Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2011 Everit Kft. ( * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.everit.jira.timetracker.plugin; import; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang.time.DateUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.everit.jira.timetracker.plugin.dto.ActionResult; import org.everit.jira.timetracker.plugin.dto.ActionResultStatus; import org.everit.jira.timetracker.plugin.dto.EveritWorklog; import org.everit.jira.timetracker.plugin.dto.PluginSettingsValues; import org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericEntityException; import com.atlassian.jira.avatar.Avatar; import com.atlassian.jira.avatar.AvatarService; import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor; import; import; import com.atlassian.jira.exception.DataAccessException; import com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue; import com.atlassian.jira.user.ApplicationUser; import com.atlassian.jira.util.BuildUtilsInfo; import com.atlassian.jira.web.action.JiraWebActionSupport; /** * The timetracker web action support class. */ public class JiraTimetrackerWebAction extends JiraWebActionSupport { private static final String PARAM_STARTTIME = "startTime"; private static final String PARAM_ISSUESELECT = "issueSelect"; private static final String PARAM_DATE = "date"; private static final String MISSING_ISSUE = "plugin.missing_issue"; private static final String INVALID_START_TIME = "plugin.invalid_startTime"; private static final String INVALID_DURATION_TIME = "plugin.invalid_durationTime"; private static final String VERSION_SPLITTER = "\\."; private static final String JIRA_HOME_URL = "/secure/Dashboard.jspa"; /** * Serial version UID. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * The default worklog ID. */ private static final Long DEFAULT_WORKLOG_ID = Long.valueOf(0); /** * Logger. */ private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(JiraTimetrackerWebAction.class); /** * The {@link JiraTimetrackerPlugin}. */ private transient JiraTimetrackerPlugin jiraTimetrackerPlugin; /** * The issues. */ private transient List<Issue> issues = new ArrayList<Issue>(); /** * The worklogs. */ private List<EveritWorklog> worklogs = new ArrayList<EveritWorklog>(); /** * The ids of the woklogs. */ private List<Long> worklogsIds = new ArrayList<Long>(); /** * The all edit worklogs ids. */ private String editAllIds = ""; /** * The deleted worklog id. */ private Long deletedWorklogId = DEFAULT_WORKLOG_ID; /** * List of the exclude days of the date variable current months. */ private List<String> excludeDays = new ArrayList<String>(); /** * List of the logged days of the date variable current months. */ private List<String> loggedDays = new ArrayList<String>(); /** * The date. */ private Date date = null; /** * The formated date. */ private String dateFormated = ""; /** * The summary of month. */ private String monthFilteredSummary = ""; /** * The summary of week. */ private String weekFilteredSummary = ""; /** * The summary of day. */ private String dayFilteredSummary = ""; /** * The summary of month. */ private String monthSummary = ""; /** * The summary of week. */ private String weekSummary = ""; /** * The summary of day. */ private String daySummary = ""; /** * The edited worklog id. */ private Long editedWorklogId = DEFAULT_WORKLOG_ID; /** * The copied worklog id. */ private Long copiedWorklogId = DEFAULT_WORKLOG_ID; /** * The WebAction is edit a worklog or not. */ private boolean isEdit = false; /** * The WebAction is edit all worklog or not. */ private boolean isEditAll = false; /** * The issue key. */ private String issueKey = ""; /** * The worklog start time. */ private String startTime = ""; /** * The worklog end time. */ private String endTime = ""; /** * The worklog duration. */ private String durationTime = ""; /** * The worklog comment. */ private String comment = ""; /** * The worklog comment. */ private String commentForActions = ""; /** * The spent time in Jira time format (1h 20m). */ private String timeSpent = ""; /** * The IDs of the projects. */ private List<String> projectsId; /** * The message. */ private String message = ""; /** * The message