Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * $URL: $
 * $Id: 79704 2012-05-21 16:40:50Z $
 * Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Etudes, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.etudes.util;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.etudes.util.api.Translation;
import org.sakaiproject.authz.api.SecurityAdvisor;
import org.sakaiproject.authz.cover.SecurityService;
import org.sakaiproject.component.cover.ServerConfigurationService;
import org.sakaiproject.content.api.ContentCollection;
import org.sakaiproject.content.api.ContentEntity;
import org.sakaiproject.content.api.ContentResource;
import org.sakaiproject.content.api.ContentResourceEdit;
import org.sakaiproject.content.cover.ContentHostingService;
import org.sakaiproject.entity.api.Reference;
import org.sakaiproject.entity.api.ResourceProperties;
import org.sakaiproject.entity.api.ResourcePropertiesEdit;
import org.sakaiproject.entity.cover.EntityManager;
import org.sakaiproject.exception.IdInvalidException;
import org.sakaiproject.exception.IdLengthException;
import org.sakaiproject.exception.IdUniquenessException;
import org.sakaiproject.exception.IdUnusedException;
import org.sakaiproject.exception.IdUsedException;
import org.sakaiproject.exception.InUseException;
import org.sakaiproject.exception.InconsistentException;
import org.sakaiproject.exception.OverQuotaException;
import org.sakaiproject.exception.PermissionException;
import org.sakaiproject.exception.ServerOverloadException;
import org.sakaiproject.exception.TypeException;
import org.sakaiproject.thread_local.cover.ThreadLocalManager;
import org.sakaiproject.util.StringUtil;

 * XrefHelper has helper methods for the cross reference fixer handlers
public class XrefHelper {
    /** A thread-local key to the List of Translations we have made so far in the thread. */
    public final static String THREAD_TRANSLATIONS_BODY_KEY = "XrefHelper.body.translations";

    /** A thread-local key to the List of Translations we have made so far in the thread. */
    public final static String THREAD_TRANSLATIONS_KEY = "XrefHelper.translations";

    /** Our log. */
    private static Log M_log = LogFactory.getLog(XrefHelper.class);

     * Clear all thread local cached info. Use between sites on the same thread.
    public static void clearThreadCaches() {
        ThreadLocalManager.set(XrefHelper.THREAD_TRANSLATIONS_BODY_KEY, null);
        ThreadLocalManager.set(XrefHelper.THREAD_TRANSLATIONS_KEY, null);

     * For email notifications, revise embedded media relative url to full url.
     * @param data
     *        The message data with relative urls.
     * @return data with full urls.
    public static String fullUrls(String data) {
        if (data == null)
            return data;

        Pattern p = getPattern();
        Matcher m = p.matcher(data);
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        String serverUrl = ServerConfigurationService.getServerUrl();

        // for the relative access check: matches /access/
        Pattern relAccessPattern = Pattern.compile("/access/.*");

        // process each "harvested" string (avoiding like strings that are not in src= or href= patterns)
        while (m.find()) {
            if (m.groupCount() == 3) {
                String ref =;
                String terminator =;

                // if this is an access to our own server, make it full URL (i.e. starting with "/access")
                Matcher relAccessMatcher = relAccessPattern.matcher(ref);
                if (relAccessMatcher.matches()) {
                            Matcher.quoteReplacement( + "=\"" + serverUrl + ref + terminator));


        return sb.toString();

     * Get all the resource references embedded in the html that need harvesting because they are from another site.<br />
     * If any are html, repeat the process for those to harvest their embedded references.
     * @param data
     *        The html data.
     * @param siteId
     *        The destination site id.
     * @return The set of reference strings. Note: this is ordered so a dependent resource is after the one it is embedded in.
    public static Set<String> harvestEmbeddedReferences(String data, String siteId) {
        // return an insertion-ordered set
        Set<String> rv = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
        if (data == null)
            return rv;

        // harvest the main data
        rv.addAll(harvestEmbeddedReferencesIn(data, siteId, null));

        // process a set of references - initially the main data's references
        Set<String> process = new LinkedHashSet<String>();

        while (!process.isEmpty()) {
            Set<String> secondary = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
            for (String ref : process) {
                // check for any html
                String type = readReferencedDocumentType(ref);
                if ("text/html".equals(type)) {
                    // read the referenced html
                    String secondaryData = readReferencedDocument(ref);

                    // harvest it
                    secondary.addAll(harvestEmbeddedReferencesIn(secondaryData, siteId, ref));

            // ignore any secondary we already have

            // collect the secondary

            // process the secondary

        return rv;

     * For this existing resource, harvest any embedded references into the site, translating them and the resource.
     * @param resource
     *        The CHS resource.
     * @param siteId
     *        The site in which the resource is to live.
     * @param tool
     *        The tool identifier.
    public static void harvestTranslateResource(ContentResource resource, String siteId, String tool) {
        // skip if not html
        if (!"text/html".equals(resource.getContentType()))

        // bypass security when reading the resource to copy
        SecurityService.pushAdvisor(new SecurityAdvisor() {
            public SecurityAdvice isAllowed(String userId, String function, String reference) {
                return SecurityAdvice.ALLOWED;

        try {
            // get the body
            byte[] body = resource.getContent();
            if (body != null) {
                String bodyString = new String(body, "UTF-8");

                // get all embedded references, deep
                Set<String> embeddedReferences = harvestEmbeddedReferences(bodyString, siteId);

                // import the embedded references
                List<Translation> translations = XrefHelper.importTranslateResources(embeddedReferences, siteId,

