Java tutorial
/********************************************************************************** * $URL: $ * $Id: 8562 2014-08-30 06:07:15Z mallikamt $ *********************************************************************************** * * Copyright (c) 2013, 2014 Etudes, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * **********************************************************************************/ package org.etudes.mneme.impl; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.etudes.mneme.api.Assessment; import org.etudes.mneme.api.AssessmentPermissionException; import org.etudes.mneme.api.AssessmentService; import org.etudes.mneme.api.AssessmentType; import org.etudes.mneme.api.AttachmentService; import org.etudes.mneme.api.GradesService; import org.etudes.mneme.api.ImportQti2Service; import org.etudes.mneme.api.Part; import org.etudes.mneme.api.Pool; import org.etudes.mneme.api.PoolDraw; import org.etudes.mneme.api.PoolService; import org.etudes.mneme.api.Question; import org.etudes.mneme.api.QuestionGrouping; import org.etudes.mneme.api.QuestionPick; import org.etudes.mneme.api.QuestionService; import org.etudes.mneme.api.ReviewShowCorrect; import org.etudes.mneme.api.ReviewTiming; import org.etudes.mneme.api.SecurityService; import org.etudes.mneme.impl.EssayQuestionImpl.SubmissionType; import org.jaxen.JaxenException; import org.jaxen.XPath; import org.jaxen.dom.DOMXPath; import org.sakaiproject.authz.api.AuthzGroupService; import org.sakaiproject.content.cover.ContentHostingService; import org.sakaiproject.content.cover.ContentTypeImageService; import org.sakaiproject.entity.api.EntityManager; import org.sakaiproject.entity.api.Reference; import org.sakaiproject.entity.api.ResourceProperties; import org.sakaiproject.entity.api.ResourcePropertiesEdit; import org.sakaiproject.event.api.EventTrackingService; import org.sakaiproject.exception.IdUsedException; import org.sakaiproject.i18n.InternationalizedMessages; import; import org.sakaiproject.thread_local.api.ThreadLocalManager; import org.sakaiproject.tool.api.SessionManager; import org.sakaiproject.util.ResourceLoader; import org.sakaiproject.util.StringUtil; import org.sakaiproject.util.Xml; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.w3c.dom.traversal.DocumentTraversal; import org.w3c.dom.traversal.NodeFilter; import org.w3c.dom.traversal.NodeIterator; /** * <p> * ImportQtiServiceImpl implements ImportQtiService * </p> */ public class ImportQti2ServiceImpl implements ImportQti2Service { protected class Average { protected int count = 0; protected float total = 0.0f; public void add(float value) { count++; total += value; } public float getAverage() { if (count > 0) { return total / count; } return 0.0f; } } public static final int MAX_NAME_LENGTH = 150; /** Our logger. */ private static Log M_log = LogFactory.getLog(ImportQti2ServiceImpl.class); /** Dependency: AssessmentService */ protected AssessmentService assessmentService = null; /** Dependency: AttachmentService */ protected AttachmentService attachmentService = null; /** Messages bundle name. */ protected String bundle = null; /** Dependency: EntityManager */ protected EntityManager entityManager = null; /** Dependency: EventTrackingService */ protected EventTrackingService eventTrackingService = null; /** Messages. */ protected transient InternationalizedMessages messages = null; /** Dependency: PoolService */ protected PoolService poolService = null; /** Dependency: QuestionService */ protected QuestionService questionService = null; /** Dependency: SecurityService */ protected SecurityService securityService = null; /** Dependency: SessionManager */ protected SessionManager sessionManager = null; /** Dependency: ThreadLocalManager. */ protected ThreadLocalManager threadLocalManager = null; /** * Returns to uninitialized state. */ public void destroy() {"destroy()"); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void importPool(Document doc, String context, String unzipBackUpLocation) throws AssessmentPermissionException { if ((doc == null) || (!doc.hasChildNodes())) return; // get a name for the pool Average pointsAverage = new Average(); HashMap<String, Question> allQuestions = new HashMap<String, Question>(); HashMap<String, String> allQuestionPoints = new HashMap<String, String>(); HashMap<String, Pool> allPools = new HashMap<String, Pool>(); // 1. Create one defaultPool for all questions Pool pool = this.poolService.newPool(context); pool.setTitle(findPoolTitle(context, "", doc)); String poolDescription = findPoolDescription(doc); pool.setDescription(poolDescription); allPools.put("defaultPool", pool); // 2. Read questions of type item from manifest file try { // if etudes export package has pool resources XPath poolPath = new DOMXPath("//resources/resource[starts-with(@identifier,'POOL')]"); List<Element> poolItems = poolPath.selectNodes(doc); for (Element poolItem : poolItems) { String pId = poolItem.getAttribute("identifier"); pId = pId.replace("POOL", ""); if (!allPools.containsKey(pId)) { Pool p = this.poolService.newPool(context); p.setTitle(findPoolTitle(context, poolItem.getAttribute("title"), doc)); allPools.put(pId, p); } } XPath itemPath = new DOMXPath("//*[contains(local-name(),'resource')]"); List<Element> items = itemPath.selectNodes(doc); for (Element item : items) { String type = item.getAttribute("type"); if (type == null || !type.startsWith("imsqti_item_")) continue; // read href value String fileLocation = item.getAttribute("href"); if ("".equals(fileLocation)) continue; // read Xml file and create question Question question = null; try { String baseName = ""; fileLocation = fileLocation.replace("\\", "/"); if (fileLocation.lastIndexOf("/") != -1) baseName = "/" + fileLocation.substring(0, fileLocation.lastIndexOf("/")); question = processQuestionItemFile(allPools, allQuestions, context, doc, item, allQuestionPoints, pointsAverage, unzipBackUpLocation, fileLocation, baseName); } catch (Exception e) { M_log.debug(e.getMessage()); continue; } } // 3. save pool // pool.setPointsEdit(pointsAverage.getAverage()); Iterator<String> poolIterator = allPools.keySet().iterator(); while (poolIterator.hasNext()) { String poolId =; Pool p = allPools.get(poolId); if (p.getNumQuestions().intValue() == 0) continue; this.poolService.savePool(p); } // 4. then later read assessments and integrate with gradebook and save String rights = findRightsInformation(doc); int testCount = 0; for (Element testItem : items) { String type = testItem.getAttribute("type"); if (type == null || !type.startsWith("imsqti_test_")) continue; // read href value String fileLocation = testItem.getAttribute("href"); if ("".equals(fileLocation)) continue; String baseName = ""; fileLocation = fileLocation.replace("\\", "/"); if (fileLocation.lastIndexOf("/") != -1) baseName = "/" + fileLocation.substring(0, fileLocation.lastIndexOf("/")); processAssessmentFiles(context, testItem, unzipBackUpLocation, fileLocation, baseName, rights, allQuestions, allQuestionPoints, allPools); testCount++; } // create one default test for the pool just created if manifest has no resource of imsqi_test type. if (testCount == 0) createDefaultAssessment(context, allPools, allQuestions, allQuestionPoints); } catch (JaxenException e) { M_log.warn(e.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { M_log.warn(e.toString()); } } /** * If there are no resource for test then create one default assessment * @param context * @param allPools * @param allQuestions * @param allQuestionPoints * @return * @throws Exception */ private Assessment createDefaultAssessment(String context, HashMap<String, Pool> allPools, HashMap<String, Question> allQuestions, HashMap<String, String> allQuestionPoints) throws Exception { if (allPools == null || allPools.size() == 0) return null; // create assessment Assessment test = assessmentService.newAssessment(context); test.setType(AssessmentType.test); Part part = test.getParts().addPart(); part.setTitle(""); Boolean autoRelease = null; int qCount = 0; String title = "untitled (import QTI)"; for (Iterator<String> i = allQuestions.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { String key =; Question question = allQuestions.get(key); // score String points = "1"; if (allQuestionPoints.containsKey(key)) points = allQuestionPoints.get(key); QuestionPick questionPick = part.addPickDetail(question); questionPick.setPoints(Float.parseFloat(points)); if ("mneme:Essay".equals(question.getType())) autoRelease = new Boolean(false); qCount++; if (qCount == allQuestions.size()) { title = question.getPool().getTitle(); } } test.setTitle(title); // auto release of grading if (autoRelease != null) test.getGrading().setAutoRelease(autoRelease); test.getGrading().setGradebookIntegration(Boolean.TRUE); assessmentService.saveAssessment(test); return test; } /** * Read assessment.xml file and create an assessment with all of its settings. * * @param context * @param testItem * @param unzipBackUpLocation * @param fileLocation * @param allQuestions * @return */ private Assessment processAssessmentFiles(String context, Element testItem, String unzipBackUpLocation, String fileLocation, String baseName, String rights, HashMap<String, Question> allQuestions, HashMap<String, String> allQuestionPoints, HashMap<String, Pool> allPools) throws Exception { Assessment test = null; int partCount = 1; Boolean allLikert = null; Boolean autoRelease = null; boolean randomAccess = false; String layout = "question"; boolean partNumbering = true; // Read Assessment.Xml file Document contentsDOM = Xml.readDocument(unzipBackUpLocation + File.separator + fileLocation); if (contentsDOM == null) return null; Element rootAssessment = contentsDOM.getDocumentElement(); String title = rootAssessment.getAttribute("title"); // create assessment test = assessmentService.newAssessment(context); test.setTitle(findAssessmentTitle(context, title)); // read identifier to find survey, assignment or test AssessmentType testType = findAssessmentType(testItem); test.setType(testType); // read title and description from testItem String description = findDescription(testItem); if (description != null && description.length() > 0) { description = processInstructionsEmbedMedia(unzipBackUpLocation, context, description, new ArrayList<String>()); test.getPresentation().setText(description); } // time limit XPath timeLimitPath = new DOMXPath("/assessmentTest/timeLimits"); Element