Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2010 eXtensible Catalog Organization * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the MIT/X11 license. The text of the license can be * found at */ package org.extensiblecatalog.ncip.v2.voyager; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Random; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.extensiblecatalog.ncip.v2.common.ConnectorConfigurationFactory; import org.extensiblecatalog.ncip.v2.service.*; import org.extensiblecatalog.ncip.v2.voyager.util.ILSException; import org.extensiblecatalog.ncip.v2.voyager.util.ItemToken; import org.extensiblecatalog.ncip.v2.voyager.util.VoyagerConfiguration; import org.extensiblecatalog.ncip.v2.voyager.util.VoyagerConstants; import org.jdom.Document; import org.jdom.Element; import org.jdom.JDOMException; import org.jdom.Namespace; import org.jdom.xpath.XPath; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; /** * This class implements the Lookup Item Set service for the Voyager back-end connector. * * @author SharmilaR */ public class VoyagerLookupItemSetService implements LookupItemSetService { static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(VoyagerLookupItemSetService.class); private VoyagerConfiguration voyagerConfig; { try { voyagerConfig = (VoyagerConfiguration) new ConnectorConfigurationFactory(new Properties()) .getConfiguration(); } catch (ToolkitException e) { throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(e); } } final int MAX_ITEMS_TO_RETURN = Integer .parseInt((String) voyagerConfig.getProperty(VoyagerConstants.CONFIG_VOYAGER_MAX_LUIS_ITEMS)); static Random random = new Random(); static HashMap<String, ItemToken> tokens = new HashMap<String, ItemToken>(); VoyagerRemoteServiceManager voyagerSvcMgr; // Helper class for spinning off threads class HoldingInfoFromWeb implements Callable { private final int index; private final BibliographicId bibId; private Document restful; private Document xml; HoldingInfoFromWeb(int index, BibliographicId bibId) { this.index = index; this.bibId = bibId; } public HoldingInfoFromWeb call() { restful = getHoldingRecordsFromRestful(bibId); xml = getHoldingRecordsFromXml(bibId); return this; } public int getIndex() { return index; } public Document getRestful() { return restful; } public Document getXml() { return xml; } } /** * Construct a VoyagerRemoteServiceManager; * this class is not configurable so there are no parameters. */ public VoyagerLookupItemSetService() { } /** * Handles a NCIP LookupItem service by returning data from voyager. * * @param initData the LookupItemInitiationData * @param serviceManager provides access to remote services * @return LookupItemResponseData */ @Override public LookupItemSetResponseData performService(LookupItemSetInitiationData initData, ServiceContext serviceContext, RemoteServiceManager serviceManager) throws ServiceException { voyagerSvcMgr = (VoyagerRemoteServiceManager) serviceManager; LookupItemSetResponseData luisResponseData = new LookupItemSetResponseData(); List<Problem> problems = new ArrayList<Problem>(); Date sService = new Date();"Performing LUIS service."); List<BibliographicId> bibIds = initData.getBibliographicIds(); if (bibIds == null) { problems.addAll(ServiceHelper.generateProblems(Version1GeneralProcessingError.NEEDED_DATA_MISSING, null, null, "Missing Bib IDs")); luisResponseData.setProblems(problems); return luisResponseData; } List<HoldingsSet> holdingSets = new ArrayList<HoldingsSet>(); List<String> holdingIds = null; List<String> itemIds = null; Document holdingsDocFromRestful = new Document(); Document holdingsDocFromXml = new Document(); int itemCount = 0; boolean reachedMaxItemCount = false; String token = initData.getNextItemToken(); ItemToken nextItemToken = null; if (token != null) { nextItemToken = tokens.get(token); if (nextItemToken != null) { int index = getIndexOfBibId(bibIds, nextItemToken.getBibliographicId()); if (index != -1) { bibIds.subList(0, index).clear(); } // Remove token from memory hashmap tokens.remove(token); } else { problems.addAll( ServiceHelper.generateProblems(Version1GeneralProcessingError.TEMPORARY_PROCESSING_FAILURE, null, token, "Invalid nextItemToken")); luisResponseData.setProblems(problems); return luisResponseData; } log.debug("after removing already processed Bib ids = " + bibIds); } // Retrieve XML from vxws web services List<Document> holdingsDocsFromRestful = new ArrayList<Document>(bibIds.size()); List<Document> holdingsDocsFromXml = new ArrayList<Document>(bibIds.size()); int i; int numBibs = bibIds.size(); // In a non-consortial environment, most LUIS calls will be on a single bib if (numBibs < 2) { for (i = 0; i < numBibs; i++) { BibliographicId bibId = bibIds.get(i); holdingsDocsFromRestful.add(i, getHoldingRecordsFromRestful(bibId)); holdingsDocsFromXml.add(i, getHoldingRecordsFromXml(bibId)); } // But in a consortial environment, there can be many bibs in a LUIS call // For now, let's look up each bib in a separate thread; perhaps later, we may need to get more sophisticated/smart w/r/t resources? } else { ExecutorService exec = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(numBibs); List<Future<HoldingInfoFromWeb>> futureList = new