Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2014 Instituto Superior Tcnico * * This file is part of FenixEdu Spaces. * * FenixEdu Spaces is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * FenixEdu Spaces is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with FenixEdu Spaces. If not, see <>. */ package org.fenixedu.spaces.domain; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import org.fenixedu.bennu.core.domain.User; import org.fenixedu.spaces.ui.InformationBean; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.Interval; import; import; import; import; import; public class Information extends Information_Base { public static final Comparator<Information> CREATION_DATE_COMPARATOR = new Comparator<Information>() { @Override public int compare(Information o1, Information o2) { return o1.getCreated().compareTo(o2.getCreated()); } }; public static class Builder { private Integer allocatableCapacity; private String blueprintNumber; private BigDecimal area; private String name; private String identification; private JsonElement metadata; private DateTime validFrom; private DateTime validUntil; private SpaceClassification classification; private String externalId; private BlueprintFile blueprint; private byte[] blueprintContent; private User user; //create information from the info in the bean public Builder(InformationBean informationBean) { this.allocatableCapacity = informationBean.getAllocatableCapacity(); this.blueprintNumber = informationBean.getBlueprintNumber(); this.area = informationBean.getArea(); = informationBean.getName(); this.identification = informationBean.getIdentification(); this.metadata = informationBean.getRawMetadata(); this.validFrom = informationBean.getValidFrom(); this.validUntil = informationBean.getValidUntil(); this.classification = informationBean.getClassification(); this.blueprintContent = informationBean.getBlueprintContent(); this.blueprint = informationBean.getBlueprint(); this.user = informationBean.getUser(); } //create information based on existing information Builder(Information information) { this.allocatableCapacity = information.getAllocatableCapacity(); this.blueprintNumber = information.getBlueprintNumber(); this.area = information.getArea(); = information.getName(); this.identification = information.getIdentification(); this.metadata = information.getMetadata(); this.validFrom = information.getValidFrom(); this.validUntil = information.getValidUntil(); this.classification = information.getClassification(); this.externalId = information.getExternalId(); this.blueprint = information.getBlueprint(); this.user = information.getUser(); } public Builder() { } public Builder allocatableCapacity(Integer allocatableCapacity) { this.allocatableCapacity = allocatableCapacity; return this; } public Builder blueprintNumber(String blueprintNumber) { this.blueprintNumber = blueprintNumber; return this; } public Builder area(BigDecimal area) { this.area = area; return this; } public Builder name(String name) { = name; return this; } public Builder identification(String identification) { this.identification = identification; return this; } public Builder metadata(JsonElement metadata) { this.metadata = metadata; return this; } public Builder validFrom(DateTime validFrom) { this.validFrom = validFrom; return this; } public Builder validUntil(DateTime validUntil) { this.validUntil = validUntil; return this; } public Builder classification(SpaceClassification classification) { this.classification = classification; return this; } public Builder user(User user) { this.user = user; return this; } @Atomic(mode = TxMode.WRITE) public Information build() { Information info = null; if (validUntil != null && validFrom.isAfter(validUntil)) { throw new SpaceDomainException(""); } if (blueprintContent == null) { info = new Information(validFrom, validUntil, allocatableCapacity, blueprintNumber, area, name, identification, metadata, classification, blueprint, user); } else { info = new Information(validFrom, validUntil, allocatableCapacity, blueprintNumber, area, name, identification, metadata, classification, blueprintContent, user); } return info; } public InformationBean bean() { return new InformationBean(externalId, allocatableCapacity, blueprintNumber, area, name, identification, validFrom, validUntil, metadata, classification, blueprint, user); } } public static Builder builder() { return new Builder(); } public static Builder builder(Information information) { return