Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (C) 2015 by Array Systems Computing Inc.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
 * Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
 * any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
 * more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, see
package org.esa.s1tbx.ocean.worldwind.layers;

import com.bc.ceres.core.ProgressMonitor;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.WorldWind;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVKey;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.awt.WorldWindowGLCanvas;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.event.SelectEvent;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Angle;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.LatLon;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Position;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Sector;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.BasicShapeAttributes;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.DrawContext;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Material;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Path;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Polyline;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Renderable;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ScreenAnnotation;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ShapeAttributes;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.util.BufferFactory;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.util.BufferWrapper;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWMath;
import gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.DirectedPath;
import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath;
import org.esa.s1tbx.ocean.toolviews.polarview.OceanSwellTopComponent;
import org.esa.snap.core.datamodel.Band;
import org.esa.snap.core.datamodel.GeoPos;
import org.esa.snap.core.datamodel.MetadataElement;
import org.esa.snap.core.datamodel.PixelPos;
import org.esa.snap.core.datamodel.Product;
import org.esa.snap.core.util.SystemUtils;
import org.esa.snap.engine_utilities.datamodel.AbstractMetadata;
import org.esa.snap.rcp.SnapApp;
import org.esa.snap.worldwind.ArrowInfo;
import org.esa.snap.worldwind.ColorBarLegend;
import org.esa.snap.worldwind.ProductRenderablesInfo;
import org.esa.snap.worldwind.layers.BaseLayer;
import org.esa.snap.worldwind.layers.WWLayer;

import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.Format;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;

S-1 L2 OCN visualization
public class Level2ProductLayer extends BaseLayer implements WWLayer {

    private static double HUE_BLUE = 240d / 360d;
    private static double HUE_RED = 0d / 360d;
    private static double HUE_MAX_RED = 1.0;

    private JPanel theControlLevel2Panel;
    private boolean theOWILimitChanged = false;

    private boolean theRVLLimitChanged = false;

    private boolean theOWIArrowsDisplayed = false;

    private static double GLOBE_RADIUS = 6371000;

    // this is the dimension of the cell in which to draw an arrow
    // at the highest resolution
    private static int theOWIArrowCellSize = 4;

    // the number of resolutions for OWI arrows
    private static int theOWIArrowNumLevels = 5;

    private JCheckBox theArrowsCB;

    //public double theCurrMinHue;
    //public double theCurrMaxHue;

    //private AnalyticSurface analyticSurface = null;
    //private BufferWrapper analyticSurfaceValueBuffer = null;

    private final HashMap<String, ColorBarLegend> theColorBarLegendHash = new HashMap<>();

    // product associated with the current colorBar legend
    //private Product theColorBarLegendProduct = null;
    private String theSelectedComp = null;

    private final HashMap<Object, String> theObjectInfoHash = new HashMap<>();
    private final HashMap<Object, Product> theSurfaceProductHash = new HashMap<>();
    private final HashMap<Object, Integer> theSurfaceSequenceHash = new HashMap<>();

    private final HashMap<Product, ProductRenderablesInfo> theProductRenderablesInfoHash = new HashMap<>();

    //public ShapeAttributes dpAttrs = null;
    //public ShapeAttributes dpHighlightAttrs = null;

    public ScreenAnnotation theInfoAnnotation;

    private DirectedPath theLastSelectedDP = null;
    // this is set every time a product is added
    // because we can't added it in constructor as it is not called explicitly
    // and removeProduct needs it for redrawNow
    // (removeProduct can't be modified either to accept a wwd parameter)
    private WorldWindowGLCanvas theWWD;

    public Level2ProductLayer() {
        this.setName("S-1 Level-2 OCN");
        theWWD = null;
        //dpHighlightAttrs = new BasicShapeAttributes();

        // this is copied from gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.LayerManagerLayer
        theInfoAnnotation = new ScreenAnnotation("", new Point(120, 520));

        // Set annotation so that it will not force text to wrap (large width) and will adjust it's width to
        // that of the text. A height of zero will have the annotation height follow that of the text too.
        theInfoAnnotation.getAttributes().setSize(new Dimension(Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0));

        // Set appearance attributes
        theInfoAnnotation.getAttributes().setBackgroundColor(new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, .5f));
        theInfoAnnotation.getAttributes().setInsets(new Insets(6, 6, 6, 6));


    public void updateInfoAnnotation(final SelectEvent event) {
        //"updateInfoAnnotation " + event.getTopObject() + " " + theObjectInfoHash.get(event.getTopObject()));
        if (event.getEventAction().equals(SelectEvent.ROLLOVER)
                && theObjectInfoHash.get(event.getTopObject()) != null) {

            String info = theObjectInfoHash.get(event.getTopObject());
            if (event.getTopObject() instanceof DirectedPath) {
                DirectedPath dp = (DirectedPath) event.getTopObject();
                //theSelectedObjectLabel.setText("" + productLayer.theObjectInfoHash.get(dp));
                theLastSelectedDP = dp;


            //"selectedProduct " + getSelectedProduct());
            //final ExecCommand command = datApp.getCommandManager().getExecCommand("showPolarWaveView");
        } else if (event.getEventAction().equals(SelectEvent.LEFT_CLICK)
                && theSurfaceProductHash.get(event.getTopObject()) != null
                && theSurfaceSequenceHash.get(event.getTopObject()) != null) {
            //"click " + event.getTopObject());

        } else {

            if (theLastSelectedDP != null) {

    public void addProduct(final Product product, final WorldWindowGLCanvas wwd) {

        if (!product.getProductType().equalsIgnoreCase("OCN")) {

        // if the product has already been added, just return
        if (theProductRenderablesInfoHash.get(product) != null) {

        this.theWWD = wwd;

        final String text = "First line<br />Second line";

        //theColorBarLegendProduct = product;
        final ProductRenderablesInfo productRenderablesInfo = new ProductRenderablesInfo();
        // There is code in LayerMagerLayer that updates the size
        //  it's re-rendered
        // Update current size and adjust annotation draw offset according to it's width
        //this.size = theInfoAnnotation.getPreferredSize(dc);
        //this.annotation.getAttributes().setDrawOffset(new Point(this.size.width / 2, 0));

        //"product " + product.getName());

        String prefix = "vv";

        if (product.getBand(prefix + "_001_owiLon") == null) {
            prefix = "hh";

        MetadataElement metadataRoot = product.getMetadataRoot();
        MetadataElement absRoot = AbstractMetadata.getAbstractedMetadata(product);

