Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2010 eXtensible Catalog Organization
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the MIT/X11 license. The text of the license can be
 * found at

package org.extensiblecatalog.ncip.v2.millennium;

import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.PostMethod;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.extensiblecatalog.ncip.v2.millennium.MillenniumRemoteServiceManager.*;
import org.extensiblecatalog.ncip.v2.service.*;

import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.*;

 * This class implements the Check Out Item service for the Dummy back-end connector. Basically this just
 * calls the DummyRemoteServiceManager to get hard-coded data (e.g. due date).
 * <p/>
 * Note: If you're looking for a model of how to code your own ILS's NCIPService classes, do not
 * use this class as an example. See the NCIP toolkit Connector developer's documentation for guidance.
public class MillenniumCheckOutItemService implements CheckOutItemService {

    private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(MillenniumRemoteServiceManager.class);

    // User / Password
    ArrayList<String> authenticatedUserName = new ArrayList<String>();
    ArrayList<String> authenticatedUserPassword = new ArrayList<String>();

    ArrayList<PairGroup> testAuthUser = new ArrayList<PairGroup>();
    ArrayList<PairGroup> testAuthPass = new ArrayList<PairGroup>();

    ArrayList<PairGroup> authUserName = new ArrayList<PairGroup>();
    ArrayList<PairGroup> authPassword = new ArrayList<PairGroup>();

    StringFunction strFunction = new StringFunction();

    //final String getMillenniumServices = MillenniumConfig.getServices();
    //String[] millenniumServicesList = getMillenniumServices.split(",");

    //final String getMillenniumFunctions = MillenniumConfig.getFunctions();
    //String[] millenniumFunctionsList = getMillenniumFunctions.split(",");

    String authenticatedUserId = "";

    UserId user = new UserId();

     * Handles a NCIP CheckOutItem service by returning hard-coded data.
     * @param initData       the CheckOutItemInitiationData
     * @param serviceManager provides access to remote services
     * @return CheckOutItemResponseData
    public CheckOutItemResponseData performService(CheckOutItemInitiationData initData,
            ServiceContext serviceContext, RemoteServiceManager serviceManager) {

        final CheckOutItemResponseData responseData = new CheckOutItemResponseData();

        MillenniumRemoteServiceManager millenniumSvcMgr = (MillenniumRemoteServiceManager) serviceManager;
        MillenniumConfiguration MillenniumConfig = millenniumSvcMgr.buildConfiguration();
        String IIIClassicBaseUrl = MillenniumConfig.getURL();
        String SNo = MillenniumConfig.getSearchScope();
        String baseUrl = "https://" + IIIClassicBaseUrl + "/patroninfo"; //.html~S0";
        //LOG.debug("CheckOut - baseURL: " + baseUrl);

        boolean foundUserId = false;
        boolean foundUserPass = false;
        List<Problem> problems = null;

        String userIdentifierType = null;

        final String getLDAPUserVarString = MillenniumConfig.getLdapUserVariable();
        String[] getLDAPUserVarList = getLDAPUserVarString.split(",");
        final String getLDAPPasswordVarString = MillenniumConfig.getLdapPasswordVariable();
        String[] getLDAPPasswordVarList = getLDAPPasswordVarString.split(",");

        final String getPatronUserVarString = MillenniumConfig.getPatronUserVariable();
        String[] getPatronUserVarList = getPatronUserVarString.split(",");
        final String getPatronPasswordVarString = MillenniumConfig.getPatronPasswordVariable();
        String[] getPatronPasswordVarList = getPatronPasswordVarString.split(",");

        boolean foundLDAPUser = false;
        boolean foundPatronUser = false;

        //boolean foundService = false;
        boolean foundCheckOut = false;

        //for (int x = 0; x < millenniumServicesList.length; x++) {
        //   if (millenniumServicesList[x].trim().equals("CheckOut")) {
        //      foundService = true;
        //   }

