper.getActiveEmrClusterId(emrClusterId, clusterName, accountId);
            emrDao.terminateEmrCluster(clusterId, overrideTerminationProtection, awsParamsDto);
        } catch (AmazonServiceException ex) {
                    "An Amazon exception occurred while terminating EMR cluster with name \"" + clusterName
                            + "\".");

        return createEmrClusterFromRequest(clusterId, emrClusterDefinitionEntity.getNamespace().getCode(),
                emrClusterDefinitionEntity.getName(), emrClusterAlternateKeyDto.getEmrClusterName(), accountId,
                emrDao.getEmrClusterStatusById(clusterId, awsParamsDto), null, null, null);

     * Creates a EMR cluster alternate key from the relative values in the EMR Cluster Create Request.
     * @param emrClusterCreateRequest the EMR cluster create request
     * @return the EMR cluster alternate key
    private EmrClusterAlternateKeyDto getEmrClusterAlternateKey(EmrClusterCreateRequest emrClusterCreateRequest) {
        return EmrClusterAlternateKeyDto.builder().withNamespace(emrClusterCreateRequest.getNamespace())

     * Creates a new EMR cluster object from request.
     * @param clusterId the cluster Id.
     * @param namespaceCd the namespace Code
     * @param clusterDefinitionName the cluster definition
     * @param clusterName the cluster name
     * @param accountId the optional AWS account that EMR cluster is running in
     * @param clusterStatus the cluster status
     * @param emrClusterCreated whether EMR cluster was created.
     * @param dryRun The dry run flag.
     * @param emrClusterDefinition the EMR cluster definition.
     * @return the created EMR cluster object
    private EmrCluster createEmrClusterFromRequest(String clusterId, String namespaceCd,
            String clusterDefinitionName, String clusterName, String accountId, String clusterStatus,
            Boolean emrClusterCreated, Boolean dryRun, EmrClusterDefinition emrClusterDefinition) {
        // Create the EMR cluster.
        EmrCluster emrCluster = new EmrCluster();
        return emrCluster;

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * <p/>
     * This implementation starts a new transaction.
    @NamespacePermission(fields = "#request?.namespace", permissions = NamespacePermissionEnum.EXECUTE)
    @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)
    public Object addStepToCluster(Object request) throws Exception {
        return addStepToClusterImpl(request);

     * Adds step to an existing EMR Cluster.
     * @param request the EMR steps add request
     * @return the EMR step add object with added steps
     * @throws Exception if there were any errors while adding a step to the cluster.
    protected Object addStepToClusterImpl(Object request) throws Exception {
        EmrStepHelper stepHelper = emrStepHelperFactory.getStepHelper(request.getClass().getName());

        // Perform the request validation.
        validateAddStepToClusterRequest(request, stepHelper);

        // Perform the step specific validation

        //get accountId and awsParamDto
        String accountId = stepHelper.getRequestAccountId(request);
        AwsParamsDto awsParamsDto = emrHelper.getAwsParamsDtoByAccountId(accountId);

        // Get the EMR cluster definition and ensure it exists.
        EmrClusterDefinitionEntity emrClusterDefinitionEntity = emrClusterDefinitionDaoHelper
                .getEmrClusterDefinitionEntity(new EmrClusterDefinitionKey(stepHelper.getRequestNamespace(request),

        // Update the namespace and cluster definition name in request from database.
        stepHelper.setRequestNamespace(request, emrClusterDefinitionEntity.getNamespace().getCode());
        stepHelper.setRequestEmrClusterDefinitionName(request, emrClusterDefinitionEntity.getName());

        String clusterName = emrHelper.buildEmrClusterName(emrClusterDefinitionEntity.getNamespace().getCode(),
                emrClusterDefinitionEntity.getName(), stepHelper.getRequestEmrClusterName(request));
        Object emrStep = stepHelper.buildResponseFromRequest(request);

        try {
            String clusterId = emrHelper.getActiveEmrClusterId(stepHelper.getRequestEmrClusterId(request),
                    clusterName, stepHelper.getRequestAccountId(request));
            stepHelper.setRequestEmrClusterId(request, clusterId);
            String stepId = emrDao.addEmrStep(clusterId, stepHelper.getEmrStepConfig(emrStep), awsParamsDto);
            stepHelper.setStepId(emrStep, stepId);
        } catch (AmazonServiceException ex) {
            awsServiceHelper.handleAmazonException(ex, "An Amazon exception occurred while adding EMR step \""
                    + stepHelper.getRequestStepName(request) + "\" to cluster with name \"" + clusterName + "\".");

        return emrStep;

     * Validates the add steps to EMR cluster create request. This method also trims request parameters.
     * @param request the request.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if any validation errors were found.
    private void validateAddStepToClusterRequest(Object request, EmrStepHelper stepHelper)
            throws IllegalArgumentException {
        String namespace = stepHelper.getRequestNamespace(request);
        String clusterDefinitionName = stepHelper.getRequestEmrClusterDefinitionName(request);
        String clusterName = stepHelper.getRequestEmrClusterName(request);

        // Validate required elements
        Assert.hasText(namespace, "A namespace must be specified.");
        Assert.hasText(clusterDefinitionName, "An EMR cluster definition name must be specified.");
        Assert.hasText(clusterName, "An EMR cluster name must be specified.");

        // Remove leading and trailing spaces.
        stepHelper.setRequestNamespace(request, namespace.trim());
        stepHelper.setRequestEmrClusterDefinitionName(request, clusterDefinitionName.trim());
        stepHelper.setRequestEmrClusterName(request, clusterName.trim());