ArrayList<Future<HoldingInfoFromWeb>>(numBibs); List<Callable<HoldingInfoFromWeb>> callList = new ArrayList<Callable<HoldingInfoFromWeb>>(numBibs); for (i = 0; i < numBibs; i++) { BibliographicId bibId = bibIds.get(i); callList.add(new HoldingInfoFromWeb(i, bibId)); } try { futureList = exec.invokeAll(callList); for (Future<HoldingInfoFromWeb> future : futureList) { HoldingInfoFromWeb result = future.get(); holdingsDocsFromRestful.add(result.getIndex(), result.getRestful()); holdingsDocsFromXml.add(result.getIndex(), result.getXml()); } } catch (InterruptedException ex) { log.error("Error calling vxws services via ExecutorService: " + ex); } catch (ExecutionException ex) { log.error("Error calling vxws services via ExecutorService: " + ex); } finally { exec.shutdownNow(); } } List<BibInformation> bibInformations = new ArrayList<BibInformation>(); for (i = 0; i < numBibs; i++) { BibliographicId bibId = bibIds.get(i); String id = null; String itemAgencyId = null; id = bibId.getBibliographicRecordId().getBibliographicRecordIdentifier(); itemAgencyId = bibId.getBibliographicRecordId().getAgencyId().getValue(); try { BibInformation bibInformation = new BibInformation(); bibInformation.setBibliographicId(bibId); if (!checkValidAgencyId(itemAgencyId)) { log.error("Unrecognized Bibliographic Record Agency Id: " + itemAgencyId); problems.addAll( ServiceHelper.generateProblems(Version1GeneralProcessingError.NEEDED_DATA_MISSING, null, null, "Unrecognized Bibliographic Record Agency Id")); bibInformation.setProblems(problems); bibInformations.add(bibInformation); continue; } // Is the bib field empty? if (id.equals("") || itemAgencyId.equals("")) { log.error("Missing Bib Id or Agency Id"); problems.addAll( ServiceHelper.generateProblems(Version1GeneralProcessingError.NEEDED_DATA_MISSING, null, null, "Missing Bib ID or item Agency Id")); bibInformation.setProblems(problems); bibInformations.add(bibInformation); continue; } // We had already called these services in the beginning holdingsDocFromRestful = holdingsDocsFromRestful.get(i); holdingsDocFromXml = holdingsDocsFromXml.get(i); if (holdingsDocFromXml == null) { problems.addAll(ServiceHelper.generateProblems( Version1GeneralProcessingError.TEMPORARY_PROCESSING_FAILURE, null, id, "Problem contacting the vxws service")); luisResponseData.setProblems(problems); return luisResponseData; } if (!doesRecordExist(holdingsDocFromXml)) { log.error("Record does not exist"); problems.addAll(ServiceHelper.generateProblems(Version1LookupItemProcessingError.UNKNOWN_ITEM, null, id, "Record does not exist")); bibInformation.setProblems(problems); bibInformations.add(bibInformation); continue; } // Get holding Ids belonging to this bib holdingIds = getHoldingIdsFromHoldingDoc(holdingsDocFromXml); if (nextItemToken != null) { int index = holdingIds.indexOf(nextItemToken.getHoldingsId()); if (index != -1) { holdingIds.subList(0, index).clear(); } } if (holdingIds == null) { log.error("Bib does not have a holding record associated with it"); problems.addAll(ServiceHelper.generateProblems(Version1LookupItemProcessingError.UNKNOWN_ITEM, null, id, "Record does not have a holding record associated with it")); bibInformation.setProblems(problems); bibInformations.add(bibInformation); continue; // Bib record exists but has no Holding records } // Set bib desc BibliographicDescription bDesc = null; if (initData.getBibliographicDescriptionDesired()) { bDesc = getBibliographicDescriptionForBibId(holdingsDocFromXml); bibInformation.setBibliographicDescription(bDesc); } // title hold queue length // Ignoring in vxws release /*BigDecimal titleHoldQueue = voyagerSvcMgr.getTitleLevelHoldQueueLength(id); if (titleHoldQueue != null) { bibInformation.setTitleHoldQueueLength(titleHoldQueue); }*/ holdingSets = new ArrayList<HoldingsSet>(); // Build HoldingSet with items in it for (String holdingId : holdingIds) { log.debug("Processing Holding id = " + holdingId); itemIds = getItemIdsFromHoldingDoc(holdingId, holdingsDocFromRestful); log.debug("All itemIds: " + itemIds); // We need to distinguish between Holdings with actual Item Records vs. ones without. // This is so we may parse Item Record-less Holdings records differently, e.g., // add item-like info to them later (sans ItemID, of course, since they doen't refer to actual Item Records). // There are quite a few instances of Holdings without Item Records, but we still want to supply // useful information about them. The major (only?) difference will be the lack of ItemID. boolean hasItems = false; // Get Bib desc, holding set info only if items exist for that holdings if (itemIds != null && itemIds.size() > 0) { hasItems = true; } if (nextItemToken != null) { int index = itemIds.indexOf(nextItemToken.getItemId()); log.debug("Index of nextitem: " + index); if (index != -1) { itemIds.subList(0, index + 1).clear(); } log.debug("after removing already processed item ids = " + itemIds); if (itemIds.size() < 1) { continue; } } HoldingsSet holdingSet = new HoldingsSet(); // Set Bib Id and holdings set id holdingSet.setHoldingsSetId(holdingId); // if (initData.getElectronicResourceDesired()) { ElectronicResource eResource = getElectronicResourceForHoldingId(holdingId, holdingsDocFromXml); if (eResource != null) { holdingSet.setElectronicResource(eResource); } // } String