                // translate the resource
                String newBodyString = translateEmbeddedReferences(bodyString, translations, siteId);
                body = newBodyString.getBytes("UTF-8");

                // update the resource
                ContentResourceEdit edit = ContentHostingService.editResource(resource.getId());
                ContentHostingService.commitResource(edit, 0);
        } catch (ServerOverloadException e) {
            M_log.warn("harvestTranslateResource: " + e);
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            M_log.warn("harvestTranslateResource: " + e);
        } catch (PermissionException e) {
            M_log.warn("harvestTranslateResource: " + e);
        } catch (IdUnusedException e) {
            M_log.warn("harvestTranslateResource: " + e);
        } catch (TypeException e) {
            M_log.warn("harvestTranslateResource: " + e);
        } catch (InUseException e) {
            M_log.warn("harvestTranslateResource: " + e);
        } catch (OverQuotaException e) {
            M_log.warn("harvestTranslateResource: " + e);
        } finally {


     * Assure that all the referenced resources are imported or found in the context.
     * @param refs
     *        The set of references to embedded documents.
     * @param context
     *        The destination context.
     * @param tool
     *        the tool id (used as part of the attachment area resource name).
     * @return a Translation list for each embedded document to its location in this context.
    public static List<Translation> importResources(Set<String> refs, String context, String tool) {
        return importResources(refs, context, tool, false, false);

     * Assure that all the referenced resources are imported or found in the context; translate any embedded references in html resources imported.
     * @param refs
     *        The set of references to embedded documents.
     * @param context
     *        The destination context.
     * @param tool
     *        the tool id (used as part of the attachment area resource name).
     * @return a Translation list for each embedded document to its location in this context.
    public static List<Translation> importTranslateResources(Set<String> refs, String context, String tool) {
        return importResources(refs, context, tool, true, false);

     * Properly lower case a CHS reference.
     * @param ref
     *        The reference.
     * @return The lower cased reference.
    public static String lowerCase(String ref) {
        // if we start with /content/private/meleteDocs, or /meleteDocs/content/private/meleteDocs, we need the capital D
        // - everything else can be lowered
        String rv = ref.toLowerCase();

        if (rv.startsWith("/content/private/meletedocs")) {
            rv = "/content/private/meleteDocs" + rv.substring("/content/private/meletedocs".length());
        } else if (rv.startsWith("/meletedocs/content/private/meletedocs")) {
            rv = "/meleteDocs/content/private/meleteDocs"
                    + rv.substring("/meletedocs/content/private/meletedocs".length());

        return rv;

     * Replace any full URL references that include the server DNS, port, etc, with a root-relative one (i.e. starting with "/access" or "/library" or whatever)
     * @param data
     *        the html data.
     * @return The shortened data.
    public static String shortenFullUrls(String data) {
        if (data == null)
            return data;

        Pattern p = getPattern();
        Matcher m = p.matcher(data);
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();

        // for the relative access check: matches ..\..\access\ etc with any number of leading "../"
        Pattern relAccessPattern = Pattern.compile("^(../)+(access/.*)");

        // to fix our messed up URLs with this pattern:
        // /access/content/private/meleteDocs/3349d4ca-38f3-4744-00c6-26715545e441/module_339214362/../../../../access/meleteDocs/content/private/meleteDocs/3349d4ca-38f3-4744-00c6-26715545e441/uploads/applelogohistory.jpg
        Pattern messUpFixPattern = Pattern.compile("^/access/content/.*(../)+(access/.*)");

        // process each "harvested" string (avoiding like strings that are not in src= or href= patterns)
        while (m.find()) {
            if (m.groupCount() == 3) {
                String ref =;
                String terminator =;
                String origRef = ref;

                // if this is an access to our own server, shorten it to root relative (i.e. starting with "/access")
                int pos = internallyHostedUrl(ref);
                if (pos != -1) {
                    ref = ref.substring(pos);
                    m.appendReplacement(sb, Matcher.quoteReplacement( + "=\"" + ref + terminator));

                // if this is a relative access URL, fix it
                else {
                    Matcher relAccessMatcher = relAccessPattern.matcher(ref);
                    if (relAccessMatcher.matches()) {
                        ref = "/" +;
                        m.appendReplacement(sb, Matcher.quoteReplacement( + "=\"" + ref + terminator));

                    // fix a botched attempt a xref fixing that got tripped up with ../../../../access relative references
                    else {
                        Matcher messUpFixer = messUpFixPattern.matcher(ref);
                        if (messUpFixer.matches()) {
                            ref = "/" +;
                                    Matcher.quoteReplacement( + "=\"" + ref + terminator));
                            M_log.warn("shortenFullUrls: fixing ref: " + origRef + " : to : " + ref);


        return sb.toString();

     * Replace any embedded references in the html data with the translated, new references listed in translations.
     * @param data
     *        the html data.
     * @param translations
     *        The translations.
     * @param siteId
     *        The site id.
     * @return The translated html data.
    public static String translateEmbeddedReferences(String data, Collection<Translation> translations,
            String siteId) {
        return translateEmbeddedReferences(data, translations, siteId, null);

     * Replace any embedded references in the html data with the translated, new references listed in translations.
     * @param data
     *        the html data.
     * @param translations
     *        The translations.
     * @param siteId
     *        The site id.
     * @param parentRef
     *        Reference of the resource that has data as body.
     * @return The translated html data.
    public static String translateEmbeddedReferences(String data, Collection<Translation> translations,
            String siteId, String parentRef) {
        if (data == null)
            return data;
        if (translations == null)
            return data;