parameter. */ private String messageParameter = ""; /** * The selected User for get Worklogs. */ private String selectedUser = ""; /** * */ // private Date datePCalendar = new Date(); /** * The startTime input field changer buttons value. */ private int startTimeChange; /** * The endTime input field changer buttons value. */ private int endTimeChange; /** * The calendar isPopup. */ private int isPopup; /** * The calendar show actual Date Or Last Worklog Date. */ private boolean isActualDate; /** * The calendar highlights coloring function is active or not. */ private boolean isColoring; /** * The filtered Issues id. */ private List<Pattern> issuesRegex; /** * The JiraTimetrackerWebAction logger. */ private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(JiraTimetrackerWebAction.class); /** * The jira main version. */ private int jiraMainVersion; private String contextPath; private String avatarURL = ""; private transient ApplicationUser userPickerObject; private boolean isDurationSelected = false; private String debugMessage = ""; /** * Simple constructor. * * @param jiraTimetrackerPlugin * The {@link JiraTimetrackerPlugin}. */ public JiraTimetrackerWebAction(final JiraTimetrackerPlugin jiraTimetrackerPlugin) { this.jiraTimetrackerPlugin = jiraTimetrackerPlugin; } /** * Put the worklogs id into a array. * * @param worklogsParam * The worklogs. * @return The array of the ids. */ private List<Long> copyWorklogIdsToArray(final List<EveritWorklog> worklogsParam) { List<Long> worklogIds = new ArrayList<Long>(); for (EveritWorklog worklog : worklogsParam) { worklogIds.add(worklog.getWorklogId()); } log.warn("JTWA log: copyWorklogIdsToArray: worklogIds size: " + worklogIds.size()); return worklogIds; } /** * Handle the date change. * * @throws ParseException * When can't parse date. */ public void dateSwitcherAction() throws ParseException { String[] dayBackValue = getHttpRequest().getParameterValues("dayBack"); String[] dayNextValue = getHttpRequest().getParameterValues("dayNext"); String[] weekBackValue = getHttpRequest().getParameterValues("weekBack"); String[] weekNextValue = getHttpRequest().getParameterValues("weekNext"); String[] monthBackValue = getHttpRequest().getParameterValues("monthBack"); String[] monthNextVaule = getHttpRequest().getParameterValues("monthNext"); Calendar tempCal = Calendar.getInstance(); date = DateTimeConverterUtil.stringToDate(dateFormated); tempCal.setTime(date); if (dayNextValue != null) { tempCal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, 1); date = tempCal.getTime(); dateFormated = DateTimeConverterUtil.dateToString(date); } else if (dayBackValue != null) { tempCal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, -1); date = tempCal.getTime(); dateFormated = DateTimeConverterUtil.dateToString(date); } else if (monthNextVaule != null) { tempCal.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); date = tempCal.getTime(); dateFormated = DateTimeConverterUtil.dateToString(date); } else if (monthBackValue != null) { tempCal.add(Calendar.MONTH, -1); date = tempCal.getTime(); dateFormated = DateTimeConverterUtil.dateToString(date); } else if (weekNextValue != null) { tempCal.add(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR, 1); date = tempCal.getTime(); dateFormated = DateTimeConverterUtil.dateToString(date); } else if (weekBackValue != null) { tempCal.add(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR, -1); date = tempCal.getTime(); dateFormated = DateTimeConverterUtil.dateToString(date); } else { parseDateParam(); } } @Override public String doDefault() throws ParseException { boolean isUserLogged = JiraTimetrackerUtil.isUserLogged(); if (!isUserLogged) { setReturnUrl(JIRA_HOME_URL); return getRedirect(NONE); } normalizeContextPath(); BuildUtilsInfo component = ComponentAccessor.getComponent(BuildUtilsInfo.class); String version = component.getVersion(); String[] versionSplit = version.split(VERSION_SPLITTER); jiraMainVersion = Integer.parseInt(versionSplit[0]); loadPluginSettingAndParseResult(); // Just the here have to use the plugin actualDateOrLastWorklogDate setting if (setDateAndDateFormated().equals(ERROR)) { return ERROR; } excludeDays = jiraTimetrackerPlugin.getExcludeDaysOfTheMonth(dateFormated); try { loggedDays = jiraTimetrackerPlugin.getLoggedDaysOfTheMonth(selectedUser, date); } catch (GenericEntityException e1) { // Not return with error. Log the error and set a message to inform the user. // The calendar fill will missing. LOGGER.error("Error while try to collect the logged days for the calendar color fulling", e1); message = ""; } if ((deletedWorklogId != null) && !DEFAULT_WORKLOG_ID.equals(deletedWorklogId)) { ActionResult deleteResult = jiraTimetrackerPlugin.deleteWorklog(deletedWorklogId); if (deleteResult.getStatus() == ActionResultStatus.FAIL) { message = deleteResult.getMessage(); return ERROR; } } try { projectsId = jiraTimetrackerPlugin.getProjectsId(); loadWorklogsAndMakeSummary(); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Error when try set the plugin variables.", e); return ERROR; } startTime = jiraTimetrackerPlugin.lastEndTime(worklogs); endTime = DateTimeConverterUtil.dateTimeToString(new Date()); try { handleEditAllIdsAndEditedWorklogId(); } catch (ParseException e) { LOGGER.error("Error when try parse the worklog.", e); return ERROR; } return INPUT; } @Override public String doExecute() throws ParseException { boolean isUserLogged = JiraTimetrackerUtil.isUserLogged(); if (!isUserLogged) { setReturnUrl(JIRA_HOME_URL); return getRedirect(NONE); } normalizeContextPath(); BuildUtilsInfo component = ComponentAccessor.getComponent(BuildUtilsInfo.class); String version = component.getVersion(); String[] versionSplit = version.split(VERSION_SPLITTER); jiraMainVersion = Integer.parseInt(versionSplit[0]); loadPluginSettingAndParseResult(); message = ""; messageParameter = ""; setSelectedUserFromParam(); dateSwitcherAction(); try { excludeDays = jiraTimetrackerPlugin.getExcludeDaysOfTheMonth(dateFormated); loadWorklogsAndMakeSummary(); projectsId = jiraTimetrackerPlugin.getProjectsId(); } catch (GenericEntityException | ParseException | DataAccessException | SQLException e) { LOGGER.error("Error when try set the plugin variables.", e); return ERROR; } setFieldsValue(); // if not edit and not submit than just a simple date change String result = handleDateChangeAction(); if (result != null) { return result; } selectedUser = ""; userPickerObject = null; // edit all save before the input fields validate if (getHttpRequest().getParameter("editallsave") != null) { return editAllAction(); } else if (getHttpRequest().getParameter("edit") != null) { return editAction(); } String validateInputFieldsResult = validateInputFields(); if (!validateInputFieldsResult.equals(SUCCESS)) { return INPUT; } String[] startTimeValue = getHttpRequest().getParameterValues(PARAM_STARTTIME); ActionResult createResult = jiraTimetrackerPlugin.createWorklog(issueKey, commentForActions, dateFormated, startTimeValue[0], timeSpent); if (createResult.getStatus() == ActionResultStatus.FAIL) { message = createResult.getMessage(); messageParameter = createResult.getMessageParameter(); return INPUT; } try { loadWorklogsAndMakeSummary(); startTime = jiraTimetrackerPlugin.lastEndTime(worklogs); endTime = DateTimeConverterUtil.dateTimeToString(new Date()); comment = ""; isDurationSelected = false; } catch (GenericEntityException | ParseException | DataAccessException | SQLException e) { LOGGER.error("Error when try set the plugin variables.", e); return ERROR; } return SUCCESS; } /** * Edit the worklog and handle the problems. * * @return String which will be passed to the WebAction. */ public String editAction() { String[] startTimeValue = getHttpRequest().getParameterValues(PARAM_STARTTIME); startTime = startTimeValue[0]; String validateInputFieldsResult = validateInputFields(); if (validateInputFieldsResult.equals(ERROR)) { isEdit = true; return ERROR; } ActionResult updateResult = jiraTimetrackerPlugin.editWorklog(editedWorklogId, issueKey, commentForActions, dateFormated, startTimeValue[0], timeSpent); if (updateResult.getStatus() == ActionResultStatus.FAIL) { message = updateResult.getMessage(); isEdit = true; return ERROR; } try { loadWorklogsAndMakeSummary(); startTime = jiraTimetrackerPlugin.lastEndTime(worklogs); endTime = DateTimeConverterUtil.dateTimeToString(new Date()); comment = ""; } catch (GenericEntityException | ParseException | DataAccessException | SQLException e) { LOGGER.error("Error when try set the plugin variables.", e); return ERROR; } editedWorklogId = DEFAULT_WORKLOG_ID; isDurationSelected = false; return SUCCESS; } /** * The edit all function save action. Save the worklogs in the given date. The worklogs come form * the editAllIds, the date from the dateFormated. * * @return SUCCESS if the save was success else FAIL. * @throws ParseException * If cannot parse date or time. */ public String editAllAction() throws ParseException { // parse the editAllIds List<Long> editWorklogIds = new ArrayList<Long>(); String editAllIdsCopy = editAllIds; editAllIdsCopy = editAllIdsCopy.replace("[", ""); editAllIdsCopy = editAllIdsCopy.replace("]", ""); editAllIdsCopy = editAllIdsCopy.replace(" ", ""); String[] editIds = editAllIdsCopy.split(","); for (String editId : editIds) { editWorklogIds.add(Long.valueOf(editId)); } // edit the worklogs! // TODO what if result is a fail?????? what if just one fail? // ActionResult editResult; for (Long editWorklogId : editWorklogIds) { EveritWorklog editWorklog = jiraTimetrackerPlugin.getWorklog(editWorklogId); // editResult = jiraTimetrackerPlugin.editWorklog(editWorklog.getWorklogId(), editWorklog.getIssue(), editWorklog.getBody(), dateFormated, editWorklog.getStartTime(), DateTimeConverterUtil.stringTimeToString(editWorklog.getDuration())); } // set editAllIds to default and list worklogs try { loadWorklogsAndMakeSummary(); startTime = jiraTimetrackerPlugin.lastEndTime(worklogs); endTime = DateTimeConverterUtil.dateTimeToString(new Date()); } catch (GenericEntityException | ParseException | DataAccessException | SQLException e) { LOGGER.error("Error when try set the plugin variables.", e); return ERROR; } editAllIds = ""; return SUCCESS; } public String getAvatarURL() { return avatarURL; } public String getComment() { return comment; } public String getContextPath() { return contextPath; } public Long getCopiedWorklogId() { return copiedWorklogId; } public Date getDate() { return (Date) date.clone(); } public String getDateFormated() { return dateFormated; } public String getDayFilteredSummary() { return dayFilteredSummary; } public String getDaySummary() { return daySummary; } public String getDebugMessage() { return debugMessage; } public Long getDeletedWorklogId() { return deletedWorklogId; } public String getDurationTime() { return durationTime; } public String getEditAllIds() { return editAllIds; } public Long getEditedWorklogId() { return editedWorklogId; } public String getEndTime() { return endTime; } public int getEndTimeChange() { return endTimeChange; } public List<String> getExcludeDays() { return excludeDays; } public boolean getIsColoring() { return isColoring; } public boolean getIsDurationSelected() { return isDurationSelected; } public boolean getIsEdit() { return isEdit; } public boolean getIsEditAll() { return isEditAll; } public int getIsPopup() { return isPopup; } public String getIssueKey() { return issueKey; } public List<Issue> getIssues() { return issues; } public List<Pattern> getIssuesRegex() { return issuesRegex; } public int getJiraMainVersion() { return jiraMainVersion; } public JiraTimetrackerPlugin getJiraTimetrackerPlugin() { return jiraTimetrackerPlugin; } public List<String> getLoggedDays() { return loggedDays; } public String getMessage() { return message; } public String getMessageParameter() { return messageParameter; } public String getMonthFilteredSummary() { return monthFilteredSummary; } public String getMonthSummary() { return monthSummary; } public List<String> getProjectsId() { return projectsId; } public String getSelectedeUser() { return selectedUser; } public String getStartTime() { return startTime; } public int getStartTimeChange() { return startTimeChange; } public ApplicationUser getUserPickerObject() { return userPickerObject; } public String getWeekFilteredSummary() { return weekFilteredSummary; } public String getWeekSummary() { return weekSummary; } public List<EveritWorklog> getWorklogs() { return worklogs; } public List<Long> getWorklogsIds() { return worklogsIds; } /** * Date change action handler. * * @return null if the