Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2014 by Array Systems Computing Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, see */ package org.esa.nest.dataio.ceos.basic; import Jama.Matrix; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath; import org.esa.beam.framework.datamodel.*; import org.esa.beam.framework.dataop.maptransf.Datum; import org.esa.beam.util.Debug; import org.esa.beam.util.Guardian; import org.esa.beam.visat.VisatApp; import org.esa.nest.dataio.SARReader; import org.esa.nest.dataio.binary.BinaryRecord; import org.esa.nest.dataio.binary.IllegalBinaryFormatException; import org.esa.nest.dataio.ceos.CEOSImageFile; import org.esa.nest.dataio.ceos.CEOSProductDirectory; import org.esa.nest.dataio.ceos.CeosHelper; import org.esa.snap.datamodel.AbstractMetadata; import org.esa.snap.datamodel.OrbitStateVector; import org.esa.snap.datamodel.Orbits; import org.esa.snap.datamodel.Unit; import org.esa.snap.eo.Constants; import org.esa.snap.eo.GeoUtils; import org.esa.snap.gpf.OperatorUtils; import org.esa.snap.gpf.ReaderUtils; import org.esa.snap.util.Maths; import; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * This class represents a product directory. */ class BasicCeosProductDirectory extends CEOSProductDirectory { private BasicCeosImageFile[] imageFiles = null; private BasicCeosLeaderFile leaderFile = null; private BasicCeosTrailerFile trailerFile = null; private final transient Map<String, BasicCeosImageFile> bandImageFileMap = new HashMap<>(1); public BasicCeosProductDirectory(final File dir) { Guardian.assertNotNull("dir", dir); constants = new BasicCeosConstants(); baseDir = dir; } @Override protected void readProductDirectory() throws IOException, IllegalBinaryFormatException { readVolumeDirectoryFile(); leaderFile = new BasicCeosLeaderFile( createInputStream(CeosHelper.getCEOSFile(baseDir, constants.getLeaderFilePrefix()))); final File trlFile = CeosHelper.getCEOSFile(baseDir, constants.getTrailerFilePrefix()); if (trlFile != null) { trailerFile = new BasicCeosTrailerFile(createInputStream(trlFile)); } BinaryRecord histogramRec = leaderFile.getHistogramRecord(); if (histogramRec == null) histogramRec = trailerFile.getHistogramRecord(); final String[] imageFileNames = CEOSImageFile.getImageFileNames(baseDir, constants.getImageFilePrefix()); final List<BasicCeosImageFile> imgArray = new ArrayList<>(imageFileNames.length); for (String fileName : imageFileNames) { try { final BasicCeosImageFile imgFile = new BasicCeosImageFile( createInputStream(new File(baseDir, fileName)), histogramRec); imgArray.add(imgFile); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); // continue } } imageFiles = imgArray.toArray(new BasicCeosImageFile[imgArray.size()]); sceneWidth = imageFiles[0].getRasterWidth(); sceneHeight = imageFiles[0].getRasterHeight(); assertSameWidthAndHeightForAllImages(imageFiles, sceneWidth, sceneHeight); } @Override public Product createProduct() throws IOException { assert (productType != null); productType = extractProductType(productType); final Product product = new Product(getProductName(), productType, sceneWidth, sceneHeight); if (imageFiles.length > 1) { int index = 1; for (final BasicCeosImageFile imageFile : imageFiles) { if (isProductSLC) { final Band bandI = createBand(product, "i_" + index, Unit.REAL, imageFile); final Band bandQ = createBand(product, "q_" + index, Unit.IMAGINARY, imageFile); ReaderUtils.createVirtualIntensityBand(product, bandI, bandQ, "_" + index); } else { final Band band = createBand(product, "Amplitude_" + index, Unit.AMPLITUDE, imageFile); SARReader.createVirtualIntensityBand(product, band, "_" + index); } ++index; } } else { final BasicCeosImageFile imageFile = imageFiles[0]; if (isProductSLC) { final Band bandI = createBand(product, "i", Unit.REAL, imageFile); final Band bandQ = createBand(product, "q", Unit.IMAGINARY, imageFile); ReaderUtils.createVirtualIntensityBand(product, bandI, bandQ, ""); } else { final Band band = createBand(product, "Amplitude", Unit.AMPLITUDE, imageFile); SARReader.createVirtualIntensityBand(product, band, ""); } } BinaryRecord facilityRec = leaderFile.getFacilityRecord(); if (facilityRec == null) facilityRec = trailerFile.getFacilityRecord(); BinaryRecord sceneRec = leaderFile.getSceneRecord(); if (sceneRec == null) sceneRec = trailerFile.getSceneRecord(); BinaryRecord detProcRec = leaderFile.getDetailedProcessingRecord(); if (detProcRec == null) detProcRec = trailerFile.getDetailedProcessingRecord(); BinaryRecord mapProjRec = leaderFile.getMapProjRecord(); if (mapProjRec == null) mapProjRec = trailerFile.getMapProjRecord(); product.setStartTime(getUTCScanStartTime(sceneRec, detProcRec)); product.setEndTime(getUTCScanStopTime(sceneRec, detProcRec)); product.setDescription(getProductDescription()); addMetaData(product); // set slant_range_to_first_pixel in metadata final MetadataElement absRoot = AbstractMetadata.getAbstractedMetadata(product); final TiePointGrid slantRangeTimeTPG = product.getTiePointGrid(OperatorUtils.TPG_SLANT_RANGE_TIME); if (slantRangeTimeTPG != null) { final int numOutputLines = absRoot.getAttributeInt(AbstractMetadata.num_output_lines); final double slantRangeTime = slantRangeTimeTPG.getPixelDouble(numOutputLines / 2, 0) / Constants.oneBillion; //s AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.slant_range_to_first_pixel, slantRangeTime * Constants.halfLightSpeed); } float[] latCorners = leaderFile.getLatCorners(leaderFile.getMapProjRecord()); float[] lonCorners = leaderFile.getLonCorners(leaderFile.getMapProjRecord()); if (latCorners == null || lonCorners == null) { latCorners = imageFiles[0].getLatCorners(); lonCorners = imageFiles[0].getLonCorners(); } if (latCorners != null && lonCorners != null) { ReaderUtils.addGeoCoding(product, latCorners, lonCorners); } if (product.getGeoCoding() == null) { addGeoCodingFromSceneLabel(product); } if (product.getGeoCoding() == null) { addTPGGeoCoding(product, sceneRec); } if (mapProjRec == null) { setLatLonMetadata(product, absRoot); } if (VisatApp.getApp() != null) { VisatApp.getApp() .showWarningDialog("This product is for an unknown mission in CEOS format.\n" + "Some functionality may not be supported.\n" + "Please contact for further support."); } return product; } private static String extractProductType(final String productType) { if (productType.contains("SLC")) return "SLC"; else if (productType.contains("SGF")) return "SGF"; else if (productType.contains("SGX")) return "SGX"; else if (productType.contains("SSG")) return "SSG"; else if (productType.contains("SCN")) return "SCN"; else if (productType.contains("SCW")) return "SCW"; else if (productType.trim().isEmpty()) return "unknown"; return productType; } public boolean isCeos() throws IOException { return true; } @Override public CEOSImageFile getImageFile(final Band band) { return bandImageFileMap.get(band.getName()); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < imageFiles.length; i++) { imageFiles[i].close(); imageFiles[i] = null; } imageFiles = null; } private Band createBand(final Product product, final String name, final String unit, final BasicCeosImageFile imageFile) { final Band band = createBand(product, name, unit, imageFile.getBitsPerSample()); bandImageFileMap.put(name, imageFile); return band; } private void addMetaData(final Product product) throws IOException { final MetadataElement root = AbstractMetadata.addOriginalProductMetadata(product.getMetadataRoot()); final MetadataElement leadMetadata = new MetadataElement("Leader"); leaderFile.addMetadata(leadMetadata); root.addElement(leadMetadata); final MetadataElement trailMetadata = new MetadataElement("Trailer"); trailerFile.addMetadata(trailMetadata); root.addElement(trailMetadata); final MetadataElement volMetadata = new MetadataElement("Volume"); volumeDirectoryFile.assignMetadataTo(volMetadata); root.addElement(volMetadata); int c = 1; for (final BasicCeosImageFile imageFile : imageFiles) { imageFile.assignMetadataTo(root, c++); } addSummaryMetadata(new File(baseDir, BasicCeosConstants.SUMMARY_FILE_NAME), "Summary Information", root); addSummaryMetadata(new File(baseDir, BasicCeosConstants.SCENE_LABEL_FILE_NAME), "Scene Label", root); addSummaryMetadata(new File(baseDir.getParentFile(), BasicCeosConstants.SCENE_LABEL_FILE_NAME), "Scene Label", root); // try txt summary file // removed because it is not in the property name value format //final File volFile = CeosHelper.getCEOSFile(baseDir, constants.getVolumeFilePrefix()); //final File txtFile = FileUtils.exchangeExtension(volFile, ".txt"); //addSummaryMetadata(txtFile, "Scene Description", root); addAbstractedMetadataHeader(product, product.getMetadataRoot()); } private void addAbstractedMetadataHeader(Product product, MetadataElement root) { final MetadataElement absRoot = AbstractMetadata.addAbstractedMetadataHeader(root); BinaryRecord mapProjRec = leaderFile.getMapProjRecord(); if (mapProjRec == null) mapProjRec = trailerFile.getMapProjRecord(); BinaryRecord sceneRec = leaderFile.getSceneRecord(); if (sceneRec == null) sceneRec = trailerFile.getSceneRecord(); final BinaryRecord radiometricRec = leaderFile.getRadiometricRecord(); BinaryRecord facilityRec = leaderFile.getFacilityRecord(); if (facilityRec == null) facilityRec = trailerFile.getFacilityRecord(); BinaryRecord detProcRec = leaderFile.getDetailedProcessingRecord(); if (detProcRec == null) detProcRec = trailerFile.getDetailedProcessingRecord(); //mph AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.PRODUCT, getProductName()); AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.PRODUCT_TYPE, getProductType()); AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.SPH_DESCRIPTOR, sceneRec.getAttributeString("Product type descriptor")); AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.MISSION, "RS1"); AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.PROC_TIME, getProcTime(volumeDirectoryFile.getVolumeDescriptorRecord())); final ProductData.UTC startTime = getUTCScanStartTime(sceneRec, detProcRec); final ProductData.UTC endTime = getUTCScanStopTime(sceneRec, detProcRec); AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.first_line_time, startTime); AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.last_line_time, endTime); if (mapProjRec != null) { AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.first_near_lat, mapProjRec.getAttributeDouble("1st line 1st pixel geodetic latitude")); AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.first_near_long, mapProjRec.getAttributeDouble("1st line 1st pixel geodetic longitude")); AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.first_far_lat, mapProjRec.getAttributeDouble("1st line last valid pixel geodetic latitude")); AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.first_far_long, mapProjRec.getAttributeDouble("1st line last valid pixel geodetic longitude")); AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.last_near_lat, mapProjRec.getAttributeDouble("Last line 1st pixel geodetic latitude")); AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.last_near_long, mapProjRec.getAttributeDouble("Last line 1st pixel geodetic longitude")); AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.last_far_lat, mapProjRec.getAttributeDouble("Last line last valid pixel geodetic latitude")); AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.last_far_long, mapProjRec.getAttributeDouble("Last line last valid pixel geodetic longitude")); AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.PASS, getPass(mapProjRec, sceneRec)); AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.range_spacing, mapProjRec.getAttributeDouble("Nominal inter-pixel distance in output scene")); AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.azimuth_spacing, mapProjRec.getAttributeDouble("Nominal inter-line distance in output scene")); AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.srgr_flag, isGroundRange(mapProjRec)); AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.map_projection, getMapProjection(mapProjRec)); AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.geo_ref_system, mapProjRec.getAttributeString("Name of reference ellipsoid")); } else if (sceneRec != null) { AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.range_spacing, sceneRec.getAttributeDouble("Pixel spacing")); AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.azimuth_spacing, sceneRec.getAttributeDouble("Line spacing")); AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.PASS, getPass(mapProjRec, sceneRec)); } //sph if (sceneRec != null) { final String absOrbit = sceneRec.getAttributeString("Orbit number").trim(); if (absOrbit != null && !absOrbit.isEmpty()) { AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.ABS_ORBIT, Integer.parseInt(absOrbit)); } AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.mds1_tx_rx_polar, SARReader.findPolarizationInBandName( sceneRec.getAttributeString("Sensor ID and mode of operation for this channel"))); AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.algorithm, sceneRec.getAttributeString("Processing algorithm identifier")); AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.azimuth_looks, sceneRec.getAttributeDouble("Nominal number of looks processed in azimuth")); AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.range_looks, sceneRec.getAttributeDouble("Nominal number of looks processed in range")); AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.pulse_repetition_frequency, sceneRec.getAttributeDouble("Pulse Repetition Frequency")); double radarFreq = sceneRec.getAttributeDouble("Radar frequency"); if (, 0.0) == 0) { final double radarWaveLength = sceneRec.getAttributeDouble("Radar wavelength"); // in m if (, 0.0) != 0) { radarFreq = Constants.lightSpeed / radarWaveLength / Constants.oneMillion; // in MHz } } AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.radar_frequency, radarFreq); AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.range_sampling_rate, sceneRec.getAttributeDouble("Range sampling rate")); // add Range and Azimuth bandwidth final double rangeBW = sceneRec.getAttributeDouble("Total processor bandwidth in range"); // Hz final double azimuthBW = sceneRec.getAttributeDouble("Total processor bandwidth in azimuth"); // Hz AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.range_bandwidth, rangeBW / Constants.oneMillion); AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.azimuth_bandwidth, azimuthBW); } AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.SAMPLE_TYPE, getSampleType()); AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.line_time_interval, ReaderUtils.getLineTimeInterval(startTime, endTime, sceneHeight)); AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.num_output_lines, product.getSceneRasterHeight()); AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.num_samples_per_line, product.getSceneRasterWidth()); AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.TOT_SIZE, ReaderUtils.getTotalSize(product)); if (facilityRec != null) { AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.STATE_VECTOR_TIME, AbstractMetadata.parseUTC( facilityRec.getAttributeString("Time of input state vector used to processed the image"))); AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.ant_elev_corr_flag, facilityRec.getAttributeInt("Antenna pattern correction flag")); AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.range_spread_comp_flag, facilityRec.getAttributeInt("Range spreading loss compensation flag")); AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.replica_power_corr_flag, 0); AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.abs_calibration_flag, 0); AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.coregistered_stack, 0); AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.calibration_factor, facilityRec.getAttributeDouble("Absolute calibration constant K")); } if (radiometricRec != null) { AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.calibration_factor, radiometricRec.getAttributeDouble("Calibration constant")); } AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.replica_power_corr_flag, 0); AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.abs_calibration_flag, 0); addOrbitStateVectors(absRoot, leaderFile.getPlatformPositionRecord()); if (facilityRec != null) addSRGRCoefficients(absRoot, facilityRec); else addSRGRCoefficients(absRoot, detProcRec); } private String getMapProjection(final BinaryRecord mapProjRec) { if (productType.contains("IMG") || productType.contains("GEC") || productType.contains("SSG")) { return mapProjRec.getAttributeString("Map projection descriptor"); } return " "; } private String getProductName() { return volumeDirectoryFile.getProductName(); } private String getProductDescription() { BinaryRecord sceneRecord = leaderFile.getSceneRecord(); if (sceneRecord == null) sceneRecord = trailerFile.getSceneRecord(); String level = ""; if (sceneRecord != null) { level = sceneRecord.getAttributeString("Scene reference number").trim(); } return BasicCeosConstants.PRODUCT_DESCRIPTION_PREFIX + level; } private static void addGeoCodingFromSceneLabel(Product product) { final MetadataElement sceneLabelElem = AbstractMetadata.getOriginalProductMetadata(product) .getElement("Scene Label"); if (sceneLabelElem != null) { try { final String ulLatLon = sceneLabelElem.getAttributeString("UL_CORNER_LAT_LON"); final String urLatLon = sceneLabelElem.getAttributeString("UR_CORNER_LAT_LON"); final String llLatLon = sceneLabelElem.getAttributeString("LL_CORNER_LAT_LON"); final String lrLatLon = sceneLabelElem.getAttributeString("LR_CORNER_LAT_LON"); final float latUL = Float.parseFloat(ulLatLon.substring(0, ulLatLon.indexOf(','))); final float latUR = Float.parseFloat(urLatLon.substring(0, urLatLon.indexOf(','))); final float latLL = Float.parseFloat(llLatLon.substring(0, llLatLon.indexOf(','))); final float latLR = Float.parseFloat(lrLatLon.substring(0, lrLatLon.indexOf(','))); final float[] latCorners = new float[] { latUL, latUR, latLL, latLR }; final float lonUL = Float .parseFloat(ulLatLon.substring(ulLatLon.indexOf(',') + 