Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2003-2010 eXo Platform SAS. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see<>. */ package; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import org.exoplatform.container.ExoContainer; import org.exoplatform.container.ExoContainerContext; import org.exoplatform.container.PortalContainer; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.exoplatform.webui.utils.TimeConvertUtils; import*; import*; import; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement; import java.util.*; /** * * Provides REST Services for manipulating jobs relates to people. * * @anchor PeopleRestService */ @Path("social/people") public class PeopleRestService implements ResourceContainer { /** Confirmed Status information */ private static final String CONFIRMED_STATUS = "confirmed"; /** Pending Status information */ private static final String PENDING_STATUS = "pending"; /** Incoming Status information */ private static final String INCOMING_STATUS = "incoming"; /** Ignored Status information */ private static final String IGNORED_STATUS = "ignored"; /** Waiting Status information */ private static final String WAITING_STATUS = "waiting"; /** Alien Status information */ private static final String ALIEN_STATUS = "alien"; /** Invite action */ private static final String INVITE_ACTION = "Invite"; /** Accept action */ private static final String ACCEPT_ACTION = "Accept"; /** Deny action */ private static final String DENY_ACTION = "Deny"; /** Revoke action */ private static final String REVOKE_ACTION = "Revoke"; /** Remove action */ private static final String REMOVE_ACTION = "Disconnect"; /** Member of space Status information */ private static final String SPACE_MEMBER = "member_of_space"; /** User to invite to join the space Status information */ private static final String USER_TO_INVITE = "user_to_invite"; /** No action */ private static final String NO_ACTION = "NoAction"; /** No information */ private static final String NO_INFO = "NoInfo"; /** Number of user names is added to suggest list. */ private static final long SUGGEST_LIMIT = 20; /** Number of default limit activities. */ private static final int DEFAULT_LIMIT = 20; private static final String DEFAULT_ACTIVITY = "DEFAULT_ACTIVITY"; private static final String LINK_ACTIVITY = "LINK_ACTIVITY"; private static final String DOC_ACTIVITY = "DOC_ACTIVITY"; private static final Log LOG = ExoLogger.getLogger(PeopleRestService.class); private IdentityManager identityManager; private ActivityManager activityManager; private RelationshipManager relationshipManager; private SpaceService spaceService; private static final int MAX_CHAR = 100; private static final String SPACE_CHAR = " "; private static final String THREE_DOTS = "..."; private static final int MAX_DOC_CHAR = 25; private static Log log = ExoLogger.getLogger(PeopleRestService.class); public PeopleRestService() { } /** * Gets users' names that match the input string for suggestion. * * @param uriInfo The requested URI information. * @param name The provided characters to be searched. * @param currentUser The user who sends request. * @param typeOfRelation The relationship status such as "confirmed", "pending", "incoming", "member_of_space" or "user_to_invite" * @param spaceURL The URL of the related space. * @param format The format of the returned result, for example, JSON, or XML. * @return A list of users' names that match the input string. * @throws Exception * @LevelAPI Platform * @anchor PeopleRestService.suggestUsernames */ @GET @Path("suggest.{format}") public Response suggestUsernames(@Context UriInfo uriInfo, @QueryParam("nameToSearch") String name, @QueryParam("currentUser") String currentUser, @QueryParam("typeOfRelation") String typeOfRelation, @QueryParam("spaceURL") String spaceURL, @PathParam("format") String format) throws Exception { MediaType mediaType = Util.getMediaType(format); List<Identity> excludedIdentityList = new ArrayList<Identity>(); excludedIdentityList.add(Util.getViewerIdentity(currentUser)); UserNameList nameList = new UserNameList(); ProfileFilter filter = new ProfileFilter(); filter.setName(name); filter.setCompany(""); filter.setPosition(""); filter.setSkills(""); filter.setExcludedIdentityList(excludedIdentityList); List<Identity> identities = Arrays.asList( getIdentityManager().getIdentitiesByProfileFilter(OrganizationIdentityProvider.NAME, filter, false) .load(0, (int) SUGGEST_LIMIT)); Identity currentIdentity = getIdentityManager().getOrCreateIdentity(OrganizationIdentityProvider.NAME, currentUser, false); Space space = getSpaceService().getSpaceByUrl(spaceURL); if (PENDING_STATUS.equals(typeOfRelation)) { addToNameList(currentIdentity, getRelationshipManager().getPending(currentIdentity, identities), nameList); } else if (INCOMING_STATUS.equals(typeOfRelation)) { addToNameList(currentIdentity, getRelationshipManager().getIncoming(currentIdentity, identities), nameList); } else if (CONFIRMED_STATUS.equals(typeOfRelation)) { addToNameList(currentIdentity, getRelationshipManager().getConfirmed(currentIdentity, identities), nameList); } else if (SPACE_MEMBER.equals(typeOfRelation)) { // Use in search space member addSpaceUserToList(identities, nameList, space, typeOfRelation); } else if (USER_TO_INVITE.equals(typeOfRelation)) { addSpaceUserToList(identities, nameList, space, typeOfRelation); } else { // Identities that match the keywords. for (Identity identity : identities) { nameList.addName(identity.getProfile().getFullName()); } } return Util.getResponse(nameList, uriInfo, mediaType, Response.Status.OK); } /** * Gets users' information that matches the input string. * * @param uriInfo The request URI information. * @param query The name of the user to filter. * @return Users' information that matches the input string. * @throws Exception * @LevelAPI Platform * @anchor PeopleRestService.suggestUsernames */ @GET @Path("getprofile/data.json") public Response suggestUsernames(@Context UriInfo uriInfo, @QueryParam("search") String query) throws Exception { MediaType mediaType = Util.getMediaType("json", new String[] { "json" }); List<Identity> excludedIdentityList = new ArrayList<Identity>(); ProfileFilter filter = new ProfileFilter(); filter.setName(query); filter.setCompany(""); filter.setPosition(""); filter.setSkills(""); filter.setExcludedIdentityList(excludedIdentityList); List<Identity> identities = Arrays.asList( getIdentityManager().getIdentitiesByProfileFilter(OrganizationIdentityProvider.NAME, filter, false) .load(0, (int) SUGGEST_LIMIT)); List<UserInfo> userInfos = new ArrayList<PeopleRestService.UserInfo>(identities.size()); UserInfo userInfo; for (Identity identity : identities) { userInfo = new UserInfo(identity.getRemoteId()); userInfo.setName(identity.getProfile().getFullName()); userInfo.setAvatar(identity.getProfile().getAvatarUrl()); userInfo.setType("contact"); //hardcode for test userInfos.add(userInfo); } return Util.getResponse(userInfos, uriInfo, mediaType, Response.Status.OK); } /** * Gets the information of people who have had connection with the current user. * * @param uriInfo The requested URI information. * @param format The format of the returned result, for example, JSON, or XML. * @param portalName The name of current portal. * @param nameToSearch The name of user who wants to get. * @param offset The starting point of the returned result. * @param limit The ending point of the returned result. * @param lang The locale type. * @return The information of people who have had connection with the current user and the information must match with * the input condition (name to search). * @throws Exception * @LevelAPI Platform * @anchor PeopleRestService.searchConnection */ @GET @Path("{portalName}/getConnections.{format}") public Response searchConnection(@Context UriInfo uriInfo, @PathParam("portalName") String portalName, @QueryParam("nameToSearch") String nameToSearch, @QueryParam("offset") int offset, @QueryParam("limit") int limit, @QueryParam("lang") String lang, @PathParam("format") String format) throws Exception { String[] supportedMediaType = { "json" }; MediaType mediaType = Util.getMediaType(format, supportedMediaType); activityManager = Util.getActivityManager(portalName); relationshipManager = Util.getRelationshipManager(portalName); identityManager = Util.getIdentityManager(portalName); List<Identity> excludedIdentityList = new ArrayList<Identity>(); Identity currentUser = Util.getIdentityManager(portalName) .getOrCreateIdentity(OrganizationIdentityProvider.NAME, Util.getViewerId(uriInfo), true); excludedIdentityList.add(currentUser); Identity[] identities; List<HashMap<String, Object>> entitys = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>(); if (nameToSearch == null) { // default loading, if load more then need to re-calculate offset and limit before going here via rest URL. identities = identityManager.getConnectionsWithListAccess(currentUser).load(offset, limit); } else { // search nameToSearch = nameToSearch.trim(); ProfileFilter filter = new ProfileFilter(); filter.setName(nameToSearch); filter.setExcludedIdentityList(excludedIdentityList); // will be getConnectionsByProfileFilter identities = relationshipManager.getConnectionsByFilter(currentUser, filter).load(offset, limit); } for (Identity identity : identities) { HashMap<String, Object> temp = getIdentityInfo(identity, lang); if (temp != null) { entitys.add(temp); } } return Util.getResponse(entitys, uriInfo, mediaType, Response.Status.OK); } /** * Gets the detailed information of a user on the pop-up, based on his/her username. * * @param uriInfo The requested URI information. * @param format The format of the returned result, for example, JSON, or XML. * @param portalName The name of the current portal container. * @param currentUserName The current user name who sends request. * @param userId The specific user Id. * @param updatedType The type of connection action shown on the pop-up. * @return The detailed information of a user. * @throws Exception * @LevelAPI Provisional * @deprecated Will be removed in eXo Platform 4.0.x * @anchor PeopleRestService.getPeopleInfo */ @GET @Path("{portalName}/{currentUserName}/getPeopleInfo/{userId}.{format}") public Response getPeopleInfo(@Context UriInfo uriInfo, @PathParam("portalName") String portalName, @PathParam("currentUserName") String currentUserName, @PathParam("userId") String userId, @PathParam("format") String format, @QueryParam("updatedType") String updatedType) throws Exception { PeopleInfo peopleInfo = new PeopleInfo(); MediaType mediaType = Util.getMediaType(format); Identity identity = getIdentityManager().getOrCreateIdentity(OrganizationIdentityProvider.NAME, userId, false); Identity currentIdentity = getIdentityManager().getOrCreateIdentity(OrganizationIdentityProvider.NAME, currentUserName, false); if (updatedType != null) { Relationship rel = getRelationshipManager().get(currentIdentity, identity); if (ACCEPT_ACTION.equals(updatedType)) { // Accept or Deny getRelationshipManager().confirm(rel); } else if (DENY_ACTION.equals(updatedType)) { getRelationshipManager().deny(rel); } else if (REVOKE_ACTION.equals(updatedType)) { getRelationshipManager().deny(rel); } else if (INVITE_ACTION.equals(updatedType)) { getRelationshipManager().invite(currentIdentity, identity); } else if (REMOVE_ACTION.equals(updatedType)) { getRelationshipManager().remove(rel); } } Relationship relationship = getRelationshipManager().get(currentIdentity, identity); peopleInfo.setRelationshipType(getRelationshipType(relationship, currentIdentity)); RealtimeListAccess<ExoSocialActivity> activitiesListAccess = getActivityManager() .getActivitiesWithListAccess(identity); List<ExoSocialActivity> activities = activitiesListAccess.loadAsList(0, DEFAULT_LIMIT); if (activities.size() > 0) { peopleInfo.setActivityTitle(activities.get(0).getTitle()); } else { // Default title of activity peopleInfo.setActivityTitle("No updates have been posted yet."); } peopleInfo.setAvatarURL((String) identity.getProfile().getProperty(Profile.AVATAR_URL)); return Util.getResponse(peopleInfo, uriInfo, mediaType, Response.Status.OK); } /** * Gets a set of information of the target user. The returned information of the user includes full name, position * avatar, link to profile and relationship status with the current user who sends request. * * @param uriInfo The requested URI information. * @param securityContext The security context of the system. * @param userId The Id of a specific user. * @param format The format of the returned result, for example, JSON, or XML. * @param currentUserName The current user name who sends request. * @param updatedType The type of connection action shown on the pop-up. * @return The detailed information of a user. * @throws Exception * @LevelAPI Platform * @anchor PeopleRestService.getPeopleInfo */ @GET @Path("/getPeopleInfo/{userId}.