Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2003-2012 Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.fhcrc.cpl.toolbox.proteomics.feature; import org.apache.commons.lang.math.IntRange; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.fhcrc.cpl.toolbox.proteomics.feature.extraInfo.FeatureExtraInformationDef; import org.fhcrc.cpl.toolbox.proteomics.MSRun; import org.fhcrc.cpl.toolbox.datastructure.FloatRange; import org.fhcrc.cpl.toolbox.proteomics.ModifiedAminoAcid; import java.util.*; public class Feature extends Spectrum.Peak implements Cloneable { static Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(Feature.class); public float time = 0; public float mass = 0; public int charge = 0; protected boolean accurateMZ = false; // do I consider this highly accurate (e.g. from centroided input data) // Measures filled in by ScoreFeature() public float kl = -1.0F; public float dist = -1.0F; public int peaks = 1; public boolean skippedPeaks = false; public int chargeStates = 1; protected String description; public int scanFirst; public int scanLast; public float totalIntensity = 0F; public int scanCount = -1; public static float MZ_RANGE = .04f; // internal, used by ScoreFeature and ExtractPeptideFeatures public float mzPeak0; public Spectrum.Peak[] comprised; public Feature next; // alternate features (for algorihtm development) // one-dimensional window around each feature in m/z space // public String mzWindow = null; public int intensityLeadingPeaks; public int intensityTrailingPeaks; public float[] intensityWindow; //Map of name->object properties for use in situations where you need to store //information about a feature that doesn't _always_ need to be stored about a //feature. Initialized to null protected Map<String, Object> _propertyMap = null; //Aminoacid modifications, usually loaded from pepxml. //This remains null unless there are actually modifications. If there are, //then all elements are null except the actual modifications. Index+1 = position of mod protected ModifiedAminoAcid[] mModifiedAminoAcids = null; public Feature() { } public Feature(Spectrum.Peak p) { this.scan = p.scan; this.scanFirst = p.scan; this.scanLast = p.scan; this.scanCount = 1; =; this.intensity = p.intensity; this.totalIntensity = p.intensity; this.kl = 0; //Should this be the default???? this.median = p.median; this.background = p.background; } public Feature(Feature feature) { this.setTime(feature.getTime()); this.scan = feature.scan; =; this.intensity = feature.intensity; this.charge = feature.charge; this.kl = feature.kl; this.dist = feature.dist; this.background = feature.background; this.median = feature.median; this.peaks = feature.peaks; this.skippedPeaks = feature.skippedPeaks; this.description = feature.description; this.chargeStates = feature.chargeStates; this.totalIntensity = feature.totalIntensity; this.scanFirst = feature.scanFirst; this.scanLast = feature.scanLast; this.scanCount = feature.scanCount; this.accurateMZ = feature.accurateMZ; this.mass = feature.mass; //dhmay adding 20100412 //Medium-depth copy: Keeps the existing comprised peak objects, but creates a new array to hold them if (feature.comprised != null) { comprised = new Spectrum.Peak[feature.comprised.length]; System.arraycopy(feature.comprised, 0, comprised, 0, feature.comprised.length); } //pull all extra data from the other feature for (String propertyName : feature.getPropertyMap().keySet()) { setProperty(propertyName, feature.getPropertyMap().get(propertyName)); } } public Feature(int scan, float mz, float intensity) { this.scan = scan; = mz; this.intensity = intensity; this.totalIntensity = intensity; } public Feature(int scan, int scanFirst, int scanLast, float mz, float intensity, int charge, float kl, float totalIntensity) { this.scan = scan; = mz; this.intensity = intensity; this.charge = charge; this.kl = kl; this.scanFirst = scanFirst; this.scanLast = scanLast; this.totalIntensity = totalIntensity; //NOTE: This isn't really scan count if scanFirst/Last are not sequential this.setScanCount(scanLast - scanFirst + 1); updateMass(); } /** * Query the properties set on this Feature to determine what extra * info types it has. This isn't just a getter, it takes a small * amount of time * @return */ public FeatureExtraInformationDef[] determineExtraInformationTypes() { Set<FeatureExtraInformationDef> extraInfoSet = new HashSet<FeatureExtraInformationDef>(); for (String propertyName : getPropertyMap().keySet()) { FeatureExtraInformationDef extraInfoDef = FeatureExtraInformationDef.getInfoTypeForColumn(propertyName); if (extraInfoDef != null) extraInfoSet.add(extraInfoDef); } return extraInfoSet.toArray(new FeatureExtraInformationDef[0]); } public void afterPopulate() { if (charge > 0) { if (mass == 0 && mz > 0) updateMass(); else if (mz == 0 && mass > 0) updateMz(); } } /** * Make the mass agree with the m/z. * * Note: this method USED to subtract out the mass of the light label, for isotopically * labeled peptides. That no longer is the case. * * dhmay updating 7/29/2008 to handle negatively charged ions */ public void updateMass() { mass = convertMzToMass(mz, charge); } public static float convertMzToMass(float mz, int charge) { if (charge > 0) { float m = (mz - Spectrum.HYDROGEN_ION_MASS) * charge; m = Math.max(0.0F, m); return m; } else if (charge == 0) { return 0; } else //charge < 0, no proton mass to account for { //dhmay changing the way negative ion mass is calculated. Assuming M-H ions float m = (mz + Spectrum.HYDROGEN_ION_MASS) * -charge; // float m = mz * -charge; m = Math.max(0.0F, m); return m; } } /** * Make the m/z agree with the mass. * * Note: this method USED to subtract out the mass of the light label, for isotopically * labeled peptides. That no longer is the case. * * dhmay updating 7/29/2008 to handle negatively charged ions */ public void updateMz() { mz = convertMassToMz(mass, charge); } public static float convertMassToMz(float mass, int charge) { if (charge > 0) { float m = (mass / charge) + Spectrum.HYDROGEN_ION_MASS; m = Math.max(0.0F, m); return m; } else if (charge == 0) { return 0; } else //charge < 0, no proton mass to account for { float m = (mass / -charge); m = Math.max(0.0F, m); return m; } } public boolean isFeatureInRange(Feature feature) { return isFeatureInRange(feature, 3, MZ_RANGE); } public boolean isFeatureInRange(Feature feature, int maxScanGap, float mzGap) { return feature.charge == charge && feature.getScanLast() >= getScanFirst() - maxScanGap && feature.getScanFirst() <= getScanLast() + maxScanGap && Math.abs( - <= mzGap; } public void addFeatureToRange(Feature feature) { this.setTotalIntensity(this.getTotalIntensity() + feature.getTotalIntensity()); this.setScanCount(this.getScanCount() + feature.getScanCount()); if (feature.intensity > this.intensity) { this.kl = feature.kl; this.intensity = feature.intensity; =; this.mass = feature.mass; this.scan = feature.scan; this.time = feature.time; this.dist = feature.dist; } if (feature.getScanFirst() < getScanFirst()) setScanFirst(feature.getScanFirst()); if (feature.getScanLast() > getScanLast()) setScanLast(feature.getScanLast()); } private final static String BASE_FEATURE_HEADER = "scan\ttime\tmz\taccurateMZ\tmass\tintensity\tcharge\tchargeStates\tkl\tbackground\tmedian\tpeaks\tscanFirst\tscanLast\tscanCount\ttotalIntensity\tsumSquaresDist"; private final static String DESCRIPTION_FEATURE_HEADER = "\tdescription"; public static String getFeatureHeader(FeatureExtraInformationDef[] extraInfoToDisplay) { StringBuffer resultBuf = new StringBuffer(BASE_FEATURE_HEADER); if (extraInfoToDisplay != null && extraInfoToDisplay.length > 0) { for (FeatureExtraInformationDef extraInfo : extraInfoToDisplay) { for (String columnName : extraInfo.getColumnNames()) resultBuf.append("\t" + columnName); } } //description comes last. This is for historical reasons... actually it probably //makes more sense to put the extra fields last, now, but that would be a change //to the format, and there may be scripts out there that depend on the ordering resultBuf.append(DESCRIPTION_FEATURE_HEADER); return resultBuf.toString(); } /** * no-arg toString() doesn't display any extra data * @return */ public String toString() { return toString(null); } /** * In addition to basic fields, displays the extra info it's told to * @param extraInfoToDisplay * @return */ public String toString(FeatureExtraInformationDef[] extraInfoToDisplay) { String txt = null; if (null != getDescription()) { txt = getDescription().replaceAll("[\n\r]+", "\\\\"); txt = getDescription().replace('"', '\''); } StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer(); out.append(scan + "\t" + getTime() + "\t" + mz + "\t" + (isAccurateMZ() ? "true" : "false") + "\t" + mass); out.append("\t" + intensity + "\t" + charge + "\t" + chargeStates); out.append("\t" + kl + "\t" + background + "\t" + getMedian() + "\t" + getPeaks()); out.append( "\t" + getScanFirst() + "\t" + getScanLast() + "\t" + getScanCount() + "\t" + getTotalIntensity()); out.append("\t" + getSumSquaresDist()); if (extraInfoToDisplay != null) { for (FeatureExtraInformationDef extraInfo : extraInfoToDisplay) { for (String propertyName : extraInfo.getColumnNames()) { String propertyValue = extraInfo.convertToString(propertyName, getProperty(propertyName)); if (propertyValue == null) propertyValue = ""; out.append("\t" + propertyValue); } } } //description out.append("\t" + (null == txt ? "" : "\"" + txt + "\"")); return out.toString(); } public Object clone() { return new Feature(this); } public int getScanCount() { if (scanCount == -1) return scanFirst - scanLast + 1; return scanCount; } public void setScanCount(int scanCount) { this.scanCount = scanCount; } public int getScanFirst() { return scanFirst; } public void setScanFirst(int scanFirst) { this.scanFirst = scanFirst; } public int getScanLast() { return scanLast; } public void setScanLast(int scanLast) { this.scanLast = scanLast; } public float getTotalIntensity() { return totalIntensity; } public void setTotalIntensity(float totalIntensity) { this.totalIntensity = totalIntensity; } /** * Needs to be defined when redefining equals. Seems likely to be unique... * * There are definitely pieces of code that depend on this method NOT hashing * features with the same scan, mz and intensity but different charge/KL to the same * value (FeatureStrategyPeakClusters). * * There may or may not be code out there that depends on this method hashing things * that agree on all these values, but have other values that are different, hashing * to the same value. * * TODO: make this agree with equals() */ public int hashCode() { return scan ^ Float.floatToIntBits(mz) ^ (Float.floatToIntBits(intensity) << charge) ^ Float.floatToIntBits(kl); } /** * This equals() implementation is based only on the _known_ fields of Feature. * * So if two fields agree in all those fields but disagree in their extra info, * they will be considered equal. * @param o * @return */ public boolean equals(Object o) { if (null == o || !(o instanceof Feature)) return false; Feature feature = (Feature) o; return this.scan == feature.scan && == && this.intensity == feature.intensity && this.charge == feature.charge && this.kl == feature.kl && this.dist == feature.dist && this.background == feature.background && this.median == feature.median && this.peaks == feature.peaks && this.skippedPeaks == feature.skippedPeaks && this.description == feature.description && this.chargeStates == feature.chargeStates && this.totalIntensity == feature.totalIntensity && this.scanFirst == feature.scanFirst && this.scanLast == feature.scanLast && this.scanCount == feature.scanCount && this.accurateMZ == feature.accurateMZ && this.mass == feature.mass; } //getters and setters for regular fields public void setMz(float mz) { = mz; } public float getMass() { return mass; } public void setMass(float mass) { // we need setMass as well as setMZ, for when we might load externally generated feature files this.mass = mass; } public int getCharge() { return charge; } public void setCharge(int charge) { this.charge = charge; } public float getKl() { return kl; } public void setKl(float kl) { this.kl = kl; } public int getPeaks() { return peaks; } public void setPeaks(int peaks) { this.peaks = peaks; } public String getDescription() { return description; } public void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; } public int getChargeStates() { return chargeStates; } public void setChargeStates(int chargeStates) { this.chargeStates = chargeStates; } public float getTime() { return time; } public void setTime(float time) { this.time = time; } public float getSumSquaresDist() { return dist; } public void setSumSquaresDist(float dist) { this.dist = dist; } public boolean ContainsPeak(Spectrum.Peak p) { Spectrum.Peak[] peaks = comprised; if (null == peaks) return false; for (int i = 0; i < peaks.length; i++) { Spectrum.Peak peak = peaks[i]; if (peak == p) return true; } return false; } public boolean isAccurateMZ() { return accurateMZ; } public void setAccurateMZ(boolean accurateMZ) { this.accurateMZ = accurateMZ; } /** * Compare features based on "quality". * "Quality" is currently defined as the number of peaks, with KL scores * breaking ties */ public static class PeaksKLComparatorDesc implements Comparator<Feature> { protected static PeaksKLComparatorDesc singletonInstance = null; public static PeaksKLComparatorDesc getSingletonInstance() { if (singletonInstance == null) singletonInstance = new PeaksKLComparatorDesc(); return singletonInstance; } public int compare(Feature o1, Feature o2) { int comp = (o1.getPeaks() == o2.getPeaks() ? 