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 * Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Lockheed Martin Corporation
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.eurekastreams.server.persistence;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.persistence.FlushModeType;
import javax.persistence.Query;

import org.eurekastreams.commons.hibernate.QueryOptimizer;
import org.eurekastreams.server.domain.DomainGroup;
import org.eurekastreams.server.domain.Followable;
import org.eurekastreams.server.domain.GroupFollower;
import org.eurekastreams.server.domain.PagedSet;
import org.eurekastreams.server.domain.Person;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.eurekastreams.commons.logging.LogFactory;

 * This class provides the mapper functionality for DomainGroup entities.
public class DomainGroupMapper extends DomainEntityMapper<DomainGroup>
        implements FollowMapper, CompositeEntityMapper {

     * Logger.
    private final Log log = LogFactory.make();

     * Constructor.
     * @param inQueryOptimizer
     *            the QueryOptimizer to use for specialized functions.
    public DomainGroupMapper(final QueryOptimizer inQueryOptimizer) {

     * Look up a group by its short name.
     * @param groupShortName
     *            the short name of a group to look for
     * @return the DomainGroup corresponding to the provided short name
    public DomainGroup findByShortName(final String groupShortName) {
        Query q = getEntityManager().createQuery("from DomainGroup where shortname = :inName")
                .setParameter("inName", groupShortName.toLowerCase()).setFlushMode(FlushModeType.COMMIT);

        List results = q.getResultList();

        return (results.size() == 0) ? null : (DomainGroup) results.get(0);

     * @return the entity's type
    protected String getDomainEntityName() {
        return "DomainGroup";

     * Creates a follower/following relationship between two entities.
     * @param followerId
     *            The id of the follower Person
     * @param followingId
     *            The entity id being Followed.
    public void addFollower(final long followerId, final long followingId) {
        Query q = getEntityManager()
                .createQuery("FROM GroupFollower where followerId=:followerId and followingId=:followingId")
                .setParameter("followerId", followerId).setParameter("followingId", followingId);

        if (q.getResultList().size() > 0) {
            // already following

        // add follower
        getEntityManager().persist(new GroupFollower(followerId, followingId));

        // now update the counts for persons.
                .createQuery("update versioned Person set groupsCount = followingGroup.size,"
                        + " groupStreamHiddenLineIndex = groupStreamHiddenLineIndex + 1 where id=:followerId")
                .setParameter("followerId", followerId).executeUpdate();

                        "update versioned DomainGroup set followersCount = followers.size where id=:followingId")
                .setParameter("followingId", followingId).executeUpdate();


        DomainGroup followingEntity = findById(followingId);

        // reindex the following in the search index

     * Returns a set of People following the specified DomainGroup.
     * @param shortName
     *            The shortName of the DomainGroup for whom to get followers.
     * @param start
     *            paging start.
     * @param end
     *            paging end.
     * @return paged set of followers.
    public PagedSet<Person> getFollowers(final String shortName, final int start, final int end) {
        HashMap<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        parameters.put("shortName", shortName.toLowerCase());
        String query = "select g.followers from DomainGroup g where g.shortName = :shortName";

        // although the line above is just concatenating a query string
        // and this implies vulnerability to SQL injection attacks,
        // the call to this.getPagedResults() actually parameterizes the SQL
        // so there is not actually risk of SQL injection here.
        PagedSet<Person> results = getTypedPagedResults(start, end, query, parameters);

        return results;

     * Returns a set of DomainGroups that are being followed by the specified person.
     * @param accountId
     *            The id of the DomainGroup for whom to get following.
     * @param start
     *            paging start.
     * @param end
     *            paging end.
     * @return paged set of following.
    public PagedSet<Followable> getFollowing(final String accountId, final int start, final int end) {
        HashMap<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        parameters.put("accountId", accountId);
        String query = "select p.followingGroup from Person p where p.accountId = :accountId";

        // although the line above is just concatenating a query string
        // and this implies vulnerability to SQL injection attacks,
        // the call to this.getPagedResults() actually parameterizes the SQL
        // so there is not actually risk of SQL injection here.
        PagedSet<Followable> results = getTypedPagedResults(start, end, query, parameters);

        return results;

     * Returns true if follower/following relationship exists false otherwise.
     * @param followerAccountId
     *            The follower person's account Id.
     * @param shortName
     *            The short name of the group being followed
     * @return True if follower/following relationship exists false otherwise.
    public boolean isFollowing(final String followerAccountId, final String shortName) {
        Query q = getEntityManager()
                .createQuery("FROM Person as follower" + " inner join follower.followingGroup as following"
                        + " where follower.accountId=:followerAccountId and"
                        + " following.shortName=:followingShortName")
                .setParameter("followerAccountId", followerAccountId)
                .setParameter("followingShortName", shortName.toLowerCase());

        List<Person> results = q.getResultList();

        return (results.size() != 0);

     * Removes a follower/following relationship between a Person and a DomainGroup.
     * @param followerId
     *            The if of the follower Person
     * @param followingId
     *            The group id being Followed.
    public void removeFollower(final long followerId, final long followingId) {
        int rowsDeleted = getEntityManager()
                .createQuery("DELETE FROM GroupFollower where followerId=:followerId and followingId=:followingId")
                .setParameter("followerId", followerId).setParameter("followingId", followingId).executeUpdate();

        if (rowsDeleted == 0) {
            // not following, short circuit.

