Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2015. * * This file is part of QIS Surveillance App. * * QIS Surveillance App is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * QIS Surveillance App is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with QIS Surveillance App. If not, see <>. */ package; import android.content.Context; import; import; import android.util.Log; import com.squareup.okhttp.Authenticator; import com.squareup.okhttp.Credentials; import com.squareup.okhttp.MediaType; import com.squareup.okhttp.OkHttpClient; import com.squareup.okhttp.Request; import com.squareup.okhttp.RequestBody; import com.squareup.okhttp.Response; import org.eyeseetea.malariacare.R; import org.eyeseetea.malariacare.database.model.Program; import org.eyeseetea.malariacare.database.model.Survey; import org.eyeseetea.malariacare.database.utils.PreferencesState; import org.eyeseetea.malariacare.utils.Constants; import org.eyeseetea.malariacare.utils.Utils; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.List; /** * Utility class that shows specific operations to check server status with the given config * Created by arrizabalaga on 28/01/16. */ public class ServerAPIController { private static final String TAG = "ServerAPIController"; /** * Hardcoded username via API */ static final String DHIS_USERNAME = "KHMCS"; /** * Hardcoded password via API */ static final String DHIS_PASSWORD = "KHMCSadmin1"; /** * Tag for version data in json response */ public static final String TAG_VERSION = "version"; /** * Tag for id (program) in json response */ private static final String TAG_ID = "id"; /** * Tag for closedDate (orgUnit) in json response */ private static final String TAG_CLOSEDDATE = "closedDate"; /** * Tag for orgunit description in json request/response */ private static final String TAG_DESCRIPTIONCLOSEDATE = "description"; /** * Tag for organisationUnits in json response */ private static final String TAG_ORGANISATIONUNITS = "organisationUnits"; /** * Tag for code attribute in orgUnits (json) */ private static final String TAG_CODE = "code"; /** * Date format to the closedDate attribute */ private static final String DATE_CLOSED_DATE_FORMAT = "yyyy-MM-dd"; /** * Default Server */ private static String DHIS_SERVER = ""; /** * Endpoint to retrieve server info (including version) */ private static final String DHIS_SERVER_INFO = "/api/system/info"; /** * Endpoint to retrieve program info */ private static final String DHIS_PULL_PROGRAM = "/api/programs/"; /** * Endpoint suffix to retrieve program info */ private static final String DHIS_EXIST_PROGRAM = ".json?fields=id"; /** * Endpoint to retrieve orgUnits info filtering by CODE (API) */ private static final String DHIS_PULL_ORG_UNIT_API = "/api/organisationUnits.json?paging=false&fields=id,closedDate&filter=code:eq:%s&filter:programs:id:eq:%s"; /** * Endpoint to retrieve orgUnits info filtering by NAME (SDK) */ private static final String DHIS_PULL_ORG_UNIT_API_BY_NAME = "/api/organisationUnits.json?paging=false&fields=id,closedDate&filter=name:eq:%s&filter:programs:id:eq:%s"; /** * Endpoint suffix to retrieve orgUnits */ private static final String DHIS_PULL_ORG_UNITS_API = ".json?fields=organisationUnits"; /** * Endpoint to patch closeDate to an OrgUnit */ private static final String DHIS_PATCH_URL_CLOSED_DATE = "/api/organisationUnits/%s/closedDate"; /** * Endpoint to patch description to an OrgUnit */ private static final String DHIS_PATCH_URL_DESCRIPTIONCLOSED_DATE = "/api/organisationUnits/%s/description"; /** * New Description to a closed OrgUnit */ private static final String DHIS_PATCH_DESCRIPTIONCLOSED_DATE = "[%s] - Android Surveillance App set the closing date to %s because over 30 surveys were pushed