timeElement = (Element) timeLimitPath.selectSingleNode(contentsDOM); String maxTime = (timeElement != null) ? timeElement.getAttribute("maxTime") : ""; if (maxTime.length() > 0) { test.setHasTimeLimit(true); if (maxTime.indexOf(".") != -1) maxTime = maxTime.substring(0, maxTime.indexOf(".")); test.setTimeLimit(new Long(maxTime)); } // settings from outcome declaration HashMap<String, String> settings = processOutcomeDeclaration(contentsDOM); test = processSettingsfromOutcomeDeclaration(settings, test); //part numbering if (settings.containsKey("PartNumbering")) partNumbering = new Boolean(settings.get("PartNumbering")).booleanValue(); // final message XPath finalMessagePath = new DOMXPath("/assessmentTest/testFeedback[@access='atEnd']"); String finalMessage = finalMessagePath.stringValueOf(contentsDOM); if (finalMessage != null && finalMessage.length() > 0) test.getSubmitPresentation().setText(finalMessage); // add parts and questions List<Element> partElements = new ArrayList(); XPath partsPath = new DOMXPath("/assessmentTest/testPart"); partElements = partsPath.selectNodes(contentsDOM); // <itemSessionControl maxAttempts="2" allowReview="true" showFeedback="true"> test = processSettingsfromItemSessionElement(partElements, test); if (partElements != null && partElements.size() > 0) { // partNumbering from outcome declaration test.getParts().setContinuousNumbering(partNumbering); for (Element partElement : partElements) { if (partElement == null) continue; String navigationMode = partElement.getAttribute("navigationMode"); if (!"linear".equalsIgnoreCase(navigationMode)) randomAccess = true; // section if more than one section bring as etudes parts List<Element> sectionElements = new ArrayList(); XPath sectionPath = new DOMXPath("assessmentSection"); sectionElements = sectionPath.selectNodes(partElement); if (sectionElements == null || sectionElements.size() == 0) continue; for (Element sectionElement : sectionElements) { String sectionIdentifier = sectionElement.getAttribute("identifier"); // rubric XPath rubricPath = new DOMXPath("rubricBlock"); Element rubricElement = (Element) rubricPath.selectSingleNode(sectionElement); // if part has no questions then skip XPath ItemRefPath = new DOMXPath("assessmentItemRef"); List<Element> refElements = ItemRefPath.selectNodes(sectionElement); if (refElements == null || refElements.size() == 0) { if (rubricElement != null) { String partInstructions = normalizeElementBody(contentsDOM, rubricElement); partInstructions = processInstructionsEmbedMedia(unzipBackUpLocation.concat(baseName), context, partInstructions, new ArrayList<String>()); test.getPresentation().setText(partInstructions); } continue; } // create Part Part part = test.getParts().addPart(); String partTitle = sectionElement.getAttribute("title"); partTitle = (partTitle != null && partTitle.length() > 0) ? partTitle : ""; part.setTitle(partTitle); // rubric as Part Instructions if (rubricElement != null) { String partInstructions = normalizeElementBody(contentsDOM, rubricElement); partInstructions = processInstructionsEmbedMedia(unzipBackUpLocation.concat(baseName), context, partInstructions, new ArrayList<String>()); part.getPresentation().setText(partInstructions); } // orderingShuffle is true then randomize the order of questions String orderingShuffle = findPartOrderingShuffle(sectionElement); part.setRandomize(new Boolean(orderingShuffle)); boolean randomDraw = false; int totalPartQuestions = 0; List<Element> requiredQuestions = new ArrayList<Element>(); XPath randomSelectionPath = new DOMXPath( ".//assessmentSection[@identifier='" + sectionIdentifier + "']/selection"); Element selection = (Element) randomSelectionPath.selectSingleNode(contentsDOM); // look for selection if yes then there is random draw if (selection != null) { randomDraw = true; randomAccess = randomAccess || randomDraw; // <selection select="2"/> String randomSelectionCount = selection.getAttribute("select"); totalPartQuestions = Integer.parseInt(randomSelectionCount); // select assessmentItemRef with required clause and add as question pick XPath assessmentItemRefPath = new DOMXPath(".//assessmentSection[@identifier='" + sectionIdentifier + "']/assessmentItemRef[@required='true']"); requiredQuestions = assessmentItemRefPath.selectNodes(contentsDOM); } else { // add questions to assessment XPath assessmentItemRefPath = new DOMXPath( ".//assessmentSection[@identifier='" + sectionIdentifier + "']/assessmentItemRef"); requiredQuestions = assessmentItemRefPath.selectNodes(contentsDOM); } // else end for (Element questionElement : requiredQuestions) { Question question = null; String identifer = questionElement.getAttribute("identifier"); String href = questionElement.getAttribute("href"); question = getQuestionfromAllQuestions(identifer, unzipBackUpLocation.concat(baseName) + File.separator + href, allQuestions); if (question == null) continue; // all likert questions then survey if ("mneme:LikertScale".equals(question.getType()) || question.getIsSurvey()) { if (allLikert == null) allLikert = new Boolean(true); else allLikert = new Boolean(allLikert.booleanValue() && true); } else { if (allLikert == null) allLikert = new Boolean(false); else allLikert = new Boolean(allLikert.booleanValue() && false); } if ("mneme:Essay".equals(question.getType())) autoRelease = new Boolean(false); // score String points = "1"; if (allQuestionPoints.containsKey(identifer)) points = allQuestionPoints.get(identifer); QuestionPick questionPick = part.addPickDetail(question); questionPick.setPoints(Float.parseFloat(points)); } // add Random detail int randomCount = totalPartQuestions - requiredQuestions.size(); part = buildRandomDrawPart(randomDraw, randomCount, context, sectionIdentifier, unzipBackUpLocation.concat(baseName), contentsDOM, part, allPools, allQuestions, allQuestionPoints); } // section element for } // part element for } // if all likert questions and not already a survey then mark it as survey if (testType != AssessmentType.survey && (allLikert != null && allLikert.booleanValue() == true)) test.setType(AssessmentType.survey); // random access if (randomAccess) test.setRandomAccess(new Boolean(true)); else test.setRandomAccess(new Boolean(false)); // rights information // if (rights != null) test.getPresentation().setText(test.getPresentation().getText().concat(rights)); // auto release of grading if (autoRelease != null) test.getGrading().setAutoRelease(autoRelease); // send to gradebook if (test.getType() != AssessmentType.survey) test.getGrading().setGradebookIntegration(Boolean.TRUE); assessmentService.saveAssessment(test); return test; } /** * read all outcome declarations in a hashmap. * @param contentsDOM * @return */ private HashMap<String, String> processOutcomeDeclaration(Document contentsDOM) { HashMap<String, String> settings = new HashMap<String, String>(); try { XPath outcomes = new DOMXPath("/assessmentTest/outcomeDeclaration"); List<Element> outcomeElements = outcomes.selectNodes(contentsDOM); for (Element e : outcomeElements) { String key = e.getAttribute("identifier"); String value = e.getTextContent(); if (key == null || key.length() == 0 || value == null || value.trim().length() == 0) continue; settings.put(key, value.trim()); } } catch (Exception ex) { } return settings; } /** * * @param partElements * @param test * @return * @throws Exception */ private Assessment processSettingsfromItemSessionElement(List<Element> partElements, Assessment test) throws Exception { String tries = ""; if (partElements != null && partElements.size() > 0) { Element partElement = partElements.get(0); XPath itemSessionControlPath = new DOMXPath("itemSessionControl"); Element itemSessionControlElement = (Element) itemSessionControlPath.selectSingleNode(partElement); if (itemSessionControlElement != null) { tries = (itemSessionControlElement.getAttribute("maxAttempts") != null) ? itemSessionControlElement.getAttribute("maxAttempts") : ""; // tries if (!tries.equals("")) { tries = tries.trim(); test.setHasTriesLimit(true); test.setTries(new Integer(tries)); } // review options if ("false".equalsIgnoreCase(itemSessionControlElement.getAttribute("allowReview").trim())) test.getReview().setTiming(ReviewTiming.never); else test.getReview().setTiming(ReviewTiming.submitted); // show hints if (!("").equals(itemSessionControlElement.getAttribute("showFeedback").trim())) test.setShowHints(new Boolean(itemSessionControlElement.getAttribute("showFeedback"))); // show model answer if (!("").equals(itemSessionControlElement.getAttribute("showSolution").trim())) test.setShowModelAnswer(new Boolean(itemSessionControlElement.getAttribute("showSolution"))); } } return test; } /** * Assign settings based on outcome declaration * @param settings * @param test * @return */ private Assessment processSettingsfromOutcomeDeclaration(HashMap<String, String> settings, Assessment test) { if (settings.size() == 0) return test; // passing percentage if (settings.containsKey("PASSFACTOR")) { test.setMinScore(new Integer(settings.get("PASSFACTOR"))); test.setMinScoreSet(new Boolean(true)); } //review options if (settings.containsKey("ReviewShowSummary")) test.getReview().setShowSummary(new Boolean(true)); if (settings.containsKey("ReviewShowFeedback")) { M_log.debug("review feedback true"); test.getReview().setShowFeedback(new Boolean(true)); } if (settings.containsKey("ReviewCorrectAnswer")) { String correctAnswer = settings.get("ReviewCorrectAnswer"); if ("incorrect_only".equalsIgnoreCase(correctAnswer)) test.getReview().setShowCorrectAnswer(ReviewShowCorrect.incorrect_only); else if ("correct_only".equalsIgnoreCase(correctAnswer)) test.getReview().setShowCorrectAnswer(ReviewShowCorrect.correct_only); else if ("no".equalsIgnoreCase(correctAnswer)) test.getReview().setShowCorrectAnswer(; } // AnonymousGrading if (settings.containsKey("AnonymousGrading")) test.getGrading().setAnonymous(new Boolean(settings.get("AnonymousGrading"))); // layout if (settings.containsKey("QuestionLayout")) { String layout = settings.get("QuestionLayout"); if ("part".equalsIgnoreCase(layout)) test.setQuestionGrouping(QuestionGrouping.part); else if ("assessment".equalsIgnoreCase(layout)) test.setQuestionGrouping(QuestionGrouping.assessment); else test.setQuestionGrouping(QuestionGrouping.question); } else test.setQuestionGrouping(QuestionGrouping.question); // pledge if (settings.containsKey("HonorPledge")) test.setRequireHonorPledge(new