1, ulLatLon.length() - 1)); final float lonUR = Float .parseFloat(urLatLon.substring(urLatLon.indexOf(',') + 1, urLatLon.length() - 1)); final float lonLL = Float .parseFloat(llLatLon.substring(llLatLon.indexOf(',') + 1, llLatLon.length() - 1)); final float lonLR = Float .parseFloat(lrLatLon.substring(lrLatLon.indexOf(',') + 1, lrLatLon.length() - 1)); final float[] lonCorners = new float[] { lonUL, lonUR, lonLL, lonLR }; ReaderUtils.addGeoCoding(product, latCorners, lonCorners); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.trace(e.toString()); } } } protected static void addOrbitStateVectors(final MetadataElement absRoot, final BinaryRecord platformPosRec) { if (platformPosRec == null) return; try { final MetadataElement orbitVectorListElem = absRoot.getElement(AbstractMetadata.orbit_state_vectors); final int numPoints = platformPosRec.getAttributeInt("Number of data points"); final double theta = platformPosRec.getAttributeDouble("Greenwich mean hour angle"); /* final double firstLineUTC = absRoot.getAttributeUTC(AbstractMetadata.first_line_time).getMJD(); final double lastLineUTC = absRoot.getAttributeUTC(AbstractMetadata.last_line_time).getMJD(); int startIdx = 0; int endIdx = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= numPoints; i++) { double time = getOrbitTime(platformPosRec, i).getMJD(); if (time < firstLineUTC) { startIdx = i; } if (time < lastLineUTC) { endIdx = i; } } startIdx = Math.max(startIdx - 1, 1); endIdx = Math.min(endIdx+1, numPoints); */ for (int i = 1; i <= numPoints; ++i) { addVector(AbstractMetadata.orbit_vector, orbitVectorListElem, platformPosRec, theta, i); } if (absRoot.getAttributeUTC(AbstractMetadata.STATE_VECTOR_TIME, AbstractMetadata.NO_METADATA_UTC) .equalElems(AbstractMetadata.NO_METADATA_UTC)) { AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.STATE_VECTOR_TIME, getOrbitTime(platformPosRec, 1)); } } catch (Exception e) { // continue without state vectors } } private static void addVector(String name, MetadataElement orbitVectorListElem, BinaryRecord platformPosRec, double theta, int num) { final MetadataElement orbitVectorElem = new MetadataElement(name + num); final double xPosECI = platformPosRec.getAttributeDouble("Position vector X " + num); final double yPosECI = platformPosRec.getAttributeDouble("Position vector Y " + num); final double zPosECI = platformPosRec.getAttributeDouble("Position vector Z " + num); final double xVelECI = platformPosRec.getAttributeDouble("Velocity vector X' " + num) / 1000.0; // mm to m final double yVelECI = platformPosRec.getAttributeDouble("Velocity vector Y' " + num) / 1000.0; final double zVelECI = platformPosRec.getAttributeDouble("Velocity vector Z' " + num) / 1000.0; final double thetaInRd = theta * Constants.DTOR; final double cosTheta = FastMath.cos(thetaInRd); final double sinTheta = FastMath.sin(thetaInRd); final double xPosECEF = cosTheta * xPosECI + sinTheta * yPosECI; final double yPosECEF = -sinTheta * xPosECI + cosTheta * yPosECI; final double zPosECEF = zPosECI; double t = getOrbitTime(platformPosRec, num).getMJD() / 36525.0; // Julian centuries double a1 = 876600.0 * 3600.0 + 8640184.812866; double a2 = 0.093104; double a3 = -6.2e-6; double thp = ((a1 + 2.0 * a2 * t + 3.0 * a3 * t * t) / 240.0 * Constants.PI / 180.0) / (36525.0 * Constants.secondsInDay); final double xVelECEF = -sinTheta * thp * xPosECI + cosTheta * thp * yPosECI + cosTheta * xVelECI + sinTheta * yVelECI; final double yVelECEF = -cosTheta * thp * xPosECI - sinTheta * thp * yPosECI - sinTheta * xVelECI + cosTheta * yVelECI; final double zVelECEF = zVelECI; orbitVectorElem.setAttributeUTC(AbstractMetadata.orbit_vector_time, getOrbitTime(platformPosRec, num)); orbitVectorElem.setAttributeDouble(AbstractMetadata.orbit_vector_x_pos, xPosECEF); orbitVectorElem.setAttributeDouble(AbstractMetadata.orbit_vector_y_pos, yPosECEF); orbitVectorElem.setAttributeDouble(AbstractMetadata.orbit_vector_z_pos, zPosECEF); orbitVectorElem.setAttributeDouble(AbstractMetadata.orbit_vector_x_vel, xVelECEF); orbitVectorElem.setAttributeDouble(AbstractMetadata.orbit_vector_y_vel, yVelECEF); orbitVectorElem.setAttributeDouble(AbstractMetadata.orbit_vector_z_vel, zVelECEF); orbitVectorListElem.addElement(orbitVectorElem); } protected static void addSRGRCoefficients(final MetadataElement absRoot, final BinaryRecord detailedProcRec) { if (detailedProcRec == null) return; final MetadataElement srgrCoefficientsElem = absRoot.getElement(AbstractMetadata.srgr_coefficients); final Integer