Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2014 by Array Systems Computing Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, see */ package org.esa.nest.dat.views.polarview; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath; import org.esa.beam.framework.datamodel.*; import org.esa.beam.framework.ui.BasicView; import org.esa.beam.framework.ui.product.ProductNodeView; import org.esa.beam.framework.ui.product.ProductSceneImage; import org.esa.beam.visat.VisatApp; import org.esa.snap.util.FileFolderUtils; import org.esa.snap.datamodel.AbstractMetadata; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.border.BevelBorder; import javax.swing.event.PopupMenuEvent; import javax.swing.event.PopupMenuListener; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * NEST * User: lveci * Date: Dec 1, 2008 */ public final class PolarView extends BasicView implements ProductNodeView, ActionListener, PopupMenuListener, MouseListener, MouseMotionListener { private final Product product; private ProductSceneImage sceneImage; private MetadataElement spectraMetadataRoot = null; private final int numRecords; private final int recordLength; private int numDirBins; private int numWLBins; private float firstDirBins = 0; private float dirBinStep = 0; private float firstWLBin = 0; private float lastWLBin = 0; private final double minRadius = -10; private ProductData.UTC zeroDopplerTime = null; private double minSpectrum = 0; private double maxSpectrum = 255; private double maxSpecDir = 0; private double maxSpecWL = 0; private double minReal = 0; private double maxReal = 0; private double minImaginary = 0; private double maxImaginary = 0; private double windSpeed = 0; private double windDirection = 0; private double sarWaveHeight = 0; private double sarAzShiftVar = 0; private double backscatter = 0; private int currentRecord = 0; private enum Unit { REAL, IMAGINARY, AMPLITUDE, INTENSITY } private final String[] unitTypes = new String[] { "Real", "Imaginary", "Amplitude", "Intensity" }; private enum WaveProductType { CROSS_SPECTRA, WAVE_SPECTRA } private final ControlPanel controlPanel; private final PolarPanel polarPanel; private Unit graphUnit = Unit.REAL; private WaveProductType waveProductType = WaveProductType.WAVE_SPECTRA; private float spectrum[][] = null; public static final Color colourTable[] = (new Color[] { new Color(255, 255, 255), new Color(0, 0, 255), new Color(0, 255, 255), new Color(0, 255, 0), new Color(255, 255, 0), new Color(255, 0, 0) }); private static final double rings[] = { 50.0, 100.0, 200.0 }; private static final String ringTextStrings[] = { "200 m", "100 m", "50 m" }; public PolarView(Product prod, ProductSceneImage image) { product = prod; sceneImage = image; if (prod.getProductType().equals("ASA_WVW_2P")) { waveProductType = WaveProductType.WAVE_SPECTRA; graphUnit = Unit.AMPLITUDE; } else { waveProductType = WaveProductType.CROSS_SPECTRA; graphUnit = Unit.INTENSITY; } getMetadata(); final RasterDataNode[] rasters = sceneImage.getRasters(); final RasterDataNode rasterNode = rasters[0]; numRecords = rasterNode.getRasterHeight() - 1; recordLength = rasterNode.getRasterWidth(); addMouseListener(this); addMouseMotionListener(this); this.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); polarPanel = new PolarPanel(); this.add(polarPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); controlPanel = new ControlPanel(this); this.add(controlPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); createPlot(currentRecord); } /** * Returns the currently visible product node. */ @Override public ProductNode getVisibleProductNode() { return sceneImage.getRasters()[0]; } /** * Releases all of the resources used by this view, its subcomponents, and all of its owned children. */ @Override public void dispose() { sceneImage = null; super.dispose(); } public Product getProduct() { return product; } private void getMetadata() { final MetadataElement root = AbstractMetadata.getOriginalProductMetadata(product); final MetadataElement sph = root.getElement("SPH"); numDirBins = sph.getAttributeInt("NUM_DIR_BINS", 0); numWLBins = sph.getAttributeInt("NUM_WL_BINS", 0); firstDirBins = (float) sph.getAttributeDouble("FIRST_DIR_BIN", 0); dirBinStep = (float) sph.getAttributeDouble("DIR_BIN_STEP", 0); firstWLBin = (float) sph.getAttributeDouble("FIRST_WL_BIN", 0); lastWLBin = (float) sph.getAttributeDouble("LAST_WL_BIN", 0); if (waveProductType == WaveProductType.WAVE_SPECTRA) { spectraMetadataRoot = root.getElement("OCEAN_WAVE_SPECTRA_MDS"); } else { spectraMetadataRoot = root.getElement("CROSS_SPECTRA_MDS"); } } private void getSpectraMetadata(int rec) { try { final String elemName = spectraMetadataRoot.getName() + '.' + (rec + 1); final MetadataElement spectraMetadata = spectraMetadataRoot.getElement(elemName); zeroDopplerTime = spectraMetadata.getAttributeUTC("zero_doppler_time"); maxSpecDir = spectraMetadata.getAttributeDouble("spec_max_dir", 0); maxSpecWL = spectraMetadata.getAttributeDouble("spec_max_wl", 0); if (waveProductType == WaveProductType.WAVE_SPECTRA) { minSpectrum = spectraMetadata.getAttributeDouble("min_spectrum", 0); maxSpectrum = spectraMetadata.getAttributeDouble("max_spectrum", 255); windSpeed = spectraMetadata.getAttributeDouble("wind_speed", 0); windDirection = spectraMetadata.getAttributeDouble("wind_direction", 0); sarWaveHeight = spectraMetadata.getAttributeDouble("SAR_wave_height", 0); sarAzShiftVar = spectraMetadata.getAttributeDouble("SAR_az_shift_var", 0); backscatter = spectraMetadata.getAttributeDouble("backscatter", 0); } else { minReal = spectraMetadata.getAttributeDouble("min_real", 0); maxReal = spectraMetadata.getAttributeDouble("max_real", 255); minImaginary = spectraMetadata.getAttributeDouble("min_imag", 0); maxImaginary = spectraMetadata.getAttributeDouble("max_imag", 255); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Unable to get metadata for " + spectraMetadataRoot.getName()); } final DecimalFormat frmt = new DecimalFormat("0.0000"); final List<String> metadataList = new ArrayList<String>(10); metadataList.add("Time: " + zeroDopplerTime.toString()); metadataList.add("Peak Direction: " + maxSpecDir + " deg"); metadataList.add("Peak Wavelength: " + frmt.format(maxSpecWL) + " m"); if (waveProductType == WaveProductType.WAVE_SPECTRA) { metadataList.add("Min Spectrum: " + frmt.format(minSpectrum)); metadataList.add("Max Spectrum: " + frmt.format(maxSpectrum)); metadataList.add("Wind Speed: " + windSpeed + " m/s"); metadataList.add("Wind Direction: " + windDirection + " deg"); metadataList.add("SAR Swell Wave Height: " + frmt.format(sarWaveHeight) + " m"); metadataList.add("SAR Azimuth Shift Var: " + frmt.format(sarAzShiftVar) + " m^2"); metadataList.add("Backscatter: " + frmt.format(backscatter) + " dB"); } polarPanel.setMetadata(metadataList.toArray(new String[metadataList.size()])); } private float getMinValue(boolean real) { if (waveProductType == WaveProductType.WAVE_SPECTRA) { return (float) minSpectrum; } else { return real ? (float) minReal : (float) minImaginary; } } private float getMaxValue(boolean real) { if (waveProductType == WaveProductType.WAVE_SPECTRA) { return (float) maxSpectrum; } else { return real ? (float) maxReal : (float) maxImaginary; } } private void createPlot(int rec) { getSpectraMetadata(rec); spectrum = getSpectrum(0, rec, graphUnit != Unit.IMAGINARY); float minValue = getMinValue(graphUnit != Unit.IMAGINARY); float maxValue = getMaxValue(graphUnit != Unit.IMAGINARY); if (waveProductType == WaveProductType.WAVE_SPECTRA) { if (graphUnit == Unit.INTENSITY) { minValue = Float.MAX_VALUE; maxValue = Float.MIN_VALUE; for (int i = 0; i < spectrum.