Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 herd contributors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.CharUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import org.springframework.util.Assert; import org.springframework.util.CollectionUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * The DDL generator for Hive 13. */ @Component @SuppressFBWarnings(value = "VA_FORMAT_STRING_USES_NEWLINE", justification = "We will use the standard carriage return character.") public class Hive13DdlGenerator extends DdlGenerator { @Autowired private DmHelper dmHelper; @Autowired private DmDao dmDao; @Autowired private DmDaoHelper dmDaoHelper; @Autowired private BusinessObjectFormatHelper businessObjectFormatHelper; @Autowired private BusinessObjectDataHelper businessObjectDataHelper; /** * Hive file format for text files. */ public static final String TEXT_HIVE_FILE_FORMAT = "TEXTFILE"; /** * Hive file format for PARQUET files. */ public static final String PARQUET_HIVE_FILE_FORMAT = "PARQUET"; /** * Hive file format for ORC files. */ public static final String ORC_HIVE_FILE_FORMAT = "ORC"; /** * The partition key value for business object data without partitioning. */ public static final String NO_PARTITIONING_PARTITION_KEY = "partition"; /** * The partition value for business object data without partitioning. */ public static final String NO_PARTITIONING_PARTITION_VALUE = "none"; @Override public BusinessObjectDataDdlOutputFormatEnum getDdlOutputFormat() { return BusinessObjectDataDdlOutputFormatEnum.HIVE_13_DDL; } /** * Generates the create table Hive 13 DDL as per specified business object format DDL request. * * @param request the business object format DDL request * @param businessObjectFormatEntity the business object format entity * @param customDdlEntity the optional custom DDL entity * * @return the create table Hive DDL */ @Override public String generateCreateTableDdl(BusinessObjectFormatDdlRequest request, BusinessObjectFormatEntity businessObjectFormatEntity, CustomDdlEntity customDdlEntity) { // If the partitionKey="partition", then DDL should return a DDL which treats business object data as a table, not a partition. Boolean isPartitioned = !businessObjectFormatEntity.getPartitionKey() .equalsIgnoreCase(NO_PARTITIONING_PARTITION_KEY); // Generate the create table Hive 13 DDL. return generateCreateTableDdlHelper(businessObjectFormatEntity, customDdlEntity, isPartitioned, request.getTableName(), request.isIncludeDropTableStatement(), request.isIncludeIfNotExistsOption(), null, null, null, null, null, null); } /** * Generates the create table Hive 13 DDL as per specified business object data DDL request. * * @param request the business object data DDL request * @param businessObjectFormatEntity the business object format entity * @param customDdlEntity the optional custom DDL entity * @param storageEntity the storage entity * @param s3BucketName the S3 bucket name * * @return the create table Hive DDL */ @Override public String generateCreateTableDdl(BusinessObjectDataDdlRequest request, BusinessObjectFormatEntity businessObjectFormatEntity, CustomDdlEntity customDdlEntity, StorageEntity storageEntity, String s3BucketName) { // Get business object format key from the request. BusinessObjectFormatKey businessObjectFormatKey = new BusinessObjectFormatKey(request.getNamespace(), request.getBusinessObjectDefinitionName(), request.getBusinessObjectFormatUsage(), request.getBusinessObjectFormatFileType(), request.getBusinessObjectFormatVersion()); // Build partition filters based on the specified partition value filters. List<List<String>> partitionFilters = businessObjectDataHelper.buildPartitionFilters( request.getPartitionValueFilters(), request.getPartitionValueFilter(), businessObjectFormatKey, request.getBusinessObjectDataVersion(), request.getStorageName(), businessObjectFormatEntity); // If the partitionKey="partition" and partitionValue="none", then DDL should // return a DDL which treats business object data as a table, not a partition. boolean isPartitioned = !businessObjectFormatEntity.getPartitionKey() .equalsIgnoreCase(NO_PARTITIONING_PARTITION_KEY) || partitionFilters.size() != 1 || !partitionFilters.get(0).get(0).equalsIgnoreCase(NO_PARTITIONING_PARTITION_VALUE); // Generate the create table Hive 13 DDL. return generateCreateTableDdlHelper(businessObjectFormatEntity, customDdlEntity, isPartitioned, request.getTableName(), request.isIncludeDropTableStatement(), request.isIncludeIfNotExistsOption(), request.isAllowMissingData(), partitionFilters, request.getBusinessObjectFormatVersion(), request.getBusinessObjectDataVersion(), storageEntity, s3BucketName); } /** * Generates