Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2014 Instituto Superior Tcnico * * This file is part of FenixEdu Spaces. * * FenixEdu Spaces is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * FenixEdu Spaces is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with FenixEdu Spaces. If not, see <>. */ package org.fenixedu.spaces.domain; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Optional; import; import; import org.fenixedu.bennu.FenixEduSpaceConfiguration; import org.fenixedu.bennu.core.domain.Bennu; import org.fenixedu.bennu.core.domain.exceptions.DomainException; import org.fenixedu.commons.i18n.LocalizedString; import org.fenixedu.spaces.ui.SpaceClassificationBean; import; import; import; import; import; public class SpaceClassification extends SpaceClassification_Base { private static final Comparator<SpaceClassification> ABSOLUTE_CODE_COMPARATOR = new Comparator<SpaceClassification>() { private int compareIntString(String o1, String o2) { try { Integer o1AbsCode = Integer.parseInt(o1); Integer o2AbsCode = Integer.parseInt(o2); return o1AbsCode.compareTo(o2AbsCode); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { return o1.compareTo(o2); } } @Override public int compare(SpaceClassification o1, SpaceClassification o2) { String tokens1[] = o1.getAbsoluteCode().split("[.]"); String tokens2[] = o2.getAbsoluteCode().split("[.]"); for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(tokens1.length, tokens2.length); i++) { int result = compareIntString(tokens1[i], tokens2[i]); if (result != 0) { return result; } } return tokens1.length - tokens2.length; } }; public SpaceClassification(String code, LocalizedString name, SpaceClassification parent, JsonElement metadataSpec) { super(); setCode(code); setName(name); setParent(parent); if (parent == null) { setBennu(Bennu.getInstance()); } setMetadataSpec(metadataSpec); } public SpaceClassification(String code, LocalizedString name, SpaceClassification parent) { this(code, name, parent, new JsonArray()); } public SpaceClassification(String code, LocalizedString name) { this(code, name, null); } public static SpaceClassification get(String code) { String parentCode = null; String childCode = null; if (code.indexOf(".") != -1) { String[] subCodes = code.split("\\."); parentCode = subCodes[0]; childCode = subCodes[1]; } else { parentCode = code; } for (SpaceClassification classification : Bennu.getInstance().getRootClassificationSet()) { if (classification.getCode().equals(parentCode)) { if (childCode != null) { return classification.getChild(childCode); } return classification; } } return null; } private SpaceClassification getChild(String code) { for (SpaceClassification child : getChildrenSet()) { if (child.getCode().equals(code)) { return child; } } return null; } public String getAbsoluteCode() { return getPath().stream().filter(c -> !c.getCode().isEmpty()).map(c -> c.getCode()) .collect(Collectors.joining(".")); } private List<SpaceClassification> getPath() { List<SpaceClassification> path = new ArrayList<>(); SpaceClassification parent = this; while (parent != null) { path.add(0, parent); parent = parent.getParent(); } return path; } private void dump(List<SpaceClassification> classifications) { classifications.add(this); for (SpaceClassification classification : getChildrenSet()) { classification.dump(classifications); } } public static List<SpaceClassification> all() { final List<SpaceClassification> classifications = new ArrayList<>(); for (SpaceClassification classification : Bennu.getInstance().getRootClassificationSet()) { classification.dump(classifications); } return; } public List<SpaceClassification> getAllChildren() { final List<SpaceClassification> classifications = new ArrayList<>(); for (SpaceClassification classification : getChildrenSet()) { classification.dump(classifications); } return; } private static class DeleteSpaceClassificationException extends DomainException { protected DeleteSpaceClassificationException(String name) { super(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, FenixEduSpaceConfiguration.BUNDLE, "label.cannotDeleteSpaceClassification", name); } } @Atomic public void delete() { // verify if (!getInformationsSet().isEmpty()) { throw new DeleteSpaceClassificationException(this.getName().getContent()); } getChildrenSet().forEach(m -> m.delete()); setParent(null); setBennu(null); //remove