        // get our thread-local list of translations made in this thread (if any)
        List<Translation> threadTranslations = (List<Translation>) ThreadLocalManager.get(THREAD_TRANSLATIONS_KEY);

        Pattern p = getPattern();
        Matcher m = p.matcher(data);
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();

        // process each "harvested" string (avoiding like strings that are not in src= or href= patterns)
        while (m.find()) {
            if (m.groupCount() == 3) {
                String ref =;
                String terminator =;

                if (ref != null)
                    ref = ref.trim();

                // expand to a full reference if relative
                ref = adjustRelativeReference(ref, parentRef);

                // harvest any content hosting reference
                int index = indexContentReference(ref);
                if (index != -1) {
                    // except those we don't want to harvest
                    if (exception(ref, siteId))
                        index = -1;

                if (index != -1) {
                    // save just the reference part (i.e. after the /access);
                    String normal = ref.substring(index + 7);

                    // deal with %20, &amp;, and other encoded URL stuff
                    normal = decodeUrl(normal);

                    // translate the normal form
                    String translated = normal;
                    for (Translation translation : translations) {
                        translated = translation.translate(translated);

                    // also translate with our global list
                    if (threadTranslations != null) {
                        for (Translation translation : threadTranslations) {
                            translated = translation.translate(translated);

                    // URL encode translated
                    String escaped = escapeUrl(translated);

                    // if changed, replace
                    if (!normal.equals(translated)) {
                        m.appendReplacement(sb, Matcher.quoteReplacement(
                       + "=\"" + ref.substring(0, index + 7) + escaped + terminator));


        return sb.toString();

     * Replace any embedded references in the html data with the translated, new references listed in translations.<br />
     * Also replace any references that include the full server DNS with a root-relative (i.e. starting with "/access") one.
     * @param data
     *        the html data.
     * @param translations
     *        The translations.
     * @param siteId
     *        The site id.
     * @param parentRef
     *        Reference of the resource that has data as body.
     * @return The translated html data.
    public static String translateEmbeddedReferencesAndShorten(String data, Collection<Translation> translations,
            String siteId, String parentRef) {
        String rv = translateEmbeddedReferences(data, translations, siteId, parentRef);
        rv = shortenFullUrls(rv);

        return rv;

     * Translate the resource's body html with the translations. Optionally shorten full URLs.
     * @param ref
     *        The resource reference.
     * @param translations
     *        The complete set of translations.
     * @param context
     *        The context.
     * @param shortenUrls
     *        if true, full references to resources on this server are shortened.
    public static void translateHtmlBody(Reference ref, Collection<Translation> translations, String context,
            boolean shortenUrls) {
        // ref is the destination ("to" in the translations) resource - we need the "parent ref" from the source ("from" in the translations) resource
        String parentRef = ref.getReference();
        for (Translation translation : translations) {
            parentRef = translation.reverseTranslate(parentRef);

        // bypass security when reading the resource to copy
        SecurityService.pushAdvisor(new SecurityAdvisor() {
            public SecurityAdvice isAllowed(String userId, String function, String reference) {
                return SecurityAdvice.ALLOWED;

        try {
            // Reference does not know how to make the id from a private docs reference.
            String id = ref.getId();
            if (id.startsWith("/content/")) {
                id = id.substring("/content".length());

            // get the resource
            ContentResource resource = ContentHostingService.getResource(id);
            String type = resource.getContentType();

            // translate if we are html
            if (type.equals("text/html")) {
                byte[] body = resource.getContent();
                if (body != null) {
                    String bodyString = new String(body, "UTF-8");

                    String translated = null;
                    if (shortenUrls) {
                        translated = translateEmbeddedReferencesAndShorten(bodyString, translations, context,
                    } else {
                        translated = translateEmbeddedReferences(bodyString, translations, context, parentRef);
                    body = translated.getBytes("UTF-8");

                    ContentResourceEdit edit = ContentHostingService.editResource(resource.getId());
                    ContentHostingService.commitResource(edit, 0);
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            M_log.warn("translateHtmlBody: " + e.toString());
        } catch (PermissionException e) {
            M_log.warn("translateHtmlBody: " + e.toString());
        } catch (IdUnusedException e) {
            M_log.warn("translateHtmlBody: " + e.toString());
        } catch (TypeException e) {
            M_log.warn("translateHtmlBody: " + e.toString());
        } catch (ServerOverloadException e) {
            M_log.warn("translateHtmlBody: " + e.toString());
        } catch (InUseException e) {
            M_log.warn("translateHtmlBody: " + e.toString());
        } catch (OverQuotaException e) {
            M_log.warn("translateHtmlBody: " + e.toString());
        } finally {

    public static void translateUrl(Reference ref, Collection<Translation> translations, String context,
            boolean shortenUrls) {
        // ref is the destination ("to" in the translations) resource - we need the "parent ref" from the source ("from" in the translations) resource
        String parentRef = ref.getReference();
        for (Translation translation : translations) {
            parentRef = translation.reverseTranslate(parentRef);

        // get our thread-local list of translations made in this thread (if any)
        List<Translation> threadTranslations = (List<Translation>) ThreadLocalManager.get(THREAD_TRANSLATIONS_KEY);

        // bypass security when reading the resource to copy
        SecurityService.pushAdvisor(new SecurityAdvisor() {
            public SecurityAdvice isAllowed(String userId, String function, String reference) {
                return SecurityAdvice.ALLOWED;

        try {
            // Reference does not know how to make the id from a private docs reference.
            String id = ref.getId();
            if (id.startsWith("/content/")) {
                id = id.substring("/content".length());

            // get the resource
            ContentResource resource = ContentHostingService.getResource(id);
            String type = resource.getContentType();

