Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 eXo Platform SAS. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see<>. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpStatus; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Created by The eXo Platform SARL . * * @author nhuthuan Email: */ public class RSSParser { private RefsDecoder decoder; public RSSParser() { decoder = new RefsDecoder(); } public synchronized RSSDocument<DefaultRSSChannel, DefaultRSSItem> createDocument(XMLNode root) throws Exception { DefaultRSSChannel channel = createChannel(root); if (channel == null) return null; return new RSSDocument<DefaultRSSChannel, DefaultRSSItem>(channel, createItems(channel.getNode())); } public synchronized <T extends IRSSChannel, E extends IRSSItem> RSSDocument<T, E> createDocument(XMLNode root, Class<T> channelClazz, Class<E> itemClazz) throws Exception { T channel = createChannel(root, channelClazz); if (channel == null) return null; return new RSSDocument<T, E>(channel, createItems(channel.getNode(), itemClazz)); } private DefaultRSSChannel createChannel(XMLNode root) throws Exception { return createChannel(root, DefaultRSSChannel.class); } private <T extends IRSSChannel> T createChannel(XMLNode root, Class<T> clazz) throws Exception { if (root.isNode("channel") || root.isNode("feed")) return createSingleChannel(root, clazz); List<XMLNode> list = root.getChildren(); for (XMLNode ele : list) { T channel = createChannel(ele, clazz); if (channel != null) return channel; } return null; } private <T extends IRSSChannel> T createSingleChannel(XMLNode root, Class<T> clazz) throws Exception { T t = null; List<XMLNode> children = root.getChildren(); t = createItem(root, clazz); for (XMLNode ele : children) { if (ele.getTotalChildren() < 1) continue; if (ele.isNode("generator")) t.setGenerator(ele.getChild(0).getNodeValue()); } return t; } private List<DefaultRSSItem> createItems(XMLNode root) throws Exception { return createItems(root, DefaultRSSItem.class); } private <T extends IRSSItem> List<T> createItems(XMLNode root, Class<T> clazz) throws Exception { if (root == null) return new ArrayList<T>(); List<XMLNode> list = root.getChildren(); List<T> items = new ArrayList<T>(); for (XMLNode ele : list) { if (ele.isNode("item") || ele.isNode("entry")) items.add(createItem(ele, clazz)); } if (items.size() < 1) return createItems(root.getParent(), clazz); return items; } private <T extends IRSSItem> T createItem(XMLNode node, Class<T> clazz) throws Exception { T item = clazz.newInstance(); item.setNode(node); List<XMLNode> children = node.getChildren(); if (children.size() < 1) return null; for (XMLNode ele : children) { if (ele.isNode("title") && ele.getTotalChildren() > 0) { item.setTitle(removeCData(ele.getChild(0).getNodeValue().trim())); } else if ((ele.isNode("description") || ele.isNode("summary") || ele.isNode("content")) && ele.getTotalChildren() > 0) { if (item.getDesc() == null || item.getDesc().trim().length() < 1) { item.setDesc(decoder.decode(removeCData(ele.getChild(0).getNodeValue().trim()))); } } else if (ele.isNode("link")) { if (ele.getTotalChildren() > 0) { // item.setLink(ele.getChild(0).getNodeValue()); item.setLink(removeCData(ele.getChild(0).getNodeValue())); } else { Attributes attributes = AttributeParser.getAttributes(ele); // item.setLink(attributes.getAttributeValue("href")); item.setLink(removeCData(attributes.getAttributeValue("href"))); } } else if ((ele.isNode("pubDate") || ele.isNode("issued")) && ele.getTotalChildren() > 0) item.setTime(removeCData(ele.getChild(0).getNodeValue().trim())); else if (ele.isNode("image") && ele.getTotalChildren() > 0) item.setImage(ele.getChild(0).getNodeValue()); // TODO: set creator of content else if (ele.isNode("dc:creator") && ele.getTotalChildren() > 0) item.setCreator((ele.getChild(0).getNodeValue())); } return item; } private String removeCData(String text) { int idx = text.indexOf("[CDATA["); if (idx != 