Java tutorial
/* * * Copyright 2012-2014 Eurocommercial Properties NV * * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.estatio.dom.asset; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import javax.jdo.annotations.DiscriminatorStrategy; import javax.jdo.annotations.IdGeneratorStrategy; import javax.jdo.annotations.IdentityType; import javax.jdo.annotations.VersionStrategy; import; import org.joda.time.LocalDate; import org.apache.isis.applib.annotation.BookmarkPolicy; import org.apache.isis.applib.annotation.CollectionLayout; import org.apache.isis.applib.annotation.DomainObject; import org.apache.isis.applib.annotation.DomainObjectLayout; import org.apache.isis.applib.annotation.Editing; import org.apache.isis.applib.annotation.Optionality; import org.apache.isis.applib.annotation.Parameter; import org.apache.isis.applib.annotation.ParameterLayout; import org.apache.isis.applib.annotation.Programmatic; import org.apache.isis.applib.annotation.Property; import org.apache.isis.applib.annotation.PropertyLayout; import org.apache.isis.applib.annotation.RenderType; import org.apache.isis.applib.annotation.Title; import org.estatio.dom.JdoColumnLength; import org.estatio.dom.RegexValidation; import org.estatio.dom.EstatioDomainObject; import org.estatio.dom.WithNameComparable; import org.estatio.dom.WithReferenceUnique; import org.estatio.dom.communicationchannel.CommunicationChannelOwner; import; @javax.jdo.annotations.PersistenceCapable(identityType = IdentityType.DATASTORE) @javax.jdo.annotations.DatastoreIdentity(strategy = IdGeneratorStrategy.NATIVE, column = "id") @javax.jdo.annotations.Version(strategy = VersionStrategy.VERSION_NUMBER, column = "version") @javax.jdo.annotations.Discriminator(strategy = DiscriminatorStrategy.CLASS_NAME, column = "discriminator") @javax.jdo.annotations.Uniques({ @javax.jdo.annotations.Unique(name = "FixedAsset_reference_UNQ", members = { "reference" }) }) @javax.jdo.annotations.Indices({ // to cover the 'findAssetsByReferenceOrName' query // both in this superclass and the subclasses @javax.jdo.annotations.Index(name = "FixedAsset_reference_name_IDX", members = { "reference", "name" }) }) @javax.jdo.annotations.Queries({ @javax.jdo.annotations.Query(name = "matchByReferenceOrName", language = "JDOQL", value = "SELECT FROM org.estatio.dom.asset.FixedAsset " + "WHERE reference.matches(:regex) " + "|| name.matches(:regex) ") }) @DomainObject(editing = Editing.DISABLED, autoCompleteRepository = FixedAssets.class, autoCompleteAction = "autoComplete") @DomainObjectLayout(bookmarking = BookmarkPolicy.AS_ROOT) public abstract class FixedAsset<X extends FixedAsset<X>> extends EstatioDomainObject<X> implements WithNameComparable<X>, WithReferenceUnique, CommunicationChannelOwner { public FixedAsset() { super("name"); } // ////////////////////////////////////// private String reference; @javax.jdo.annotations.Column(allowsNull = "false", length = JdoColumnLength.REFERENCE) @Title(sequence = "1", prepend = "[", append = "] ") @Property(regexPattern = RegexValidation.REFERENCE) @PropertyLayout(describedAs = "Unique reference code for this asset") public String getReference() { return reference; } public void setReference(final String reference) { this.reference = reference; } // ////////////////////////////////////// // /** // * Although both {@link Property} and {@link Unit} (the two subclasses) // have // * a name, they are mapped separately because they have different // uniqueness // * constraints. // * // * <p> // * For {@link Property}, the {@link Property#getName() name} by itself is // unique. // * // * <p> // * For {@link Unit}, the combination of ({@link Unit#getProperty() // property}, {@link Unit#getName() name}) // * is unique. // */ // public abstract String getName(); private String name; @javax.jdo.annotations.Column(allowsNull = "false", length = JdoColumnLength.NAME) @Title(sequence = "2") @PropertyLayout(describedAs = "Unique name for this property") public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(final String name) { = name; } // ////////////////////////////////////// private String externalReference; @javax.jdo.annotations.Column(allowsNull = "true", length = JdoColumnLength.REFERENCE) @Property(optionality = Optionality.OPTIONAL) public String getExternalReference() { return externalReference; } public void setExternalReference(final String externalReference) { this.externalReference = externalReference; } // ////////////////////////////////////// @javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent(mappedBy = "asset") private SortedSet<FixedAssetRole> roles = new TreeSet<FixedAssetRole>(); @CollectionLayout(render = RenderType.EAGERLY) public SortedSet<FixedAssetRole> getRoles() { return roles; } public void setRoles(final SortedSet<FixedAssetRole> roles) { this.roles = roles; } public FixedAsset newRole(final @ParameterLayout(named = "Type") FixedAssetRoleType type, final Party party, final @Parameter(optionality = Optionality.OPTIONAL) @ParameterLayout(named = "Start date") LocalDate startDate, final @Parameter(optionality = Optionality.OPTIONAL) @ParameterLayout(named = "End date") LocalDate endDate) { createRole(type, party, startDate, endDate); return this; } public String validateNewRole(final FixedAssetRoleType type, final Party party, final LocalDate startDate, final LocalDate endDate) { if (startDate != null && endDate != null && startDate.isAfter(endDate)) { return "End date cannot be earlier than start date"; } if (!Sets.filter(getRoles(), type.matchingRole()).isEmpty()) { return "Add a successor/predecessor from existing role"; } return null; } @Programmatic public FixedAssetRole createRole(final FixedAssetRoleType type, final Party party, final LocalDate startDate, final LocalDate endDate) { final FixedAssetRole role = newTransientInstance(FixedAssetRole.class); role.setStartDate(startDate); role.setEndDate(endDate); role.setType(type); // must do before associate with agreement, since // part of AgreementRole#compareTo impl. // JDO will manage the relationship for us // see, Dan's email // 2013-7-17 role.setParty(party); role.setAsset(this); persistIfNotAlready(role); return role; } }