            // translate if we are url
            if (type.equals("text/url")) {
                byte[] body = resource.getContent();
                if (body != null) {
                    String bodyString = new String(body, "UTF-8");

                    // expand to a full reference if relative
                    bodyString = adjustRelativeReference(bodyString, parentRef);

                    // harvest any content hosting reference
                    int index = indexContentReference(bodyString);
                    if (index != -1) {
                        // except those we don't want to harvest
                        if (exception(bodyString, context))
                            index = -1;

                    if (index != -1) {
                        // translate just the reference part (i.e. after the /access);
                        String normal = bodyString.substring(index + 7);

                        // deal with %20, &amp;, and other encoded URL stuff
                        normal = decodeUrl(normal);

                        // translate the normal form
                        String translated = normal;
                        for (Translation translation : translations) {
                            translated = translation.translate(translated);

                        // also translate with our global list
                        if (threadTranslations != null) {
                            for (Translation translation : threadTranslations) {
                                translated = translation.translate(translated);

                        // if changed, replace
                        if (!normal.equals(translated)) {
                            // URL encode translated
                            bodyString = escapeUrl("/access/" + translated);
                            body = bodyString.getBytes("UTF-8");

                            ContentResourceEdit edit = ContentHostingService.editResource(resource.getId());
                            ContentHostingService.commitResource(edit, 0);
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            M_log.warn("translateHtmlBody: " + e.toString());
        } catch (PermissionException e) {
            M_log.warn("translateHtmlBody: " + e.toString());
        } catch (IdUnusedException e) {
            M_log.warn("translateHtmlBody: " + e.toString());
        } catch (TypeException e) {
            M_log.warn("translateHtmlBody: " + e.toString());
        } catch (ServerOverloadException e) {
            M_log.warn("translateHtmlBody: " + e.toString());
        } catch (InUseException e) {
            M_log.warn("translateHtmlBody: " + e.toString());
        } catch (OverQuotaException e) {
            M_log.warn("translateHtmlBody: " + e.toString());
        } finally {

     * Add an attachment in content hosting that is a copy of another resource.
     * @param resourceRef
     *        the source to copy.
     * @param context
     *        The destination context.
     * @param tool
     *        The tool id for the attachment area.
     * @return A reference to the new resource, or null if it was not created.
    protected static Reference addAttachment(Reference resourceRef, String context, String tool) {
        // bypass security when reading the resource to copy
        SecurityService.pushAdvisor(new SecurityAdvisor() {
            public SecurityAdvice isAllowed(String userId, String function, String reference) {
                return SecurityAdvice.ALLOWED;

        try {
            // Reference does not know how to make the id from a private docs reference.
            String id = resourceRef.getId();
            if (id.startsWith("/content/")) {
                id = id.substring("/content".length());

            ContentResource resource = ContentHostingService.getResource(id);
            String type = resource.getContentType();
            byte[] body = resource.getContent();
            String name = resource.getProperties().getProperty(ResourceProperties.PROP_DISPLAY_NAME);

            // make sure to remove the reference root sakai:reference-root
            ResourcePropertiesEdit props = ContentHostingService.newResourceProperties();

            ContentResource attachment = ContentHostingService.addAttachmentResource(name, context, tool, type,
                    body, props);

            String ref = attachment.getReference();
            Reference reference = EntityManager.newReference(ref);

            return reference;
        } catch (PermissionException e) {
            M_log.warn("addAttachment: " + e.toString());
        } catch (IdUnusedException e) {
            M_log.warn("addAttachment: " + e.toString());
        } catch (TypeException e) {
            M_log.warn("addAttachment: " + e.toString());
        } catch (ServerOverloadException e) {
            M_log.warn("addAttachment: " + e.toString());
        } catch (IdInvalidException e) {
            M_log.warn("addAttachment: " + e.toString());
        } catch (InconsistentException e) {
            M_log.warn("addAttachment: " + e.toString());
        } catch (IdUsedException e) {
            M_log.warn("addAttachment: " + e.toString());
        } catch (OverQuotaException e) {
            M_log.warn("addAttachment: " + e.toString());
        } finally {

        return null;

     * If the ref is relative, reconstruct the full ref based on where it was embedded.
     * @param ref
     *        The reference string.
     * @param parentRef
     *        The reference to the resource in which ref is embedded.
     * @return The ref string unmodified if not relative, or the full reference to the resource if relative.
    protected static String adjustRelativeReference(String ref, String parentRef) {
        // if no transport, not a "mailto:", and it does not start with "/", and it does not start with ".", it is the kind of relative reference we can work with
        if ((parentRef != null) && (ref != null) && (parentRef.length() > 0) && (ref.length() > 0)
                && (ref.indexOf("://") == -1) && (!ref.startsWith("."))
                && (!(ref.startsWith("/")) && (!(ref.toLowerCase().startsWith("mailto:"))))) {
            // replace the part after the last "/" in the parentRef with the ref
            int pos = parentRef.lastIndexOf('/');
            if (pos != -1) {
                String fullRef = "/access" + parentRef.substring(0, pos + 1) + ref;
                return fullRef;

        return ref;

     * Decode the URL as a browser would.
     * @param url
     *        The URL.
     * @return the decoded URL.
    protected static String decodeUrl(String url) {
        try {
            // these the browser will convert when it's making the URL to send
            String processed = url.replaceAll("&amp;", "&");
            processed = processed.replaceAll("&lt;", "<");
            processed = processed.replaceAll("&gt;", ">");
            processed = processed.replaceAll("&quot;", "\"");