{format}") public Response getPeopleInfo(@Context UriInfo uriInfo, @Context SecurityContext securityContext, @PathParam("userId") String userId, @PathParam("format") String format, @QueryParam("currentUserName") String currentUserName, @QueryParam("updatedType") String updatedType) throws Exception { // if (format.indexOf('.') > 0) { userId = new StringBuffer(userId).append(".").append(format.substring(0, format.lastIndexOf('.'))) .toString(); format = format.substring(format.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); } String[] mediaTypes = new String[] { "json", "xml" }; format = ArrayUtils.contains(mediaTypes, format) ? format : mediaTypes[0]; if (currentUserName == null || currentUserName.trim().isEmpty()) { currentUserName = getUserId(securityContext, uriInfo); } // MediaType mediaType = Util.getMediaType(format, mediaTypes); PeopleInfo peopleInfo = new PeopleInfo(NO_INFO); Identity identity = getIdentityManager().getOrCreateIdentity(OrganizationIdentityProvider.NAME, userId, false); if (identity != null) { peopleInfo.setRelationshipType(NO_ACTION); if (currentUserName != null && !userId.equals(currentUserName)) { Identity currentIdentity = getIdentityManager() .getOrCreateIdentity(OrganizationIdentityProvider.NAME, currentUserName, false); if (currentIdentity != null) { // Process action if (updatedType != null) { if (currentIdentity != null) { if (ACCEPT_ACTION.equals(updatedType)) { // Accept or Deny getRelationshipManager().confirm(currentIdentity, identity); } else if (DENY_ACTION.equals(updatedType)) { getRelationshipManager().deny(currentIdentity, identity); } else if (REVOKE_ACTION.equals(updatedType)) { getRelationshipManager().deny(currentIdentity, identity); } else if (INVITE_ACTION.equals(updatedType)) { getRelationshipManager().inviteToConnect(currentIdentity, identity); } else if (REMOVE_ACTION.equals(updatedType)) { getRelationshipManager() .delete(getRelationshipManager().get(currentIdentity, identity)); } } } // Set relationship type Relationship relationship = getRelationshipManager().get(currentIdentity, identity); peopleInfo.setRelationshipType(getRelationshipType(relationship, currentIdentity)); } } RealtimeListAccess<ExoSocialActivity> activitiesListAccess = getActivityManager() .getActivitiesByPoster(identity, DEFAULT_ACTIVITY, LINK_ACTIVITY, DOC_ACTIVITY); List<ExoSocialActivity> activities = activitiesListAccess.loadAsList(0, 1); if (activities.size() > 0) { peopleInfo.setActivityTitle(StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml(activities.get(0).getTitle())); } Profile userProfile = identity.getProfile(); String avatarURL = userProfile.getAvatarUrl(); if (avatarURL == null) { avatarURL = LinkProvider.PROFILE_DEFAULT_AVATAR_URL; } peopleInfo.setAvatarURL(avatarURL); peopleInfo.setProfileUrl(LinkProvider.getUserActivityUri(identity.getRemoteId())); peopleInfo.setFullName(identity.getProfile().getFullName()); peopleInfo.setPosition(StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml(identity.getProfile().getPosition())); } return Util.getResponse(peopleInfo, uriInfo, mediaType, Response.Status.OK); } private String substringActivity(ExoSocialActivity act) { String activity = ""; try { if (act.getType() != null) { activity = act.getTitle().replaceAll("<br/>", " ").replaceAll("<br />", " ").replaceAll("<br>", " ") .replaceAll("</br>", " ").trim(); activity = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml(activity); activity = activity.replaceAll("\"", "'"); if (activity.length() > MAX_CHAR && act.getType().equals(DEFAULT_ACTIVITY)) { String maxBody = activity.substring(0, MAX_CHAR); int tagEnterLocation = maxBody.indexOf('<', 0); if (tagEnterLocation != -1) { if (tagEnterLocation == 0) { if (maxBody.indexOf("<", tagEnterLocation) == 0) { int endtag = activity.indexOf(">", tagEnterLocation); int tagend = activity.indexOf("<", endtag); int tagend2 = activity.indexOf(">", tagend); String linktitle = activity.substring(endtag + 1, tagend); if (linktitle.length() > MAX_CHAR) { linktitle = linktitle.substring(0, MAX_CHAR); activity = activity.substring(0, endtag + 1) + linktitle + activity.substring(tagend, tagend2 + 1); } else { activity = activity.substring(0, tagend2 + 1) + SPACE_CHAR + activity.substring(tagend2 + 2, MAX_CHAR - linktitle.length()); } } activity = activity + "<span class='truncate_ellipsis'>" + THREE_DOTS + "</span>"; } else { int tagEndLocation = maxBody.indexOf("<", tagEnterLocation + 1); int tagLocationEnd = maxBody.indexOf("/>", tagEnterLocation); if ((tagEndLocation == -1 && tagLocationEnd == -1)) { String str1 = maxBody.substring(0, tagEnterLocation - 1); activity = str1 + "<span class='truncate_ellipsis'>" + THREE_DOTS + "</span>"; } if (tagEndLocation != -1) { if (tagEndLocation > MAX_CHAR - 3) { String charRest = activity.substring(0, tagEndLocation + 3); activity = charRest + "<span class='truncate_ellipsis'>" + THREE_DOTS + "</span>"; } else { if (tagEndLocation <= MAX_CHAR - 3) { activity = maxBody + "<span class='truncate_ellipsis'>" + THREE_DOTS + "</span>"; } } } if (tagLocationEnd != -1) { activity = maxBody + "<span class='truncate_ellipsis'>" + THREE_DOTS + "</span>"; } } } else { activity = maxBody + "<span class='truncate_ellipsis'>" + THREE_DOTS + "</span>"; } } if (act.getType().equals(DOC_ACTIVITY)) { try { if ((activity.split(">")[1].split("<")[0]).length() > MAX_DOC_CHAR) { String docName = activity.split(">")[1].split("<")[0].substring(0, MAX_DOC_CHAR) .concat(THREE_DOTS); String docUrl = activity.split(">")[0].split("=")[1].replace("\"", "'"); activity = "Shared a Document <a class='ColorLink' target='_blank' href=" + docUrl + "title='" + activity.split(">")[1].split("<")[0] + "'>" + docName + "</a>"; } } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { log.warn( "Error while recovering activity of type DOC_ACTIVITY [Url of shared Document Not found ]"); return ""; } } if (act.getType().equals(LINK_ACTIVITY)) { if (activity.indexOf("<", 0) != -1) { activity = activity.substring(activity.indexOf(">", 0) + 1, activity.indexOf("<", activity.indexOf(">", 0))); } if (activity.length() > MAX_CHAR) { activity = activity.substring(0, MAX_CHAR); } activity = "<a class='ColorLink' target='_blank' href='" + act.getUrl().replaceAll("\"", "'") + "'>" + activity + "</a>"; } } return activity; } catch (Exception e) { log.error( "Error while recovering user's last activity [WhoIsOnLine rendering phase] :" + e.getMessage(), e); return ""; } } public static class ConnectionInfoRestOut extends HashMap<String, Object> { public static enum Field { /** * User Displayname */ DISPLAY_NAME("displayName"), /** * full url of avatar */ AVATAR_URL("avatarURL"), /** * full url of profile */ PROFILE_URL("profileURL"), /** * activity text */ ACTIVITY_TITLE("activityTitle"), /** * activity text */ ACTIVITY_ID("activityId"), /** * activity pretty posted time ( ago style ) */ PRETTY_POSTED_TIME("prettyPostedTime"), /** * Identity's Position */ POSITION("position"); /** * String type. */ private final String fieldName; /** * private constructor. * * @param string string type */ private Field(final String string) { fieldName = string; } public String toString() { return fieldName; } } /** * Default constructor, used by JAX-RS. */ public ConnectionInfoRestOut() { initialize(); } public ConnectionInfoRestOut(Identity identity, Activity lastestActivity, String lang) { this.setDisplayName(identity.getProfile().getFullName()); this.setAvatarUrl(Util.buildAbsoluteAvatarURL(identity)); this.setProfileUrl(identity.getProfile().getUrl()); this.setActivityTitle(lastestActivity.getTitle()); Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.setLenient(false); int gmtoffset = calendar.get(Calendar.DST_OFFSET) + calendar.get(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET); calendar.setTimeInMillis(lastestActivity.getPostedTime() - gmtoffset); this.setPrettyPostedTime(TimeConvertUtils.convertXTimeAgo(calendar.getTime(), "EEE,MMM dd,yyyy", new Locale(lang), TimeConvertUtils.MONTH)); this.setPosition(identity.getProfile().getPosition()); this.setActivityId(lastestActivity.getId()); } public String getDisplayName() { return (String) this.get(Field.DISPLAY_NAME.toString()); } public void setDisplayName(final String displayName) { if (displayName != null) { this.put(Field.DISPLAY_NAME.toString(), displayName); } else { this.put(Field.DISPLAY_NAME.toString(), ""); } } public