Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Fire History Analysis and Exploration System (FHAES), Copyright (C) 2015
 * Contributors: Aaron Decker, Michael Ababio, Zachariah Ferree, Matthew Willie, Peter Brewer
 *       This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
 *       the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version
 *       3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *       This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
 *       without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 *       See the GNU General Public License for more details.
 *       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program.
 *       If not, see <>.
package org.fhaes.neofhchart.svg;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Scanner;

import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys;
import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;

import org.apache.batik.bridge.BridgeException;
import org.apache.batik.dom.svg.SVGDOMImplementation;
import org.apache.batik.dom.svg.SVGLocatableSupport;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.fhaes.enums.AnnoteMode;
import org.fhaes.enums.EventTypeToProcess;
import org.fhaes.enums.FeedbackDisplayProtocol;
import org.fhaes.enums.FeedbackMessageType;
import org.fhaes.enums.FireFilterType;
import org.fhaes.enums.LabelOrientation;
import org.fhaes.enums.SampleDepthFilterType;
import org.fhaes.fhfilereader.AbstractFireHistoryReader;
import org.fhaes.fhfilereader.FHFile;
import org.fhaes.gui.MainWindow;
import org.fhaes.model.FHCategoryEntry;
import org.fhaes.model.FHSeries;
import org.fhaes.neofhchart.ChartActions.SeriesSortType;
import org.fhaes.neofhchart.FHSeriesSVG;
import org.fhaes.preferences.App;
import org.fhaes.preferences.FHAESPreferences.PrefKey;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.w3c.dom.DOMImplementation;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.w3c.dom.Text;
import org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGRect;

 * FireChartSVG Class. Graphs a fire history chart as an SVG using FHUtil's AbstractFireHistoryReader.
 * @author Aaron Decker, Michael Ababio, Zachariah Ferree, Matthew Willie, Peter Brewer
public class FireChartSVG {

    // Declare logger
    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FireChartSVG.class);

    // Declare DOMImplementation (this is the Document Object Model API which is used for creating SVG documents)
    private DOMImplementation impl = SVGDOMImplementation.getDOMImplementation();

    // Declare SVG document namespace (this is what tells the API that we are creating an SVG document)
    private String svgNS = SVGDOMImplementation.SVG_NAMESPACE_URI;

    // Declare SVG document instance (this is the actual SVG document)
    private Document doc = impl.createDocument(svgNS, "svg", null);

    // Declare protected constants
    protected static final int SERIES_HEIGHT = 10;

    // Declare local constants
    private static final int CATEGORY_PADDING_AMOUNT = 40;

    // Declare local variables
    private AbstractFireHistoryReader reader;
    private int chartXOffset = 50;
    private int chartWidth = 1000;
    private int categoryGroupPadding = 0;
    private int widestChronologyLabelSize = 0;
    private boolean showFires = true;
    private boolean showInjuries = true;
    private boolean showPith = true;
    private boolean showBark = true;
    private boolean showInnerRing = true;
    private boolean showOuterRing = true;
    public boolean traditionalData = false;
    private AnnoteMode annotemode = AnnoteMode.NONE;
    private SeriesSortType lastTypeSortedBy = SeriesSortType.NAME;
    private ArrayList<FHSeriesSVG> seriesSVGList = new ArrayList<FHSeriesSVG>();

    // Declare builder objects
    private final CompositePlotElementBuilder compositePlotEB;
    private final LegendElementBuilder legendEB;
    private final PercentScarredPlotElementBuilder percentScarredPlotEB;
    private final SampleRecorderPlotElementBuilder sampleRecorderPlotEB;
    private final SeriesElementBuilder seriesEB;
    private final TimeAxisElementBuilder timeAxisEB;

    // Java <-> ECMAScript interop used for message passing with ECMAScript. Note not thread-safe
    private static int chartCounter = 0;
    private static int lineGensym = 0; // only used in drawRect -- I just need a unique id
    private static Map<Integer, FireChartSVG> chart_map;
    private int totalHeight = 0;
    private int chartNum;

     * The constructor builds the DOM of the SVG.
     * @param f
    public FireChartSVG(AbstractFireHistoryReader f) {

        // Initialize the builder objects
        compositePlotEB = new CompositePlotElementBuilder(this);
        legendEB = new LegendElementBuilder(this);
        percentScarredPlotEB = new PercentScarredPlotElementBuilder(this);
        sampleRecorderPlotEB = new SampleRecorderPlotElementBuilder(this);
        seriesEB = new SeriesElementBuilder(this);
        timeAxisEB = new TimeAxisElementBuilder(this);

        // Assign number for message passing from ECMAscript
        chartNum = chartCounter;

        if (chart_map == null) {
            chart_map = new HashMap<Integer, FireChartSVG>();
        chart_map.put(chartNum, this);

        reader = f;
        ArrayList<FHSeriesSVG> seriesToAdd = FireChartUtil.seriesListToSeriesSVGList(f.getSeriesList());

        if (!seriesSVGList.isEmpty()) {
        for (int i = 0; i < seriesToAdd.size(); i++) {
            try {
                FHSeries currentSeries = seriesToAdd.get(i);

                // Add the default category entry if the current series has no defined entries (this is necessary for category groupings)
                if (currentSeries.getCategoryEntries().isEmpty()) {
                            .add(new FHCategoryEntry(currentSeries.getTitle(), "default", "default"));

                seriesSVGList.add(new FHSeriesSVG(seriesToAdd.get(i), i));
            } catch (Exception e) {

        Element svgRoot = doc.getDocumentElement();

        // Set up the scripts for Java / ECMAScript interop
        Element script = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "script");
        script.setAttributeNS(null, "type", "text/ecmascript");

        try {
            // File script_file = new File("./script.js");

            ClassLoader cl = org.fhaes.neofhchart.svg.FireChartSVG.class.getClassLoader();
            Scanner scanner = new Scanner(cl.getResourceAsStream("script.js"));

            String script_string = "";
            while (scanner.hasNextLine()) {
                script_string += scanner.nextLine();
            script_string += ("var chart_num = " + chartNum + ";");
            Text script_text = doc.createTextNode(script_string);
        } catch (Exception e) {

        // The padding_grouper is used to add in some padding around the chart as a whole
        Element padding_grouper = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
        padding_grouper.setAttributeNS(null, "id", "padding_g");
        padding_grouper.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", "translate (" + chartXOffset + ",20)");

        // Build grouper to hold annotation elements
        Element annote_g = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
        annote_g.setAttributeNS(null, "id", "annote_g");

        // Build chart title
        Element chart_title_g = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
        chart_title_g.setAttributeNS(null, "id", "chart_title_g");

        // Build the time axis
        Element time_axis_g = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
        time_axis_g.setAttributeNS(null, "id", "time_axis_g");

        // Build index plot
        Element index_plot_g = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
        index_plot_g.setAttributeNS(null, "id", "index_plot_g");

        // Build chronology plot
        Element chrono_plot_g = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
        chrono_plot_g.setAttributeNS(null, "id", "chrono_plot_g");

        // Build composite plot
        Element comp_plot_g = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
        comp_plot_g.setAttributeNS(null, "id", "comp_plot_g");

        // Build legend
        Element legend_g = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
        legend_g.setAttributeNS(null, "id", "legend_g");

        // Finish up the initialization

     * Gets the SVG document instance for this chart.
     * @return
    public Document getSVGDocument() {

        return doc;

     * Gets the abstract fire history reader for this chart.
     * @return
    public AbstractFireHistoryReader getReader() {

        return reader;

     * Get the name of the file being read.
     * @return
    public String getName() {

        return reader.getName();

     * Gets the chart number for use in the ECMAscript.
     * @return
    public int getChartNum() {

        return chartNum;

     * Get the FireChartSVG with the specified ID.
     * @param id
     * @return
    public static FireChartSVG getChart(Integer id) {

        return chart_map.get(id);

     * This function returns the up-to-date list of series.
     * @return the current list of series
    public ArrayList<FHSeriesSVG> getCurrentSeriesList() {

        return seriesSVGList;

     * Save the current SVG to the specified file.
     * @param f
    public void saveSVGToDisk(File f) {

        if (!f.getAbsolutePath().toLowerCase().endsWith("svg")) {
            f = new File(f.getAbsolutePath() + ".svg");

        try {
            if (!f.exists()) {

            FileOutputStream fstream = new FileOutputStream(f);
            printDocument(doc, fstream);

                    FeedbackDisplayProtocol.AUTO_HIDE, FeedbackDictionary.NEOFHCHART_SVG_EXPORT_MESSAGE.toString());
        } catch (Exception e) {

     * Helper function that deletes all child tags of the specified element.
     * @param e
    private void deleteAllChildren(Element e) {

        if (e != null) {
            NodeList n = e.getChildNodes();
            for (int i = 0; i < n.getLength(); i++) {

     * Get the first year in the chart. Will be the first year in the file, or the year specified by the user if different.
     * @return
    public int getFirstChartYear() {

        if (App.prefs.getBooleanPref(PrefKey.CHART_AXIS_X_AUTO_RANGE, true)) {
            return applyBCYearOffset(reader.getFirstYear());
        } else {
            return applyBCYearOffset(App.prefs.getIntPref(PrefKey.CHART_AXIS_X_MIN, reader.getFirstYear()));

     * Get the last year in the chart. Will be the last year in the file, or the year specified by the user if different.
     * @return
    public int getLastChartYear() {

        if (App.prefs.getBooleanPref(PrefKey.CHART_AXIS_X_AUTO_RANGE, true)) {
            return applyBCYearOffset(reader.getLastYear());
        } else {
            return applyBCYearOffset(App.prefs.getIntPref(PrefKey.CHART_AXIS_X_MAX, reader.getLastYear()));