        //if (foundService) {
        //for (int x = 0; x < millenniumFunctionsList.length; x++) {
        //   if (millenniumFunctionsList[x].trim().equals("CheckOut")) {
        //      foundCheckOut = true;
        //   } 
        //if (foundCheckOut) {
        authenticatedUserName = new ArrayList<String>();
        authenticatedUserPassword = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (AuthenticationInput authenticationInput : initData.getAuthenticationInputs()) {
            //LOG.debug("authenticationInput: " + authenticationInput.getAuthenticationInputData());
            //LOG.debug("Type: " + authenticationInput.getAuthenticationInputType().getValue());
            if ((authenticationInput.getAuthenticationInputType().getValue().toUpperCase().equals("LDAPUSERNAME"))
                    || (authenticationInput.getAuthenticationInputType().getValue().toUpperCase()
                            .equals("USERNAME"))) {
                userIdentifierType = authenticationInput.getAuthenticationInputType().getValue();
                LOG.debug("RequestItem - userIdentifierType: " + userIdentifierType);
                if (authenticationInput.getAuthenticationInputData().trim().length() > 0) {
                    foundUserId = true;
            if ((authenticationInput.getAuthenticationInputType().getValue().toUpperCase().equals("LDAPPASSWORD"))
                    || (authenticationInput.getAuthenticationInputType().getValue().toUpperCase()
                    || (authenticationInput.getAuthenticationInputType().getValue().toUpperCase().equals("PIN"))) {
                if (authenticationInput.getAuthenticationInputData().trim().length() > 0) {
                    foundUserPass = true;
        //LOG.debug("foundUser and foundPass: " + foundUserId + ", " + foundUserPass);
        if (foundUserId && foundUserPass) {
            //LOG.debug("1 - User: " + authenticatedUserName.size() + "=" + getLDAPUserVarList.length + "Pass: " + authenticatedUserPassword.size() + "=" + getLDAPPasswordVarList.length);
            testAuthUser = new ArrayList<PairGroup>();
            testAuthPass = new ArrayList<PairGroup>();
            authUserName = new ArrayList<PairGroup>();
            authPassword = new ArrayList<PairGroup>();

            htmlProperty authenticateStatus = null;
            if ((authenticatedUserName.size() == getLDAPUserVarList.length)
                    && (authenticatedUserPassword.size() == getLDAPPasswordVarList.length)) {
                for (int x = 0; x < authenticatedUserName.size(); x++) {
                    //LOG.debug("User pair: " + getLDAPUserVarList[x] + ", " + authenticatedUserName.get(x));
                    PairGroup userPair = millenniumSvcMgr.setPairGroup(getLDAPUserVarList[x],

                for (int y = 0; y < authenticatedUserPassword.size(); y++) {
                    //LOG.debug("pass pair: " + getLDAPPasswordVarList[y] + ", " + authenticatedUserPassword.get(y));
                    PairGroup passPair = millenniumSvcMgr.setPairGroup(getLDAPPasswordVarList[y],
                authenticateStatus = millenniumSvcMgr.Authenticate(testAuthUser, testAuthPass, baseUrl);
                if (authenticateStatus.recordStatus.returnStatus) {
                    authUserName = testAuthUser;
                    authPassword = testAuthPass;
                    foundLDAPUser = true;
                    LOG.debug("LDAP authUserName.size() =" + authUserName.size());
            //LOG.debug("2 - FoundLDAPUser: " + foundLDAPUser);
            if ((foundLDAPUser == false) && ((authenticatedUserName.size() == getPatronUserVarList.length)
                    && (authenticatedUserPassword.size() == getPatronPasswordVarList.length))) {
                testAuthUser = new ArrayList<PairGroup>();
                testAuthPass = new ArrayList<PairGroup>();
                for (int x = 0; x < authenticatedUserName.size(); x++) {
                    PairGroup userPair = millenniumSvcMgr.setPairGroup(getPatronUserVarList[x],

                for (int y = 0; y < authenticatedUserPassword.size(); y++) {
                    PairGroup passPair = millenniumSvcMgr.setPairGroup(getPatronPasswordVarList[y],
                authenticateStatus = millenniumSvcMgr.Authenticate(testAuthUser, testAuthPass, baseUrl);
                if (authenticateStatus.recordStatus.returnStatus) {
                    authUserName = testAuthUser;
                    authPassword = testAuthPass;
                    foundPatronUser = true;
                    LOG.debug("Patron authUserName.size() =" + authUserName.size());

            String itemBarCode = initData.getItemId().getItemIdentifierValue();
            LOG.debug("CheckOut - itemBarCode: " + itemBarCode);

            int barCodeIndex = 0;
            //htmlProperty authenticateStatus = millenniumSvcMgr.Authenticate(authenticatedUserName, authenticatedUserPassword, baseUrl);