Boolean(settings.get("HonorPledge"))); // ShuffleChoicesOverride if (settings.containsKey("ShuffleChoicesOverride")) test.setShuffleChoicesOverride(new Boolean(true)); //open date if (settings.containsKey("OpenDate")) test.getDates().setOpenDate(getDateFromString(settings.get("OpenDate"))); if (settings.containsKey("HideUntilOpen")) test.getDates().setHideUntilOpen(new Boolean(settings.get("HideUntilOpen"))); if (settings.containsKey("DueDate")) test.getDates().setDueDate(getDateFromString(settings.get("DueDate"))); if (settings.containsKey("AcceptUntil")) test.getDates().setAcceptUntilDate(getDateFromString(settings.get("AcceptUntil"))); return test; } /** * Find Attachments and bring them in. Resource file elements which are not in embedMedia list are attachments. * * @param resourceItem * @param context * @param question * @param embedMedia * @return */ private Question processQuestionAttachments(Element resourceItem, String context, Question question, List<String> embedMedia, String unzipLocation) { if (question == null) return question; List<Reference> currAttachments = question.getPresentation().getAttachments(); NodeList attachments = resourceItem.getElementsByTagName("file"); for (int i = 0; i < attachments.getLength(); i++) { Element attach = (Element) attachments.item(i); String hrefLocation = attach.getAttribute("href"); if (!findInEmbedMedia(hrefLocation, embedMedia)) { Reference attachRef = transferEmbeddedData(unzipLocation + File.separator + hrefLocation, hrefLocation, context); if (attachRef == null) return question; if (currAttachments == null) currAttachments = new ArrayList<Reference>(); currAttachments.add(attachRef); } } question.getPresentation().setAttachments(currAttachments); return question; } /** * Read Question.xml file and process it to create a question. * * @param pool * @param context * @param doc * @param resourceItem * @param allQuestionPoints * @param pointsAvg * @param unzipBackUpLocation * @param fileName * @param baseName * @return * @throws Exception */ private Question processQuestionItemFile(HashMap<String, Pool> allPools, HashMap<String, Question> allQuestions, String context, Document doc, Element resourceItem, HashMap<String, String> allQuestionPoints, Average pointsAvg, String unzipBackUpLocation, String fileName, String baseName) throws Exception { Document contentsDOM = Xml.readDocument(unzipBackUpLocation + File.separator + fileName); if (contentsDOM == null) return null; String interaction = null; XPath textPath = new DOMXPath("/assessmentItem/itemBody"); Element itemBody = (Element) textPath.selectSingleNode(contentsDOM); boolean likertClass = (itemBody != null && "likert".equals(itemBody.getAttribute("class"))) ? true : false; boolean surveyType = findQuestionSurvey(resourceItem); // find question type...very important step if (resourceItem != null) interaction = findInteraction(contentsDOM); // create question text and collect all embed media and question.xml file ArrayList<String> embedMedia = new ArrayList<String>(); String text = processQuestionText(context, contentsDOM, itemBody, embedMedia, interaction, unzipBackUpLocation.concat(baseName)); embedMedia.add(fileName); String questionIdentifier = resourceItem.getAttribute("identifier"); int poolIndex = questionIdentifier.indexOf(":"); String poolId = "defaultPool"; if (poolIndex > -1) poolId = questionIdentifier.substring(0, poolIndex); Pool pool = allPools.get(poolId); if (pool == null) pool = allPools.get("defaultPool"); // create the question Question question = null; if (questionIdentifier != null && allQuestions.containsKey(questionIdentifier)) question = allQuestions.get(questionIdentifier); if (likertClass) question = buildLikertScaleChoice(pool, text, interaction, contentsDOM); if ("".equals(interaction) && question == null) question = buildTask(pool, text, interaction, contentsDOM); if (question == null) question = buildEssay(pool, text, interaction, contentsDOM); if (question == null) question = buildMatchforManyMultipleChoice(pool, text, interaction, contentsDOM); if (question == null) question = buildTrueFalse(pool, text, interaction, contentsDOM); if (question == null) question = buildMultipleChoice(pool, text, interaction, contentsDOM); if (question == null) question = buildMatch(pool, text, interaction, contentsDOM); if (question == null) question = buildFillBlanks(pool, text, interaction, contentsDOM); if (question == null) question = buildFillBlankforGapText(pool, text, interaction, contentsDOM); if (question == null) question = buildFillBlankforOrdered(pool, text, interaction, contentsDOM); if (question == null) question = buildMultipleChoiceforUnsupported(pool, text, unzipBackUpLocation.concat(baseName), context, contentsDOM); if (question == null) return null; // save if (question != null) { // read file elements and if other than embed media, bring in as attachments question = processQuestionAttachments(resourceItem, context, question, embedMedia, unzipBackUpLocation); // question description String description = findDescription(resourceItem); // explain reason Set<String> allInteractions = findAllInteraction(contentsDOM); if (allInteractions.size() > 1 && allInteractions.contains("textEntryInteraction")) { question.setExplainReason(new Boolean(true)); } // hints mostly from identifier as correct otherwise from the correctresponse Identifier String hints = getQuestionHints(contentsDOM); if (question.getHints() != null) hints = question.getHints().concat(hints); question.setHints(hints); // feedback XPath modalFeedbackPath = new DOMXPath("/assessmentItem/modalFeedback"); String feedback = modalFeedbackPath.stringValueOf(contentsDOM); question.setFeedback(feedback); // points ...some packages have que_score or score1 or SCORE or MAXSCORE or multiple of these records XPath outcomePath = new DOMXPath( "/assessmentItem/outcomeDeclaration[contains(@identifier,'SCORE')] | /assessmentItem/outcomeDeclaration[contains(@identifier,'score')]"); List<Element> scores = outcomePath.selectNodes(contentsDOM); String pointsValue = ""; for (Element score : scores) { String p = score.getTextContent().trim(); if (!"".equals(p) && !"0.0".equals(p)) pointsValue = p; } if (pointsValue != null && pointsValue != "") { if (questionIdentifier != null) allQuestionPoints.put(questionIdentifier, pointsValue); } // survey if (likertClass || surveyType) question.setIsSurvey(true); else question.setIsSurvey(false); question.getTypeSpecificQuestion().consolidate(""); this.questionService.saveQuestion(question); } if (questionIdentifier != null && !allQuestions.containsKey(questionIdentifier)) allQuestions.put(questionIdentifier, question); return question; } /** * * @param file * @param embedMedia * @return */ private boolean findInEmbedMedia(String file, List<String> embedMedia) { boolean found = false; file = file.replace("\\", "/"); if (file.lastIndexOf("/") != -1) file = file.substring(file.lastIndexOf("/")).trim(); for (String m : embedMedia) { m = m.replace("\\", "/"); if (m.lastIndexOf("/") != -1) m = m.substring(m.lastIndexOf("/")).trim(); if (m.equalsIgnoreCase(file)) { found = true; break; } } return found; } /** * Find the Question type by identifying Interaction name. * * @param contentsDOM * @return * @throws Exception */ private String findInteraction(Document contentsDOM) throws Exception { String interaction = null; Element interactionElement = null; XPath interactionTypePath = new DOMXPath( "/assessmentItem/itemBody//*[contains(local-name(),'Interaction')]"); interaction = ((interactionElement = (Element) interactionTypePath.selectSingleNode(contentsDOM)) != null) ? interactionElement.getNodeName() : ""; return interaction; } /** * Find all interaction to check explain reason. If more than one kind of interaction like inlinechoice and textEntry then textEntry shows explain reason. * * @param contentsDOM * @return * @throws Exception */ private Set<String> findAllInteraction(Document contentsDOM) throws Exception { List<Element> interactionElements = new ArrayList<Element>(); Set<String> allTypesInteraction = new HashSet<String>(); XPath interactionTypePath = new DOMXPath( "/assessmentItem/itemBody//*[contains(local-name(),'Interaction')]"); interactionElements = interactionTypePath.selectNodes(contentsDOM); for (Element i : interactionElements) allTypesInteraction.add(i.getNodeName()); return allTypesInteraction; } /** * Pool description from metadata element * * @param doc * @return */ private String findPoolDescription(Document doc) { String poolDesc = ""; try { Element manifestElement = doc.getDocumentElement(); XPath metadataPath = new DOMXPath(".//*[contains(local-name(),'metadata')]"); Element metadataElement = (Element) metadataPath.selectSingleNode(manifestElement); XPath poolDescriptionPath = new DOMXPath(".//*[contains(local-name(),'description')]"); Element descElement = (Element) poolDescriptionPath.selectSingleNode(metadataElement); poolDesc = descElement.getTextContent().trim(); } catch (Exception ex) { M_log.debug("pool title exception" + ex.getMessage()); } return poolDesc; } private String findRightsInformation(Document doc) { String rights = ""; try { Element manifestElement = doc.getDocumentElement(); XPath metadataPath = new DOMXPath(".//*[contains(local-name(),'metadata')]"); Element metadataElement = (Element) metadataPath.selectSingleNode(manifestElement); XPath rightsPath = new DOMXPath(".//*[contains(local-name(),'rights')]"); Element rightElement = (Element) rightsPath.selectSingleNode(metadataElement); rights = rightElement.getTextContent().trim(); } catch (Exception ex) { M_log.debug("pool title exception" + ex.getMessage()); } return rights; } /** * Find exisiting same titles.If found append (copy X) * @param context * @param title * @return */ private String findAssessmentTitle(String context, String title) { String testTitle = "Untitled Assessment"; try { if (title != null && title.length() > 0) testTitle = title; List<Assessment> assessments = assessmentService.getContextAssessments(context, null, Boolean.FALSE); if (assessments == null || assessments.size() == 0) return testTitle; // if title exists then add (copy x) int sameTitle = 0; for (Assessment a : assessments) { String readTitle = a.getTitle(); if (readTitle.contains(testTitle)) { if (readTitle.equals(testTitle)) sameTitle++; else { readTitle = readTitle.replace(testTitle, ""); if (readTitle.contains("(copy")) sameTitle++; } } } if (sameTitle > 0) testTitle = testTitle + " (copy" + sameTitle + ")"; } catch (Exception ex) { M_log.debug("assessment title exception" + ex.getMessage()); } return testTitle; } /** * Find the title for pool * * @param doc * @return */ private String findPoolTitle(String context, String title, Document doc) { String poolTitle = "defaultPool"; try { if ("".equals(title)) { Element manifestElement = doc.getDocumentElement(); XPath metadataPath = new DOMXPath(".