     * Returns the magnitude of the year if it is negative, otherwise returns an offset of one. This is effectively the offset which the
     * chart must apply while rendering series in order to maintain compatibility with BC years.
     * @param year
     * @return
    private int applyBCYearOffset(int originalYear) {

        int effectiveFirstYear = getEffectiveFirstYear();

        // Apply the offset transformation
        if (effectiveFirstYear < 0 && originalYear < 0) {
            return originalYear + Math.abs(effectiveFirstYear);
        } else if (effectiveFirstYear < 0 && originalYear >= 0) {
            return originalYear + Math.abs(effectiveFirstYear) + 1;
        } else {
            return originalYear;

     * Performs the inverse operation of applyBCYearOffset.
     * @param year
     * @return
    private int removeBCYearOffset(int offsetYear) {

        int effectiveFirstYear = getEffectiveFirstYear();

        // Remove the offset transformation
        if (effectiveFirstYear < 0 && offsetYear - Math.abs(effectiveFirstYear) < 0) {
            return offsetYear - Math.abs(effectiveFirstYear);
        } else if (effectiveFirstYear < 0 && offsetYear - Math.abs(effectiveFirstYear) >= 0) {
            return offsetYear - Math.abs(effectiveFirstYear) - 1;
        } else {
            return offsetYear;

     * Determines what year to use as the effective first year when applying or removing the BC offset.
     * @return the effective first year
    private int getEffectiveFirstYear() {

        // Determine what to reference as the first year during the transformation
        if (App.prefs.getBooleanPref(PrefKey.CHART_AXIS_X_AUTO_RANGE, true)) {
            return reader.getFirstYear();
        } else {
            return App.prefs.getIntPref(PrefKey.CHART_AXIS_X_MIN, reader.getFirstYear());

     * Gets the base width of this chart.
     * @return chartWidth
    public int getChartWidth() {

        return chartWidth;

     * Gets the total width of this chart.
     * @return the chartWidth plus the padding due to chronology label size
    public int getTotalWidth() {

        return chartWidth + this.widestChronologyLabelSize + 300;

     * Gets the total height of this chart.
     * @return totalHeight
    public int getTotalHeight() {

        return totalHeight;

     * This method swaps the selected series with the series above it.
     * @param series_name: Name of the series to move up
    public void moveSeriesUp(String series_name) {

        int i = 0;

        for (i = 0; i < seriesSVGList.size() && !seriesSVGList.get(i).getTitle().equals(series_name); i++) {
            ; // loop until the index of the desired series is found

        if (i > 0) {
            do {
                FHSeriesSVG series = seriesSVGList.get(i);
                seriesSVGList.set(i, seriesSVGList.get(i - 1));

                try {
                    seriesSVGList.set(i - 1, new FHSeriesSVG(series, series.getSequenceInFile()));
                } catch (Exception e) {

            } while (i > 0 && !seriesSVGList.get(i + 1).isVisible());

     * This method swaps the selected series with the series below it.
     * @param series_name: Name of the series to move down
    public void moveSeriesDown(String series_name) {

        int i = 0;

        for (i = 0; i < seriesSVGList.size() && !seriesSVGList.get(i).getTitle().equals(series_name); i++) {
            ; // loop until the index of the desired series is found

        if (i < seriesSVGList.size() - 1) {
            do {
                FHSeriesSVG series = seriesSVGList.get(i);
                seriesSVGList.set(i, seriesSVGList.get(i + 1));

                try {
                    seriesSVGList.set(i + 1, new FHSeriesSVG(series, series.getSequenceInFile()));
                } catch (Exception e) {

            } while (i < seriesSVGList.size() - 1 && !seriesSVGList.get(i - 1).isVisible());

     * Handles the positioning of the series lines on the chart.
    private void positionSeriesLines() {

        int series_spacing_and_height = App.prefs.getIntPref(PrefKey.CHART_CHRONOLOGY_PLOT_SPACING, 5)
                + SERIES_HEIGHT;
        int hidden = 0;

        // Reset the amount of padding necessary for category groupings
        categoryGroupPadding = 0;

        // Define a string for keeping track of the category groups
        ArrayList<String> categoryGroupsProcessed = new ArrayList<String>();

        for (int i = 0; i < seriesSVGList.size(); i++) {
            FHSeries seriesSVG = seriesSVGList.get(i);
            Element series_group = doc.getElementById("series_group_" + seriesSVG.getTitle());
            String visibility_string = seriesSVGList.get(i).isVisible() ? "inline" : "none";

            if (seriesSVGList.get(i).isVisible()) {
                // Inject the category group spacing and label text as different category groups are positioned
                if (lastTypeSortedBy == SeriesSortType.CATEGORY
                        && App.prefs.getBooleanPref(PrefKey.CHART_SHOW_CATEGORY_GROUPS, true)) {
                    String currentCategoryGroup = seriesSVG.getCategoryEntries().get(0).getContent();

                    if (!categoryGroupsProcessed.contains(currentCategoryGroup)) {
                        // Keep track of which category groups have already been processed

                        Element label_text_g = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
                        label_text_g.setAttributeNS(null, "transform",
                                "translate(0," + Integer.toString(-(CATEGORY_PADDING_AMOUNT / 2)) + ")");

                        // Apply the label coloring as necessary
                        if (App.prefs.getBooleanPref(PrefKey.CHART_AUTOMATICALLY_COLORIZE_LABELS, false)) {
                            Color labelColor = FireChartUtil.pickColorFromInteger(categoryGroupsProcessed.size());
                                    seriesEB.getCategoryLabelTextElement(currentCategoryGroup, labelColor));
                        } else {
                                    seriesEB.getCategoryLabelTextElement(currentCategoryGroup, Color.BLACK));

                        // Handle the padding of category groups depending on whether the label is shown
                        if (App.prefs.getBooleanPref(PrefKey.CHART_SHOW_CATEGORY_LABELS, true)) {
                            label_text_g.setAttributeNS(null, "display", "inline");
                            categoryGroupPadding += CATEGORY_PADDING_AMOUNT;
                        } else {
                            label_text_g.setAttributeNS(null, "display", "none");
                            categoryGroupPadding += CATEGORY_PADDING_AMOUNT / 2;

                series_group.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", "translate(0,"
                        + Integer.toString(((i - hidden) * series_spacing_and_height) + categoryGroupPadding)
                        + ")");
            } else {

            series_group.setAttributeNS(null, "display", visibility_string);

     * Positions the various parts of the fire chart. This method also re-creates the time axis since it is dependent on the total height of
     * the svg, due to the dashed tick lines that run vertically to denote years.
    public void positionChartGroupersAndDrawTimeAxis() {

        // Calculate plot dimensions
        int cur_bottom = 0; // used for tracking where the bottom of the chart is as it is being built
        int index_plot_height = App.prefs.getIntPref(PrefKey.CHART_INDEX_PLOT_HEIGHT, 100);
        int series_spacing_and_height = App.prefs.getIntPref(PrefKey.CHART_CHRONOLOGY_PLOT_SPACING, 5)
                + SERIES_HEIGHT;

        if (App.prefs.getBooleanPref(PrefKey.CHART_SHOW_CHART_TITLE, true)) {
            cur_bottom += App.prefs.getIntPref(PrefKey.CHART_TITLE_FONT_SIZE, 20) + 10;

        if (App.prefs.getBooleanPref(PrefKey.CHART_SHOW_INDEX_PLOT, true)) {
            cur_bottom += index_plot_height + series_spacing_and_height;

        int chronology_plot_y = cur_bottom;
        int num_visible = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < seriesSVGList.size(); i++) {
            if (seriesSVGList.get(i).isVisible()) {

        int chronology_plot_height = num_visible * series_spacing_and_height + SERIES_HEIGHT;

        if (App.prefs.getBooleanPref(PrefKey.CHART_SHOW_CHRONOLOGY_PLOT, true)) {
            cur_bottom += chronology_plot_height + series_spacing_and_height + categoryGroupPadding;

        int composite_plot_y = cur_bottom;
        int composite_plot_height = App.prefs.getIntPref(PrefKey.CHART_COMPOSITE_HEIGHT, 70);

        if (App.prefs.getBooleanPref(PrefKey.CHART_SHOW_COMPOSITE_PLOT, true)) {
            cur_bottom += composite_plot_height + series_spacing_and_height;

        int total_height = cur_bottom + series_spacing_and_height;

        // reset svg dimensions
        Element svgRoot = doc.getDocumentElement();

        // build time axis
        Element time_axis_g = doc.getElementById("time_axis_g");

        // delete everything in the current time axis
        NodeList n = time_axis_g.getChildNodes(); // because getChildNodes doesn't return a seq
        for (int i = 0; i < n.getLength(); i++) { // no, instead we get a non-iterable custom data-structure :(

        // add in the new time axis

        // set the translations for the chronology plot grouper
        Element chrono_plot_g = doc.getElementById("chrono_plot_g");
        chrono_plot_g.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", "translate(0," + chronology_plot_y + ")");

        // set the translations for the composite plot grouper
        Element comp_plot_g = doc.getElementById("comp_plot_g");
        comp_plot_g.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", "translate(0," + composite_plot_y + ")");

        // move the legend
        Element legend_g = doc.getElementById("legend_g");
        legend_g.setAttributeNS(null, "transform",
                "translate(" + (chartWidth + 10 + this.widestChronologyLabelSize + 50) + ", " + 0 + ")");

        // set the annote canvas dimensions (so it can catch key bindings)
        Element annote_canvas = doc.getElementById("annote_canvas");
        annote_canvas.setAttributeNS(null, "width", Integer.toString(chartWidth));
        annote_canvas.setAttributeNS(null, "height", Integer.toString(total_height));

