Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 herd contributors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.finra.herd.dao.impl; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import io.searchbox.action.Action; import io.searchbox.action.BulkableAction; import io.searchbox.client.JestResult; import io.searchbox.core.Bulk; import io.searchbox.core.Count; import io.searchbox.core.Delete; import io.searchbox.core.Get; import io.searchbox.core.Index; import io.searchbox.core.Search; import io.searchbox.core.SearchScroll; import io.searchbox.indices.CreateIndex; import io.searchbox.indices.DeleteIndex; import io.searchbox.indices.IndicesExists; import io.searchbox.indices.Stats; import io.searchbox.indices.aliases.AddAliasMapping; import io.searchbox.indices.aliases.GetAliases; import io.searchbox.indices.aliases.ModifyAliases; import io.searchbox.indices.mapping.PutMapping; import io.searchbox.indices.settings.GetSettings; import io.searchbox.params.Parameters; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import; import; import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings; import org.elasticsearch.common.unit.TimeValue; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilders; import org.elasticsearch.index.shard.DocsStats; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; import org.springframework.util.Assert; import org.finra.herd.dao.IndexFunctionsDao; import org.finra.herd.dao.helper.ElasticsearchClientImpl; import org.finra.herd.dao.helper.JestClientHelper; @Repository public class IndexFunctionsDaoImpl extends AbstractHerdDao implements IndexFunctionsDao { /** * The logger used to write messages to the log */ private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(IndexFunctionsDaoImpl.class); /** * Page size */ public static final int ELASTIC_SEARCH_SCROLL_PAGE_SIZE = 100; /** * Scroll keep alive in milliseconds */ public static final int ELASTIC_SEARCH_SCROLL_KEEP_ALIVE_TIME = 60000; /** * jest client helper */ @Autowired private JestClientHelper jestClientHelper; /** * The index function will take as arguments indexName, documentType, id, json and add the document to the index. */ @Override public final void createIndexDocument(String indexName, String documentType, String id, String json) { Index index = new Index.Builder(json).index(indexName).type(documentType).id(id).build(); JestResult jestResult = jestClientHelper.execute(index);"Creating Index Document, indexName={}. successful is {}", indexName, jestResult.isSucceeded()); } @Override public boolean isValidDocumentIndex(String indexName, String documentType, String id, String json) { Get get = new Get.Builder(indexName, id).type(documentType).build(); JestResult jestResult = jestClientHelper.execute(get); // Retrieve the JSON string from the get response final String jsonStringFromIndex = jestResult.getSourceAsString(); // Return true if the json from the index is not null or empty and the json from the index matches the object from the database return StringUtils.isNotEmpty(jsonStringFromIndex) && jsonStringFromIndex.equals(json); } @Override public final boolean isIndexExists(String indexName) { Action action = new IndicesExists.Builder(indexName).build(); JestResult result = jestClientHelper.execute(action); return result.isSucceeded(); } /** * The delete index function will take as an argument the index name and will delete the index. */ @Override public final void deleteIndex(String indexName) { Action action = new DeleteIndex.Builder(indexName).build();"Deleting Elasticsearch index, indexName={}.", indexName); JestResult result = jestClientHelper.execute(action);"Deleting Elasticsearch index, indexName={}. result successful is {} ", indexName, result.isSucceeded()); } /** * The validate function will take as arguments indexName, documentType, id, json and validate the document against the index. */ @Override public final void validateDocumentIndex(String indexName, String documentType, String id, String json) {"Validating Elasticsearch document, indexName={}, documentType={}, id={}.", indexName, documentType, id); Get get = new Get.Builder(indexName, id).type(documentType).build(); JestResult jestResult = jestClientHelper.execute(get); // Retrieve the JSON string from the get response final String jsonStringFromIndex = jestResult.getSourceAsString(); // If the document does not exist in the index add the document to the index if (StringUtils.isEmpty(jsonStringFromIndex)) { LOGGER.warn("Document does not exist in the index, adding the document to the index."); Index index = new Index.Builder(json).index(indexName).type(documentType).id(id).build(); jestResult = jestClientHelper.execute(index);"adding the document to the index is {}", jestResult.isSucceeded()); } // Else if the JSON does not match the JSON from the index update the index else if (!json.equals(jsonStringFromIndex)) { LOGGER.warn("Document does not match the document in the index, updating the document in the index."); Index index = new Index.Builder(json).index(indexName).type(documentType).id(id).build(); jestResult = jestClientHelper.execute(index);"updating the document to the index is {}", jestResult.isSucceeded()); } } @Override public void createIndexDocuments(String indexName, String documentType, Map<String, String> documentMap) {"Creating Elasticsearch index documents, indexName={}, documentType={}", indexName, documentType); List<String> allIndices = getAliases(indexName); allIndices.forEach((index) -> { // Prepare a bulk request builder //final BulkRequestBuilder bulkRequestBuilder = new BulkRequestBuilder(new ElasticsearchClientImpl(), BulkAction.INSTANCE); Bulk.Builder bulkBuilder = new Bulk.Builder(); // For each document prepare an insert request and add it to the bulk request builder documentMap.forEach((id, jsonString) -> { BulkableAction createIndex = new Index.Builder(jsonString).index(index).type(documentType).id(id) .build(); bulkBuilder.addAction(createIndex); }); JestResult jestResult = jestClientHelper.execute(; // If there are failures log them if (!jestResult.isSucceeded()) { LOGGER.error("Bulk response error = {}", jestResult.getErrorMessage()); } }); } /** * The create index function will take as arguments the index name, document type, and mapping and will create a new index. */ @Override public final void createIndex(String indexName, String documentType, String mapping, String settings, String alias) {"Creating Elasticsearch index, indexName={}, documentType={}.", indexName, documentType); CreateIndex createIndex = new CreateIndex.Builder(indexName).settings(settings).build(); PutMapping putMapping = new PutMapping.Builder(indexName, documentType, mapping).build(); ModifyAliases modifyAliases = new ModifyAliases.Builder( new AddAliasMapping.Builder(indexName, alias).build()).build(); JestResult jestResult = jestClientHelper.execute(createIndex);"Creating Elasticsearch index, indexName={}, documentType={} successful={}", indexName, documentType, jestResult.isSucceeded()); jestResult = jestClientHelper.execute(putMapping);"Creating Elasticsearch index put mappings, indexName={}, documentType={} successful={}", indexName, documentType, jestResult.isSucceeded()); jestResult = jestClientHelper.execute(modifyAliases);"Creating Elasticsearch index alias, indexName={}, alias={}", indexName, alias, jestResult.isSucceeded()); // If there are failures log them if (!jestResult.isSucceeded()) { LOGGER.error("Error in index creation= {}", jestResult.getErrorMessage()); } } /** * The delete document by id function will delete a document in the index by the document id. */ @Override public final void deleteDocumentById(String indexName, String documentType, String id) {"Deleting Elasticsearch document from index, indexName={}, documentType={}, id={}.", indexName, documentType, id); Action action = new Delete.Builder(id).index(indexName).type(documentType).build(); JestResult result = jestClientHelper.execute(action); "Deleting Elasticsearch document from index, indexName={}, documentType={}, id={} is successfully {}. ", indexName, documentType, id, result.isSucceeded()); } /** * The delete index documents function will delete a list of document in the index by a list of document ids. */ @Override public final void deleteIndexDocuments(String indexName, String documentType, List<Integer> ids) {"Deleting Elasticsearch documents from index, indexName={}, documentType={}, ids={}.", indexName, documentType,","))); List<String> allIndices = getAliases(indexName); allIndices.forEach((index) -> { // Prepare a bulk request builder Bulk.Builder bulkBuilder = new Bulk.Builder(); // For each document prepare a delete request and add it to the bulk request builder ids.forEach(id -> { BulkableAction action = new Delete.Builder(id.toString()).index(index).type(documentType).build(); bulkBuilder.addAction(action); }); JestResult jestResult = jestClientHelper.execute(; // If there are failures log them if (!jestResult.isSucceeded()) { LOGGER.error("Bulk response error = {}", jestResult.getErrorMessage()); } }); } @Override public long getNumberOfTypesInIndex(String indexName, String documentType) { Count