        String acquisitionMode = absRoot.getAttributeString(AbstractMetadata.ACQUISITION_MODE);

        final Band owiLonBand = product.getBand(prefix + "_001_owiLon");
        final Band owiLatBand = product.getBand(prefix + "_001_owiLat");
        final Band owiIncAngleBand = product.getBand(prefix + "_001_owiIncidenceAngle");
        final Band owiWindSpeedBand = product.getBand(prefix + "_001_owiWindSpeed");
        final Band owiWindDirBand = product.getBand(prefix + "_001_owiWindDirection");

        int numRVLElements = 0;
        int rvlSwathWidth = 0;
        int rvlSwathHeight = 0;
        int numSwaths = 0;

        if (acquisitionMode.equalsIgnoreCase("IW")) {
            numSwaths = 3;

        else if (acquisitionMode.equalsIgnoreCase("EW")) {
            numSwaths = 5;
        for (int i = 0; i < numSwaths; i++) {
            Band rvlLonBand = product
                    .getBand(prefix + "_001_" + acquisitionMode.toUpperCase() + (i + 1) + "_rvlLon");

            numRVLElements += (rvlLonBand.getRasterWidth() * rvlLonBand.getRasterHeight());
            rvlSwathWidth = rvlLonBand.getRasterWidth();
            rvlSwathHeight = rvlLonBand.getRasterHeight();

        final GeoPos geoPos1 = product.getSceneGeoCoding().getGeoPos(new PixelPos(0, 0), null);
        final GeoPos geoPos2 = product.getSceneGeoCoding().getGeoPos(
                new PixelPos(product.getSceneRasterWidth() - 1, product.getSceneRasterHeight() - 1), null);

        try {
            if (owiLonBand != null) {
                final double[] lonValues = new double[owiLonBand.getRasterWidth() * owiLonBand.getRasterHeight()];
                owiLonBand.readPixels(0, 0, owiLonBand.getRasterWidth(), owiLonBand.getRasterHeight(), lonValues,

                final double[] latValues = new double[owiLatBand.getRasterWidth() * owiLatBand.getRasterHeight()];
                owiLatBand.readPixels(0, 0, owiLatBand.getRasterWidth(), owiLatBand.getRasterHeight(), latValues,

                final double[] incAngleValues = new double[owiIncAngleBand.getRasterWidth()
                        * owiIncAngleBand.getRasterHeight()];
                owiIncAngleBand.readPixels(0, 0, owiIncAngleBand.getRasterWidth(),
                        owiIncAngleBand.getRasterHeight(), incAngleValues, ProgressMonitor.NULL);

                final double[] windSpeedValues = new double[owiWindSpeedBand.getRasterWidth()
                        * owiWindSpeedBand.getRasterHeight()];
                owiWindSpeedBand.readPixels(0, 0, owiWindSpeedBand.getRasterWidth(),
                        owiWindSpeedBand.getRasterHeight(), windSpeedValues, ProgressMonitor.NULL);

                final double[] windDirValues = new double[owiWindDirBand.getRasterWidth()
                        * owiWindDirBand.getRasterHeight()];
                owiWindDirBand.readPixels(0, 0, owiWindDirBand.getRasterWidth(), owiWindDirBand.getRasterHeight(),
                        windDirValues, ProgressMonitor.NULL);

                addWindSpeedArrows(latValues, lonValues, incAngleValues, windSpeedValues, windDirValues,
                        owiLonBand.getRasterWidth(), owiLonBand.getRasterHeight(),

                createColorSurfaceWithGradient(geoPos1, geoPos2, latValues, lonValues, windSpeedValues,
                        owiWindSpeedBand.getRasterWidth(), owiWindSpeedBand.getRasterHeight(), 0, 10, false,
                        productRenderablesInfo.theRenderableListHash.get("owi"), productRenderablesInfo, "owi");


            // right now, this happens: InvalidRangeException when reading variable rvlLon
            if (numRVLElements > 0) {

                boolean displayAsOne = false;

                // with numRVLElements we get BufferOverflow exception
                // it works with 2 swaths: 2*125 *233
                double[] rvlLonValues = null;
                double[] rvlLatValues = null;
                double[] rvlRadVelValues = null;

                if (displayAsOne) {
                    rvlLonValues = new double[numRVLElements];
                    rvlLatValues = new double[numRVLElements];
                    rvlRadVelValues = new double[numRVLElements];

                for (int i = 0; i < numSwaths; i++) {
                    Band currRVLLonBand = product
                            .getBand(prefix + "_001_" + acquisitionMode.toUpperCase() + (i + 1) + "_rvlLon");
                    Band currRVLLatBand = product
                            .getBand(prefix + "_001_" + acquisitionMode.toUpperCase() + (i + 1) + "_rvlLat");
                    Band currRVLRadVelBand = product
                            .getBand(prefix + "_001_" + acquisitionMode.toUpperCase() + (i + 1) + "_rvlRadVel");

                    double[] currRVLLonValues = new double[currRVLLonBand.getRasterWidth()
                            * currRVLLonBand.getRasterHeight()];
                    currRVLLonBand.readPixels(0, 0, currRVLLonBand.getRasterWidth(),
                            currRVLLonBand.getRasterHeight(), currRVLLonValues, ProgressMonitor.NULL);

                    double[] currRVLLatValues = new double[currRVLLatBand.getRasterWidth()
                            * currRVLLatBand.getRasterHeight()];
                    currRVLLatBand.readPixels(0, 0, currRVLLatBand.getRasterWidth(),
                            currRVLLatBand.getRasterHeight(), currRVLLatValues, ProgressMonitor.NULL);

                    double[] currRVLRadVelValues = new double[currRVLRadVelBand.getRasterWidth()
                            * currRVLRadVelBand.getRasterHeight()];
                    currRVLRadVelBand.readPixels(0, 0, currRVLRadVelBand.getRasterWidth(),
                            currRVLRadVelBand.getRasterHeight(), currRVLRadVelValues, ProgressMonitor.NULL);