            // if a browser sees a plus, it sends a plus (URLDecoder will change it to a space)
            processed = processed.replaceAll("\\+", "%2b");

            // and the rest of the works, including %20 and + handling
            String decoded = URLDecoder.decode(processed, "UTF-8");

            return decoded;
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            M_log.warn("decodeUrl: " + e);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            M_log.warn("decodeUrl: " + e);

        return url;

     * Return a string based on id that is fully escaped using URL rules, using a UTF-8 underlying encoding.
     * @param id
     *        The string to escape.
     * @return id fully escaped using URL rules.
    protected static String escapeUrl(String id) {
        if (id == null)
            return "";
        id = id.trim();
        try {
            // convert the string to bytes in UTF-8
            byte[] bytes = id.getBytes("UTF-8");

            StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
            for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
                byte b = bytes[i];
                if (("$&+,:;=?@ '\"<>#%{}|\\^~[]`^?;".indexOf((char) b) != -1) || (b <= 0x1F) || (b == 0x7F)
                        || (b >= 0x80)) {
                    buf.append(Integer.toString(b, 16));
                } else {
                    buf.append((char) b);

            String rv = buf.toString();
            return rv;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return id;

     * Check for an exception to the harvesting
     * @param ref
     *        The resource ref.
     * @param siteId
     *        The site id.
     * @return true if this ref should not be harvested, false if it is not an exception.
    protected static boolean exception(String ref, String siteId) {
        // except for any in /user/ or /public/ or (if we have a site) the site or in the ite's attachment or the site's private docs areas
        if (ref.indexOf("/access/content/user/") != -1)
            return true;
        if (ref.indexOf("/access/content/public/") != -1)
            return true;
        if (siteId == null)
            return false;

        if (ref.indexOf("/access/content/group/" + siteId) != -1)
            return true;
        if (ref.indexOf("/access/content/attachment/" + siteId) != -1)
            return true;
        if (ref.indexOf("/access/mneme/content/private/mneme/" + siteId) != -1)
            return true;
        if (ref.indexOf("/access/meleteDocs/content/private/meleteDocs/" + siteId) != -1)
            return true;

        return false;

     * Create the embedded reference detection pattern. It creates four groups: 0-the entire match, 1- src|href, 2-the reference, 3-the terminating character.
     * @return The Pattern.
    protected static Pattern getPattern() {
        return Pattern.compile("(src|href)[\\s]*=[\\s]*\"([^#\"]*)([#\"])",
                Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.UNICODE_CASE);

     * Get all the resource references embedded in the html that need harvesting because they are from another site.<br />
     * If any are html, repeat the process for those to harvest their embedded references.
     * @param data
     *        The html data.
     * @param siteId
     *        The destination site id.
     * @param parentRef
     *        Reference string to the embedding (parent) resource - used to resolve relative references.
     * @return The set of reference strings.
    protected static Set<String> harvestEmbeddedReferencesIn(String data, String siteId, String parentRef) {
        Set<String> rv = new HashSet<String>();
        if (data == null)
            return rv;

        Pattern p = getPattern();
        Matcher m = p.matcher(data);
        while (m.find()) {
            if (m.groupCount() == 3) {
                String ref =;

                if (ref != null)
                    ref = ref.trim();

                // expand to a full reference if relative
                ref = adjustRelativeReference(ref, parentRef);

                // harvest any content hosting reference
                int index = indexContentReference(ref);
                if (index != -1) {
                    // except those we don't want to harvest
                    if (exception(ref, siteId))
                        index = -1;

                if (index != -1) {
                    // save just the reference part (i.e. after the /access);
                    String refString = ref.substring(index + 7);

                    // deal with %20, &amp;, and other encoded URL stuff
                    refString = decodeUrl(refString);

                    // normalize to lower case... except for the upper case private areas
                    refString = lowerCase(refString);


        return rv;

     * Import the references resource into the context in the same relative position; let the name drift a bit to fit in.
     * @param resourceRef
     *        the source to copy.
     * @param context
     *        The destination context.
     * @return A reference to the new resource, or null if it was not created.
    protected static Reference importResourceAdjustName(Reference resourceRef, String context) {
        // bypass security when reading the resource to copy
        SecurityService.pushAdvisor(new SecurityAdvisor() {
            public SecurityAdvice isAllowed(String userId, String function, String reference) {
                return SecurityAdvice.ALLOWED;

        try {
            // Reference does not know how to make the id from a private docs reference.
            String id = resourceRef.getId();
            if (id.startsWith("/content/")) {
                id = id.substring("/content".length());

            // get the source
            ContentResource resource = ContentHostingService.getResource(id);
            String type = resource.getContentType();
            byte[] body = resource.getContent();

            String[] parts = StringUtil.split(id, "/");
            String relativePath = null;
            if (!"group".equals(parts[1])) {
                // for privateDocs, or an attachment, or anything other than a site's resources area, put it in the root of the new site
                relativePath = "/";
            } else {
                // the relative path and name of the source if from a site's resources area (i.e. /group/<source site>/path/b/c/name)
                relativePath = "/"
                        + ((parts.length > 4) ? (StringUtil.unsplit(parts, 3, parts.length - 4, "/") + "/") : "");

            // the new resource collection and name
            String destinationCollection = "/group/" + context + relativePath;
            String destinationName = parts[parts.length - 1];

            // make sure to remove the reference root sakai:reference-root
            ResourcePropertiesEdit props = ContentHostingService.newResourceProperties();

            ContentResource importedResource = ContentHostingService.addResource(destinationName,
                    destinationCollection, 255, type, body, props, 0);