        // set document dimensions for png and pdf export
        // svgRoot.setAttributeNS(null, "width", (chart_width + this.widestChronologyLabelSize + 150 + 350) + "px");
        svgRoot.setAttributeNS(null, "width", getTotalWidth() + "px");

        int root_height = (total_height + 50 > 400) ? total_height + 50 : 400;
        totalHeight = root_height;
        svgRoot.setAttributeNS(null, "height", root_height + "px");

     * Clear out the groupers and build the chart components.
    public void buildElements() {

        // Rebuild the annotation canvas
        Element annote_g = doc.getElementById("annote_g");

        Element canvas = getAnnoteCanvas();
        if (canvas != null) {

        // Rebuild the chart title
        Element chart_title_g = doc.getElementById("chart_title_g");
        if (App.prefs.getBooleanPref(PrefKey.CHART_TITLE_USE_DEFAULT_NAME, true)) {
            FHFile currentFile = getReader().getFHFile();

            if (currentFile.getSiteName().length() > 0) {
            } else {
        } else {
                    getChartTitle(App.prefs.getPref(PrefKey.CHART_TITLE_OVERRIDE_VALUE, "Fire Chart")));
        if (App.prefs.getBooleanPref(PrefKey.CHART_SHOW_CHART_TITLE, true)) {
            chart_title_g.setAttributeNS(null, "display", "inline");
        } else {
            chart_title_g.setAttributeNS(null, "display", "none");

        // Rebuild the index plot
        Element index_plot_g = doc.getElementById("index_plot_g");


        // Rebuild the chronology plot

        // Rebuild the composite plot
        Element comp_plot_g = doc.getElementById("comp_plot_g");

        // Rebuild the legend
        Element legend_g = doc.getElementById("legend_g");


     * Builds a series line based of the input seriesSVG object.
     * @param seriesSVG
     * @return a series line element
    private Element buildSingleSeriesLine(FHSeriesSVG seriesSVG) {

        Element series_group = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
        series_group.setAttributeNS(null, "id", seriesSVG.getTitle());

        // draw in the recording and non-recording lines
        Element line_group = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
        boolean[] recording_years = seriesSVG.getRecordingYears();

        int begin_index = 0;
        int last_index = recording_years.length - 1;

        if (recording_years.length != 0) {
            if (applyBCYearOffset(seriesSVG.getFirstYear()) < this.getFirstChartYear()) {
                // User has trimmed the start of this data series off
                int firstyear = applyBCYearOffset(seriesSVG.getFirstYear());
                int thisfirstyear = this.getFirstChartYear();
                begin_index = thisfirstyear - firstyear;

            if (applyBCYearOffset(seriesSVG.getLastYear()) > this.getLastChartYear()) {
                // User has trimmed the end of this data series off
                int recleng = recording_years.length;
                int lastyear = applyBCYearOffset(seriesSVG.getLastYear());
                int thislastyear = this.getLastChartYear();
                last_index = recleng - (lastyear - thislastyear) - 1;

            boolean isRecording = recording_years[0];

            for (int j = 0; j <= last_index; j++) {
                if (isRecording != recording_years[j] || j == last_index) {
                    // Need to draw a line
                            seriesEB.getSeriesLine(isRecording, begin_index, j, seriesSVG.getLineColor()));

                    begin_index = j;
                    isRecording = recording_years[j];

        // add in fire events
        if (showFires) {
            Element series_fire_events = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
            boolean[] fire_years = seriesSVG.getEventYears();

            for (int j = 0; j < fire_years.length; j++) {
                if (fire_years[j] && j <= last_index) {
                    String translate = "translate(" + Double.toString(j
                            - FireChartUtil.pixelsToYears(0.5, chartWidth, getFirstChartYear(), getLastChartYear()))
                            + "," + Integer.toString(-SERIES_HEIGHT / 2) + ")";

                    String scale = "scale("
                            + FireChartUtil.pixelsToYears(chartWidth, getFirstChartYear(), getLastChartYear())
                            + ",1)";

                    Element fire_event_g = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
                    fire_event_g.setAttributeNS(null, "class", "fire_marker");
                    fire_event_g.setAttributeNS(null, "stroke",
                    fire_event_g.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", translate + scale);

        // add in injury events
        if (showInjuries) {
            Element series_injury_events = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
            boolean[] injury_years = seriesSVG.getInjuryYears();
            for (int j = 0; j < injury_years.length; j++) {
                if (injury_years[j] && j <= last_index) {
                    String translate = "translate(" + Double.toString(j
                            - FireChartUtil.pixelsToYears(1.5, chartWidth, getFirstChartYear(), getLastChartYear()))
                            + "," + Integer.toString(-SERIES_HEIGHT / 2) + ")";

                    String scale = "scale("
                            + FireChartUtil.pixelsToYears(chartWidth, getFirstChartYear(), getLastChartYear())
                            + ",1)";

                    Element injury_event_g = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
                    injury_event_g.setAttributeNS(null, "class", "injury_marker");
                    injury_event_g.setAttributeNS(null, "stroke",
                    injury_event_g.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", translate + scale);
                    injury_event_g.appendChild(seriesEB.getInjuryYearMarker(3, seriesSVG.getLineColor()));


        // add in inner year pith marker
        if (showPith && seriesSVG.hasPith() || showInnerRing && !seriesSVG.hasPith()) {
            if (applyBCYearOffset(seriesSVG.getFirstYear()) >= getFirstChartYear()) {
                // no translation because the inner year is at year=0
                String translate = "translate(" + (0
                        - FireChartUtil.pixelsToYears(0.5, chartWidth, getFirstChartYear(), getLastChartYear()))
                        + ",0)";

                String scale = "scale("
                        + FireChartUtil.pixelsToYears(chartWidth, getFirstChartYear(), getLastChartYear()) + ",1)";

                Element pith_marker_g = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
                pith_marker_g.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", translate + scale);
                        seriesEB.getInnerYearPithMarker(seriesSVG.hasPith(), 5, seriesSVG.getLineColor()));

        // add in outer year bark marker
        if ((showBark && seriesSVG.hasBark()) || (showOuterRing && !seriesSVG.hasBark())) {
            if (applyBCYearOffset(seriesSVG.getLastYear()) <= this.getLastChartYear()) {
                String translate = "translate("
                        + (applyBCYearOffset(seriesSVG.getLastYear()) - applyBCYearOffset(seriesSVG.getFirstYear()))
                        + ",0)";

                String scale = "scale("
                        + FireChartUtil.pixelsToYears(chartWidth, getFirstChartYear(), getLastChartYear()) + ",1)";

                Element bark_marker_g = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
                bark_marker_g.setAttribute("transform", translate + scale);
                        seriesEB.getOuterYearBarkMarker(seriesSVG.hasBark(), 5, seriesSVG.getLineColor()));

        return series_group;

     * Returns a chart title element containing the input text.
     * @param chartTitle
     * @return chartTitleElement
    private Element getChartTitle(String chartTitle) {

        Text chartTitleText = doc.createTextNode(chartTitle);
        Integer chartTitleFontSize = App.prefs.getIntPref(PrefKey.CHART_TITLE_FONT_SIZE, 20);

        Element chartTitleElement = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "text");
        chartTitleElement.setAttributeNS(null, "x", "0");
        chartTitleElement.setAttributeNS(null, "y", "0");
        chartTitleElement.setAttributeNS(null, "font-family",
                App.prefs.getPref(PrefKey.CHART_FONT_FAMILY, "Verdana"));
        chartTitleElement.setAttributeNS(null, "font-size", chartTitleFontSize.toString());

        return chartTitleElement;

     * Gets the index plot as an element.
     * @return indexPlot
    private Element getIndexPlot() {

        int indexPlotOffsetAmount = 0;

        if (App.prefs.getBooleanPref(PrefKey.CHART_SHOW_CHART_TITLE, true)) {
            indexPlotOffsetAmount = App.prefs.getIntPref(PrefKey.CHART_TITLE_FONT_SIZE, 20) + 10;

        Element indexPlot = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
        indexPlot.setAttribute("id", "indexplot");
        indexPlot.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", "translate(0," + indexPlotOffsetAmount + ")");
                App.prefs.getBooleanPref(PrefKey.CHART_SHOW_SAMPLE_DEPTH, false),
                App.prefs.getEventTypePref(PrefKey.CHART_COMPOSITE_EVENT_TYPE, EventTypeToProcess.FIRE_EVENT)));

        return indexPlot;

     * Gets the chronology plot as an element.
     * @return chronologyPlot
    private Element getChronologyPlot() {

        Element chronologyPlot = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
        chronologyPlot.setAttributeNS(null, "id", "chronology_plot");
        chronologyPlot.setAttributeNS(null, "display", "inline");

        // Build all of the series
        ArrayList<Boolean> series_visible = new ArrayList<Boolean>();

        this.showPith = App.prefs.getBooleanPref(PrefKey.CHART_SHOW_PITH_SYMBOL, true);
        this.showBark = App.prefs.getBooleanPref(PrefKey.CHART_SHOW_BARK_SYMBOL, true);
        this.showFires = App.prefs.getBooleanPref(PrefKey.CHART_SHOW_FIRE_EVENT_SYMBOL, true);
        this.showInjuries = App.prefs.getBooleanPref(PrefKey.CHART_SHOW_INJURY_SYMBOL, true);
        this.showInnerRing = App.prefs.getBooleanPref(PrefKey.CHART_SHOW_INNER_RING_SYMBOL, true);
        this.showOuterRing = App.prefs.getBooleanPref(PrefKey.CHART_SHOW_OUTER_RING_SYMBOL, true);
        int fontSize = App.prefs.getIntPref(PrefKey.CHART_CHRONOLOGY_PLOT_LABEL_FONT_SIZE, 8);

