Java tutorial
/** * ESUP-Portail Lecture - Copyright (c) 2006 ESUP-Portail consortium * For any information please refer to * You may obtain a copy of the licence at */ package org.esupportail.lecture.domain.model; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.Element; import org.dom4j.Node; import org.esupportail.lecture.dao.FreshXmlFileThread; import org.esupportail.lecture.domain.DomainTools; import org.esupportail.lecture.exceptions.dao.XMLParseException; import org.esupportail.lecture.exceptions.domain.ChannelConfigException; /** * Channel Config : class used to load and parse XML channel file config. * @author gbouteil */ public class ChannelConfig { /* ********************** PROPERTIES**************************************/ /** * Log instance. */ private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(ChannelConfig.class); /** * Instance of this class. */ private static ChannelConfig singleton; /** * XML file loaded. */ private static Document xmlFile; /** * relative classpath of the file to load. */ private static String filePath; /** * Base path of the file to load. */ private static String fileBasePath; /** * Indicates if file has been modified since last getInstance() calling. */ private static boolean modified; /** * Numbers of category profiles declared in the xml file. */ private static int nbProfiles; /** * Numbers of contexts declared in the xml file. */ private static int nbContexts; /** * timeout of the configFile. */ private static int xmlFileTimeOut; /* ************************** INIT *********************************/ /** * Private Constructor . */ private ChannelConfig() { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("ChannelConfig()"); } } /* *********************** METHODS *****************************************/ /** * Return a singleton of this class used to load ChannelConfig file. * @param configFilePath file path of the channel config * @param defaultTimeOut * @return an instance of the file to load (singleton) * @see ChannelConfig#singleton */ protected static ChannelConfig getInstance(final String configFilePath, final int defaultTimeOut) { filePath = configFilePath; xmlFileTimeOut = defaultTimeOut; return getInstance(); } /** * Return a singleton of this class used to load ChannelConfig file. * @return an instance of the file to load (singleton) * @see ChannelConfig#singleton */ protected static synchronized ChannelConfig getInstance() { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("getInstance()"); } if (singleton == null) { singleton = new ChannelConfig(); } return singleton; } /** * @throws ChannelConfigException */ protected static synchronized void getConfigFile() throws ChannelConfigException { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("getConfigFile()"); } if (filePath == null) { String errorMsg = "Config file path not defined, see in domain.xml file."; LOG.error(errorMsg); throw new ChannelConfigException(errorMsg); } URL url = ChannelConfig.class.getResource(filePath); if (url == null) { String errorMsg = "Config file: " + filePath + " not found."; LOG.error(errorMsg); throw new ChannelConfigException(errorMsg); } File file = new File(url.getFile()); fileBasePath = file.getAbsolutePath(); Document xmlFileLoading = null; xmlFileLoading = getFreshConfigFile(fileBasePath); if (xmlFileLoading != null) { xmlFileLoading = checkConfigFile(xmlFileLoading); } if (xmlFileLoading == null) { String errorMsg = "Impossible to load XML Channel config (" + fileBasePath + ")"; LOG.error(errorMsg); throw new ChannelConfigException(errorMsg); } xmlFile = xmlFileLoading; } /** * Check syntax file that cannot be checked by DTD. * @param xmlFileChecked * @return xmlFileLoading */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private synchronized static Document checkConfigFile(Document xmlFileChecked) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("checkXmlFile()"); } // Merge categoryProfilesUrl and check number of contexts + categories Document xmlFileLoading = xmlFileChecked; Element channelConfig = xmlFileLoading.getRootElement(); List<Element> contexts = channelConfig.selectNodes("context"); nbContexts = contexts.size(); if (nbContexts == 0) { LOG.warn("No context declared in channel config (esup-lecture.xml)"); } // 1. merge categoryProfilesUrls and refCategoryProfile for (Element context : contexts) { List<Node> nodes = context.selectNodes("categoryProfilesUrl|refCategoryProfile"); for (Node node : nodes) { //Is a refCategoryProfile ? if (node.getName().equals("refCategoryProfile")) { //remove from context (from its current place in original XML file) context.remove(node); //add to context (at the end of new constructed context: With merged refCategoryProfile from categoryProfilesUrl) context.add(node); } else { String categoryProfilesUrlPath = node.valueOf("@url"); //URL url = ChannelConfig.class.getResource(categoryProfilesUrlPath); String idPrefix = node.valueOf("@idPrefix"); if ((categoryProfilesUrlPath == null) || (categoryProfilesUrlPath == "")) { String errorMsg = "URL of : categoryProfilesUrl with prefix " + idPrefix + " is null or empty."; LOG.warn(errorMsg); } else { Document categoryProfilesFile = getFreshConfigFile(categoryProfilesUrlPath); if (categoryProfilesFile == null) { String errorMsg = "Impossible to load categoryProfilesUrl " + categoryProfilesUrlPath; LOG.warn(errorMsg); } else { // merge one categoryProfilesUrl // add categoryProfile Element rootCategoryProfilesFile = categoryProfilesFile.getRootElement(); // replace ids with IdPrefix + "-" + id List<Element> categoryProfiles = rootCategoryProfilesFile.elements(); for (Element categoryProfile : categoryProfiles) { String categoryProfileId = idPrefix + "-" + categoryProfile.valueOf("@id"); //String categoryProfileName = categoryProfile.valueOf("@name"); categoryProfile.addAttribute("id", categoryProfileId); Element categoryProfileAdded = categoryProfile.createCopy(); channelConfig.add(categoryProfileAdded); // delete node categoryProfilesUrl ? // add refCategoryProfile context.addElement("refCategoryProfile").addAttribute("refId", categoryProfileId); } } } //remove now unneeded categoryProfilesUrl context.remove(node); } } } List<Node> categoryProfiles = channelConfig.selectNodes("categoryProfile"); nbProfiles = categoryProfiles.size(); if (nbProfiles == 0) { LOG.warn("checkXmlConfig :: No managed category profile declared in channel config"); } return xmlFileLoading; } /** * @param configFilePath * @return ret */ protected synchronized static Document getFreshConfigFile(final String configFilePath) { // Assign null to configFileLoaded during the loading Document ret = null; // Launch thread FreshXmlFileThread thread = new FreshXmlFileThread(configFilePath); int timeout = 0; try { thread.start(); timeout = xmlFileTimeOut; thread.join(timeout); Exception e = thread.getException(); if (e != null) { String msg = "Thread getting Source launches XMLParseException"; LOG.warn(msg); throw new XMLParseException(msg, e); } if (thread.isAlive()) { thread.interrupt(); String msg = "configFile not loaded in " + timeout + " milliseconds"; LOG.warn(msg); } ret = thread.getXmlFile(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { String msg = "Thread getting ConfigFile interrupted"; LOG.warn(msg); return null; } catch (IllegalThreadStateException e) { String msg = "Thread getting ConfigFile launches IllegalThreadStateException"; LOG.warn(msg); return null; } catch (XMLParseException e) { String msg = "Thread getting Source launches XMLParseException"; LOG.warn(msg); return null; } return ret; } /** * Load attribute that identified guest user name (guestUser). */ protected static synchronized void loadGuestUser() { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("loadGuestUser()"); } Element root = xmlFile.getRootElement(); String guestUser = root.valueOf("channelConfig/guestUser"); if (guestUser == null || guestUser.equals("")) { guestUser = "guest"; } DomainTools.setGuestUser(guestUser); } /** * Load the ttl of the config file. */ protected static synchronized void loadConfigTtl() { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("loadConfigTtl()"); } //int configTtl = xmlFile.getInt("ttl", DomainTools.getConfigTtl()); Element root = xmlFile.getRootElement(); String configTtl = root.valueOf("channelConfig/ttl"); if (!(configTtl == null || configTtl.equals(""))) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("loadConfigTtl() : overriding defaultConfigTtl (" + DomainTools.getConfigTtl() + " with channelConfig/ttl :" + configTtl); } DomainTools.setConfigTtl(Integer.parseInt(configTtl)); } } /** * Load a DefinitionSets that is used to define visibility groups of a managed category profile. * @param fatherName name of the father XML element refered to (which visibility group) * @param categoryProfile * @return the initialized DefinitionSets */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static synchronized DefinitionSets loadDefAndContentSets(final String fatherName, final Node categoryProfile) { DefinitionSets defAndContentSets = new DefinitionSets(); // pathCategoryProfile = "categoryProfile(" + j + ")"; // String fatherPath = pathCategoryProfile + ".visibility." + fatherName; String fatherPath = "visibility/" + fatherName + "/group"; if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("loadDefAndContentSets(" + fatherName + "," + categoryProfile.valueOf("@id") + ")"); } List<Node> groups = categoryProfile.selectNodes(fatherPath); for (Node group : groups) { defAndContentSets.addGroup(group.valueOf("@name")); } fatherPath = "visibility/" + fatherName + "/regular"; List<Node> regulars = categoryProfile.selectNodes(fatherPath); for (Node regular : regulars) { RegularOfSet regularOfSet = new RegularOfSet(); regularOfSet.setAttribute(regular.valueOf("@attribute")); regularOfSet.setValue(regular.valueOf("@value")); defAndContentSets.addRegular(regularOfSet); } fatherPath = "visibility/" + fatherName + "/regex"; List<Node> regexs = categoryProfile.selectNodes(fatherPath); for (Node regex : regexs) { RegexOfSet regexOfSet = new RegexOfSet(); regexOfSet.setAttribute(regex.valueOf("@attribute")); regexOfSet.setPattern(regex.valueOf("@pattern")); defAndContentSets.addRegex(regexOfSet); } return defAndContentSets; } /* *********************** ACCESSORS *****************************************/ /** * Returns the relative classpath