Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 FastJ * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import; import; import org.jdom.Attribute; import org.jdom.Document; import org.jdom.Element; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; /** * JSON?xml? * * @author zhouqingquan * */ public class JSONHelper { public static Map<String, Object> getJson(String content) { if (content == null || (content = content.trim()).isEmpty()) { return new HashMap<String, Object>(); } Map<String, Object> jo = null; if (content.matches("^(\\{|\\[)[\\S\\s]*(\\}|\\])$")) { ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); try { if (content.startsWith("{")) { jo = mapper.readValue(content, new JsonType<Map<String, Object>>()); } else { Object l = mapper.readValue(content, new JsonType<List<Object>>()); jo = new HashMap<>(); jo.put("list", l); } } catch (Throwable e) { } } //xml if (jo == null) { if (content.matches("^<[\\S\\s]*>$")) { Document doc =; if (doc != null) { jo = xml2Json(doc); } } if (jo == null) { jo = new HashMap<String, Object>(); jo.put("content", content); } } return jo; } public static String jsonString(Object o) { ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); try { return mapper.writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter().writeValueAsString(o); } catch (Throwable e) { LogUtil.error("GetJSON fail: e={}", e.getMessage()); } return null; } public static Map<String, Object> xml2Json(Document doc) { delNS(doc.getRootElement()); Map<String, Object> jo = new HashMap<String, Object>(); jo.put(doc.getRootElement().getName(), xml2Json(doc.getRootElement())); return jo; } public static Object jsonValue(String path, Map<String, Object> jo) throws DataInvalidException { //find(), data(), loop(), unique(), asc(), desc() String regex = "^[\\S\\s]*\\[((find|data|loop|unique|asc|desc)\\(\\))\\][\\S\\s]*$"; String regex1 = "\\[((find|data|loop|unique|asc|desc)\\(\\))\\]"; if (path.matches(regex)) { Matcher m = Pattern.compile(regex1).matcher(path); String op = null; if (m.find()) { op =; } if (m.find()) throw new DataInvalidException("JSON path invalid: more op."); String sizePath = path.replaceAll(regex1, "[size()]"); Object leno = jsonValueInner(sizePath, jo); if ("nil".equals(leno) || leno == null) { if ("loop".equals(op) || "find".equals(op)) return new ArrayList<>(); return "nil"; } int lsize = (Integer) leno; List<Object> vl = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < lsize; i++) { String npath = path.replaceAll(regex1, "[" + i + "]"); Object o = jsonValueInner(npath, jo); if (!"nil".equals(o) && !"null".equals(o) && null != o) { vl.add(o); } } switch (op) { case "loop": case "find": return vl; case "data": StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder("@data:"); for (Object o : vl) { buff.append(String.valueOf(o)).append(","); } if (buff.charAt(buff.length() - 1) == ',') buff.deleteCharAt(buff.length() - 1); return buff.toString(); case "unique": List<Object> chkl = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (Object o : vl) { if (chkl.contains(o)) return "false"; chkl.add(o); } return "true"; case "asc": List<String> svl3 = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < vl.size(); i++) { svl3.add(String.valueOf(vl.get(i))); } List<String> svl4 = new ArrayList<>(); svl4.addAll(svl3); Collections.sort(svl4); for (int i = 0; i < svl3.size(); i++) { if (svl3.get(i).equals(svl4.get(i))) { continue; } else { return "false"; } } return "true"; case "desc": List<String> svl = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < vl.size(); i++) { svl.add(String.valueOf(vl.get(i))); } List<String> svl2 = new ArrayList<>(); svl2.addAll(svl); Collections.sort(svl2); int len = svl.size(); for (int i = 0; i < svl.size(); i++) { if (svl.get(i).equals(svl2.get(len - i - 1))) { continue; } else { return "false"; } } return "true"; default: return "nil"; } } else { return jsonValueInner(path, jo); } } @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) private static Object jsonValueInner(String path, Map<String, Object> jo) throws DataInvalidException { path = path.startsWith("json.") ? path.substring(5, path.length()) : path; String[] paths = split(path); Object curro = jo; for (String pvar : paths) { if (curro instanceof Map) { String selectors = pvar.indexOf('[') > 0 ? pvar.substring(pvar.indexOf('['), pvar.length()) : null; pvar = pvar.indexOf('[') > 0 ? pvar.substring(0, pvar.indexOf('[')) : pvar; if (!((Map) curro).containsKey(pvar)) { return "nil"; } curro = ((Map) curro).get(pvar); if (selectors != null /*&& curro instanceof List*/) { String[] ss = splitSelector(selectors); int tag = -1; for (String selector : ss) { tag++; if ("size()".equals(selector)) { return curro == null ? 0 : curro instanceof Collection<?> ? ((Collection) curro).size() : curro instanceof Map ? ((Map) curro).size() : String.valueOf(curro).length(); } if (curro == null) { break; //end selector } if (curro instanceof Map && tag == 0) { curro = ((Map) curro).values(); } String spath[] = StringUtil.readCmdParam(selector, true); if (spath.length >= 3 || selector.contains("=")) { String selectVar[] = spath.length >= 3 ? spath : selector.split("=", 2); Object to = null; if (tag == 0) { if (!