Java tutorial
/****************************************************************************/ /* File: */ /* Author: F. Georges - H2O Consulting */ /* Date: 2010-02-15 */ /* Tags: */ /* Copyright (c) 2010 Florent Georges (see end of file.) */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ package org.expath.servlex.processors.saxon; import; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import net.sf.saxon.s9api.Processor; import net.sf.saxon.s9api.SaxonApiException; import net.sf.saxon.s9api.Serializer.Property; import net.sf.saxon.s9api.XdmValue; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64OutputStream; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.expath.servlex.TechnicalException; import org.expath.servlex.processors.Document; import org.expath.servlex.processors.Sequence; import org.expath.servlex.processors.Serializer; /** * Implementation of serializer for Saxon. * * The object is constructed, serialization parameters are accumulated if * any, then the XDM items and the output stream are provided for actual * serialization. * * @author Florent Georges */ class SaxonSerializer implements Serializer { public SaxonSerializer(Processor saxon) { mySaxon = saxon; } @Override public String getMediaType() { return myMediaType; } @Override public String getEncoding() { return myEncoding; } @Override public void setExtension(QName name, String value) throws TechnicalException { if (name.equals(S_ATTRIBUTE_ORDER)) { throw new TechnicalException("Output property attribute not supported yet: " + name); } else if (name.equals(S_CHARACTER_REPRESENTATION)) { mySaxonCharacterRepresentation = value; } else if (name.equals(S_DOUBLE_SPACE)) { mySaxonDoubleSpace = value; } else if (name.equals(S_IMPLICIT_RESULT_DOCUMENT)) { throw new TechnicalException("Output property attribute not supported: " + name); } else if (name.equals(S_INDENT_SPACES)) { mySaxonIndentSpaces = value; } else if (name.equals(S_LINE_LENGTH)) { mySaxonLineLength = value; } else if (name.equals(S_NEXT_IN_CHAIN)) { throw new TechnicalException("Output property attribute not supported: " + name); } else if (name.equals(S_NEXT_IN_CHAIN_BASE_URI)) { throw new TechnicalException("Output property attribute not supported: " + name); } else if (name.equals(S_RECOGNIZE_BINARY)) { mySaxonRecognizeBinary = value; } else if (name.equals(S_REQUIRE_WELL_FORMED)) { mySaxonRequireWellFormed = value; } else if (name.equals(S_STYLESHEET_VERSION)) { mySaxonStylesheetVersion = value; } else if (name.equals(S_SUPPLY_SOURCE_LOCATOR)) { throw new TechnicalException("Output property attribute not supported: " + name); } else if (name.equals(S_SUPPRESS_INDENTATION)) { mySaxonSuppressIndentation = value; } else if (name.equals(S_WRAP)) { mySaxonWrap = value; } else { throw new TechnicalException("Unknown output property attribute: " + name); } } @Override public void setMethod(String v) { myMethod = v; } @Override public void setMediaType(String v) { myMediaType = v; } @Override public void setEncoding(String v) { myEncoding = v; } @Override public void setByteOrderMark(String v) { myByteOrderMark = v; } @Override public void setCdataSectionElements(String v) { myCdataSectionElements = v; } @Override public void setDoctypePublic(String v) { myDoctypePublic = v; } @Override public void setDoctypeSystem(String v) { myDoctypeSystem = v; } @Override public void setEscapeUriAttributes(String v) { myEscapeUriAttributes = v; } @Override public void setIncludeContentType(String v) { myIncludeContentType = v; } @Override public void setIndent(String v) { myIndent = v; } @Override public void setNormalizationForm(String v) { myNormalizationForm = v; } @Override public void setOmitXmlDeclaration(String v) { myOmitXmlDeclaration = v; } @Override public void setStandalone(String v) { myStandalone = v; } @Override public void setUndeclarePrefixes(String v) { myUndeclarePrefixes = v; } @Override public void setUseCharacterMaps(String v) { myUseCharacterMaps = v; } @Override public void setVersion(String