Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 herd contributors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.finra.herd.service.impl; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.collections4.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Propagation; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import org.finra.herd.dao.Ec2OnDemandPricingDao; import org.finra.herd.dao.config.DaoSpringModuleConfig; import org.finra.herd.dao.helper.JsonHelper; import org.finra.herd.dao.helper.UrlHelper; import org.finra.herd.model.dto.Ec2OnDemandPricing; import org.finra.herd.model.dto.Ec2OnDemandPricingKey; import org.finra.herd.model.jpa.Ec2OnDemandPricingEntity; import org.finra.herd.service.Ec2OnDemandPricingUpdateService; /** * An implementation of the service that updates EC2 on-demand pricing. */ @Service @Transactional(value = DaoSpringModuleConfig.HERD_TRANSACTION_MANAGER_BEAN_NAME) public class Ec2OnDemandPricingUpdateServiceImpl implements Ec2OnDemandPricingUpdateService { static final String JSON_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_INSTANCE_TYPE = "instanceType"; static final String JSON_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_LOCATION = "location"; static final String JSON_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_OPERATING_SYSTEM = "operatingSystem"; static final String JSON_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_PRE_INSTALLED_SOFTWARE = "preInstalledSw"; static final String JSON_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_TENANCY = "tenancy"; static final String JSON_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_USAGE_TYPE = "usagetype"; static final String JSON_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_OPERATING_SYSTEM = "Linux"; static final String JSON_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_PRE_INSTALLED_SOFTWARE = "NA"; static final String JSON_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_TENANCY = "Shared"; static final String JSON_KEY_NAME_ATTRIBUTES = "attributes"; static final String JSON_KEY_NAME_ON_DEMAND = "OnDemand"; static final String JSON_KEY_NAME_PRICE_DIMENSIONS = "priceDimensions"; static final String JSON_KEY_NAME_PRICE_PER_UNIT = "pricePerUnit"; static final String JSON_KEY_NAME_PRODUCTS = "products"; static final String JSON_KEY_NAME_SKU = "sku"; static final String JSON_KEY_NAME_TERMS = "terms"; static final String JSON_PRICE_DIMENSIONS_WRAPPER_SUFFIX = ".6YS6EN2CT7"; static final String JSON_PRICE_PER_UNIT_WRAPPER = "USD"; static final String JSON_SKU_WRAPPER_SUFFIX = ".JRTCKXETXF"; private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Ec2OnDemandPricingUpdateServiceImpl.class); @Autowired private Ec2OnDemandPricingDao ec2OnDemandPricingDao; @Autowired private JsonHelper jsonHelper; @Autowired private UrlHelper urlHelper; /** * {@inheritDoc} * <p/> * This implementation executes non-transactionally, suspends the current transaction if one exists. */ @Override @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.NOT_SUPPORTED) public List<Ec2OnDemandPricing> getEc2OnDemandPricing(String ec2PricingListUrl) { // Create a list of EC2 on-demand pricing entries. List<Ec2OnDemandPricing> ec2OnDemandPricingEntries = new ArrayList<>(); // Get JSON object from the specified URL. JSONObject jsonObject = urlHelper.parseJsonObjectFromUrl(ec2PricingListUrl); // Get products from the JSON object. JSONObject products = jsonHelper.getKeyValue(jsonObject, JSON_KEY_NAME_PRODUCTS, JSONObject.class); // Create a set to validate uniqueness of EC2 on-demand pricing keys. Set<Ec2OnDemandPricingKey> uniqueEc2OnDemandPricingKeys = new HashSet<>(); // Process all products. for (Object key : products.keySet()) { JSONObject current = jsonHelper.getKeyValue(products, key, JSONObject.class); String sku = jsonHelper.getKeyValue(current, JSON_KEY_NAME_SKU, String.class); JSONObject attributes = jsonHelper.getKeyValue(current, JSON_KEY_NAME_ATTRIBUTES, JSONObject.class); Object location = attributes.get(JSON_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_LOCATION); Object operatingSystem = attributes.get(JSON_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_OPERATING_SYSTEM); Object instanceType = attributes.get(JSON_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_INSTANCE_TYPE); Object tenancy = attributes.get(JSON_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_TENANCY); Object usageType = attributes.get(JSON_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_USAGE_TYPE); Object preInstalledSoftware = attributes.get(JSON_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_PRE_INSTALLED_SOFTWARE); // Validate the parameters and create an EC2 on-demand pricing entry. Ec2OnDemandPricing ec2OnDemandPricing = createEc2OnDemandPricingEntry(sku, location, operatingSystem, instanceType, tenancy, usageType, preInstalledSoftware); // Check