            if (foundLDAPUser || foundPatronUser) {
                LOG.debug("CheckOut - Login Success!");
                boolean getItems = false;
                String strSessionId = authenticateStatus.sessionId;
                String redirectedUrl = authenticateStatus.url;
                LOG.debug("CheckOut - redirectedUrl: " + redirectedUrl);
                authenticatedUserId = authenticateStatus.userid;
                LOG.debug("CheckOut - authenticatedUserId: " + authenticatedUserId);
                String html = authenticateStatus.html;
                String pageItem = authenticateStatus.pageItem.toLowerCase().trim();
                //LOG.debug("CheckOut - itempage: " + authenticateStatus.pageItem);
                //LOG.debug("CheckOut - SNo: " + SNo);
                if (pageItem.equals("items")
                        || html.contains("<a href=\"/patroninfo~" + SNo + "/" + authenticatedUserId + "/items")) {
                    getItems = true;
                LOG.debug("CheckOut - Found - Items: " + getItems);
                if (getItems) {
                    LOG.debug("CheckOut - Found Items Currently Checked out");
                    StatusString getItemsStatus = millenniumSvcMgr.getAuthenticationItemsPage(authenticatedUserId,
                            strSessionId, "items");
                    if (getItemsStatus.recordStatus.returnStatus) {
                        LOG.debug("CheckOut - Success received items page. HTML char: "
                                + getItemsStatus.statusValue.length());
                        ArrayList<AuthenticationItemsInfo> itemsCheckedOutList = null;//millenniumSvcMgr.getItemsCheckedOut(authenticatedUserId, strSessionId, "items");
                        UserItemInfo itemsCheckOutStatus = millenniumSvcMgr
                                .getItemsCheckedOut(getItemsStatus.statusValue, foundCheckOut);
                        if (itemsCheckOutStatus.recordStatus.returnStatus) {
                            LOG.debug("CheckOut - Success received items page array information");
                            itemsCheckedOutList = itemsCheckOutStatus.itemsList;

                            boolean foundBarCode = false;

                            for (int x = 0; x < itemsCheckedOutList.size(); x++) {
                                if (itemsCheckedOutList.get(x).iBarcode.contains(itemBarCode)) {
                                    foundBarCode = true;
                                    barCodeIndex = x;
                            if (foundBarCode) {
                                LOG.debug("CheckOut - Found item barcode in items page at index: " + barCodeIndex);
                                //LOG.debug("CheckOut - Mark id: " + itemsCheckedOutList.get(barCodeIndex).iMark);
                                //LOG.debug("CheckOut - Mark Value: " + itemsCheckedOutList.get(barCodeIndex).iMarkValue);
                                String url = null;
                                if (strFunction.Rightstr(redirectedUrl, "/").equals("items")) {
                                    url = redirectedUrl;
                                } else {
                                    url = redirectedUrl.replace(pageItem, "items");
                                LOG.debug("CheckOut - url: " + url);
                                PostMethod postMethod = new PostMethod(url);
                                postMethod.addParameter("renewsome", "YES");
                                StatusString renewStatus = millenniumSvcMgr.LogInWebActionForm(postMethod,
                                if (renewStatus.recordStatus.returnStatus) {
                                    //LOG.debug("html lenght: " + renewStatus.statusValue.length());
                                    UserItemInfo itemRenewStatus = millenniumSvcMgr
                                            .getItemsCheckedOut(renewStatus.statusValue, foundCheckOut);
                                    if (itemRenewStatus.recordStatus.returnStatus) {
                                        ArrayList<AuthenticationItemsInfo> renewItemList = itemRenewStatus.itemsList;
                                        if (itemsCheckedOutList.size() == renewItemList.size()) {
                                            LOG.debug("Checkout Status is: "
                                                    + itemsCheckedOutList.get(barCodeIndex).iStatus);
                                            LOG.debug("Checkout Status is: "
                                                    + renewItemList.get(barCodeIndex).iStatus);

                                            if (itemsCheckedOutList.get(barCodeIndex).iStatus
                                                    .equals(renewItemList.get(barCodeIndex).iStatus) == false) {
                                                StatusString newDueDateString = millenniumSvcMgr
                                                if (newDueDateString.recordStatus.returnStatus) {
                                                    //Date dueDate = null; // set to null
                                                    SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yy");
                                                    try {
                                                        Date dueDate = dateFormat.parse(newDueDateString.statusValue
                                                                .trim().replace("-", "/"));
                                                        LOG.debug("CheckOut - NewDueDate: " + dueDate);
                                                        //Date newDueDate = millenniumSvcMgr.setRenewSimpleDateFormat(renewItemList.get(barCodeIndex).iStatus);
                                                        GregorianCalendar DueDateCalendar = new GregorianCalendar(

                                                        ItemId itemId = new ItemId();