count = new Count.Builder().addIndex(indexName).addType(documentType).build(); JestResult jestResult = jestClientHelper.execute(count); return Long.parseLong(jestResult.getSourceAsString()); } /** * The ids in index function will take as arguments the index name and the document type and will return a list of all the ids in the index. */ @Override public final List<String> getIdsInIndex(String indexName, String documentType) { // Create an array list for storing the ids List<String> idList = new ArrayList<>(); SearchSourceBuilder searchSourceBuilder = new SearchSourceBuilder(); searchSourceBuilder.query(QueryBuilders.matchAllQuery()); // Create a search request and set the scroll time and scroll size final SearchRequestBuilder searchRequestBuilder = new SearchRequestBuilder(new ElasticsearchClientImpl(), SearchAction.INSTANCE); searchRequestBuilder.setIndices(indexName).setTypes(documentType) .setScroll(new TimeValue(ELASTIC_SEARCH_SCROLL_KEEP_ALIVE_TIME)) .setSize(ELASTIC_SEARCH_SCROLL_PAGE_SIZE).setSource(searchSourceBuilder); // Retrieve the search response final Search.Builder searchBuilder = new Search.Builder(searchRequestBuilder.toString()) .addIndex(indexName); searchBuilder.setParameter(Parameters.SIZE, ELASTIC_SEARCH_SCROLL_PAGE_SIZE); searchBuilder.setParameter(Parameters.SCROLL, new TimeValue(ELASTIC_SEARCH_SCROLL_KEEP_ALIVE_TIME).toString()); JestResult jestResult = jestClientHelper.execute(; // While there are hits available, page through the results and add them to the id list while (jestResult.getSourceAsStringList().size() != 0) { for (String jsonString : jestResult.getSourceAsStringList()) { JsonElement root = new JsonParser().parse(jsonString); idList.add(root.getAsJsonObject().get("id").getAsString()); } String scrollId = jestResult.getJsonObject().get("_scroll_id").getAsString(); SearchScroll scroll = new SearchScroll.Builder(scrollId, new TimeValue(ELASTIC_SEARCH_SCROLL_KEEP_ALIVE_TIME).toString()).build(); jestResult = jestClientHelper.execute(scroll); } return idList; } /** * The update index documents function will take as arguments the index name, document type, and a map of documents to update. The document map key is the * document id, and the value is the document as a JSON string. */ @Override public final void updateIndexDocuments(String indexName, String documentType, Map<String, String> documentMap) {"Updating Elasticsearch index documents, indexName={}, documentType={}.", indexName, documentType); List<String> allIndices = getAliases(indexName); allIndices.forEach((index) -> { // Prepare a bulk request builder Bulk.Builder bulkBuilder = new Bulk.Builder(); // For each document prepare an update request and add it to the bulk request builder documentMap.forEach((id, jsonString) -> { BulkableAction updateIndex = new Index.Builder(jsonString).index(index).type(documentType).id(id) .build(); bulkBuilder.addAction(updateIndex); }); // Execute the bulk update request JestResult jestResult = jestClientHelper.execute(; // If there are failures log them if (!jestResult.isSucceeded()) { LOGGER.error("Bulk response error = {}", jestResult.getErrorMessage()); } }); } @Override public Settings getIndexSettings(String indexName) { GetSettings getSettings = new GetSettings.Builder().addIndex(indexName).build(); JestResult result = jestClientHelper.execute(getSettings); Assert.isTrue(result.isSucceeded(), result.getErrorMessage()); JsonObject json = result.getJsonObject().getAsJsonObject(indexName).getAsJsonObject("settings"); return Settings.builder().loadFromSource(json.toString()).build(); } @Override public DocsStats getIndexStats(String indexName) { Action getStats = new Stats.Builder().addIndex(indexName).build(); JestResult jestResult = jestClientHelper.execute(getStats); Assert.isTrue(jestResult.isSucceeded(), jestResult.getErrorMessage()); JsonObject statsJson = jestResult.getJsonObject().getAsJsonObject("indices").getAsJsonObject(indexName) .getAsJsonObject("primaries"); JsonObject docsJson = statsJson.getAsJsonObject("docs"); return new DocsStats(docsJson.get("count").getAsLong(), docsJson.get("deleted").getAsLong()); } private List<String> getAliases(String aliasName) { GetAliases getAliases = new GetAliases.Builder().build(); JestResult jestResult = jestClientHelper.execute(getAliases); Assert.isTrue(jestResult.isSucceeded(), jestResult.getErrorMessage()); List<String> indexNameList = jestResult.getJsonObject().entrySet().stream() .filter(e -> e.getKey().startsWith(aliasName)).map(Map.Entry::getKey).collect(Collectors.toList()); return indexNameList; } }