callNumber = null; if (hasItems) { callNumber = getCallNumberForHoldingDoc(holdingId, holdingsDocFromRestful); } else { callNumber = getCallNumberForHoldingDocFromXml(holdingId, holdingsDocFromXml); } if (callNumber != null) { holdingSet.setCallNumber(callNumber); } if (hasItems) { int newItemCount = itemCount + itemIds.size(); if (newItemCount > MAX_ITEMS_TO_RETURN) { itemIds = getItemIdSubset(itemIds, itemCount); log.debug("Subset itemIds: " + itemIds); } Map<String, ItemInformation> itemInformations = new HashMap<String, ItemInformation>(); for (String itemId : itemIds) { ItemInformation itemInformation = new ItemInformation(); ItemId item = new ItemId(); item.setItemIdentifierValue(itemId); item.setAgencyId(new AgencyId(itemAgencyId)); itemInformation.setItemId(item); itemInformations.put(itemId, itemInformation); } Map<String, String> statuses = null; if (initData.getCirculationStatusDesired()) { statuses = getCirculationStatusForItemIds(itemIds, holdingsDocFromRestful); } // TODO: Double check that this really isn't available through GetHoldings /* Ignoring for vxws release Map<String, BigDecimal> lengths = null; if (initData.getHoldQueueLengthDesired()) { lengths = voyagerSvcMgr.getHoldQueueLengthForItemIds(itemIds); } */ Map<String, ItemDescription> itemDescriptions = null; //if (initData.getItemDescriptionDesired()) { itemDescriptions = getItemDescriptionForItemIds(itemIds, holdingsDocFromRestful); //} Map<String, Location> locations = null; if (initData.getLocationDesired()) { locations = getLocationForItemIds(itemIds, holdingsDocFromRestful); } Map<String, String> copyNumbers = new HashMap<String, String>(); Iterator<String> itrId = itemDescriptions.keySet().iterator(); while (itrId.hasNext()) { String key =; copyNumbers.put(itemDescriptions.get(key).getCopyNumber(), key); } Map<String, GregorianCalendar> dueDates = null; dueDates = getDueDateForItemIds(itemIds, holdingsDocFromXml, copyNumbers, holdingId); Iterator<String> itr = itemInformations.keySet().iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { ItemOptionalFields iof = new ItemOptionalFields(); String key =; if (statuses != null) { String status = statuses.get(key); log.debug("Status for key " + status); try { if (statuses.get(key) != null) { iof.setCirculationStatus(XcCirculationStatus .find(XcCirculationStatus.XC_CIRCULATION_STATUS, status)); } } catch (ServiceException se) { log.error("Unrecognized item status"); } } /* Ignoring for vxws release if (lengths != null) { iof.setHoldQueueLength(lengths.get(key)); } */ if (itemDescriptions != null) { iof.setItemDescription(itemDescriptions.get(key)); } if (locations != null) { //List<Location> tempLocations = locations.get(key); List<Location> tempLocations = new ArrayList<Location>(); tempLocations.add(locations.get(key)); if (tempLocations != null) { LocationNameInstance lni = tempLocations.get(0).getLocationName() .getLocationNameInstances().get(0); iof.setLocations(tempLocations); } } ItemInformation itemInformation = itemInformations.get(key); itemInformation.setItemOptionalFields(iof); if (dueDates != null) { itemInformation.setDateDue(dueDates.get(key)); } itemInformations.put(key, itemInformation); } holdingSet.setItemInformations(new ArrayList<ItemInformation>(itemInformations.values())); itemCount = itemCount + itemIds.size(); log.debug("Item count: " + itemCount); if (itemCount == MAX_ITEMS_TO_RETURN) { // Set next item token ItemToken itemToken = new ItemToken(); itemToken.setBibliographicId(itemAgencyId + "_" + id); itemToken.setHoldingsId(holdingId); itemToken.setItemId(itemIds.get(itemIds.size() - 1)); int newToken = random.nextInt(); itemToken.setNextToken(Integer.toString(newToken)); tokens.put(Integer.toString(newToken), itemToken); luisResponseData.setNextItemToken(Integer.toString(newToken)); reachedMaxItemCount = true;"Adding new holding set"); holdingSets.add(holdingSet); break; } // No Item Records, but we still want to return some Holdings info. } else { itemCount = itemCount + 1; log.debug("Item count: " + itemCount); Map<String, ItemInformation> itemInformations = new HashMap<String, ItemInformation>(); ItemInformation itemInformation = new ItemInformation(); ItemId item = new ItemId(); item.setItemIdentifierValue(""); item.setAgencyId(new AgencyId(itemAgencyId)); itemInformation.setItemId(item); /*** plug in item-like information for the non-item ***/ ItemOptionalFields iof2 = new ItemOptionalFields(); // Set location Location location = null; if (initData.getLocationDesired()) { location = getLocationForHoldingDocFromXml(holdingId, holdingsDocFromXml); if (location != null) { List<Location> tempLocations2 = new ArrayList<Location>(); tempLocations2.add(location); iof2.setLocations(tempLocations2); } } itemInformation.setItemOptionalFields(iof2); itemInformations.put("N/A", itemInformation); holdingSet.setItemInformations(new ArrayList<ItemInformation>(itemInformations.values())); if (itemCount == MAX_ITEMS_TO_RETURN) { // Set next item token ItemToken itemToken = new ItemToken(); itemToken.setBibliographicId(itemAgencyId + "_" + id); itemToken.setHoldingsId(holdingId); itemToken.setItemId(""); int newToken = random.nextInt(); itemToken.setNextToken(Integer.toString(newToken)); tokens.put(Integer.toString(newToken), itemToken); luisResponseData.setNextItemToken(Integer.toString(newToken)); reachedMaxItemCount = true;"Adding new holding set"); holdingSets.add(holdingSet); break; } }"Adding new holding set"); holdingSets.add(holdingSet); } if (holdingIds.size() != 0) { bibInformation.setHoldingsSets(holdingSets); } bibInformations.add(bibInformation); if (reachedMaxItemCount) { break; } } catch (ILSException e) { Problem p = new Problem(); p.setProblemType(new ProblemType("Processing error")); p.setProblemDetail(e.getMessage()); problems.add(p); luisResponseData.setProblems(problems); } } Date eService = new Date(); log.debug("LUIS Service time log : " + (eService.getTime() - sService.getTime()) + " " + ((eService.getTime() - sService.getTime()) / 1000) + " sec"); luisResponseData.setBibInformations(bibInformations); return luisResponseData; } private boolean checkValidAgencyId(String itemAgencyId) { String ubid = (String) voyagerConfig.getProperty(itemAgencyId); if (ubid != null) { return true; } else { return false; } } private ElectronicResource getElectronicResource(Document doc) throws ILSException { Namespace holNs = Namespace.getNamespace("hol", ""); Namespace serNs = Namespace.getNamespace("ser", ""); Namespace slimNs = Namespace.getNamespace("slim", ""); XPath xpath; try { xpath = XPath.newInstance("//slim:datafield[@tag='856']/slim:subfield[@code='u']"); xpath.addNamespace(serNs); xpath.addNamespace(holNs); xpath.addNamespace(slimNs); Element url = (Element) xpath.selectSingleNode(doc); if (url != null) { log.debug("Found url " + url.getTextTrim()); ElectronicResource electronicResource = new ElectronicResource(); electronicResource.setReferenceToResource(url.getTextTrim()); return electronicResource; } else { log.debug("Did not find url"); } } catch (JDOMException e) { throw new ILSException(e); } return null; } private boolean doesRecordExist(Document holdingsDocFromXml) throws ILSException { Namespace ns = Namespace.getNamespace("ser", ""); XPath xpath; try { xpath = XPath.newInstance("/ser:voyagerServiceData/ser:messages/ser:message"); xpath.addNamespace(ns); Element message = (Element) xpath.selectSingleNode(holdingsDocFromXml); if (message != null && message.getText().startsWith("Could not retrieve bib record")) { log.debug("The message text is: " + message.getText()); log.debug("Could not retrieve bib record"); return false; } else { return true; } } catch (JDOMException e) { throw new ILSException(e); } } private int getIndexOfBibId(List<BibliographicId> bibIds, String bibId) { for (int i = 0; i < bibIds.size(); i++) { String id = bibIds.get(i).getBibliographicRecordId().getBibliographicRecordIdentifier(); String itemAgencyId = bibIds.get(i).getBibliographicRecordId().getAgencyId().getValue(); if (bibId.equalsIgnoreCase(itemAgencyId + "_" + id)) { return i; } } return -1; } private List<String> getItemIdSubset(List<String> itemIds, int itemCount) { int numOfitemIdsToProcess = MAX_ITEMS_TO_RETURN - itemCount; return itemIds.subList(0, numOfitemIdsToProcess); } private Document getHoldingRecordsFromRestful(BibliographicId bibliographicId) { String itemAgencyId; String host; String bibId = bibliographicId.getBibliographicRecordId().getBibliographicRecordIdentifier(); if (bibliographicId.getBibliographicRecordId().getAgencyId() != null) { itemAgencyId = bibliographicId.getBibliographicRecordId().getAgencyId().getValue(); } else { itemAgencyId = (String) voyagerConfig.getProperty(VoyagerConstants.CONFIG_ILS_DEFAULT_AGENCY); } boolean consortialUse = Boolean .parseBoolean((String) voyagerConfig.getProperty(VoyagerConstants.CONFIG_CONSORTIUM)); if (consortialUse) { host = voyagerSvcMgr.getUrlFromAgencyId(itemAgencyId); } else { host = (String) voyagerConfig.getProperty(VoyagerConstants.CONFIG_VOYAGER_WEB_SERVICE_URL); } String webServicesUrl = host + "/vxws/record/" + bibId + "/holdings?view=items"; Document doc = voyagerSvcMgr.getWebServicesDoc(webServicesUrl); return doc; } private List<String> getHoldingIdsFromHoldingDoc(Document doc) throws ILSException { List<String> holdingIds = new ArrayList<String>(); Namespace holNs = Namespace.getNamespace("hol", ""); Namespace serNs = Namespace.getNamespace("ser", ""); Namespace mfhdNs = Namespace.getNamespace("mfhd", ""); try { XPath xpath = XPath.newInstance("//mfhd:mfhdRecord"); xpath.addNamespace(holNs); xpath.addNamespace(serNs); xpath.addNamespace(mfhdNs); List<Element> mfhdElements = xpath.selectNodes(doc); for (Element mfhdElement : mfhdElements) { holdingIds.add(mfhdElement.getAttributeValue("mfhdId")); log.debug("Found mfhd Id " + mfhdElement.getAttributeValue("mfhdId")); } } catch (JDOMException e) { throw new ILSException(e); } return holdingIds; } private Map<String, GregorianCalendar> getDueDateForItemIds(List<String> itemIds, Document doc, Map<String, String> copyNumbers, String mfhdId) { Namespace holNs = Namespace.getNamespace("hol", ""); Namespace serNs = Namespace.getNamespace("ser", ""); Namespace mfhdNs = Namespace.getNamespace("mfhd", ""); Namespace itemNs = Namespace.getNamespace("item", ""); List<Element> mfhdElements; List<Element> itemRecords; List<Element> itemData; Element itemCollection; Element mfhdCollection; String copyNumber = null; String statusDate = null; Map<String, GregorianCalendar> dueDates = new HashMap<String, GregorianCalendar>(); try { List<Element> list = doc.getRootElement().getChild("serviceData", serNs) .getChild("holdingsRecord", holNs).getChildren(); mfhdCollection = doc.getRootElement().getChild("serviceData", serNs).getChild("holdingsRecord", holNs) .getChild("mfhdCollection", holNs); mfhdElements = mfhdCollection.getChildren("mfhdRecord", mfhdNs); for (Element mfhdRecord : mfhdElements) { if (!mfhdRecord.getAttributeValue("mfhdId").equalsIgnoreCase(mfhdId)) continue; if (mfhdRecord.getChild("itemCollection", mfhdNs) != null) { itemCollection = mfhdRecord.getChild("itemCollection", mfhdNs); itemRecords = itemCollection.getChildren("itemRecord", itemNs); for (Element itemRecord : itemRecords) { itemData = itemRecord.getChildren("itemData", itemNs); boolean foundCopy = false; for (Element item : itemData) { if (item.getAttributeValue("name").equalsIgnoreCase("copyNumber")) { copyNumber = item.getTextTrim(); if (copyNumbers.containsKey(copyNumber)) {"Found match between copy numbers"); foundCopy = true; } } if (item.getAttributeValue("name").equalsIgnoreCase("statusDate")) { statusDate = item.getTextTrim(); } } if (foundCopy) { if (statusDate != null && !"".equals(statusDate)) { log.debug("Found statusDate: " + statusDate); String[] dateComponents = statusDate.substring(0, 10).split("-"); String[] timeComponents = statusDate.substring(11).split(":"); GregorianCalendar gc = new GregorianCalendar(Integer.parseInt(dateComponents[0]), //GC months start at 0 so subtract 1 Integer.parseInt(dateComponents[1]) - 1, Integer.parseInt(dateComponents[2]), Integer.parseInt(timeComponents[0]), Integer.parseInt(timeComponents[1]), Integer.parseInt(timeComponents[2])); dueDates.put(copyNumbers.get(copyNumber), gc); foundCopy = false; } else { log.debug("Warning: statusDate is null"); foundCopy = false; } } } } } } catch (NullPointerException e) { log.debug("No due dates found"); return null; } return dueDates; } private ElectronicResource getElectronicResourceForHoldingId(String mfhdId, Document doc) throws ILSException { Namespace holNs = Namespace.getNamespace("hol", ""); Namespace serNs = Namespace.getNamespace("ser", ""); Namespace slimNs = Namespace.getNamespace("slim", ""); ElectronicResource electronicResource = new ElectronicResource(); try { XPath xpath = XPath.newInstance("//slim:datafield[@tag='856']/slim:subfield[@code='u']"); xpath.addNamespace(holNs); xpath.addNamespace(serNs); xpath.addNamespace(slimNs); Element urlElement = (Element) xpath.selectSingleNode(doc); String href = urlElement.getTextTrim(); log.debug("Found eResource url " + href); electronicResource.setReferenceToResource(href); } catch (JDOMException e) { log.error("Error processing document for eResource"); throw new ILSException(e); } catch (NullPointerException e) { log.debug("eResource not found"); return null; } return electronicResource; } private List<String> getItemIdsFromHoldingDoc(String holdingId, Document doc) throws ILSException { List<Element> items, holdings = null; List<String> itemIds = new ArrayList<String>(); String itemId, holdingIdFound; String href; int index; try { XPath xpath = XPath.newInstance("/response/holdings/institution/holding"); holdings = xpath.selectNodes(doc); for (Element holding : holdings) { href = holding.getAttributeValue("href"); index = href.lastIndexOf("/"); holdingIdFound = href.substring(index).substring(1); if (holdingIdFound.equalsIgnoreCase(holdingId)) { items = holding.getChildren("item"); for (Element item : items) { href = item.getAttributeValue("href"); index = href.lastIndexOf("/"); itemId = href.substring(index).substring(1); itemIds.add(itemId); } } } } catch (JDOMException e) { log.error("Error processing document for eResource"); throw new ILSException(e); } return itemIds; } private String getCallNumberForHoldingDoc(String holdingId, Document doc) throws ILSException { List<Element> holdings = null; Element itemData; String callNumber = null; String href, holdingIdFound; int index; try { XPath xpath = XPath.newInstance("/response/holdings/institution/holding"); holdings = xpath.selectNodes(doc); for (Element holding : holdings) { href = holding.getAttributeValue("href"); index = href.lastIndexOf("/"); holdingIdFound = href.substring(index).substring(1); if (holdingIdFound.equalsIgnoreCase(holdingId)) { xpath = XPath.newInstance("/response/holdings/institution/holding[@href='" + href + "']/item/itemData[@name='callNumber']"); itemData = (Element) xpath.selectSingleNode(doc); callNumber = itemData.getTextTrim(); } } } catch (JDOMException e) { log.error("Error processing document in getCallNumberForHoldingDoc()"); throw new ILSException(e); } return callNumber; } static public String getCallNumberForHoldingDocFromXml(String holdingId, Document doc) throws ILSException { Namespace serNs = Namespace.getNamespace("ser", ""); Namespace holNs = Namespace.getNamespace("hol", ""); Namespace mhNs = Namespace.getNamespace("mfhd", ""); String callNumber = null; try { XPath xpath = XPath.newInstance( "/ser:voyagerServiceData/ser:serviceData/hol:holdingsRecord/hol:mfhdCollection/mfhd:mfhdRecord[@mfhdId='" + holdingId + "']/mfhd:mfhdData[@name='callNumber']"); xpath.addNamespace(serNs); xpath.addNamespace(holNs); xpath.addNamespace(mhNs); Element