Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2010 eXtensible Catalog Organization * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the MIT/X11 license. The text of the license can be * found at */ package org.extensiblecatalog.ncip.v2.service; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ReflectionToStringBuilder; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.util.*; /** * A pair of Strings, one a value and the other a scheme, represented by a URI * which gives a globally-unique context for the value. The scheme is optional * for uses where both parties to the exchange of information understand implicitly * the vocabulary from which the value is taken. This implementation is intended to * implement the type-safe enum pattern (see Joshua Bloch's Effective Java, ISBN 0-201-31005-8, * Item 21 "Replace enum constructs with classes", pp. 104-114). */ public abstract class SchemeValuePair { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(SchemeValuePair.class); // Default, for classes not in this map, is NOT to allow null scheme protected static final Map<String /* Class name including pkg */, Boolean> CLASSES_ALLOWING_NULL_SCHEME = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(); public static void allowNullScheme(String... classNames) { for (String className : classNames) { CLASSES_ALLOWING_NULL_SCHEME.put(className, Boolean.TRUE); } } protected static final Map<String /* Class name including pkg */, SchemeValueBehavior> BEHAVIOR_BY_CLASS_NAME_MAP = new HashMap<String, SchemeValueBehavior>(); public static void mapBehavior(String className, SchemeValueBehavior behavior) { BEHAVIOR_BY_CLASS_NAME_MAP.put(className, behavior); } protected static final Map<String, String> SCHEME_URI_ALIAS_MAP = new HashMap<String, String>(); static { // Known aliases // Due to an editing mistake in Version 2.0 of the NCIP standard, all of the Schemes published with // version 1 were presented with *different* URIs ("v1_0" was changed to "v2_0"). The following allows // the Toolkit to recognize all of the Scheme URIs published in version 2 of the Standard. setSchemeURIAlias(Version1AcceptItemProcessingError.VERSION_1_ACCEPT_ITEM_PROCESSING_ERROR, ""); setSchemeURIAlias(Version1AgencyAddressRoleType.VERSION_1_AGENCY_ADDRESS_ROLE_TYPE, ""); setSchemeURIAlias(Version1AgencyElementType.VERSION_1_AGENCY_ELEMENT_TYPE, ""); setSchemeURIAlias(Version1AuthenticationInputType.VERSION_1_AUTHENTICATION_INPUT_TYPE, ""); setSchemeURIAlias(Version1BibliographicItemIdentifierCode.VERSION_1_BIBLIOGRAPHIC_ITEM_IDENTIFIER_CODE, ""); setSchemeURIAlias(Version1BibliographicLevel.VERSION_1_BIBLIOGRAPHIC_LEVEL, ""); setSchemeURIAlias(Version1BibliographicRecordIdentifierCode.VERSION_1_BIBLIOGRAPHIC_RECORD_IDENTIFIER_CODE, ""); setSchemeURIAlias(Version1BibliographicRecordIdentifierCode.VERSION_1_BIBLIOGRAPHIC_RECORD_IDENTIFIER_CODE, ""); setSchemeURIAlias(Version1CancelRequestItemProcessingError.VERSION_1_CANCEL_REQUEST_ITEM_PROCESSING_ERROR, ""); setSchemeURIAlias(Version1CheckInItemProcessingError.VERSION_1_CHECK_IN_ITEM_PROCESSING_ERROR, ""); setSchemeURIAlias(Version1CheckOutItemProcessingError.VERSION_1_CHECK_OUT_ITEM_PROCESSING_ERROR, ""); setSchemeURIAlias(Version1CirculationStatus.VERSION_1_CIRCULATION_STATUS, ""); setSchemeURIAlias(Version1ComponentIdentifierType.VERSION_1_COMPONENT_IDENTIFIER_TYPE, ""); setSchemeURIAlias(Version1FiscalActionType.VERSION_1_FISCAL_ACTION_TYPE, ""); setSchemeURIAlias(Version1FiscalTransactionType.VERSION_1_FISCAL_TRANSACTION_TYPE, ""); setSchemeURIAlias(Version1GeneralProcessingError.VERSION_1_GENERAL_PROCESSING_ERROR, ""); setSchemeURIAlias(Version1ItemDescriptionLevel.VERSION_1_ITEM_DESCRIPTION_LEVEL, ""); setSchemeURIAlias(Version1ItemElementType.VERSION_1_ITEM_ELEMENT_TYPE, ""); setSchemeURIAlias(Version1ItemIdentifierType.VERSION_1_ITEM_IDENTIFIER_TYPE, ""); setSchemeURIAlias(Version1ItemUseRestrictionType.VERSION_1_ITEM_USE_RESTRICTION_TYPE, ""); setSchemeURIAlias(Version1LocationType.VERSION_1_LOCATION_TYPE, ""); setSchemeURIAlias(Version1LookupItemProcessingError.VERSION_1_LOOKUP_ITEM_PROCESSING_ERROR, ""); setSchemeURIAlias(Version1LookupUserProcessingError.VERSION_1_LOOKUP_USER_PROCESSING_ERROR, ""); setSchemeURIAlias(Version1MediumType.VERSION_1_MEDIUM_TYPE, ""); setSchemeURIAlias(Version1MessagingError.VERSION_1_MESSAGING_ERROR, ""); setSchemeURIAlias(Version1OrganizationNameType.VERSION_1_ORGANIZATION_NAME_TYPE, ""); setSchemeURIAlias(Version1PaymentMethodType.VERSION_1_PAYMENT_METHOD_TYPE, ""); setSchemeURIAlias(Version1PhysicalAddressType.VERSION_1_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS_TYPE, ""); setSchemeURIAlias(Version1PhysicalConditionType.VERSION_1_PHYSICAL_CONDITION_TYPE, ""); setSchemeURIAlias(Version1RenewItemProcessingError.VERSION_1_RENEW_ITEM_PROCESSING_ERROR, ""); setSchemeURIAlias(Version1RequestElementType.VERSION_1_REQUEST_ELEMENT_TYPE, ""); setSchemeURIAlias(Version1RequestItemProcessingError.VERSION_1_REQUEST_ITEM_PROCESSING_ERROR, ""); setSchemeURIAlias(Version1RequestScopeType.VERSION_1_REQUEST_SCOPE_TYPE, ""); setSchemeURIAlias(Version1RequestStatusType.VERSION_1_REQUEST_STATUS_TYPE, ""); setSchemeURIAlias(Version1RequestStatusType.VERSION_1_REQUEST_STATUS_TYPE, ""); setSchemeURIAlias(Version1RequestType.VERSION_1_REQUEST_TYPE, ""); setSchemeURIAlias(Version1RequestType.VERSION_1_REQUEST_TYPE, ""); setSchemeURIAlias(Version1RequestedActionType.VERSION_1_REQUESTED_ACTION_TYPE, ""); setSchemeURIAlias(Version1SecurityMarker.VERSION_1_SECURITY_MARKER, ""); setSchemeURIAlias(Version1UnstructuredAddressType.VERSION_1_UNSTRUCTURED_ADDRESS_TYPE, ""); setSchemeURIAlias(Version1UpdateRequestItemProcessingError.VERSION_1_UPDATE_REQUEST_ITEM_PROCESSING_ERROR, ""); setSchemeURIAlias(Version1UserElementType.VERSION_1_USER_ELEMENT_TYPE, ""); } public static void setSchemeURIAlias(String canonicalURI, String aliasURI) { SCHEME_URI_ALIAS_MAP.put(aliasURI, canonicalURI); } protected static String canonicalizeSchemeURI(String scheme) { if (scheme != null) { String newScheme = SCHEME_URI_ALIAS_MAP.get(scheme); if (newScheme != null) { scheme = newScheme; } } return scheme; } /** * The Scheme or URI of the Scheme/Value pair. */ protected String scheme; /** * The Value of the Scheme/Value pair. */ protected String value; /** * Construct a SchemeValuePair with a scheme and a value. * * @param scheme the NCIP Scheme (a URI) * @param value a Value within the Scheme */ public SchemeValuePair(String scheme, String value) { this.scheme = scheme; this.value = value; } /** * Construct a SchemeValuePair with a value but no scheme; the scheme is implicit between the two systems * exchanging NCIP messages using this object. * * @param value a Value in an implicit scheme */ public SchemeValuePair(String value) { this.value = value; } /** * Returns the scheme (a URI) for this object's value. * * @return the scheme */ public String getScheme() { return scheme; } /** * Returns the value of this object. * * @return the value */ public String getValue() { return value; } /** * Find the instance that matches the scheme & value strings supplied. * * @param scheme a String representing the Scheme URI. * @param value a String representing the Value in the Scheme; must not be null * @return an instance that matches, or null if none is found to match. */ protected static <SVP extends SchemeValuePair> SchemeValuePair find(final String scheme, final String value, List<SVP> values, Class<SVP> svpClass) throws ServiceException { // TODO: Reorganize this so we match on Scheme, and then on value, not testing everything in the list. // I think that will require changes to any SVP-derived class, which may mean class in connector projects. SchemeValuePair match = searchList(scheme, value, values); if (match == null) { SchemeValueBehavior behavior = BEHAVIOR_BY_CLASS_NAME_MAP.get(svpClass.getName()); if (behavior == null) { behavior = SchemeValueBehavior.UNSET; } match = behavior.applyBehavior(scheme, value, values, svpClass); } return match; } static <SVP extends SchemeValuePair> SVP searchList(final String scheme, final String value, final List<SVP> values) { SVP match = null; if (value != null && value.length() > 0) { for (SVP svp : values) { if (svp.matches(scheme, value)) { match = svp; break; } } } return match; } static <SVP extends SchemeValuePair> SVP addIfAbsent(final String scheme, final String value, final List<SVP> values, Class<SVP> svpClass) throws ServiceException { SVP match; synchronized (values) { // While synchronized on values list, re-check that this instance isn't in the list and if not, add it. match = SchemeValuePair.searchList(scheme, value, values); if (match == null) {"Adding SchemeValuePair(" + scheme + ", " + value + ") to " + svpClass.getName()); Class[] parmTypes = new Class[2]; parmTypes[0] = String.class; parmTypes[1] = String.class; try { Constructor<SVP> ctor = svpClass.getConstructor(parmTypes); Object[] parmInstances = new Object[2]; parmInstances[0] = scheme; parmInstances[1] = value; match = ctor.newInstance(parmInstances); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new