Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2011 Everit Kft. ( * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.everit.json.schema.loader; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.function.Function; import; import; import org.everit.json.schema.ArraySchema; import org.everit.json.schema.BooleanSchema; import org.everit.json.schema.CombinedSchema; import org.everit.json.schema.EmptySchema; import org.everit.json.schema.EnumSchema; import org.everit.json.schema.NotSchema; import org.everit.json.schema.NullSchema; import org.everit.json.schema.NumberSchema; import org.everit.json.schema.ObjectSchema; import org.everit.json.schema.ObjectSchema.Builder; import org.everit.json.schema.ReferenceSchema; import org.everit.json.schema.Schema; import org.everit.json.schema.SchemaException; import org.everit.json.schema.StringSchema; import org.everit.json.schema.loader.internal.DefaultSchemaClient; import org.everit.json.schema.loader.internal.JSONPointer; import org.everit.json.schema.loader.internal.JSONPointer.QueryResult; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; /** * Loads a JSON schema's JSON representation into schema validator instances. */ public class SchemaLoader { /** * Created and used by {@link TypeBasedMultiplexer} to set actions (consumers) for matching * classes. * * @param <E> * the type of the input to the operation. */ @FunctionalInterface interface OnTypeConsumer<E> { TypeBasedMultiplexer then(Consumer<E> consumer); } /** * Used by {@code SchemaLoader} during schema loading for type-based action selections. In other * words this utility class is used for avoiding {@code if..instanceof..casting} constructs. * Together with the {@link OnTypeConsumer} implementations it forms a fluent API to deal with the * parts of the JSON schema where multiple kind of values are valid for a given key. * * <p> * Example usage: <code> * Object additProps = schemaJson.get("additionalProperties"); * typeMultiplexer(additionalProps) * .ifIs(JSONArray.class).then(arr -> {...if additProps is a JSONArray then process it... }) * .ifObject().then(obj -> {...if additProps is a JSONArray then process it... }) * .requireAny(); // throw a SchemaException if additProps is neither a JSONArray nor a JSONObject * </code> * </p> */ class TypeBasedMultiplexer { /** * An {@link OnTypeConsumer} implementation which wraps the action ({@code obj} consumer} set by * {@link #then(Consumer)} into an other consumer which maintains {@link SchemaLoader#id}. */ private class IdModifyingTypeConsumerImpl extends OnTypeConsumerImpl<JSONObject> { IdModifyingTypeConsumerImpl(final Class<?> key) { super(key); } /** * Puts the {@code consumer} action with the {@code key} to the {@link TypeBasedMultiplexer}'s * action map, and wraps the consumer to an other consumer which properly maintains the * {@link SchemaLoader#id} attribute. * * @see {@link TypeBasedMultiplexer#ifObject()} for more details about the wrapping. */ @Override public TypeBasedMultiplexer then(final Consumer<JSONObject> consumer) { Consumer<JSONObject> wrapperConsumer = obj -> { String origId = id; if (obj.has("id")) { id += obj.getString("id"); } consumer.accept(obj); id = origId; }; actions.put(key, wrapperConsumer); return TypeBasedMultiplexer.this; } } /** * Default implementation of {@link OnTypeConsumer}, instantiated by * {@link TypeBasedMultiplexer#ifIs(Class)}. * * @param <E> * the type of the input to the operation. */ private class OnTypeConsumerImpl<E> implements OnTypeConsumer<E> { protected final Class<?> key; OnTypeConsumerImpl(final Class<?> key) { this.key = key; } @Override public TypeBasedMultiplexer then(final Consumer<E> consumer) { actions.put(key, consumer); return TypeBasedMultiplexer.this; } } private final Map<Class<?>, Consumer<?