        String longestLabel = "A";
        for (int i = 0; i < seriesSVGList.size(); i++) {
            FHSeries series = seriesSVGList.get(i);
            if (series.getTitle().length() > longestLabel.length())
                longestLabel = series.getTitle();

        widestChronologyLabelSize = FireChartUtil.getStringWidth(Font.PLAIN,
                App.prefs.getIntPref(PrefKey.CHART_CHRONOLOGY_PLOT_LABEL_FONT_SIZE, 10), longestLabel);

        // Define a string for keeping track of the category groups
        ArrayList<String> categoryGroupsProcessed = new ArrayList<String>();

        for (int i = 0; i < seriesSVGList.size(); i++) {
            if (lastTypeSortedBy == SeriesSortType.CATEGORY
                    && App.prefs.getBooleanPref(PrefKey.CHART_SHOW_CATEGORY_GROUPS, true)) {
                String currentCategoryGroup = seriesSVGList.get(i).getCategoryEntries().get(0).getContent();

                // Keep track of which category groups have already been processed
                if (!categoryGroupsProcessed.contains(currentCategoryGroup)) {

                // Apply the series coloring as necessary
                if (App.prefs.getBooleanPref(PrefKey.CHART_AUTOMATICALLY_COLORIZE_SERIES, false)) {
                } else {

            FHSeriesSVG seriesSVG = seriesSVGList.get(i);

            Element series_group = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
            series_group.setAttributeNS(null, "id", "series_group_" + seriesSVG.getTitle());

            // Add in the series group, which has the lines and ticks
            Element series_line = buildSingleSeriesLine(seriesSVG);
            series_line.setAttributeNS(null, "id", "series_line_" + seriesSVG.getTitle());
            int x_offset = applyBCYearOffset(seriesSVG.getFirstYear()) - getFirstChartYear();
            String translate_string = "translate(" + Integer.toString(x_offset) + ",0)";
            String scale_string = "scale("
                    + FireChartUtil.yearsToPixels(chartWidth, getFirstChartYear(), getLastChartYear()) + ",1)";
            series_line.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", scale_string + " " + translate_string);

            // Add in the label for the series
            Element series_name = seriesEB.getSeriesNameTextElement(seriesSVG, fontSize);

            // Add in the up button
            Element up_button_g = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
            up_button_g.setAttributeNS(null, "id", "up_button" + i);
            up_button_g.setAttributeNS(null, "class", "no_export");
            up_button_g.setAttributeNS(null, "transform",
                    "translate(" + Double.toString(chartWidth + 15 + widestChronologyLabelSize) + ",-2)");
            up_button_g.setAttributeNS(null, "onclick", "FireChartSVG.getChart(chart_num).moveSeriesUp(\""
                    + seriesSVG.getTitle() + "\");'opacity', '0.2');");
            up_button_g.setAttributeNS(null, "onmouseover", "'opacity', '1');");
            up_button_g.setAttributeNS(null, "onmouseout", "'opacity', '0.2');");

            // Add in the down button
            Element down_button_g = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
            down_button_g.setAttributeNS(null, "id", "down_button" + i);
            down_button_g.setAttributeNS(null, "class", "no_export");
            down_button_g.setAttributeNS(null, "transform",
                    "translate(" + Double.toString(chartWidth + 10 + widestChronologyLabelSize + 15) + ",-2)");
            down_button_g.setAttributeNS(null, "onclick", "FireChartSVG.getChart(chart_num).moveSeriesDown(\""
                    + seriesSVG.getTitle() + "\");'opacity', '0.2');");
            down_button_g.setAttributeNS(null, "onmouseover", "'opacity', '1');");
            down_button_g.setAttributeNS(null, "onmouseout", "'opacity', '0.2');");

            // Determine whether to draw the chronology plot labels
            if (App.prefs.getBooleanPref(PrefKey.CHART_SHOW_CHRONOLOGY_PLOT_LABELS, true)) {
                if (lastTypeSortedBy == SeriesSortType.CATEGORY
                        && App.prefs.getBooleanPref(PrefKey.CHART_SHOW_CATEGORY_GROUPS, true)) {
                    // Do not show the up/down buttons if grouping series by category
                    up_button_g.setAttributeNS(null, "display", "none");
                    down_button_g.setAttributeNS(null, "display", "none");
                } else {
                    series_name.setAttributeNS(null, "display", "inline");
                    up_button_g.setAttributeNS(null, "display", "inline");
                    down_button_g.setAttributeNS(null, "display", "inline");
            } else {
                series_name.setAttributeNS(null, "display", "none");
                up_button_g.setAttributeNS(null, "display", "none");
                down_button_g.setAttributeNS(null, "display", "none");


        if (App.prefs.getBooleanPref(PrefKey.CHART_SHOW_CHRONOLOGY_PLOT, true)) {
            chronologyPlot.setAttributeNS(null, "display", "inline");
        } else {
            chronologyPlot.setAttributeNS(null, "display", "none");

        return chronologyPlot;

     * Get the composite plot as an element.
     * @return compositePlot
    private Element getCompositePlot() {

        boolean useAbbreviatedYears = App.prefs.getBooleanPref(PrefKey.CHART_COMPOSITE_YEAR_LABELS_TWO_DIGIT,

        String textStr = "2099";

        if (useAbbreviatedYears) {
            textStr = "'99";

        int compositeYearLabelFontSize = App.prefs.getIntPref(PrefKey.CHART_COMPOSITE_YEAR_LABEL_FONT_SIZE, 8);
        int rotateLabelsAngle = App.prefs
                .getLabelOrientationPref(PrefKey.CHART_COMPOSITE_LABEL_ALIGNMENT, LabelOrientation.HORIZONTAL)
        int stringbuffer = App.prefs.getIntPref(PrefKey.CHART_COMPOSITE_YEAR_LABEL_BUFFER, 5);

        int compositeYearLabelMaxWidth = 0;
        int compositeYearLabelHeight = 0;

        if (rotateLabelsAngle == 0) {
            compositeYearLabelMaxWidth = FireChartUtil.getStringWidth(Font.PLAIN, compositeYearLabelFontSize,
                    textStr) + stringbuffer;
            compositeYearLabelHeight = FireChartUtil.getStringHeight(Font.PLAIN, compositeYearLabelFontSize,
        } else if (rotateLabelsAngle == 315) {
            int width = FireChartUtil.getStringWidth(Font.PLAIN, compositeYearLabelFontSize, textStr);

            double widthsq = width * width;
            double hyp = Math.sqrt(widthsq + widthsq);

            compositeYearLabelMaxWidth = (int) ((hyp + stringbuffer)) / 2;
            compositeYearLabelHeight = (int) hyp;
        } else {
            compositeYearLabelMaxWidth = FireChartUtil.getStringHeight(Font.PLAIN, compositeYearLabelFontSize,
            compositeYearLabelHeight = FireChartUtil.getStringWidth(Font.PLAIN, compositeYearLabelFontSize, textStr)
                    + stringbuffer;

        // compositePlot is centered off of the year 0 A.D.
        Element compositePlot = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
        compositePlot.setAttributeNS(null, "id", "comp_plot");
        compositePlot.setAttributeNS(null, "transform",
                "scale(" + FireChartUtil.yearsToPixels(chartWidth, getFirstChartYear(), getLastChartYear()) + ","
                        + 1 + ") translate(-" + getFirstChartYear() + ",0) ");

        // draw the vertical lines for fire years
        ArrayList<Integer> composite_years = reader.getCompositeFireYears(
                App.prefs.getEventTypePref(PrefKey.CHART_COMPOSITE_EVENT_TYPE, EventTypeToProcess.FIRE_EVENT),
                App.prefs.getIntPref(PrefKey.CHART_COMPOSITE_FILTER_VALUE, 1),
                App.prefs.getIntPref(PrefKey.CHART_COMPOSITE_MIN_NUM_SAMPLES, 1),

        // Remove out-of-range years if necessary
        if (!App.prefs.getBooleanPref(PrefKey.CHART_AXIS_X_AUTO_RANGE, true)) {
            ArrayList<Integer> composite_years2 = new ArrayList<Integer>();
            for (Integer v : composite_years) {
                if (v > this.getLastChartYear() || v < this.getFirstChartYear())


            composite_years = composite_years2;

        int overlap_margin = (compositeYearLabelMaxWidth);
        int cur_offset_level = 0;
        int prev_i = 0;
        int max_offset_level = 0;

        // run through the array once to see how many layers we need to keep year labels from overlapping
        boolean showLabels = App.prefs.getBooleanPref(PrefKey.CHART_SHOW_COMPOSITE_YEAR_LABELS, true);
        if (showLabels) {
            for (int i : composite_years) {
                double pixelsBetweenLabels = FireChartUtil.yearsToPixels(i, chartWidth, getFirstChartYear(),
                        - FireChartUtil.yearsToPixels(prev_i, chartWidth, getFirstChartYear(), getLastChartYear());

                if (pixelsBetweenLabels < overlap_margin) {
                    cur_offset_level = cur_offset_level + 1;
                    if (cur_offset_level > max_offset_level) {
                        max_offset_level = cur_offset_level;
                } else {
                    cur_offset_level = 0;
                    prev_i = i;
        } else {
            cur_offset_level = 0;

        int num_layers = max_offset_level + 1;
        // int num_layers = (max_offset_level > 0) ? max_offset_level : 1; // number of layers for putting the offset year labels
        double chart_height = App.prefs.getIntPref(PrefKey.CHART_COMPOSITE_HEIGHT, 70);

        if (num_layers > (chart_height / compositeYearLabelFontSize)) {
            // ensure height is non-negative
            num_layers = (int) Math.floor(chart_height / compositeYearLabelHeight);

        if (showLabels) {
            if (rotateLabelsAngle == 315) {
                chart_height = chart_height - (num_layers * (compositeYearLabelHeight / 3));
            } else {
                // height of the composite plot minus the year labels
                chart_height = chart_height - (num_layers * compositeYearLabelHeight);

        cur_offset_level = 0;
        prev_i = 0;
        for (int i : composite_years) {
            compositePlot.appendChild(compositePlotEB.getEventLine(i, chart_height));