within 1 hour."; /** * MediaType always json + utf8 */ private static final MediaType JSON = MediaType.parse("application/json; charset=utf-8"); /** * Max surveys that can be sent ... */ private static int DHIS_LIMIT_SENT_SURVEYS_IN_ONE_HOUR = 30; /** * ... In an hour */ private static int DHIS_LIMIT_HOURS = 1; /** * Current program UID (once is calculated never changes) */ private static String programUID; /** * Returns current serverUrl * @return */ public static String getServerUrl() { return PreferencesState.getInstance().getDhisURL(); } /** * Returns current orgUnit * @return */ public static String getOrgUnit() { return PreferencesState.getInstance().getOrgUnit(); } /** * Returns the UID of the pictureapp program (from db) * @return */ public static String getProgramUID() { if (programUID == null) { programUID = Program.getFirstProgram().getUid(); } return programUID; } /** * Returns hardcoded credentials for its use in sdk * @return */ public static getSDKCredentials() { return new, DHIS_PASSWORD); } /** * Returns the version of the default server * Null if something went wrong * @return */ public static String getServerVersion() { return getServerVersion(DHIS_SERVER); } /** * Returns the version of the given server. * Null if something went wrong * @param url * @return */ public static String getServerVersion(String url) { String serverVersion; try { String urlServerInfo = url + DHIS_SERVER_INFO; Response response = executeCall(null, urlServerInfo, "GET"); //Error -> null if (!response.isSuccessful()) { Log.e(TAG, "getServerVersion (" + response.code() + "): " + response.body().string()); throw new IOException(response.message()); } JSONObject data = parseResponse(response.body().string()); serverVersion = data.getString(TAG_VERSION); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.e(TAG, "getServerVersion: " + ex.toString()); serverVersion = ""; } Log.i(TAG, String.format("getServerVersion(%s) -> %s", url, serverVersion)); return serverVersion; } /** * Checks if the given url corresponds to a 2.20 server (uses API for some ops) * @return */ public static boolean isAPIServer() { return isAPIServer(getServerUrl()); } /** * Checks if the given url corresponds to a 2.20 server (uses API for some ops) * @param url * @return */ public static boolean isAPIServer(String url) { String serverVersion = getServerVersion(url); return isAPIVersion(serverVersion); } /** * Checks if the given version corresponds to 2.20 * @param serverVersion * @return */ public static boolean isAPIVersion(String serverVersion) { return Constants.DHIS_API_SERVER.equals(serverVersion); } /** * Returns true|false depending of the network connectivity. * @return */ public static boolean isNetworkAvailable() { Context ctx = PreferencesState.getInstance().getContext(); ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager) ctx.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE); NetworkInfo activeNetwork = cm.getActiveNetworkInfo(); if (activeNetwork == null) { return false; } return activeNetwork.isConnectedOrConnecting(); } /** * Checks if data can be pushed into the server * @return */ public static boolean isReadyForPush() { String serverUrl = getServerUrl(); String orgUnit = getOrgUnit(); return isReadyForPush(serverUrl, orgUnit); } /** * Checks if data can be pushed into the server * @param url * @param orgUnitCodeOrName * @return */ public static boolean isReadyForPush(String url, String orgUnitCodeOrName) { if (!isNetworkAvailable()) { Log.w(TAG, String.format("isReadyForPush(%s,%s) -> Network not available", url, orgUnitCodeOrName)); return false; } if (!isValidProgram(url)) { Log.w(TAG, String.format("isReadyForPush(%s,%s) -> Program not found in server", url, orgUnitCodeOrName)); return