>> actions = new HashMap<>(); private final String keyOfObj; private final Object obj; /** * Constructor with {@code null} {@code keyOfObj}. */ TypeBasedMultiplexer(final Object obj) { this(null, obj); } /** * Constructor. * * @param keyOfObj * is an optional (nullable) string used by {@link #requireAny()} to construct the * message of the {@link SchemaException} if no appropriate consumer action is found. * @param obj * the object which' class is matched against the classes defined by * {@link #ifIs(Class)} (or {@link #ifObject()}) calls. */ TypeBasedMultiplexer(final String keyOfObj, final Object obj) { this.keyOfObj = keyOfObj; this.obj = obj; } /** * Creates a setter which will be invoked by {@link #orElse(Consumer)} or {@link #requireAny()} * if {@code obj} is an instance of {@code predicateClass}. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if {@code predicateClass} is {@link JSONObject}. Use {@link #ifObject()} for * matching {@code obj}'s class against {@link JSONObject}. */ public <E> OnTypeConsumer<E> ifIs(final Class<E> predicateClass) { if (predicateClass == JSONObject.class) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("use ifObject() instead"); } return new OnTypeConsumerImpl<E>(predicateClass); } /** * Creates a {@link JSONObject} consumer setter. * * <p> * The returned {@link OnTypeConsumer} implementation will wrap the * {@link OnTypeConsumer#then(Consumer) passed consumer action} with an other consumer which * properly maintains the {@link SchemaLoader#id} attribute, ie. if {@code obj} is a * {@link JSONObject} instance and it has an {@code id} property then it will append this id * value to {@link SchemaLoader#id} for the duration of the action execution, then it will * restore the original id. * </p> */ public OnTypeConsumer<JSONObject> ifObject() { return new IdModifyingTypeConsumerImpl(JSONObject.class); } /** * Checks if the {@code obj} is an instance of any previously set classes (by * {@link #ifIs(Class)} or {@link #ifObject()}), performs the mapped action of found or invokes * {@code orElseConsumer} with the {@code obj}. */ public void orElse(final Consumer<Object> orElseConsumer) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Consumer<Object> consumer = (Consumer<Object>) actions.keySet().stream() .filter(clazz -> clazz.isAssignableFrom(obj.getClass())).findFirst().map(actions::get) .orElse(orElseConsumer::accept); consumer.accept(obj); } /** * Checks if the {@code obj} is an instance of any previously set classes (by * {@link #ifIs(Class)} or {@link #ifObject()}), performs the mapped action of found or throws * with a {@link SchemaException}. */ public void requireAny() { orElse(obj -> { throw new SchemaException(keyOfObj, new ArrayList<Class<?>>(actions.keySet()), obj); }); } } private static final List<String> ARRAY_SCHEMA_PROPS = Arrays.asList("items", "additionalItems", "minItems", "maxItems", "uniqueItems"); private static final Map<String, Function<Collection<Schema>, CombinedSchema.Builder>> COMBINED_SUBSCHEMA_PROVIDERS = // CS_DISABLE_LINE_LENGTH new HashMap<>(3); private static final List<String> NUMBER_SCHEMA_PROPS = Arrays.asList("minimum", "maximum", "minimumExclusive", "maximumExclusive", "multipleOf"); private static final List<String> OBJECT_SCHEMA_PROPS = Arrays.asList("properties", "required", "minProperties", "maxProperties", "dependencies", "patternProperties", "additionalProperties"); private static final List<String> STRING_SCHEMA_PROPS = Arrays.asList("minLength", "maxLength", "pattern"); static { COMBINED_SUBSCHEMA_PROVIDERS.put("allOf", CombinedSchema::allOf); COMBINED_SUBSCHEMA_PROVIDERS.put("anyOf", CombinedSchema::anyOf); COMBINED_SUBSCHEMA_PROVIDERS.put("oneOf", CombinedSchema::oneOf); } /** * Loads a JSON schema to a schema validator using a {@link DefaultSchemaClient default HTTP * client}. * * @param schemaJson * the JSON representation of the schema. * @return the schema validator object */ public static Schema load(final JSONObject schemaJson) { return SchemaLoader.load(schemaJson, new DefaultSchemaClient()); } /** * Creates Schema instance from its JSON representation. * * @param schemaJson * the JSON representation of the schema. * @param httpClient * the HTTP client to be used for resolving remote JSON references. * @return the created schema */ public static Schema load(final JSONObject schemaJson, final SchemaClient httpClient) { String schemaId = schemaJson.optString("id"); return new SchemaLoader(schemaId, schemaJson, schemaJson, new HashMap<>(), httpClient).load().build(); } private final SchemaClient httpClient; private String id = null; private final Map<String, ReferenceSchema.Builder> pointerSchemas; private final JSONObject rootSchemaJson; private final JSONObject schemaJson; /** * Constructor. */ SchemaLoader(final String id, final JSONObject schemaJson, final JSONObject rootSchemaJson, final Map<String, ReferenceSchema.Builder> pointerSchemas, final SchemaClient httpClient) { this.schemaJson = Objects.requireNonNull(schemaJson, "schemaJson cannot be null"); this.rootSchemaJson = Objects.requireNonNull(rootSchemaJson, "rootSchemaJson cannot be null"); = id; this.httpClient = Objects.requireNonNull(httpClient, "httpClient cannot be null"); this.pointerSchemas = pointerSchemas; } private void addDependencies(final Builder builder, final JSONObject deps) { .forEach(ifPresent -> addDependency(builder, ifPresent, deps.get(ifPresent))); } private void addDependency(final Builder builder, final String ifPresent, final Object deps) { typeMultiplexer(deps).ifObject().then(obj -> { builder.schemaDependency(ifPresent, loadChild(obj).build()); }).ifIs(JSONArray.class).then(propNames -> { IntStream.range(0, propNames.length()).mapToObj(i -> propNames.getString(i)) .forEach(dependency -> builder.propertyDependency(ifPresent, dependency)); }).requireAny(); } private CombinedSchema.Builder buildAnyOfSchemaForMultipleTypes() { JSONArray subtypeJsons = schemaJson.getJSONArray("type"); Map<String, Object> dummyJson = new HashMap<String, Object>(); Collection<Schema> subschemas = new ArrayList<Schema>(subtypeJsons.length()); for (int i = 0; i < subtypeJsons.length(); ++i) { Object subtypeJson = subtypeJsons.get(i); dummyJson.put("type", subtypeJson); JSONObject child = new JSONObject(dummyJson); subschemas.add(loadChild(child).build()); } return CombinedSchema.anyOf(subschemas); } private ArraySchema.Builder buildArraySchema() { ArraySchema.Builder builder = ArraySchema.builder(); ifPresent("minItems", Integer.class, builder::minItems); ifPresent("maxItems", Integer.class, builder::maxItems); ifPresent("uniqueItems", Boolean.class, builder::uniqueItems); if (schemaJson.has("additionalItems")) { typeMultiplexer("additionalItems", schemaJson.get("additionalItems")).ifIs(Boolean.class) .then(builder::additionalItems).ifObject() .then(jsonObj -> builder.schemaOfAdditionalItems(loadChild(jsonObj).build())).requireAny(); } if (schemaJson.has("items")) { typeMultiplexer("items", schemaJson.get("items")).ifObject() .then(itemSchema -> builder.allItemSchema(loadChild(itemSchema).build())).ifIs(JSONArray.class) .then(arr -> buildTupleSchema(builder, arr)).requireAny(); } return builder; } private EnumSchema.Builder buildEnumSchema() { Set<Object> possibleValues = new HashSet<>(); JSONArray arr = schemaJson.getJSONArray("enum"); IntStream.range(0, arr.length()).mapToObj(arr::get).forEach(possibleValues::add); return EnumSchema.builder().possibleValues(possibleValues); } private NotSchema.Builder buildNotSchema() { Schema mustNotMatch = loadChild(schemaJson.getJSONObject("not")).build(); return NotSchema.builder().mustNotMatch(mustNotMatch); } private