Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2014 by Array Systems Computing Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, see */ package org.esa.snap.core.dataop.downloadable; import; import; import; import; import org.esa.snap.core.datamodel.ProgressListenerList; import org.esa.snap.core.util.SystemUtils; import org.jdom2.Attribute; import org.jdom2.Content; import org.jdom2.Document; import org.jdom2.Element; import*; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public final class FtpDownloader { private final FTPClient ftpClient = new FTPClient(); private final String server; private final String user; private final String password; private boolean ftpClientConnected = false; private ProgressListenerList progressListenerList = new ProgressListenerList(); private static final String elemPrefix = "file_"; public enum FTPError { FILE_NOT_FOUND, OK, READ_ERROR } public FtpDownloader(final String server) throws IOException { this(server, "anonymous", "anonymous"); } public FtpDownloader(final String server, final String user, final String password) throws IOException { this.server = server; this.user = user; this.password = password; connect(); } private void connect() throws IOException { ftpClient.setRemoteVerificationEnabled(false); ftpClient.connect(server); int reply = ftpClient.getReplyCode(); if (FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(reply)) ftpClientConnected = ftpClient.login(user, password); if (!ftpClientConnected) { disconnect(); throw new IOException("Unable to connect to " + server); } else { ftpClient.enterLocalPassiveMode(); ftpClient.setFileType(FTP.BINARY_FILE_TYPE); ftpClient.setDataTimeout(60000); } } public void disconnect() throws IOException { if (ftpClientConnected) { ftpClient.logout(); ftpClient.disconnect(); } } public FTPError retrieveFile(final String remotePath, final File localFile, final Long fileSize) throws Exception { BufferedOutputStream fos = null; InputStream fis = null; try {"ftp retrieving " + remotePath); fis = ftpClient.retrieveFileStream(remotePath); if (fis == null) { final int code = ftpClient.getReplyCode(); SystemUtils.LOG.severe("error code:" + code + " on " + remotePath); if (code == 550) return FTPError.FILE_NOT_FOUND; else return FTPError.READ_ERROR; } final File parentFolder = localFile.getParentFile(); if (!parentFolder.exists()) { parentFolder.mkdirs(); } fos = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(localFile.getAbsolutePath())); progressListenerList.fireProcessStarted("Downloading " + localFile.getName() + "... ", 0, fileSize.intValue()); final int size = 4096; final byte[] buf = new byte[size]; int n; int total = 0; while ((n =, 0, size)) > -1) { fos.write(buf, 0, n); if (fileSize != null) { total += n; progressListenerList.fireProcessInProgress(total); } } progressListenerList.fireProcessEnded(true); ftpClient.completePendingCommand(); return FTPError.OK; } catch (SocketException e) { SystemUtils.LOG.severe(e.getMessage()); connect(); throw new SocketException(e.getMessage() + "\nPlease verify that FTP is not blocked by your firewall."); } catch (Exception e) { SystemUtils.LOG.severe(e.getMessage()); connect(); return FTPError.READ_ERROR; } finally { try { if (fis != null) { fis.close(); } if (fos != null) { fos.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { SystemUtils.LOG.severe("Unable to close input stream " + e.getMessage()); } } } public static long getFileSize(final FTPFile[] fileList, final String remoteFileName) { for (FTPFile file : fileList) { if (file.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(remoteFileName)) { return file.getSize(); } } return 0; } public Map<String, Long> readRemoteFileListNoCache(final String remotePath) { final Map<String, Long> fileSizeMap = new HashMap<>(100); try { final FTPFile[] remoteFileList = getRemoteFileList(remotePath); if (remoteFileList != null) { for (FTPFile ftpFile : remoteFileList) { fileSizeMap.put(ftpFile.getName(), ftpFile.getSize()); } } } catch (Exception e) { SystemUtils.LOG.warning("Unable to get remote file list " + e.getMessage()); } return fileSizeMap; } private FTPFile[] getRemoteFileList(final String path) throws IOException { return ftpClient.listFiles(path); } public static Map<String, Long> readRemoteFileList(final FtpDownloader ftp, final String server, final String remotePath) { boolean useCachedListing = true; final File listingFile = new File(SystemUtils.getCacheDir(), server + ".listing.xml"); if (!listingFile.exists()) useCachedListing = false; final Map<String, Long> fileSizeMap = new HashMap<>(900); if (useCachedListing) { Document doc = null; try { doc = XMLSupport.LoadXML(listingFile.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (IOException e) { useCachedListing = false; } if (useCachedListing) { final Element root = doc.getRootElement(); boolean listingFound = false; final List<Content> children1 = root.getContent(); for (Object c1 : children1) { if (!(c1 instanceof Element)) continue; final Element remotePathElem = (Element) c1; final Attribute pathAttrib = remotePathElem.getAttribute("path"); if (pathAttrib != null && pathAttrib.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase(remotePath)) { listingFound = true; final List<Content> children2 = remotePathElem.getContent(); for (Object c2 : children2) { if (!(c2 instanceof Element)) continue; final Element fileElem = (Element) c2; final Attribute attrib = fileElem.getAttribute("size"); if (attrib != null) { try { fileSizeMap.put(getFileName(fileElem.getName()), attrib.getLongValue()); } catch (Exception e) { // } } } } } if (!listingFound) useCachedListing = false; } } if (!useCachedListing) { try { final FTPFile[] remoteFileList = ftp.getRemoteFileList(remotePath); if (remoteFileList != null) { writeRemoteFileList(remoteFileList, server, remotePath, listingFile); for (FTPFile ftpFile : remoteFileList) { fileSizeMap.put(ftpFile.getName(), ftpFile.getSize()); } } } catch (Exception e) { SystemUtils.LOG.warning("Unable to get remote file list " + e.getMessage()); } } return fileSizeMap; } private static String getFileName(String elemName) { if (elemName.startsWith(elemPrefix)) { return elemName.substring(elemPrefix.length(), elemName.length()); } return elemName; } private static void writeRemoteFileList(final FTPFile[] remoteFileList, final String server, final String remotePath, final File file) { final Element root = new Element("remoteFileListing"); root.setAttribute("server", server); final Document doc = new Document(root); final Element remotePathElem = new Element("remotePath"); remotePathElem.setAttribute("path", remotePath); root.addContent(remotePathElem); for (FTPFile ftpFile : remoteFileList) { // add prefix just in case file name starts with a digit final Element fileElem = new Element(elemPrefix + ftpFile.getName()); fileElem.setAttribute("size", String.valueOf(ftpFile.getSize())); remotePathElem.addContent(fileElem); } try { XMLSupport.SaveXML(doc, file.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (IOException e) { SystemUtils.LOG.warning("Unable to save " + file.getAbsolutePath()); } } public static boolean testFTP(final String remoteFTP, final String remotePath) throws IOException { final FtpDownloader ftp = new FtpDownloader(remoteFTP); final FTPFile[] remoteFileList = ftp.getRemoteFileList(remotePath); ftp.disconnect(); return (remoteFileList != null); } }