numSRGRCoefSets = detailedProcRec.getAttributeInt("Number of SRGR coefficient sets"); if (numSRGRCoefSets == null) return; final DateFormat dateFormat = ProductData.UTC.createDateFormat("yyyy-DDD-HH:mm:ss"); for (int i = 1; i <= numSRGRCoefSets; ++i) { final MetadataElement srgrListElem = new MetadataElement(AbstractMetadata.srgr_coef_list + "." + i); srgrCoefficientsElem.addElement(srgrListElem); final String updateTimeStr = detailedProcRec.getAttributeString("SRGR update date/time " + i); final ProductData.UTC utcTime = AbstractMetadata.parseUTC(updateTimeStr, dateFormat); srgrListElem.setAttributeUTC(AbstractMetadata.srgr_coef_time, utcTime); AbstractMetadata.addAbstractedAttribute(srgrListElem, AbstractMetadata.ground_range_origin, ProductData.TYPE_FLOAT64, "m", "Ground Range Origin"); AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(srgrListElem, AbstractMetadata.ground_range_origin, 0.0); addSRGRCoef(srgrListElem, detailedProcRec, "SRGR coefficients1 " + i, 1); addSRGRCoef(srgrListElem, detailedProcRec, "SRGR coefficients2 " + i, 2); addSRGRCoef(srgrListElem, detailedProcRec, "SRGR coefficients3 " + i, 3); addSRGRCoef(srgrListElem, detailedProcRec, "SRGR coefficients4 " + i, 4); addSRGRCoef(srgrListElem, detailedProcRec, "SRGR coefficients5 " + i, 5); addSRGRCoef(srgrListElem, detailedProcRec, "SRGR coefficients6 " + i, 6); } } private void addRSATTiePointGrids(final Product product, final BinaryRecord sceneRec, final BinaryRecord detProcRec) { final int gridWidth = 11; final int gridHeight = 11; final int sceneWidth = product.getSceneRasterWidth(); final int sceneHeight = product.getSceneRasterHeight(); final int subSamplingX = sceneWidth / (gridWidth - 1); final int subSamplingY = sceneHeight / (gridHeight - 1); final float[] rangeDist = new float[gridWidth * gridHeight]; final float[] rangeTime = new float[gridWidth * gridHeight]; int k = 0; for (int j = 0; j < gridHeight; j++) { final int y = Math.min(j * subSamplingY, sceneHeight - 1); final double slantRangeToFirstPixel = imageFiles[0].getSlantRangeToFirstPixel(y); // meters final double slantRangeToMidPixel = imageFiles[0].getSlantRangeToMidPixel(y); final double slantRangeToLastPixel = imageFiles[0].getSlantRangeToLastPixel(y); final double[] polyCoef = computePolynomialCoefficients(slantRangeToFirstPixel, slantRangeToMidPixel, slantRangeToLastPixel, sceneWidth); for (int i = 0; i < gridWidth; i++) { final int x = i * subSamplingX; rangeDist[k++] = (float) (polyCoef[0] + polyCoef[1] * x + polyCoef[2] * x * x); } } // get slant range time in nanoseconds from range distance in meters for (k = 0; k < rangeDist.length; k++) { rangeTime[k] = (float) ((rangeDist[k] / Constants.halfLightSpeed) * Constants.oneBillion);// in ns } final TiePointGrid slantRangeGrid = new TiePointGrid(OperatorUtils.TPG_SLANT_RANGE_TIME, gridWidth, gridHeight, 0, 0, subSamplingX, subSamplingY, rangeTime); slantRangeGrid.setUnit(Unit.NANOSECONDS); product.addTiePointGrid(slantRangeGrid); if (detProcRec == null) return; final double r = calculateEarthRadius(sceneRec); // earth radius final double eph_orb_data = detProcRec.getAttributeDouble("Ephemeris orbit data1"); final double h = eph_orb_data - r; // orbital altitude // incidence angle final float[] angles = new float[gridWidth * gridHeight]; k = 0; for (int j = 0; j < gridHeight; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < gridWidth; i++) { final double RS = rangeDist[k]; final double a = ((h * h) - (RS * RS) + (2.0 * r * h)) / (2.0 * RS * r); angles[k] = (float) (FastMath.acos(a) * Constants.RTOD); k++; } } final TiePointGrid incidentAngleGrid = new TiePointGrid(OperatorUtils.TPG_INCIDENT_ANGLE, gridWidth, gridHeight, 0, 0, subSamplingX, subSamplingY, angles); incidentAngleGrid.setUnit(Unit.DEGREES); product.addTiePointGrid(incidentAngleGrid); } private static double[] computePolynomialCoefficients(double slantRangeToFirstPixel, double slantRangeToMidPixel, double slantRangeToLastPixel, int imageWidth) { final int firstPixel = 0; final int midPixel = imageWidth / 2; final int lastPixel = imageWidth - 1; final double[] idxArray = { firstPixel, midPixel, lastPixel }; final double[] rangeArray = { slantRangeToFirstPixel, slantRangeToMidPixel, slantRangeToLastPixel }; final Matrix A = Maths.createVandermondeMatrix(idxArray, 2); final Matrix b = new Matrix(rangeArray, 3); final Matrix x = A.solve(b); return x.getColumnPackedCopy(); } private static double calculateEarthRadius(BinaryRecord sceneRec) { final double platLat = sceneRec.getAttributeDouble("Sensor