false; } if (orgUnitCodeOrName == null || orgUnitCodeOrName.equals("") || !isValidOrgUnit(url, orgUnitCodeOrName)) { Log.w(TAG, String.format("isReadyForPush(%s,%s) -> OrgUnit not found in server", url, orgUnitCodeOrName)); return false; } if (!isOrgUnitOpen(url, orgUnitCodeOrName)) { Log.w(TAG, String.format("isOrgUnitOpen(%s,%s) -> OrgUnit closed, push is not enabled", url, orgUnitCodeOrName)); return false; } return true; } /** * Returns if the given url contains the current program * @param url * @return */ public static boolean isValidProgram(String url) { Log.d(TAG, String.format("isValidProgram(%s) ...", url)); String programUIDInServer; try { String urlValidProgram = getIsValidProgramUrl(url); Response response = executeCall(null, urlValidProgram, "GET"); //Error -> null if (!response.isSuccessful()) { Log.e(TAG, "isValidProgram (" + response.code() + "): " + response.body().string()); throw new IOException(response.message()); } JSONObject data = parseResponse(response.body().string()); programUIDInServer = String.valueOf(data.get(TAG_ID)); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.e(TAG, "isValidProgram: " + ex.toString()); return false; } boolean valid = getProgramUID() != null && getProgramUID().equals(programUIDInServer); Log.d(TAG, String.format("isValidProgram(%s) -> %b", url, valid)); return valid; } /** * Checks if the given orgUnit is present in the server. * XXX The endpoint changes from using code|name field in API|SDK servers. * @param url * @param orgUnitNameOrCode OrgUnit code if server is 2.20, OrgUnit name if server is 2.21,2.22 * @return true|false */ public static boolean isValidOrgUnit(String url, String orgUnitNameOrCode) { JSONObject orgUnitJSON = getOrgUnitData(url, orgUnitNameOrCode); return orgUnitJSON != null; } /** * Checks if the given orgUnit is open in the server. * @param url * @param orgUnitNameOrCode OrgUnit code if server is 2.20, OrgUnit name if server is 2.21,2.22 * @return true|false */ public static boolean isOrgUnitOpen(String url, String orgUnitNameOrCode) { JSONObject orgUnitJSON = getOrgUnitData(url, orgUnitNameOrCode); if (orgUnitJSON == null) { return false; } return !isBanned(orgUnitJSON); } /** * Closes server if too many surveys have been pushed */ public static void banOrgUnitIfRequired() { banOrgUnitIfRequired(getServerUrl(), getOrgUnit()); } /** * Closes server if too many surveys have been pushed */ public static void banOrgUnitIfRequired(String url, String orgUnitNameOrCode) { List<Survey> sentSurveys = Survey.getAllHideAndSentSurveys(); if (isSurveyOverLimit(sentSurveys)) { banOrg(url, orgUnitNameOrCode); } } /** * Returns the orgUnit UID for the current server + orgunit * @return */ public static String getOrgUnitUID() { String serverUrl = getServerUrl(); String orgUnit = getOrgUnit(); return getOrgUnitUID(serverUrl, orgUnit); } /** * Returns the orgUnit UID for the given url and orgUnit (code or name) * @param url * @param orgUnitNameOrCode * @return */ public static String getOrgUnitUID(String url, String orgUnitNameOrCode) { JSONObject orgUnitJSON = getOrgUnitData(url, orgUnitNameOrCode); if (orgUnitJSON == null) { return null; } try { return orgUnitJSON.getString(TAG_ID); } catch (JSONException ex) { return null; } } /** * Bans the orgUnit for future pushes (too many too quick) * @param url * @param orgUnitNameOrCode */ public static void banOrg(String url, String orgUnitNameOrCode) { Log.i(TAG, String.format("banOrg(%s,%s)", url, orgUnitNameOrCode)); try { JSONObject orgUnitJSON = getOrgUnitData(url, orgUnitNameOrCode); String orgUnitUID = orgUnitJSON.getString(TAG_ID); String orgUnitDescription = orgUnitJSON.getString(TAG_DESCRIPTIONCLOSEDATE); //NO OrgUnitUID -> Non blocking error, go on if (orgUnitUID == null) { Log.e(TAG, String.format("banOrg(%s,%s) -> No UID", url, orgUnitNameOrCode)); return; } //Update date and descripcion in the orgunit patchClosedDate(url, orgUnitUID); patchDescriptionClosedDate(url, orgUnitUID, orgUnitDescription); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.e(TAG, String.format("banOrg(%s,%s): %s", url, orgUnitNameOrCode, ex.getMessage())); } } /** * This method returns a String[] whit the Organitation codes * @throws Exception */ public static String[] pullOrgUnitsCodes(String url) { try { String orgUnitsURL = getDhisOrgUnitsURL(url); Response response = executeCall(null, orgUnitsURL, "GET"); //Error -> null if (!response.isSuccessful()) { Log.e(TAG, "pullOrgUnitsCodes (" + response.code() + "): " + response.body().string()); throw new IOException(response.message()); } //{"organisationUnits":[{}]} JSONObject jsonResponse = parseResponse(response.body().string()); JSONArray orgUnitsArray = (JSONArray) jsonResponse.get(TAG_ORGANISATIONUNITS); //0 matches -> Error if (orgUnitsArray.length() == 0) { throw new Exception("Found 0 matches"); } return Utils.jsonArrayToStringArray(orgUnitsArray, TAG_CODE); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.e(TAG, String.format("pullOrgUnitsCodes(%url): %s", url, ex.getMessage())); String[] value = new String[1]; value[0] = ""; return value; } } /** * compares the dates of the surveys and checks if the dates are over the limit * @param surveyList all the sent surveys * @return true if the surveys are over the limit */ static boolean isSurveyOverLimit(List<Survey> surveyList) { if (surveyList.size() >= DHIS_LIMIT_SENT_SURVEYS_IN_ONE_HOUR) { for (int i = 0; i < surveyList.size(); i++) { int countDates = 0; Calendar actualSurvey = Utils.DateToCalendar(surveyList.get(i).getEventDate()); for (int d = 0; d < surveyList.size(); d++) { Calendar nextSurvey = Utils.DateToCalendar(surveyList.get(d).getEventDate()); if (actualSurvey.before(nextSurvey)) { if (!Utils.isDateOverLimit(actualSurvey, nextSurvey, DHIS_LIMIT_HOURS)) { countDates++; Log.d(TAG, "Surveys sents in one hour:" + countDates); if (countDates >= DHIS_LIMIT_SENT_SURVEYS_IN_ONE_HOUR) { return true; } } } } } } return false; } /** * Updates the orgUnit adding a closedDate * @param url * @param orgUnitUID */ static void patchClosedDate(String url, String orgUnitUID) { // try { String urlPathClosedDate = getPatchClosedDateUrl(url, orgUnitUID); JSONObject data = prepareTodayDateValue(); Response response = executeCall(data, urlPathClosedDate, "PATCH"); if (!response.isSuccessful()) { Log.e(TAG, "closingDatePatch (" + response.code() + "): " + response.body().string()); throw new IOException(response.message()); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, String.format("patchClosedDate(%s,%s): %s", url, orgUnitUID, e.getMessage())); } } /** * Prepare the closing value. * @return Closing value as Json. */ static JSONObject prepareTodayDateValue() throws Exception { String dateFormatted = Utils.geTodayDataString(DATE_CLOSED_DATE_FORMAT); JSONObject elementObject = new JSONObject(); elementObject.put(TAG_CLOSEDDATE, dateFormatted); return elementObject; } static void patchDescriptionClosedDate(String url, String orgUnitUID, String orgUnitDescription) { // try { String urlPathClosedDescription = getPatchClosedDescriptionUrl(url, orgUnitUID); JSONObject data = prepareClosingDescriptionValue(orgUnitDescription); Response response = executeCall(data, urlPathClosedDescription, "PATCH"); if (!response.isSuccessful()) { Log.e(TAG, "patchDescriptionClosedDate (" + response.code() + "): " + response.body().string()); throw new IOException(response.message()); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, String.format("patchDescriptionClosedDate(%s,%s): %s", url, orgUnitUID, e.getMessage())); } } /** * Pull