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < spectrum[0].length; j++) { final float realVal = spectrum[i][j]; final float val = realVal * realVal; spectrum[i][j] = val; minValue = Math.min(minValue, val); maxValue = Math.max(maxValue, val); } } } } else if (graphUnit == Unit.AMPLITUDE || graphUnit == Unit.INTENSITY) { // complex data final float imagSpectrum[][] = getSpectrum(1, rec, false); minValue = Float.MAX_VALUE; maxValue = Float.MIN_VALUE; for (int i = 0; i < spectrum.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < spectrum[0].length; j++) { final float realVal = spectrum[i][j]; final float imagVal = imagSpectrum[i][j]; float val; if (sign(realVal) == sign(imagVal)) val = realVal * realVal + imagVal * imagVal; else val = 0.0F; if (graphUnit == Unit.AMPLITUDE) val = (float) Math.sqrt(val); spectrum[i][j] = val; minValue = Math.min(minValue, val); maxValue = Math.max(maxValue, val); } } } final float rStep = (float) (Math.log(lastWLBin) - Math.log(firstWLBin)) / (float) (numWLBins - 1); double logr = Math.log(firstWLBin) - (rStep / 2.0); final double colourRange[] = { (double) minValue, (double) maxValue }; final double radialRange[] = { minRadius, 333.33333333333 }; final float thFirst; final float thStep; if (waveProductType == WaveProductType.WAVE_SPECTRA) { thFirst = firstDirBins + 5f; thStep = -dirBinStep; } else { thFirst = firstDirBins - 5f; thStep = dirBinStep; } final int nWl = spectrum[0].length; final float radii[] = new float[nWl + 1]; for (int j = 0; j <= nWl; j++) { radii[j] = (float) (10000.0 / FastMath.exp(logr)); logr += rStep; } final PolarData data = new PolarData(spectrum, 90f + thFirst, thStep, radii); final PolarCanvas polarCanvas = polarPanel.getPolarCanvas(); polarCanvas.setAxisNames("Azimuth", "Range"); if (waveProductType == WaveProductType.WAVE_SPECTRA) { polarCanvas.setWindDirection(windDirection); polarCanvas.showWindDirection(true); polarCanvas.setAxisNames("North", "East"); } final Axis colourAxis = polarCanvas.getColourAxis(); final Axis radialAxis = polarCanvas.getRadialAxis(); colourAxis.setDataRange(colourRange); colourAxis.setUnit(unitTypes[graphUnit.ordinal()]); radialAxis.setAutoRange(false); radialAxis.setDataRange(radialRange); radialAxis.setRange(radialRange[0], radialRange[1], 4); radialAxis.setTitle("Wavelength (m)"); polarCanvas.setRings(rings, ringTextStrings); data.setColorScale(ColourScale.newCustomScale(colourRange)); polarCanvas.setData(data); repaint(); controlPanel.updateControls(); } private float[][] getSpectrum(int imageNum, int rec, boolean getReal) { float[] dataset; try { final RasterDataNode rasterNode = product.getBandAt(imageNum); rasterNode.loadRasterData(); dataset = new float[recordLength]; rasterNode.getPixels(0, rec, recordLength, 1, dataset); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); return null; } final float minValue = getMinValue(getReal); final float maxValue = getMaxValue(getReal); final float scale = (maxValue - minValue) / 255f; final float spectrum[][] = new float[numDirBins][numWLBins]; int index = 0; if (waveProductType == WaveProductType.WAVE_SPECTRA) { for (int i = 0; i < numDirBins; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < numWLBins; j++) { spectrum[i][j] = dataset[index++] * scale + minValue; } } } else { final int Nd2 = numDirBins / 2; for (int i = 0; i < Nd2; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < numWLBins; j++) { spectrum[i][j] = dataset[index++] * scale + minValue; } } if (getReal) { for (int i = 0; i < Nd2; i++) { System.arraycopy(spectrum[i], 0, spectrum[i + Nd2], 0, numWLBins); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < Nd2; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < numWLBins; j++) { spectrum[i + Nd2][j] = -spectrum[i][j]; } } } } return spectrum; } private static int sign(float f) { return f < 0.0F ? -1 : 1; } @Override public JPopupMenu createPopupMenu(Component component) { return null; } @Override public JPopupMenu createPopupMenu(MouseEvent event) { final JPopupMenu popup = new JPopupMenu(); final JMenuItem itemNext = createMenuItem("Next"); popup.add(itemNext); itemNext.setEnabled(currentRecord < numRecords); final JMenuItem itemPrev = createMenuItem("Previous"); popup.add(itemPrev); itemPrev.setEnabled(currentRecord > 0); final JMenuItem itemColourScale = createMenuItem("Colour Scale"); popup.add(itemColourScale); final JMenu unitMenu = new JMenu("Unit"); popup.add(unitMenu); if (waveProductType == WaveProductType.WAVE_SPECTRA) { createCheckedMenuItem(unitTypes[Unit.AMPLITUDE.ordinal()], unitMenu, graphUnit == Unit.AMPLITUDE); createCheckedMenuItem(unitTypes[Unit.INTENSITY.ordinal()], unitMenu, graphUnit == Unit.INTENSITY); } else { createCheckedMenuItem(unitTypes[Unit.REAL.ordinal()], unitMenu, graphUnit == Unit.REAL); createCheckedMenuItem(unitTypes[Unit.IMAGINARY.ordinal()], unitMenu, graphUnit == Unit.IMAGINARY); createCheckedMenuItem(unitTypes[Unit.AMPLITUDE.ordinal()], unitMenu, graphUnit == Unit.AMPLITUDE); createCheckedMenuItem(unitTypes[Unit.INTENSITY.ordinal()], unitMenu, graphUnit == Unit.INTENSITY); } final JMenuItem itemExportReadout = createMenuItem("Export Readouts"); popup.add(itemExportReadout); popup.setLabel("Justification"); popup.setBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED)); popup.addPopupMenuListener(this);, event.getX(), event.getY()); return popup; } private JMenuItem createMenuItem(String name) { final JMenuItem item = new JMenuItem(name); item.setHorizontalTextPosition(JMenuItem.RIGHT); item.addActionListener(this); return item; } private JCheckBoxMenuItem createCheckedMenuItem(String name, JMenu parent, boolean state) { final JCheckBoxMenuItem item = new JCheckBoxMenuItem(name); item.setHorizontalTextPosition(JMenuItem.RIGHT); item.addActionListener(this); parent.add(item); return item; } /** * Handles menu item pressed events * * @param event the action event */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { if (event.getActionCommand().equals("Next")) { showNextPlot(); } else if (event.getActionCommand().equals("Previous")) { showPreviousPlot(); } else if (event.getActionCommand().equals("Colour Scale")) { callColourScaleDlg(); } else if (event.getActionCommand().equals("Export Readouts")) { exportReadouts(); } else if (event.getActionCommand().equals("Real")) { graphUnit = Unit.REAL; createPlot(currentRecord); } else if (event.getActionCommand().equals("Imaginary")) { graphUnit = Unit.IMAGINARY; createPlot(currentRecord); } else if (event.getActionCommand().equals("Amplitude")) { graphUnit = Unit.AMPLITUDE; createPlot(currentRecord); } else if (event.getActionCommand().equals("Intensity")) { graphUnit = Unit.INTENSITY; createPlot(currentRecord); } } int getCurrentRecord() { return currentRecord; } int getNumRecords() { return numRecords; } void showNextPlot() { createPlot(++currentRecord); } void