Java tutorial
package org.ets.ereg.web.util; import; import; import; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import javax.xml.bind.Marshaller; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.ets.pss.persistence.dto.ContentManagementDTO; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.jcraft.jsch.Channel; import com.jcraft.jsch.ChannelSftp; import com.jcraft.jsch.JSch; import com.jcraft.jsch.Session; import com.kaltura.ObjectFactory; import com.kaltura.TChannel; import com.kaltura.TContent; import com.kaltura.TContentAssets; import com.kaltura.TDropFolderFileContentResource; import com.kaltura.TItem; import com.kaltura.TMedia; import com.kaltura.TMrss; import com.kaltura.client.KalturaApiException; import com.kaltura.client.enums.KalturaEntryStatus; import com.kaltura.client.types.KalturaMediaEntry; /** * @author asampath * */ public class CRSContentUploadThread implements Runnable { private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CRSContentUploadThread.class); public static final String ENCODING = "UTF-8"; public static final String FILE_SEPARATOR = "/"; private final static String FILE_EXT_XML = ".xml"; private final static String KALTURA_UPDATE_ACTION = "update"; private ContentManagementDTO contentManagementVO; private KalturaServiceUtil kalturaServiceUtil; public CRSContentUploadThread() { } /** * * @param contentManagementVO * @param kalturaServiceUtil * @param emailService * @param crsContentManagementPersistenceService */ public CRSContentUploadThread(ContentManagementDTO contentManagementVO, KalturaServiceUtil kalturaServiceUtil) {"CRSContentUploadThread created for entry Reference ID - {}", contentManagementVO.getReferenceID()); this.contentManagementVO = contentManagementVO; this.kalturaServiceUtil = kalturaServiceUtil; } public void run() { try { uploadMediaFile(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); //updateUploadTrackingStatus(contentManagementVO, e.getMessage(), 1, ContentUploadTracking.STS_UPLOAD_FAILED); } } /** * Uploads a video file to Kaltura and assigns it to a given Media Entry * object */ private void uploadMediaFile() throws KalturaApiException { // Check for the given entity ID if the content already uploaded // successfully. If not, proceed further. KalturaMediaEntry retrievedEntry = contentManagementVO.getClient().getMediaService() .get(contentManagementVO.getMediaEntry().id);"Entry {} , Status {}", contentManagementVO.getMediaEntry().id, retrievedEntry.status); /*if (retrievedEntry.status != KalturaEntryStatus.NO_CONTENT) {"Entry {} is already uploaded , Status {}", contentManagementVO.getMediaEntry().id, retrievedEntry.status); // Set the upload status to success //updateUploadTrackingStatus(contentManagementVO, "", 1, ContentUploadTracking.STS_UPLOAD_SUCCESSFUL); return; }*/ // Generate the XML file for ingestion JAXBElement<TMrss> jaxbElement = createXML(contentManagementVO); String xmlFilename = contentManagementVO.getFileToUpload().getParent() + FILE_SEPARATOR + contentManagementVO.getReferenceID() + FILE_EXT_XML; File xmlFile = new File(xmlFilename); marshall(jaxbElement, xmlFile); // SFTP to dropFolder location in Kaltura cloud String sftpHost = kalturaServiceUtil.CM_SFT_HOST; String sftpUser = kalturaServiceUtil.CM_SFTP_USER; String sftpPassword = kalturaServiceUtil.CM_SFTP_PWD; String sftpPort = kalturaServiceUtil.CM_SFTP_PORT; String sftpRemoteLocation = kalturaServiceUtil.CM_SFTP_REMOTE_LOCATION; String toAddress = kalturaServiceUtil.CM_UPLOAD_FAILURE_MAIL_LIST; int maxRetryCount = new Integer(kalturaServiceUtil.CM_MAX_UPLOAD_RETRY_COUNT); int threadSleepTimeinMins = new Integer(kalturaServiceUtil.CM_UPLOAD_THREAD_RETRY_SLEEP_TIME); int retryCounter = 0;"sftpHost = " + sftpHost);"sftpUser = " + sftpUser);"sftpPassword = " + sftpPassword);"sftpRemoteLocation = " + sftpRemoteLocation);"toAddress = " + toAddress);"maxRetryCount = " + maxRetryCount); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(sftpHost) || StringUtils.isEmpty(sftpUser) || StringUtils.isEmpty(sftpPassword) || StringUtils.isEmpty(sftpPort) || StringUtils.isEmpty(sftpRemoteLocation) || StringUtils.isEmpty(toAddress)) { log.error("One of the SFTP related parameter value is missing."); throw new KalturaApiException("One of the SFTP related parameter value is missing."); } //String[] mailToList = StringUtils.split(toAddress, ','); int port = Integer.parseInt(sftpPort); int uploadStatus = -1;"File to upload {}", contentManagementVO.getFileToUpload()); while (retryCounter < maxRetryCount) { try { // SFTP the file to Kaltura dropfolder location uploadStatus = uploadFile(sftpHost, sftpUser, sftpPassword, port, getInputStreamFromFile(contentManagementVO.getFileToUpload()), sftpRemoteLocation + FILE_SEPARATOR + contentManagementVO.getFileToUpload().getName(), getInputStreamFromFile(xmlFile), xmlFile.getName());"Uploading {} , Status {}", contentManagementVO.getFileToUpload().getName(), uploadStatus); if (uploadStatus != 0) { retryCounter++; //updateUploadTrackingStatus(contentManagementVO, "One of the SFTP related parameter value is missing.", retryCounter, ContentUploadTracking.STS_UPLOAD_RETRY); Thread.sleep(threadSleepTimeinMins * 60 * 1000); // In case failure happened because of wrong config value, // this re-read helps to load the content in the next try. sftpHost = kalturaServiceUtil.CM_SFT_HOST; sftpUser = kalturaServiceUtil.CM_SFTP_USER; sftpPassword = kalturaServiceUtil.CM_SFTP_PWD; sftpPort = kalturaServiceUtil.CM_SFTP_PORT; sftpRemoteLocation = kalturaServiceUtil.CM_SFTP_REMOTE_LOCATION; continue; } else { // if upload is successful, break the loop break; } } catch (Exception e) { retryCounter++; e.printStackTrace(); //updateUploadTrackingStatus(contentManagementVO, e.getMessage(), retryCounter, ContentUploadTracking.STS_UPLOAD_RETRY); } }"Upload Status {}", uploadStatus); // Handling failure related to SFTP connection if (uploadStatus == 1 || uploadStatus == 2) { log.error("Uploading {} failed. Sending email.", contentManagementVO.getFileToUpload().getName()); // Send failure email related to SFTP connection // Asset location information and the meta data xml should be // available in email //sendEmail(mailToList, null, contentManagementVO.getFileToUpload().getName(), "Content Upload Failure - SFTP connection issue", contentManagementVO.getMediaEntry().id); //updateUploadTrackingStatus(contentManagementVO, "Content Upload failure - SFTP connection issue", retryCounter, ContentUploadTracking.STS_UPLOAD_FAILED); return; } // Handling failure not related to SFTP connection if (uploadStatus == -1) { log.error("Uploading {} failed. Sending email.", contentManagementVO.getFileToUpload().getName()); // Send email related to video upload failure. Manual upload should // be done. Asset location information and the meta data xml should // be available in email //sendEmail(mailToList, null, contentManagementVO.getFileToUpload().getName(), "Content Upload Failure", contentManagementVO.getMediaEntry().id); //updateUploadTrackingStatus(contentManagementVO, "Content Upload Failure", retryCounter, ContentUploadTracking.STS_UPLOAD_FAILED); return; }"Uploaded a new video file to entry {}", contentManagementVO.getMediaEntry().id); // TODO need to add more status for error conditions retrievedEntry = contentManagementVO.getClient().getMediaService() .get(contentManagementVO.getMediaEntry().id);"Entry Status {}", retrievedEntry.status); // TODO : Following code is checking the status of the content, We may // need to remove this check based on the drop folder option set up // if (retrievedEntry.status == KalturaEntryStatus.NO_CONTENT || // retrievedEntry.status == KalturaEntryStatus.ERROR_CONVERTING || // retrievedEntry.status == KalturaEntryStatus.ERROR_IMPORTING) { if (retrievedEntry.status == KalturaEntryStatus.ERROR_CONVERTING || retrievedEntry.status == KalturaEntryStatus.ERROR_IMPORTING) {"Uploading {} had some issue. Status {}. Sending email.", contentManagementVO.getFileToUpload().getName(), retrievedEntry.status); //sendEmail(mailToList, null, contentManagementVO.getFileToUpload(), "Content Upload issue (status : " + retrievedEntry.status + ")", contentManagementVO.getMediaEntry().id); //updateUploadTrackingStatus(contentManagementVO, "Kalture : Content Upload issue (status : " + retrievedEntry.status + ")", retryCounter, ContentUploadTracking.STS_UPLOAD_FAILED); return; } // if SFTP upload is done, upload is successful // Delete if there is any entry found in failure log //updateUploadTrackingStatus(contentManagementVO, "Content Uploaded Successfully", retryCounter, ContentUploadTracking.STS_UPLOAD_SUCCESSFUL); } /** * Upload file to SFTP server * * @param host * @param user * @param password * @param port * @param inStream * @param remoteFile * * @return status */ private int uploadFile(String host, String user, String password, int port, InputStream inStream, String remoteFile, InputStream