                    if (displayAsOne) {
                        System.arraycopy(currRVLLonValues, 0, rvlLonValues,
                                i * currRVLLonBand.getRasterWidth() * currRVLLonBand.getRasterHeight(),
                                currRVLLonBand.getRasterWidth() * currRVLLonBand.getRasterHeight());
                        System.arraycopy(currRVLLatValues, 0, rvlLatValues,
                                i * currRVLLatBand.getRasterWidth() * currRVLLatBand.getRasterHeight(),
                                currRVLLatBand.getRasterWidth() * currRVLLatBand.getRasterHeight());
                        System.arraycopy(currRVLRadVelValues, 0, rvlRadVelValues,
                                i * currRVLRadVelBand.getRasterWidth() * currRVLRadVelBand.getRasterHeight(),
                                currRVLRadVelBand.getRasterWidth() * currRVLRadVelBand.getRasterHeight());
                    } else {
                        createColorSurfaceWithGradient(geoPos1, geoPos2, currRVLLatValues, currRVLLonValues,
                                currRVLRadVelValues, rvlSwathWidth, rvlSwathHeight, -6, 6, true,
                                productRenderablesInfo.theRenderableListHash.get("rvl"), productRenderablesInfo,

                if (displayAsOne) {
                    createColorSurfaceWithGradient(geoPos1, geoPos2, rvlLatValues, rvlLonValues, rvlRadVelValues,
                            numSwaths * rvlSwathWidth, rvlSwathHeight, -6, 6, true,
                            productRenderablesInfo.theRenderableListHash.get("rvl"), productRenderablesInfo, "rvl");
                    //createColorSurfaceWithGradient(geoPos1, geoPos2, rvlLatValues, rvlLonValues, rvlRadVelValues, 10, 10, -6, 6, true, productRenderablesInfo.theRenderableListHash.get("rvl"), productRenderablesInfo, "rvl");

            double[][] oswData = null;
            double[][] owiData = null;
            double[][] rvlData = null;

            if (acquisitionMode.equalsIgnoreCase("WV")
                    && metadataRoot.getElement("Original_Product_Metadata") != null
                    && metadataRoot.getElement("Original_Product_Metadata").getElement("annotation") != null) {
                int numElements = metadataRoot.getElement("Original_Product_Metadata").getElement("annotation")
                if (numElements > 0) {
                    oswData = new double[5][numElements];
                    owiData = new double[3][numElements];
                    rvlData = new double[3][numElements];

                    int i = 0;
                    for (MetadataElement element : metadataRoot.getElement("Original_Product_Metadata")
                            .getElement("annotation").getElements()) {
                        oswData[0][i] = getData(element.getElement("oswLat"));
                        oswData[1][i] = getData(element.getElement("oswLon"));
                        oswData[2][i] = getData(element.getElement("oswHs"));
                        oswData[3][i] = getData(element.getElement("oswWl"));
                        oswData[4][i] = getData(element.getElement("oswDirmet"));

                        owiData[0][i] = getData(element.getElement("owiLat"));
                        owiData[1][i] = getData(element.getElement("owiLon"));
                        owiData[2][i] = getData(element.getElement("owiWindSpeed"));

                        rvlData[0][i] = getData(element.getElement("rvlLat"));
                        rvlData[1][i] = getData(element.getElement("rvlLon"));
                        rvlData[2][i] = getData(element.getElement("rvlRadVel"));


            if (oswData != null) {
                addWaveLengthArrows(oswData[0], oswData[1], oswData[3], oswData[4],
                createWVColorSurfaceWithGradient(product, oswData[0], oswData[1], oswData[2],
                        productRenderablesInfo.theRenderableListHash.get("osw"), "osw");

            if (owiData != null && owiLonBand == null) {
                //addWaveLengthArrows(owiData[0], owiData[1], owiData[3], owiData[4], productRenderablesInfo.theRenderableListHash.get("owi"));
                createWVColorSurfaceWithGradient(product, owiData[0], owiData[1], owiData[2],
                        productRenderablesInfo.theRenderableListHash.get("owi"), "owi");

            if (rvlData != null && numRVLElements == 0) {
                createWVColorSurfaceWithGradient(product, rvlData[0], rvlData[1], rvlData[2],
                        productRenderablesInfo.theRenderableListHash.get("rvl"), "rvl");

            theProductRenderablesInfoHash.put(product, productRenderablesInfo);
            if (theControlLevel2Panel != null) {
            setComponentVisible(theSelectedComp, wwd);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            SnapApp.getDefault().handleError("L2ProductLayer unable to add product " + product.getName(), e);

    public double getData(MetadataElement element) {
        if (element.getElement("Values") != null) {
            return element.getElement("Values").getAttribute("data").getData().getElemDouble();
        return 0;

    public void createColorSurfaceWithGradient(GeoPos geoPos1, GeoPos geoPos2, double[] latValues,
            double[] lonValues, double[] values, int width, int height, double minValue, double maxValue,
            boolean whiteZero, ArrayList<Renderable> renderableList, ProductRenderablesInfo prodRenderInfo,
            String comp) {
        createColorSurface(geoPos1, geoPos2, latValues, lonValues, values, width, height, renderableList,
                prodRenderInfo, comp);
        //createColorSurface(geoPos2.getLat(), geoPos1.getLat(), geoPos1.getLon(), geoPos2.getLon(), rvlRadVelValues, 40, 40, minValue, maxValue, renderableList);

        //theCurrMinHue = minHue;
        //theCurrMaxHue = maxHue;

        //createRandomColorSurface(25, 35, -110, -100, HUE_BLUE, HUE_RED, 40, 40, minValue, maxValue, this);
        //createRandomColorSurface(geoPos2.getLat(),  geoPos1.getLat(), 55, 57, HUE_BLUE, HUE_RED, 40, 40, minValue, maxValue, this);

        // don't create color legend if one already exists
        if (theColorBarLegendHash.get(comp) != null) {
            // use the existing limits
            minValue = theColorBarLegendHash.get(comp).getMinValue();
            maxValue = theColorBarLegendHash.get(comp).getMaxValue();

        createColorGradient(minValue, maxValue, whiteZero, prodRenderInfo, comp);

    public void createColorBarLegend(double minValue, double maxValue, String title, String comp) {
        //"createColorBarLegend " + minValue + " " + maxValue);