v) { myVersion = v; } @Override public void serialize(Document doc, OutputStream out) throws TechnicalException { XdmValue value = SaxonHelper.toXdmValue(doc); serialize(value, out); } @Override public void serialize(Sequence sequence, OutputStream out) throws TechnicalException { XdmValue value = SaxonHelper.toXdmValue(sequence); serialize(value, out); } private void serialize(XdmValue sequence, OutputStream out) throws TechnicalException { String method = methodFromMime(myMediaType); // TODO: @method could also contain "base64" or "hex". Take it into account! // TODO: Can I use Saxon extension methods here? Like "saxon:base64Binary" // or "saxon:hexBinary"... // See!extensions/output-extras. // TODO: What if myMethod is set? We don't take it into account here...? if ("binary".equals(method)) { method = "text"; out = new Base64OutputStream(out, false); } net.sf.saxon.s9api.Serializer serial = new net.sf.saxon.s9api.Serializer(); serial.setOutputStream(out); if (myMethod == null && myMediaType != null) { myMethod = method; } setOutputProperty(serial, Property.METHOD, myMethod); setOutputProperty(serial, Property.MEDIA_TYPE, myMediaType); setOutputProperty(serial, Property.ENCODING, myEncoding); setOutputProperty(serial, Property.BYTE_ORDER_MARK, myByteOrderMark); setOutputProperty(serial, Property.CDATA_SECTION_ELEMENTS, myCdataSectionElements); setOutputProperty(serial, Property.DOCTYPE_PUBLIC, myDoctypePublic); setOutputProperty(serial, Property.DOCTYPE_SYSTEM, myDoctypeSystem); setOutputProperty(serial, Property.ESCAPE_URI_ATTRIBUTES, myEscapeUriAttributes); setOutputProperty(serial, Property.INCLUDE_CONTENT_TYPE, myIncludeContentType); setOutputProperty(serial, Property.INDENT, myIndent); setOutputProperty(serial, Property.NORMALIZATION_FORM, myNormalizationForm); setOutputProperty(serial, Property.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION, myOmitXmlDeclaration); setOutputProperty(serial, Property.STANDALONE, myStandalone); setOutputProperty(serial, Property.UNDECLARE_PREFIXES, myUndeclarePrefixes); setOutputProperty(serial, Property.USE_CHARACTER_MAPS, myUseCharacterMaps); setOutputProperty(serial, Property.VERSION, myVersion); setOutputProperty(serial, Property.SAXON_CHARACTER_REPRESENTATION, mySaxonCharacterRepresentation); setOutputProperty(serial, Property.SAXON_DOUBLE_SPACE, mySaxonDoubleSpace); setOutputProperty(serial, Property.SAXON_INDENT_SPACES, mySaxonIndentSpaces); setOutputProperty(serial, Property.SAXON_LINE_LENGTH, mySaxonLineLength); setOutputProperty(serial, Property.SAXON_RECOGNIZE_BINARY, mySaxonRecognizeBinary); setOutputProperty(serial, Property.SAXON_REQUIRE_WELL_FORMED, mySaxonRequireWellFormed); setOutputProperty(serial, Property.SAXON_STYLESHEET_VERSION, mySaxonStylesheetVersion); setOutputProperty(serial, Property.SAXON_SUPPRESS_INDENTATION, mySaxonSuppressIndentation); setOutputProperty(serial, Property.SAXON_WRAP, mySaxonWrap); try { mySaxon.writeXdmValue(sequence, serial); } catch (SaxonApiException ex) { throw new TechnicalException("Error serializing sequence to the output stream", ex); } } /** * Take care of checking if the value is null. */ private void setOutputProperty(net.sf.saxon.s9api.Serializer serial, Property p, String v) { if (v != null) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Serializer, set property '" + p + "' to '" + v + "'"); } serial.setOutputProperty(p, v); } } /** * Decode the content type from a MIME type string (only single parts). * * TODO: Handle XHTML (and new binary methods?)