Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2014 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use is subject to the terms of the TIBCO license terms accompanying the download of this code. * In most instances, the license terms are contained in a file named license.txt. */ package org.fabrician.enabler; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.BooleanUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.math.NumberUtils; import com.datasynapse.commons.util.HostUtils; import com.datasynapse.fabric.common.ActivationInfo; import com.datasynapse.fabric.common.RuntimeContextVariable; import com.datasynapse.fabric.container.ExecContainer; import com.datasynapse.fabric.container.Feature; import com.datasynapse.fabric.domain.featureinfo.HttpFeatureInfo; import com.datasynapse.fabric.util.ContainerUtils; import com.datasynapse.fabric.util.DynamicVarsUtils; public class KarafContainer extends ExecContainer { private static final long serialVersionUID = 4555259893922948569L; private static final String KARAF_NAME = "KARAF_NAME"; private static final String KARAF_ADMIN_USER = "KARAF_ADMIN_USER"; private static final String KARAF_ADMIN_PWD = "KARAF_ADMIN_PWD"; private static final String KARAF_JMX_RMI_SERVER_PORT = "KARAF_JMX_RMI_SERVER_PORT"; private static final String KARAF_JMX_RMI_REGISTRY_PORT = "KARAF_JMX_RMI_REGISTRY_PORT"; private static final String KARAF_SSH_PORT = "KARAF_SSH_PORT"; private static final String KARAF_JMX_SERVICE_URL = "KARAF_JMX_SERVICE_URL"; private static final String KARAF_DEBUG = "KARAF_DEBUG"; private static final String KARAF_DEBUG_PORT = "KARAF_DEBUG_PORT"; private static final String KARAF_WEBCONSOLE_URL = "KARAF_WEBCONSOLE_URL"; private static final String BIND_ON_ALL_LOCAL_ADDRESSES = "BIND_ON_ALL_LOCAL_ADDRESSES"; private static final String KARAF_BIND_ADDRESS = "KARAF_BIND_ADDRESS"; private static final String CELLAR_CLUSTERING_ENABLED = "CELLAR_CLUSTERING_ENABLED"; private static final String CELLAR_GROUP_MEMBERSHIP = "CELLAR_GROUP_MEMBERSHIP"; private static final int UNDEFINED_PORT = -1; private JMXConnector jmxc = null; private MBeanServerConnection mBeanServer = null; private HttpFeatureInfo httpFeatureInfo = null; private KarafClusteringInfo clusterFeatureInfo = null; public KarafContainer() { super(); } public synchronized MBeanServerConnection getMBeanServerConnection() throws Exception { if (this.mBeanServer == null) { Map<String, String[]> environment = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); String user = getAdminName(); String pwd = getAdminPassword(); String jmxurl = getJmxClientUrl(); String[] credentials = new String[] { user, pwd }; environment.put(JMXConnector.CREDENTIALS, credentials); JMXServiceURL url = null; try { url = new JMXServiceURL(jmxurl); getEngineLogger().info("Establishing JMX connection to URL : [" + jmxurl + "]..."); this.jmxc = JMXConnectorFactory.connect(url, environment); this.mBeanServer = jmxc.getMBeanServerConnection(); getEngineLogger().info("JMX connection established."); } catch (Exception ex) { getEngineLogger().warning("[" + jmxurl + "] : " + ex.getMessage()); throw ex; } } return this.mBeanServer; } public Logger getLogger() { return getEngineLogger(); } @Override protected void doInit(List<RuntimeContextVariable> additionalVariables) throws Exception { getEngineLogger().fine("doInit invoked"); clusterFeatureInfo = (KarafClusteringInfo) ContainerUtils.getFeatureInfo(KarafClusteringInfo.FEATURE_NAME, this, getCurrentDomain()); httpFeatureInfo = (HttpFeatureInfo) ContainerUtils.getFeatureInfo(Feature.HTTP_FEATURE_NAME, this, getCurrentDomain()); boolean httpEnabled = isHttpEnabled(); boolean httpsEnabled = isHttpsEnabled(); if (!httpEnabled && !httpsEnabled) { throw new Exception("HTTP or HTTPS must be enabled in the Domain"); } if (httpEnabled && !DynamicVarsUtils.validateIntegerVariable(this, HttpFeatureInfo.HTTP_PORT_VAR)) { throw new Exception("HTTP is enabled but the " + HttpFeatureInfo.HTTP_PORT_VAR + " runtime context variable is not set"); } if (httpsEnabled && !DynamicVarsUtils.validateIntegerVariable(this, HttpFeatureInfo.HTTPS_PORT_VAR)) { throw new Exception("HTTPS is enabled but the " + HttpFeatureInfo.HTTPS_PORT_VAR + " runtime context variable is not set"); } if (DynamicVarsUtils.variableHasValue(KARAF_DEBUG, "true") && !DynamicVarsUtils.validateIntegerVariable(this, KARAF_DEBUG_PORT)) { throw new Exception(KARAF_DEBUG_PORT + " runtime context variable is not set properly"); } if (!DynamicVarsUtils.validateIntegerVariable(this, KARAF_JMX_RMI_SERVER_PORT)) { throw new Exception(KARAF_JMX_RMI_SERVER_PORT + " runtime context variable is not set properly"); } if (!DynamicVarsUtils.validateIntegerVariable(this, KARAF_JMX_RMI_REGISTRY_PORT)) { throw new Exception(KARAF_JMX_RMI_REGISTRY_PORT + " runtime context variable is not set properly"); } if (!DynamicVarsUtils.validateIntegerVariable(this, KARAF_SSH_PORT)) { throw new Exception(KARAF_SSH_PORT + " runtime context variable is not set properly"); } String bindAllStr = getStringVariableValue(BIND_ON_ALL_LOCAL_ADDRESSES, "true"); boolean bindAll = BooleanUtils.toBoolean(bindAllStr); String karafBindAddress = bindAll ? "" : getStringVariableValue(LISTEN_ADDRESS_VAR); additionalVariables.add(new RuntimeContextVariable(KARAF_BIND_ADDRESS, karafBindAddress, RuntimeContextVariable.STRING_TYPE)); additionalVariables.add(new RuntimeContextVariable(KARAF_JMX_SERVICE_URL, getJmxServiceUrl(), RuntimeContextVariable.STRING_TYPE, "Karaf JMX service url")); if (clusterFeatureInfo == null) { additionalVariables.add(new RuntimeContextVariable(CELLAR_CLUSTERING_ENABLED, "false", RuntimeContextVariable.STRING_TYPE)); } else { String group_membership = StringUtils .trimToEmpty(resolveVariables(clusterFeatureInfo.getGroupMembership())); group_membership = StringUtils.isBlank(group_membership) ? "default" : group_membership; String[] groups = StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator(group_membership, ","); for (String g : groups) { if (StringUtils.trimToEmpty(g).isEmpty()) { throw new Exception( "'Cellar Group Membership' value specified in the Clustering feature is not set properly."); } } group_membership = StringUtils.join(groups, ","); // get rid of some misplaced "," additionalVariables.add(new RuntimeContextVariable(CELLAR_CLUSTERING_ENABLED, "true", RuntimeContextVariable.STRING_TYPE)); additionalVariables.add(new RuntimeContextVariable(CELLAR_GROUP_MEMBERSHIP, group_membership, RuntimeContextVariable.STRING_TYPE)); } super.doInit(additionalVariables); } @Override protected void doStart() throws Exception { getEngineLogger().fine("Invoking doStart..."); // check sshd, jmx ports for collisions with ports already in use if (portsConflict()) { getEngineLogger().severe("Unable to activate Container due to port conflicts."); throw new Exception("Port conflicts detected."); } super.doStart(); getEngineLogger().fine("doStart invoked"); } @Override protected void doInstall(ActivationInfo info) throws Exception { getEngineLogger().fine("Invoking