            // return a reference to it
            Reference reference = EntityManager.newReference(importedResource.getReference());
            return reference;
        } catch (PermissionException e) {
            M_log.warn("importResource: " + e.toString());
        } catch (IdUnusedException e) {
            M_log.warn("importResource: " + e.toString());
        } catch (TypeException e) {
            M_log.warn("importResource: " + e.toString());
        } catch (ServerOverloadException e) {
            M_log.warn("importResource: " + e.toString());
        } catch (IdInvalidException e) {
            M_log.warn("importResource: " + e.toString());
        } catch (InconsistentException e) {
            M_log.warn("importResource: " + e.toString());
        } catch (OverQuotaException e) {
            M_log.warn("importResource: " + e.toString());
        } catch (IdUniquenessException e) {
        } catch (IdLengthException e) {
        } finally {

        return null;

     * Import the references resource into the context in the same relative position, unless there is a resource there already (name conflict).
     * @param resourceRef
     *        the source to copy.
     * @param context
     *        The destination context.
     * @return A reference to the new resource, or if we didn't copy because of a name conflict, a reference to the existing resource that blocked the copy.
    protected static Reference importResourceIfNoConflict(Reference resourceRef, String context) {
        // bypass security when reading the resource to copy
        SecurityService.pushAdvisor(new SecurityAdvisor() {
            public SecurityAdvice isAllowed(String userId, String function, String reference) {
                return SecurityAdvice.ALLOWED;

        String destinationCollection = null;
        String destinationName = null;
        try {
            // Reference does not know how to make the id from a private docs reference.
            String id = resourceRef.getId();
            if (id.startsWith("/content/")) {
                id = id.substring("/content".length());

            // get the source
            ContentResource resource = ContentHostingService.getResource(id);
            String type = resource.getContentType();
            byte[] body = resource.getContent();

            String[] parts = StringUtil.split(id, "/");
            String relativePath = null;
            if (!"group".equals(parts[1])) {
                // for privateDocs, or an attachment, or anything other than a site's resources area, put it in the root of the new site
                relativePath = "/";
            } else {
                // the relative path and name of the source if from a site's resources area (i.e. /group/<source site>/path/b/c/name)
                relativePath = "/"
                        + ((parts.length > 4) ? (StringUtil.unsplit(parts, 3, parts.length - 4, "/") + "/") : "");

            // the new resource collection and name
            if (context.startsWith("~")) {
                destinationCollection = "/user/" + context.substring(1) + relativePath;
            } else {
                destinationCollection = "/group/" + context + relativePath;
            destinationName = parts[parts.length - 1];

            // make sure to remove the reference root sakai:reference-root
            ResourcePropertiesEdit props = ContentHostingService.newResourceProperties();

            ContentResource importedResource = ContentHostingService
                    .addResource(destinationCollection + destinationName, type, body, props, 0);

            // return a reference to it
            Reference reference = EntityManager.newReference(importedResource.getReference());
            return reference;
        } catch (PermissionException e) {
            M_log.warn("importResource: " + e.toString());
        } catch (IdUnusedException e) {
            M_log.warn("importResource: " + e.toString());
        } catch (TypeException e) {
            M_log.warn("importResource: " + e.toString());
        } catch (ServerOverloadException e) {
            M_log.warn("importResource: " + e.toString());
        } catch (IdInvalidException e) {
            M_log.warn("importResource: " + e.toString());
        } catch (InconsistentException e) {
            M_log.warn("importResource: " + e.toString());
        } catch (OverQuotaException e) {
            M_log.warn("importResource: " + e.toString());
        } catch (IdUsedException e) {
            // we have a resource here already, make a reference to it
            String chsId = destinationCollection + destinationName;

            // return a reference to the existing file
            Reference reference = EntityManager.newReference(ContentHostingService.getReference(chsId));
            return reference;
        } finally {

        return null;

     * If needed, import the references resource into the context in the same relative position. If we find an existing resource that matches, use it.
     * @param resourceRef
     *        the source to copy.
     * @param context
     *        The destination context.
     * @return A reference to the new or found resource, or null if it was not created.
    protected static Reference importResourceIfNoMatch(Reference resourceRef, String context) {
        // bypass security when reading the resource to copy
        SecurityService.pushAdvisor(new SecurityAdvisor() {
            public SecurityAdvice isAllowed(String userId, String function, String reference) {
                return SecurityAdvice.ALLOWED;

        try {
            // Reference does not know how to make the id from a private docs reference.
            String id = resourceRef.getId();
            if (id.startsWith("/content/")) {
                id = id.substring("/content".length());

            // get the source
            ContentResource resource = ContentHostingService.getResource(id);
            String type = resource.getContentType();
            long size = resource.getContentLength();
            byte[] body = resource.getContent();

            String[] parts = StringUtil.split(id, "/");
            String relativePath = null;
            if (!"group".equals(parts[1])) {
                // for privateDocs, or an attachment, or anything other than a site's resources area, put it in the root of the new site
                relativePath = "/";
            } else {
                // the relative path and name of the source if from a site's resources area (i.e. /group/<source site>/path/b/c/name)
                relativePath = "/"
                        + ((parts.length > 4) ? (StringUtil.unsplit(parts, 3, parts.length - 4, "/") + "/") : "");
            String fname = parts[parts.length - 1];
            String extension = null;
            if (fname.indexOf('.') != -1) {
                int pos = fname.lastIndexOf('.');
                extension = fname.substring(pos + 1);
                fname = fname.substring(0, pos);

            int maxNum = -1;
            boolean nameInUse = false;