        String unit = "m/s";
        if (comp.equalsIgnoreCase("osw")) {
            unit = "m";
        final Format legendLabelFormat = new DecimalFormat("# " + unit);

        final ColorBarLegend colorBarLegend = new ColorBarLegend();
        colorBarLegend.setColorGradient(32, 256, minValue, maxValue, HUE_RED, HUE_MAX_RED, Color.WHITE,
                ColorBarLegend.createDefaultColorGradientLabels(minValue, maxValue, legendLabelFormat),
                ColorBarLegend.createDefaultTitle(title), comp.equalsIgnoreCase("rvl"));

        colorBarLegend = ColorBarLegend.fromColorGradient(32, 256, minValue, maxValue, minHue, maxHue,
            ColorBarLegend.createDefaultColorGradientLabels(minValue, maxValue, legendLabelFormat),
        colorBarLegend.setScreenLocation(new Point(900, 320));

        theColorBarLegendHash.put(comp, colorBarLegend);

    public void setComponentVisible(String comp, WorldWindowGLCanvas wwd) {
        //"setComponentVisible " + comp);
        //"theColorBarLegendHash " + theColorBarLegendHash);
        for (String currComp : theColorBarLegendHash.keySet()) {
            if (theColorBarLegendHash.get(currComp) != null) {
                if (currComp.equals(comp)) {

                //ProductRenderablesInfo productRenderablesInfo = theProductRenderablesInfoHash.get(theColorBarLegendProduct);
                for (ProductRenderablesInfo productRenderablesInfo : theProductRenderablesInfoHash.values()) {
                    //"::: productRenderablesInfo " + productRenderablesInfo);
                    if (productRenderablesInfo != null) {
                        ArrayList<Renderable> renderableList = productRenderablesInfo.theRenderableListHash
                        for (Renderable renderable : renderableList) {
                            if (currComp.equals(comp)) {



    private void addWindSpeedArrows(double[] latValues, double[] lonValues, double[] incAngleValues,
            double[] windSpeedValues, double[] windDirValues, int width, int height,
            ArrayList<Renderable> renderableList) {
        double pixelWidth = Math.abs(lonValues[0] - lonValues[lonValues.length - 1]) / width;
        double pixelHeight = Math.abs(latValues[0] - latValues[latValues.length - 1]) / height;

        //"pixelWidth " + pixelWidth + " pixelHeight " + pixelHeight);

        //System.out.println("pixelWidth " + pixelWidth + " pixelHeight " + pixelHeight);

        // take the smaller dimension
        double arrowLength_deg = pixelWidth;
        if (pixelHeight < pixelWidth) {
            arrowLength_deg = pixelHeight;

        arrowLength_deg = arrowLength_deg * theOWIArrowCellSize;
        // let the arrow head be approximately one third of the whole length
        double arrowHeadLength = Angle.fromDegrees(arrowLength_deg).radians * GLOBE_RADIUS / 3;

        final ShapeAttributes dpAttrs = new BasicShapeAttributes();

        //int numCellRows = (int) Math.ceil((height / cellSize));
        //int numCellCols = (int) Math.ceil((width / cellSize));

        int numCellRows = height / theOWIArrowCellSize;
        int numCellCols = width / theOWIArrowCellSize;
        //":: numCells: " + numCellRows + " " + numCellCols);

        // we need to add 1 because if height is not divisible by cellSize then (height / cellSize) is equal
        // to (height-1) / cellSize so the last element is [numCellRows]
        // (this same argument applies to width)
        // Still, we'll keep numCellRows and numCellCols as limits when we iterate
        // through it and disregard this possible last element (which is the remainder, in the corners of the whole area)
        ArrowInfo[][][] arrowGrid = new ArrowInfo[theOWIArrowNumLevels][numCellRows + 1][numCellCols + 1];

        for (int row = 0; row < height; row = row + theOWIArrowCellSize) {
            for (int col = 0; col < width; col = col + theOWIArrowCellSize) {
                //int i = row*width + col;
                int globalInd = row * width + col;
                float avgLat = 0;
                float avgLon = 0;
                double avgIncAngle = 0;
                double avgWindSpeed = 0;
                double avgWindDir = 0;
                int finalCellRow = row + theOWIArrowCellSize;
                int finalCellCol = col + theOWIArrowCellSize;

                if (finalCellRow > height) {
                    finalCellRow = height;
                if (finalCellCol > width) {
                    finalCellCol = width;
                for (int currCellRow = row; currCellRow < finalCellRow; currCellRow++) {
                    for (int currCellCol = col; currCellCol < finalCellCol; currCellCol++) {
                        int i = currCellRow * width + currCellCol;
                        avgLat += latValues[i];
                        avgLon += lonValues[i];
                        avgIncAngle += incAngleValues[i];
                        avgWindSpeed += windSpeedValues[i];
                        avgWindDir += windDirValues[i];

                avgLat = avgLat / ((finalCellRow - row) * (finalCellCol - col));
                avgLon = avgLon / ((finalCellRow - row) * (finalCellCol - col));
                avgIncAngle = avgIncAngle / ((finalCellRow - row) * (finalCellCol - col));
                avgWindSpeed = avgWindSpeed / ((finalCellRow - row) * (finalCellCol - col));
                avgWindDir = avgWindDir / ((finalCellRow - row) * (finalCellCol - col));

                avgLat = latValues[globalInd];
                avgLon = lonValues[globalInd];
                avgWindDir = windDirValues[globalInd];
                System.out.println("avgLat " + avgLat);
                System.out.println("avgLon " + avgLon);
                System.out.println("avgWindDir " + avgWindDir);
                //System.out.println("avgIncAngle " + avgIncAngle);
                //for (int i = 0; i < latValues.length; i=i+50) {
                //System.out.println(lonValues[i] + "::==::" + latValues[i] + "::==::" + incAngleValues[i] + "::==::" + windSpeedValues[i] + "::==::" + windDirValues[i] + "::==::");
                final Position startPos = new Position(Angle.fromDegreesLatitude(avgLat),
                        Angle.fromDegreesLongitude(avgLon), 10.0);
                final Position endPos = new Position(LatLon.greatCircleEndPosition(startPos,
                        Angle.fromDegrees(avgWindDir), Angle.fromDegrees(arrowLength_deg)), 10.0);

                //System.out.println("startPos " + startPos + " endPos " + endPos);

                final ArrayList<Position> positions = new ArrayList<>();

                final DirectedPath directedPath = getDirectedPath(positions, dpAttrs);

                //double arrowHeadLength = computeSegmentLength(directedPath, dc, startPos, endPos) / 4;
                int currCellRow = row / theOWIArrowCellSize;
                int currCellCol = col / theOWIArrowCellSize;
                //":: currCell: " + currCellRow + " " + currCellCol);
                arrowGrid[0][currCellRow][currCellCol] = new ArrowInfo(directedPath, avgIncAngle, avgWindSpeed,
                        avgWindDir, arrowLength_deg);