if this EC2 on-demand pricing entry got created (the relative parameters passed validation checks). if (ec2OnDemandPricing != null) { // Get the EC2 on-demand pricing key. Ec2OnDemandPricingKey ec2OnDemandPricingKey = ec2OnDemandPricing.getEc2OnDemandPricingKey(); // Validate that this key is unique. if (!uniqueEc2OnDemandPricingKeys.add(ec2OnDemandPricingKey)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format( "Found duplicate EC2 on-demand pricing entry for \"%s\" AWS region and \"%s\" EC2 instance type.", ec2OnDemandPricingKey.getRegionName(), ec2OnDemandPricingKey.getInstanceType())); } // Add this EC2 on-demand pricing entry to the result list. ec2OnDemandPricingEntries.add(ec2OnDemandPricing); } } // Continue the processing only when the result list is not empty. if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(ec2OnDemandPricingEntries)) { // Get terms from the JSON object. JSONObject terms = jsonHelper.getKeyValue(jsonObject, JSON_KEY_NAME_TERMS, JSONObject.class); // Get on-demand information from the terms. JSONObject onDemand = jsonHelper.getKeyValue(terms, JSON_KEY_NAME_ON_DEMAND, JSONObject.class); // Populate pricing information. for (Ec2OnDemandPricing ec2OnDemandPricing : ec2OnDemandPricingEntries) { String sku = ec2OnDemandPricing.getSku(); JSONObject current = jsonHelper.getKeyValue(onDemand, sku, JSONObject.class); JSONObject pricingWrapper = jsonHelper.getKeyValue(current, sku + JSON_SKU_WRAPPER_SUFFIX, JSONObject.class); JSONObject priceDimensions = jsonHelper.getKeyValue(pricingWrapper, JSON_KEY_NAME_PRICE_DIMENSIONS, JSONObject.class); JSONObject innerPricingWrapper = jsonHelper.getKeyValue(priceDimensions, sku + JSON_SKU_WRAPPER_SUFFIX + JSON_PRICE_DIMENSIONS_WRAPPER_SUFFIX, JSONObject.class); JSONObject pricePerUnit = jsonHelper.getKeyValue(innerPricingWrapper, JSON_KEY_NAME_PRICE_PER_UNIT, JSONObject.class); String pricePerUnitValue = jsonHelper.getKeyValue(pricePerUnit, JSON_PRICE_PER_UNIT_WRAPPER, String.class); try { ec2OnDemandPricing.setPricePerHour(new BigDecimal(pricePerUnitValue)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Failed to convert \"%s\" value to %s.", pricePerUnitValue, BigDecimal.class.getName()), e); } } } return ec2OnDemandPricingEntries; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * <p/> * This implementation starts a new transaction. */ @Override @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW) public void updateEc2OnDemandPricing(List<Ec2OnDemandPricing> ec2OnDemandPricingEntries) { // Get all EC2 on-demand price entities from the database. List<Ec2OnDemandPricingEntity> ec2OnDemandPricingEntities = ec2OnDemandPricingDao .getEc2OnDemandPricingEntities(); // Load all retrieved entities into a map for easy access. Per database constraints, the EC2 on-demand price key values are unique. Map<Ec2OnDemandPricingKey, Ec2OnDemandPricingEntity> ec2OnDemandPricingEntitiesMap = new HashMap<>(); for (Ec2OnDemandPricingEntity ec2OnDemandPricingEntity : ec2OnDemandPricingEntities) { ec2OnDemandPricingEntitiesMap.put(new Ec2OnDemandPricingKey(ec2OnDemandPricingEntity.getRegionName(), ec2OnDemandPricingEntity.getInstanceType()), ec2OnDemandPricingEntity); } // Create empty lists for unchanged and updated EC2 on-demand pricing entities. List<Ec2OnDemandPricingEntity> unchangedEc2OnDemandPricingEntities = new ArrayList<>(); List<Ec2OnDemandPricingEntity> updatedEc2OnDemandPricingEntities = new ArrayList<>(); // Process the submitted list of EC2 on-demand prices. for (Ec2OnDemandPricing ec2OnDemandPricing : ec2OnDemandPricingEntries) { // Get the EC2 on-demand pricing key. Ec2OnDemandPricingKey ec2OnDemandPricingKey = ec2OnDemandPricing.getEc2OnDemandPricingKey(); // Check if this entry already exists in the database. if (ec2OnDemandPricingEntitiesMap.containsKey(ec2OnDemandPricingKey)) { // Get the relative database entity. Ec2OnDemandPricingEntity ec2OnDemandPricingEntity = ec2OnDemandPricingEntitiesMap .get(ec2OnDemandPricingKey); // Check if this entity needs to be updated. if (!ec2OnDemandPricing.getPricePerHour().equals(ec2OnDemandPricingEntity.getHourlyPrice())) { // Get the original hourly price. String oldHourlyPriceAsString = ec2OnDemandPricingEntity.getHourlyPrice().toPlainString(); // Update the entity. ec2OnDemandPricingEntity.setHourlyPrice(ec2OnDemandPricing.getPricePerHour()); ec2OnDemandPricingDao.saveAndRefresh(ec2OnDemandPricingEntity); // Add this entity to the list of updated entities. updatedEc2OnDemandPricingEntities.add(ec2OnDemandPricingEntity); // Log the update. "Updated EC2 on-demand pricing: regionName=\"{}\" instanceType=\"{}\" newHourlyPrice={} oldHourlyPrice={}", ec2OnDemandPricingKey.getRegionName(), ec2OnDemandPricingKey.getInstanceType(), ec2OnDemandPricing.getPricePerHour().toPlainString(), oldHourlyPriceAsString); } else { // Add this entity to the list