//*[contains(local-name(),'metadata')]"); Element metadataElement = (Element) metadataPath.selectSingleNode(manifestElement); if (metadataElement == null) return poolTitle; XPath poolTitlePath = new DOMXPath(".//*[contains(local-name(),'title')]"); Element titleElement = (Element) poolTitlePath.selectSingleNode(metadataElement); if (titleElement != null && titleElement.getTextContent().length() > 0) poolTitle = titleElement.getTextContent().trim(); if (poolTitle.length() > 255) poolTitle = poolTitle.substring(0, 245); } else poolTitle = title; List<Pool> pools = poolService.getAllPools(context); if (pools == null || pools.size() == 0) return poolTitle; // if title exists then add (copy x) int sameTitle = 0; for (Pool p : pools) { String readTitle = p.getTitle(); if (readTitle.contains(poolTitle)) { if (readTitle.equals(poolTitle)) sameTitle++; else { readTitle = readTitle.replace(poolTitle, ""); if (readTitle.contains("(copy")) sameTitle++; } } } if (sameTitle > 0) poolTitle = poolTitle + " (copy" + sameTitle + ")"; } catch (Exception ex) { M_log.debug("pool title exception" + ex.getMessage()); } return poolTitle; } /** * * @param testItem * @return */ private String findDescription(Element testItem) { try { XPath descPath = new DOMXPath(".//*[contains(local-name(),'description')]"); Element descElement = (Element) descPath.selectSingleNode(testItem); if (descElement != null) { // return descElement.getTextContent().trim(); descPath = new DOMXPath(".//*[contains(local-name(),'langstring')]"); descElement = (Element) descPath.selectSingleNode(descElement); if (descElement != null) return normalizeElementBody(descElement.getOwnerDocument(), descElement); } } catch (Exception e) { } return ""; } /** * * @param testItem * @return */ private AssessmentType findAssessmentType(Element testItem) { AssessmentType testType = AssessmentType.test; try { XPath typePath = new DOMXPath(".//*[contains(local-name(),'identifier')]"); Element typeElement = (Element) typePath.selectSingleNode(testItem); if (typeElement != null) { String type = typeElement.getTextContent(); if ("assignment".equals(type)) testType = AssessmentType.assignment; if ("survey".equals(type)) testType = AssessmentType.survey; } } catch (Exception e) { } return testType; } /** * * @param sectionElement * @return */ private String findPartOrderingShuffle(Element sectionElement) { NodeList orderingPath = sectionElement.getElementsByTagName("ordering"); if (orderingPath != null && orderingPath.getLength() > 0) { Element orderingElement = (Element) orderingPath.item(0); return orderingElement.getAttribute("shuffle"); } else return "false"; } /** * Find if Question is of survey type * @param testItem * @return */ private boolean findQuestionSurvey(Element testItem) { if (testItem == null) return false; try { XPath typePath = new DOMXPath(".//*[contains(local-name(),'identifier')]"); Element typeElement = (Element) typePath.selectSingleNode(testItem); if (typeElement != null) { String type = typeElement.getTextContent(); if (type != null && "survey".equals(type.trim())) return true; } } catch (Exception e) { } return false; } /** * return answer text if answerText is true. Multiple choice needs id and fill blanks need text. * @param response * @param contentsDOM * @return * @throws Exception */ private String getCorrectResponse(Element value, Document contentsDOM, boolean answerTextFlag) throws Exception { if (value == null) return ""; Element response = (Element) value.getParentNode().getParentNode(); String baseType = response.getAttribute("baseType"); String responseIdentifier = response.getAttribute("identifier"); // if basetype is string then value is the answer. If identifier then fetch the element with this identifier for answer. String answerText = ""; if (("string").equalsIgnoreCase(baseType) && value != null) { answerText = value.getTextContent(); } else if ("identifier".equalsIgnoreCase(baseType)) { // /assessmentItem/responseDeclaration[1]/correctResponse[1]/value[1] has identifier answerText = value.getTextContent(); if (answerTextFlag) { // sometimes answertext is also identifier XPath answerPath = new DOMXPath(".//*[@identifier='" + answerText + "']"); String checkIdentifier = answerPath.stringValueOf(contentsDOM); if (checkIdentifier != null && checkIdentifier != "" && checkIdentifier.length() != 0) answerText = checkIdentifier; } } else answerText = value.getTextContent(); return answerText; } /** * * @param contentsDOM * @param responseIdentifier * @param answerTextFlag * @return */ private List<String> getCorrectResponsefromResponseProcessing(Document contentsDOM, String responseIdentifier, boolean answerTextFlag) { ArrayList<String> correctResponses = new ArrayList<String>(); try { XPath answerPath = new DOMXPath( "/assessmentItem/responseProcessing/responseCondition//variable[@identifier='" + responseIdentifier + "']"); List<Element> answerIdElements = answerPath.selectNodes(contentsDOM); for (Element answerIdElement : answerIdElements) { // match element Element matchElement = (Element) answerIdElement.getParentNode(); answerPath = new DOMXPath(".//*[@baseType='identifier']"); answerIdElement = (Element) answerPath.selectSingleNode(matchElement); String answerIdentifier = answerIdElement.getTextContent(); // setoutcome element Element responseConditionElement = (Element) matchElement.getParentNode(); XPath outcomePath = new DOMXPath( ".//setOutcomeValue[contains(@identifier,'SCORE')] | .//setOutcomeValue[contains(@identifier,'score')] | .//setOutcomeValue[contains(@identifier,'Correct')]"); List<Element> scoreElements = outcomePath.selectNodes(responseConditionElement); String scoreValue = ""; for (Element score : scoreElements) { scoreValue = score.getTextContent(); if (scoreValue == null || scoreValue.equals("0") || scoreValue.equals("0.0") || scoreValue.startsWith("-")) continue; } if (scoreValue == null || scoreValue.equals("") || scoreValue.equals("0") || scoreValue.equals("0.0") || scoreValue.startsWith("-")) continue; if (!answerTextFlag) correctResponses.add(answerIdentifier); else { // get answer text answerPath = new DOMXPath(".//*[@identifier='" + answerIdentifier + "']"); correctResponses.add(answerPath.stringValueOf(contentsDOM)); } } } catch (Exception e) { // do nothing } return correctResponses; } /** * * @param dateStr * @return */ public Date getDateFromString(String dateStr) { Date date = null; try { if (dateStr == null || dateStr.length() == 0 || dateStr.equals("")) return null; SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"); date = sdf.parse(dateStr); } catch (ParseException e) { return null; } return date; } /** * * @param identifer * @param href * @param allQuestions * @return */ private Question getQuestionfromAllQuestions(String identifer, String href, HashMap<String, Question> allQuestions) { if (allQuestions == null) return null; Question question = null; if (allQuestions.containsKey(identifer)) question = allQuestions.get(identifer); if (question == null) { // Read Question.Xml file Document contentsDOM = Xml.readDocument(href); if (contentsDOM == null) return null; Element rootQuestion = contentsDOM.getDocumentElement(); String questionIdentifier = rootQuestion.getAttribute("identifier"); if (allQuestions.containsKey(questionIdentifier)) question = allQuestions.get(questionIdentifier); } return question; } /** * Get the correct answer hints * * @param contentsDOM * @return * @throws Exception */ private String getQuestionHints(Document contentsDOM) throws Exception { String hints = ""; XPath hintsPath = new DOMXPath( ".//feedbackInline[@identifier='Correct'] | .//feedbackBlock[@identifier='Correct']"); hints = hintsPath.stringValueOf(contentsDOM); XPath feedbackIdDeterminePath = new DOMXPath( "/assessmentItem/responseProcessing/setOutcomeValue[@identifier='FEEDBACK']/variable[@identifier='RESPONSE']"); String feedbackIdentifier = feedbackIdDeterminePath.stringValueOf(contentsDOM); if (feedbackIdentifier != null && feedbackIdentifier.length() > 0) { XPath correctAnswerPath = new DOMXPath("/assessmentItem/responseDeclaration/correctResponse/value"); String correctAnswerIdentifier = correctAnswerPath.stringValueOf(contentsDOM); if (correctAnswerIdentifier != null && correctAnswerIdentifier.length() > 0) { hintsPath = new DOMXPath(".//feedbackInline[@identifier='" + correctAnswerIdentifier + "']"); hints = hintsPath.stringValueOf(contentsDOM); } } else { feedbackIdDeterminePath = new DOMXPath( "/assessmentItem/responseProcessing/responseIf/setOutcomeValue[@identifier='FEEDBACK']/baseValue"); feedbackIdentifier = feedbackIdDeterminePath.stringValueOf(contentsDOM); if (feedbackIdentifier != null && feedbackIdentifier.length() > 0) { hintsPath = new DOMXPath(".//feedbackInline[@identifier='" + feedbackIdentifier + "']"); hints = hintsPath.stringValueOf(contentsDOM); } } return hints; } /** * BringIn embed media from instrcutions * * @param unzipBackUpLocation * @param context * @param text * @param embedMedia * @return * @throws Exception */ private String processInstructionsEmbedMedia(String unzipBackUpLocation, String context, String text, List<String> embedMedia) throws Exception { Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(src|href)[\\s]*=[\\s]*\"([^#\"]*)([#\"])", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.UNICODE_CASE); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); Matcher m = p.matcher(text); while (m.find()) { if (m.groupCount() != 3) continue; String fileName =; if (embedMedia != null) embedMedia.add(fileName); // add to collection Reference ref = transferEmbeddedData(unzipBackUpLocation + File.separator + fileName, fileName, context); if (ref == null) continue; // replace with collection Url String ref_id = attachmentService.processMnemeUrls(ref.getId()); m.appendReplacement(sb, + "= \"" + ref_id + "\""); } m.appendTail(sb); return sb.toString(); } /** * Find embed media from question text and bring it in * @param itemBodyElement * @param unzipBackUpLocation * @param context * @param embedMedia * @throws Exception */ private void processEmbedMedia(Element itemBodyElement, String unzipBackUpLocation, String context, List<String> embedMedia) throws Exception { List<Element> objects = new ArrayList<Element>(); if (itemBodyElement.getNodeName().equals("object") || itemBodyElement.getNodeName().equals("img") || itemBodyElement.getNodeName().equals("a")) { objects.add(itemBodyElement); } else { XPath objectPath = new DOMXPath(".