                //if (currCellRow > 0 && currCellCol > 0) {
                for (int cellSizeResolution = 1; cellSizeResolution < theOWIArrowNumLevels; cellSizeResolution++) {
                    // treating the original cell size as 1
                    int currBigCellSize = (int) FastMath.pow(2, cellSizeResolution);
                    if ((currCellRow % currBigCellSize == currBigCellSize - 1)
                            && (currCellCol % currBigCellSize == currBigCellSize - 1)) {
                        int bigCellRow = (currCellRow / currBigCellSize);
                        int bigCellCol = (currCellCol / currBigCellSize);

                        int smallCellStartRow = bigCellRow * 2;
                        int smallCellStartCol = bigCellCol * 2;

                        double cumAvgIncAngle = 0;
                        double cumAvgWindSpeed = 0;
                        double cumAvgWindDir = 0;
                        Position cumStartPos = new Position(Angle.fromDegreesLatitude(0.0),
                                Angle.fromDegreesLongitude(0.0), 10.0);
                        Position cumEndPos = new Position(Angle.fromDegreesLatitude(0.0),
                                Angle.fromDegreesLongitude(0.0), 10.0);
                        double cumStartPosLat_deg = 0;
                        double cumStartPosLon_deg = 0;
                        double bigCellArrowLength_deg = currBigCellSize * arrowLength_deg;
                        for (int currSmallCellRow = smallCellStartRow; currSmallCellRow < smallCellStartRow
                                + 2; currSmallCellRow++) {
                            for (int currSmallCellCol = smallCellStartCol; currSmallCellCol < smallCellStartCol
                                    + 2; currSmallCellCol++) {
                                ArrowInfo currSmallArrow = arrowGrid[cellSizeResolution
                                        - 1][currSmallCellRow][currSmallCellCol];
                                // all small cell's arrow length's will be the same
                                //bigCellArrowLength_deg = 2*currSmallArrow.theArrowLength;
                                cumAvgIncAngle += currSmallArrow.theAvgIncAngle;
                                cumAvgWindSpeed += currSmallArrow.theAvgWindSpeed;
                                cumAvgWindDir += currSmallArrow.theAvgWindDir;
                                boolean firstPosNext = true;
                                for (Position pos : currSmallArrow.theDirectedPath.getPositions()) {
                                    if (firstPosNext) {
                                        cumStartPos = cumStartPos.add(pos);
                                        cumStartPosLat_deg += pos.getLatitude().getDegrees();
                                        cumStartPosLon_deg += pos.getLongitude().getDegrees();
                                        firstPosNext = false;
                                    } else {
                                        cumEndPos = cumEndPos.add(pos);
                        cumAvgIncAngle = cumAvgIncAngle / 4;
                        cumAvgWindSpeed = cumAvgWindSpeed / 4;
                        cumAvgWindDir = cumAvgWindDir / 4;
                        cumStartPosLat_deg = cumStartPosLat_deg / 4;
                        cumStartPosLon_deg = cumStartPosLon_deg / 4;

                        arrowGrid[cellSizeResolution][bigCellRow][bigCellCol] = null;

                        Position bigCellStartPos = new Position(Angle.fromDegreesLatitude(cumStartPosLat_deg),
                                Angle.fromDegreesLongitude(cumStartPosLon_deg), 10.0);
                        Position bigCellEndPos = new Position(LatLon.greatCircleEndPosition(bigCellStartPos,
                                Angle.fromDegrees(cumAvgWindDir), Angle.fromDegrees(bigCellArrowLength_deg)), 10.0);

                        //System.out.println("startPos " + startPos + " endPos " + endPos);
                        ArrayList<Position> bigCellPositions = new ArrayList<>();

                        DirectedPath bigDC = getDirectedPath(bigCellPositions, dpAttrs);
                        bigDC.setArrowLength(currBigCellSize * arrowHeadLength);
                        arrowGrid[cellSizeResolution][bigCellRow][bigCellCol] = new ArrowInfo(bigDC, cumAvgIncAngle,
                                cumAvgWindSpeed, cumAvgWindDir, bigCellArrowLength_deg);



        for (int cellRow = 0; cellRow < numCellRows; cellRow++) {
            for (int cellCol = 0; cellCol < numCellCols; cellCol++) {

                final int finalCellRow = cellRow;
                final int finalCellCol = cellCol;

                //DirectedPath directedPath = arrowGrid[0][cellRow][cellCol].theDirectedPath;
                Renderable renderable = new Renderable() {
                    public void render(DrawContext dc) {
                        if (!theOWIArrowsDisplayed) {

                        // this is the length of the arrow head actually
                        //double arrowHeadLength = computeSegmentLength(directedPath, dc, startPos, endPos) / 4;

                        //double maxHeight = cellSize * 0.5e6 / 16;

                        double currAlt = dc.getView().getCurrentEyePosition().getAltitude();
                        int selectedResolutionInd = 0;
                        for (int resolutionInd = 0; resolutionInd < theOWIArrowNumLevels; resolutionInd++) {
                        double maxResAlt = (0.5e6 / 4) * Math.pow(2,resolutionInd);
                        double minResAlt = maxResAlt / 2;
                        if (currAlt > minResAlt && currAlt < maxResAlt) {
                            selectedResolutionInd = resolutionInd;
                        int selectedResolutionInd = (int) (Math.log(currAlt * (4 / 0.5e6)) / Math.log(2));
                        if (selectedResolutionInd < 0) {
                            selectedResolutionInd = 0;
                        } else if (selectedResolutionInd > 4) {
                            selectedResolutionInd = 4;
                        int selectedInd = (int) FastMath.pow(2, selectedResolutionInd);

                        //int selectedInd = (int) (currAlt * (4 / 0.5e6));
                        if ((finalCellRow % selectedInd == 0) && (finalCellCol % selectedInd == 0)) {
                            int bigCellRow = finalCellRow / selectedInd;
                            int bigCellCol = finalCellCol / selectedInd;

                            // this check is necessary because the possible last element which we disregarded and which is null

                            if (arrowGrid[selectedResolutionInd][bigCellRow] != null
                                    && arrowGrid[selectedResolutionInd][bigCellRow][bigCellCol] != null) {

                                ArrowInfo currArrow = arrowGrid[selectedResolutionInd][bigCellRow][bigCellCol];