platform geodetic latitude at nadir"); final double a = FastMath.tan(platLat * Constants.DTOR); final double a2 = a * a; final double ellipmin = Constants.semiMinorAxis; final double ellipmin2 = ellipmin * ellipmin; final double ellipmaj = Constants.semiMajorAxis; final double ellipmaj2 = ellipmaj * ellipmaj; return Constants.semiMinorAxis * (Math.sqrt(1 + a2) / Math.sqrt((ellipmin2 / ellipmaj2) + a2)); } /** * Update target product GEOCoding. A new tie point grid is generated. * * @param product The product. * @param sceneRec The scene record. * @throws The exceptions. */ private static void addTPGGeoCoding(final Product product, final BinaryRecord sceneRec) throws IOException { final int gridWidth = 11; final int gridHeight = 11; final float[] targetLatTiePoints = new float[gridWidth * gridHeight]; final float[] targetLonTiePoints = new float[gridWidth * gridHeight]; final int sourceImageWidth = product.getSceneRasterWidth(); final int sourceImageHeight = product.getSceneRasterHeight(); final double subSamplingX = sourceImageWidth / (double) (gridWidth - 1); final double subSamplingY = sourceImageHeight / (double) (gridHeight - 1); final TiePointGrid slantRangeTime = product.getTiePointGrid(OperatorUtils.TPG_SLANT_RANGE_TIME); final MetadataElement absRoot = AbstractMetadata.getAbstractedMetadata(product); final double firstLineUTC = absRoot.getAttributeUTC(AbstractMetadata.first_line_time).getMJD(); final double lastLineUTC = absRoot.getAttributeUTC(AbstractMetadata.last_line_time).getMJD(); final double lineTimeInterval = absRoot.getAttributeDouble(AbstractMetadata.line_time_interval) / Constants.secondsInDay; // s to day final double latMid = sceneRec.getAttributeDouble("scene centre geodetic latitude"); final double lonMid = sceneRec.getAttributeDouble("scene centre geodetic longitude"); OrbitStateVector[] orbitStateVectors; try { orbitStateVectors = AbstractMetadata.getOrbitStateVectors(absRoot); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException(e.getMessage()); } if (!checkStateVectorValidity(orbitStateVectors)) return; final int numVectors = orbitStateVectors.length; int startIdx = 0; int endIdx = 0; final double t1 = Math.min(firstLineUTC, lastLineUTC); final double t2 = Math.max(firstLineUTC, lastLineUTC); for (int i = 0; i < numVectors; i++) { double time = orbitStateVectors[i].time_mjd; if (time < t1) { startIdx = i; } if (time < t2) { endIdx = i; } } while (endIdx - startIdx + 1 < Math.min(5, numVectors)) { startIdx = Math.max(startIdx - 1, 0); endIdx = Math.min(endIdx + 1, numVectors - 1); } final int numVectorsUsed = endIdx - startIdx + 1; final double[] timeArray = new double[numVectorsUsed]; final double[] xPosArray = new double[numVectorsUsed]; final double[] yPosArray = new double[numVectorsUsed]; final double[] zPosArray = new double[numVectorsUsed]; final double[] xVelArray = new double[numVectorsUsed]; final double[] yVelArray = new double[numVectorsUsed]; final double[] zVelArray = new double[numVectorsUsed]; for (int i = startIdx; i <= endIdx; i++) { timeArray[i - startIdx] = orbitStateVectors[i].time_mjd; xPosArray[i - startIdx] = orbitStateVectors[i].x_pos; // m yPosArray[i - startIdx] = orbitStateVectors[i].y_pos; // m zPosArray[i - startIdx] = orbitStateVectors[i].z_pos; // m xVelArray[i - startIdx] = orbitStateVectors[i].x_vel; // m/s yVelArray[i - startIdx] = orbitStateVectors[i].y_vel; // m/s zVelArray[i - startIdx] = orbitStateVectors[i].z_vel; // m/s } // Create new tie point grid int k = 0; for (int r = 0; r < gridHeight; r++) { // get the zero Doppler time for the rth line int y; if (r == gridHeight - 1) { // last row y = sourceImageHeight - 1; } else { // other rows y = (int) (r * subSamplingY); } final double curLineUTC = firstLineUTC + y * lineTimeInterval; //System.out.println((new ProductData.UTC(curLineUTC)).toString()); // compute the satellite position and velocity for the zero Doppler time using cubic interpolation final Orbits.OrbitVector data = getOrbitData(curLineUTC, timeArray, xPosArray, yPosArray, zPosArray, xVelArray, yVelArray, zVelArray); for (int c = 0; c < gridWidth; c++) { int x; if (c == gridWidth - 1) { // last column x = sourceImageWidth - 1; } else { // other columns x = (int) (c * subSamplingX); } final double slrgTime = slantRangeTime.getPixelDouble(x, y) / Constants.oneBillion; // ns to s; final GeoPos geoPos = computeLatLon(latMid, lonMid, slrgTime, data); targetLatTiePoints[k] = (float); targetLonTiePoints[k] = (float) geoPos.lon; ++k; } } final TiePointGrid latGrid = new