thisMFHD = (Element) xpath.selectSingleNode(doc); callNumber = thisMFHD.getTextTrim(); } catch (JDOMException e) { log.error("Error processing document in getCallNumberForHoldingDocFromXml()"); throw new ILSException(e); } return callNumber; } static public Location getLocationForHoldingDocFromXml(String holdingId, Document doc) throws ILSException { Namespace serNs = Namespace.getNamespace("ser", ""); Namespace holNs = Namespace.getNamespace("hol", ""); Namespace mhNs = Namespace.getNamespace("mfhd", ""); Location location = null; try { XPath xpath = XPath.newInstance( "/ser:voyagerServiceData/ser:serviceData/hol:holdingsRecord/hol:mfhdCollection/mfhd:mfhdRecord[@mfhdId='" + holdingId + "']/mfhd:mfhdData[@name='locationDisplayName']"); xpath.addNamespace(serNs); xpath.addNamespace(holNs); xpath.addNamespace(mhNs); Element thisMFHD = (Element) xpath.selectSingleNode(doc); String locationNameStr = thisMFHD.getTextTrim(); LocationNameInstance locationNameInstance = new LocationNameInstance(); locationNameInstance.setLocationNameValue(locationNameStr); //temporarily set to 1. locationNameInstance.setLocationNameLevel(new BigDecimal("1")); List<LocationNameInstance> locationNameInstances = new ArrayList<LocationNameInstance>(); locationNameInstances.add(locationNameInstance); LocationName locationName = new LocationName(); locationName.setLocationNameInstances(locationNameInstances); location = new Location(); location.setLocationName(locationName); location.setLocationType(Version1LocationType.TEMPORARY_LOCATION); } catch (JDOMException e) { log.error("Error processing document in getLocationForHoldingDocFromXml()"); throw new ILSException(e); } return location; } private Location getPermanentLocationForHoldingDoc(String holdingId, Document doc) { List<Element> items, holdings = null; String permLocation = null; String href, holdingIdFound; Location location = null; int index; if (doc.getRootElement().getChild("holdings").getChild("institution").getChildren() != null) { holdings = doc.getRootElement().getChild("holdings").getChild("institution").getChildren("holding"); for (Element holding : holdings) { href = holding.getAttributeValue("href"); index = href.lastIndexOf("/"); holdingIdFound = href.substring(index).substring(1); if (holdingIdFound.equalsIgnoreCase(holdingId)) { items = holding.getChild("item").getChildren("itemData"); for (Element itemData : items) { if (itemData.getAttribute("name") != null && itemData.getAttributeValue("name").equalsIgnoreCase("permLocation")) { permLocation = itemData.getTextTrim(); LocationNameInstance locationNameInstance = new LocationNameInstance(); locationNameInstance.setLocationNameValue(permLocation); //TODO: more to come from requirement for level //temporarily set to 1. locationNameInstance.setLocationNameLevel(new BigDecimal("1")); List<LocationNameInstance> locationNameInstances = new ArrayList<LocationNameInstance>(); locationNameInstances.add(locationNameInstance); LocationName locationName = new LocationName(); locationName.setLocationNameInstances(locationNameInstances); location = new Location(); location.setLocationName(locationName); location.setLocationType(Version1LocationType.PERMANENT_LOCATION); } } } } } return location; } private Map<String, Location> getLocationForItemIds(List<String> itemIds, Document doc) { List<Element> items, itemData, holdings = null; String itemId, href, tempLocation; Map<String, Location> tempLocations = new HashMap<String, Location>(); int index; if (doc.getRootElement().getChild("holdings").getChild("institution").getChildren() != null) { holdings = doc.getRootElement().getChild("holdings").getChild("institution").getChildren("holding"); for (Element holding : holdings) { items = holding.getChildren("item"); for (Element item : items) { //List<Location> locations = new ArrayList<Location>(); //Location location = new Location(); Location location = null; href = item.getAttributeValue("href"); index = href.lastIndexOf("/"); itemId = href.substring(index).substring(1); if (itemIds.contains(itemId)) { itemData = item.getChildren("itemData"); for (Element id : itemData) { if (id.getAttribute("name") != null) { if (id.getAttributeValue("name").equalsIgnoreCase("tempLocation")) { tempLocation = id.getTextTrim(); if (tempLocation.equalsIgnoreCase("")) {"Found empty temp location"); continue; } LocationNameInstance locationNameInstance = new LocationNameInstance(); locationNameInstance.setLocationNameValue(StringUtils.trim(tempLocation)); locationNameInstance.setLocationNameLevel(new BigDecimal("1")); List<LocationNameInstance> locationNameInstances = new ArrayList<LocationNameInstance>(); locationNameInstances.add(locationNameInstance); LocationName locationName = new LocationName(); locationName.setLocationNameInstances(locationNameInstances); location = new Location(); location.setLocationName(locationName); location.setLocationType(Version1LocationType.TEMPORARY_LOCATION); } if (id.getAttributeValue("name").equalsIgnoreCase("permLocation")) { tempLocation = id.getTextTrim(); if (tempLocation.equalsIgnoreCase("")) {"Found empty perm location"); continue; } LocationNameInstance locationNameInstance = new