            // get info on everyone in the destination's relative path collection
            ContentCollection targetCollection = null;
            try {
                targetCollection = ContentHostingService.getCollection("/group/" + context + relativePath);
                List<ContentEntity> members = targetCollection.getMemberResources();
                for (ContentEntity member : members) {
                    // ignore collections
                    if (member instanceof ContentResource) {
                        ContentResource mr = (ContentResource) member;

                        // isolate the member's name and extension
                        String mrFname = mr.getId().substring(mr.getId().lastIndexOf('/') + 1, mr.getId().length());
                        String mrExtension = null;
                        if (mrFname.indexOf('.') != -1) {
                            int pos = mrFname.lastIndexOf('.');
                            mrExtension = mrFname.substring(pos + 1);
                            mrFname = mrFname.substring(0, pos);

                        // the extensions have to match
                        if (!StringUtil.different(extension, mrExtension, true)) {
                            // the names have to match
                            if (!StringUtil.different(fname, mrFname, true)) {
                                // the resource name is in use already
                                nameInUse = true;

                                // no extension is the "0" one.
                                int num = 0;

                                // keep track of the biggest numeric extension
                                if (num > maxNum)
                                    maxNum = num;

                                // if the member 'matches' the import, use the member
                                if (matches(mr, type, size, body)) {
                                    return EntityManager.newReference(mr.getReference());

                            // if the member name has a "dash-number" extension past the source name, we can still use it if it matches size and type
                            else if (mrFname.startsWith(fname + "-")) {
                                // the rest after the "-" has to be numeric
                                try {
                                    int num = Integer.valueOf(mrFname.substring(fname.length() + 1));

                                    // keep track of the biggest numeric extension
                                    if (num > maxNum)
                                        maxNum = num;

                                    // if the member 'matches' the import, use the member
                                    if (matches(mr, type, size, body)) {
                                        return EntityManager.newReference(mr.getReference());
                                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                                    // not numeric... ignore

            } catch (IdUnusedException e) {
                // there is no collection at the new site's relative path

            // there's nothing here to use, so import it

            // adjust the fname with a "dash-number" if needed
            if ((nameInUse) && (maxNum > -1)) {
                // maxNum is the greatest numeric extension we saw in the collection for this name, so we want the next
                fname += "-" + Integer.toString(maxNum + 1);

            // the new resource id
            String destinationPath = "/group/" + context + relativePath + fname
                    + ((extension == null) ? "" : ("." + extension));

            // make sure to remove the reference root sakai:reference-root
            ResourcePropertiesEdit props = ContentHostingService.newResourceProperties();

            // create the new resource
            ContentResource importedResource = ContentHostingService.addResource(destinationPath, type, body, props,

            // return a reference to it
            Reference reference = EntityManager.newReference(importedResource.getReference());
            return reference;
        } catch (PermissionException e) {
            M_log.warn("importResource: " + e.toString());
        } catch (IdUnusedException e) {
            M_log.warn("importResource: " + e.toString());
        } catch (TypeException e) {
            M_log.warn("importResource: " + e.toString());
        } catch (ServerOverloadException e) {
            M_log.warn("importResource: " + e.toString());
        } catch (IdInvalidException e) {
            M_log.warn("importResource: " + e.toString());
        } catch (InconsistentException e) {
            M_log.warn("importResource: " + e.toString());
        } catch (IdUsedException e) {
            M_log.warn("importResource: " + e.toString());
        } catch (OverQuotaException e) {
            M_log.warn("importResource: " + e.toString());
        } finally {

        return null;

     * Assure that all the referenced resources are imported or found in the context.
     * @param refs
     *        The set of references to embedded documents.
     * @param context
     *        The destination context.
     * @param tool
     *        the tool id (used as part of the attachment area resource name).
     * @param translate
     *        if true, translate any embedded references in html resources imported.
     * @param shortenUrls
     *        if true, full references to resources on this server are shortened.
     * @return a Translation list for each embedded document to its location in this context.
    protected static List<Translation> importResources(Set<String> refs, String context, String tool,
            boolean translate, boolean shortenUrls) {
        // get our thread-local list of translations made in this thread
        List<Translation> threadTranslations = (List<Translation>) ThreadLocalManager.get(THREAD_TRANSLATIONS_KEY);
        if (threadTranslations == null) {
            threadTranslations = new ArrayList<Translation>();
            ThreadLocalManager.set(THREAD_TRANSLATIONS_KEY, threadTranslations);

        // get our thread-local list of bodies translated in this thread
        List<String> threadBodyTranslations = (List<String>) ThreadLocalManager.get(THREAD_TRANSLATIONS_BODY_KEY);
        if (threadBodyTranslations == null) {
            threadBodyTranslations = new ArrayList<String>();
            ThreadLocalManager.set(THREAD_TRANSLATIONS_BODY_KEY, threadBodyTranslations);

        // collect any that may need html body translation in a second pass
        List<Reference> toTranslate = new ArrayList<Reference>();

        List<Translation> rv = new ArrayList<Translation>();
        for (String refString : refs) {
            // if we have done this already in the thread, just skip it
            boolean skip = false;
            for (Translation imported : threadTranslations) {
                if (refString.equals(imported.getFrom())) {
                    skip = true;
            if (skip)

            Reference ref = EntityManager.newReference(refString);

            // find or import the referenced resource in the context
            Reference imported = importResourceIfNoConflict(ref, context);
            if (imported != null) {
                // make the translation - return it and add it to the thread list
                Translation t = new TranslationImpl(ref.getReference(), imported.getReference());
            } else {
                // if for some reason we could not get the file imported, try a simpler process as an attachment
                imported = addAttachment(ref, context, tool);
                if (imported != null) {
                    // make the translation - return it and add it to the thread list
                    Translation t = new TranslationImpl(ref.getReference(), imported.getReference());
                } else {
                    // well, we tried. The embedded cross reference will remain in place.
                    M_log.warn("importResources: failed to move resource: " + ref.getReference());