                                // we won't render the arrow if the wind speed is zero
                                if (currArrow.theAvgWindSpeed > 0) {
                                    DirectedPath currDirectedPath = currArrow.theDirectedPath;

                                    if (theObjectInfoHash.get(currDirectedPath) == null) {
                                        String info = "Wind Speed: " + currArrow.theAvgWindSpeed + "<br/>";
                                        info += "Wind Direction: " + currArrow.theAvgWindDir + "<br/>";
                                        info += "Incidence Angle: " + currArrow.theAvgIncAngle + "<br/>";
                                        theObjectInfoHash.put(currDirectedPath, info);

                        if (currAlt > minHeight && currAlt < maxHeight) {
                        //System.out.println("arrowHeadLength " + arrowHeadLength);

                        //System.out.println("eyePosition " + dc.getView().getCurrentEyePosition());

                if (renderableList != null) {


    private DirectedPath getDirectedPath(ArrayList<Position> positions, ShapeAttributes dpAttrs) {
        DirectedPath directedPath = new DirectedPath(positions);
        return directedPath;

    private void addWaveLengthArrows(double[] latValues, double[] lonValues, double[] waveLengthValues,
            double[] waveDirValues, ArrayList<Renderable> renderableList) {
        //":: addWaveLengthArrows ");

        final ShapeAttributes dpAttrs = new BasicShapeAttributes();

        for (int ind = 0; ind < waveLengthValues.length; ind++) {
            //int ind = row*width + col;
            double arrowLength_deg = waveLengthValues[ind] / 4000;
            //double arrowLength_deg = 0.277392578125;

            double arrowHeadLength = Angle.fromDegrees(arrowLength_deg).radians * GLOBE_RADIUS / 3;

            final Position startPos = new Position(Angle.fromDegreesLatitude(latValues[ind]),
                    Angle.fromDegreesLongitude(lonValues[ind]), 10.0);
            final Position endPos = new Position(LatLon.greatCircleEndPosition(startPos,
                    Angle.fromDegrees(waveDirValues[ind]), Angle.fromDegrees(arrowLength_deg)), 10.0);

            //System.out.println("waveLengthValues[i] " + waveLengthValues[i]);

            final ArrayList<Position> positions = new ArrayList<>();

            DirectedPath directedPath = getDirectedPath(positions, dpAttrs);

            Renderable renderable = new Renderable() {
                public void render(DrawContext dc) {

            if (renderableList != null) {


    private void createWVColorSurfaceWithGradient(Product product, double[] latValues, double[] lonValues,
            double[] values, ArrayList<Renderable> renderableList, String comp) {
        //":: createWVColorSurfaceWithGradient ");

        final ShapeAttributes dpAttrs = new BasicShapeAttributes();
        // we cannot make it a scalar object because it has to be final and then we won't be able to assign to it
        // we'll store it as a first object of a final array
        //final ArrayList<Object> ctgSurfaceList = new ArrayList<Object>();

        for (int ind = 0; ind < values.length; ind++) {
            final int finalInd = ind;
            final ArrayList<Position> polygonPositions = new ArrayList<>();
            double vignette_half_side_deg = (180 / Math.PI) * 10000 / GLOBE_RADIUS;

            polygonPositions.add(new Position(Angle.fromDegreesLatitude(latValues[ind] - vignette_half_side_deg),
                    Angle.fromDegreesLongitude(lonValues[ind] - vignette_half_side_deg), 10.0));
            polygonPositions.add(new Position(Angle.fromDegreesLatitude(latValues[ind] - vignette_half_side_deg),
                    Angle.fromDegreesLongitude(lonValues[ind] + vignette_half_side_deg), 10.0));
            polygonPositions.add(new Position(Angle.fromDegreesLatitude(latValues[ind] + vignette_half_side_deg),
                    Angle.fromDegreesLongitude(lonValues[ind] + vignette_half_side_deg), 10.0));
            polygonPositions.add(new Position(Angle.fromDegreesLatitude(latValues[ind] + vignette_half_side_deg),
                    Angle.fromDegreesLongitude(lonValues[ind] - vignette_half_side_deg), 10.0));
            polygonPositions.add(new Position(Angle.fromDegreesLatitude(latValues[ind] - vignette_half_side_deg),
                    Angle.fromDegreesLongitude(lonValues[ind] - vignette_half_side_deg), 10.0));

            Polyline p = new Polyline();
            if (renderableList != null) {

            String info = "";
            if (comp.equalsIgnoreCase("osw")) {
                info = "Wave Length: " + values[ind] + "<br/>";
            } else if (comp.equalsIgnoreCase("owi")) {
                info = "Wind Speed: " + values[ind] + "<br/>";
            } else if (comp.equalsIgnoreCase("rvl")) {
                info = "Radial Velocity: " + values[ind] + "<br/>";
            String finalInfo = info;

            //AnalyticSurface analyticSurface = new AnalyticSurface();
            AnalyticSurface analyticSurface = new AnalyticSurface() {
                public void render(DrawContext dc) {
                    if (clampToGroundSurface != null) {
                        theObjectInfoHash.put(clampToGroundSurface, finalInfo);
                        theSurfaceProductHash.put(clampToGroundSurface, product);
                        theSurfaceSequenceHash.put(clampToGroundSurface, finalInd);

            analyticSurface.setSector(Sector.fromDegrees(latValues[ind] - vignette_half_side_deg,
                    latValues[ind] + vignette_half_side_deg, lonValues[ind] - vignette_half_side_deg,
                    lonValues[ind] + vignette_half_side_deg));
            // one by one square doesn't seem to work, so we'll just use the next smallest
            // possible square and repeat the same value 4 times
            analyticSurface.setDimensions(2, 2);

            final ArrayList<AnalyticSurface.GridPointAttributes> attributesList = new ArrayList<>();
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                attributesList.add(createColorGradientAttributes(values[ind], 0, 10, HUE_RED, HUE_MAX_RED, false));


            AnalyticSurfaceAttributes attr = new AnalyticSurfaceAttributes();

            if (renderableList != null) {



    private double computeSegmentLength(Path path, DrawContext dc, Position posA, Position posB) {
        final LatLon llA = new LatLon(posA.getLatitude(), posA.getLongitude());
        final LatLon llB = new LatLon(posB.getLatitude(), posB.getLongitude());