file path of the channel config. * @return configFilePath * @see ChannelConfig#filePath */ protected static String getfilePath() { return filePath; } /** * Set the relative classpath file path of the channel config. * @param filePath * @see ChannelConfig#filePath */ protected static synchronized void setfilePath(final String filePath) { // TODO (GB later) sera utilis lorsque le file sera externalis LOG.debug("setFilePath(" + filePath + ")"); ChannelConfig.filePath = filePath; } /** * @return true if the channel config file has been modified since last "getInstance" */ protected static boolean isModified() { return modified; } /** * @param channel */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static void loadContextsAndCategoryprofiles(final Channel channel) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("loadContextsAndCategoryprofiles()"); } String categoryProfileId = ""; Node channelConfig = xmlFile.getRootElement(); List<Node> contexts = channelConfig.selectNodes("context"); for (Node context : contexts) { Context c = new Context(); c.setId(context.valueOf("@id")); c.setName(context.valueOf("@name")); //treeVisible String treeVisible = context.valueOf("@treeVisible"); if (treeVisible.equals("no")) { c.setTreeVisible(TreeDisplayMode.NOTVISIBLE); } else if (treeVisible.equals("forceNo")) { c.setTreeVisible(TreeDisplayMode.NEVERVISIBLE); } else { c.setTreeVisible(TreeDisplayMode.VISIBLE); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("loadContextsAndCategoryprofiles() : contextId " + c.getId()); } Node description = context.selectSingleNode("description"); c.setDescription(description.getStringValue()); List<Node> refCategoryProfiles = context.selectNodes("refCategoryProfile"); // Lire les refCategoryProfilesUrl puis : // - les transformer en refCategoryProfile ds le context // - ajouter les categoryProfile // A faire dans checkXmlFile ? Map<String, Integer> orderedCategoryIDs = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, Integer>()); int xmlOrder = 1; // On parcours les refCategoryProfile de context for (Node refCategoryProfile : refCategoryProfiles) { String refId; // Ajout mcp refId = refCategoryProfile.valueOf("@refId"); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("loadContextsAndCategoryprofiles() : refCategoryProfileId " + refId); } List<Node> categoryProfiles = channelConfig.selectNodes("categoryProfile"); // On parcours les categoryProfile de root for (Node categoryProfile : categoryProfiles) { categoryProfileId = categoryProfile.valueOf("@id"); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("loadContextsAndCategoryprofiles() : is categoryProfileId " + categoryProfileId + " matching ?"); } if (categoryProfileId.compareTo(refId) == 0) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("loadContextsAndCategoryprofiles() : categoryProfileId " + refId + " matches... create mcp"); } ManagedCategoryProfile mcp = new ManagedCategoryProfile(); // Id = long Id String mcpProfileID = categoryProfileId; mcp.setFileId(c.getId(), mcpProfileID); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("loadContextsAndCategoryprofiles() : categoryProfileId " + mcp.getId() + " matches... create mcp"); } mcp.setName(categoryProfile.valueOf("@name")); mcp.setCategoryURL(categoryProfile.valueOf("@urlCategory")); mcp.setTrustCategory(getBoolean(categoryProfile.valueOf("@trustCategory"), false)); mcp.setUserCanMarkRead(getBoolean(categoryProfile.valueOf("@userCanMarkRead"), true)); String specificUserContentValue = categoryProfile.valueOf("@specificUserContent"); if (specificUserContentValue.equals("yes")) { mcp.setSpecificUserContent(true); } else { mcp.setSpecificUserContent(false); } String ttl = categoryProfile.valueOf("@ttl"); mcp.setTtl(Integer.parseInt(ttl)); String timeout = categoryProfile.valueOf("@timeout"); mcp.setTimeOut(Integer.parseInt(timeout)); mcp.setName(categoryProfile.valueOf("@name")); // Accessibility String access = categoryProfile.valueOf("@access"); if (access.equalsIgnoreCase("public")) { mcp.setAccess(Accessibility.PUBLIC); } else if (access.equalsIgnoreCase("cas")) { mcp.setAccess(Accessibility.CAS); } // Visibility VisibilitySets visibilitySets = new VisibilitySets(); // foreach (allowed / autoSubscribed / Obliged visibilitySets.setAllowed(loadDefAndContentSets("allowed", categoryProfile)); visibilitySets.setAutoSubscribed(loadDefAndContentSets("autoSubscribed", categoryProfile)); visibilitySets.setObliged(loadDefAndContentSets("obliged", categoryProfile)); mcp.setVisibility(visibilitySets); channel.addManagedCategoryProfile(mcp); c.addRefIdManagedCategoryProfile(mcp.getId()); orderedCategoryIDs.put(mcp.getId(), xmlOrder); break; } } xmlOrder += 1; } c.setOrderedCategoryIDs(orderedCategoryIDs); channel.addContext(c); } } /** * @param valueOf * @param b * @return boolean */ private static boolean getBoolean(String valueOf, boolean b) { boolean ret = b; if (valueOf != null) { if ((valueOf.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) || (valueOf.equalsIgnoreCase("yes"))) { ret = true; } else if ((valueOf.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) || (valueOf.equalsIgnoreCase("no"))) { ret = false; } } return ret; } }