            // do we need a second-pass translation?
            if (imported != null) {
                String importedRef = imported.getReference();
                String type = readReferencedDocumentType(importedRef);
                if ("text/html".equals(type)) {
                    // check if we have done this already in the thread (Reference.equals() is not to be trusted -ggolden)
                    boolean found = false;
                    for (String bodyTranslatedReference : threadBodyTranslations) {
                        if (bodyTranslatedReference.equals(importedRef)) {
                            found = true;

                    if (!found) {

        // now that we have all the translations, update any resources that have html bodies
        if (translate) {
            for (Reference ref : toTranslate) {
                // translate using the full set we have so far for the thread
                translateHtmlBody(ref, threadTranslations, context, shortenUrls);

        return rv;

     * Check if the reference is a content hosting reference.
     * @param ref
     *        The references string.
     * @return true if ref is a content hosting reference, false if not.
    protected static int indexContentReference(String ref) {
        // regular content
        int rv = ref.indexOf("/access/content/");
        if (rv == -1) {
            // known private content
            rv = ref.indexOf("/access/mneme/content/");
            if (rv == -1) {
                rv = ref.indexOf("/access/meleteDocs/content/");

        return rv;

     * Check if this URL is being hosted by us on this server. Consider the primary and also some alternate URL roots.
     * @param url
     *        The url to check.
     * @return -1 if not, or the index position in the url of the start of the relative portion (i.e. after the server URL root)
    protected static int internallyHostedUrl(String url) {
        // form the access root, and check for alternate ones
        String serverUrl = ServerConfigurationService.getServerUrl();
        String[] alternateUrls = ServerConfigurationService.getStrings("alternateServerUrlRoots");

        if (url.startsWith(serverUrl))
            return serverUrl.length();
        if (alternateUrls != null) {
            for (String alternateUrl : alternateUrls) {
                if (url.startsWith(alternateUrl))
                    return alternateUrl.length();

        return -1;

     * Check for a 'match' between a local resource and an import candidate
     * @param mr
     *        The local resource.
     * @param type
     *        The import candidate mime type.
     * @param sizeThe
     *        import candidate body size.
     * @param body
     *        The import candidate body.
     * @return true if there is a match, false if not.
     * @throws ServerOverloadException
    protected static boolean matches(ContentResource mr, String type, long size, byte[] body)
            throws ServerOverloadException {
        // check if the type and size match - get the cheap tests done first
        if (!StringUtil.different(mr.getContentType(), type, true)) {
            // meta-data matches, check the body - we want EXACT
            if (type.toLowerCase().endsWith("html")) {
                // TODO: special html compare... size may not match, body may have been translated
                boolean same = false;

                if (same) {
                    return true;
            } else {
                // byte by byte compare, if the size matches
                if (mr.getContentLength() == size) {
                    // get the candidate resource
                    byte[] mrBody = mr.getContent();

                    // compare, byte for byte
                    boolean same = Arrays.equals(body, mrBody);

                    // use this member if it matches
                    if (same) {
                        return true;

        return false;

     * Read a document from content hosting.
     * @param ref
     *        The document reference.
     * @return The document content in a String.
    protected static String readReferencedDocument(String ref) {
        // bypass security when reading the resource to copy
        SecurityService.pushAdvisor(new SecurityAdvisor() {
            public SecurityAdvice isAllowed(String userId, String function, String reference) {
                return SecurityAdvice.ALLOWED;

        try {
            // get an id from the reference string
            Reference reference = EntityManager.newReference(ref);
            String id = reference.getId();
            if (id.startsWith("/content/")) {
                id = id.substring("/content".length());

            try {
                // read the resource
                ContentResource r = ContentHostingService.getResource(id);

                // get the body into a string
                byte[] body = r.getContent();
                if (body == null)
                    return null;

                String bodyString = new String(body, "UTF-8");

                return bodyString;
            } catch (IOException e) {
                M_log.warn("readReferencedDocument: " + e.toString());
            } catch (IdUnusedException e) {
            } catch (TypeException e) {
                M_log.warn("readReferencedDocument: " + e.toString());
            } catch (PermissionException e) {
                M_log.warn("readReferencedDocument: " + e.toString());
            } catch (ServerOverloadException e) {
                M_log.warn("readReferencedDocument: " + e.toString());
        } finally {

        return "";

     * Read a document's mime type from content hosting.
     * @param ref
     *        The document reference.
     * @return The document's mime type.
    protected static String readReferencedDocumentType(String ref) {
        // bypass security when reading the resource to copy
        SecurityService.pushAdvisor(new SecurityAdvisor() {
            public SecurityAdvice isAllowed(String userId, String function, String reference) {
                return SecurityAdvice.ALLOWED;

        try {
            // get an id from the reference string
            Reference reference = EntityManager.newReference(ref);
            String id = reference.getId();
            if (id.startsWith("/content/")) {
                id = id.substring("/content".length());

            try {
                // read the resource
                ContentResource r = ContentHostingService.getResource(id);
                String type = r.getContentType();

                return type;
            } catch (IdUnusedException e) {
            } catch (TypeException e) {
                M_log.warn("readReferencedDocumentType: " + e.toString());
            } catch (PermissionException e) {
                M_log.warn("readReferencedDocumentType: " + e.toString());
        } finally {

        return "";