        Angle ang;
        String pathType = path.getPathType();
        if (pathType == AVKey.LINEAR) {
            ang = LatLon.linearDistance(llA, llB);
        } else if (pathType == AVKey.RHUMB_LINE || pathType == AVKey.LOXODROME) {
            ang = LatLon.rhumbDistance(llA, llB);
        } else { // Great circle
            ang = LatLon.greatCircleDistance(llA, llB);

        if (path.getAltitudeMode() == WorldWind.CLAMP_TO_GROUND) {
            return ang.radians * (dc.getGlobe().getRadius());

        final double height = 0.5 * (posA.getElevation() + posB.getElevation());
        return ang.radians * (dc.getGlobe().getRadius() + height * dc.getVerticalExaggeration());

    // ADDED
    protected void createColorSurface(GeoPos geoPos1, GeoPos geoPos2, double[] latValues, double[] lonValues,
            double[] vals, int width, int height, ArrayList<Renderable> renderableList,
            ProductRenderablesInfo prodRenderInfo, String comp) {
        //double minValue = -200e3;
        //double maxValue = 200e3;
        //"createColorSurface " + latValues.length + " " + lonValues.length + " " + vals.length + " " + width + " " + height);

        // analytic surface has to be overidden in order to allow for non-rectangular surfaces
        // the approach is render the surface point by point and not use the sector as the boundary
        AnalyticSurface analyticSurface = new AnalyticSurface() {

            protected void doUpdate(DrawContext dc) {
                this.referencePos = new Position(this.sector.getCentroid(), this.altitude);
                this.referencePoint = dc.getGlobe().computePointFromPosition(this.referencePos);

                if (this.surfaceRenderInfo == null || this.surfaceRenderInfo.getGridWidth() != this.width
                        || this.surfaceRenderInfo.getGridHeight() != this.height) {
                    this.surfaceRenderInfo = new RenderInfo(this.width, this.height) {
                        public void drawInterior(DrawContext dc) {
                            if (dc == null) {

                this.updateSurfacePoints(dc, this.surfaceRenderInfo);

            protected void updateSurfacePoints(DrawContext dc, RenderInfo outRenderInfo) {
                Iterator<? extends GridPointAttributes> iter = this.values.iterator();

                //int i = 0;
                //while (iter.hasNext()) {
                for (int row = 0; row < this.height; row++) {
                    for (int col = 0; col < this.width; col++) {
                        int i = row * (this.width) + col;
                        GridPointAttributes attr = iter.hasNext() ? : null;
                        if (vals[i] != -999) {
                            //if (vals[i] > 0) {
                            this.updateNextSurfacePoint(dc, Angle.fromDegrees(latValues[i]),
                                    Angle.fromDegrees(lonValues[i]), attr, outRenderInfo);

                Sector.fromDegrees(geoPos2.getLat(), geoPos1.getLat(), geoPos1.getLon(), geoPos2.getLon()));
        analyticSurface.setDimensions(width, height);

        AnalyticSurfaceAttributes attr = new AnalyticSurfaceAttributes();


        //analyticSurfaceValueBuffer = randomGridValues(width, height, minValue, maxValue);
        BufferWrapper analyticSurfaceValueBuffer = (new BufferFactory.DoubleBufferFactory()).newBuffer(vals.length);
        analyticSurfaceValueBuffer.putDouble(0, vals, 0, vals.length);

        //smoothValues(width, height, values, 0.5d);
        //scaleValues(values, values.length, minValue, maxValue);

        //mixValuesOverTime(2000L, firstBuffer, analyticSurfaceValueBuffer, minValue, maxValue, minHue, maxHue, analyticSurface);

        prodRenderInfo.setAnalyticSurfaceAndBuffer(analyticSurface, analyticSurfaceValueBuffer, comp);
        if (renderableList != null) {

    public void createColorGradient(double minValue, double maxValue, boolean whiteZero,
            ProductRenderablesInfo prodRenderInfo, String comp) {
        //"createColorGradient " + minValue + " " + maxValue + " " + comp);
        ArrayList<AnalyticSurface> analyticSurfaces = null;
        ArrayList<BufferWrapper> analyticSurfaceValueBuffers = null;

        if (comp.equalsIgnoreCase("owi")) {
            analyticSurfaces = prodRenderInfo.owiAnalyticSurfaces;
            analyticSurfaceValueBuffers = prodRenderInfo.owiAnalyticSurfaceValueBuffers;
        } else if (comp.equalsIgnoreCase("osw")) {
            analyticSurfaces = prodRenderInfo.oswAnalyticSurfaces;
            analyticSurfaceValueBuffers = prodRenderInfo.oswAnalyticSurfaceValueBuffers;
        } else if (comp.equalsIgnoreCase("rvl")) {
            analyticSurfaces = prodRenderInfo.rvlAnalyticSurfaces;
            analyticSurfaceValueBuffers = prodRenderInfo.rvlAnalyticSurfaceValueBuffers;

        if (analyticSurfaces != null) {

            for (int currSurfInd = 0; currSurfInd < analyticSurfaces.size(); currSurfInd++) {

                AnalyticSurface analyticSurface = analyticSurfaces.get(currSurfInd);
                BufferWrapper analyticSurfaceValueBuffer = analyticSurfaceValueBuffers.get(currSurfInd);
                final ArrayList<AnalyticSurface.GridPointAttributes> attributesList = new ArrayList<>();
                for (int i = 0; i < analyticSurfaceValueBuffer.length(); i++) {
                    double d = analyticSurfaceValueBuffer.getDouble(i);
                            createColorGradientAttributes(d, minValue, maxValue, HUE_RED, HUE_MAX_RED, whiteZero));


    // ADDED:
    // this method is copied from
    public static AnalyticSurface.GridPointAttributes createColorGradientAttributes(final double value,
            double minValue, double maxValue, double minHue, double maxHue, boolean whiteZero) {
        final double hueFactor = WWMath.computeInterpolationFactor(value, minValue, maxValue);