NumberSchema.Builder buildNumberSchema() { NumberSchema.Builder builder = NumberSchema.builder(); ifPresent("minimum", Number.class, builder::minimum); ifPresent("maximum", Number.class, builder::maximum); ifPresent("multipleOf", Number.class, builder::multipleOf); ifPresent("exclusiveMinimum", Boolean.class, builder::exclusiveMinimum); ifPresent("exclusiveMaximum", Boolean.class, builder::exclusiveMaximum); return builder; } private ObjectSchema.Builder buildObjectSchema() { ObjectSchema.Builder builder = ObjectSchema.builder(); ifPresent("minProperties", Integer.class, builder::minProperties); ifPresent("maxProperties", Integer.class, builder::maxProperties); if (schemaJson.has("properties")) { JSONObject propertyDefs = schemaJson.getJSONObject("properties"); String[0])).forEach( key -> builder.addPropertySchema(key, loadChild(propertyDefs.getJSONObject(key)).build())); } if (schemaJson.has("additionalProperties")) { typeMultiplexer("additionalProperties", schemaJson.get("additionalProperties")).ifIs(Boolean.class) .then(builder::additionalProperties).ifObject() .then(def -> builder.schemaOfAdditionalProperties(loadChild(def).build())).requireAny(); } if (schemaJson.has("required")) { JSONArray requiredJson = schemaJson.getJSONArray("required"); IntStream.range(0, requiredJson.length()).mapToObj(requiredJson::getString) .forEach(builder::addRequiredProperty); } if (schemaJson.has("patternProperties")) { JSONObject patternPropsJson = schemaJson.getJSONObject("patternProperties"); String[] patterns = JSONObject.getNames(patternPropsJson); if (patterns != null) { for (String pattern : patterns) { builder.patternProperty(pattern, loadChild(patternPropsJson.getJSONObject(pattern)).build()); } } } ifPresent("dependencies", JSONObject.class, deps -> addDependencies(builder, deps)); return builder; } private Schema.Builder<?> buildSchemaWithoutExplicitType() { if (schemaJson.length() == 0) { return EmptySchema.builder(); } if (schemaJson.has("$ref")) { return lookupReference(schemaJson.getString("$ref")); } Schema.Builder<?> rval = sniffSchemaByProps(); if (rval != null) { return rval; } if (schemaJson.has("not")) { return buildNotSchema(); } return EmptySchema.builder(); } private StringSchema.Builder buildStringSchema() { StringSchema.Builder builder = StringSchema.builder(); ifPresent("minLength", Integer.class, builder::minLength); ifPresent("maxLength", Integer.class, builder::maxLength); ifPresent("pattern", String.class, builder::pattern); return builder; } private void buildTupleSchema(final ArraySchema.Builder builder, final JSONArray itemSchema) { for (int i = 0; i < itemSchema.length(); ++i) { typeMultiplexer(itemSchema.get(i)).ifObject() .then(schema -> builder.addItemSchema(loadChild(schema).build())).requireAny(); } } private <E> void ifPresent(final String key, final Class<E> expectedType, final Consumer<E> consumer) { if (schemaJson.has(key)) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") E value = (E) schemaJson.get(key); try { consumer.accept(value); } catch (ClassCastException e) { throw new SchemaException(key, expectedType, value); } } } /** * Populates a {@code Schema.Builder} instance from the {@code schemaJson} schema definition. * * @return the builder which already contains the validation criteria of the schema, therefore * {@link Schema.Builder#build()} can be immediately used to acquire the {@link Schema} * instance to be used for validation */ private Schema.Builder<?> load() { Schema.Builder<?> builder; if (schemaJson.has("enum")) { builder = buildEnumSchema(); } else { builder = tryCombinedSchema(); if (builder == null) { if (!schemaJson.has("type")) { builder = buildSchemaWithoutExplicitType(); } else { builder = loadForType(schemaJson.get("type")); } } } ifPresent("id", String.class, builder::id); ifPresent("title", String.class, builder::title); ifPresent("description", String.class, builder::description); return builder; } private Schema.Builder<?