        // now update the counts for persons.
                .createQuery("update versioned Person set groupsCount = followingGroup.size where id=:followerId")
                .setParameter("followerId", followerId).executeUpdate();

                        "update versioned DomainGroup set followersCount = followers.size where id=:followingId")
                .setParameter("followingId", followingId).executeUpdate();


        DomainGroup followingEntity = findById(followingId);

        // reindex the following in the search index

     * Removes a follower/following relationship between a Person and a DomainGroup.coordinators.
     * @param followerId
     *            The if of the follower Person
     * @param followingId
     *            The group id being Followed.
    public void removeGroupCoordinator(final long followerId, final long followingId) {
        DomainGroup followingEntity = findById(followingId);

        Set<Person> groupCoordinators = followingEntity.getCoordinators();

        removeGroupCoordinator(groupCoordinators, followerId, followingId);



     * Get a String representation the of all of the Person.ids for coordinators and followers of the input
     * group.
     * @param domainGroup
     *            the DomainGroup to find coordinators and followers for
     * @return an array of all of the Person.ids for coordinators and followers of the input group
    public Long[] getFollowerAndCoordinatorPersonIds(final DomainGroup domainGroup) {
        // use a set to eliminate duplicates
        HashSet<Long> peopleIds = new HashSet<Long>();
        Query q = getEntityManager()
                .createQuery("SELECT pk.followerId FROM GroupFollower WHERE followingId=:groupId")
                .setParameter("groupId", domainGroup.getId());

        q = getEntityManager().createQuery(
                "SELECT FROM Person p, DomainGroup g WHERE p MEMBER OF g.coordinators AND")
                .setParameter("groupId", domainGroup.getId());

        return peopleIds.toArray(new Long[peopleIds.size()]);

     * Delete this group.
     * @param id
     *            the id of the group to delete.
    public void deleteById(final long id) {
        DomainGroup group = findById(id);


     * Is the input Person a Group Coordinator of the input Group?
     * @param followerId
     *            Person
     * @param followingId
     *            Group
     * @return Whether 'Person' is a Group Coordinator of 'Group'
    public boolean isInputUserGroupCoordinator(final long followerId, final long followingId) {
        String groupCoordinatorQuery = "SELECT FROM Person p, DomainGroup g WHERE p member of g.coordinators"
                + " AND = :groupId";

        List<Long> groupCoordinatorResult = getEntityManager().createQuery(groupCoordinatorQuery)
                .setParameter("groupId", followingId).getResultList();

        if (groupCoordinatorResult.contains(new Long(followerId))) {
            return true;

        return false;

     * Removes a User from being a Group Coordinator.
     * @param groupCoordinators
     *            List of group coordinators
     * @param followerId
     *            Id of User to Remove
     * @param followingId
     *            Id of Group from which a User will be removed
    private void removeGroupCoordinator(final Set<Person> groupCoordinators, final long followerId,
            final long followingId) {
        String groupCoordinatorQuery = "SELECT p.accountId FROM Person p, "
                + "DomainGroup g WHERE p member of g.coordinators" + " AND = :groupId AND = :followerId";

        List<String> groupCoordinatorResult = getEntityManager().createQuery(groupCoordinatorQuery)
                .setParameter("groupId", followingId).setParameter("followerId", followerId).getResultList();

        if ((groupCoordinatorResult == null) || (groupCoordinatorResult.size() == 0)) {

        String accountId = groupCoordinatorResult.get(0);

        for (Person p : groupCoordinators) {
            if (p.getAccountId().equals(accountId)) {

     * isGroupPrivate - returns true/false depending if a given Group is private.
     * @param followingId
     *            - id of the Group
     * @return Whether the Group is Private
    public boolean isGroupPrivate(final long followingId) {
        String groupCoordinatorQuery = "SELECT g FROM DomainGroup g WHERE = :groupId";

        List<DomainGroup> groupCoordinatorResult = getEntityManager().createQuery(groupCoordinatorQuery)
                .setParameter("groupId", followingId).getResultList();

        DomainGroup group = groupCoordinatorResult.get(0);

        return !group.isPublicGroup();

     * getGroupCoordinatorCount - returns the number of Group Coordinators for a given Group.
     * @param followingId
     *            - id of the Group
     * @return number of Group Coordinators for Group
    public int getGroupCoordinatorCount(final long followingId) {
        String groupCoordinatorQuery = "SELECT p.accountId FROM Person p, "
                + "DomainGroup g WHERE p member of g.coordinators" + " AND = :groupId";

        List<String> groupCoordinatorResult = getEntityManager().createQuery(groupCoordinatorQuery)
                .setParameter("groupId", followingId).getResultList();

        return groupCoordinatorResult.size();