Java tutorial
/** * ESUP-Portail Lecture - Copyright (c) 2006 ESUP-Portail consortium * For any information please refer to * You may obtain a copy of the licence at */ package org.esupportail.lecture.domain.model; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.esupportail.lecture.domain.DomainTools; import org.esupportail.lecture.exceptions.domain.ManagedCategoryNotLoadedException; import org.esupportail.lecture.exceptions.domain.ManagedCategoryProfileNotFoundException; import org.esupportail.lecture.exceptions.domain.SourceProfileNotFoundException; /** * Customizations on a managedSourceProfile for a user Profile. * @author gbouteil * @see CustomSource * */ public class CustomManagedSource extends CustomSource { /* ************************** PROPERTIES *********************************/ /** * Log instance. */ protected static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(CustomManagedSource.class); /** * managedSourceProfile refered by this CustomManagedSource. */ private ManagedSourceProfile sourceProfile; /* ************************** INIT *********************************/ /** * Constructor. * @param profile profile refered by this CustomManagedSource * @param user owner of this CustomManagedSource */ protected CustomManagedSource(final ManagedSourceProfile profile, final UserProfile user) { super(profile, user); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("CustomManagedSource(" + profile.getId() + "," + user.getUserId() + ")"); } sourceProfile = profile; } /** * default constructor. */ protected CustomManagedSource() { super(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("CustomManagedSource()"); } } /* ************************** METHODS *********************************/ /* MISCELLANEOUS */ /** * Returns the ManagedSourceProfile of this CustomManagedSource. * @throws SourceProfileNotFoundException * @throws ManagedCategoryProfileNotFoundException * @throws ManagedCategoryNotLoadedException * @see org.esupportail.lecture.domain.model.CustomSource#getProfile() */ @Override public SourceProfile getProfile() throws SourceProfileNotFoundException, ManagedCategoryProfileNotFoundException, ManagedCategoryNotLoadedException { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("id=" + super.getElementId() + " - getProfile()"); } if (sourceProfile == null) { String categoryId = getManagedSourceProfileParentId(); Channel channel = DomainTools.getChannel(); ManagedCategoryProfile catProfile = channel.getManagedCategoryProfile(categoryId); sourceProfile = catProfile.getSourceProfileById(getElementId()); } return sourceProfile; } /** * Returns the Id of the Parent (a managedCategory) of sourceProfile referred by this CustomManagedSource. * It gets it from the SourceProfile id (m:parentId:interneId) * @return "parentId" It is ID of the ManagedCategoryProfile */ public String getManagedSourceProfileParentId() { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("getManagedSourceProfileParentId()"); } // TODO (VR) : elementId has changed (contextId:m:profileId:sourceId) Pattern p = Pattern.compile(":"); String[] items = p.split(this.getElementId()); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("" + "getManagedSourceProfileParentId() - decomposed ID : contextId=" + items[0] + " typeId=" + items[1] + " profileId=" + items[2] + " interneId=" + items[3]); } String parentId = items[0] + ":" + items[1] + ":" + items[2]; return parentId; } /** * @see java.lang.Object#toString() */ @Override public String toString() { StringBuffer string = new StringBuffer(getClass().getSimpleName() + "#" + hashCode() + "[elementId=[" + getElementId() + "], customSourcePK=[" + getCustomSourcePK() + "],[" + getUserProfile().getUserId() + "], ItemDisplayMode=[" + getItemDisplayMode() + "],"); // readItems string.append("\n readItems=["); for (String it : getReadItems().keySet()) { string.append(it).append(", "); } string.append("]\n]"); return string.toString(); } /* ************************** ACCESSORS *********************************/ }