            // calculate the offsets for the labels
            if (FireChartUtil.yearsToPixels(i - prev_i, chartWidth, getFirstChartYear(),
                    getLastChartYear()) < overlap_margin) {
                cur_offset_level = (cur_offset_level + 1) % num_layers;
            } else {
                cur_offset_level = 0;

            Element text_g = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
            String scale_str = "scale("
                    + FireChartUtil.pixelsToYears(chartWidth, getFirstChartYear(), getLastChartYear()) + ", 1)";

            if (rotateLabelsAngle == 270) {
                double offset = chart_height + (cur_offset_level * compositeYearLabelHeight)
                        + compositeYearLabelHeight;
                String translate_str = "translate("
                        + (Double.toString(i + (FireChartUtil.pixelsToYears(compositeYearLabelMaxWidth / 2,
                                chartWidth, getFirstChartYear(), getLastChartYear()))))
                        + "," + offset + ")";
                text_g.setAttributeNS(null, "transform",
                        translate_str + scale_str + " rotate(" + rotateLabelsAngle + ")");
            } else if (rotateLabelsAngle == 315) {
                double offset = chart_height + (cur_offset_level * (compositeYearLabelHeight / 3))
                        + compositeYearLabelHeight / 1.3;
                String translate_str = "translate("
                        + (Double.toString(i - (FireChartUtil.pixelsToYears(compositeYearLabelMaxWidth / 2,
                                chartWidth, getFirstChartYear(), getLastChartYear()))))
                        + "," + offset + ")";
                text_g.setAttributeNS(null, "transform",
                        translate_str + scale_str + " rotate(" + rotateLabelsAngle + ")");
            } else {
                double offset = chart_height + (cur_offset_level * compositeYearLabelHeight)
                        + compositeYearLabelHeight;
                String translate_str = "translate("
                        + (Double.toString(i - (FireChartUtil.pixelsToYears(compositeYearLabelMaxWidth / 2,
                                chartWidth, getFirstChartYear(), getLastChartYear()))))
                        + "," + offset + ")";
                text_g.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", translate_str + scale_str);

            // Grab label string depending on style
            String year_str = "";
            if (useAbbreviatedYears) {
                year_str = "'";
                if (i % 100 < 10) {
                    year_str += "0";
                year_str += Integer.toString(i % 100);
            } else {
                year_str = Integer.toString(i);

            Text year_text_t = doc.createTextNode(year_str);
            Element year_text = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "text");
            // year_text.setAttributeNS(null, "x", Integer.toString(i));
            // year_text.setAttributeNS(null, "x", "0");
            // year_text.setAttributeNS(null, "y", "0");
            year_text.setAttributeNS(null, "font-family", App.prefs.getPref(PrefKey.CHART_FONT_FAMILY, "Verdana"));
            year_text.setAttributeNS(null, "font-size", Integer.toString(compositeYearLabelFontSize));

            if (showLabels) {

            prev_i = i;

        // Draw a rectangle around it
        // Needs to be 4 lines to cope with stroke width in different coord sys in x and y

        // add the label
        String translate_string = "translate("
                + Double.toString(getLastChartYear()
                        + FireChartUtil.pixelsToYears(10, chartWidth, getFirstChartYear(), getLastChartYear()))
                + ", "
                + ((chart_height / 2) + (FireChartUtil.getStringHeight(Font.PLAIN,
                        App.prefs.getIntPref(PrefKey.CHART_COMPOSITE_PLOT_LABEL_FONT_SIZE, 10),
                        App.prefs.getPref(PrefKey.CHART_COMPOSITE_LABEL_TEXT, "Composite"))) / 2)
                + ")";
        String scale_string = "scale("
                + FireChartUtil.pixelsToYears(chartWidth, getFirstChartYear(), getLastChartYear()) + ", 1)";

        Element comp_name_text_g = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
        comp_name_text_g.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", translate_string + scale_string);

        if (App.prefs.getBooleanPref(PrefKey.CHART_SHOW_COMPOSITE_PLOT, true)) {
            compositePlot.setAttributeNS(null, "display", "inline");
        } else {
            compositePlot.setAttributeNS(null, "display", "none");

        return compositePlot;

     * This function creates a legend dynamically, based on the current event(s) displayed on the canvas (Fire, Injury, or Fire and Injury).
     * @return legend
    private Element getLegend() {

        int labelWidth = FireChartUtil.getStringWidth(Font.PLAIN, 8, "Outer year without bark") + 40;
        int labelHeight = FireChartUtil.getStringHeight(Font.PLAIN, 8, "Outer year without bark");
        int currentY = 0; // to help position symbols
        int moveValue = 20;
        int leftJustified = 20;

        Element legend = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
        legend.setAttributeNS(null, "id", "legend");
        // legend.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", "translate(" + chart_width + ", " + 200 + ")");

        // make a "g" for each element, and append to that, so each element is
        // in a group. then append groups to legend. This is so when the legend moves,
        // you wont have to manually move all the other elements again.

        // Get current symbols on canvas and append to legend

        // RECORDER YEAR
        Element recorder_g = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
        recorder_g.setAttributeNS(null, "id", "recorder");
        Element recorder_desc = legendEB.getDescriptionTextElement("Recorder year", leftJustified,
                currentY + (labelHeight / 2));

        currentY += moveValue;
        Element nonrecorder_g = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
        Element nonrecorder_desc = legendEB.getDescriptionTextElement("Non-recorder year", leftJustified,
                currentY + (labelHeight / 2));

        // currentY += moveValue * 2; // so next symbol is at spot y = 100

        if (App.prefs.getBooleanPref(PrefKey.CHART_SHOW_FIRE_EVENT_SYMBOL, true)) {
            // FIRE EVENT MARKER
            currentY += moveValue;
            Element fireMarker_g = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
            Element fireMarker = seriesEB.getFireYearMarker(Color.BLACK);
            fireMarker.setAttributeNS(null, "width", "2");
            fireMarker_g.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", "translate(0, " + currentY + ")");
            Element fireMarker_desc = legendEB.getDescriptionTextElement("Fire event", leftJustified,
                    (labelHeight / 2));

        if (App.prefs.getBooleanPref(PrefKey.CHART_SHOW_INJURY_SYMBOL, true)) {
            // INJURY EVENT MARKER
            currentY += moveValue;
            Element injuryMarker_g = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
            injuryMarker_g.appendChild(seriesEB.getInjuryYearMarker(3, Color.BLACK));
            injuryMarker_g.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", "translate(0, " + Integer.toString(currentY) + ")");
            Element injuryMarker_desc = legendEB.getDescriptionTextElement("Injury event", leftJustified,
                    (labelHeight / 2));

        currentY += moveValue;
        Element innerPith_g = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
        Element innerPith = seriesEB.getInnerYearPithMarker(true, 5, Color.BLACK);
        innerPith_g.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", "translate(0, " + Integer.toString(currentY) + ")");
        Element pithNonrecorder_g = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
        Element pithNonrecorder_desc = legendEB.getDescriptionTextElement("Inner year with pith", leftJustified,
                (labelHeight / 2));

        currentY += moveValue;
        Element withoutPith_g = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
        Element withoutPith = seriesEB.getInnerYearPithMarker(false, SERIES_HEIGHT, Color.BLACK);
        withoutPith_g.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", "translate(0, " + Integer.toString(currentY) + ")");
        Element withoutPithNonrecorder_g = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
        Element withoutPithNonrecorder_desc = legendEB.getDescriptionTextElement("Inner year without pith",
                leftJustified, (labelHeight / 2));

        currentY += moveValue;
        Element withBark_g = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
        Element withBark = seriesEB.getOuterYearBarkMarker(true, 5, Color.BLACK);
        withBark_g.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", "translate(5, " + Integer.toString(currentY) + ")");
        Element barkRecorder_g = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
        Element barkRecorder_desc = legendEB.getDescriptionTextElement("Outer year with bark", leftJustified - 5,
                (labelHeight / 2));

        currentY += moveValue;
        Element withoutBark_g = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
        Element withoutBark = seriesEB.getOuterYearBarkMarker(false, SERIES_HEIGHT, Color.BLACK);
        withoutBark_g.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", "translate(5, " + Integer.toString(currentY) + ")");
        Element withoutBarkRecorder_g = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
        Element withoutBarkRecorder_desc = legendEB.getDescriptionTextElement("Outer year without bark",
                leftJustified - 5, (labelHeight / 2));

        if (App.prefs.getBooleanPref(PrefKey.CHART_SHOW_FILTER_IN_LEGEND, false)) {
            String s = "";
            String longestLabel = s;
            if (App.prefs.getEventTypePref(PrefKey.CHART_COMPOSITE_EVENT_TYPE, EventTypeToProcess.FIRE_EVENT)
                    .equals(EventTypeToProcess.FIRE_EVENT)) {
                currentY += moveValue + (labelHeight * 1.3);
                s = StringUtils.capitalize("Composite based on " + App.prefs
                        .getEventTypePref(PrefKey.CHART_COMPOSITE_EVENT_TYPE, EventTypeToProcess.FIRE_EVENT)
                        .toString().toLowerCase() + " and filtered by:");
                Element filterType = legendEB.getDescriptionTextElement(s, leftJustified, (labelHeight / 2));
                filterType.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", "translate(-25, " + Integer.toString(currentY) + ")");
                longestLabel = s;
            } else if (App.prefs
                    .getEventTypePref(PrefKey.CHART_COMPOSITE_EVENT_TYPE, EventTypeToProcess.FIRE_AND_INJURY_EVENT)
                    .equals(EventTypeToProcess.FIRE_AND_INJURY_EVENT)) {
                currentY += moveValue + (labelHeight * 1.3);
                s = StringUtils.capitalize("Composite based on " + App.prefs
                        .getEventTypePref(PrefKey.CHART_COMPOSITE_EVENT_TYPE, EventTypeToProcess.FIRE_EVENT)
                Element filterType = legendEB.getDescriptionTextElement(s, leftJustified, (labelHeight / 2));
                filterType.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", "translate(-25, " + Integer.toString(currentY) + ")");