0 : o1.getPeaks() < o2.getPeaks() ? 1 : -1); if (comp != 0) return comp; comp = (o1.getKl() == o2.getKl() ? 0 : o1.getKl() < o2.getKl() ? 1 : -1); if (comp != 0) return comp; //if peaks and KL equals, return the "first one better" to break ties return -1; } } public static class IntensityDescComparator implements Comparator<Feature> { public int compare(Feature o1, Feature o2) { return _compareDesc(o1.intensity, o2.intensity); } } public static class MassAscComparator implements Comparator<Feature> { public int compare(Feature o1, Feature o2) { if (o1.mass == o2.mass) return 0; return _compareAsc(o1.mass, o2.mass); } } public static class MzDistAscComparator implements Comparator<Feature> { public int compare(Feature o1, Feature o2) { if ( == return _compareAsc(o1.kl, o2.kl); return _compareAsc(,; } } public static class MzAscComparator implements Comparator<Feature> { public int compare(Feature o1, Feature o2) { if ( == return 0; return _compareAsc(,; } } public static class MzScanAscComparator implements Comparator<Feature> { public int compare(Feature o1, Feature o2) { float mzDiff = -; if (0 == mzDiff) return _compareAsc(o1.scan, o2.scan); return mzDiff > 0 ? 1 : -1; } } public static class ScanAscComparator implements Comparator<Feature> { public int compare(Feature o1, Feature o2) { return _compareAsc(o1.scan, o2.scan); } } /** * This one is useful for associating equivalent features in multiple files with each other, * through equivalent ordering */ public static class ScanChargeMzAscComparator implements Comparator<Feature> { public int compare(Feature o1, Feature o2) { float scanDiff = o1.scan - o2.scan; if (0 == scanDiff) { float chargeDiff = o1.charge - o2.charge; if (0 == chargeDiff) return _compareAsc(,; return chargeDiff > 0 ? 1 : -1; } return scanDiff > 0 ? 1 : -1; } } static int _compareAsc(float a, float b) { return a == b ? 0 : a < b ? -1 : 1; } static int _compareDesc(float a, float b) { return a == b ? 0 : a < b ? 1 : -1; } /** * A helper method to get a FloatRange of a certain size around a point * * @param mz * @param mzWindow * @return a range of size mzWindow*2 around mz */ protected static FloatRange getMZRange(float mz, int mzWindow) { return new FloatRange(mz - mzWindow, mz + mzWindow); } /** * dhmay adding 01/05/2006 * Start with an array of scans "MSScan[] scans", * "_mzRange" set to a FloatRange indicating the * range of mz values to consider, and * a float "mz" set to the particular monoistopic mz * of the feature under consideration. * * @param run * @param mzWindowSize * @param scanRange * @param resamplingFrequency * @return calculated intensity */ public float calculateFeatureIntensityInRange(MSRun run, int mzWindowSize, IntRange scanRange, int resamplingFrequency) { //if there are no scans in the range, there's no intensity if (scanRange == null) return 0; // This checks to see if the data have been "centroided". To save space and // make some downstream processing easier. boolean centroided = run.getHeaderInfo().getDataProcessing().getCentroided() == 1; int numScans = scanRange.getMaximumInteger() - scanRange.getMinimumInteger() + 1; MSRun.MSScan[] scans = run.getPartialScanArray(scanRange.getMinimumInteger(), scanRange.getMaximumInteger()); assert (scans.length == numScans); float[][] spectra = new float[numScans][]; FloatRange mzRange = getMZRange(mz, mzWindowSize); for (int i = 0; i < numScans; i++) { if (scans[i] == null) spectra[i] = new float[0]; else { float[][] raw = scans[i].getSpectrum(); // If the data has been centroided, we might try to make it a little easier // to resample and process. // However, cleanSpectrum takes an ENORMOUS amount of time (more than everything else combined) // AND it seems to throw things way off. I do not like it, no sir. // if (centroided) // raw = FeatureStrategyCentroided.cleanSpectrum(raw); spectra[i] = Spectrum.Resample(raw, mzRange, resamplingFrequency); } } // Spectrum.RemoveBackground() removes the "background" noise from spectra as a side-effect // Note: RemoveBackground requires that every entry in spectra be not null; float[][] background = Spectrum.RemoveBackground(spectra); // Convert mz to an index into our resample spectra array int imz = Math.round((mz - mzRange.min) * resamplingFrequency); // total intensity calculation // "integrate" intensity over time float totalIn = 0; for (int s = 0; s < spectra.length; s++) { //Note: this case is for missing or bad scans. Not likely. if (spectra[s] == null || spectra[s].length < imz + 1) { continue; } double in = spectra[s][imz]; double time = 1.0; //Note: for first and last scans, time=1, since no scans on either side if (s > 0 && s + 1 < numScans && scans[s - 1] != null && scans[s + 1] != null) time = (scans[s + 1].getDoubleRetentionTime() - scans[s - 1].getDoubleRetentionTime()) / 2; totalIn += time * in; } return totalIn; } /** * Helper method to find the overlap between the scan ranges of two features * * @param feature1 * @param feature2 * @return the overlap between the scan ranges of the two features. If no overlap, * returns null */ public static IntRange findOverlappingScanRange(Feature feature1, Feature feature2) { int commonStartScan = Math.max(feature1.getScanFirst(), feature2.getScanFirst()); int commonEndScan = Math.min(feature1.getScanLast(), feature2.getScanLast()); if (commonEndScan < commonStartScan) return null; return new IntRange(commonStartScan, commonEndScan); } /** * Check to see if a given property is on the allowed list * This is no longer used -- allowing any property to be set * * @param propertyName * @return */ /* protected boolean isAllowedProperty(String propertyName) { for (int i = 0; i < _allowedProperties.length; i++) { if (_allowedProperties[i].equals(propertyName)) return true; } return false; } */ public boolean hasProperty(String propertyName) { return getPropertyMap().containsKey(propertyName); } public Map<String, Object> getPropertyMap() { //initialize the property map if it's not already created if (_propertyMap == null) _propertyMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); return _propertyMap; } /** * Set a property of this feature, initializing the property map if necessary. * If the value is of type String, * * @param propertyName * @param propertyValue */ public void setProperty(String propertyName, Object propertyValue) { getPropertyMap().put(propertyName, propertyValue); } /** * Unset a property and return the old value if there was one * * @param propertyName */ public Object unsetProperty(String propertyName) { Object oldValue = getProperty(propertyName); getPropertyMap().remove(propertyName); return oldValue; } /** * Indicates whether a given property is set for this feature * @param propertyName * @return */ public boolean isPropertySet(String propertyName) { return getPropertyMap().containsKey(propertyName); } /** * Get a property of this feature. If not set, return null * * @param propertyName * @return */ public Object getProperty(String propertyName) { return getProperty(propertyName, null); } public Object get(Object propertyName) { return getProperty((String) propertyName); } /** * Get a property of this feature. If not set, return defaultValue * * @param propertyName * @return */ public Object getProperty(String propertyName, Object defaultValue) { if (_propertyMap == null) return defaultValue; Object result = _propertyMap.get(propertyName); if (result == null) result = defaultValue; return result; } public int getIntProperty(String propertyName, int defaultValue) { return (Integer) getProperty(propertyName, defaultValue); } public double getDoubleProperty(String propertyName, double defaultValue) { Object propertyVal = getProperty(propertyName, defaultValue); if (propertyVal != null && propertyVal instanceof Float) propertyVal = ((Float) propertyVal).doubleValue(); return (Double) propertyVal; } public float getFloatProperty(String propertyName, float defaultValue) { Object propertyVal = getProperty(propertyName, defaultValue); if (propertyVal != null && propertyVal instanceof Double) propertyVal = ((Double) propertyVal).floatValue(); return (Float) propertyVal; } public String getStringProperty(String propertyName, String defaultValue) { return (String) getProperty(propertyName, defaultValue); } }