LocationNameInstance(); locationNameInstance.setLocationNameValue(StringUtils.trim(tempLocation)); locationNameInstance.setLocationNameLevel(new BigDecimal("1")); List<LocationNameInstance> locationNameInstances = new ArrayList<LocationNameInstance>(); locationNameInstances.add(locationNameInstance); LocationName locationName = new LocationName(); locationName.setLocationNameInstances(locationNameInstances); if (location == null) { location = new Location(); location.setLocationName(locationName); location.setLocationType(Version1LocationType.PERMANENT_LOCATION); } } } } } //if (locations.size() > 0) tempLocations.put(itemId, location); } } return tempLocations; } else { log.error("No children of institution found"); return null; } } private Map<String, String> getCirculationStatusForItemIds(List<String> itemIds, Document doc) { Map<String, String> statuses = new HashMap<String, String>(); List<Element> items, itemData, holdings = null; String itemId, href, status; int index; if (doc.getRootElement().getChild("holdings").getChild("institution").getChildren() != null) { holdings = doc.getRootElement().getChild("holdings").getChild("institution").getChildren("holding"); for (Element holding : holdings) { items = holding.getChildren("item"); for (Element item : items) { href = item.getAttributeValue("href"); index = href.lastIndexOf("/"); itemId = href.substring(index).substring(1); if (itemIds.contains(itemId)) { itemData = item.getChildren("itemData"); for (Element id : itemData) { if (id.getAttribute("name") != null) { if (id.getAttributeValue("name").equalsIgnoreCase("itemStatus")) { status = id.getTextTrim(); log.debug("Found status: " + status); if (status.endsWith("+")) { status = status.substring(0, status.length() - 1); } if (status.contains("Not Charged")) { status = "Not Charged"; } else if (status.contains("Charged")) { status = "Charged"; } else if (status.contains("Missing")) { status = "Missing"; } else if (status.contains("Lost")) { status = "Missing"; } /*else { String arr[] = status.split(" ", 2); status = arr[0]; } */ statuses.put(itemId, status); } } } } } } return statuses; } else { log.error("No children of institution found"); return null; } } private Map<String, ItemDescription> getItemDescriptionForItemIds(List<String> itemIds, Document doc) { Map<String, ItemDescription> itemDescriptions = new HashMap<String, ItemDescription>(); List<Element> items, itemData, holdings = null; String itemId, href, status; int index; if (doc.getRootElement().getChild("holdings").getChild("institution").getChildren() != null) { holdings = doc.getRootElement().getChild("holdings").getChild("institution").getChildren("holding"); for (Element holding : holdings) { items = holding.getChildren("item"); for (Element item : items) { href = item.getAttributeValue("href"); index = href.lastIndexOf("/"); itemId = href.substring(index).substring(1); if (itemIds.contains(itemId)) { itemData = item.getChildren("itemData"); ItemDescription itemDescription = new ItemDescription(); String infoString = ""; String callNumber = ""; String copy = ""; for (Element id : itemData) { if (id.getAttribute("name") != null) { if (id.getAttributeValue("name").equalsIgnoreCase("enumeration")) { infoString += id.getTextTrim(); } else if (id.getAttributeValue("name").equalsIgnoreCase("chron")) { infoString += id.getTextTrim(); } else if (id.getAttributeValue("name").equalsIgnoreCase("year")) { infoString += id.getTextTrim(); } else if (id.getAttributeValue("name").equalsIgnoreCase("callNumber")) { callNumber = id.getTextTrim(); } else if (id.getAttributeValue("name").equalsIgnoreCase("copy")) { copy = id.getTextTrim(); } } } if (infoString != null && infoString.trim().length() > 0) { HoldingsInformation holdingsInformation = new HoldingsInformation(); holdingsInformation.setUnstructuredHoldingsData(infoString); itemDescription.setHoldingsInformation(holdingsInformation); } if (callNumber.length() > 0) { itemDescription.setCallNumber(callNumber); } if (copy.length() > 0) { itemDescription.setCopyNumber(copy); } itemDescriptions.put(itemId, itemDescription); } } }"Returning item descriptions: " + itemDescriptions); return itemDescriptions; } else { log.error("No children of institution found"); return null; } } private Document getHoldingRecordsFromXml(BibliographicId bibliographicId) { String bibId = bibliographicId.getBibliographicRecordId().getBibliographicRecordIdentifier(); String itemAgencyId; String host; if (bibliographicId.getBibliographicRecordId().getAgencyId() != null) { itemAgencyId = bibliographicId.getBibliographicRecordId().getAgencyId().getValue(); } else { itemAgencyId = (String) voyagerConfig.getProperty(VoyagerConstants.CONFIG_ILS_DEFAULT_AGENCY); } boolean consortialUse = Boolean .parseBoolean((String) voyagerConfig.getProperty(VoyagerConstants.CONFIG_CONSORTIUM)); if (consortialUse) { host = voyagerSvcMgr.getUrlFromAgencyId(itemAgencyId); } else { host = (String) voyagerConfig.getProperty(VoyagerConstants.CONFIG_VOYAGER_WEB_SERVICE_URL); } String url = host + "/vxws/GetHoldingsService?bibId=" + bibId; Document doc = voyagerSvcMgr.getWebServicesDoc(url); return doc; } private BibliographicDescription getBibliographicDescriptionForBibId(Document doc) { Namespace slimNs = Namespace.getNamespace("slim", ""); Namespace