ServiceException(ServiceError.RUNTIME_ERROR, e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw new ServiceException(ServiceError.RUNTIME_ERROR, e); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new ServiceException(ServiceError.RUNTIME_ERROR, e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new ServiceException(ServiceError.RUNTIME_ERROR, e); } values.add(match); } else { LOG.debug("Skipping adding (" + match.getScheme() + ", " + match.getValue() + ")" + " because it's already been added."); } } return match; } /** * Test two instances for equality. In addition to returning true if the passed-in Object <code>o</code> is the * same instance as <code>this</code>, this method considers two objects equal if, after translating their schemes * to canonical form, the two object's schemes are equal and the two object's values are equal. * <p/> * Note: Sub-classes of SchemeValuePair that add comparable attributes (e.g. CurrencyCode) must override * the equals method, call their superclass's equals, and then (if the objects are equal) compare the * added attributes. */ @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == this) { return true; } if (!(o instanceof SchemeValuePair)) { return false; } if (!this.isComparableSVPSubclass(o)) { return false; } SchemeValuePair svpO = (SchemeValuePair) o; return matches(svpO.getScheme(), svpO.getValue()); } protected Class getImmediateSVPSubclass(Class svpClass) { Class immediateSubclass = svpClass; while (!immediateSubclass.getSuperclass().equals(SchemeValuePair.class)) { immediateSubclass = immediateSubclass.getSuperclass(); } return immediateSubclass; } /** * Return true if the two objects subclass the same "immediate child class" of SchemeValuePair * * @param o * @return */ public boolean isComparableSVPSubclass(Object o) { if (!o.getClass().equals(this.getClass())) { Class oImmediateSubClass = getImmediateSVPSubclass(o.getClass()); Class thisImmediateSubClass = getImmediateSVPSubclass(this.getClass()); if (!oImmediateSubClass.equals(thisImmediateSubClass)) { return false; } } return true; } public boolean matches(SchemeValuePair svp) { if (isComparableSVPSubclass(svp)) { return matches(svp.getScheme(), svp.getValue()); } else { return false; } } /** * Note: If value is null and this.value is null, this will return true. * * @param scheme * @param value * @return */ public boolean matches(String scheme, String value) { // Note: We test for null value even though it should never be null. This is because this is called by // {@link #equals} and we can't violate the equals contract just because we've violated that design contract // for SchemeValuePair; and this is a public method and we don't want to impose any unnecessary requirements // on callers. boolean thisClassAllowsNullScheme = areNullSchemesAllowed(); if (this.getScheme() != null) { String thisSchemeCanonical = canonicalizeSchemeURI(this.getScheme()); // TODO: Consider storing canonical form of Scheme to speed this comparison, per Bloch p. 33-4. if (scheme != null) { String svpOSchemeCanonical = canonicalizeSchemeURI(scheme); if (thisSchemeCanonical.compareToIgnoreCase(svpOSchemeCanonical) == 0) { return this.compareValue(value); } else { return false; // this.scheme != o.scheme } } else if (thisClassAllowsNullScheme) { return this.compareValue(value); } else { return false; // this.scheme != null && o.scheme == null } } else { // this.scheme == null if (scheme != null) { if (thisClassAllowsNullScheme) { return this.compareValue(value); } else { return false; // this.scheme == null && o.scheme != null } } else { // this.scheme == null && o.scheme == null return this.compareValue(value); } } } protected boolean compareValue(String value) { if (this.getValue() != null) { if (value != null) { if (this.getValue().compareToIgnoreCase(value) == 0) { return true; } else { return false; // this.value != o.value } } else { return false; // this.value != null && o.value == null } } else { if (value != null) { return false; // this.value == null && o.value != null } else { return true; // this.value == null && o.value == null } } } public boolean areNullSchemesAllowed() { if (CLASSES_ALLOWING_NULL_SCHEME.containsKey(this.getClass().getName())) { return true; } Class immediateSubclass = getImmediateSVPSubclass(this.getClass()); if (CLASSES_ALLOWING_NULL_SCHEME.containsKey(immediateSubclass.getName())) { return true; } return false; } /** * Generic toString() implementation. * * @return String */ @Override public String toString() { return ReflectionToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(this); } }