of unchanged entities. unchangedEc2OnDemandPricingEntities.add(ec2OnDemandPricingEntity); } } else { // Create and persist a new EC2 on-demand pricing entity. Ec2OnDemandPricingEntity ec2OnDemandPricingEntity = new Ec2OnDemandPricingEntity(); ec2OnDemandPricingEntity.setRegionName(ec2OnDemandPricingKey.getRegionName()); ec2OnDemandPricingEntity.setInstanceType(ec2OnDemandPricingKey.getInstanceType()); ec2OnDemandPricingEntity.setHourlyPrice(ec2OnDemandPricing.getPricePerHour()); ec2OnDemandPricingDao.saveAndRefresh(ec2OnDemandPricingEntity); // Log the addition of the new EC2 on-demand pricing entity."Added EC2 on-demand pricing: regionName=\"{}\" instanceType=\"{}\" hourlyPrice={}", ec2OnDemandPricingKey.getRegionName(), ec2OnDemandPricingKey.getInstanceType(), ec2OnDemandPricing.getPricePerHour().toPlainString()); } } // Get a list of entities that needs to be deleted. Set<Ec2OnDemandPricingEntity> deletedEc2OnDemandPricingEntities = new HashSet<>(ec2OnDemandPricingEntities); deletedEc2OnDemandPricingEntities.removeAll(unchangedEc2OnDemandPricingEntities); deletedEc2OnDemandPricingEntities.removeAll(updatedEc2OnDemandPricingEntities); // Delete the entities that were not on the list of EC2 on-demand prices. for (Ec2OnDemandPricingEntity ec2OnDemandPricingEntity : deletedEc2OnDemandPricingEntities) { // Delete the entity. ec2OnDemandPricingDao.delete(ec2OnDemandPricingEntity); // Log the deletion of the EC2 on-demand pricing entity."Deleted EC2 on-demand pricing: regionName=\"{}\" instanceType=\"{}\" hourlyPrice={}", ec2OnDemandPricingEntity.getRegionName(), ec2OnDemandPricingEntity.getInstanceType(), ec2OnDemandPricingEntity.getHourlyPrice().toPlainString()); } } /** * Converts location description to a short region name. * * @param location the location description * * @return the region name */ String convertLocationToRegionName(String location) { String region; switch (location) { case "US East (N. Virginia)": region = "us-east-1"; break; case "US East (Ohio)": region = "us-east-2"; break; case "US West (N. California)": region = "us-west-1"; break; case "US West (Oregon)": region = "us-west-2"; break; case "Canada (Central)": region = "ca-central-1"; break; case "Asia Pacific (Mumbai)": region = "ap-south-1"; break; case "Asia Pacific (Seoul)": region = "ap-northeast-2"; break; case "Asia Pacific (Singapore)": region = "ap-southeast-1"; break; case "Asia Pacific (Sydney)": region = "ap-southeast-2"; break; case "Asia Pacific (Tokyo)": region = "ap-northeast-1"; break; case "EU (Frankfurt)": region = "eu-central-1"; break; case "EU (Ireland)": region = "eu-west-1"; break; case "EU (London)": region = "eu-west-2"; break; case "South America (Sao Paulo)": region = "sa-east-1"; break; case "AWS GovCloud (US)": region = "us-gov-west-1"; break; default: // Default region name to the location description. region = location; break; } return region; } /** * Creates an EC2 on-demand pricing entry per specified parameters. This method returns null if input parameters fail validation. * * @param sku the SKU of the AWS product offering * @param location the AWS location information, maybe null * @param operatingSystem the operation system, maybe null * @param instanceType the EC2 instance type, maybe null * @param tenancy the EC2 tenancy, maybe null * @param usageType the usage type, maybe null * @param preInstalledSoftware the pre-installed software, maybe null * * @return the EC2 on-demand pricing or null if input parameters fail validation */ Ec2OnDemandPricing createEc2OnDemandPricingEntry(String sku, Object location, Object operatingSystem, Object instanceType, Object tenancy, Object usageType, Object preInstalledSoftware) { Ec2OnDemandPricing result = null; // The extra check for usage type is added below to exclude any dedicated/reserved hosts that are marked as having "Shared" tenancy by mistake. if (location != null && operatingSystem != null && instanceType != null && tenancy != null && usageType != null && preInstalledSoftware != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(location.toString()) && operatingSystem.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(JSON_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_OPERATING_SYSTEM) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(instanceType.toString()) && tenancy.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(JSON_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_TENANCY) && (usageType.toString().startsWith("BoxUsage") || usageType.toString().contains("-BoxUsage")) && preInstalledSoftware.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(JSON_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_PRE_INSTALLED_SOFTWARE)) { result = new Ec2OnDemandPricing(new Ec2OnDemandPricingKey( convertLocationToRegionName(location.toString()), instanceType.toString()), null, sku); } return result; } }