Java tutorial
/* * * * Copyright (C) 2002-2015 Takis Diakoumis * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 * of the License, or any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * */ package org.executequery.datasource; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import javax.sql.DataSource; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.executequery.databasemediators.DatabaseConnection; import org.executequery.log.Log; import org.underworldlabs.jdbc.DataSourceException; /** * * @author Takis Diakoumis * @version $Revision: 1521 $ * @date $Date: 2015-10-06 16:24:41 +1100 (Tue, 06 Oct 2015) $ */ public class ConnectionPoolImpl extends AbstractConnectionPool implements PooledConnectionListener { private int maximumConnections = MAX_POOL_SIZE; private int minimumConnections = MIN_POOL_SIZE; private int initialConnections = INITIAL_POOL_SIZE; private final List<PooledConnection> openConnections = Collections .synchronizedList(new ArrayList<PooledConnection>()); private final List<PooledConnection> activeConnections = Collections .synchronizedList(new ArrayList<PooledConnection>()); private final DatabaseConnection databaseConnection; private int defaultTxIsolation = -1; private boolean supportsTransactions; private DataSource dataSource; private SshTunnel sshTunnel; public ConnectionPoolImpl(DatabaseConnection databaseConnection) { this.databaseConnection = databaseConnection; if (Log.isDebugEnabled()) { Log.debug("Creating new pool for connection " + databaseConnection.getName()); } } public DatabaseConnection getDatabaseConnection() { return databaseConnection; } public void connectionClosed(PooledConnection pooledConnection) { if (Log.isDebugEnabled()) { Log.debug("Removing connection " + pooledConnection.getId() + " from active connections list"); } activeConnections.remove(pooledConnection); reduceCapacity(minimumConnections); } public void close(Connection connection) { if (connection != null) { activeConnections.remove(connection); PooledConnection pooledConnection = (PooledConnection) connection; pooledConnection.destroy(); openConnections.remove(pooledConnection); } ensureCapacity(minimumConnections); } public synchronized void close() { if (Log.isDebugEnabled()) { Log.debug("Closing connection pool for connection " + databaseConnection.getName()); } for (Connection connection : openConnections) { PooledConnection pooledConnection = (PooledConnection) connection; pooledConnection.destroy(); } destroySshTunnel(); activeConnections.clear(); openConnections.clear(); } public synchronized Connection getConnection() { int size = openConnections.size(); if (Log.isTraceEnabled()) { Log.trace("Retrieving new connection from the pool with current size: [ " + size + " ] from maximum pool capacity [ " + maximumConnections + " ]"); } if (databaseConnection.isSshTunnel() && sshTunnel == null) { createSshTunnel(); } if (size < minimumConnections) { ensureCapacity(minimumConnections); } PooledConnection connection = getNextOpenAvailable(); if (connection != null) { try { if (connection.isClosed()) { close(connection); return getConnection(); } } catch (SQLException e) { } connection.setInUse(true); activeConnections.add(connection); } else if (size < maximumConnections) { createConnection(); return getConnection(); } else { throw new DataSourceException("Maximum open connection count exceeded"); } if (Log.isDebugEnabled()) { Log.debug("Retrieving connection " + connection.getId()); } return connection; } private void destroySshTunnel() { if (sshTunnel != null) { sshTunnel.disconnect(databaseConnection); sshTunnel = null; } } private void createSshTunnel() { sshTunnel = new JschSshTunnel(); sshTunnel.connect(databaseConnection); } private void ensureCapacity(int capacity) { if (Log.isDebugEnabled()) { Log.debug("Ensuring pool capacity " + capacity); } while (openConnections.size() < capacity) { createConnection(); } } private void reduceCapacity(int capacity) { if (Log.isDebugEnabled()) { Log.debug("Reducing pool capacity " + capacity); } while (openConnections.size() > capacity) { PooledConnection connection = getNextOpenAvailable(); if (connection != null) { close(connection); } else { break; } } } private PooledConnection createConnection() { PooledConnection connection = null; try { if (dataSource == null) { DatabaseConnection _databaseConnection = databaseConnection; if (databaseConnection.isSshTunnel()) { if (sshTunnel == null) { createSshTunnel(); } _databaseConnection = databaseConnection.copy(); _databaseConnection.setHost("localhost"); _databaseConnection.setPort(String.valueOf(sshTunnel.getTunnelPort())); } dataSource = new SimpleDataSource(_databaseConnection); } Connection realConnection = dataSource.getConnection(); if (realConnection == null) { destroySshTunnel(); throw new DataSourceException("A connection to the database could not be " + "established.