the current description and adds new closed organization description. * @url url for pull the current description * @return new description. */ static JSONObject prepareClosingDescriptionValue(String orgUnitDescription) throws Exception { //New line to description String dateFormatted = Utils.getClosingDateString("dd-MM-yyyy"); String dateTimestamp = Utils.getClosingDateTimestamp(Utils.getClosingDateString("dd-MM-yyyy")).getTime() + ""; String description = String.format(DHIS_PATCH_DESCRIPTIONCLOSED_DATE, dateTimestamp, dateFormatted); //Previous + New line StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(orgUnitDescription); sb.append("");//next line sb.append("");//next line sb.append(description); description = sb.toString(); sb = null; //As a JSON JSONObject elementObject = new JSONObject(); elementObject.put(TAG_DESCRIPTIONCLOSEDATE, description); return elementObject; } /** * Returns the orgunit data from the given server according to its current version * @param url * @param orgUnitNameOrCode * @return */ static JSONObject getOrgUnitData(String url, String orgUnitNameOrCode) { //Version is required to choose which field to match String serverVersion = getServerVersion(url); //No version -> No data if (serverVersion == null) { return null; } try { String urlOrgUnitData = getOrgUnitDataUrl(url, serverVersion, orgUnitNameOrCode); Response response = executeCall(null, urlOrgUnitData, "GET"); //Error -> null if (!response.isSuccessful()) { Log.e(TAG, "getOrgUnitData (" + response.code() + "): " + response.body().string()); throw new IOException(response.message()); } //{"organisationUnits":[{}]} JSONObject jsonResponse = parseResponse(response.body().string()); JSONArray orgUnitsArray = (JSONArray) jsonResponse.get(TAG_ORGANISATIONUNITS); //0| >1 matches -> Error if (orgUnitsArray.length() == 0 || orgUnitsArray.length() > 1) { Log.e(TAG, String.format("getOrgUnitData(%s,%s) -> Found %d matches", url, orgUnitNameOrCode, orgUnitsArray.length())); return null; } return (JSONObject) orgUnitsArray.get(0); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.e(TAG, String.format("getOrgUnitData(%s,%s): %s", url, orgUnitNameOrCode, ex.toString())); return null; } } /** * Checks if the orgunit is closed (due to too much surveys being pushed) * @param orgUnitJSON * @return */ static boolean isBanned(JSONObject orgUnitJSON) { if (orgUnitJSON == null) { return true; } Log.d(TAG, String.format("isBanned(%s)", orgUnitJSON.toString())); try { String closedDateAsString = getClosedDate(orgUnitJSON); //No closedDate -> Open if (closedDateAsString == null || closedDateAsString.isEmpty()) { return false; } //CloseDate -> Check dates Calendar calendarClosedDate = Utils.parseStringToCalendar(closedDateAsString); //ClosedDate bad format -> Closed if (calendarClosedDate == null) { return true; } //If closeddate>today -> Closed return !Utils.isDateOverSystemDate(calendarClosedDate); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.e(TAG, String.format("isBanned(%s) ->%s", orgUnitJSON.toString(), ex.getMessage())); return true; } } /** * Returns the closedDate from the given orgUnit (json format) or null if it is not present * (which is fine too) * @param orgUnitJSON * @return */ static String getClosedDate(JSONObject orgUnitJSON) { try { return orgUnitJSON.getString(TAG_CLOSEDDATE); } catch (Exception ex) { return null; } } /** * * This method returns the valid url for check the program * @return url for ask if the program uid exist with the UID_PROGRAM value. */ static String getIsValidProgramUrl(String url) { String endpoint = url + DHIS_PULL_PROGRAM + getProgramUID() + DHIS_EXIST_PROGRAM; endpoint = encodeBlanks(endpoint); Log.d(TAG, String.format("getIsValidProgramUrl(%s)->%s", url, endpoint)); return endpoint; } /** * Returns the right endpoint depending on the server version * @param url * @param serverVersion * @param orgUnitNameOrCode * @return */ static String getOrgUnitDataUrl(String url, String serverVersion, String orgUnitNameOrCode) { String endpoint = url; String programUID = getProgramUID(); if (Constants.DHIS_API_SERVER.equals(serverVersion)) { endpoint += String.format(DHIS_PULL_ORG_UNIT_API, orgUnitNameOrCode, programUID); } else { endpoint += String.format(DHIS_PULL_ORG_UNIT_API_BY_NAME, orgUnitNameOrCode, programUID); } endpoint = encodeBlanks(endpoint); Log.d(TAG, String.format("getOrgUnitDataUrl(%s,%s,%s) -> %s", url, serverVersion, orgUnitNameOrCode, endpoint)); return endpoint; } /** * Returns the ClosedDate that points to the DHIS server (Pull) API according to preferences. * @return */ static String getPatchClosedDateUrl(String url, String orguid) { //Get the org_ID String endpoint = url + String.format(DHIS_PATCH_URL_CLOSED_DATE, orguid); return encodeBlanks(endpoint); } /** * Returns the Description of orgUnit that points to the DHIS server (Pull) API according to preferences. * @return */ static String getPatchClosedDescriptionUrl(String url, String orguid) { String endpoint = url + String.format(DHIS_PATCH_URL_DESCRIPTIONCLOSED_DATE, orguid); return encodeBlanks(endpoint); } /** * Returns the URL that points to the DHIS server (Pull) API according to preferences. * @return */ static String getDhisOrgUnitsURL(String url) { String endpoint = url + DHIS_PULL_PROGRAM + getProgramUID() + DHIS_PULL_ORG_UNITS_API; return encodeBlanks(endpoint); } static String encodeBlanks(String endpoint) { return endpoint.replace(" ", "%20"); } /** * Call to DHIS Server * @param data * @param url */ static Response executeCall(JSONObject data, String url, String method) throws IOException { final String DHIS_URL = url; OkHttpClient client = UnsafeOkHttpsClientFactory.getUnsafeOkHttpClient(); BasicAuthenticator basicAuthenticator = new BasicAuthenticator(); client.setAuthenticator(basicAuthenticator); Request.Builder builder = new Request.Builder() .header(basicAuthenticator.AUTHORIZATION_HEADER, basicAuthenticator.getCredentials()).url(DHIS_URL); switch (method) { case "POST": RequestBody postBody = RequestBody.create(JSON, data.toString());; break; case "PUT": RequestBody putBody = RequestBody.create(JSON, data.toString()); builder.put(putBody); break; case "PATCH": RequestBody patchBody = RequestBody.create(JSON, data.toString()); builder.patch(patchBody); break; case "GET": builder.get(); break; } Request request =; return client.newCall(request).execute(); } /** * Turns a string response into a handy JSONObject. * Returns null if its possible * @param responseData * @return * @throws Exception */ static JSONObject parseResponse(String responseData) { try { JSONObject jsonResponse = new JSONObject(responseData); Log.d(TAG, "parseResponse: " + jsonResponse); return jsonResponse; } catch (Exception ex) { return null; } } } /** * Basic authenticator required for calls */ class BasicAuthenticator implements Authenticator { public final String AUTHORIZATION_HEADER = "Authorization"; private String credentials; BasicAuthenticator() { credentials = Credentials.basic(ServerAPIController.DHIS_USERNAME, ServerAPIController.DHIS_PASSWORD); } @Override public Request authenticate(Proxy proxy, Response response) throws IOException { return response.request().newBuilder().header(AUTHORIZATION_HEADER, credentials).build(); } @Override public Request authenticateProxy(Proxy proxy, Response response) throws IOException { return null; } public String getCredentials() { return credentials; } }