                currentY += labelHeight * 1.3;
                filterType = legendEB.getDescriptionTextElement("and filtered by:", leftJustified,
                        (labelHeight / 2));
                filterType.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", "translate(-25, " + Integer.toString(currentY) + ")");

                longestLabel = s;
            } else if (App.prefs
                    .getEventTypePref(PrefKey.CHART_COMPOSITE_EVENT_TYPE, EventTypeToProcess.INJURY_EVENT)
                    .equals(EventTypeToProcess.INJURY_EVENT)) {
                currentY += moveValue + (labelHeight * 1.3);
                s = StringUtils.capitalize("Composite based on " + App.prefs
                        .getEventTypePref(PrefKey.CHART_COMPOSITE_EVENT_TYPE, EventTypeToProcess.FIRE_EVENT)
                        .toString().toLowerCase() + " and filtered by:");
                Element filterType = legendEB.getDescriptionTextElement(s, leftJustified, (labelHeight / 2));
                filterType.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", "translate(-25, " + Integer.toString(currentY) + ")");
                longestLabel = s;

            currentY += labelHeight * 1.3;
            s = " - " + StringUtils.capitalize(App.prefs
                    .getFireFilterTypePref(PrefKey.CHART_COMPOSITE_FILTER_TYPE, FireFilterType.NUMBER_OF_EVENTS)
                    .toString().toLowerCase() + " >= "
                    + App.prefs.getIntPref(PrefKey.CHART_COMPOSITE_FILTER_VALUE, 1));
            Element filterType = legendEB.getDescriptionTextElement(s, leftJustified, (labelHeight / 2));
            filterType.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", "translate(-25, " + Integer.toString(currentY) + ")");
            if (s.length() > longestLabel.length())
                longestLabel = s;

            currentY += labelHeight * 1.3;
            s = " - " + StringUtils
                            SampleDepthFilterType.MIN_NUM_SAMPLES).toString().toLowerCase() + " >= "
                            + App.prefs.getIntPref(PrefKey.CHART_COMPOSITE_MIN_NUM_SAMPLES, 1));
            filterType = legendEB.getDescriptionTextElement(s, leftJustified, (labelHeight / 2));
            filterType.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", "translate(-25, " + Integer.toString(currentY) + ")");

            labelWidth = FireChartUtil.getStringWidth(Font.PLAIN, 8, longestLabel) + 10;

        // Add rectangle around legend and append
        legend.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", "scale(1.0)");
        legend.appendChild(legendEB.getChartRectangle(labelWidth, currentY));

        // Only show the chart if the preference has been set to do so
        if (App.prefs.getBooleanPref(PrefKey.CHART_SHOW_LEGEND, true)) {
            legend.setAttributeNS(null, "display", "inline");
        } else {
            legend.setAttributeNS(null, "display", "none");

        return legend;

     * Get the time axis including the guide and highlight lines.
     * @param height
     * @return
    private Element getTimeAxis(int height) {

        // Time axis is centered off of the first year in the reader
        Element timeAxis = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
        String scale = "scale(" + FireChartUtil.yearsToPixels(chartWidth, getFirstChartYear(), getLastChartYear())
                + ",1)";
        timeAxis.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", scale + " translate(-" + this.getFirstChartYear() + ",0)");
        int majorTickInterval = App.prefs.getIntPref(PrefKey.CHART_XAXIS_MAJOR_TICK_SPACING, 50);
        int minorTickInterval = App.prefs.getIntPref(PrefKey.CHART_XAXIS_MINOR_TICK_SPACING, 10);
        boolean majorTicks = App.prefs.getBooleanPref(PrefKey.CHART_XAXIS_MAJOR_TICKS, true);
        boolean minorTicks = App.prefs.getBooleanPref(PrefKey.CHART_XAXIS_MINOR_TICKS, true);
        boolean vertGuides = App.prefs.getBooleanPref(PrefKey.CHART_VERTICAL_GUIDES, true);
        ArrayList<Integer> years = App.prefs.getIntegerArrayPref(PrefKey.CHART_HIGHLIGHT_YEARS_ARRAY, null);

        // Add highlight lines
        if (years != null && App.prefs.getBooleanPref(PrefKey.CHART_HIGHLIGHT_YEARS, false)) {
            for (Integer i : years) {
                // Don't plot out of range years
                if (i > this.getLastChartYear() || i < this.getFirstChartYear())

                timeAxis.appendChild(timeAxisEB.getHighlightLine(i, height));

        for (int i = getFirstChartYear(); i < getLastChartYear(); i++) {
            if (i % majorTickInterval == 0) { // year is a multiple of tickInterval
                if (vertGuides) {
                    int vertGuidesOffsetAmount = 0;

                    if (App.prefs.getBooleanPref(PrefKey.CHART_SHOW_CHART_TITLE, true)) {
                        vertGuidesOffsetAmount = App.prefs.getIntPref(PrefKey.CHART_TITLE_FONT_SIZE, 20) + 10;

                    timeAxis.appendChild(timeAxisEB.getVerticalGuide(i, vertGuidesOffsetAmount, height));

                if (majorTicks) {
                    timeAxis.appendChild(timeAxisEB.getMajorTick(i, height));

                Element year_text_g = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");

                year_text_g.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", "translate(" + i + "," + height + ") scale("
                        + FireChartUtil.pixelsToYears(chartWidth, getFirstChartYear(), getLastChartYear()) + ",1)");



            if (minorTicks && i % minorTickInterval == 0) // && i % tickInterval != 0)
                timeAxis.appendChild(timeAxisEB.getMinorTick(i, height));


        return timeAxis;

     * Get the percent scarred plot including bounding box and y2 axis.
     * @return
    private Element getPercentScarredPlot() {

        // determine y scaling
        double scale_y = -1 * ((double) App.prefs.getIntPref(PrefKey.CHART_INDEX_PLOT_HEIGHT, 100)) / (100);
        double unscale_y = 1 / scale_y;

        Element scarred_g = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
        scarred_g.setAttributeNS(null, "id", "scarred");
        scarred_g.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", "translate(0,"
                + App.prefs.getIntPref(PrefKey.CHART_INDEX_PLOT_HEIGHT, 100) + ") scale(1," + scale_y + ")");

        // only x-scale the drawn part -- not the labels
        Element scarred_scale_g = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
        scarred_scale_g.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", "scale("
                + FireChartUtil.yearsToPixels(chartWidth, getFirstChartYear(), getLastChartYear()) + ",1)");

        // draw in vertical bars
        double[] percent_arr = reader.getPercentOfRecordingScarred(
                App.prefs.getEventTypePref(PrefKey.CHART_COMPOSITE_EVENT_TYPE, EventTypeToProcess.FIRE_EVENT));

        // Limit to specified years if necessary
        if (!App.prefs.getBooleanPref(PrefKey.CHART_AXIS_X_AUTO_RANGE, true)) {
            int startindex_file = this.getFirstChartYear() - applyBCYearOffset(reader.getFirstYear());
            double[] percent_file = percent_arr.clone();
            percent_arr = new double[(this.getLastChartYear() - this.getFirstChartYear()) + 1];

            int ind_in_file = startindex_file;
            for (int ind_in_newarr = 0; ind_in_newarr < percent_arr.length; ind_in_newarr++) {

                if (ind_in_file > percent_file.length - 1) {
                    // Reached end of data we are extracting

                if (ind_in_file < 0) {
                    // Before data we are extracting so keep going

                percent_arr[ind_in_newarr] = percent_file[ind_in_file];

        for (int i = 0; i < percent_arr.length; i++) {
            if (percent_arr[i] != 0) {
                double percent = percent_arr[i];
                percent = (percent > 100) ? 100 : percent; // don't allow values over 100%
                scarred_scale_g.appendChild(percentScarredPlotEB.getVerticalLine(i, percent));

        // draw a rectangle around it
        // Needs to be 4 lines to cope with stroke width in different coord sys in x and y

        // draw in the labels
        int yAxisFontSize = App.prefs.getIntPref(PrefKey.CHART_AXIS_Y2_FONT_SIZE, 10);
        int labelHeight = FireChartUtil.getStringHeight(Font.PLAIN, yAxisFontSize, "100");
        int labelY = labelHeight / 2;

        for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i += 25) {
            Element unscale_g = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
            String x = Double.toString(chartWidth);
            String y = Integer.toString(i);
            unscale_g.setAttributeNS(null, "transform",
                    "translate(" + x + "," + y + ") scale(1," + unscale_y + ")");
            unscale_g.appendChild(percentScarredPlotEB.getPercentScarredTextElement(labelY, i, yAxisFontSize));

        // add in the label that says "% Scarred"
        Element unscale_g = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
        unscale_g.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", "scale(1," + unscale_y + ")");

        Element rotate_g = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
        String x = Double
                .toString(chartWidth + 5 + 10 + FireChartUtil.getStringWidth(Font.PLAIN, yAxisFontSize, "100"));
        String y = Double.toString(scale_y * 100);
        rotate_g.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", "translate(" + x + "," + y + ") rotate(90)");