showPreviousPlot() { createPlot(--currentRecord); } void showPlot(int record) { currentRecord = record; createPlot(currentRecord); } void zoomOut() { createPlot(currentRecord); } void zoomIn() { createPlot(currentRecord); } private void callColourScaleDlg() { final PolarCanvas polarCanvas = polarPanel.getPolarCanvas(); final ColourScaleDialog dlg = new ColourScaleDialog(polarCanvas.getColourAxis());; } private void exportReadouts() { final File file = FileFolderUtils.GetFilePath("Export Wave Mode Readout", "txt", "txt", product.getName() + "_rec" + currentRecord, "Wave mode readout", true); try { polarPanel.exportReadout(file); } catch (Exception e) { VisatApp.getApp().showErrorDialog(e.getMessage()); } } private void checkPopup(MouseEvent e) { if (e.isPopupTrigger()) { createPopupMenu(e); } } public void popupMenuWillBecomeVisible(PopupMenuEvent e) { } public void popupMenuWillBecomeInvisible(PopupMenuEvent e) { } public void popupMenuCanceled(PopupMenuEvent e) { } /** * Handle mouse pressed event * * @param e the mouse event */ public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { checkPopup(e); } /** * Handle mouse clicked event * * @param e the mouse event */ public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { checkPopup(e); final Object src = e.getSource(); final PolarCanvas polarCanvas = polarPanel.getPolarCanvas(); if (src == polarCanvas) { final Axis axis = polarCanvas.selectAxis(e.getPoint()); if (axis != null && axis == polarCanvas.getColourAxis()) { callColourScaleDlg(); } } } public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { } public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { } public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { checkPopup(e); } public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) { } /** * Handle mouse moved event * * @param e the mouse event */ public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) { updateReadout(e); } private void updateReadout(MouseEvent evt) { if (spectrum == null) return; final double rTh[] = polarPanel.getPolarCanvas().getRTheta(evt.getPoint()); if (rTh != null) { final float thFirst; final int thBin; final float thStep; final int element; final int direction; final float rStep = (float) (Math.log(lastWLBin) - Math.log(firstWLBin)) / (float) (numWLBins - 1); int wvBin = (int) (((rStep / 2.0 + Math.log(10000.0 / rTh[0])) - Math.log(firstWLBin)) / rStep); wvBin = Math.min(wvBin, spectrum[0].length - 1); final int wl = (int) Math.round(FastMath.exp((double) wvBin * rStep + Math.log(firstWLBin))); if (waveProductType == WaveProductType.CROSS_SPECTRA) { thFirst = firstDirBins - 5f; thStep = dirBinStep; thBin = (int) (((rTh[1] - (double) thFirst) % 360.0) / (double) thStep); element = (thBin % (spectrum.length / 2)) * spectrum[0].length + wvBin; direction = (int) ((float) thBin * thStep + thStep / 2.0f + thFirst); } else { thFirst = firstDirBins + 5f; thStep = -dirBinStep; thBin = (int) ((((360.0 - rTh[1]) + (double) thFirst) % 360.0) / (double) (-thStep)); element = thBin * spectrum[0].length + wvBin; direction = (int) (-((float) thBin * thStep + thStep / 2.0f + thFirst)); } final List<String> readoutList = new ArrayList<String>(5); readoutList.add("Record: " + (currentRecord + 1) + " of " + (numRecords + 1)); readoutList.add("Wavelength: " + wl + " m"); readoutList.add("Direction: " + direction + " deg"); readoutList.add("Bin: " + (thBin + 1) + "," + (wvBin + 1) + " Element: " + element); readoutList.add("Value: " + spectrum[thBin][wvBin]); polarPanel.setReadout(readoutList.toArray(new String[readoutList.size()])); } else { polarPanel.setReadout(null); } repaint(); } }