//object|.//img|.//a"); objects = objectPath.selectNodes(itemBodyElement); } if (objects == null || objects.size() == 0) return; for (Element obj : objects) { // find fileName String fileName = null; if (obj.getNodeName().equals("object")) fileName = obj.getAttribute("data"); else if (obj.getNodeName().equals("img")) fileName = obj.getAttribute("src"); else if (obj.getNodeName().equals("a")) fileName = obj.getAttribute("href"); // add to collection Reference ref = transferEmbeddedData(unzipBackUpLocation + File.separator + fileName, fileName, context); if (ref == null) continue; // replace with collection Url String ref_id = attachmentService.processMnemeUrls(ref.getId()); if (ref_id != null && obj.getNodeName().equals("object")) obj.setAttribute("data", ref_id); else if (ref_id != null && obj.getNodeName().equals("img")) obj.setAttribute("src", ref_id); else if (ref_id != null && obj.getNodeName().equals("a")) obj.setAttribute("href", ref_id); if (embedMedia != null) embedMedia.add(fileName); } } /** * Build the question presentation text. Its important to remove inline feedback text and interaction text while creating this text. * * @param contentsDOM * @param itemBodyElement * @param interaction * @return * @throws Exception */ private String processQuestionText(String context, Document contentsDOM, Element itemElement, List<String> embedMedia, String interaction, String unzipBackUpLocation) throws Exception { String text = ""; if (itemElement == null) return text; boolean fillBlanks = ("inlineChoiceInteraction".equalsIgnoreCase(interaction) || "textEntryInteraction".equalsIgnoreCase(interaction)) ? true : false; Element itemBodyElement = (Element) itemElement.cloneNode(true); List<Element> interactionElements = new ArrayList<Element>(); // embed images processEmbedMedia(itemBodyElement, unzipBackUpLocation, context, embedMedia); itemBodyElement = removeFeedback(itemBodyElement); if (interaction == null || "".equals(interaction)) return normalizeElementBody(contentsDOM, itemBodyElement); XPath interactionPath = new DOMXPath(".//" + interaction); interactionElements = interactionPath.selectNodes(itemBodyElement); if (interactionElements == null || interactionElements.size() == 0) return normalizeElementBody(contentsDOM, itemBodyElement); // add prompt or block quote inside interaction to question text for (Element i : interactionElements) { String additionalText = ""; XPath promptPath = new DOMXPath("prompt|blockquote"); List<Element> prompts = promptPath.selectNodes(i); for (Element prompt : prompts) { additionalText = additionalText.concat(normalizeElementBody(contentsDOM, prompt)); } if (fillBlanks) { Element replaceDivElement = contentsDOM.createElement("div"); i.setTextContent(additionalText + "{}"); itemBodyElement.appendChild(replaceDivElement); } else i.setTextContent(additionalText); } // normalize all child nodes and create a string String content = normalizeElementBody(contentsDOM, itemBodyElement); return content; } /** * read each node and write it as is. * * @param doc * @param itemBodyElement * @return */ private String normalizeElementBody(Document doc, Element itemBodyElement) { if (itemBodyElement == null) return ""; try { doc.getDocumentElement().normalize(); DocumentTraversal traversal = (DocumentTraversal) doc; NodeIterator iterator = traversal.createNodeIterator(itemBodyElement, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT, null, true); for (Node n = iterator.nextNode(); n != null; n = iterator.nextNode()) { String tagname = ((Element) n).getTagName(); if (tagname.equalsIgnoreCase(itemBodyElement.getTagName())) { StringBuilder textContent = new StringBuilder(); String nodeContent = getAllLevelsTextContent(n, textContent, false, null, null, null); return nodeContent; } } } catch (Exception e) { return itemBodyElement.getTextContent(); } return itemBodyElement.getTextContent(); } /** * For unsupported question , get the whole text along with options. * @param doc * @param itemBodyElement * @param wholeText * @param unzipLocation * @param context * @param embedMedia * @return */ private String normalizeItemBodyElement(Document doc, Element itemBodyElement, boolean wholeText, String unzipLocation, String context, List<String> embedMedia) { if (itemBodyElement == null) return ""; try { doc.getDocumentElement().normalize(); DocumentTraversal traversal = (DocumentTraversal) doc; NodeIterator iterator = traversal.createNodeIterator(itemBodyElement, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT, null, true); for (Node n = iterator.nextNode(); n != null; n = iterator.nextNode()) { String tagname = ((Element) n).getTagName(); if (tagname.equalsIgnoreCase(itemBodyElement.getTagName())) { StringBuilder textContent = new StringBuilder(); String nodeContent = getAllLevelsTextContent(n, textContent, wholeText, unzipLocation, context, embedMedia); return nodeContent; } } } catch (Exception e) { return itemBodyElement.getTextContent(); } return itemBodyElement.getTextContent(); } /** * * @param node * @param textContent * @return */ private String getAllLevelsTextContent(Node node, StringBuilder textContent, boolean wholeText, String unzipLocation, String context, List<String> embedMedia) { NodeList list = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); ++i) { Node child = list.item(i); String childTagName = child.getNodeName(); if (child.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) { textContent.append(child.getTextContent()); } if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { if (wholeText && ("img".equalsIgnoreCase(childTagName) || "a".equalsIgnoreCase(childTagName) || "object".equalsIgnoreCase(childTagName))) { try { processEmbedMedia((Element) child, unzipLocation, context, embedMedia); } catch (Exception e) { // do nothing } } if (!wholeText && child.getNodeName().contains("Interaction")) { if (child.getTextContent() != null) textContent.append(child.getTextContent()); } else if (child.getNodeName().contains("feedback")) { // do nothing skip it } else if (child.getNodeName().contains("printedVariable")) { Element printedVariableTemplate = null; Element currNodeElement = (Element) child; String id = currNodeElement.getAttribute("identifier"); try { XPath printedPath = new DOMXPath( ".//setTemplateValue[@identifier='" + id + "']//randomInteger"); printedVariableTemplate = (Element) printedPath.selectSingleNode(child.getOwnerDocument()); } catch (Exception e) { printedVariableTemplate = null; } if (printedVariableTemplate != null) textContent.append(this.messages.getString("import_qti2_printedVariable_text") + printedVariableTemplate.getAttribute("min") + " - " + printedVariableTemplate.getAttribute("max") + " " + this.messages.getString("import_qti2_printedVariable_text2")); } else { textContent.append("<" + child.getNodeName()); if (child.hasAttributes()) { NamedNodeMap attrs = child.getAttributes(); for (int k = 0; k < attrs.getLength(); k++) { Node attr = attrs.item(k); textContent.append(" " + attr.getNodeName() + " = \"" + attr.getTextContent() + "\" "); } } textContent.append(">"); getAllLevelsTextContent(child, textContent, wholeText, unzipLocation, context, embedMedia); textContent.append("</" + child.getNodeName() + ">"); } } } return textContent.toString(); } /** * Create essay type question * * @param essay * @param text * @param contentsDOM * @return * @throws Exception */ private Question buildEssay(Pool pool, String text, String interactionText, Document contentsDOM) throws Exception { String modelAnswer = ""; SubmissionType setting = SubmissionType.inline; List<Element> interactions = null; boolean essayType = false; // correct answer XPath identifierPath = new DOMXPath("/assessmentItem/responseDeclaration/correctResponse/value"); List<Element> values = identifierPath.selectNodes(contentsDOM); if (interactionText != null) { XPath interactionPath = new DOMXPath(".//" + interactionText); interactions = interactionPath.selectNodes(contentsDOM); // check if fill in blanks or essay. If one text entry and no correct response then essay if ("textEntryInteraction".equals(interactionText) && interactions.size() == 1 && values.size() == 0) essayType = true; if ("extendedTextInteraction".equals(interactionText)) essayType = true; if ("uploadInteraction".equals(interactionText)) essayType = true; } XPath itemBodyPath = new DOMXPath(".//itemBody"); Element itemBody = (Element) itemBodyPath.selectSingleNode(contentsDOM); // if (containsPrintedText(itemBody))essayType = true; if (interactions == null || !essayType) return null; // submission type XPath responsePath = new DOMXPath("/assessmentItem/responseDeclaration"); Element responseElement = (Element) responsePath.selectSingleNode(contentsDOM); String baseType = (responseElement != null && responseElement.getAttribute("baseType") != null) ? responseElement.getAttribute("baseType") : null; if ("file".equals(baseType)) setting = SubmissionType.attachments; if (values != null) { for (Element value : values) { modelAnswer = modelAnswer.concat(value.getTextContent()); } } Question question = this.questionService.newQuestion(pool, "mneme:Essay"); EssayQuestionImpl essay = (EssayQuestionImpl) (question.getTypeSpecificQuestion()); text = text.replace("{}", ""); question.getPresentation().setText(text); essay.setModelAnswer(modelAnswer); essay.setSubmissionType(setting); question.getTypeSpecificQuestion().consolidate(""); return question; } /** * Build Fill in the blanks question * * @param question * @param text * @param contentsDOM * @return * @throws Exception */ private Question buildFillBlanks(Pool pool, String text, String interactionText, Document contentsDOM) throws Exception { if (!(("textEntryInteraction").equalsIgnoreCase(interactionText) || ("inlineChoiceInteraction").equalsIgnoreCase(interactionText))) return null; // choice interaction XPath interactionPath = new DOMXPath(".