Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2009 eXo Platform SAS. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: */ package org.exoplatform.web.application.javascript; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.exoplatform.commons.utils.CompositeReader; import org.exoplatform.commons.utils.PropertyManager; import org.exoplatform.container.ExoContainerContext; import org.exoplatform.portal.resource.AbstractResourceService; import org.exoplatform.portal.resource.compressor.ResourceCompressor; import org.exoplatform.web.ControllerContext; import org.exoplatform.web.controller.router.URIWriter; import org.gatein.common.logging.Logger; import org.gatein.common.logging.LoggerFactory; import org.gatein.portal.controller.resource.ResourceId; import org.gatein.portal.controller.resource.ResourceScope; import org.gatein.portal.controller.resource.script.BaseScriptResource; import org.gatein.portal.controller.resource.script.FetchMode; import org.gatein.portal.controller.resource.script.Module; import org.gatein.portal.controller.resource.script.ScriptGraph; import org.gatein.portal.controller.resource.script.ScriptGroup; import org.gatein.portal.controller.resource.script.ScriptResource; import org.gatein.portal.controller.resource.script.ScriptResource.DepInfo; import org.gatein.wci.ServletContainerFactory; import org.gatein.wci.WebApp; import org.gatein.wci.WebAppListener; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.picocontainer.Startable; public class JavascriptConfigService extends AbstractResourceService implements Startable { /** Our logger. */ private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JavascriptConfigService.class); /** The scripts. */ final ScriptGraph scripts; /** . */ private final WebAppListener deployer; /** . */ public static final List<String> RESERVED_MODULE = Arrays.asList("require", "exports", "module"); /** . */ private static final Pattern INDEX_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^.+?(_([1-9]+))$"); /** . */ public static final Comparator<Module> MODULE_COMPARATOR = new Comparator<Module>() { public int compare(Module o1, Module o2) { return o1.getPriority() - o2.getPriority(); } }; public JavascriptConfigService(ExoContainerContext context, ResourceCompressor compressor) { super(compressor); // this.scripts = new ScriptGraph(); this.deployer = new JavascriptConfigDeployer(context.getPortalContainerName(), this); } public Reader getScript(ResourceId resourceId, Locale locale) throws Exception { if (ResourceScope.GROUP.equals(resourceId.getScope())) { ScriptGroup loadGroup = scripts.getLoadGroup(resourceId.getName()); if (loadGroup != null) { List<Reader> readers = new ArrayList<Reader>(loadGroup.getDependencies().size()); for (ResourceId id : loadGroup.getDependencies()) { Reader rd = getScript(id, locale); if (rd != null) { readers.add(new StringReader("\n//Begin " + id)); readers.add(rd); readers.add(new StringReader("\n//End " + id)); } } return new CompositeReader(readers); } else { return null; } } else { ScriptResource resource = getResource(resourceId); if (resource != null) { List<Module> modules = new ArrayList<Module>(resource.getModules()); Collections.sort(modules, MODULE_COMPARATOR); ArrayList<Reader> readers = new ArrayList<Reader>(modules.size() * 2); StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); // boolean isModule = FetchMode.ON_LOAD.equals(resource.getFetchMode()); if (isModule) { JSONArray deps = new JSONArray(); LinkedList<String> params = new LinkedList<String>(); List<String> argNames = new LinkedList<String>(); List<String> argValues = new LinkedList<String>(params); for (ResourceId id : resource.getDependencies()) { ScriptResource dep = getResource(id); if (dep != null) { Set<DepInfo> depInfos = resource.getDepInfo(id); for (DepInfo info : depInfos) { String pluginRS = info.getPluginRS(); String alias = info.getAlias(); if (alias == null) { alias = dep.getAlias(); } deps.put(parsePluginRS(dep.getId().toString(), pluginRS)); params.add(encode(params, alias)); argNames.add(parsePluginRS(alias, pluginRS)); } } else if (RESERVED_MODULE.contains(id.getName())) { String reserved = id.getName(); deps.put(reserved); params.add(reserved); argNames.add(reserved); } } argValues.addAll(params); int reserveIdx = argValues.indexOf("require"); if (reserveIdx != -1) { argValues.set(reserveIdx, "eXo.require"); } // buffer.append("\ndefine('").append(resourceId).append("', "); buffer.append(deps); buffer.append(", function("); buffer.append(StringUtils.join(params, ",")); buffer.append(") {\nvar require = eXo.require, requirejs = eXo.require,define = eXo.define;"); buffer.append("\neXo.define.names=").append(new JSONArray(argNames)).append(";"); buffer.append("\neXo.define.deps=[").append(StringUtils.join(argValues, ",")).append("]") .append(";"); buffer.append("\nreturn "); } // for (Module js : modules) { Reader jScript = getJavascript(js, locale); if (jScript != null) { readers.add(new StringReader(buffer.toString())); buffer.setLength(0); readers.add(new NormalizeJSReader(jScript)); } } if (isModule) { buffer.append("\n});"); } else { buffer.append("\nif (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd && !require.specified('") .append(resource.getId()).append("')) {"); buffer.append("define('").append(resource.getId()).append("');}"); } readers.add(new StringReader(buffer.toString())); return new CompositeReader(readers); } else { return null; } } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public String generateURL(ControllerContext controllerContext, ResourceId id, boolean merge, boolean minified, Locale locale) throws IOException { @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") BaseScriptResource resource = null; if (ResourceScope.GROUP.equals(id.getScope())) { resource = scripts.getLoadGroup(id.getName()); } else { resource = getResource(id); } // if (resource != null) { if (resource instanceof ScriptResource) { ScriptResource