and append to the string builder the create table Hive 13 DDL as per specified parameters. */ private String generateCreateTableDdlHelper(BusinessObjectFormatEntity businessObjectFormatEntity, CustomDdlEntity customDdlEntity, Boolean isPartitioned, String tableName, Boolean includeDropTableStatement, Boolean includeIfNotExistsOption, Boolean allowMissingData, List<List<String>> partitionFilters, Integer businessObjectFormatVersion, Integer businessObjectDataVersion, StorageEntity storageEntity, String s3BucketName) { // TODO: We might want to consider using a template engine such as Velocity to generate this DDL so we don't wind up just doing string manipulation. StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // For custom DDL, we would need to substitute the custom DDL tokens with their relative values. HashMap<String, String> replacements = new HashMap<>(); // Validate that partition values passed in the list of partition filters do not contain '/' character. if (isPartitioned && !CollectionUtils.isEmpty(partitionFilters)) { // Validate that partition values do not contain '/' characters. for (List<String> partitionFilter : partitionFilters) { for (String partitionValue : partitionFilter) { Assert.doesNotContain(partitionValue, "/", String .format("Partition value \"%s\" can not contain a '/' character.", partitionValue)); } } } // Get business object format model object to directly access schema columns and partitions. BusinessObjectFormat businessObjectFormat = businessObjectFormatHelper .createBusinessObjectFormatFromEntity(businessObjectFormatEntity); // Validate that we have at least one column specified in the business object format schema. Assert.notEmpty(businessObjectFormat.getSchema().getColumns(), String.format("No schema columns specified for business object format {%s}.", dmDaoHelper.businessObjectFormatEntityAltKeyToString(businessObjectFormatEntity))); if (isPartitioned) { // Validate that we have at least one partition column specified in the business object format schema. Assert.notEmpty(businessObjectFormat.getSchema().getPartitions(), String.format("No schema partitions specified for business object format {%s}.", dmDaoHelper.businessObjectFormatEntityAltKeyToString(businessObjectFormatEntity))); // Validate that partition column names do not contain '/' characters. for (SchemaColumn partitionColumn : businessObjectFormat.getSchema().getPartitions()) { Assert.doesNotContain(partitionColumn.getName(), "/", String.format( "Partition column name \"%s\" can not contain a '/' character. Business object format: {%s}", partitionColumn.getName(), dmDaoHelper.businessObjectFormatEntityAltKeyToString(businessObjectFormatEntity))); } } // Add drop table if requested. if (includeDropTableStatement != null && includeDropTableStatement) { sb.append(String.format("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `%s`;\n\n", tableName)); } // Depending on the flag, prepare "if not exists" option text or leave it an empty string. String ifNotExistsOption = includeIfNotExistsOption != null && includeIfNotExistsOption ? "IF NOT EXISTS " : ""; // Only generate the create table DDL statement, if custom DDL was not specified. if (customDdlEntity == null) { generateStandardBaseDdl(businessObjectFormatEntity, isPartitioned, tableName, sb, businessObjectFormat, ifNotExistsOption); } else { // Use the custom DDL in place of the create table statement. sb.append(String.format("%s\n\n", customDdlEntity.getDdl())); // We need to substitute the relative custom DDL token with an actual table name. replacements.put(TABLE_NAME_CUSTOM_DDL_TOKEN, tableName); } // Add alter table statements only if the list of partition filters is not empty - this is applicable to generating DDL for business object data only. if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(partitionFilters)) { processPartitionFiltersForGenerateDdl(businessObjectFormatEntity, customDdlEntity, isPartitioned, tableName, allowMissingData, partitionFilters, businessObjectFormatVersion, businessObjectDataVersion, storageEntity, s3BucketName, sb, replacements, businessObjectFormat, ifNotExistsOption); } // Add a location statement with a token if this is format dll that does not use custom ddl. else if (!isPartitioned && customDdlEntity == null) { // Since custom DDL is not specified, there are no partition values, and this table is not partitioned, add a LOCATION clause with a token. sb.append(String.format("LOCATION '%s';", NON_PARTITIONED_TABLE_LOCATION_CUSTOM_DDL_TOKEN)); } // Trim to remove unnecessary end-of-line characters, if any, from the end of the generated DDL. String resultDdl = sb.toString().trim(); // For custom DDL, substitute the relative custom DDL tokens with their values. if (customDdlEntity != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : replacements.entrySet()) { String token = entry.getKey(); String value = entry.getValue(); resultDdl = resultDdl.replaceAll(Pattern.quote(token), value); } } return resultDdl; } private void generateStandardBaseDdl(BusinessObjectFormatEntity businessObjectFormatEntity, Boolean isPartitioned, String tableName, StringBuilder sb, BusinessObjectFormat businessObjectFormat, String ifNotExistsOption) { // Please note that we escape table name and all column names to avoid Hive reserved words in DDL statement generation. sb.append(String.format("CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE %s`%s` (\n", ifNotExistsOption, tableName)); // Add schema columns. Boolean firstRow = true; for (SchemaColumn schemaColumn : businessObjectFormat.getSchema().getColumns()) { if (!firstRow) { sb.append(",\n"); } else { firstRow = false; } // Add a schema column declaration. Check if a schema column is also a partition column and prepend "ORGNL_" prefix if this is the case. sb.append(String.format(" `%s%s` %s%s", (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(businessObjectFormat.getSchema().getPartitions()) && businessObjectFormat.getSchema().getPartitions().contains(schemaColumn) ? "ORGNL_" : ""), schemaColumn.getName(), getHiveDataType(schemaColumn, businessObjectFormatEntity), StringUtils.isNotBlank(schemaColumn.getDescription()) ? String.format(" COMMENT '%s'", escapeSingleQuotes(schemaColumn.getDescription())) : "")); } sb.append(")\n"); if (isPartitioned) { // Add a partitioned by clause. sb.append("PARTITIONED BY ("); // List all partition columns. List<String> partitionColumnDeclarations = new ArrayList<>(); for (SchemaColumn partitionColumn : businessObjectFormat.getSchema().getPartitions()) { partitionColumnDeclarations.add(String.format("`%s` %s", partitionColumn.getName(), getHiveDataType(partitionColumn, businessObjectFormatEntity))); } sb.append(StringUtils.join(partitionColumnDeclarations, ", ")); sb.append(")\n"); } // We output delimiter character, escape character, and null value only when they are defined in the business object format schema. sb.append("ROW FORMAT DELIMITED"); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(businessObjectFormatEntity.getDelimiter())) { // Note that the escape character is only output when the delimiter is present. sb.append(String.format(" FIELDS TERMINATED BY '%s'%s", escapeSingleQuotes(getDdlCharacterValue(businessObjectFormatEntity.getDelimiter(), true)), StringUtils.isEmpty(businessObjectFormatEntity.getEscapeCharacter()) ? "" : String.format(" ESCAPED BY '%s'", escapeSingleQuotes( getDdlCharacterValue(businessObjectFormatEntity.getEscapeCharacter(), true))))); } sb.append(String.format(" NULL DEFINED AS '%s'\n", escapeSingleQuotes(getDdlCharacterValue(businessObjectFormatEntity.getNullValue())))); // If this table is not partitioned, then STORED AS clause will be followed by LOCATION. Otherwise, the CREATE TABLE is complete. sb.append(String.format("STORED AS %s%s\n", getHiveFileFormat(businessObjectFormatEntity), isPartitioned ? ";\n" : "")); } private void processPartitionFiltersForGenerateDdl(BusinessObjectFormatEntity businessObjectFormatEntity, CustomDdlEntity customDdlEntity, Boolean isPartitioned, String tableName, Boolean allowMissingData, List<List<String>> partitionFilters, Integer businessObjectFormatVersion, Integer businessObjectDataVersion, StorageEntity storageEntity, String s3BucketName, StringBuilder sb, HashMap<String, String> replacements, BusinessObjectFormat businessObjectFormat, String ifNotExistsOption) { // Get the business object format key from the entity. BusinessObjectFormatKey businessObjectFormatKey = dmDaoHelper .getBusinessObjectFormatKey(businessObjectFormatEntity); // Override the business object format version with the original (optional) value from the request. businessObjectFormatKey.setBusinessObjectFormatVersion(businessObjectFormatVersion); // Retrieve a list of business object data entities for the specified list of partition filters. The entities will be sorted by partition values. // Please note that for a non-partitioned table, we would only get a single business object data entity (with partitionValue equals to "none"). List<BusinessObjectDataEntity> businessObjectDataEntities = dmDao.getBusinessObjectDataEntities( businessObjectFormatKey, partitionFilters, businessObjectDataVersion, BusinessObjectDataStatusEntity.VALID, storageEntity.getName()); // Build a list of matched partition filters. Please note that each request partition // filter might result in multiple available business object data entities. List<List<String>> matchedPartitionFilters = new ArrayList<>(); for (BusinessObjectDataEntity businessObjectDataEntity : businessObjectDataEntities) { matchedPartitionFilters .add(dmDaoHelper.getPartitionFilter(businessObjectDataEntity, partitionFilters.get(0))); } // Fail on any missing business object data unless the flag is set. if (allowMissingData == null || !allowMissingData) { // Get a list of unmatched partition filters. List<List<String>> unmatchedPartitionFilters = new ArrayList<>(partitionFilters); unmatchedPartitionFilters.removeAll(matchedPartitionFilters); // Throw an exception if we have any unmatched partition filters. if (!unmatchedPartitionFilters.isEmpty()) { List<String> unmatchedPartitionFilter = unmatchedPartitionFilters.get(0); // Replace all null partition values with an empty string. for (int i = 0; i < unmatchedPartitionFilter.size(); i++) { if (unmatchedPartitionFilter.get(i) == null) { unmatchedPartitionFilter.set(i, ""); } } throw new ObjectNotFoundException(String.format( "Business object data {namespace: \"%s\", businessObjectDefinitionName: \"%s\", businessObjectFormatUsage: \"%s\", " + "businessObjectFormatFileType: \"%s\", businessObjectFormatVersion: %d, partitionValue: \"%s\", " + "subpartitionValues: \"%s\", businessObjectDataVersion: %d} is not available in \"%s\" storage.", businessObjectFormatKey.getNamespace(), businessObjectFormatKey.getBusinessObjectDefinitionName(), businessObjectFormatKey.getBusinessObjectFormatUsage(), businessObjectFormatKey.getBusinessObjectFormatFileType(), businessObjectFormatKey.getBusinessObjectFormatVersion(), unmatchedPartitionFilter.get(0), StringUtils.join(unmatchedPartitionFilter.subList(1, unmatchedPartitionFilter.size()), ","), businessObjectDataVersion, storageEntity.getName())); } } // We still need to close/complete the create table statement when there is no custom DDL, // the table is non-partitioned, and there is no business object data found. if (customDdlEntity == null && !isPartitioned && CollectionUtils.isEmpty(businessObjectDataEntities)) { // Add a LOCATION clause with a token. sb.append(String.format("LOCATION '%s';", NON_PARTITIONED_TABLE_LOCATION_CUSTOM_DDL_TOKEN)); } // The table is partitioned, custom DDL is specified, or there is at least one business object data instance found. else { processBusinessObjectDataForGenerateDdl(customDdlEntity, isPartitioned, tableName, storageEntity, s3BucketName, sb, replacements, businessObjectFormat, ifNotExistsOption, businessObjectDataEntities); } } /** * Adds the relative "alter table add partition" statements for each of the business object data entity. Please note that each request partition value might * result in multiple available business object data entities (subpartitions). * * @param customDdlEntity the custom DDL entity * @param isPartitioned specifies if the table is partitioned or not * @param tableName the table name * @param storageEntity the storage entity * @param s3BucketName the S3 bucket name * @param sb the string builder to be updated with the "alter table add partition" statements * @param replacements the hash map of string values to be used to substitute the custom DDL tokens with their actual values * @param businessObjectFormat the business object format * @param ifNotExistsOption specifies if generated DDL contains "if not exists" option * @param businessObjectDataEntities the list of business object data entities */ private void processBusinessObjectDataForGenerateDdl(CustomDdlEntity customDdlEntity, Boolean isPartitioned, String tableName, StorageEntity storageEntity, String s3BucketName, StringBuilder sb, HashMap<String, String> replacements, BusinessObjectFormat businessObjectFormat, String ifNotExistsOption, List<BusinessObjectDataEntity> businessObjectDataEntities) { if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(businessObjectDataEntities)) { // Retrieve all storage unit entities for the storage and the list of business object data entities. // Please note that since all business object data is available we expected all business object data to have a storage unit in the storage. List<StorageUnitEntity> storageUnitEntities = dmDao .getStorageUnitsByStorageAndBusinessObjectData(storageEntity, businessObjectDataEntities); // Load all storage units in a map for easy access. Map<Integer, StorageUnitEntity> businessObjectDataIdToStorageUnitMap = getBusinessObjectDataIdToStorageUnitMapping( storageUnitEntities); // Retrieve all storage files entities for the storage and the list of business object data entities. List<StorageFileEntity> storageFileEntities = dmDao .getStorageFilesByStorageAndBusinessObjectData(storageEntity, businessObjectDataEntities); // Load all storage file paths in a map for easy access. Map<Integer, List<String>> businessObjectDataIdToStorageFilePathsMap = getBusinessObjectDataIdToStorageFilePathsMapping( storageFileEntities); // Process all available business object data instances. for (BusinessObjectDataEntity businessObjectDataEntity : businessObjectDataEntities) { // Get business object data key and S3 key prefix for this business object data. BusinessObjectDataKey businessObjectDataKey = dmDaoHelper .getBusinessObjectDataKey(businessObjectDataEntity); String s3KeyPrefix = businessObjectDataHelper.buildS3KeyPrefix( businessObjectDataEntity.getBusinessObjectFormat(), businessObjectDataKey); // Retrieve storage file paths registered with this business object data in the specified storage. List<String> storageFilePaths = businessObjectDataIdToStorageFilePathsMap .containsKey(businessObjectDataEntity.getId()) ? businessObjectDataIdToStorageFilePathsMap.get(businessObjectDataEntity.getId()) : new ArrayList<String>(); // Validate storage file paths registered with this business object data in the specified storage. // The validation check below is required even if we have no storage files registered. dmDaoHelper.validateStorageFiles(storageFilePaths, s3KeyPrefix, businessObjectDataEntity, storageEntity.getName()); // If there are no storage files registered for this storage unit, we should use the storage directory path value. if (storageFilePaths.isEmpty()) { // Since this business object data is selected as being available in the storage, we do not check for null value to be returned here. StorageUnitEntity storageUnitEntity = businessObjectDataIdToStorageUnitMap .get(businessObjectDataEntity.getId()); // Validate that directory path value is present and it matches the S3 key prefix. Assert.isTrue( storageUnitEntity.getDirectoryPath() != null && storageUnitEntity.getDirectoryPath().startsWith(s3KeyPrefix), String.format( "Storage directory path \"%s\" registered with business object data {%s} " + "in \"%s\" storage does not match the expected S3 key prefix \"%s\".", storageUnitEntity.getDirectoryPath(), dmDaoHelper.businessObjectDataEntityAltKeyToString(businessObjectDataEntity), storageEntity.getName(), s3KeyPrefix)); // Add storage directory path the empty storage files list. // We add a trailing '/' character to the path, since it represents a directory. storageFilePaths.add(storageUnitEntity.getDirectoryPath() + "/"); } if (isPartitioned) { // Get partition information. For multiple level partitioning, auto-discover subpartitions (subdirectories) // not already included into the S3 key prefix. Each discovered partition requires a standalone "add partition" clause. // Get a list of subpartitions not already included into the S3 key prefix. int subPartitionValuesCount = dmHelper .getCollectionSize(businessObjectDataKey.getSubPartitionValues()); List<SchemaColumn> autoDiscoverableSubPartitionColumns = businessObjectFormat.getSchema() .getPartitions().subList(1 + subPartitionValuesCount, businessObjectFormat.getSchema().getPartitions().size()); for (HivePartitionDto hivePartition : getHivePartitions(businessObjectDataKey, autoDiscoverableSubPartitionColumns, s3KeyPrefix, storageFilePaths, businessObjectDataEntity, storageEntity.getName())) { sb.append( String.format("ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD %sPARTITION (", tableName, ifNotExistsOption)); // Specify all partition column values. List<String> partitionKeyValuePairs = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < businessObjectFormat.getSchema().getPartitions().size(); i++) { String partitionColumnName = businessObjectFormat.getSchema().getPartitions().get(i) .getName(); String partitionValue = hivePartition.getPartitionValues().get(i); partitionKeyValuePairs .add(String.format("`%s`='%s'", partitionColumnName, partitionValue)); } sb.append(StringUtils.join(partitionKeyValuePairs, ", ")); sb.append(String.format(") LOCATION 's3n://%s/%s%s';\n", s3BucketName, s3KeyPrefix, StringUtils.isNotBlank(hivePartition.getPath()) ? hivePartition.getPath() : "")); } } else // This is a non-partitioned table. { // Get location for this non-partitioned table. String tableLocation = String.format("s3n://%s/%s", s3BucketName, s3KeyPrefix); if (customDdlEntity == null) { // Since custom DDL was not specified and this table is not partitioned, add a LOCATION clause. // This is the last line in the non-partitioned table DDL. sb.append(String.format("LOCATION '%s';", tableLocation)); } else { // Since custom DDL was used for a non-partitioned table, substitute the relative custom DDL token with the actual table location. replacements.put(NON_PARTITIONED_TABLE_LOCATION_CUSTOM_DDL_TOKEN, tableLocation); } } } } } /** * Returns a map that maps business object data ids to their relative storage units. * * @param storageUnitEntities the list of storage unit entities * * @return the map of business object data ids to their relative storage units */ private Map<Integer, StorageUnitEntity> getBusinessObjectDataIdToStorageUnitMapping( List<StorageUnitEntity> storageUnitEntities) { Map<Integer, StorageUnitEntity> result = new HashMap<>(); for (StorageUnitEntity storageUnitEntity : storageUnitEntities) { result.put(storageUnitEntity.getBusinessObjectData().getId(), storageUnitEntity); } return result; } /** * Returns a map that maps business object data ids to their relative storage file paths. * * @param storageFileEntities the list of storage file entities * * @return the map of business object data ids to their relative storage file paths */ private Map<Integer, List<String>> getBusinessObjectDataIdToStorageFilePathsMapping( List<StorageFileEntity> storageFileEntities) { Map<Integer, List<String>> result = new HashMap<>(); for (StorageFileEntity storageFileEntity : storageFileEntities) { Integer businessObjectDataId = storageFileEntity.getStorageUnit().getBusinessObjectData().getId(); if (result.containsKey(businessObjectDataId)) { result.get(businessObjectDataId).add(storageFileEntity.getPath()); } else { List<String> businessObjectDataStorageFiles = new ArrayList<>(); businessObjectDataStorageFiles.add(storageFileEntity.getPath()); result.put(businessObjectDataId, businessObjectDataStorageFiles); } } return result; } /** * Gets a list of Hive partitions. For single level partitioning, no auto-discovery of sub-partitions (sub-directories) is needed - the business object data * will be represented by a single Hive partition instance. For multiple level partitioning, this method performs an auto-discovery of all sub-partitions * (sub-directories) and creates a Hive partition object instance for each partition. * * @param businessObjectDataKey the business object data key. * @param autoDiscoverableSubPartitionColumns the auto-discoverable sub-partition columns. * @param s3KeyPrefix the S3 key prefix. * @param storageFiles the storage files. * @param businessObjectDataEntity the business object data entity. * @param storageName the storage name. * * @return the list of Hive partitions */ public List<HivePartitionDto> getHivePartitions(BusinessObjectDataKey businessObjectDataKey, List<SchemaColumn> autoDiscoverableSubPartitionColumns, String s3KeyPrefix, List<String> storageFiles, BusinessObjectDataEntity businessObjectDataEntity, String storageName) { // We are using linked hash map to preserve the order of the discovered partitions. LinkedHashMap<List<String>, HivePartitionDto> linkedHashMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); Pattern pattern = getHivePathPattern(autoDiscoverableSubPartitionColumns); for (String storageFile : storageFiles) { // Remove S3 key prefix from the file path. Please note that the storage files are already validated to start with S3 key prefix. String relativeFilePath = storageFile.substring(s3KeyPrefix.length()); // Try to match the relative file path to the expected subpartition folders. Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(relativeFilePath); Assert.isTrue(matcher.matches(), String.format( "Registered storage file or directory does not match the expected Hive sub-directory pattern. " + "Storage: {%s}, file/directory: {%s}, business object data: {%s}, S3 key prefix: {%s}, pattern: {^%s$}", storageName, storageFile, dmDaoHelper.businessObjectDataEntityAltKeyToString(businessObjectDataEntity), s3KeyPrefix, pattern.pattern())); // Add the top level partition value. HivePartitionDto newHivePartition = new HivePartitionDto(); newHivePartition.getPartitionValues().add(businessObjectDataKey.getPartitionValue()); newHivePartition.getPartitionValues().addAll(businessObjectDataKey.getSubPartitionValues()); // Extract