... */ private String methodFromMime(String mime) { if (myMethod != null) { // if an explicit method, return it return myMethod; } else if (mime == null) { return "binary"; } else if (mime.startsWith("multipart/")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Multipart not handled yet!"); } else if ("text/html".equals(mime)) { return "xhtml"; } else if (mime.endsWith("+xml") || XML_TYPES.contains(mime)) { return "xml"; } else if (mime.startsWith("text/") || TEXT_TYPES.contains(mime)) { return "text"; } else { return "binary"; } } /** The logger. */ private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(SaxonSerializer.class); /** * The Saxon namespace (to declare extension output properties on web:body). * * @see!extensions/output-extras */ private static final String NS = ""; // attribute names private static final QName S_ATTRIBUTE_ORDER = new QName(NS, "saxon:attribute-order"); private static final QName S_CHARACTER_REPRESENTATION = new QName(NS, "saxon:character-representation"); private static final QName S_DOUBLE_SPACE = new QName(NS, "saxon:double-space"); private static final QName S_IMPLICIT_RESULT_DOCUMENT = new QName(NS, "saxon:implicit-result-document"); private static final QName S_INDENT_SPACES = new QName(NS, "saxon:indent-spaces"); private static final QName S_LINE_LENGTH = new QName(NS, "saxon:line-length"); private static final QName S_NEXT_IN_CHAIN = new QName(NS, "saxon:next-in-chain"); private static final QName S_NEXT_IN_CHAIN_BASE_URI = new QName(NS, "saxon:next-in-chain-base-uri"); private static final QName S_RECOGNIZE_BINARY = new QName(NS, "saxon:recognize-binary"); private static final QName S_REQUIRE_WELL_FORMED = new QName(NS, "saxon:require-well-formed"); private static final QName S_STYLESHEET_VERSION = new QName(NS, "saxon:stylesheet-version"); private static final QName S_SUPPLY_SOURCE_LOCATOR = new QName(NS, "saxon:supply-source-locator"); private static final QName S_SUPPRESS_INDENTATION = new QName(NS, "saxon:suppress-indentation"); private static final QName S_WRAP = new QName(NS, "saxon:wrap"); private Processor mySaxon; // TODO: Directly create a property map, instead of several fields... private String myMethod; private String myMediaType; private String myEncoding = "UTF-8"; // by default... private String myByteOrderMark; private String myCdataSectionElements; private String myDoctypePublic; private String myDoctypeSystem; private String myEscapeUriAttributes; private String myIncludeContentType; private String myIndent; private String myNormalizationForm; private String myOmitXmlDeclaration; private String myStandalone; private String myUndeclarePrefixes; private String myUseCharacterMaps; private String myVersion; private String mySaxonCharacterRepresentation; private String mySaxonDoubleSpace; private String mySaxonIndentSpaces; private String mySaxonLineLength; private String mySaxonRecognizeBinary; private String mySaxonRequireWellFormed; private String mySaxonStylesheetVersion; private String mySaxonSuppressIndentation; private String mySaxonWrap; /** Media types that must be treated as text types (in addition to text/*). */ private static Set<String> TEXT_TYPES; static { Set<String> types = new HashSet<String>(); types.add("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); types.add("application/xml-dtd"); TEXT_TYPES = types; } /** Media types that must be treated as XML types (in addition to *+xml). */ private static Set<String> XML_TYPES; static { // Doc: does not handle "application/xml-dtd" as XML // TODO: What about ".../xml-external-parsed-entity" ? Set<String> types = new HashSet<String>(); types.add("text/xml"); types.add("application/xml"); types.add("text/xml-external-parsed-entity"); types.add("application/xml-external-parsed-entity"); XML_TYPES = types; } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS COMMENT. */ /* */ /* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License */ /* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in */ /* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at */ /* */ /* */ /* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" */ /* basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See */ /* the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations */ /* under the License. */ /* */ /* The Original Code is: all this file. */ /* */ /* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Florent Georges. */ /* */ /* Contributor(s): none. */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */