Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2014 by Array Systems Computing Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, see */ package org.esa.nest.gpf.oceantools; import com.bc.ceres.core.ProgressMonitor; import org.esa.beam.framework.datamodel.*; import org.esa.beam.framework.gpf.Operator; import org.esa.beam.framework.gpf.OperatorException; import org.esa.beam.framework.gpf.OperatorSpi; import org.esa.beam.framework.gpf.Tile; import org.esa.beam.framework.gpf.annotations.OperatorMetadata; import org.esa.beam.framework.gpf.annotations.Parameter; import org.esa.beam.framework.gpf.annotations.SourceProduct; import org.esa.beam.framework.gpf.annotations.TargetProduct; import org.esa.beam.util.ProductUtils; import org.esa.snap.datamodel.AbstractMetadata; import org.esa.snap.gpf.OperatorUtils; import org.esa.snap.gpf.TileIndex; import org.esa.snap.util.ResourceUtils; import org.esa.snap.util.XMLSupport; import org.jdom2.Document; import org.jdom2.Element; import java.awt.*; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * The ship detection discrimination operator. False ship detections are eliminated based on simple target * measurements. The operator first clusters contiguous detected pixels into a single cluster and then * extracts the width and length information from the target. Based on these measurements and user input * discrimination criteria, targets that are too big or too small are eliminated. * <p/> * [1] D. J. Crisp, "The State-of-the-Art in Ship Detection in Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery." DSTO-RR-0272, 2004-05. */ @OperatorMetadata(alias = "Object-Discrimination", category = "SAR Processing/Ocean Tools/Object Detection", authors = "Jun Lu, Luis Veci", copyright = "Copyright (C) 2014 by Array Systems Computing Inc.", description = "Remove false alarms from the detected objects.") public class ObjectDiscriminationOp extends Operator { @SourceProduct(alias = "source") private Product sourceProduct; @TargetProduct private Product targetProduct = null; @Parameter(description = "Minimum target size", defaultValue = "120.0", label = "Minimum Target Size (m)") private double minTargetSizeInMeter = 120.0; @Parameter(description = "Maximum target size", defaultValue = "600.0", label = "Maximum Target Size (m)") private double maxTargetSizeInMeter = 600.0; private boolean clusteringPerformed = false; private int sourceImageWidth = 0; private int sourceImageHeight = 0; private double rangeSpacing = 0; private double azimuthSpacing = 0; private TiePointGrid latitude = null; private TiePointGrid longitude = null; private MetadataElement absRoot = null; private final transient Map<Band, Band> bandMap = new HashMap<Band, Band>(3); private final HashMap<String, List<ShipRecord>> bandClusterLists = new HashMap<String, List<ShipRecord>>(); private File targetReportFile = null; @Override public void initialize() throws OperatorException { try { absRoot = AbstractMetadata.getAbstractedMetadata(sourceProduct); getPixelSpacings(); getSourceImageDimension(); getTiePointGrid(); setTargetReportFilePath(); createTargetProduct(); } catch (Throwable e) { OperatorUtils.catchOperatorException(getId(), e); } } /** * Get the range and azimuth spacings (in meter). * * @throws Exception when metadata is missing or equal to default no data value */ private void getPixelSpacings() throws Exception { rangeSpacing = AbstractMetadata.getAttributeDouble(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.range_spacing); azimuthSpacing = AbstractMetadata.getAttributeDouble(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.azimuth_spacing); //System.out.println("Range spacing is " + rangeSpacing); //System.out.println("Azimuth spacing is " + azimuthSpacing); } /** * Get source image dimension. */ private void getSourceImageDimension() { sourceImageWidth = sourceProduct.getSceneRasterWidth(); sourceImageHeight = sourceProduct.getSceneRasterHeight(); //System.out.println("Source image width = " + sourceImageWidth); //System.out.println("Source image height = " + sourceImageHeight); } /** * Get latitude anf longitude tie point grid. */ private void getTiePointGrid() { latitude = OperatorUtils.getLatitude(sourceProduct); longitude = OperatorUtils.getLongitude(sourceProduct); } /** * Set absolute path for outputing target report file. */ private void setTargetReportFilePath() { final String fileName = sourceProduct.getName() + "_object_detection_report.xml"; final File appUserDir = new File( ResourceUtils.getApplicationUserDir(true).getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + "log"); if (!appUserDir.exists()) { appUserDir.mkdirs(); } targetReportFile = new File(appUserDir.toString(), fileName); } /** * Create target product. */ private void createTargetProduct() { targetProduct = new Product(sourceProduct.getName(), sourceProduct.getProductType(), sourceImageWidth, sourceImageHeight); ProductUtils.copyProductNodes(sourceProduct, targetProduct); addSelectedBands(); updateTargetProductMetadata(); } /** * Add the user selected bands to target product. * * @throws OperatorException The exceptions. */ private void addSelectedBands() throws OperatorException { final Band[] bands = sourceProduct.getBands(); final List<String> bandNameList = new ArrayList<String>(sourceProduct.getNumBands()); for (Band band : bands) { bandNameList.add(band.getName()); } final String[] sourceBandNames = bandNameList.toArray(new String[bandNameList.size()]); final Band[] sourceBands = OperatorUtils.getSourceBands(sourceProduct, sourceBandNames); for (Band srcBand : sourceBands) { final String srcBandName = srcBand.getName(); if (!srcBandName.contains(AdaptiveThresholdingOp.SHIPMASK_NAME)) { final Band targetBand = new Band(srcBandName, srcBand.getDataType(), sourceImageWidth, sourceImageHeight); targetBand.setUnit(srcBand.getUnit()); targetProduct.addBand(targetBand); bandClusterLists.put(srcBandName, new ArrayList<ShipRecord>()); final String bitMaskBandName = srcBandName + AdaptiveThresholdingOp.SHIPMASK_NAME; final Band bitMaskBand = sourceProduct.getBand(bitMaskBandName); if (bitMaskBand != null) { bandMap.put(srcBand, bitMaskBand); } else { throw new OperatorException("No bit mask band found for band: " + srcBandName); } } } } /** * Save target report file path in the metadata. */ private void updateTargetProductMetadata() { final MetadataElement absTgt = AbstractMetadata.getAbstractedMetadata(targetProduct); absTgt.setAttributeString(AbstractMetadata.target_report_file, targetReportFile.getAbsolutePath()); } /** * Called by the framework in order to compute a tile for the given target band. * <p>The default implementation throws a runtime exception with the message "not implemented".</p> * * @param targetBand The target band. * @param targetTile The current tile associated with the target band to be computed. * @param pm A progress monitor which should be used to determine computation cancelation requests. * @throws org.esa.beam.framework.gpf.OperatorException If an error occurs during computation of the target raster. */ @Override public void computeTile(Band targetBand, Tile targetTile, ProgressMonitor pm) throws OperatorException { try { final Rectangle targetTileRectangle = targetTile.getRectangle(); final int tx0 = targetTileRectangle.x; final int ty0 = targetTileRectangle.y; final int tw = targetTileRectangle.width; final int th = targetTileRectangle.height; final ProductData trgData = targetTile.getDataBuffer(); //System.out.println("tx0 = " + tx0 + ", ty0 = " + ty0 + ", tw = " + tw + ", th = " + th); final int x0 = Math.max(tx0 - 10, 0); final int y0 = Math.max(ty0 - 10, 0); final int w = Math.min(tw + 20, sourceImageWidth); final int h = Math.min(th + 20, sourceImageHeight); final Rectangle sourceTileRectangle = new Rectangle(x0, y0, w, h); //System.out.println("x0 = " + x0 + ", y0 = " + y0 + ", w = " + w + ", h = " + h); final Band sourceBand = sourceProduct.getBand(targetBand.getName()); final Tile sourceTile = getSourceTile(sourceBand, sourceTileRectangle); final ProductData srcData = sourceTile.getDataBuffer(); final int[][] pixelsScanned = new int[h][w]; final List<ShipRecord> clusterList = bandClusterLists.get(targetBand.getName()); final Band bitMaskBand = bandMap.get(sourceBand); final Tile bitMaskTile = getSourceTile(bitMaskBand, sourceTileRectangle); final ProductData bitMaskData = bitMaskTile.getDataBuffer(); final TileIndex trgIndex = new TileIndex(targetTile); final TileIndex srcIndex = new TileIndex(sourceTile); // src and trg tile are different size final int maxy = ty0 + th; final int maxx = tx0 + tw; for (int ty = ty0; ty < maxy; ty++) { trgIndex.calculateStride(ty); srcIndex.calculateStride(ty); for (int tx = tx0; tx < maxx; tx++) { final int srcIdx = srcIndex.getIndex(tx); if (pixelsScanned[ty - y0][tx - x0] == 0 && bitMaskData.getElemIntAt(srcIdx) == 1) { final List<PixelPos> clusterPixels = new ArrayList<PixelPos>(); clustering(tx, ty, x0, y0, w, h, bitMaskData, bitMaskTile, pixelsScanned, clusterPixels); final ShipRecord record = generateRecord(x0, y0, w, h, clusterPixels); final double size = Math.sqrt(record.length * record.length + record.width * record.width); if (size >= minTargetSizeInMeter && size <= maxTargetSizeInMeter) { getClusterIntensity(clusterPixels, srcData, sourceTile, record); clusterList.add(record); } } trgData.setElemDoubleAt(trgIndex.getIndex(tx), srcData.getElemDoubleAt(srcIdx)); } } clusteringPerformed = true; } catch (Throwable e) { OperatorUtils.catchOperatorException(getId(), e); } } /** * Find pixels detected as target in a 3x3 window centered at a given point. * * @param xc The x coordinate of the given point. * @param yc The y coordinate of the given point. * @param x0 The x coordinate for the upper left corner point of the source rectangle. * @param y0 The y coordinate for the upper left corner point of the source rectangle. * @param w The width of the source rectangle. * @param h The height of the source rectangle. * @param bitMaskData The bit maks band data. * @param bitMaskTile The bit mask band tile. * @param pixelsScanned The binary array indicating which pixel in the tile has been scaned. * @param clusterPixels The list of pixels in the cluster. */ private static void clustering(final int xc, final int yc, final int x0, final int y0, final int w, final int h, final ProductData bitMaskData, final Tile bitMaskTile, final int[][] pixelsScanned, List<PixelPos> clusterPixels) { pixelsScanned[yc - y0][xc - x0] = 1; clusterPixels.add(new PixelPos(xc, yc)); final int[] x = { xc - 1, xc, xc + 1, xc - 1, xc + 1, xc - 1, xc, xc + 1 }; final int[] y = { yc - 1, yc - 1, yc - 1, yc, yc, yc + 1, yc + 1, yc + 1 }; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (x[i] >= x0 && x[i] < x0 + w && y[i] >= y0 && y[i] < y0 + h && pixelsScanned[y[i] - y0][x[i] - x0] == 0 && bitMaskData.getElemIntAt(bitMaskTile.getDataBufferIndex(x[i], y[i])) == 1) { clustering(x[i], y[i], x0, y0, w, h, bitMaskData, bitMaskTile, pixelsScanned, clusterPixels); } } } /** * Generate a ship record for the detected cluster. * * @param x0 The x coordinate for the upper left corner point of the source rectangle. * @param y0 The y coordinate for the upper left corner point of the source rectangle. * @param w The width of the source rectangle. * @param h The height of the source rectangle. * @param clusterPixels The list of pixels in the cluster. * @return ShipRecord */ private ShipRecord generateRecord(final int x0, final int y0, final int w, final int h, List<PixelPos> clusterPixels) { int xMin = x0 + w - 1; int xMax = x0; int yMin = y0 + h - 1; int yMax = y0; for (PixelPos pixel : clusterPixels) { if (pixel.x < xMin) { xMin = (int) pixel.x; } if (pixel.x > xMax) { xMax = (int) pixel.x; } if (pixel.y < yMin) { yMin = (int) pixel.y; } if (pixel.y > yMax) { yMax = (int) pixel.y; } } final double xMid = (xMin + xMax) / 2.0; final double yMid = (yMin + yMax) / 2.0; final double lat = latitude.getPixelDouble(xMid, yMid); final double lon = longitude.getPixelDouble(xMid, yMid); final double width = (xMax - xMin + 1) * rangeSpacing; final double length = (yMax - yMin + 1) * azimuthSpacing; return new ShipRecord(lat, lon, width, length, 0.0); } /** * compute total cluster intensity. * * @param clusterPixels The list of pixels in the cluster. * @param srcData The source band data. * @param sourceTile The souce band tile. * @param record The ship record. */ private static void getClusterIntensity(final List<PixelPos> clusterPixels, final ProductData srcData, final Tile sourceTile, ShipRecord record) { double totalIntensity = 0.0; for (PixelPos pixel : clusterPixels) { totalIntensity += srcData.getElemDoubleAt(sourceTile.getDataBufferIndex((int) pixel.x, (int) pixel.y)); } record.intensity = totalIntensity; } /** * Output cluster information to file. */ @Override public void dispose() { if (!clusteringPerformed) { return; } writeBandClusterListsToFile(); } /** * Output cluster information to file. * * @throws OperatorException when can't save metadata */ private void writeBandClusterListsToFile() throws OperatorException { final Element root = new Element("Detection"); final Document doc = new Document(root); for (String bandName : bandClusterLists.keySet()) { final Element elem = new Element("targetsDetected"); elem.setAttribute("bandName", bandName); final List<ShipRecord> clusterList = bandClusterLists.get(bandName); for (ShipRecord rec : clusterList) { final Element subElem = new Element("target"); subElem.setAttribute("lat", String.valueOf(; subElem.setAttribute("lon", String.valueOf(rec.lon)); subElem.setAttribute("width", String.valueOf(rec.width)); subElem.setAttribute("length", String.valueOf(rec.length)); subElem.setAttribute("intensity", String.valueOf(rec.intensity)); elem.addContent(subElem); } root.addContent(elem); } XMLSupport.SaveXML(doc, targetReportFile.getAbsolutePath()); } public static class ShipRecord { public double lat; public double lon; public double width; public double length; public double intensity; public ShipRecord(final double lat, final double lon, final double width, final double length, final double intensity) { = lat; this.lon = lon; this.width = width; this.length = length; this.intensity = intensity; } } /** * Operator SPI. */ public static class Spi extends OperatorSpi { public Spi() { super(ObjectDiscriminationOp.class); } } }