        //double hue = WWMath.mixSmooth(hueFactor, minHue, maxHue);
        final double hue = WWMath.mix(hueFactor, minHue, maxHue);
        double sat = 1.0;
        if (whiteZero) {
            sat = Math.abs(WWMath.mixSmooth(hueFactor, -1, 1));
        final Color color = Color.getHSBColor((float) hue, (float) sat, 1f);
        final double opacity = WWMath.computeInterpolationFactor(value, minValue,
                minValue + (maxValue - minValue) * 0.1);
        final Color rgbaColor = new Color(color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue(), (int) (255 * opacity));

        return AnalyticSurface.createGridPointAttributes(value, rgbaColor);

    public void removeProduct(final Product product) {
        //":: removeProduct " + product);
        //":: theProductRenderablesInfoHash " + theProductRenderablesInfoHash);
        final ProductRenderablesInfo productRenderablesInfo = theProductRenderablesInfoHash.get(product);
        //":: chosen ProductRenderablesInfo " + productRenderablesInfo);

        if (productRenderablesInfo != null) {
            //for (ProductRenderablesInfo currProductRenderablesInfo : theProductRenderablesInfoHash.values()) {
            //":: currProductRenderablesInfo " + productRenderablesInfo);

            for (ArrayList<Renderable> renderableList : productRenderablesInfo.theRenderableListHash.values()) {
                //":: renderableList " + renderableList);
                for (Renderable renderable : renderableList) {
                    //":: renderable " + renderable);
                    if (renderable instanceof DirectedPath) {
        for (ColorBarLegend legend : theColorBarLegendHash.values()) {

        if (theProductRenderablesInfoHash.size() == 0) {
            for (ColorBarLegend colorBarLegend : theColorBarLegendHash.values()) {



    public void recreateColorBarAndGradient(double minValue, double maxValue, String comp, WorldWindowGLCanvas wwd,
            boolean redraw) {
        //"recreateColorBarAndGradient " + minValue + " " + maxValue + " " + comp + " " + theColorBarLegendHash.get(comp));

        String title = "";
        if (comp.equalsIgnoreCase("owi")) {
            title = "OWI Wind Speed";
        } else if (comp.equalsIgnoreCase("osw")) {
            title = "OSW Wave Height.";
        } else if (comp.equalsIgnoreCase("rvl")) {
            title = "RVL Rad. Vel.";

        if (redraw) {
        createColorBarLegend(minValue, maxValue, title, comp);

        if (redraw) {
        for (ProductRenderablesInfo productRenderablesInfo : theProductRenderablesInfoHash.values()) {
            //createColorGradient(minValue, maxValue, false, theProductRenderablesInfoHash.get(theColorBarLegendProduct), comp);
            createColorGradient(minValue, maxValue, false, productRenderablesInfo, comp);

        if (redraw) {

    public JPanel getControlPanel(final WorldWindowGLCanvas wwd) {
        theControlLevel2Panel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(7, 1, 5, 5));
        final JRadioButton owiBtn = new JRadioButton("OWI");
        owiBtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
                theSelectedComp = "owi";
                setComponentVisible("owi", wwd);

        final JRadioButton oswBtn = new JRadioButton("OSW");
        oswBtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
                theSelectedComp = "osw";
                setComponentVisible("osw", wwd);

                //"theSurfaceProductHash " + theSurfaceProductHash);
                //"theSurfaceSequenceHash " + theSurfaceSequenceHash);

        final JRadioButton rvlBtn = new JRadioButton("RVL");
        rvlBtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
                theSelectedComp = "rvl";
                //setComponentVisible("owi", false, getWwd());
                //setComponentVisible("osw", false, getWwd());
                setComponentVisible("rvl", wwd);

        final ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup();

        theSelectedComp = "owi";

        final JPanel componentTypePanel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1, 4, 5, 5));
        componentTypePanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(4, 4, 4, 4));
        componentTypePanel.add(new JLabel("Component:"));

        final JPanel arrowDisplayPanel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1, 2, 5, 5));

        theArrowsCB = new JCheckBox(new AbstractAction() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
                // Simply enable or disable the layer based on its toggle button.
                if (((JCheckBox) actionEvent.getSource()).isSelected())
                    theOWIArrowsDisplayed = true;
                    theOWIArrowsDisplayed = false;


        arrowDisplayPanel.add(new JLabel("Display Wind Vectors:"));

        final JPanel subsectionPanel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1, 2, 5, 5));
        JComboBox sectionDropDown = new JComboBox();
        sectionDropDown.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
  "drop down changed");
        subsectionPanel.add(new JLabel("Subsection:"));

        final JPanel maxPanel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1, 2, 5, 5));
        maxPanel.add(new JLabel("Max OWI Wind Speed:"));

        final JSpinner maxSP = new JSpinner(new SpinnerNumberModel(10, 0, 10, 1));
        maxSP.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() {
            public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) {
                int newValue = (Integer) ((JSpinner) e.getSource()).getValue();

                theOWILimitChanged = true;

        final JPanel minPanel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1, 2, 5, 5));
        minPanel.add(new JLabel("Min OWI Wind Speed:"));

        final JSpinner minSP = new JSpinner(new SpinnerNumberModel(0, 0, 10, 1));
        minSP.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() {
            public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) {
                theOWILimitChanged = true;

        final JPanel maxRVLPanel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1, 2, 5, 5));
        maxRVLPanel.add(new JLabel("Max RVL Rad Vel.:"));

        final JSpinner maxRVLSP = new JSpinner(new SpinnerNumberModel(6, 0, 10, 1));
        maxRVLSP.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() {
            public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) {
                int newValue = (Integer) ((JSpinner) e.getSource()).getValue();
                theRVLLimitChanged = true;

        final JButton updateButton = new JButton("Update");
        updateButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionEvent) {

                if (theOWILimitChanged) {

                    //double minValue = ((Integer) minSP.getValue()) * 1.0e4;
                    //double maxValue = ((Integer) maxSP.getValue()) * 1.0e4;
                    double minValue = ((Integer) minSP.getValue());
                    double maxValue = ((Integer) maxSP.getValue());
                    recreateColorBarAndGradient(minValue, maxValue, "owi", wwd,

                if (theRVLLimitChanged) {

                    //double minValue = ((Integer) minSP.getValue()) * 1.0e4;
                    //double maxValue = ((Integer) maxSP.getValue()) * 1.0e4;

                    double maxValue = ((Integer) maxRVLSP.getValue());
                    double minValue = -1 * maxValue;

                    recreateColorBarAndGradient(minValue, maxValue, "rvl", wwd,

                theOWILimitChanged = false;
                theRVLLimitChanged = false;

        createColorBarLegend(0, 10, "OWI Wind Speed", "owi");
        createColorBarLegend(0, 10, "OSW Wave Height.", "osw");
        createColorBarLegend(-6, 6, "RVL Rad. Vel.", "rvl");

        return theControlLevel2Panel;