Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2014 by Array Systems Computing Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, see */ package org.esa.nest.dat.views.polarview; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath; import java.awt.*; public class Axis { private static final double stepValues[] = { 0.1D, 1.0D, 2D, 3D, 5D, 10D }; private static final int TOP_X = 1; private static final int BOTTOM_X = 2; private static final int LEFT_Y = 3; public static final int RIGHT_Y = 4; public static final int RADIAL = 5; private AbstractAxisDisplay gr = null; private boolean isX = true; private final boolean ticksInside = false; private final boolean withGrid = false; private double minValue = 0.0; private double maxValue = 1.0; private double axisRange = maxValue - minValue; private double tickRange = maxValue - minValue; private double minData = 0.0; private double maxData = 1.0; private final double minRange = 0.0; private final boolean visible = true; private boolean autoRange = true; private int length = 0; private int breadth = 0; private int TouchId = 0; private String title = null; private final int tickLength = -5; private int tickCount = 3; private int bestTickCount = 3; private int spacing = Math.abs(tickLength); private String tickNames[] = { "0", "0.5", "1" }; private double tickValues[] = { 0.0D, 0.5D, 1.0D }; private int tickPos[] = null; private final Font font; private final Font titleFont; private final Color axisColor; private final Color labelColor; private final Color gridColor; private String unit = ""; public Axis(int orientation) { font = getFont("default.font.plot.axis.tick", "SansSerif-plain-12"); titleFont = getFont("default.font.plot.axis.title", "SansSerif-plain-12"); axisColor =; labelColor =; gridColor = Color.darkGray; setLocation(orientation); } private static Font getFont(String propertyName, String defaultFont) { final String fontSpec = System.getProperty(propertyName, defaultFont); return Font.decode(fontSpec); } public void setTitle(String str) { title = str; } public void setUnit(String unitStr) { unit = unitStr; } public String getUnit() { return unit; } public AbstractAxisDisplay getAxisGraphics(Graphics g) { gr.setGraphics(g); return gr; } public void setSpacing(int spacing) { this.spacing = spacing; } public final double[] getRange() { return new double[] { minValue, maxValue }; } public void setAutoRange(boolean autoRange) { if (!this.autoRange && autoRange) setApproximateRange(minData, maxData); this.autoRange = autoRange; } public void setDataRange(double range[]) { setDataRange(range[0], range[1]); } void setDataRange(double minValue, double maxValue) { minData = minValue; maxData = maxValue; if (autoRange) setApproximateRange(minValue, maxValue); } void setApproximateRange(double minValue, double maxValue) { if (minValue == maxValue) { minValue--; maxValue++; } double range = maxValue - minValue; if (Math.abs(range) < minRange) { maxValue = minValue + minRange; range = maxValue - minValue; } final double step = getStepValue(range / 5D, true); final double first = Math.floor(minValue / step + 1.0000000000000001E-005D) * step; final int count = (int) Math.ceil((maxValue - first) / step); setRange(first, first + (double) count * step, count + 1); } private static double getStepValue(double thevalue, boolean up) { final boolean negative = thevalue < 0.0D; double val = thevalue; if (negative) val = -val; final int exponent = (int) Math.floor(Math.log10(val)); val *= FastMath.pow(10D, -exponent); int i; for (i = stepValues.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { if (val > stepValues[i]) break; } if (up) val = stepValues[i + 1]; else val = stepValues[i]; val *= FastMath.pow(10D, exponent); if (negative) val = -val; return val; } void setRange(double rangeMin, double rangeMax) { if (rangeMin == minValue && rangeMax == maxValue) return; setApproximateRange(rangeMin, rangeMax); minValue = rangeMin; maxValue = rangeMax; if (minValue == maxValue) { minValue--; maxValue++; } axisRange = maxValue - minValue; if (Math.abs(axisRange) < minRange) { maxValue = minValue + minRange; axisRange = maxValue - minValue; } bestTickCount = tickCount; setTickCount(tickCount); } public void setRange(double minValue, double maxValue, int tickCount) { if (minValue == this.minValue && maxValue == this.maxValue && tickCount == bestTickCount) return; if (minValue == maxValue) { minValue--; maxValue++; } this.minValue = minValue; this.maxValue = maxValue; tickRange = axisRange = maxValue - minValue; if (Math.abs(axisRange) < minRange) { maxValue = minValue + minRange; tickRange = axisRange = maxValue - minValue; } bestTickCount = tickCount; setTickCount(tickCount); } private void setTickCount(int newTickCount) { tickCount = Math.abs(newTickCount); final double absMin = Math.abs(minValue); final double absMax = Math.abs(maxValue); final double largestValue = absMin <= absMax ? absMax : absMin; int exponent = (int) Math.floor(Math.log10(largestValue)); if (Math.abs(exponent) < 5) exponent = 0; double first = minValue; int lastTickIndex = tickCount - 1; double step = tickRange / (double) lastTickIndex; if (Math.abs((first + step) - minValue) < Math.abs(step * 0.15D)) { tickCount = lastTickIndex--; first += step; tickRange -= step; } if (Math.abs((first + tickRange) - maxValue) > Math.abs(step * 0.85D)) { tickCount = lastTickIndex--; tickRange -= step; } if (tickCount < 3) { lastTickIndex = 2; tickCount = 3; first = minValue; tickRange = axisRange; step = tickRange / (double) lastTickIndex; } if (tickValues == null || tickValues.length != tickCount) { tickValues = new double[tickCount]; tickNames = new String[tickCount]; } for (int i = 1; i < lastTickIndex; i++) { double v = first + (double) i * step; tickValues[i] = v; tickNames[i] = valueToString(v, exponent); } tickValues[0] = minValue; tickNames[0] = valueToString(minValue, exponent); tickValues[lastTickIndex] = maxValue; tickNames[lastTickIndex] = valueToString(maxValue, exponent); getTickPositions(); } final void setLocation(int orientation) { switch (orientation) { case TOP_X: default: isX = true; gr = new AbstractAxisDisplay.XAxisDisplay(false); break; case BOTTOM_X: isX = true; gr = new AbstractAxisDisplay.XAxisDisplay(true); break; case LEFT_Y: isX = false; gr = new AbstractAxisDisplay.YAxisDisplay(true); break; case RIGHT_Y: isX = false; gr = new AbstractAxisDisplay.YAxisDisplay(false); break; case RADIAL: isX = true; gr = new AbstractAxisDisplay.XAxisDisplay(false); break; } } public int getTouchId() { return TouchId; } public void setSize(Dimension graphSize) { int length; int breadth; if (isX) { length = graphSize.width - 2 * spacing; breadth = graphSize.height - 2 * spacing; } else { length = graphSize.height - 2 * spacing; breadth = graphSize.width - 2 * spacing; } this.breadth = breadth; if (length != this.length) { this.length = length; getTickPositions(); } } public void draw(Graphics g, Dimension graphSize) { setSize(graphSize); draw(g); } public void draw(Graphics g) { if (!visible) return; gr.setGraphics(g); final FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(font); g.setColor(axisColor); gr.drawLine(0, 0, length + 2 * spacing, 0); int tickLength = this.tickLength; if (ticksInside) tickLength = -tickLength; final int maxTickCount = (int) (((float) length + 0.5F) / (float) gr.maxTickSize(tickNames, tickCount, font)); final int minTickCount = Math.min(maxTickCount, bestTickCount); if (tickCount > maxTickCount) setTickCount(maxTickCount); else if (tickCount < minTickCount) setTickCount(minTickCount); for (int i = 0; i < tickCount; i++) { gr.drawTick(tickPos[i], tickLength); } g.setColor(labelColor); g.setFont(font); for (int i = 0; i < tickCount; i++) { gr.drawMultiLineTickName(tickNames[i], tickPos[i], tickLength, fm); } g.setFont(titleFont); gr.drawTitle(title, titleFont, length); if (!withGrid) return; g.setColor(gridColor); for (int i = 0; i < tickCount; i++) { gr.drawTick(tickPos[i], breadth); } } private static String valueToString(double v, int exponent) { if (exponent != 0) { final float vm = (float) (v * FastMath.pow(10D, -exponent)); if (vm != 0.0F) return Float.toString(vm) + 'e' + exponent; } return Float.toString((float) v); } public final int getScreenPoint(double value) { final int p = spacing + (int) (((double) length * (value - minValue)) / axisRange); if (isX) return p; return -p; } private void getTickPositions() { if (tickPos == null || tickPos.length != tickCount) tickPos = new int[tickCount]; for (int i = 0; i < tickCount; i++) { if (isX) tickPos[i] = getScreenPoint(tickValues[i]); else tickPos[i] = -getScreenPoint(tickValues[i]); } TouchId++; } }