(curro instanceof Collection)) { throw new DataInvalidException("selector on none-list struct."); } Collection<?> ol = (Collection<?>) curro; for (Object lo : ol) { if (lo instanceof Map) { Map<String, Object> mo = (Map<String, Object>) lo; if (selectorChk(selectVar, mo)) { if (tag == 0) to = mo; // first match break; } else { to = null; } } } } else { if (!(curro instanceof Map)) { break; // break selector } Map<String, Object> mo = (Map<String, Object>) curro; if (!selectorChk(selectVar, mo)) { to = null; } else { to = curro; } } curro = to == null ? "nil" : to; } else { if (!(curro instanceof Collection)) { throw new DataInvalidException("selector on none-list struct."); } int idx = 0; try { idx = Integer.valueOf(selector.trim()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { curro = "nil"; break; } Collection<?> ol = (Collection<?>) curro; curro = ol.size() > idx ? new ArrayList<>(ol).get(idx) : "nil"; } } // FOR EACH selector } else if (curro instanceof List) // selector is null { List<?> ol = (List<?>) curro; curro = ol.isEmpty() ? "nil" : ol.get(0); } else { if (pvar.equals(paths[paths.length - 1])) { return curro; } } } else // not map { if (path.equals(paths[paths.length - 1])) { return curro; } else { return "nil"; } } } return curro; } public static boolean selectorChk(String selectVar[], Map<String, Object> mo) throws DataInvalidException { if (selectVar.length == 2) { String[] ovar = selectVar; selectVar = new String[3]; selectVar[0] = ovar[0].trim(); selectVar[1] = "="; selectVar[2] = ovar[1].trim(); } for (int i = 0; (i + 2) < selectVar.length; i += 4) { String key = selectVar[i]; String op = selectVar[i + 1]; String expv = selectVar[i + 2]; Object rv = jsonValue(key, mo); String rvalue = rv == null || rv instanceof String ? String.valueOf(rv) : JSONHelper.jsonString(rv); ChkPara cp = ChkParaFactory.get(rvalue, op, expv); cp.setRealValue(rvalue); if (cp.check().isPass()) { return true; } } return false; } public static String[] splitSelector(String selector) throws DataInvalidException { List<String> sl = new ArrayList<String>(); StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(); int in = 0; for (int i = 0; i < selector.length(); i++) { char c = selector.charAt(i); if (in > 0) { if (c == '[') { in++; buff.append(c); } else if (c == ']') { in--; if (in == 0) { sl.add(buff.toString().trim()); buff.delete(0, buff.length()); } else { buff.append(c); } } else { buff.append(c); } } else { if (c == '[') { in++; } else { //invalid throw new DataInvalidException("Selector invalid."); } } } if (in != 0) throw new DataInvalidException("Selector invalid."); return sl.toArray(new String[sl.size()]); } /** * json.rlt.list[0].value * * @param path * @return String[] */ public static String[] split(String path) throws DataInvalidException { List<String> paths = new ArrayList<String>(); boolean needEnd = false; StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < path.length(); i++) { char c = path.charAt(i); if (c == '.') { if (needEnd) { buff.append(c); continue; } String p = trimJP(buff.toString().trim()); if (p == null || p.isEmpty()) throw new DataInvalidException("Path invalid: " + path); paths.add(p); buff.delete(0, buff.length()); continue; } else if (c == '[') { needEnd = true; } else if (c == ']') { needEnd = false; } buff.append(c); } if (needEnd) throw new DataInvalidException("Path invalid: " + path); String p = buff.toString().trim(); if (p.isEmpty()) throw new DataInvalidException("Path invalid: " + path); paths.add(p); return paths.toArray(new String[paths.size()]); } private static String trimJP(String path) { if (path.charAt(0) == '[') { int idx = path.indexOf(']'); if (idx == path.length() - 1) { return path.substring(1, path.length() - 1); } if (path.charAt(idx + 1) == '[' && path.charAt(path.length() - 1) == ']') { return path.substring(1, idx) + path.substring(idx + 1); } return null; } return path; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static Map<String, Object> xml2Json(Element e) { Map<String, Object> jo = new HashMap<String, Object>(); List<?> attrl = e.getAttributes(); for (Object attro : attrl) { Attribute attr = (Attribute) attro; jo.put("@" + attr.getName(), attr.getValue()); } if (!e.getTextTrim().isEmpty()) { jo.put("value", e.getTextTrim()); } List<String> l = uniqueChildName(e); for (String cname : l) { List<?> sel = e.getChildren(cname); if (sel.size() == 1) { Element se = (Element) sel.get(0); jo.put(se.getName(), xml2Json(se)); } else { List<Object> ol = new ArrayList<Object>(); jo.put(cname, ol); for (Element se : (List<Element>) sel) { ol.add(xml2Json(se)); } } } return jo; } private static List<String> uniqueChildName(Element e) { List<String> l = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Object o : e.getChildren()) { if (o instanceof Element) { Element se = (Element) o; if (!l.contains(se.getName())) { l.add(se.getName()); } } } return l; } private static void delNS(Element e) { e.setNamespace(null); for (Object o : e.getChildren()) { if (o instanceof Element) { Element se = (Element) o; delNS(se); } } } }