relative partition values. for (int i = 1; i <= matcher.groupCount(); i++) { newHivePartition.getPartitionValues().add(; } // Remove the trailing "/" plus an optional file name from the file path and store the result string as this partition relative path. newHivePartition.setPath(relativeFilePath.replaceAll("/[^/]*$", "")); // Check if we already have that partition discovered - that would happen if partition contains multiple data files. HivePartitionDto hivePartition = linkedHashMap.get(newHivePartition.getPartitionValues()); if (hivePartition != null) { // Partition is already discovered, so just validate that the relative file paths match. Assert.isTrue(hivePartition.getPath().equals(newHivePartition.getPath()), String.format( "Found two different locations for the same Hive partition. Storage: {%s}, business object data: {%s}, " + "S3 key prefix: {%s}, path[1]: {%s}, path[2]: {%s}", storageName, dmDaoHelper.businessObjectDataEntityAltKeyToString(businessObjectDataEntity), s3KeyPrefix, hivePartition.getPath(), newHivePartition.getPath())); } else { // Add this partition to the hash map of discovered partitions. linkedHashMap.put(newHivePartition.getPartitionValues(), newHivePartition); } } List<HivePartitionDto> hivePartitions = new ArrayList<>(); hivePartitions.addAll(linkedHashMap.values()); return hivePartitions; } /** * Gets a pattern to match Hive partition sub-directories. * * @param partitionColumns the list of partition columns * * @return the newly created pattern to match Hive partition sub-directories. */ public Pattern getHivePathPattern(List<SchemaColumn> partitionColumns) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(26); // For each partition column, add a regular expression to match "<COLUMN_NAME|COLUMN-NAME>=<VALUE>" sub-directory. for (SchemaColumn partitionColumn : partitionColumns) { String partitionColumnName = partitionColumn.getName(); // We are using a non-capturing group for the partition column names here - this is done by adding "?:" to the beginning of a capture group. sb.append("\\/(?:"); sb.append(Matcher.quoteReplacement(partitionColumnName)); // Please note that for subpartition folder, we do support partition column names having all underscores replaced with hyphens. sb.append('|'); sb.append(Matcher.quoteReplacement(partitionColumnName.replace("_", "-"))); sb.append(")=([^/]+)"); } // Add a regular expression for a trailing "/" and an optional file name. sb.append("\\/[^/]*"); // We do a case-insensitive match for partition column names. return Pattern.compile(sb.toString(), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); } /** * Returns the corresponding Hive data type per specified schema column entity. * * @param schemaColumn the schema column that we want to get the corresponding Hive data type for * @param businessObjectFormatEntity the business object format entity that schema column belongs to * * @return the Hive data type * @throws IllegalArgumentException if schema column data type is not supported */ private String getHiveDataType(SchemaColumn schemaColumn, BusinessObjectFormatEntity businessObjectFormatEntity) { String hiveDataType; if (schemaColumn.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("TINYINT") || schemaColumn.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("SMALLINT") || schemaColumn.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("INT") || schemaColumn.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("BIGINT") || schemaColumn.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("FLOAT") || schemaColumn.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("DOUBLE") || schemaColumn.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("TIMESTAMP") || schemaColumn.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("DATE") || schemaColumn.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("STRING") || schemaColumn.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("BOOLEAN") || schemaColumn.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("BINARY")) { hiveDataType = schemaColumn.getType().toUpperCase(); } else if (schemaColumn.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("DECIMAL") || schemaColumn.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("NUMBER")) { hiveDataType = StringUtils.isNotBlank(schemaColumn.getSize()) ? String.format("DECIMAL(%s)", schemaColumn.getSize()) : "DECIMAL"; } else if (schemaColumn.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("VARCHAR") || schemaColumn.