//" + interactionText); List<Element> interactions = interactionPath.selectNodes(contentsDOM); if (interactions == null || interactions.size() == 0) return null; // correct answer XPath responsePath = new DOMXPath("/assessmentItem/responseDeclaration"); List<Element> responses = responsePath.selectNodes(contentsDOM); Boolean responseTextual = null; if (responses != null) { for (Element response : responses) { String answerText = ""; XPath valuePath = new DOMXPath(".//correctResponse/value"); Element value = (Element) valuePath.selectSingleNode(response); // if response declaration has correct answer if (value != null) { answerText = getCorrectResponse(value, contentsDOM, true); } else { // get correct answers from RequestProcessing List<String> answers = getCorrectResponsefromResponseProcessing(contentsDOM, response.getAttribute("identifier"), true); if (answers != null && answers.size() > 0) answerText = answers.get(0); } text = text.replaceFirst("\\{\\}", "{" + answerText + "}"); if (responseTextual == null) responseTextual = checkIfTextualorNumeric(answerText); else responseTextual = (responseTextual || checkIfTextualorNumeric(answerText)); } } return buildMnemeFillBlanks(pool, responseTextual, text); } /** * Check if answer is textual or numeric * * @param check * String to check * @return false if numeric */ private boolean checkIfTextualorNumeric(String check) { try { Float.parseFloat(check.trim()); return false; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return true; } } /** * If text contains printedVariable then make it as Essay Question * @param itemBody * @return */ private boolean containsPrintedText(Element itemBody) { boolean printedVariable = false; try { XPath printedPath = new DOMXPath(".//printedVariable"); List<Element> variables = printedPath.selectNodes(itemBody); if (variables != null && variables.size() > 0) printedVariable = true; } catch (Exception e) { printedVariable = false; } return printedVariable; } /** * * @param randomDraw * @param randomCount * @param context * @param sectionIdentifier * @param contentsDOM * @param part * @param allPools * @param allQuestions * @return */ private Part buildRandomDrawPart(boolean randomDraw, int randomCount, String context, String sectionIdentifier, String unzipLocation, Document contentsDOM, Part part, HashMap<String, Pool> allPools, HashMap<String, Question> allQuestions, HashMap<String, String> allQuestionPoints) { try { if (!randomDraw) return part; // find all questions XPath assessmentItemRefPath = new DOMXPath( ".//assessmentSection[@identifier='" + sectionIdentifier + "']/assessmentItemRef"); List<Element> optionalQuestions = assessmentItemRefPath.selectNodes(contentsDOM); // create randomPool for these questions XPath assessmentSectionPath = new DOMXPath( ".//assessmentSection[@identifier='" + sectionIdentifier + "']"); Element section = (Element) assessmentSectionPath.selectSingleNode(contentsDOM); String randomPoolTitle = (section != null) ? section.getAttribute("title") : part.getId() + "_randomPool"; Pool randomPool = poolService.newPool(context); randomPool.setTitle(findPoolTitle(context, randomPoolTitle, contentsDOM)); // store draw count for each pool HashMap<String, Integer> countDrawQuestions = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); HashMap<String, String> pointDrawQuestions = new HashMap<String, String>(); // for each question for (Element questionElement : optionalQuestions) { Question question = null; // if question is required skip it, already added as pickDetail String required = questionElement.getAttribute("required"); if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(required)) continue; // check identifier String identifer = questionElement.getAttribute("identifier"); String href = questionElement.getAttribute("href"); question = getQuestionfromAllQuestions(identifer, unzipLocation + File.separator + href, allQuestions); if (question == null) continue; // if already in etudes pool - count it if (identifer.indexOf(":") != -1) { if (!"false".equalsIgnoreCase(required)) continue; String poolId = identifer.substring(0, identifer.indexOf(":")); pointDrawQuestions.put(poolId, allQuestionPoints.get(identifer)); if (countDrawQuestions.containsKey(poolId)) { Integer count = countDrawQuestions.get(poolId); countDrawQuestions.put(poolId, count.intValue() + 1); } else countDrawQuestions.put(poolId, new Integer("1")); } // otherwise copy from defaultpool to randomPool else { questionService.moveQuestion(question, randomPool); pointDrawQuestions.put(randomPool.getId(), allQuestionPoints.get(identifer)); } } // add draw detail if (countDrawQuestions.size() > 0) { // for etudes different pools Iterator<String> iter = countDrawQuestions.keySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String id =; PoolDraw draw = part.addDrawDetail(allPools.get(id), countDrawQuestions.get(id)); // points draw.setEffectivePoints(points) if (pointDrawQuestions.get(id) != null && countDrawQuestions.get(id) != null) draw.setEffectivePoints( Float.parseFloat(pointDrawQuestions.get(id)) * countDrawQuestions.get(id)); } } else { // for other packages poolService.savePool(randomPool); PoolDraw draw = part.addDrawDetail(randomPool, randomCount); if (pointDrawQuestions.get(randomPool.getId()) != null) draw.setEffectivePoints( Float.parseFloat(pointDrawQuestions.get(randomPool.getId())) * randomCount); return part; } } catch (Exception e) { } return part; } /** * Create Task when there is no interaction * * @param question * @param text * @param contentsDOM * @return * @throws Exception */ private Question buildTask(Pool pool, String text, String interactionText, Document contentsDOM) throws Exception { Question question = this.questionService.newQuestion(pool, "mneme:Task"); question.getPresentation().setText(text); question.getTypeSpecificQuestion().consolidate(""); return question; } /** * Create likert scale question * * @param pool * @param text * @param interactionText * @param contentsDOM * @return * @throws Exception */ private Question buildLikertScaleChoice(Pool pool, String text, String interactionText, Document contentsDOM) throws Exception { if (interactionText == null || !interactionText.equals("choiceInteraction")) return null; XPath scalePath = new DOMXPath(".//correctResponse/value"); String scale = scalePath.stringValueOf(contentsDOM); if (scale == null || scale.length() == 0) { XPath simpleChoicesPath = new DOMXPath("//simpleChoice"); List<Element> choiceList = (List<Element>) simpleChoicesPath.selectNodes(contentsDOM); List<String> answerChoices = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Element Choice : choiceList) { String label = normalizeElementBody(contentsDOM, Choice); answerChoices.add(label); } } Question question = this.questionService.newQuestion(pool, "mneme:LikertScale"); LikertScaleQuestionImpl mc = (LikertScaleQuestionImpl) (question.getTypeSpecificQuestion()); question.getPresentation().setText(text); if (scale != null && scale.length() > 0) mc.setScale(scale); question.getTypeSpecificQuestion().consolidate(""); return question; } /** * Create match type question when interaction is matchInteraction or associateInteraction * * @param question * @param text * @param contentsDOM * @return * @throws Exception */ private Question buildMatch(Pool pool, String text, String interactionText, Document contentsDOM) throws Exception { if (!(("matchInteraction").equals(interactionText) || ("associateInteraction").equals(interactionText))) return null; XPath responsePath = new DOMXPath("/assessmentItem/responseDeclaration"); Element responseElement = (Element) responsePath.selectSingleNode(contentsDOM); String baseType = (responseElement != null && responseElement.getAttribute("baseType") != null) ? responseElement.getAttribute("baseType") : null; if (!("directedPair".equalsIgnoreCase(baseType) || "Pair".equalsIgnoreCase(baseType))) return null; // match interaction XPath choicesPath = new DOMXPath("/assessmentItem/itemBody//" + interactionText); Element choices = (Element) choicesPath.selectSingleNode(contentsDOM); // correct answer XPath identifierPath = new DOMXPath("/assessmentItem/responseDeclaration/correctResponse/value"); List<Element> values = (List<Element>) identifierPath.selectNodes(contentsDOM); if (choices == null || values == null) return null; // if one maxAssociation then create MC Question int maxAssociations = 0; if (!"".equals(choices.getAttribute("maxAssociations"))) maxAssociations = Integer.parseInt(choices.getAttribute("maxAssociations")); if (maxAssociations == 1 || values.size() == 1) return buildMultipleChoiceFromMatch(pool, text, values, interactionText, contentsDOM); Question question = this.questionService.newQuestion(pool, "mneme:Match"); MatchQuestionImpl mc = (MatchQuestionImpl) (question.getTypeSpecificQuestion()); mc = buildMatchforAssociate(values, choices, interactionText, contentsDOM, mc); if (text == null || text.equals("")) text = "Match the equivalent:"; question.getPresentation().setText(text); // save question.getTypeSpecificQuestion().consolidate(""); return question; } /** * * @param correctValues * @param interactionText * @param contentsDOM * @param mc * @return * @throws Exception */ private MatchQuestionImpl buildMatchforAssociate(List<Element> correctValues, Element choices, String interactionText, Document contentsDOM, MatchQuestionImpl mc) throws Exception { if (!(("matchInteraction").equals(interactionText) || ("associateInteraction").equals(interactionText))) return mc; ArrayList<Element> matchDone = new ArrayList<Element>(); int maxAssociations = 0; maxAssociations = Integer.parseInt(choices.getAttribute("maxAssociations")); int doneAssociation = 0; for (Element value : correctValues) { String valuePair = value.getTextContent(); if (valuePair == null) continue; String[] parts = StringUtil.split(valuePair, " "); if (parts.length == 2) { String labelIdentifier1 = parts[0]; String labelIdentifier2 = parts[1]; XPath choicePath = new DOMXPath( ".//simpleAssociableChoice[@identifier='" + labelIdentifier1 + "']"); Element choice1 = (Element) choicePath.selectSingleNode(contentsDOM); String choiceLabel1 = normalizeElementBody(contentsDOM, choice1); matchDone.add(choice1); XPath choicePath2 = new DOMXPath( "/assessmentItem/itemBody//simpleAssociableChoice[@identifier='" + labelIdentifier2 + "']"); Element choice2 = (Element) choicePath2.selectSingleNode(contentsDOM); String choiceLabel2 = normalizeElementBody(contentsDOM, choice2); matchDone.add(choice2); if (choiceLabel1 != null && choiceLabel2 != null) { mc.addPair(choiceLabel1, choiceLabel2); } } doneAssociation++; } // distractor XPath choicePath = new DOMXPath(".