deleteDomainObject(); //domain exception } public Optional<JsonElement> getMetadataSpecJson(String field) { for (JsonElement je : getMetadataSpec().getAsJsonArray()) { JsonObject job = je.getAsJsonObject(); if (job.get("name").getAsString().equals(field)) { return Optional.of(je); } } return Optional.empty(); } @Deprecated public Optional<MetadataSpec> getMetadataSpec(String field) { for (MetadataSpec spec : getMetadataSpecs()) { if (spec.getName().equals(field)) { return Optional.of(spec); } } return Optional.empty(); } @Deprecated public Collection<MetadataSpec> getMetadataSpecs() { List<MetadataSpec> specs = new ArrayList<>(); for (JsonElement metadataSpec : getMetadataSpec().getAsJsonArray()) { specs.add(new MetadataSpec(metadataSpec)); } return specs; } @Override public void setMetadataSpec(JsonElement metadataSpec) { if (metadataSpec == null) { super.setMetadataSpec(new JsonArray()); } JsonElement toUpdate = new JsonArray(); super.setMetadataSpec(metadataSpec); toUpdate = computeUpdate(metadataSpec); for (SpaceClassification classification : getChildrenSet()) { classification.updateAndPropagate(toUpdate); } } private JsonElement filterInherited(JsonElement currentMetadata) { JsonArray current = currentMetadata.getAsJsonArray(); JsonArray newCurrent = new JsonArray(); for (JsonElement spec : current) { JsonObject specObj = spec.getAsJsonObject(); if (specObj.get("inherited") == null || specObj.get("inherited").isJsonNull() || specObj.get("inherited").getAsBoolean() == false) { newCurrent.add(spec); } } return newCurrent; } private JsonElement computeUpdate(JsonElement metadataSpec) { JsonElement toInherit = filterInherited(metadataSpec); toInherit = new JsonParser().parse(toInherit.toString()); for (JsonElement ti : toInherit.getAsJsonArray()) { JsonObject job = ti.getAsJsonObject(); job.addProperty("inherited", true); } return toInherit; } private void updateAndPropagate(JsonElement toUpdate) { updateClassification(toUpdate); for (SpaceClassification classification : getChildrenSet()) { classification.updateAndPropagate(toUpdate); } } private void updateClassification(JsonElement toUpdate) { JsonElement metadataSpec = getMetadataSpec(); JsonArray newSpec = new JsonArray(); HashMap<String, JsonObject> fields = new HashMap<String, JsonObject>(); for (JsonElement spec : metadataSpec.getAsJsonArray()) { JsonObject specObj = spec.getAsJsonObject(); fields.put(specObj.get("name").getAsString(), specObj); } for (JsonElement spec : toUpdate.getAsJsonArray()) { JsonObject specObj = spec.getAsJsonObject(); fields.put(specObj.get("name").getAsString(), specObj); } for (JsonObject spec : fields.values()) { newSpec.add(spec); } super.setMetadataSpec(newSpec); } public void setMetadataSpecs(Collection<MetadataSpec> specs) { JsonArray specsJson = new JsonArray(); for (MetadataSpec spec : specs) { specsJson.add(spec.toJson()); } setMetadataSpec(specsJson); } public SpaceClassificationBean getBean() { return new SpaceClassificationBean(this); } @Deprecated /*** * To be removed in next major */ public static SpaceClassification getCampusClassification() { final SpaceClassification byName = getByName("Campus"); if (byName == null) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Campus type not defined."); } return byName; } private boolean hasMatchByName(final String needle) { final LocalizedString name = getName(); for (final Locale locale : name.getLocales()) { if (needle.equals(name.getContent(locale))) { return true; } } return false; } private SpaceClassification findByName(final String needle) { return hasMatchByName(needle) ? this : findByName(needle, getChildrenSet()); } private static SpaceClassification findByName(final String needle, Collection<SpaceClassification> classifications) { for (final SpaceClassification classification : classifications) { final SpaceClassification result = classification.findByName(needle); if (result != null) { return result; } } return null; } public boolean isRootClassification() { return Bennu.getInstance().getRootClassificationSet().contains(this); } public static SpaceClassification getByName(String needle) { return findByName(needle, Bennu.getInstance().getRootClassificationSet()); } public static SpaceClassification getRootClassification() { return Bennu.getInstance().getRootClassificationSet().iterator().next(); } }