Java tutorial
/* ESXX - The friendly ECMAscript/XML Application Server Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Martin Blom <> This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package org.esxx; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import javax.imageio.ImageReader; import; import javax.mail.Header; import javax.mail.Session; import javax.mail.internet.ContentDisposition; import javax.mail.internet.ContentType; import javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart; import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage; import javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart; import javax.mail.util.SharedFileInputStream; import nu.validator.htmlparser.common.*; import nu.validator.htmlparser.dom.*; import org.esxx.util.IO; import org.esxx.util.JS; import org.esxx.util.StringUtil; import org.json.*; import org.mozilla.javascript.*; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.xml.sax.EntityResolver; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; class Parsers { public Parsers() { Parser schema_parser = new SchemaParser(); parserMap.put("application/json", new JSONParser()); parserMap.put("application/octet-stream", new BinaryParser()); parserMap.put("application/relax-ng-compact-syntax", schema_parser); parserMap.put("application/x-nrl+xml", schema_parser); parserMap.put("application/x-nvdl+xml", schema_parser); parserMap.put("application/x-rnc", schema_parser); parserMap.put("application/x-rng+xml", schema_parser); parserMap.put("application/x-schematron+xml", schema_parser); parserMap.put("application/x-www-form-urlencoded", new FormParser()); parserMap.put("application/x-xsd+xml", schema_parser); parserMap.put("application/xml", new XMLParser()); parserMap.put("application/xslt+xml", new StylesheetParser()); parserMap.put("image/*", new ImageParser()); parserMap.put("message/rfc822", new MIMEParser()); parserMap.put("multipart/form-data", new MultipartFormParser()); parserMap.put("text/csv", new CSVParser()); parserMap.put("text/html", new HTMLParser()); parserMap.put("text/plain", new StringParser()); parserMap.put("text/xml", new XMLParser()); parserMap.put("text/xsl", new StylesheetParser()); } public Object parse(ContentType ct, InputStream is, final URI is_uri, Collection<URI> external_uris, PrintWriter err, Context cx, Scriptable scope) throws Exception { // Read-only accesses; no syncronization required Parser parser = parserMap.get(ct.getBaseType()); if (parser == null) { if (ct.getBaseType().endsWith("+xml")) { parser = parserMap.get("application/xml"); } else if (ct.match("image/*")) { parser = parserMap.get("image/*"); } else if (ct.match("text/*")) { parser = parserMap.get("text/plain"); } else { parser = parserMap.get("application/octet-stream"); } } Object result = null; try { result = parser.parse(ct, is, is_uri, external_uris, err, cx, scope); } finally { if (result != is) { is.close(); } } return result; } public static String getParameter(ContentType ct, String name, String def) { String value = ct.getParameter(name); return value == null ? def : value; } /** The interface all parsers must implement */ private interface Parser { public Object parse(ContentType ct, InputStream is, URI is_uri, Collection<URI> external_uris, PrintWriter err, Context cx, Scriptable scope) throws Exception; } /** A HashMap of all registered parsers */ private HashMap<String, Parser> parserMap = new HashMap<String, Parser>(); /** A Parser that returns the InputStream as-is, or loads it into a ByteBuffer */ private static class BinaryParser implements Parser { public Object parse(ContentType ct, InputStream is, URI is_uri, Collection<URI> external_uris, PrintWriter err, Context cx, Scriptable scope) throws IOException, org.xml.sax.SAXException { String format = getParameter(ct, "x-format", "stream"); if (format.equals("stream")) { return is; } else if (format.equals("buffer")) { ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); IO.copyStream(is, bos); return java.nio.ByteBuffer.wrap(bos.toByteArray()); } else { throw new IOException("Invalid