String getAvatarUrl() { return (String) this.get(Field.AVATAR_URL.toString()); } public void setAvatarUrl(final String avatarUrl) { if (avatarUrl != null) { this.put(Field.AVATAR_URL.toString(), avatarUrl); } else { this.put(Field.AVATAR_URL.toString(), ""); } } public String getProfileUrl() { return (String) this.get(Field.PROFILE_URL.toString()); } public void setProfileUrl(final String profileUrl) { if (profileUrl != null) { this.put(Field.PROFILE_URL.toString(), Util.getBaseUrl() + profileUrl); } else { this.put(Field.PROFILE_URL.toString(), ""); } } public String getActivityTitle() { return (String) this.get(Field.ACTIVITY_TITLE.toString()); } public void setActivityTitle(final String activityTitle) { if (activityTitle != null) { this.put(Field.ACTIVITY_TITLE.toString(), activityTitle); } else { this.put(Field.ACTIVITY_TITLE.toString(), ""); } } public String getPrettyPostedTime() { return (String) this.get(Field.PRETTY_POSTED_TIME); } public void setPrettyPostedTime(final String postedTime) { if (postedTime != null) { this.put(Field.PRETTY_POSTED_TIME.toString(), postedTime); } else { this.put(Field.PRETTY_POSTED_TIME.toString(), new Long(0)); } } public String getPosition() { return (String) this.get(Field.POSITION); } public void setPosition(final String position) { if (position != null) { this.put(Field.POSITION.toString(), position); } else { this.put(Field.POSITION.toString(), ""); } } public String getActivityId() { return (String) this.get(Field.ACTIVITY_ID); } public void setActivityId(final String activityId) { if (activityId != null) { this.put(Field.ACTIVITY_ID.toString(), activityId); } else { this.put(Field.ACTIVITY_ID.toString(), ""); } } private void initialize() { this.setActivityTitle(""); this.setAvatarUrl(""); this.setDisplayName(""); this.setProfileUrl(""); this.setActivityId(""); this.setPosition(""); this.setPrettyPostedTime(""); } } private String getUserId(SecurityContext securityContext, UriInfo uriInfo) { String userId = StringUtils.EMPTY; try { userId = ConversationState.getCurrent().getIdentity().getUserId(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.debug("Could not get id of user from ConversationState."); } if (userId == null || userId.isEmpty() || IdentityConstants.ANONIM.equals(userId)) { if (securityContext != null && securityContext.getUserPrincipal() != null) { return securityContext.getUserPrincipal().getName(); } else if (uriInfo != null) { return Util.getViewerId(uriInfo); } } return userId; } private void addToNameList(Identity currentIdentity, List<Relationship> identitiesHasRelation, UserNameList nameList) { for (Relationship relationship : identitiesHasRelation) { Identity identity = relationship.getPartner(currentIdentity); String fullName = identity.getProfile().getFullName(); nameList.addName(fullName); } } private void addSpaceUserToList(List<Identity> identities, UserNameList nameList, Space space, String typeOfRelation) throws SpaceException { SpaceService spaceSrv = getSpaceService(); for (Identity identity : identities) { String fullName = identity.getProfile().getFullName(); String userName = (String) identity.getProfile().getProperty(Profile.USERNAME); if (SPACE_MEMBER.equals(typeOfRelation) && spaceSrv.isMember(space, userName)) { nameList.addName(fullName); continue; } else if (USER_TO_INVITE.equals(typeOfRelation) && !spaceSrv.isInvited(space, userName) && !spaceSrv.isPending(space, userName) && !spaceSrv.isMember(space, userName)) { nameList.addName(userName); } } } private HashMap<String, Object> getIdentityInfo(Identity existingIdentity, String lang) { RealtimeListAccess<ExoSocialActivity> activityRealtimeListAccess = activityManager .getActivitiesWithListAccess(existingIdentity); if (activityRealtimeListAccess.getSize() == 0) { return null; } Activity lastestActivity = activityRealtimeListAccess.load(0, 1)[0]; return new ConnectionInfoRestOut(existingIdentity, lastestActivity, lang); } /** * Gets type of relationship appropriate to each specific relationship. * * @param relationship Relationship of current user and selected user. * @param identity Current identity * @return Relationship Type. */ private String getRelationshipType(Relationship relationship, Identity identity) { if (relationship == null) return ALIEN_STATUS; if (relationship.getStatus() == Relationship.Type.PENDING) { if (relationship.getSender().equals(identity)) { return WAITING_STATUS; } return PENDING_STATUS; } else if (relationship.getStatus() == Relationship.Type.CONFIRMED) { return CONFIRMED_STATUS; } else if (relationship.getStatus() == Relationship.Type.IGNORED) { return IGNORED_STATUS; } return ALIEN_STATUS; } public SpaceService getSpaceService() { if (spaceService == null) { spaceService = (SpaceService) getPortalContainer().getComponentInstanceOfType(SpaceService.class); } return spaceService; } /** * Gets identityManager * @return */ private IdentityManager getIdentityManager() { if (identityManager == null) { identityManager = (IdentityManager) getPortalContainer() .getComponentInstanceOfType(IdentityManager.class); } return identityManager; } /** * Gets activity Manager instance. * @return activityManager * @see ActivityManager */ private ActivityManager getActivityManager() { if (activityManager == null) { activityManager = (ActivityManager) getPortalContainer() .getComponentInstanceOfType(ActivityManager.class); } return activityManager; } /** * Gets identityManager * @return */ private RelationshipManager getRelationshipManager() { if (relationshipManager == null) { relationshipManager = (RelationshipManager) getPortalContainer() .getComponentInstanceOfType(RelationshipManager.class); } return relationshipManager; } /** * Gets Portal Container instance. * @return portalContainer * @see PortalContainer */ private ExoContainer getPortalContainer() { ExoContainer exoContainer = ExoContainerContext.getCurrentContainer(); if (exoContainer == null) { throw new WebApplicationException(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } return exoContainer; } static public class UserInfo { static private String AVATAR_URL = "/social-resources/skin/images/ShareImages/UserAvtDefault.png"; String id; String name; String avatar; String type; public UserInfo(String name) { = name; = "@" + name; } public String getId() { return id; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setAvatar(String url) { this.avatar = url; } public String getAvatar() { if (avatar == null || avatar.length() == 0) return AVATAR_URL; return avatar; } public String getType() { return type; } public void setType(String type) { this.type = type; } } /** * UserNameList class. < /br> * * Contains list of user's name that match the input string. * */ @XmlRootElement static public class UserNameList { private List<String> _names; /** * Sets user name list * @param user name list */ public void setNames(List<String> names) { this._names = names; } /** * Gets user name list * @return user name list */ public List<String> getNames() { return _names; } /** * Add name to user name list * @param user name */ public void addName(String name) { if (_names == null) { _names = new ArrayList<String>(); } _names.add(name); } } /** * PeopleInfo class. < /br> * * Contains people's information that relate to specific user. * */ @XmlRootElement static public class PeopleInfo { private String id; private String profileUrl; private String avatarURL; private String activityTitle; private String relationshipType; private String fullName; private String position; public PeopleInfo() { } public PeopleInfo(String relationshipType) { this.relationshipType = relationshipType; } public String getFullName() { return fullName; } public void setFullName(String fullName) { this.fullName = fullName; } public String getActivityTitle() { return activityTitle; } public void setActivityTitle(String activityTitle) { this.activityTitle = activityTitle; } public String getAvatarURL() { return avatarURL; } public void setAvatarURL(String avatarURL) { this.avatarURL = avatarURL; } public String getRelationshipType() { return relationshipType; } public void setRelationshipType(String relationshipType) { this.relationshipType = relationshipType; } public String getId() { return id; } public void setId(String id) { = id; } public String getProfileUrl() { return profileUrl; } public void setProfileUrl(String profileUrl) { this.profileUrl = profileUrl; } public String getPosition() { return position; } public void setPosition(String position) { this.position = position; } } }