        Text label_t = doc.createTextNode(App.prefs.getPref(PrefKey.CHART_AXIS_Y2_LABEL, "% Scarred"));
        Element label = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "text");
        label.setAttributeNS(null, "font-family", App.prefs.getPref(PrefKey.CHART_FONT_FAMILY, "Verdana"));
        label.setAttributeNS(null, "font-size", App.prefs.getIntPref(PrefKey.CHART_AXIS_Y2_FONT_SIZE, 10) + "");


        if (App.prefs.getBooleanPref(PrefKey.CHART_SHOW_INDEX_PLOT, true)
                && App.prefs.getBooleanPref(PrefKey.CHART_SHOW_PERCENT_SCARRED, true)) {
            scarred_g.setAttributeNS(null, "display", "inline");
        } else {
            scarred_g.setAttributeNS(null, "display", "none");

        return scarred_g;

     * Get the sample or recorder depth plot.
     * @param plotSampleNorRecordingDepth
     * @return
    private Element getSampleOrRecorderDepthsPlot(boolean plotSampleNorRecordingDepth,
            EventTypeToProcess eventTypeToProcess) {

        Element sample_g = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
        Element sample_g_chart = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "g"); // scales the years on the x direction

        sample_g.setAttributeNS(null, "id", "depths");

        int[] sample_depths;
        if (plotSampleNorRecordingDepth)
            sample_depths = reader.getSampleDepths();
            sample_depths = reader.getRecordingDepths(eventTypeToProcess);

        // Limit to specified years if necessary
        if (!App.prefs.getBooleanPref(PrefKey.CHART_AXIS_X_AUTO_RANGE, true)) {
            int startindex_file = this.getFirstChartYear() - applyBCYearOffset(reader.getFirstYear());
            int[] sample_depths_file = sample_depths.clone();
            sample_depths = new int[(this.getLastChartYear() - this.getFirstChartYear()) + 1];

            int ind_in_file = startindex_file;
            for (int ind_in_newarr = 0; ind_in_newarr < sample_depths.length; ind_in_newarr++) {

                if (ind_in_file > sample_depths_file.length - 1) {
                    // Reached end of data we are extracting

                if (ind_in_file < 0) {
                    // Before data we are extracting so keep going

                sample_depths[ind_in_newarr] = sample_depths_file[ind_in_file];

        int[] sample_depths_sorted = sample_depths.clone(); // sort to find the max.
        int largest_sample_depth = sample_depths_sorted[sample_depths_sorted.length - 1];

        // Make the max value 110% of the actually max value so there is a bit of breathing room at top of the chart
        if (largest_sample_depth > 0) {
            largest_sample_depth = (int) Math.ceil(largest_sample_depth * 1.1);
        } else {
            largest_sample_depth = 1;

        // the trend line is constructed as if the first year is 0 A.D.
        String translation = "translate(0," + App.prefs.getIntPref(PrefKey.CHART_INDEX_PLOT_HEIGHT, 100) + ")";
        double scale_y = -1 * ((double) App.prefs.getIntPref(PrefKey.CHART_INDEX_PLOT_HEIGHT, 100))
                / (largest_sample_depth);
        double unscale_y = 1 / scale_y;

        // String scale = "scale("+yearsToPixels()+"," + scale_y + ")";
        String t = translation + "scale(1," + scale_y + ")";
        sample_g.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", t);
        sample_g_chart.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", "scale("
                + FireChartUtil.yearsToPixels(chartWidth, getFirstChartYear(), getLastChartYear()) + ",1)");

        // error check
        if (sample_depths.length == 0) {
            return sample_g;

        // build the trend line
        int begin_index = 0;
        String lineColor = FireChartUtil
                .colorToHexString(App.prefs.getColorPref(PrefKey.CHART_SAMPLE_OR_RECORDER_DEPTH_COLOR, Color.BLUE));
        for (int i = 1; i < sample_depths.length; i++) {
            if (sample_depths[i] != sample_depths[begin_index]) {
                sample_g_chart.appendChild(sampleRecorderPlotEB.getVerticalTrendLinePart(lineColor, i,
                        sample_depths[begin_index], sample_depths[i]));

                sample_g_chart.appendChild(sampleRecorderPlotEB.getHorizontalTrendLinePart(lineColor, scale_y,
                        begin_index, i, sample_depths[begin_index]));

                begin_index = i;

            // draw in the final line
            if (i + 1 == sample_depths.length) {
                sample_g_chart.appendChild(sampleRecorderPlotEB.getHorizontalTrendLinePart(lineColor, scale_y,
                        begin_index, i, sample_depths[begin_index]));

        // add the threshold depth
        sample_g_chart.appendChild(sampleRecorderPlotEB.getThresholdLine(scale_y, largest_sample_depth));

        // add in the tick lines
        int num_ticks = FireChartUtil.calculateNumSampleDepthTicks(largest_sample_depth);
        int tick_spacing = (int) Math.ceil((double) largest_sample_depth / (double) num_ticks);
        int yAxisFontSize = App.prefs.getIntPref(PrefKey.CHART_AXIS_Y1_FONT_SIZE, 10);
        int labelHeight = FireChartUtil.getStringHeight(Font.PLAIN, yAxisFontSize, "9");
        int labelY = labelHeight / 2;

        for (int i = 0; i < num_ticks; i++) {
            sample_g.appendChild(sampleRecorderPlotEB.getHorizontalTick(unscale_y, i, tick_spacing));

            Element unscale_g = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
            unscale_g.setAttributeNS(null, "transform",
                    "translate(-5," + (i * tick_spacing) + ") scale(1," + (1.0 / scale_y) + ")");
                    sampleRecorderPlotEB.getDepthCountTextElement(labelY, yAxisFontSize, i, tick_spacing));


        // add in label that says "Sample Depth"
        int labelWidth = FireChartUtil.getStringWidth(Font.PLAIN, yAxisFontSize, num_ticks * tick_spacing + "");

        Element unscale_g = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
        unscale_g.setAttributeNS(null, "transform",
                "translate(" + (-5 - labelWidth - 10) + "," + 0 + ") scale(1," + (1.0 / scale_y) + ") rotate(270)");


        if (App.prefs.getBooleanPref(PrefKey.CHART_SHOW_INDEX_PLOT, true)) {
            sample_g.setAttributeNS(null, "display", "inline");
        } else {
            sample_g.setAttributeNS(null, "display", "none");

        return sample_g;

     * Replaces the currently displayed (or hidden) chronology plot with a freshly generated chronology plot.
    private void rebuildChronologyPlot() {

        Element chrono_plot_g = doc.getElementById("chrono_plot_g");

     * Set the visibility of the index plot based on the preferences.
    public void setIndexPlotVisibility() {

        boolean isVisible = App.prefs.getBooleanPref(PrefKey.CHART_SHOW_INDEX_PLOT, true);

        Element plot_grouper1 = doc.getElementById("scarred");
        Element plot_grouper2 = doc.getElementById("depths");

        if (!isVisible) {
            plot_grouper1.setAttributeNS(null, "display", "none");
            plot_grouper2.setAttributeNS(null, "display", "none");
        } else {
            plot_grouper1.setAttributeNS(null, "display", "inline");
            plot_grouper2.setAttributeNS(null, "display", "inline");


     * Set the visibility of the chronology plot based on the preferences.
    public void setChronologyPlotVisibility() {

        boolean isVisible = App.prefs.getBooleanPref(PrefKey.CHART_SHOW_CHRONOLOGY_PLOT, true);
        Element plot_grouper = doc.getElementById("chronology_plot");

        if (!isVisible) {
            plot_grouper.setAttributeNS(null, "display", "none");
        } else {
            plot_grouper.setAttributeNS(null, "display", "inline");


     * Set the visibility of the composite plot based on the preferences.
    public void setCompositePlotVisibility() {

        boolean isVisible = App.prefs.getBooleanPref(PrefKey.CHART_SHOW_COMPOSITE_PLOT, true);
        Element plot_grouper = doc.getElementById("comp_plot");

        if (!isVisible) {
            plot_grouper.setAttributeNS(null, "display", "none");
        } else {
            plot_grouper.setAttributeNS(null, "display", "inline");


     * Set the visibility of the legend based on the preferences.
    public void setLegendVisibility() {

        boolean legendVisible = App.prefs.getBooleanPref(PrefKey.CHART_SHOW_LEGEND, true);
        Element legend = doc.getElementById("legend");

        if (legendVisible) {
            legend.setAttributeNS(null, "display", "inline");
        } else {
            legend.setAttributeNS(null, "display", "none");

     * Set the visibility of the series labels based on the preferences.
    public void setSeriesLabelsVisibility() {

        boolean isSeriesLabelVisible = App.prefs.getBooleanPref(PrefKey.CHART_SHOW_CHRONOLOGY_PLOT_LABELS, true);

        for (FHSeriesSVG seriesSVG : seriesSVGList) {
            Element ser = doc.getElementById("series_label_" + seriesSVG.getTitle());
            if (isSeriesLabelVisible)
                ser.setAttributeNS(null, "display", "inline");
                ser.setAttributeNS(null, "display", "none");

        for (int i = 0; i < seriesSVGList.size(); i++) {
            Element upButton = doc.getElementById("up_button" + i);
            Element downButton = doc.getElementById("down_button" + i);
            if (isSeriesLabelVisible) {
                upButton.setAttributeNS(null, "display", "inline");
                downButton.setAttributeNS(null, "display", "inline");
            } else {
                upButton.setAttributeNS(null, "display", "none");
                downButton.setAttributeNS(null, "display", "none");

     * Set the visibility of the no-export elements based on the input parameter.
     * @param isVisible
    public void setVisibilityOfNoExportElements(boolean isVisible) {