//simpleAssociableChoice"); List<Element> allChoices = choicePath.selectNodes(contentsDOM); for (Element c : allChoices) { if (!matchDone.contains(c)) mc.setDistractor(normalizeElementBody(contentsDOM, c)); } return mc; } /** * * @param pool * @param text * @param interactionText * @param unzipLocation * @param context * @param contentsDOM * @return * @throws Exception */ private Question buildMatchforManyMultipleChoice(Pool pool, String text, String interactionText, Document contentsDOM) throws Exception { if (!("choiceInteraction").equals(interactionText)) return null; // number of choice interaction XPath choicesPath = new DOMXPath("/assessmentItem/itemBody//" + interactionText); List<Element> choices = choicesPath.selectNodes(contentsDOM); if (choices == null || choices.size() <= 1) return null; Question question = this.questionService.newQuestion(pool, "mneme:Match"); MatchQuestionImpl mc = (MatchQuestionImpl) (question.getTypeSpecificQuestion()); // for finding distractors ArrayList<String> choiceStrings = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Element choice : choices) { String choice1 = ""; XPath promptPath = new DOMXPath(".//prompt|.//blockquote"); List<Element> prompts = promptPath.selectNodes(choice); for (Element prompt : prompts) { choice1 = choice1.concat(normalizeElementBody(contentsDOM, prompt)); } //choice 2 from responseDeclaration String choiceIdentifier = choice.getAttribute("responseIdentifier"); if (choiceIdentifier == null || choiceIdentifier.length() == 0) continue; XPath responsePath = new DOMXPath("/assessmentItem/responseDeclaration[@identifier='" + choiceIdentifier + "']/correctResponse/value"); Element responseElement = (Element) responsePath.selectSingleNode(contentsDOM); String choice2 = ""; // if response declaration has correct answer if (responseElement != null) { choice2 = getCorrectResponse(responseElement, contentsDOM, false); } else { // get correct answers from RequestProcessing List<String> correctAnswerChoices = getCorrectResponsefromResponseProcessing(contentsDOM, choiceIdentifier, true); if (correctAnswerChoices != null && correctAnswerChoices.size() > 0) choice2 = correctAnswerChoices.get(0); } choiceStrings.add(choice2); mc.addPair(choice1, choice2); } // find distractor /* XPath distractorPath = new DOMXPath(".//simpleChoice"); List<Element> distractors = distractorPath.selectNodes(contentsDOM); for (Element distractor : distractors) { String dist_text = normalizeElementBody(contentsDOM, distractor); if (!choiceStrings.contains(dist_text)) mc.setDistractor(dist_text); }*/ if (text == null || text.equals("")) text = "Match the equivalent:"; question.getPresentation().setText(text); // save question.getTypeSpecificQuestion().consolidate(""); return question; } /** * * @param correctValues * @param interactionText * @param contentsDOM * @param mc * @return * @throws Exception */ private Question buildFillBlankforGapText(Pool pool, String text, String interactionText, Document contentsDOM) throws Exception { if (!("gapMatchInteraction").equals(interactionText)) return null; String questionText = ""; // correct answer XPath identifierPath = new DOMXPath("/assessmentItem/responseDeclaration/correctResponse/value"); List<Element> values = identifierPath.selectNodes(contentsDOM); XPath gapInteractionPath = new DOMXPath("/assessmentItem/itemBody//gapMatchInteraction"); Element gapInteractionElement = (Element) gapInteractionPath.selectSingleNode(contentsDOM); String interactionIdentifier = gapInteractionElement.getAttribute("responseIdentifier"); // The bandit killed her <gap identifier="G1"/> XPath gapPath = new DOMXPath("/assessmentItem/itemBody//gap"); List<Element> gaps = gapPath.selectNodes(contentsDOM); for (Element gap : gaps) { String identifier = gap.getAttribute("identifier"); String otherId = ""; XPath responseValuePath = new DOMXPath("/assessmentItem/responseDeclaration[@identifier='" + interactionIdentifier + "']/correctResponse/value[contains(text(),'" + identifier + "')]"); Element value = (Element) responseValuePath.selectSingleNode(contentsDOM); if (value != null) { String valuePair = value.getTextContent(); otherId = valuePair.replace(identifier, "").trim(); } else { List<String> answers = getCorrectResponsefromResponseProcessing(contentsDOM, interactionIdentifier, false); if (answers != null && answers.size() > 0) otherId = answers.get(0); } // <gapText identifier="F" matchMax="1">family</gapText> if ("".equals(otherId)) continue; XPath idPath = new DOMXPath(".//gapText[@identifier='" + otherId + "']"); Element gapTextElement = (Element) idPath.selectSingleNode(contentsDOM); String choiceLabel2 = normalizeElementBody(contentsDOM, gapTextElement); gap.setTextContent("{" + choiceLabel2 + "}"); } // add hints XPath gaptextPath = new DOMXPath(".//gapText"); List<Element> allGapTexts = gaptextPath.selectNodes(contentsDOM); String hints = ""; for (Element g : allGapTexts) { hints = hints.concat("\t" + normalizeElementBody(contentsDOM, g)); g.setTextContent(""); } XPath itemBodyPath = new DOMXPath("/assessmentItem/itemBody"); Element itemBodyElement = (Element) itemBodyPath.selectSingleNode(contentsDOM); questionText = normalizeElementBody(contentsDOM, itemBodyElement); Question question = buildMnemeFillBlanks(pool, true, questionText); question.setHints(hints); return question; } /** * * @param pool * @param text * @param interactionText * @param contentsDOM * @return * @throws Exception */ private Question buildFillBlankforOrdered(Pool pool, String text, String interactionText, Document contentsDOM) throws Exception { if (!"orderInteraction".equals(interactionText)) return null; // correct answer XPath responseDeclarePath = new DOMXPath("/assessmentItem/responseDeclaration"); // choice interaction XPath choicesPath = new DOMXPath("/assessmentItem/itemBody//" + interactionText); Element choices = (Element) choicesPath.selectSingleNode(contentsDOM); if (choices == null) return null; // correct answer XPath identifierPath = new DOMXPath("/assessmentItem/responseDeclaration/correctResponse/value"); List<Element> values = identifierPath.selectNodes(contentsDOM); XPath simpleChoicesPath = new DOMXPath("//simpleChoice"); List<Element> choiceList = simpleChoicesPath.selectNodes(contentsDOM); text = text.concat("\n <table width='55%' border='0'>"); for (Element Choice : choiceList) { String id = Choice.getAttribute("identifier"); String label = normalizeElementBody(contentsDOM, Choice); text = text.concat("<tr><td><b>" + id + "</b> </td><td>" + label + "</td></tr>"); } text = text.concat("</table> \n Enter the letters in the correct order "); int i = 1; if (values != null) { for (Element value : values) { String correctValue = getCorrectResponse(value, contentsDOM, false); if (i != values.size()) text = text.concat("{" + correctValue + "},"); else text = text.concat("{" + correctValue + "}."); i++; } } return buildMnemeFillBlanks(pool, true, text); } /** * * @param pool * @param text * @param interactionText * @param contentsDOM * @return * @throws Exception */ private Question buildMultipleChoiceforUnsupported(Pool pool, String text, String unzipLocation, String context, Document contentsDOM) throws Exception { // text has all content XPath itemPath = new DOMXPath(".//itemBody"); Element item = (Element) itemPath.selectSingleNode(contentsDOM); List<String> bringMedia = new ArrayList<String>(); text = normalizeItemBodyElement(contentsDOM, item, true, unzipLocation, context, bringMedia); int maxChoices = 1; boolean shuffle = false; List<String> answerChoices = new ArrayList<String>(); Set<Integer> correctAnswers = new HashSet<Integer>(); return buildMnemeMultipleChoice(pool, text, maxChoices, shuffle, answerChoices, correctAnswers); } /** * * @param pool * @param text * @param correctValues * @param interactionText * @param contentsDOM * @return * @throws Exception */ private Question buildMultipleChoiceFromMatch(Pool pool, String text, List<Element> correctValues, String interactionText, Document contentsDOM) throws Exception { if (!(("matchInteraction").equals(interactionText) || ("associateInteraction").equals(interactionText))) return null; List<String> answerChoices = new ArrayList<String>(); Set<Integer> correctAnswers = new HashSet<Integer>(); String[] parts = null; for (Element value : correctValues) { String valuePair = value.getTextContent(); if (valuePair == null) continue; parts = StringUtil.split(valuePair, " "); } int i = 0; XPath choicePath = new DOMXPath(".//simpleAssociableChoice"); List<Element> allChoices = choicePath.selectNodes(contentsDOM); for (Element c : allChoices) { String id = c.getAttribute("identifier"); answerChoices.add(normalizeElementBody(contentsDOM, c)); if (parts[1].contains(id)) { text = text.concat(normalizeElementBody(contentsDOM, c)); continue; } if (parts[0].contains(id)) correctAnswers.add(i); i++; } return buildMnemeMultipleChoice(pool, text, 1, false, answerChoices, correctAnswers); } /** * Create Multiple Choice Question when interaction is Choice and more than 2 choices. * * @param mc * @param text * @param contentsDOM * @return * @throws Exception */ private Question buildMultipleChoice(Pool pool, String text, String interactionText, Document contentsDOM) throws Exception { if (!("choiceInteraction").equals(interactionText)) return null; // correct answer XPath responseDeclarePath = new DOMXPath("/assessmentItem/responseDeclaration"); Element responseDeclare = (Element) responseDeclarePath.selectSingleNode(contentsDOM); String cardinality = (responseDeclare.getAttribute("cardinality") != null) ? responseDeclare.getAttribute("cardinality") : null; String basetype = (responseDeclare.getAttribute("baseType") != null) ? responseDeclare.getAttribute("baseType") : null; // choice interaction XPath choicesPath = new DOMXPath("/assessmentItem/itemBody//" + interactionText); Element choices = (Element) choicesPath.selectSingleNode(contentsDOM); if (choices == null) return null; // correct answer XPath identifierPath = new DOMXPath("/assessmentItem/responseDeclaration/correctResponse/value"); List<Element> values = identifierPath.selectNodes(contentsDOM); XPath simpleChoicesPath = new DOMXPath("//simpleChoice"); List<Element> choiceList = simpleChoicesPath.selectNodes(contentsDOM); if (!