current action is not a Date change action */ private String handleDateChangeAction() { if ((getHttpRequest().getParameter("edit") == null) && (getHttpRequest().getParameter("submit") == null) && (getHttpRequest().getParameter("editallsave") == null)) { try { handleEditAllIdsAndEditedWorklogId(); } catch (ParseException e) { LOGGER.error("Error when try parse the worklog.", e); return ERROR; } setUserPickerObjectBasedOnSelectedUser(); return SUCCESS; } return null; } private String handleDuration() { String[] startTimeValue = getHttpRequest().getParameterValues(PARAM_STARTTIME); String durationTimeValue = getHttpRequest().getParameterValues("durationTime")[0]; Date startDateTime; try { startDateTime = DateTimeConverterUtil.stringTimeToDateTime(startTimeValue[0]); } catch (ParseException e) { message = INVALID_START_TIME; return INPUT; } if (!DateTimeConverterUtil.isValidTime(durationTimeValue)) { if (!DateTimeConverterUtil.isValidJiraTime(durationTimeValue)) { message = INVALID_DURATION_TIME; return INPUT; } else { timeSpent = durationTimeValue; int seconds = DateTimeConverterUtil.jiraDurationToSeconds(durationTimeValue); Date endTime = DateUtils.addSeconds(startDateTime, seconds); if (!DateUtils.isSameDay(startDateTime, endTime)) { message = INVALID_DURATION_TIME; return INPUT; } } } else { String result = handleValidDuration(startDateTime); if (!result.equals(SUCCESS)) { return result; } } return SUCCESS; } /** * Handle the editAllIds and the editedWorklogIds variable values. If the values different from * the default, then make the necessary settings. * * @throws ParseException * If can't parse the editWorklog date. */ private void handleEditAllIdsAndEditedWorklogId() throws ParseException { if (!"".equals(editAllIds)) { isEditAll = true; } if ((editedWorklogId != null) && !DEFAULT_WORKLOG_ID.equals(editedWorklogId)) { isEdit = true; EveritWorklog editWorklog; editWorklog = jiraTimetrackerPlugin.getWorklog(editedWorklogId); issueKey = editWorklog.getIssue(); comment = editWorklog.getBody(); startTime = editWorklog.getStartTime(); endTime = editWorklog.getEndTime(); durationTime = editWorklog.getDuration(); } if ((copiedWorklogId != null) && !DEFAULT_WORKLOG_ID.equals(copiedWorklogId)) { // isEdit = true; EveritWorklog editWorklog; editWorklog = jiraTimetrackerPlugin.getWorklog(copiedWorklogId); issueKey = editWorklog.getIssue(); comment = editWorklog.getBody(); // startTime = editWorklog.getStartTime(); // endTime = editWorklog.getEndTime(); // durationTime = editWorklog.getDuration(); } } private String handleEndTime() { String[] startTimeValue = getHttpRequest().getParameterValues(PARAM_STARTTIME); String[] endTimeValue = getHttpRequest().getParameterValues("endTime"); if (!DateTimeConverterUtil.isValidTime(endTimeValue[0])) { message = "plugin.invalid_endTime"; return INPUT; } Date startDateTime; Date endDateTime; try { startDateTime = DateTimeConverterUtil.stringTimeToDateTimeGMT(startTimeValue[0]); endDateTime = DateTimeConverterUtil.stringTimeToDateTimeGMT(endTimeValue[0]); } catch (ParseException e) { message = "plugin.invalid_endTime"; return INPUT; } long seconds = (endDateTime.getTime() - startDateTime.getTime()) / DateTimeConverterUtil.MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND; if (seconds > 0) { timeSpent = DateTimeConverterUtil.secondConvertToString(seconds); } else { message = "plugin.invalid_timeInterval"; return INPUT; } return SUCCESS; } private String handleValidDuration(final Date startDateTime) { String[] durationTimeValue = getHttpRequest().getParameterValues("durationTime"); Date durationDateTime; try { durationDateTime = DateTimeConverterUtil.stringTimeToDateTimeGMT(durationTimeValue[0]); } catch (ParseException e) { message = INVALID_DURATION_TIME; return INPUT; } long seconds = durationDateTime.getTime() / DateTimeConverterUtil.MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND; timeSpent = DateTimeConverterUtil.secondConvertToString(seconds); // check the duration time to not exceed the present day Date endTime = DateUtils.addSeconds(startDateTime, (int) seconds); if (!DateUtils.isSameDay(startDateTime, endTime)) { message = INVALID_DURATION_TIME; return INPUT; } return SUCCESS; } private