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("CHAR")) { hiveDataType = String.format("%s(%s)", schemaColumn.getType().toUpperCase(), schemaColumn.getSize()); } else if (schemaColumn.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("VARCHAR2")) { hiveDataType = String.format("VARCHAR(%s)", schemaColumn.getSize()); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format( "Column \"%s\" has an unsupported data type \"%s\" in the schema for business object format {%s}.", schemaColumn.getName(), schemaColumn.getType(), dmDaoHelper.businessObjectFormatEntityAltKeyToString(businessObjectFormatEntity))); } return hiveDataType; } /** * Returns the corresponding Hive file format. * * @param businessObjectFormatEntity the business object format entity that schema column belongs to * * @return the Hive file format * @throws IllegalArgumentException if business object format file type is not supported */ private String getHiveFileFormat(BusinessObjectFormatEntity businessObjectFormatEntity) { String fileFormat = businessObjectFormatEntity.getFileType().getCode(); String hiveFileFormat; if (fileFormat.equalsIgnoreCase(FileTypeEntity.BZ_FILE_TYPE) || fileFormat.equalsIgnoreCase(FileTypeEntity.GZ_FILE_TYPE) || fileFormat.equalsIgnoreCase(FileTypeEntity.TXT_FILE_TYPE)) { hiveFileFormat = TEXT_HIVE_FILE_FORMAT; } else if (fileFormat.equalsIgnoreCase(FileTypeEntity.PARQUET_FILE_TYPE)) { hiveFileFormat = PARQUET_HIVE_FILE_FORMAT; } else if (fileFormat.equalsIgnoreCase(FileTypeEntity.ORC_FILE_TYPE)) { hiveFileFormat = ORC_HIVE_FILE_FORMAT; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format("Unsupported format file type for business object format {%s}.", dmDaoHelper.businessObjectFormatEntityAltKeyToString(businessObjectFormatEntity))); } return hiveFileFormat; } /** * Gets the DDL character value based on the specified configured character value. This method supports UTF-8 encoded strings and will "Hive" escape any * non-ASCII printable characters using '\(value)'. * * @param string the configured character value. * * @return the DDL character value. */ public String getDdlCharacterValue(String string) { return getDdlCharacterValue(string, false); } /** * Gets the DDL character value based on the specified configured character value. This method supports UTF-8 encoded strings and will "Hive" escape any * non-ASCII printable characters using '\(value)'. * * @param string the configured character value. * @param escapeSingleBackslash specifies if we need to escape a single backslash character with an extra backslash * * @return the DDL character value. */ public String getDdlCharacterValue(String string, boolean escapeSingleBackslash) { // Assume the empty string for the return value. StringBuilder returnValueStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); // If we have an actual character, set the return value based on our rules. if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(string)) { // Convert the string to UTF-8 so we can the proper characters that were sent via XML. String utf8String = new String(string.getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8), Charsets.UTF_8); // Loop through each character and add each one to the return value. for (int i = 0; i < utf8String.length(); i++) { // Default to the character itself. Character character = string.charAt(i); String nextValue = character.toString(); // If the character isn't ASCII printable, then "Hive" escape it. if (!CharUtils.isAsciiPrintable(character)) { // If the character is unprintable, then display it as the ASCII octal value in \000 format. nextValue = String.format("\\%03o", (int) character); } // Add this character to the return value. returnValueStringBuilder.append(nextValue); } // Check if we need to escape a single backslash character with an extra backslash. if (escapeSingleBackslash && returnValueStringBuilder.toString().equals("\\")) { returnValueStringBuilder.append('\\'); } } // Return the value. return returnValueStringBuilder.toString(); } /** * Escapes single quote characters, if not already escaped, with an extra backslash. * * @param string the input text * * @return the output text with all single quote characters escaped by an extra backslash */ public String escapeSingleQuotes(String string) { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(?<!\\\\)(')"); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(string); StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(); while (matcher.find()) { matcher.appendReplacement(stringBuffer,"'", "\\\\'")); } matcher.appendTail(stringBuffer); return stringBuffer.toString(); } }