\nPlease ensure that the details " + "are correct and the supplied host is available."); } if (defaultTxIsolation == -1) { configureTransactionIsolationLevel(realConnection); } int transactionIsolation = databaseConnection.getTransactionIsolation(); if (transactionIsolation != -1) { try { realConnection.setTransactionIsolation(databaseConnection.getTransactionIsolation()); } catch (SQLException e) { Log.warning("Error setting transaction isolation level: " + e.getMessage()); } } connection = new PooledConnection(realConnection); connection.addPooledConnectionListener(this); openConnections.add(connection); if (Log.isDebugEnabled()) { Log.debug("Added new connection to the pool - " + connection.getId()); } } catch (SQLException e) { destroySshTunnel(); rethrowAsDataSourceException(e); } return connection; } private void configureTransactionIsolationLevel(Connection connection) { try { defaultTxIsolation = connection.getTransactionIsolation(); supportsTransactions = connection.getMetaData().supportsTransactions(); } catch (SQLException e) { rethrowAsDataSourceException(e); } } private PooledConnection getNextOpenAvailable() { for (PooledConnection pooledConnection : openConnections) { if (pooledConnection.isAvailable()) { return pooledConnection; } } return null; } public DataSource getDataSource() { return dataSource; } public int getMaximumConnections() { return maximumConnections; } public int getMaximumUseCount() { return 0; } public int getMinimumConnections() { return minimumConnections; } public int getPoolActiveSize() { return activeConnections.size(); } public int getSize() { return openConnections.size(); } public boolean isTransactionSupported() { if (defaultTxIsolation == -1) { Connection connection = getConnection(); try { configureTransactionIsolationLevel(connection); } finally { close(connection); } } return supportsTransactions; } public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) { this.dataSource = dataSource; } public int getInitialConnections() { return initialConnections; } public void setInitialConnections(int initialConnections) { if (initialConnections < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Initial connection count must be at least 1"); } this.initialConnections = initialConnections; } public void setMaximumConnections(int maximumConnections) { if (maximumConnections < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Maximum connection count must be at least 1"); } this.maximumConnections = maximumConnections; } public void setMaximumUseCount(int maximumUseCount) { } public void setMinimumConnections(int minimumConnections) { if (minimumConnections < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Minimum connection count must be at least 1"); } this.minimumConnections = minimumConnections; ensureCapacity(minimumConnections); } public void setTransactionIsolationLevel(int isolationLevel) { if (!isTransactionSupported()) { return; } int isolationLevelToApply = isolationLevel; if (isolationLevelToApply == -1) { isolationLevelToApply = defaultTxIsolation; } Log.debug("Setting transaction isolation level to open connections as [ " + nameForTransactionIsolationLevel(isolationLevelToApply) + " ]"); try { synchronized (openConnections) { for (Connection connection : openConnections) { if (!connection.isClosed()) { connection.setTransactionIsolation(isolationLevelToApply); } } } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new DataSourceException(e); } } private String nameForTransactionIsolationLevel(int isolationLevel) { for (Field field : Connection.class.getFields()) { String name = field.getName(); if (StringUtils.startsWith(name, "TRANSACTION_")) { try { if (isolationLevel == field.getInt(null)) { return name; } } catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException e) { } } } return String.valueOf(isolationLevel); } }