holNs = Namespace.getNamespace("hol", ""); Namespace serNs = Namespace.getNamespace("ser", ""); Element marcElement; List<Element> dataFieldElements = null; List<Element> subFieldElements = null; String isbn = null, issn = null, title = null, author = null; String titleA = "", titleB = "", titleC = "", titleF = "", titleG = ""; String titleH = "", titleK = "", titleN = "", titleP = "", titleS = ""; if (doc.getRootElement().getChild("serviceData", serNs).getChild("holdingsRecord", holNs) .getChild("bibRecord", holNs).getChild("marcRecord", holNs) != null) { marcElement = doc.getRootElement().getChild("serviceData", serNs).getChild("holdingsRecord", holNs) .getChild("bibRecord", holNs).getChild("marcRecord", holNs); dataFieldElements = marcElement.getChildren("datafield", slimNs); for (Element eDf : dataFieldElements) { if (eDf.getAttributeValue("tag") != null && eDf.getAttributeValue("tag").equalsIgnoreCase("245")) { subFieldElements = eDf.getChildren("subfield", slimNs); for (Element eSf : subFieldElements) { if (eSf.getAttributeValue("code") != null && eSf.getAttributeValue("code").equalsIgnoreCase("a")) titleA = eSf.getTextTrim(); else if (eSf.getAttributeValue("code") != null && eSf.getAttributeValue("code").equalsIgnoreCase("b")) titleB = eSf.getTextTrim(); else if (eSf.getAttributeValue("code") != null && eSf.getAttributeValue("code").equalsIgnoreCase("c")) titleC = eSf.getTextTrim(); else if (eSf.getAttributeValue("code") != null && eSf.getAttributeValue("code").equalsIgnoreCase("f")) titleF = eSf.getTextTrim(); else if (eSf.getAttributeValue("code") != null && eSf.getAttributeValue("code").equalsIgnoreCase("g")) titleG = eSf.getTextTrim(); else if (eSf.getAttributeValue("code") != null && eSf.getAttributeValue("code").equalsIgnoreCase("h")) titleH = eSf.getTextTrim(); else if (eSf.getAttributeValue("code") != null && eSf.getAttributeValue("code").equalsIgnoreCase("k")) titleK = eSf.getTextTrim(); else if (eSf.getAttributeValue("code") != null && eSf.getAttributeValue("code").equalsIgnoreCase("n")) titleN = eSf.getTextTrim(); else if (eSf.getAttributeValue("code") != null && eSf.getAttributeValue("code").equalsIgnoreCase("p")) titleP = eSf.getTextTrim(); else if (eSf.getAttributeValue("code") != null && eSf.getAttributeValue("code").equalsIgnoreCase("s")) titleS = eSf.getTextTrim(); } title = titleA + titleB + titleC + titleF + titleG + titleH + titleK + titleN + titleP + titleS; } if (eDf.getAttributeValue("tag") != null && eDf.getAttributeValue("tag").equalsIgnoreCase("020")) { subFieldElements = eDf.getChildren("subfield", slimNs); for (Element eSf : subFieldElements) { if (eSf.getAttributeValue("code") != null && eSf.getAttributeValue("code").equalsIgnoreCase("a")) { isbn = eSf.getTextTrim();"Found ISBN: " + isbn); } else { log.error("020 code a not found"); } } } if (eDf.getAttributeValue("tag") != null && eDf.getAttributeValue("tag").equalsIgnoreCase("022")) { subFieldElements = eDf.getChildren("subfield", slimNs); for (Element eSf : subFieldElements) { if (eSf.getAttributeValue("code") != null && eSf.getAttributeValue("code").equalsIgnoreCase("a")) { issn = eSf.getTextTrim();"Found ISSN: " + issn); } else { log.error("022 code a not found"); } } } if (eDf.getAttributeValue("tag") != null && eDf.getAttributeValue("tag").equalsIgnoreCase("100")) { subFieldElements = eDf.getChildren("subfield", slimNs); for (Element eSf : subFieldElements) { if (eSf.getAttributeValue("code") != null && eSf.getAttributeValue("code").equalsIgnoreCase("a")) { author = eSf.getTextTrim();"Found author: " + author); } else { log.error("100 code a not found"); } } } } } else { log.error("marc element not found"); } BibliographicDescription bibliographicDescription = new BibliographicDescription(); boolean hasBibDesc = false; List<BibliographicItemId> bibliographicItemIds = new ArrayList<BibliographicItemId>(); if (author != null && author.length() > 0) { bibliographicDescription.setAuthor(author); hasBibDesc = true; } // Set bib item id if (isbn != null && isbn.length() > 0) { BibliographicItemId bibliographicItemId = new BibliographicItemId(); bibliographicItemId.setBibliographicItemIdentifier(isbn); BibliographicItemIdentifierCode code = new BibliographicItemIdentifierCode( Version1BibliographicItemIdentifierCode.VERSION_1_BIBLIOGRAPHIC_ITEM_IDENTIFIER_CODE, "ISBN"); bibliographicItemId.setBibliographicItemIdentifierCode(code); bibliographicItemIds.add(bibliographicItemId); bibliographicDescription.setBibliographicItemIds(bibliographicItemIds); hasBibDesc = true; } else if (issn != null && issn.length() > 0) { BibliographicItemId bibliographicItemId = new BibliographicItemId(); bibliographicItemId.setBibliographicItemIdentifier(issn); BibliographicItemIdentifierCode code = new BibliographicItemIdentifierCode( Version1BibliographicItemIdentifierCode.VERSION_1_BIBLIOGRAPHIC_ITEM_IDENTIFIER_CODE, "ISSN"); bibliographicItemId.setBibliographicItemIdentifierCode(code); bibliographicItemIds.add(bibliographicItemId); bibliographicDescription.setBibliographicItemIds(bibliographicItemIds); hasBibDesc = true; } if (title != null && title.length() > 0) { bibliographicDescription.setTitle(title); hasBibDesc = true; } if (!hasBibDesc) { return null; } return bibliographicDescription; } }