1) return text; text = text.substring(idx + 7); idx = text.lastIndexOf("]]"); if (idx != text.length() - 2) return text; return text.substring(0, text.length() - 2); } public synchronized <T extends IRSSChannel, E extends IRSSItem> RSSDocument<T, E> createDocument(String text, Class<T> channelClazz, Class<E> itemClazz) throws Exception { XMLDocument document = XMLParser.createDocument(text); if (document == null) return null; return createDocument(document.getRoot(), channelClazz, itemClazz); } public synchronized RSSDocument<DefaultRSSChannel, DefaultRSSItem> createDocument(String text) throws Exception { XMLDocument document = XMLParser.createDocument(text); if (document == null) return null; return createDocument(document.getRoot(), DefaultRSSChannel.class, DefaultRSSItem.class); } public synchronized RSSDocument<DefaultRSSChannel, DefaultRSSItem> createDocument(byte[] data, String charset) throws Exception { return createDocument(new String(data, charset), DefaultRSSChannel.class, DefaultRSSItem.class); } public synchronized <T extends IRSSChannel, E extends IRSSItem> RSSDocument<T, E> createDocument(byte[] data, String charset, Class<T> channelClazz, Class<E> itemClazz) throws Exception { return createDocument(new String(data, charset), channelClazz, itemClazz); } public synchronized <T extends IRSSChannel, E extends IRSSItem> RSSDocument<T, E> createDocument( InputStream input, String charset, Class<T> channelClazz, Class<E> itemClazz) throws Exception { XMLDocument document = XMLParser.createDocument(input, charset); if (document == null) return null; return createDocument(document.getRoot(), channelClazz, itemClazz); } public synchronized RSSDocument<DefaultRSSChannel, DefaultRSSItem> createDocument(InputStream input, String charset) throws Exception { XMLDocument document = XMLParser.createDocument(input, charset); if (document == null) return null; return createDocument(document.getRoot(), DefaultRSSChannel.class, DefaultRSSItem.class); } public synchronized <T extends IRSSChannel, E extends IRSSItem> RSSDocument<T, E> createDocument(File file, String charset, Class<T> channelClazz, Class<E> itemClazz) throws Exception { return createDocument(new FileInputStream(file), charset, channelClazz, itemClazz); } public synchronized RSSDocument<DefaultRSSChannel, DefaultRSSItem> createDocument(File file, String charset) throws Exception { if (!file.exists()) return null; return createDocument(new FileInputStream(file), charset, DefaultRSSChannel.class, DefaultRSSItem.class); } public synchronized <T extends IRSSChannel, E extends IRSSItem> RSSDocument<T, E> createDocument(URL url, String charset, Class<T> channelClazz, Class<E> itemClazz) throws Exception { GetMethod get = null; try { HttpClientImpl httpClientService = new HttpClientImpl(url); get = httpClientService.getMethod(url.getFile()); get.setFollowRedirects(true); int statusCode = httpClientService.getHttpClient().executeMethod(get); if (statusCode != HttpStatus.SC_OK) { throw new MalformedURLException("Server response code " + statusCode); } InputStream input = get.getResponseBodyAsStream(); DataBuffer buffer = new DataBuffer(); byte[] data = buffer.loadInputStream(input).toByteArray(); return createDocument(data, charset, channelClazz, itemClazz); } finally { if (get != null) get.releaseConnection(); } } public synchronized <T extends IRSSChannel, E extends IRSSItem> RSSDocument<T, E> createDocument(URI uri, String charset, Class<T> channelClazz, Class<E> itemClazz) throws Exception { try { return createDocument(uri.toURL(), charset, channelClazz, itemClazz); } catch (Exception e) { try { File file = new File(uri); return createDocument(file, charset, channelClazz, itemClazz); } catch (Exception exp) { return null; } } } public synchronized RSSDocument<DefaultRSSChannel, DefaultRSSItem> createDocument(URI uri, String charset) throws Exception { return createDocument(uri, charset, DefaultRSSChannel.class, DefaultRSSItem.class); } }