new Builder(information); } public static Builder builder(InformationBean bean) { return new Builder(bean); } protected Information() { this(null); } protected Information(Information previous) { super(); setCreated(new DateTime()); setPrevious(previous); } private Information(DateTime validFrom, DateTime validUntil, Integer allocatableCapacity, String blueprintNumber, BigDecimal area, String name, String identification, JsonElement metadata, SpaceClassification classification, byte[] blueprint, BlueprintFile blueprintFile, User user) { setValidFrom(validFrom); setValidUntil(validUntil); setAllocatableCapacity(allocatableCapacity); setBlueprintNumber(blueprintNumber); setArea(area); setName(name); setIdentification(identification); setClassification(classification); setMetadata(metadata); if (blueprintFile != null) { setBlueprint(blueprintFile); } if (blueprint != null) { setBlueprint(new BlueprintFile(name, blueprint)); } setUser(user); } protected Information(DateTime validFrom, DateTime validUntil, Integer allocatableCapacity, String blueprintNumber, BigDecimal area, String name, String identification, JsonElement metadata, SpaceClassification classification, byte[] blueprint, User user) { this(validFrom, validUntil, allocatableCapacity, blueprintNumber, area, name, identification, metadata, classification, blueprint, null, user); } protected Information(DateTime validFrom, DateTime validUntil, Integer allocatableCapacity, String blueprintNumber, BigDecimal area, String name, String identification, JsonElement metadata, SpaceClassification classification, BlueprintFile blueprintFile, User user) { this(validFrom, validUntil, allocatableCapacity, blueprintNumber, area, name, identification, metadata, classification, null, blueprintFile, user); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T extends Object> Optional<T> getMetadata(String field) { Optional<JsonElement> spec = getClassification().getMetadataSpecJson(field); if (spec.isPresent()) { JsonObject jsObj = spec.get().getAsJsonObject(); final String type = jsObj.get("type").getAsString(); final JsonObject metadata = getMetadata().getAsJsonObject(); JsonElement fieldValue = metadata.get(field); if (fieldValue == null || fieldValue.isJsonNull()) { return Optional.empty(); } if (Boolean.class.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { return (Optional<T>) Optional.of(new Boolean(fieldValue.getAsBoolean())); } if (Integer.class.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { return (Optional<T>) Optional.of(new Integer(fieldValue.getAsInt())); } if (BigDecimal.class.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { return (Optional<T>) Optional.of(fieldValue.getAsBigDecimal()); } return (Optional<T>) Optional.of(new String(fieldValue.getAsString())); } return Optional.empty(); } protected Information copy() { Information clone = new Information(); clone.setAllocatableCapacity(getAllocatableCapacity()); clone.setBlueprintNumber(getBlueprintNumber()); clone.setArea(getArea()); clone.setName(getName()); clone.setIdentification(getIdentification()); clone.setValidFrom(getValidFrom()); clone.setValidUntil(getValidUntil()); clone.setMetadata(getMetadata()); clone.setClassification(getClassification()); clone.setPrevious(null); clone.setBlueprint(getBlueprint()); return clone; } protected Information keepLeft(DateTime checkpoint) { Information copy = copy(); copy.setValidUntil(checkpoint); return copy; } protected Information keepRight(DateTime checkpoint) { Information copy = copy(); copy.setValidFrom(checkpoint); return copy; } protected List<Information> split(DateTime checkpoint) { return Lists.newArrayList(keepLeft(checkpoint), keepRight(checkpoint)); } protected boolean contains(DateTime checkpoint) { return getValidity().contains(checkpoint); } protected boolean contains(Interval checkpoint) { return getValidity().contains(checkpoint); } /** * Does requested checkpoint is after current validity period * * @param checkpoint * @return */ protected boolean isAfter(DateTime checkpoint) { if (checkpoint == null) { return true; } return checkpoint.isEqual(getValidUntil()) || checkpoint.isAfter(getValidUntil()); } protected Interval getValidity() { return new Interval(getValidFrom(), getValidUntil() == null ? new DateTime(Long.MAX_VALUE) : getValidUntil()); } @Override public void setPrevious(Information previous) { if (previous == this) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } super.setPrevious(previous); } }