                                                    } catch (ParseException pe) {
                                                        LOG.error("setRenewSimpleDateFormat ERROR: Cannot parse \""
                                                                + newDueDateString.statusValue + "\"");
                                                        problems = ServiceHelper.generateProblems(
                                                                "CheckOut Error", null,
                                                                "Date format error for: " + itemBarCode);
                                                } else {
                                                    LOG.error("CheckOut - " + newDueDateString.statusValue.trim()
                                                            + " for Item Barcode: " + itemBarCode + ".");
                                                    String errorMsg = newDueDateString.statusValue.trim()
                                                            + " for Item Barcode '" + itemBarCode + "'.";
                                                    problems = ServiceHelper.generateProblems(
                                                            "CheckOut Error", null, errorMsg);
                                            } else {
                                                LOG.error("CheckOut - Couldn't Renew Item for Item Barcode: "
                                                        + itemBarCode);
                                                problems = ServiceHelper.generateProblems(
                                                        "CheckOut Error", null,
                                                        "Couldn't Renew Item for Item Barcode: " + itemBarCode);
                                        } else {
                                            LOG.error("CheckOut - Renew Item array list not match");
                                            problems = ServiceHelper.generateProblems(
                                                    "Item Array not match", null,
                                                    "Renew Item array list not match");
                                        } // if (itemsCheckedOutList.size() == renewItemList.size())

                                    } else {
                                        LOG.error("CheckOut - False received renew items page array information");
                                        problems = ServiceHelper.generateProblems(
                                                "Failed to get Items Array", null,
                                    } // if (itemRenewStatus.recordStatus.returnStatus)

                                } else {
                                    LOG.error("CheckOut - Couldn't receive Renewitem  page!");
                                    //LOG.debug ("Error: " + renewStatus.recordStatus.returnMsg);
                                    problems = ServiceHelper.generateProblems(
                                            "Failed to get Renew Confirmation", null,
                                } // if (renewStatus.recordStatus.returnStatus)

                            } else {
                                LOG.error("CheckOut - Couldn't find the Barcode: " + itemBarCode
                                        + " in Items Page of user: " + authenticatedUserName);
                                problems = ServiceHelper.generateProblems(
                                        Version1LookupItemProcessingError.UNKNOWN_ITEM, "BarCode not Found", null,
                                        "Couldn't find the Barcode: " + itemBarCode + " in Items Page of user: "
                                                + authenticatedUserName);

                        } else {
                            LOG.error("CheckOut - False received checkout items page array information");
                            problems = ServiceHelper.generateProblems(
                                    "Failed to get Items Array", null, itemsCheckOutStatus.recordStatus.returnMsg);
                        } // if (foundLDAPUser || foundPatronUser)
                    } else {
                        LOG.error("CheckOut - False received items page");
                        problems = ServiceHelper.generateProblems(
                                "False received items page", null, getItemsStatus.recordStatus.returnMsg);
                    } // if (getItemsStatus.recordStatus.returnStatus)
                } else { // if (getItems)
                    LOG.error("CheckOut - Couldn't found Item page");
                    problems = ServiceHelper.generateProblems(
                            Version1LookupUserProcessingError.USER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED, "Items page not found",
                            null, "Couldn't found Item page!");
            } else {
                LOG.error("CheckOut - Incorrect User Id or Password!");
                problems = ServiceHelper.generateProblems(
                        Version1LookupUserProcessingError.USER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED, "User Authentication Failed",
                        null, "False to login - Incorrect User Id or Password!");

        } else {
            LOG.error("User Id or Password is missing!");
            problems = ServiceHelper.generateProblems(Version1LookupUserProcessingError.USER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED,
                    "Missing User Id or Password", null, "User Id or Password is missing!");

        //      } else {
        //          LOG.error("CheckOut - Function Renew is not support!");
        //          problems = ServiceHelper.generateProblems(Version1LookupUserProcessingError.USER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED,
        //                "Function is not support", null, "Function is not support!");
        //      } // if (foundRenew)

        //   } else {
        //       LOG.error("CheckOut - Services is not support!");
        //       problems = ServiceHelper.generateProblems(Version1LookupUserProcessingError.USER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED,
        //             "Services is not support", null, "Services is not support!");
        //   } // if (foundService)

        if (problems != null) {
            //LOG.debug("main 3 - " + problems.size());

            if (foundLDAPUser || foundPatronUser) {
                baseUrl = "https://" + IIIClassicBaseUrl + "/logout";

            return responseData;
        } else {
            LOG.debug("CheckOut - Success received all information");
            try {
                user.setUserIdentifierType(UserIdentifierType.find(null, userIdentifierType));
            } catch (ServiceException e) {

            baseUrl = "https://" + IIIClassicBaseUrl + "/logout";

            return responseData;