value in param 'x-format=" + format + "'"); } } } /** A Parser that reads characters and returns a string. */ private static class StringParser implements Parser { public Object parse(ContentType ct, InputStream is, URI is_uri, Collection<URI> external_uris, PrintWriter err, Context cx, Scriptable scope) throws IOException { String cs = getParameter(ct, "charset", "UTF-8"); ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); IO.copyStream(is, bos); return bos.toString(cs); } } /** A Parser that parses CSV files and returns a JavaScript Array of Arrays. */ private static class CSVParser implements Parser { public Object parse(ContentType ct, InputStream is, URI is_uri, Collection<URI> external_uris, PrintWriter err, Context cx, Scriptable scope) throws IOException { String cs = getParameter(ct, "charset", "UTF-8"); String header = getParameter(ct, "header", "absent"); String separator = getParameter(ct, "x-separator", ","); String quote = getParameter(ct, "x-quote", "\""); String escape = getParameter(ct, "x-escape", "\\"); if (!header.equals("present") && !header.equals("absent")) { throw new IOException("Invalid value in param 'header=" + header + "'"); } if ("none".equals(separator)) separator = ""; if ("none".equals(quote)) quote = ""; if ("none".equals(escape)) escape = ""; if (separator.length() > 1 || quote.length() > 1 || escape.length() > 1) { throw new IOException( "x-separator, x-quote and x-escape values must be " + "empty or a single character"); } CSVReader csv = new CSVReader(new InputStreamReader(is, cs), separator.isEmpty() ? '\0' : separator.charAt(0), quote.isEmpty() ? '\0' : quote.charAt(0), escape.isEmpty() ? '\0' : escape.charAt(0)); List<String[]> values = csv.readAll(); String[] headers = header.equals("present") && !values.isEmpty() ? values.remove(0) : null; Scriptable res = cx.newArray(scope, values.size()); if (headers != null) { res.put("headers", res, JS.toJSArray(cx, scope, headers)); } int i = 0; for (String[] value : values) { res.put(i++, res, JS.toJSArray(cx, scope, value)); } return res; } } /** A Parser that parses XML and returns an E4X XML Node. */ private static class XMLParser implements Parser { public Object parse(ContentType ct, InputStream is, URI is_uri, Collection<URI> external_uris, PrintWriter err, Context cx, Scriptable scope) throws IOException, org.xml.sax.SAXException { Document result = ESXX.getInstance().parseXML(is, is_uri, external_uris, err); return ESXX.domToE4X(result, cx, scope); } } /** A Parser that parses HTML and returns XHTML as an E4X XML Node. */ private static class HTMLParser implements Parser { public Object parse(ContentType ct, InputStream is, URI is_uri, Collection<URI> external_uris, PrintWriter err, Context cx, Scriptable scope) throws IOException { try { HtmlDocumentBuilder hdb = new HtmlDocumentBuilder(XmlViolationPolicy.ALTER_INFOSET); hdb.setHtml4ModeCompatibleWithXhtml1Schemata(true); hdb.setIgnoringComments(false); hdb.setMappingLangToXmlLang(true); hdb.setScriptingEnabled(false); hdb.setEntityResolver(new EntityResolver() { @Override public InputSource resolveEntity(String publicId, String systemId) { return new InputSource(new StringReader(" ")); // Fake almost empty doc } }); InputSource source = new InputSource(is); source.setEncoding(ct.getParameter("charset")); return ESXX.domToE4X(hdb.parse(source), cx, scope); } catch (org.xml.sax.SAXException ex) { throw new IOException("Failed to parse HTML document" + ex.getMessage(), ex); } } } /** A Parser that parses HTML Form submissions and returns a JavaScript Object. */ private static class FormParser implements Parser { public Object parse(ContentType ct, InputStream is, URI is_uri, Collection<URI> external_uris, PrintWriter err, Context cx, Scriptable scope) throws IOException { String cs = getParameter(ct, "charset", "UTF-8"); ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); IO.copyStream(is, bos); Scriptable result = cx.newObject(scope); StringUtil.decodeFormVariables(bos.toString(cs), result); return result; } } /** A Parser that parses HTML Multipart Form