rs = (ScriptResource) resource; List<Module> modules = rs.getModules(); if (modules.size() > 0 && modules.get(0) instanceof Module.Remote) { return ((Module.Remote) modules.get(0)).getURI(); } } StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); URIWriter writer = new URIWriter(buffer); controllerContext.renderURL(resource.getParameters(minified, locale), writer); return buffer.toString(); } else { return null; } } public Map<ScriptResource, FetchMode> resolveIds(Map<ResourceId, FetchMode> ids) { return scripts.resolve(ids); } public JSONObject getJSConfig(ControllerContext controllerContext, Locale locale) throws Exception { JSONObject paths = new JSONObject(); JSONObject shim = new JSONObject(); Map<ResourceId, String> groupURLs = new HashMap<ResourceId, String>(); for (ScriptResource resource : getAllResources()) { if (!resource.isEmpty() || ResourceScope.SHARED.equals(resource.getId().getScope())) { String name = resource.getId().toString(); List<Module> modules = resource.getModules(); if (FetchMode.IMMEDIATE.equals(resource.getFetchMode()) || (modules.size() > 0 && modules.get(0) instanceof Module.Remote)) { JSONArray deps = new JSONArray(); for (ResourceId id : resource.getDependencies()) { deps.put(getResource(id).getId()); } if (deps.length() > 0) { shim.put(name, new JSONObject().put("deps", deps)); } } String url; ScriptGroup group = resource.getGroup(); if (group != null) { ResourceId grpId = group.getId(); url = groupURLs.get(grpId); if (url == null) { url = buildURL(grpId, controllerContext, locale); groupURLs.put(grpId, url); } } else { url = buildURL(resource.getId(), controllerContext, locale); } paths.put(name, url); } } JSONObject config = new JSONObject(); config.put("paths", paths); config.put("shim", shim); return config; } public ScriptResource getResource(ResourceId resource) { return scripts.getResource(resource); } /** * Start service. Registry org.exoplatform.web.application.javascript.JavascriptDeployer, * org.exoplatform.web.application.javascript.JavascriptRemoval into ServletContainer * * @see org.picocontainer.Startable#start() */ public void start() { log.debug("Registering JavascriptConfigService for servlet container events"); ServletContainerFactory.getServletContainer().addWebAppListener(deployer); } /** * Stop service. Remove org.exoplatform.web.application.javascript.JavascriptDeployer, * org.exoplatform.web.application.javascript.JavascriptRemoval from ServletContainer * * @see org.picocontainer.Startable#stop() */ public void stop() { log.debug("Unregistering JavascriptConfigService for servlet container events"); ServletContainerFactory.getServletContainer().removeWebAppListener(deployer); } private Reader getJavascript(Module module, Locale locale) { if (module instanceof Module.Local) { Module.Local localModule = (Module.Local) module; final WebApp webApp = contexts.get(localModule.getContextPath()); if (webApp != null) { ServletContext sc = webApp.getServletContext(); return, sc, webApp.getClassLoader()); } } return null; } private String buildURL(ResourceId id, ControllerContext context, Locale locale) throws Exception { String url = generateURL(context, id, !PropertyManager.isDevelopping(), !PropertyManager.isDevelopping(), locale); if (url != null && url.endsWith(".js")) { return url.substring(0, url.length() - ".js".length()); } else { return null; } } private List<ScriptResource> getAllResources() { List<ScriptResource> resources = new LinkedList<ScriptResource>(); for (ResourceScope scope : ResourceScope.values()) { resources.addAll(scripts.getResources(scope)); } return resources; } private String encode(LinkedList<String> params, String alias) { alias = alias.replace("/", "_"); int idx = -1; Iterator<String> iterator = params.descendingIterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { String param =; Matcher matcher = INDEX_PATTERN.matcher(param); if (matcher.matches()) { idx = Integer.parseInt(; break; } else if (alias.equals(param)) { idx = 0; break; } } if (idx != -1) { StringBuilder tmp = new StringBuilder(alias); tmp.append("_").append(idx + 1); return tmp.toString(); } else { return alias; } } private String parsePluginRS(String name, String pluginRS) { StringBuilder depBuild = new StringBuilder(name); if (pluginRS != null) { depBuild.append("!").append(pluginRS); } return depBuild.toString(); } private class NormalizeJSReader extends Reader { private boolean finished = false; private boolean multiComments = false; private boolean singleComment = false; private Reader sub; public NormalizeJSReader(Reader sub) { this.sub = sub; } @Override public int read(char[] cbuf, int off, int len) throws IOException { if (finished) { return, off, len); } else { char[] buffer = new char[len]; int relLen =, 0, len); if (relLen == -1) { finished = true; return -1; } else { int r = off; for (int i = 0; i < relLen; i++) { char c = buffer[i]; char next = 0; boolean skip = false, overflow = (i + 1 == relLen); if (!finished) { skip = true; if (!singleComment && c == '/' && (next = readNext(buffer, i, overflow)) == '*') { multiComments = true; i++; } else if (!singleComment && c == '*' && (next = readNext(buffer, i, overflow)) == '/') { multiComments = false; i++; } else if (!multiComments && c == '/' && next == '/') { singleComment = true; i++; } else if (c == '\n') { singleComment = false; } else if (!Character.isWhitespace(c) && !Character.isSpaceChar(c) && !Character.isISOControl(c)) { skip = false; } if (!skip && !multiComments && !singleComment) { if (next != 0 && overflow) { sub = new CompositeReader(new StringReader(String.valueOf(c)), sub); } cbuf[r++] = c; finished = true; } } else { cbuf[r++] = c; } } return r - off; } } } private char readNext(char[] buffer, int i, boolean overflow) throws IOException { char c = 0; if (overflow) { int tmp =; if (tmp != -1) { c = (char) tmp; } } else { c = buffer[i + 1]; } return c; } @Override public void close() throws IOException { sub.close(); } } }