        String visibility_setting = isVisible ? "inline" : "none";
        NodeList n = doc.getElementsByTagName("*");

        for (int i = 0; i < n.getLength(); i++) {
            Element temp = (Element) n.item(i);

            if (temp.getAttribute("class").equals("no_export")) {
                temp.setAttributeNS(null, "display", visibility_setting);

     * This function toggles the visibility of the series at the given location.
     * @param index of the series to hide
    public void toggleVisibilityOfSeries(int index) {

        FHSeriesSVG seriesToHide = seriesSVGList.get(index);
        seriesSVGList.set(index, seriesToHide);

    // ============== Annotation ==============
    // There is a <rect id="annote_canvas"> element in the DOM under <g id="annote_g">.
    // It is used to catch mouse events in order to add, resize, or delete annotation rectangles.
    // The enum Mode is used to track whether the user has selected add, resize, &etc.
    // All mode checking will be done java-side to simplify the js.
    // In other words, rectangles will always call deleteAnnoteRect when clicked, and it is up
    // to deleteAnnoteRect to ensure that the rect only gets deleted when the user is in the eraser mode
    // ========================================

     * Gets the annote canvas as an element.
     * @return annote_canvas
    public Element getAnnoteCanvas() {

        try {
            Element annote_canvas = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "rect");
            annote_canvas.setAttributeNS(null, "id", "annote_canvas");
            annote_canvas.setAttributeNS(null, "width", this.chartWidth + "");
            annote_canvas.setAttributeNS(null, "height", "999");
            annote_canvas.setAttributeNS(null, "onmousedown", "paddingGrouperOnClick(evt)");
            annote_canvas.setAttributeNS(null, "opacity", "0.0");
            return annote_canvas;
        } catch (BridgeException e) {
        return null;

     * Draws a line on the annotation grouper.
     * @param x
     * @return
    public String drawAnnoteLine(int x) {

        if (annotemode == AnnoteMode.LINE) {
            Element annote_g = doc.getElementById("annote_g");
            Element annote_canvas = doc.getElementById("annote_canvas");
            Element annote_line = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "line");
            SVGRect annote_canvas_rc = SVGLocatableSupport.getBBox(annote_canvas);

            String id = "annote_line_" + (lineGensym++);
            annote_line.setAttributeNS(null, "id", id);
            annote_line.setAttributeNS(null, "x1", Float.toString(x - chartXOffset));
            annote_line.setAttributeNS(null, "y1", "0");
            annote_line.setAttributeNS(null, "x2", Float.toString(x - chartXOffset));
            annote_line.setAttributeNS(null, "y2", Float.toString(annote_canvas_rc.getHeight()));
            annote_line.setAttributeNS(null, "stroke", "black");
            annote_line.setAttributeNS(null, "stroke-width", "3");
            annote_line.setAttributeNS(null, "opacity", "0.5");
            annote_line.setAttributeNS(null, "onmousedown",
                    "FireChartSVG.getChart(chart_num).deleteAnnoteLine('" + id + "')");

            annotemode = AnnoteMode.NONE;

            return id;

        return "wrong_annotemode";

     * Removes a line from the annotation grouper.
     * @param id
     * @return
    public boolean deleteAnnoteLine(String id) {

        if (annotemode == AnnoteMode.ERASE) {
            Element annote_g = doc.getElementById("annote_g");
            Element annote_line = doc.getElementById(id);

            if (annote_line == null) {
                return false;

            return true;

        return false;

     * Sets the annote mode according to the input parameter.
     * @param m
    public void setAnnoteMode(AnnoteMode m) {

        annotemode = m;

        // Changing the cursor would be cool, but I couldn't get it
        // to load a custom graphic. A base-64 encoded directly in
        // this files didn't work either.
        // Element annote_canvas = doc.getElementById("annote_canvas");
        // if( annotemode == AnnoteMode.LINE ) {
        // annote_canvas.setAttributeNS(null, "cursor", "move");
        // }
        // else {
        // annote_canvas.setAttributeNS(null, "cursor", "auto");
        // }

     * Returns a dimension in years (time coordinate system) for the specified proportion of the chart width.
     * @param prop
     * @return
    public Double standardChartUnits(int prop) {

        Double pixelsForProportion = this.chartWidth * (prop / 1000.0);
        return FireChartUtil.pixelsToYears(pixelsForProportion, chartWidth, getFirstChartYear(),

     * Handles printing of the SVG document.
     * @param doc
     * @param out
    public static void printDocument(Document doc, OutputStream out) {

        try {
            TransformerFactory tf = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
            Transformer t = tf.newTransformer();
            t.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.METHOD, "xml");
            t.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes");
            t.transform(new DOMSource(doc), new StreamResult(new OutputStreamWriter(out, "UTF-8")));

            log.debug("Document printed successfully.");
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            System.out.println("Error: Could not printDocument\n");

     * Sorts the series according to the sort by preference.
    private void sortSeriesAccordingToPreference() {

        String sortByPreference = App.prefs.getPref(PrefKey.CHART_SORT_BY_PREFERENCE,

        if (sortByPreference.equals(SeriesSortType.NAME.toString())) {
        } else if (sortByPreference.equals(SeriesSortType.CATEGORY.toString())) {
        } else if (sortByPreference.equals(SeriesSortType.FIRST_FIRE_YEAR.toString())) {
        } else if (sortByPreference.equals(SeriesSortType.SAMPLE_START_YEAR.toString())) {
        } else if (sortByPreference.equals(SeriesSortType.SAMPLE_END_YEAR.toString())) {
        } else {

     * Sort the series by name.
    public void sortByName() {

        Comparator<FHSeriesSVG> comparator = new Comparator<FHSeriesSVG>() {

            public int compare(FHSeriesSVG c1, FHSeriesSVG c2) {

                return c1.getTitle().compareTo(c2.getTitle());

        Collections.sort(seriesSVGList, comparator);
        lastTypeSortedBy = SeriesSortType.NAME;

        log.debug("Finished sorting chart series by name");

     * Sort the series by category. Currently this only sorts by the first entry of a series. This will need to be changed once the TRIDAS
     * format is implemented. TODO
    public void sortByCategory() {

        Comparator<FHSeriesSVG> comparator = new Comparator<FHSeriesSVG>() {

            public int compare(FHSeriesSVG c1, FHSeriesSVG c2) {

                String c1_first_category_entry = c1.getCategoryEntries().get(0).getContent();
                String c2_first_category_entry = c2.getCategoryEntries().get(0).getContent();

                return c1_first_category_entry.compareTo(c2_first_category_entry);

        Collections.sort(seriesSVGList, comparator);
        lastTypeSortedBy = SeriesSortType.CATEGORY;

        log.debug("Finished sorting chart series by category");

     * Sort the series by first fire year.
    public void sortByFirstFireYear() {

        Comparator<FHSeriesSVG> comparator = new Comparator<FHSeriesSVG>() {

            public int compare(FHSeriesSVG c1, FHSeriesSVG c2) {

                boolean[] c1_events = c1.getEventYears();
                boolean[] c2_events = c2.getEventYears();

                int i = 0;
                for (i = 0; i < c1_events.length && !c1_events[i]; i++) {
                    ; // loop until the index of the first fire year for c1 is found
                int c1_first_fire_year = applyBCYearOffset(c1.getFirstYear()) + i;

                int j = 0;
                for (j = 0; j < c2_events.length && !c2_events[j]; j++) {
                    ; // loop until the index of the first fire year for c2 is found
                int c2_first_fire_year = applyBCYearOffset(c2.getFirstYear()) + j;

                return c2_first_fire_year - c1_first_fire_year;

        Collections.sort(seriesSVGList, comparator);
        lastTypeSortedBy = SeriesSortType.FIRST_FIRE_YEAR;

        log.debug("Finished sorting chart series by first fire year");

     * Sort the series by start year.
    public void sortBySampleStartYear() {

        Comparator<FHSeriesSVG> comparator = new Comparator<FHSeriesSVG>() {

            public int compare(FHSeriesSVG c1, FHSeriesSVG c2) {

                return applyBCYearOffset(c2.getFirstYear()) - applyBCYearOffset(c1.getFirstYear());

        Collections.sort(seriesSVGList, comparator);
        lastTypeSortedBy = SeriesSortType.SAMPLE_START_YEAR;

        log.debug("Finished sorting chart series by series start year");

     * Sort the series by end year.
    public void sortBySampleEndYear() {

        Comparator<FHSeriesSVG> comparator = new Comparator<FHSeriesSVG>() {

            public int compare(FHSeriesSVG c1, FHSeriesSVG c2) {

                return applyBCYearOffset(c2.getLastYear()) - applyBCYearOffset(c1.getLastYear());

        Collections.sort(seriesSVGList, comparator);
        lastTypeSortedBy = SeriesSortType.SAMPLE_END_YEAR;

        log.debug("Finished sorting chart series by series end year");

     * Sort the series by end year.
    public void sortByPositionInFile() {

        Comparator<FHSeriesSVG> comparator = new Comparator<FHSeriesSVG>() {

            public int compare(FHSeriesSVG c1, FHSeriesSVG c2) {

                Integer c1pos = c1.getSequenceInFile();
                Integer c2pos = c2.getSequenceInFile();

                return c1pos.compareTo(c2pos);

        Collections.sort(seriesSVGList, comparator);
        lastTypeSortedBy = SeriesSortType.AS_IN_FILE;

        log.debug("Finished sorting chart series by position in file");

    // public boolean setCommonTickAttrib(int weight, Color color, LineStyle style) {
    // tickLineWeight = weight;
    // tickLineStyle = style;
    // setTickColor(color);
    // positionChartGroupersAndDrawTimeAxis();
    // return false;
    // }