submissions and returns * a JavaScript Object. */ private static class MultipartFormParser implements Parser { public MultipartFormParser() { // Make "mail.mime.encodefilename" true if unspecified. Note // that this property is a System property and not a // Session.getInstance() parameter. Properties p = System.getProperties(); p.setProperty("mail.mime.encodefilename", p.getProperty("mail.mime.encodefilename", "true")); } public Object parse(ContentType ct, InputStream is, URI is_uri, Collection<URI> external_uris, PrintWriter err, Context cx, Scriptable scope) throws Exception { try { ESXX esxx = ESXX.getInstance(); File temp = esxx.createTempFile(cx); // Add required MIME header and stream data to a temporary file FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(temp); fos.write(("Content-Type: " + ct + "\r\n\r\n").getBytes()); IO.copyStream(is, fos); fos.close(); Scriptable result = cx.newObject(scope); // Parse request entity using SharedFileInputStream to avoid // excessive memory usage. TODO: Create a custom // SharedFileInputStream that allows us to read the absolute // file offset, and add support in FILEHandler to read URIs // with offset and length parameters. This would avoid the // disk-to-disk copying that happens when extracting the // actual file parts. Session session = Session.getInstance(System.getProperties()); MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(session, new SharedFileInputStream(temp)); MimeMultipart mmp = (MimeMultipart) message.getContent(); for (int i = 0; i < mmp.getCount(); ++i) { MimeBodyPart mbp = (MimeBodyPart) mmp.getBodyPart(i); String[] disp = mbp.getHeader("Content-Disposition"); if (disp.length == 0) { // We don't handle parts with no Content-Disposition header continue; } String name = new ContentDisposition(disp[0]).getParameter("name"); String filename = mbp.getFileName(); Object value; if (filename == null) { // Not a file, so parse it String part_ct = mbp.getContentType(); // Default content-type is text/plain for // multipart/form-data parts if (part_ct == null) { part_ct = "text/plain"; } value = esxx.parseStream(part_ct, mbp.getInputStream(), temp.toURI(), null, err, cx, scope); value = Context.javaToJS(value, scope); } else { // Create a new temporary file and create a description as value. temp = esxx.createTempFile(cx); fos = new FileOutputStream(temp); IO.copyStream(mbp.getInputStream(), fos); fos.close(); Scriptable descr = cx.newObject(scope); descr.put("uri", descr, temp.toURI().toString()); descr.put("name", descr, filename); descr.put("length", descr, temp.length()); Scriptable headers = cx.newObject(scope); for (Enumeration<?> e = mbp.getAllHeaders(); e.hasMoreElements();) { Header hdr = (Header) e.nextElement(); headers.put(hdr.getName(), headers, hdr.getValue()); } descr.put("headers", descr, headers); value = descr; } if (name != null) { result.put(name, result, value); } else { result.put(i, result, value); } } return result; } catch (ClassCastException ex) { throw new IOException("Failed to parse form data: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); } catch (javax.mail.MessagingException ex) { throw new IOException("Failed to parse form data: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); } } } /** A Parser that parses JSON and returns a JavaScript Array or Object. */ private static class JSONParser implements Parser { public Object parse(ContentType ct, InputStream is, URI is_uri, Collection<URI> external_uris, PrintWriter err, Context cx, Scriptable scope) throws IOException { String cs = getParameter(ct, "charset", "UTF-8"); ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); IO.copyStream(is, bos); try { JSONTokener tok = new JSONTokener(bos.toString(cs)); char first = tok.nextClean(); tok.back(); if (first == '{') { return jsonToJS(new JSONObject(tok), cx, scope); } else if (first == '[') { return jsonToJS(new JSONArray(tok), cx, scope); } else { throw new IOException("Not a JSON Array or Object"); } } catch (JSONException ex) { throw new IOException("Failed to parse JSON data: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); } } private static Object jsonToJS(Object json, Context cx, Scriptable scope) throws IOException, JSONException { Scriptable res; if (json == JSONObject.NULL) { return null; } else if (json instanceof String || json instanceof Number || json instanceof Boolean) { return json; } else if (json instanceof JSONObject) { JSONObject jo = (JSONObject) json; res = cx.newObject(scope); for (Iterator<?