TiePointGrid(OperatorUtils.TPG_LATITUDE, gridWidth, gridHeight, 0.0f, 0.0f, subSamplingX, subSamplingY, targetLatTiePoints); final TiePointGrid lonGrid = new TiePointGrid(OperatorUtils.TPG_LONGITUDE, gridWidth, gridHeight, 0.0f, 0.0f, subSamplingX, subSamplingY, targetLonTiePoints, TiePointGrid.DISCONT_AT_180); final TiePointGeoCoding tpGeoCoding = new TiePointGeoCoding(latGrid, lonGrid, Datum.WGS_84); product.addTiePointGrid(latGrid); product.addTiePointGrid(lonGrid); product.setGeoCoding(tpGeoCoding); } private static boolean checkStateVectorValidity(OrbitStateVector[] orbitStateVectors) { if (orbitStateVectors == null) { return false; } if (orbitStateVectors.length <= 1) { return false; } for (int i = 1; i < orbitStateVectors.length; i++) { if (orbitStateVectors[i].time_mjd == orbitStateVectors[0].time_mjd) { return false; } } return true; } private static void setLatLonMetadata(final Product product, final MetadataElement absRoot) { final GeoCoding geoCoding = product.getGeoCoding(); if (geoCoding == null) return; final GeoPos geoPosFirstNear = product.getGeoCoding().getGeoPos(new PixelPos(0, 0), null); final GeoPos geoPosFirstFar = product.getGeoCoding() .getGeoPos(new PixelPos(product.getSceneRasterWidth() - 1, 0), null); final GeoPos geoPosLastNear = product.getGeoCoding() .getGeoPos(new PixelPos(0, product.getSceneRasterHeight() - 1), null); final GeoPos geoPosLastFar = product.getGeoCoding().getGeoPos( new PixelPos(product.getSceneRasterWidth() - 1, product.getSceneRasterHeight() - 1), null); AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.first_near_lat, geoPosFirstNear.getLat()); AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.first_near_long, geoPosFirstNear.getLon()); AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.first_far_lat, geoPosFirstFar.getLat()); AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.first_far_long, geoPosFirstFar.getLon()); AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.last_near_lat, geoPosLastNear.getLat()); AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.last_near_long, geoPosLastNear.getLon()); AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.last_far_lat, geoPosLastFar.getLat()); AbstractMetadata.setAttribute(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.last_far_long, geoPosLastFar.getLon()); } /** * Compute accurate target geo position. * * @param latMid The scene latitude. * @param lonMid The scene longitude. * @param slrgTime The slant range time of the given pixel. * @param data The orbit data. * @return The geo position of the target. */ private static GeoPos computeLatLon(final double latMid, final double lonMid, double slrgTime, Orbits.OrbitVector data) { final double[] xyz = new double[3]; final GeoPos geoPos = new GeoPos(latMid, lonMid); // compute initial (x,y,z) coordinate from lat/lon GeoUtils.geo2xyz(geoPos, xyz); // compute accurate (x,y,z) coordinate using Newton's method GeoUtils.computeAccurateXYZ(data, xyz, slrgTime); // compute (lat, lon, alt) from accurate (x,y,z) coordinate GeoUtils.xyz2geo(xyz, geoPos); return geoPos; } /** * Get orbit information for given time. * * @param utc The UTC in days. * @param timeArray Array holding zeros Doppler times for all state vectors. * @param xPosArray Array holding x coordinates for sensor positions in all state vectors. * @param yPosArray Array holding y coordinates for sensor positions in all state vectors. * @param zPosArray Array holding z coordinates for sensor positions in all state vectors. * @param xVelArray Array holding x velocities for sensor positions in all state vectors. * @param yVelArray Array holding y velocities for sensor positions in all state vectors. * @param zVelArray Array holding z velocities for sensor positions in all state vectors. * @return The orbit information. */ private static Orbits.OrbitVector getOrbitData(final double utc, final double[] timeArray, final double[] xPosArray, final double[] yPosArray, final double[] zPosArray, final double[] xVelArray, final double[] yVelArray, final double[] zVelArray) { // Lagrange polynomial interpolation return new Orbits.OrbitVector(utc, Maths.lagrangeInterpolatingPolynomial(timeArray, xPosArray, utc), Maths.lagrangeInterpolatingPolynomial(timeArray, yPosArray, utc), Maths.lagrangeInterpolatingPolynomial(timeArray, zPosArray, utc), Maths.lagrangeInterpolatingPolynomial(timeArray, xVelArray, utc), Maths.lagrangeInterpolatingPolynomial(timeArray, yVelArray, utc), Maths.lagrangeInterpolatingPolynomial(timeArray, zVelArray, utc)); } }