Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 DuraSpace, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import static; import static com.jayway.awaitility.Awaitility.await; import static com.jayway.awaitility.Duration.ONE_SECOND; import static javax.jms.Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE; import static org.fcrepo.jms.headers.DefaultMessageFactory.BASE_URL_HEADER_NAME; import static org.fcrepo.jms.headers.DefaultMessageFactory.EVENT_TYPE_HEADER_NAME; import static org.fcrepo.jms.headers.DefaultMessageFactory.IDENTIFIER_HEADER_NAME; import static org.fcrepo.jms.headers.DefaultMessageFactory.PROPERTIES_HEADER_NAME; import static org.fcrepo.jms.headers.DefaultMessageFactory.TIMESTAMP_HEADER_NAME; import static org.fcrepo.kernel.api.RdfLexicon.HAS_SIZE; import static org.fcrepo.kernel.api.RdfLexicon.REPOSITORY_NAMESPACE; import static org.fcrepo.kernel.api.RequiredRdfContext.PROPERTIES; import static org.jgroups.util.UUID.randomUUID; import static org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger; import; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.jcr.Repository; import javax.jcr.RepositoryException; import javax.jcr.Session; import javax.jms.Connection; import javax.jms.JMSException; import javax.jms.Message; import javax.jms.MessageConsumer; import javax.jms.MessageListener; import org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory; import org.fcrepo.kernel.api.exception.InvalidChecksumException; import org.fcrepo.kernel.api.models.FedoraResource; import; import org.fcrepo.kernel.api.models.Container; import; import; import org.fcrepo.kernel.modeshape.rdf.impl.DefaultIdentifierTranslator; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.springframework.test.annotation.DirtiesContext; import org.springframework.test.context.ContextConfiguration; import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringJUnit4ClassRunner; /** * <p> * HeadersJMSIT class. * </p> * * @author ajs6f */ @RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class) @ContextConfiguration({ "/spring-test/headers-jms.xml", "/spring-test/repo.xml", "/spring-test/eventing.xml" }) @DirtiesContext public class HeadersJMSIT implements MessageListener { /** * Time to wait for a set of test messages, in milliseconds. */ private static final long TIMEOUT = 20000; private static final String testIngested = "/testMessageFromIngestion-" + randomUUID(); private static final String testRemoved = "/testMessageFromRemoval-" + randomUUID(); private static final String testFile = "/testMessageFromFile-" + randomUUID() + "/file1"; private static final String testMeta = "/testMessageFromMetadata-" + randomUUID(); private static final String NODE_ADDED_EVENT_TYPE = REPOSITORY_NAMESPACE + EventType.NODE_ADDED; private static final String NODE_REMOVED_EVENT_TYPE = REPOSITORY_NAMESPACE + EventType.NODE_REMOVED; private static final String PROP_ADDED_EVENT_TYPE = REPOSITORY_NAMESPACE + EventType.PROPERTY_ADDED; private static final String PROP_CHANGED_EVENT_TYPE = REPOSITORY_NAMESPACE + EventType.PROPERTY_CHANGED; private static final String PROP_REMOVED_EVENT_TYPE = REPOSITORY_NAMESPACE + EventType.PROPERTY_REMOVED; @Inject private Repository repository; @Inject private BinaryService binaryService; @Inject private ContainerService containerService; @Inject private ActiveMQConnectionFactory connectionFactory; private Connection connection; private javax.jms.Session session; private MessageConsumer consumer; private volatile Set<Message> messages = new HashSet<>(); private static final Logger LOGGER = getLogger(HeadersJMSIT.class); @Test(timeout = TIMEOUT) public void testIngestion() throws RepositoryException { LOGGER.debug("Expecting a {} event", NODE_ADDED_EVENT_TYPE); final Session session = repository.login(); try { containerService.findOrCreate(session, testIngested);; awaitMessageOrFail(testIngested, NODE_ADDED_EVENT_TYPE, null); } finally { session.logout(); } } @Test(timeout = TIMEOUT) public void testFileEvents() throws InvalidChecksumException, RepositoryException { final Session session = repository.login(); try { binaryService.findOrCreate(session, testFile).setContent(new ByteArrayInputStream("foo".getBytes()), "text/plain", null, null, null);; awaitMessageOrFail(testFile, NODE_ADDED_EVENT_TYPE, HAS_SIZE.toString()); binaryService.find(session, testFile).setContent(new ByteArrayInputStream("bar".getBytes()), "text/plain", null, null, null);; awaitMessageOrFail(testFile, PROP_CHANGED_EVENT_TYPE, HAS_SIZE.toString()); binaryService.find(session, testFile).delete();; awaitMessageOrFail(testFile, NODE_REMOVED_EVENT_TYPE, null); } finally { session.logout(); } } @Test(timeout = TIMEOUT) public void testMetadataEvents() throws RepositoryException { final Session session = repository.login(); final DefaultIdentifierTranslator subjects = new DefaultIdentifierTranslator(session); try { final FedoraResource resource1 = containerService.findOrCreate(session, testMeta); final String sparql1 = "insert data { <> <> \"foo\" . }"; resource1.updateProperties(subjects, sparql1, resource1.getTriples(subjects, PROPERTIES));; awaitMessageOrFail(testMeta, PROP_ADDED_EVENT_TYPE, ""); final FedoraResource resource2 = containerService.findOrCreate(session, testMeta); final String sparql2 = " delete { <> <> \"foo\" . } " + "insert { <> <> \"bar\" . } where {}"; resource2.updateProperties(subjects, sparql2, resource2.getTriples(subjects, PROPERTIES));; awaitMessageOrFail(testMeta, PROP_CHANGED_EVENT_TYPE, ""); } finally { session.logout(); } } private void awaitMessageOrFail(final String id, final String eventType, final String property) { await().pollInterval(ONE_SECOND).until(() -> -> { try { return getPath(msg).equals(id) && getEventTypes(msg).contains(eventType) && (property == null || getProperties(msg).contains(property)); } catch (final JMSException e) { throw propagate(e); } })); } @Test(timeout = TIMEOUT) public void testRemoval() throws RepositoryException { LOGGER.debug("Expecting a {} event", NODE_REMOVED_EVENT_TYPE); final Session session = repository.login(); try { final Container resource = containerService.findOrCreate(session, testRemoved);; resource.delete();; awaitMessageOrFail(testRemoved, NODE_REMOVED_EVENT_TYPE, null); } finally { session.logout(); } } @Override public void onMessage(final Message message) { try { LOGGER.debug( "Received JMS message: {} with path: {}, timestamp: {}, event type: {}, properties: {}," + " and baseURL: {}", message.getJMSMessageID(), getPath(message), getTimestamp(message), getEventTypes(message), getProperties(message), getBaseURL(message)); } catch (final JMSException e) { propagate(e); } messages.add(message); } @Before public void acquireConnection() throws JMSException { LOGGER.debug(this.getClass().getName() + " acquiring JMS connection."); connection = connectionFactory.createConnection(); connection.start(); session = connection.createSession(false, AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE); consumer = session.createConsumer(session.createTopic("fedora")); messages.clear(); consumer.setMessageListener(this); } @After public void releaseConnection() throws JMSException { // ignore any remaining or queued messages consumer.setMessageListener(msg -> { }); // and shut the listening machinery down LOGGER.debug(this.getClass().getName() + " releasing JMS connection."); consumer.close(); session.close(); connection.close(); } private static String getPath(final Message msg) throws JMSException { final String id = msg.getStringProperty(IDENTIFIER_HEADER_NAME); LOGGER.debug("Processing an event with identifier: {}", id); return id; } private static String getEventTypes(final Message msg) throws JMSException { final String type = msg.getStringProperty(EVENT_TYPE_HEADER_NAME); LOGGER.debug("Processing an event with type: {}", type); return type; } private static Long getTimestamp(final Message msg) throws JMSException { return msg.getLongProperty(TIMESTAMP_HEADER_NAME); } private static String getBaseURL(final Message msg) throws JMSException { return msg.getStringProperty(BASE_URL_HEADER_NAME); } private static String getProperties(final Message msg) throws JMSException { return msg.getStringProperty(PROPERTIES_HEADER_NAME); } }