("identifier".equalsIgnoreCase(basetype) && cardinality != null && choiceList.size() > 0)) return null; int maxChoices = (choices.getAttribute("maxChoices") != null && choices.getAttribute("maxChoices").length() > 0) ? Integer.parseInt(choices.getAttribute("maxChoices")) : 1; boolean shuffle = (choices.getAttribute("shuffle") != null) ? Boolean.parseBoolean(choices.getAttribute("shuffle")) : false; List<String> answerChoices = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> correctAnswerChoices = new ArrayList<String>(); Set<Integer> correctAnswers = new HashSet<Integer>(); // if response declaration has correct answer if (values != null && values.size() > 0) { for (Element value : values) correctAnswerChoices.add(getCorrectResponse(value, contentsDOM, false)); } else { // get correct answers from RequestProcessing correctAnswerChoices = getCorrectResponsefromResponseProcessing(contentsDOM, choices.getAttribute("responseIdentifier"), false); } int i = 0; for (Element Choice : choiceList) { String id = Choice.getAttribute("identifier"); String label = normalizeElementBody(contentsDOM, Choice); answerChoices.add(label); if (correctAnswerChoices.contains(id)) correctAnswers.add(i); i++; } if (maxChoices < correctAnswers.size()) maxChoices = correctAnswers.size(); return buildMnemeMultipleChoice(pool, text, maxChoices, shuffle, answerChoices, correctAnswers); } /** * * @param pool * @param responseTextual * @param text * @return * @throws Exception */ private Question buildMnemeFillBlanks(Pool pool, Boolean responseTextual, String text) throws Exception { Question question = this.questionService.newQuestion(pool, "mneme:FillBlanks"); FillBlanksQuestionImpl fb = (FillBlanksQuestionImpl) (question.getTypeSpecificQuestion()); fb.setText(text); // case sensitive fb.setCaseSensitive(Boolean.FALSE.toString()); // mutually exclusive fb.setAnyOrder(Boolean.FALSE.toString()); // text or numeric if (responseTextual == null) responseTextual = true; fb.setResponseTextual(responseTextual.toString()); question.getPresentation().setText(text); question.getTypeSpecificQuestion().consolidate(""); return question; } /** * Commonly used method to create mneme's multiple choice question * * @param pool * @param text * @param maxChoices * @param shuffle * @param values * @param answerChoices * @param correctAnswers * @return */ private Question buildMnemeMultipleChoice(Pool pool, String text, int maxChoices, boolean shuffle, List<String> answerChoices, Set<Integer> correctAnswers) throws Exception { Question question = this.questionService.newQuestion(pool, "mneme:MultipleChoice"); MultipleChoiceQuestionImpl mc = (MultipleChoiceQuestionImpl) (question.getTypeSpecificQuestion()); question.getPresentation().setText(text); boolean singleCorrect = false; if (maxChoices < 1 || correctAnswers.size() <= 1) singleCorrect = true; mc.setSingleCorrect(new Boolean(singleCorrect).toString()); mc.setShuffleChoices(new Boolean(shuffle).toString()); mc.setAnswerChoices(answerChoices); mc.setCorrectAnswerSet(correctAnswers); question.getTypeSpecificQuestion().consolidate(""); return question; } /** * Create True False question when interaction is choiceInteraction and 2 choices. * * @param tf * @param text * @param contentsDOM * @return * @throws Exception */ private Question buildTrueFalse(Pool pool, String text, String interactionText, Document contentsDOM) throws Exception { if (interactionText == null || !interactionText.equals("choiceInteraction")) return null; XPath responseDeclarePath = new DOMXPath("/assessmentItem/responseDeclaration"); Element responseDeclare = (Element) responseDeclarePath.selectSingleNode(contentsDOM); String cardinality = (responseDeclare.getAttribute("cardinality") != null) ? responseDeclare.getAttribute("cardinality") : null; String basetype = (responseDeclare.getAttribute("baseType") != null) ? responseDeclare.getAttribute("baseType") : null; // choice interaction XPath choicesPath = new DOMXPath("/assessmentItem/itemBody//choiceInteraction"); Element choices = (Element) choicesPath.selectSingleNode(contentsDOM); if (choices == null) return null; XPath identifierPath = new DOMXPath("/assessmentItem/responseDeclaration/correctResponse/value"); List<Element> values = identifierPath.selectNodes(contentsDOM); XPath simpleChoicesPath = new DOMXPath("//simpleChoice"); List<Element> choiceList = simpleChoicesPath.selectNodes(contentsDOM); // check for true/false traits if (!("identifier".equalsIgnoreCase(basetype) && cardinality != null && choiceList.size() == 2)) return null; List<String> answerChoices = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> correctAnswerChoices = new ArrayList<String>(); String correctAnswer = null; // if response declaration has correct answer if (values != null && values.size() > 0) { for (Element value : values) correctAnswerChoices.add(getCorrectResponse(value, contentsDOM, false)); } else { // get correct answers from RequestProcessing correctAnswerChoices = getCorrectResponsefromResponseProcessing(contentsDOM, choices.getAttribute("responseIdentifier"), false); } for (Element Choice : choiceList) { Element ChoiceCopy = (Element) Choice.cloneNode(true); ChoiceCopy = removeFeedback(ChoiceCopy); String id = ChoiceCopy.getAttribute("identifier"); String label = normalizeElementBody(contentsDOM, ChoiceCopy); if (label == null) continue; label = label.trim(); answerChoices.add(label); if (correctAnswerChoices.contains(id)) { if ("yes".equalsIgnoreCase(label) || "Right".equalsIgnoreCase(label) || "True".equalsIgnoreCase(label)) correctAnswer = new Boolean("true").toString(); else if ("no".equalsIgnoreCase(label) || "Wrong".equalsIgnoreCase(label) || "False".equalsIgnoreCase(label)) correctAnswer = new Boolean("false").toString(); } } if (correctAnswer == null) return null; Question question = this.questionService.newQuestion(pool, "mneme:TrueFalse"); TrueFalseQuestionImpl tf = (TrueFalseQuestionImpl) (question.getTypeSpecificQuestion()); question.getPresentation().setText(text); tf.setCorrectAnswer(correctAnswer); question.getTypeSpecificQuestion().consolidate(""); return question; } /** * Read file contents * * @param fileUploadResource * @return * @throws Exception */ private byte[] readDatafromFile(File fileUploadResource) throws Exception { if (fileUploadResource.exists() && fileUploadResource.isFile()) { FileInputStream fis = null; try { fis = new FileInputStream(fileUploadResource); byte buf[] = new byte[(int) fileUploadResource.length()];; return buf; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { if (fis != null) fis.close(); } } else return null; } /** * Remove feedback element from the choice and item body so that getTextContent() doesn't bring their content * * @param itemBodyElement * @return * @throws Exception */ private Element removeFeedback(Element itemBodyElement) throws Exception { XPath inlineFeedbackPath = new DOMXPath(".//feedbackInline | .//feedbackBlock"); List<Element> feedbackElements = inlineFeedbackPath.selectNodes(itemBodyElement); if (feedbackElements != null && feedbackElements.size() > 0) { for (Element fb : feedbackElements) fb.setTextContent(""); } return itemBodyElement; } /** * Import embedded data. * * @param fileName * Embedded media file name * @return the embedded resource Id or null if file doesn't exist */ private Reference transferEmbeddedData(String fileName, String name, String context) { String addCollectionId = "/private/mneme/" + context + "/docs/"; try { name = name.replace("\\", "/"); if (name.lastIndexOf("/") != -1) name = name.substring(name.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); String res_mime_type = name.substring(name.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); res_mime_type = ContentTypeImageService.getContentType(res_mime_type); byte[] content_data = readDatafromFile(new File(fileName)); if (content_data == null || content_data.length == 0) return null; ResourcePropertiesEdit res = ContentHostingService.newResourceProperties(); res.addProperty(ResourceProperties.PROP_DISPLAY_NAME, name); Reference ref = attachmentService.addAttachment(AttachmentService.MNEME_APPLICATION, context, AttachmentService.DOCS_AREA, AttachmentService.NameConflictResolution.keepExisting, name, content_data, res_mime_type, AttachmentService.MNEME_THUMB_POLICY, AttachmentService.REFERENCE_ROOT); return ref; } catch (IdUsedException e) { // return a reference to the existing file Reference reference = entityManager .newReference(ContentHostingService.getReference(addCollectionId + name)); return reference; } catch (Exception e) { M_log.debug(e.getMessage()); } return null; } /** * Final initialization, once all dependencies are set. */ public void init() { // messages if (this.bundle != null) this.messages = new ResourceLoader(this.bundle);"init()"); } /** * Dependency: AssessmentService. * * @param service * The AssessmentService. */ public void setAssessmentService(AssessmentService service) { this.assessmentService = service; } /** * Dependency: AttachmentService. * * @param service * The AttachmentService. */ public void setAttachmentService(AttachmentService service) { attachmentService = service; } /** * Set the message bundle. * * @param bundle * The message bundle. */ public void setBundle(String name) { this.bundle = name; } /** * Dependency: EntityManager. * * @param service * The EntityManager. */ public void setEntityManager(EntityManager service) { entityManager = service; } /** * Dependency: EventTrackingService. * * @param service * The EventTrackingService. */ public void setEventTrackingService(EventTrackingService service) { eventTrackingService = service; } /** * Set the PoolService. * * @param service * the PoolService. */ public void setPoolService(PoolService service) { this.poolService = service; } /** * Dependency: QuestionService. * * @param service * The QuestionService. */ public void setQuestionService(QuestionService service) { this.questionService = service; } /** * Dependency: SecurityService. * * @param service * The SecurityService. */ public void setSecurityService(SecurityService service) { securityService = service; } /** * Dependency: SessionManager. * * @param service * The SessionManager. */ public void setSessionManager(SessionManager service) { sessionManager = service; } /** * Dependency: ThreadLocalManager. * * @param service * The SqlService. */ public void setThreadLocalManager(ThreadLocalManager service) { threadLocalManager = service; } }