doInstall..."); super.doInstall(info); info.setProperty(KARAF_SSH_PORT, getStringVariableValue(KARAF_SSH_PORT)); info.setProperty(KARAF_JMX_SERVICE_URL, getJmxClientUrl()); if (getKarafDebugPort() != UNDEFINED_PORT) { info.setProperty(KARAF_DEBUG_PORT, String.valueOf(getKarafDebugPort())); } if (isHttpEnabled()) { info.setProperty(HttpFeatureInfo.HTTP_PORT_VAR, String.valueOf(getHttpPort())); } if (isHttpEnabled()) { info.setProperty(HttpFeatureInfo.HTTPS_PORT_VAR, String.valueOf(getHttpsPort())); } info.setProperty(KARAF_WEBCONSOLE_URL, getWebConsoleUrl()); getEngineLogger().fine("doInstall invoked"); } @Override protected void doUninstall() throws Exception { getEngineLogger().fine("Invoking doUnInstall..."); super.doUninstall(); getEngineLogger().fine("doUnInstall invoked"); } @Override protected void doShutdown() throws Exception { getEngineLogger().fine("Invoking doShutdown..."); long shutdownStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); if ((getProcess() != null) && (getProcess().isRunning())) { super.doShutdown(); waitForShutdown(shutdownStart); } // stop monitoring for unexpected container crash now. setRunCrashMonitor(false); try { jmxc.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { // we don't normally care about these exceptions but we'll log just the same // we want the JMXConnection closed and the exception handled here so it doesn't // crop up later unexpectedly during a garbage collection getEngineLogger().finer("JMXConnection close had exception <safe to ignore>" + ex.getMessage()); try { jmxc.close(); } catch (Exception e) { getEngineLogger() .finer("JMXConnection close had another exception <safe to ignore>" + e.getMessage()); } } getEngineLogger().fine("doShutdown invoked"); } protected void checkAndSaveProperty(Properties toBeSavedProps, String name) { String value = System.getProperty(name); if (!isNullOrEmpty(value)) { toBeSavedProps.put(name, value); } } protected void revertEnvironment(Properties envSaved) { for (Iterator<?> itr = envSaved.keySet().iterator(); itr.hasNext();) { String key = (String); String val = envSaved.getProperty(key); if (val != null) { System.setProperty(key, val); } } } public boolean isHttpEnabled() { return (httpFeatureInfo != null ? httpFeatureInfo.isHttpEnabled() : false); } public boolean isHttpsEnabled() { return (httpFeatureInfo != null ? httpFeatureInfo.isHttpsEnabled() : false); } public String getKarafName() throws Exception { return getStringVariableValue(KARAF_NAME, DynamicVarsUtils.incrementVariableValue("root", RuntimeContextVariable.STRING_APPEND_INCREMENT)); } public String getJmxServiceUrl() throws Exception { return "service:jmx:rmi://" + getKarafBindAddress() + ":" + getJmxRmiServerPort() + "/jndi/rmi://" + getKarafBindAddress() + ":" + getJmxRmiRegistryPort() + "/karaf-" + getKarafName(); } public String getWebConsoleUrl() throws Exception { if (isHttpEnabled() && isHttpsEnabled()) { return "http://" + getKarafListenAddress() + ":" + getHttpPort() + "/system/console," + "https://" + getKarafListenAddress() + ":" + getHttpsPort() + "/system/console"; } else if (isHttpEnabled()) { return "http://" + getKarafListenAddress() + ":" + getHttpPort() + "/system/console"; } else if (isHttpsEnabled()) { return "https://" + getKarafListenAddress() + ":" + getHttpsPort() + "/system/console"; } else { return ""; } } public String getJmxClientUrl() throws Exception { return "service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://" + getKarafListenAddress() + ":" + getJmxRmiRegistryPort() + "/karaf-" + getKarafName(); } private