void loadPluginSettingAndParseResult() { PluginSettingsValues pluginSettingsValues = jiraTimetrackerPlugin.loadPluginSettings(); isPopup = pluginSettingsValues.isCalendarPopup(); isActualDate = pluginSettingsValues.isActualDate(); issuesRegex = pluginSettingsValues.getFilteredSummaryIssues(); startTimeChange = pluginSettingsValues.getStartTimeChange(); endTimeChange = pluginSettingsValues.getEndTimeChange(); isColoring = pluginSettingsValues.isColoring(); } /** * Set worklogs list, the worklogsIds list and make Summary. * * @throws GenericEntityException * If GenericEntity Exception. * @throws ParseException * If getWorklogs can't parse date. * @throws SQLException * Cannot get the worklogs * @throws DataAccessException * Cannot get the worklogs */ private void loadWorklogsAndMakeSummary() throws GenericEntityException, ParseException, DataAccessException, SQLException { try { loggedDays = jiraTimetrackerPlugin.getLoggedDaysOfTheMonth(selectedUser, date); } catch (GenericEntityException e1) { // Not return whit error. Log the error and set a message to // inform the user. The calendar fill will missing. LOGGER.error("Error while try to collect the logged days for the calendar color fulling", e1); message = ""; } worklogs = jiraTimetrackerPlugin.getWorklogs(selectedUser, date, null); log.warn("JTWA log: loadWorklogsAndMakeSummary: worklogs size: " + worklogs.size()); worklogsIds = copyWorklogIdsToArray(worklogs); makeSummary(); } /** * Make summary today, this week and this month. * * @throws GenericEntityException * GenericEntityException. */ public void makeSummary() throws GenericEntityException { ApplicationProperties applicationProperties = ComponentAccessor.getApplicationProperties(); boolean useISO8601 = applicationProperties.getOption(APKeys.JIRA_DATE_TIME_PICKER_USE_ISO8601); Calendar startCalendar = Calendar.getInstance(); if (useISO8601) { startCalendar.setFirstDayOfWeek(Calendar.MONDAY); } startCalendar.setTime(date); startCalendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); startCalendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); startCalendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); startCalendar.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); Calendar originalStartcalendar = (Calendar) startCalendar.clone(); Date start = startCalendar.getTime(); Calendar endCalendar = (Calendar) startCalendar.clone(); endCalendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1); Date end = endCalendar.getTime(); daySummary = jiraTimetrackerPlugin.summary(selectedUser, start, end, null); if ((issuesRegex != null) && !issuesRegex.isEmpty()) { dayFilteredSummary = jiraTimetrackerPlugin.summary(selectedUser, start, end, issuesRegex); } startCalendar = (Calendar) originalStartcalendar.clone(); while (startCalendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) != startCalendar.getFirstDayOfWeek()) { startCalendar.add(Calendar.DATE, -1); // Substract 1 day until first day of week. } start = startCalendar.getTime(); endCalendar = (Calendar) startCalendar.clone(); endCalendar.add(Calendar.DATE, DateTimeConverterUtil.DAYS_PER_WEEK); end = endCalendar.getTime(); weekSummary = jiraTimetrackerPlugin.summary(selectedUser, start, end, null); if ((issuesRegex != null) && !issuesRegex.isEmpty()) { weekFilteredSummary = jiraTimetrackerPlugin.summary(selectedUser, start, end, issuesRegex); } startCalendar = (Calendar) originalStartcalendar.clone(); startCalendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1); start = startCalendar.getTime(); endCalendar = (Calendar) originalStartcalendar.clone(); endCalendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, endCalendar.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)); endCalendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1); end = endCalendar.getTime(); monthSummary = jiraTimetrackerPlugin.summary(selectedUser, start, end, null); if ((issuesRegex != null) && !issuesRegex.isEmpty()) { monthFilteredSummary = jiraTimetrackerPlugin.summary(selectedUser, start, end, issuesRegex); } } private void normalizeContextPath() { String path = getHttpRequest().getContextPath(); if ((path.length() > 0) && "/".equals(path.substring(path.length() - 1))) { contextPath = path.substring(0, path.length() - 1); } else { contextPath = path; } } private void parseDateParam() throws ParseException { String[] requestDateArray = getHttpRequest().getParameterValues(PARAM_DATE); if (requestDateArray != null) { String requestDate = getHttpRequest().getParameterValues(PARAM_DATE)[0]; if (!"".equals(requestDate)) { dateFormated = requestDate; } date = DateTimeConverterUtil.stringToDate(dateFormated); } else if ((dateFormated == null) || "".equals(dateFormated)) { date = new Date(); dateFormated = DateTimeConverterUtil.dateToString(date); } else { date = DateTimeConverterUtil.stringToDate(dateFormated); } } /** * The readObject method for the transient variable. * * @param in * The ObjectInputStream. * @throws IOException * IOException. * @throws ClassNotFoundException * ClassNotFoundException. */ private void readObject(final ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { in.defaultReadObject(); issues = new ArrayList<Issue>(); } public void setAvatarURL(final String avatarURL) { this.avatarURL = avatarURL; } public void setColoring(final boolean isColoring) { this.isColoring = isColoring; } public void setComment(final String comment) { this.comment = comment; } public void setContextPath(final String contextPath) { this.contextPath = contextPath; } public void setCopiedWorklogId(final Long copiedWorklogId) { this.copiedWorklogId = copiedWorklogId; } public void setDate(final Date date) { = (Date) date.clone(); } private String setDateAndDateFormated() { if ("".equals(dateFormated)) { if (isActualDate) { date = Calendar.getInstance().getTime(); dateFormated = DateTimeConverterUtil.dateToString(date); } else { try { date = jiraTimetrackerPlugin.firstMissingWorklogsDate(selectedUser); dateFormated = DateTimeConverterUtil.dateToString(date); } catch (GenericEntityException e) { LOGGER.error("Error when try set the plugin date.", e); return ERROR; } } } else { try { date = DateTimeConverterUtil.stringToDate(dateFormated); } catch (ParseException e) { return ERROR; } } return SUCCESS; } public void setDateFormated(final String dateFormated) { this.dateFormated = dateFormated; } public void setDayFilteredSummary(final String dayFilteredSummary) { this.dayFilteredSummary = dayFilteredSummary; } public void setDaySummary(final String daySummary) { this.daySummary = daySummary; } public void setDebugMessage(final String debugMessage) { this.debugMessage = debugMessage; } public void setDeletedWorklogId(final Long deletedWorklogId) { this.deletedWorklogId = deletedWorklogId; } public void setDurationTime(final String durationTime) { this.durationTime = durationTime; } public void setEdit(final boolean edit) { isEdit = edit; } public void setEditAll(final boolean isEditAll) { this.isEditAll = isEditAll; } public void setEditAllIds(final String editAllIds) { this.editAllIds = editAllIds; } public void setEditedWorklogId(final Long editedWorklogId) { this.editedWorklogId = editedWorklogId; } public void setEndTime(final String endTime) { this.endTime = endTime; } public void setEndTimeChange(final int endTimeChange) { this.endTimeChange = endTimeChange; } public void setExcludeDays(final List<String> excludeDays) { this.excludeDays = excludeDays; } /** * Set the read values to the input fields back. */ private String setFieldsValue() { String[] issueSelectValue = getHttpRequest().getParameterValues(PARAM_ISSUESELECT); String[] endTimeValue = getHttpRequest().getParameterValues("endTime"); String[] durationTimeValue = getHttpRequest().getParameterValues("durationTime"); // String[] startTimeValue = getHttpRequest().getParameterValues("startTime"); String[] commentsValue = getHttpRequest().getParameterValues("comments"); String[] endOrDurationValue = getHttpRequest().getParameterValues("endOrDuration"); if ((endOrDurationValue != null) && "duration".equals(endOrDurationValue[0])) { isDurationSelected = true; } if (issueSelectValue != null) { issueKey = issueSelectValue[0]; } try { startTime = jiraTimetrackerPlugin.lastEndTime(worklogs); } catch (ParseException e) { LOGGER.error("Error when try parse the worklog.", e); return ERROR; } if (endTimeValue != null) { endTime = endTimeValue[0]; } else { endTime = DateTimeConverterUtil.dateTimeToString(new Date()); } if (durationTimeValue != null) { durationTime = durationTimeValue[0]; } if (commentsValue != null) { comment = commentsValue[0]; commentForActions = commentsValue[0]; if (comment != null) { comment = comment.replace("\"", "\\\""); comment = comment.replace("\r", "\\r"); comment = comment.replace("\n", "\\n"); } else { comment = ""; } } return null; } public void setIsDurationSelected(final boolean isDurationSelected) { this.isDurationSelected = isDurationSelected; } public void setIssueKey(final String issueKey) { this.issueKey = issueKey; } public void setIssues(final List<Issue> issues) { this.issues = issues; } public void setIssuesRegex(final List<Pattern> issuesRegex) { this.issuesRegex = issuesRegex; } public void setJiraMainVersion(final int jiraMainVersion) { this.jiraMainVersion = jiraMainVersion; } public void setJiraTimetrackerPlugin(final JiraTimetrackerPlugin jiraTimetrackerPlugin) { this.jiraTimetrackerPlugin = jiraTimetrackerPlugin; } public void setLoggedDays(final List<String> loggedDays) { this.loggedDays = loggedDays; } public void setMessage(final String message) { this.message = message; } public void setMessageParameter(final String messageParameter) { this.messageParameter = messageParameter; } public void setMonthFilteredSummary(final String monthFilteredSummary) { this.monthFilteredSummary = monthFilteredSummary; } public void setMonthSummary(final String monthSummary) { this.monthSummary = monthSummary; } public void setPopup(final int isPopup) { this.isPopup = isPopup; } public void setProjectsId(final List<String> projectsId) { this.projectsId = projectsId; } public void setSelectedeUser(final String selectedeUser) { selectedUser = selectedeUser; } private void setSelectedUserFromParam() { String[] selectedUserValue = getHttpRequest().getParameterValues("selectedUser"); if (selectedUserValue != null) { selectedUser = selectedUserValue[0];"We set selectedUSer " + selectedUser); } else {"We set selectedUSer to empty"); selectedUser = ""; }"The selectedUser value: " + selectedUser); } public void setStartTime(final String startTime) { this.startTime = startTime; } public void setStartTimeChange(final int startTimeChange) { this.startTimeChange = startTimeChange; } public void setUserPickerObject(final ApplicationUser userPickerObject) { this.userPickerObject = userPickerObject; } private void setUserPickerObjectBasedOnSelectedUser() { if ((selectedUser != null) && !"".equals(selectedUser)) { userPickerObject = ComponentAccessor.getUserUtil().getUserByName(selectedUser); AvatarService avatarService = ComponentAccessor.getComponent(AvatarService.class); setAvatarURL(avatarService.getAvatarURL(ComponentAccessor.getJiraAuthenticationContext().getUser(), userPickerObject, Avatar.Size.SMALL).toString()); } else { userPickerObject = null; } } public void setWeekFilteredSummary(final String weekFilteredSummary) { this.weekFilteredSummary = weekFilteredSummary; } public void setWeekSummary(final String weekSummary) { this.weekSummary = weekSummary; } public void setWorklogs(final List<EveritWorklog> worklogs) { this.worklogs = worklogs; } public void setWorklogsIds(final List<Long> worklogsIds) { this.worklogsIds = worklogsIds; } /** * Check the startTime, endTime or durationTime fields values. * * @return If the values valid the return SUCCESS else return INPUT. */ public String validateInputFields() { String[] startTimeValue = getHttpRequest().getParameterValues(PARAM_STARTTIME); String[] endOrDurationValue = getHttpRequest().getParameterValues("endOrDuration"); String[] issueSelectValue = getHttpRequest().getParameterValues(PARAM_ISSUESELECT); // if (commentsValue[0] == null) { // return INPUT; // } if ((issueSelectValue == null) || (issueSelectValue[0] == null)) { message = MISSING_ISSUE; return INPUT; } if (!DateTimeConverterUtil.isValidTime(startTimeValue[0])) { message = INVALID_START_TIME; return INPUT; } if ("duration".equals(endOrDurationValue[0])) { String result = handleDuration(); if (result.equals(SUCCESS)) { return result; } } else { String result = handleEndTime(); if (result.equals(SUCCESS)) { return result; } } return SUCCESS; } }