> loadChild(final JSONObject childJson) { return new SchemaLoader(id, childJson, rootSchemaJson, pointerSchemas, httpClient).load(); } private Schema.Builder<?> loadForExplicitType(final String typeString) { switch (typeString) { case "string": return buildStringSchema(); case "integer": return buildNumberSchema().requiresInteger(true); case "number": return buildNumberSchema(); case "boolean": return BooleanSchema.builder(); case "null": return NullSchema.builder(); case "array": return buildArraySchema(); case "object": return buildObjectSchema(); default: throw new SchemaException(String.format("unknown type: [%s]", typeString)); } } private Schema.Builder<?> loadForType(final Object type) { if (type instanceof JSONArray) { return buildAnyOfSchemaForMultipleTypes(); } else if (type instanceof String) { return loadForExplicitType((String) type); } else { throw new SchemaException("type", Arrays.asList(JSONArray.class, String.class), type); } } /** * Returns a schema builder instance after looking up the JSON pointer. */ private Schema.Builder<?> lookupReference(final String relPointerString) { String absPointerString = id + relPointerString; if (pointerSchemas.containsKey(absPointerString)) { return pointerSchemas.get(absPointerString); } JSONPointer pointer; if (absPointerString.startsWith("#")) { pointer = JSONPointer.forDocument(rootSchemaJson, absPointerString); } else { pointer = JSONPointer.forURL(httpClient, absPointerString); } ReferenceSchema.Builder refBuilder = ReferenceSchema.builder(); pointerSchemas.put(absPointerString, refBuilder); QueryResult result = pointer.query(); SchemaLoader childLoader = new SchemaLoader(id, result.getQueryResult(), result.getContainingDocument(), pointerSchemas, httpClient); Schema referredSchema = childLoader.load().build();; return refBuilder; } private boolean schemaHasAnyOf(final Collection<String> propNames) { return; } private Schema.Builder<?> sniffSchemaByProps() { if (schemaHasAnyOf(ARRAY_SCHEMA_PROPS)) { return buildArraySchema().requiresArray(false); } else if (schemaHasAnyOf(OBJECT_SCHEMA_PROPS)) { return buildObjectSchema().requiresObject(false); } else if (schemaHasAnyOf(NUMBER_SCHEMA_PROPS)) { return buildNumberSchema().requiresNumber(false); } else if (schemaHasAnyOf(STRING_SCHEMA_PROPS)) { return buildStringSchema().requiresString(false); } return null; } private CombinedSchema.Builder tryCombinedSchema() { List<String> presentKeys = COMBINED_SUBSCHEMA_PROVIDERS.keySet().stream().filter(schemaJson::has) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (presentKeys.size() > 1) { throw new SchemaException( String.format("expected at most 1 of 'allOf', 'anyOf', 'oneOf', %d found", presentKeys.size())); } else if (presentKeys.size() == 1) { String key = presentKeys.get(0); JSONArray subschemaDefs = schemaJson.getJSONArray(key); Collection<Schema> subschemas = IntStream.range(0, subschemaDefs.length()) .mapToObj(subschemaDefs::getJSONObject).map(this::loadChild).map(Schema.Builder::build) .collect(Collectors.toList()); CombinedSchema.Builder combinedSchema = COMBINED_SUBSCHEMA_PROVIDERS.get(key).apply(subschemas); Schema.Builder<?> baseSchema; if (schemaJson.has("type")) { baseSchema = loadForType(schemaJson.get("type")); } else { baseSchema = sniffSchemaByProps(); } if (baseSchema == null) { return combinedSchema; } else { return CombinedSchema.allOf(Arrays.asList(,; } } else { return null; } } TypeBasedMultiplexer typeMultiplexer(final Object obj) { return new TypeBasedMultiplexer(obj); } TypeBasedMultiplexer typeMultiplexer(final String keyOfObj, final Object obj) { return new TypeBasedMultiplexer(keyOfObj, obj); } }