String getAdminName() throws Exception { return getStringVariableValue(KARAF_ADMIN_USER, "karaf"); } private String getAdminPassword() throws Exception { return getStringVariableValue(KARAF_ADMIN_PWD, "karaf"); } public String getKarafBindAddress() throws Exception { return getStringVariableValue(KARAF_BIND_ADDRESS, ""); } private String getKarafListenAddress() throws Exception { return getStringVariableValue(LISTEN_ADDRESS_VAR, HostUtils.getFQHostname()); } private int getJmxRmiServerPort() throws Exception { return NumberUtils.createInteger(getStringVariableValue(KARAF_JMX_RMI_SERVER_PORT, null)); } private int getJmxRmiRegistryPort() throws Exception { return NumberUtils.createInteger(getStringVariableValue(KARAF_JMX_RMI_REGISTRY_PORT, null)); } private int getSSHdPort() throws Exception { return NumberUtils.createInteger(getStringVariableValue(KARAF_SSH_PORT, null)); } private int getKarafDebugPort() throws Exception { if (DynamicVarsUtils.variableHasValue(KARAF_DEBUG, "true")) { return NumberUtils.createInteger(getStringVariableValue(KARAF_DEBUG_PORT, null)); } return UNDEFINED_PORT; } private int getHttpPort() throws Exception { return NumberUtils.createInteger(getStringVariableValue(HttpFeatureInfo.HTTP_PORT_VAR, null)); } private int getHttpsPort() throws Exception { return NumberUtils.createInteger(getStringVariableValue(HttpFeatureInfo.HTTPS_PORT_VAR, null)); } // try and open a server socket. If we can then close it and return false // otherwise assume its in use and return true private boolean serverPortInUse(int port) { if (port == UNDEFINED_PORT) { return false; } ServerSocket srv = null; boolean inUse = false; try { srv = new ServerSocket(port); srv.close(); } catch (Exception e) { getEngineLogger().finest("serverPortInUse: debug exception: " + e); inUse = true; } return inUse; } // check to see if a given socket port is in use by some other server. This // way we can throw an exception and kill the activation // with an appropriate error rather than waiting for Karaf to try and start // and then fail (since its hard to detect at that point) private boolean portsConflict() { boolean conflicts = false; try { if (serverPortInUse(getKarafDebugPort())) { conflicts = true; getEngineLogger().severe( "Port conflict : Karaf debug port <" + getKarafDebugPort() + ">" + " is already in use."); } if (serverPortInUse(getJmxRmiServerPort())) { conflicts = true; getEngineLogger().severe("Port conflict : JMX RMI Server port <" + getJmxRmiServerPort() + ">" + " is already in use."); } if (serverPortInUse(getJmxRmiRegistryPort())) { conflicts = true; getEngineLogger().severe("Port conflict : JMX RMI Registry port <" + getJmxRmiRegistryPort() + ">" + " is already in use."); } if (serverPortInUse(getSSHdPort())) { conflicts = true; getEngineLogger() .severe("Port conflict : SSH daemon port <" + getSSHdPort() + ">" + " is already in use."); } if (isHttpEnabled() && serverPortInUse(getHttpPort())) { conflicts = true; getEngineLogger() .severe("Port conflict : Http port <" + getHttpPort() + ">" + " is already in use."); } if (isHttpsEnabled() && serverPortInUse(getHttpsPort())) { conflicts = true; getEngineLogger() .severe("Port conflict : Https port <" + getHttpsPort() + ">" + " is already in use."); } } catch (Exception e) { getEngineLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while checking if ports are in use", e); conflicts = true; } return conflicts; } private static boolean isNullOrEmpty(String string) { return string == null || string.trim().length() == 0; } }