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * <p/>
     * This implementation starts a new transaction.
    @NamespacePermission(fields = "#request?.namespace", permissions = NamespacePermissionEnum.WRITE)
    @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)
    public EmrMasterSecurityGroup addSecurityGroupsToClusterMaster(EmrMasterSecurityGroupAddRequest request)
            throws Exception {
        return addSecurityGroupsToClusterMasterImpl(request);

     * Adds security groups to the master node of an existing EMR Cluster.
     * @param request the EMR master security group add request
     * @return the added EMR master security groups
     * @throws Exception if there were any errors adding the security groups to the cluster master.
    protected EmrMasterSecurityGroup addSecurityGroupsToClusterMasterImpl(EmrMasterSecurityGroupAddRequest request)
            throws Exception {
        // Perform the request validation.

        // Get account and AwsParamDto
        String accountId = request.getAccountId();
        AwsParamsDto awsParamsDto = emrHelper.getAwsParamsDtoByAccountId(accountId);

        // Get the EMR cluster definition and ensure it exists.
        EmrClusterDefinitionEntity emrClusterDefinitionEntity = emrClusterDefinitionDaoHelper
                        new EmrClusterDefinitionKey(request.getNamespace(), request.getEmrClusterDefinitionName()));

        List<String> groupIds = null;
        String clusterName = emrHelper.buildEmrClusterName(emrClusterDefinitionEntity.getNamespace().getCode(),
                emrClusterDefinitionEntity.getName(), request.getEmrClusterName());
        try {
            groupIds = emrDao.addEmrMasterSecurityGroups(
                    emrHelper.getActiveEmrClusterId(request.getEmrClusterId(), clusterName, request.getAccountId()),
                    request.getSecurityGroupIds(), awsParamsDto);
        } catch (AmazonServiceException ex) {
                    "An Amazon exception occurred while adding EMR security groups: "
                            + herdStringHelper.buildStringWithDefaultDelimiter(request.getSecurityGroupIds())
                            + " to cluster: " + clusterName);

        return createEmrClusterMasterGroupFromRequest(emrClusterDefinitionEntity.getNamespace().getCode(),
                emrClusterDefinitionEntity.getName(), request.getEmrClusterName(), groupIds);

     * Validates the add groups to EMR cluster master create request. This method also trims request parameters.
     * @param request the request.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if any validation errors were found.
    private void validateAddSecurityGroupsToClusterMasterRequest(EmrMasterSecurityGroupAddRequest request)
            throws IllegalArgumentException {
        // Validate required elements
        Assert.hasText(request.getNamespace(), "A namespace must be specified.");
        Assert.hasText(request.getEmrClusterDefinitionName(), "An EMR cluster definition name must be specified.");
        Assert.hasText(request.getEmrClusterName(), "An EMR cluster name must be specified.");

        Assert.notEmpty(request.getSecurityGroupIds(), "At least one security group must be specified.");
        for (String securityGroup : request.getSecurityGroupIds()) {
            Assert.hasText(securityGroup, "A security group value must be specified.");

        // Remove leading and trailing spaces.
        for (int i = 0; i < request.getSecurityGroupIds().size(); i++) {
            String element = request.getSecurityGroupIds().get(i);
            request.getSecurityGroupIds().set(i, element.trim());

     * Creates a new EMR master group object from request.
     * @param namespaceCd, the namespace Code
     * @param clusterDefinitionName, the cluster definition name
     * @param clusterName, the cluster name
     * @param groupIds, the List of groupId
     * @return the created EMR master group object
    private EmrMasterSecurityGroup createEmrClusterMasterGroupFromRequest(String namespaceCd,
            String clusterDefinitionName, String clusterName, List<String> groupIds) {
        // Create the EMR cluster.
        EmrMasterSecurityGroup emrMasterSecurityGroup = new EmrMasterSecurityGroup();

        return emrMasterSecurityGroup;

     * Builds the {@link XMLGregorianCalendar} for the given {@link Date}
     * @param date date
     * @return XMLGregorianCalendar
    private XMLGregorianCalendar toXmlGregorianCalendar(Date date) {
        XMLGregorianCalendar result = null;
        if (date != null) {
            result = HerdDateUtils.getXMLGregorianCalendarValue(date);
        return result;

     * Validates the EMR cluster create request. This method also trims request parameters.
     * @param key the ERM cluster alternate key
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if any validation errors were found
    private void validateEmrClusterKey(EmrClusterAlternateKeyDto key) throws IllegalArgumentException {
        Assert.notNull(key, "An EMR cluster key must be specified.");
        key.setNamespace(alternateKeyHelper.validateStringParameter("namespace", key.getNamespace()));
                "EMR cluster definition name", key.getEmrClusterDefinitionName()));
                alternateKeyHelper.validateStringParameter("An", "EMR cluster name", key.getEmrClusterName()));

     * Updates EMR cluster model object with the specified EMR cluster status information.
     * @param emrCluster the EMR cluster
     * @param clusterStatus the EMR cluster status information
    private void setEmrClusterStatus(EmrCluster emrCluster, ClusterStatus clusterStatus) {
        // Log cluster status information."emrClusterId=\"{}\" emrClusterStatus={}", emrCluster.getId(),

        // Update the EMR cluster with the status information.
        emrCluster.setStatusChangeReason(new StatusChangeReason(clusterStatus.getStateChangeReason().getCode(),
                new StatusTimeline(toXmlGregorianCalendar(clusterStatus.getTimeline().getCreationDateTime()),