xmlInStream, String xmlRemoteFile) { Channel channel = null; ChannelSftp sftpChannel = null; JSch jsch = null; Session session = null; int uploadStatus = -1;"Entering uploadFile"); try { java.util.Properties config = new java.util.Properties(); config.put("StrictHostKeyChecking", "no"); jsch = new JSch(); session = jsch.getSession(user, host, port); session.setPassword(password); session.setConfig(config); session.connect(); // Session not established if (!session.isConnected()) { log.warn("SFTP session not connected. Return 1"); return 1; } channel = session.openChannel("sftp"); channel.connect(); // SFTP Channel not established if (!channel.isConnected()) { log.warn("SFTP channel not connected. Return 2"); return 2; } sftpChannel = (ChannelSftp) channel; sftpChannel.put(inStream, remoteFile); sftpChannel.put(xmlInStream, xmlRemoteFile); uploadStatus = 0;"File uploaded successfully to FTP server. Status {}", uploadStatus); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); uploadStatus = -1; } finally { // disconnect the sftpChannel and session try { if (sftpChannel != null) sftpChannel.disconnect(); if (session != null) session.disconnect(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } }"Exit uploadFile"); return uploadStatus; } /** * @return the contentManagementVO */ public ContentManagementDTO getContentManagementVO() { return contentManagementVO; } /** * @param contentManagementVO * the contentManagementVO to set */ public void setContentManagementDTO(ContentManagementDTO contentManagementVO) { this.contentManagementVO = contentManagementVO; } /** * @return the kalturaServiceUtil */ public KalturaServiceUtil getKalturaServiceUtil() { return kalturaServiceUtil; } /** * @param kalturaServiceUtil * the kalturaServiceUtil to set */ public void setKalturaServiceUtil(KalturaServiceUtil kalturaServiceUtil) { this.kalturaServiceUtil = kalturaServiceUtil; } /** * Marshalls from object to XML input stream */ private void marshall(JAXBElement<TMrss> jaxbElement, File xmlFile) { try { Marshaller marshaller = JAXBContext.newInstance(TMrss.class).createMarshaller(); marshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, true); marshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_SCHEMA_LOCATION, ""); marshaller.marshal(jaxbElement, xmlFile); } catch (JAXBException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * * @param mediaFileName * @return */ private JAXBElement<TMrss> createXML(ContentManagementDTO contentManagementVO) {"contentManagementVO.getFileToUpload().getName(): " + contentManagementVO.getFileName());"id: " + contentManagementVO.getMediaEntry().id); TDropFolderFileContentResource dropFolderContent = new TDropFolderFileContentResource(); dropFolderContent.setFilePath(contentManagementVO.getFileToUpload().getName()); //dropFolderContent.setFilePath(contentManagementVO.getEntryName()); TContent content = new TContent(); content.setContentResourceExtension( new ObjectFactory().createDropFolderFileContentResource(dropFolderContent)); TContentAssets contentAssets = new TContentAssets(); contentAssets.getContent().add(content); TMedia media = new TMedia(); media.setMediaType(1); TItem item = new TItem(); item.setAction(KALTURA_UPDATE_ACTION); item.getTypeAndLicenseTypeOrEntryId() .add(new ObjectFactory().createTItemEntryId(contentManagementVO.getMediaEntry().id)); item.getTypeAndLicenseTypeOrEntryId() .add(new ObjectFactory().createTItemReferenceId(contentManagementVO.getReferenceID())); item.setName(contentManagementVO.getReferenceID()); item.setMedia(media); item.setContentAssets(contentAssets); TChannel channel = new TChannel(); channel.getItem().add(item); TMrss mrss = new TMrss(); mrss.getChannel().add(channel); JAXBElement<TMrss> jaxbElement = new ObjectFactory().createMrss(mrss); return jaxbElement; } /** * * @param file * @return */ private InputStream getInputStreamFromFile(File file) { try { return new FileInputStream(file); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } /** * Class used for jcraft debugging */ class MyLogger implements com.jcraft.jsch.Logger { java.util.Hashtable name = new java.util.Hashtable(); public MyLogger() { name.put(new Integer(DEBUG), "DEBUG: "); name.put(new Integer(INFO), "INFO: "); name.put(new Integer(WARN), "WARN: "); name.put(new Integer(ERROR), "ERROR: "); name.put(new Integer(FATAL), "FATAL: "); } public boolean isEnabled(int level) { return true; } public void log(int level, String message) {; } } }