> i = jo.keys(); i.hasNext();) { String key = (String); Object val = jsonToJS(jo.get(key), cx, scope); res.put(key, res, val); } } else if (json instanceof JSONArray) { JSONArray ja = (JSONArray) json; res = cx.newArray(scope, ja.length()); for (int i = 0; i < ja.length(); ++i) { Object val = jsonToJS(ja.get(i), cx, scope); res.put(i, res, val); } } else { res = Context.toObject(json, scope); } return res; } } /** A Parser that parses emails and returns an E4X XML Node. */ private static class MIMEParser implements Parser { public Object parse(ContentType ct, InputStream is, URI is_uri, Collection<URI> external_uris, PrintWriter err, Context cx, Scriptable scope) throws IOException, org.xml.sax.SAXException { boolean xmtp; boolean ns; boolean html; boolean js; String fmt = getParameter(ct, "x-format", "esxx"); String prc = ct.getParameter("x-process-html"); String sjs = ct.getParameter("x-strip-js"); if (fmt.equals("esxx")) { xmtp = false; ns = false; html = true; js = false; } else if (fmt.equals("xmtp")) { xmtp = true; ns = true; html = false; js = false; } else if (fmt.equals("xios")) { xmtp = false; ns = true; html = true; js = false; } else { throw new IOException("Invalid value in param 'x-format=" + fmt + "'"); } if (prc == null) { // Leave html as-is } else if (prc.equals("true")) { html = true; } else if (prc.equals("false")) { html = false; } else { throw new IOException("Invalid value in param 'x-process-html=" + prc + "'"); } if (sjs == null) { // Leave js as-is } else if (sjs.equals("true")) { js = true; } else if (sjs.equals("false")) { js = false; } else { throw new IOException("Invalid value in param 'x-strip-js=" + sjs + "'"); } if (js) { html = true; } try { org.esxx.xmtp.MIMEParser p = new org.esxx.xmtp.MIMEParser(xmtp, ns, html, js, true); p.convertMessage(is); Document result = p.getDocument(); return ESXX.domToE4X(result, cx, scope); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new IOException("Unable to parse email message", ex); } } } /** A Parser that parses images and returns a BufferedImage Java object. */ private static class ImageParser implements Parser { public Object parse(ContentType ct, InputStream is, URI is_uri, Collection<URI> external_uris, PrintWriter err, Context cx, Scriptable scope) throws IOException { if (ct.getBaseType().equals("image/*")) { return; } else { Iterator<ImageReader> readers = ImageIO.getImageReadersByMIMEType(ct.getBaseType()); if (readers.hasNext()) { ImageReader reader =; String index = ct.getParameter("x-index"); reader.setInput(new FileCacheImageInputStream(is, null)); return != null ? Integer.parseInt(index) : 0); } else { return null; } } } } /** A Parser that parses XML Schemas and returns a JavaScript ESXX.Schema object. */ private static class SchemaParser implements Parser { public Object parse(ContentType ct, InputStream is, URI is_uri, Collection<URI> external_uris, PrintWriter err, Context cx, Scriptable scope) { // NB: If the schema is already loaded into the schema cache // (with key 'is_uri'), the 'is' argument will be left unused. return org.esxx.js.JSSchema.newJSSchema(cx, scope, is_uri, is, ct.getBaseType()); } } /** A Parser that parses XSLT stylesheets and returns a JavaScript ESXX.Stylesheet object. */ private static class StylesheetParser implements Parser { public Object parse(ContentType ct, InputStream is, URI is_uri, Collection<URI> external_uris, PrintWriter err, Context cx, Scriptable scope) { // NB: If the stylesheet is already loaded into the stylesheet cache // (with key 'is_uri'), the 'is' argument will be left unused. return org.esxx.js.JSStylesheet.newJSStylesheet(cx, scope, is_uri, is); } } }