Java tutorial
/* * Copyright "Open Digital Education", 2017 * * This program is published by "Open Digital Education". * You must indicate the name of the software and the company in any production /contribution * using the software and indicate on the home page of the software industry in question, * "powered by Open Digital Education" with a reference to the website: * * This program is free software, licensed under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. * * You can redistribute this application and/or modify it since you respect the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License. * If you modify the source code and then use this modified source code in your creation, you must make available the source code of your modifications. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with the software. * If not, please see : <>. Full compliance requires reading the terms of this license and following its directives. */ package org.entcore.timeline.controllers; import com.samskivert.mustache.Mustache; import com.samskivert.mustache.Template; import fr.wseduc.webutils.I18n; import fr.wseduc.webutils.Utils; import fr.wseduc.webutils.http.Renders; import io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerRequest; import io.vertx.core.json.DecodeException; import io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray; import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject; import io.vertx.core.logging.Logger; import io.vertx.core.logging.LoggerFactory; import io.vertx.core.shareddata.LocalMap; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; public final class TimelineLambda { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TimelineLambda.class); private TimelineLambda() { } public static void setLambdaTemplateRequest(final HttpServerRequest request, final Map<String, Object> ctx, final LocalMap<String, String> eventsI18n, final HashMap<String, JsonObject> lazyEventsI18n) { ctx.put("i18n", new Mustache.Lambda() { @Override public void execute(Template.Fragment frag, Writer out) throws IOException { String key = frag.execute(); String language = Utils.getOrElse(I18n.acceptLanguage(request), "fr", false); JsonObject timelineI18n; if (!lazyEventsI18n.containsKey(language)) { String i18n = eventsI18n.get(language.split(",")[0].split("-")[0]); i18n = i18n != null ? i18n : "}"; try { timelineI18n = new JsonObject("{" + i18n.substring(0, i18n.length() - 1) + "}"); lazyEventsI18n.put(language, timelineI18n); } catch (DecodeException de) { timelineI18n = new JsonObject(); log.error("Bad json : " + "{" + i18n.substring(0, i18n.length() - 1) + "}", de); } } else { timelineI18n = lazyEventsI18n.get(language); } String translatedContents = I18n.getInstance().translate(key, Renders.getHost(request), language); if (translatedContents.equals(key)) { translatedContents = timelineI18n.getString(key, key); } Mustache.compiler().compile(translatedContents).execute(ctx, out); } }); ctx.put("host", new Mustache.Lambda() { @Override public void execute(Template.Fragment frag, Writer out) throws IOException { String contents = frag.execute(); if (contents.matches("^(http://|https://).*")) { out.write(contents); } else { String host = Renders.getScheme(request) + "://" + Renders.getHost(request); out.write(host + contents); } } }); ctx.put("nested", new Mustache.Lambda() { public void execute(Template.Fragment frag, Writer out) throws IOException { String nestedTemplateName = frag.execute(); String nestedTemplate = (String) ctx.get(nestedTemplateName); if (nestedTemplate != null) Mustache.compiler().compile(nestedTemplate).execute(ctx, out); } }); ctx.put("nestedArray", new Mustache.Lambda() { public void execute(Template.Fragment frag, Writer out) throws IOException { String nestedTemplatePos = frag.execute(); JsonArray nestedArray = new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray( (List<Object>) ctx.get("nestedTemplatesArray")); try { JsonObject nestedTemplate = nestedArray.getJsonObject(Integer.parseInt(nestedTemplatePos) - 1); ctx.putAll(nestedTemplate.getJsonObject("params", new JsonObject()).getMap()); Mustache.compiler().compile(nestedTemplate.getString("template", "")).execute(ctx, out); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { log.error("Mustache compiler error while parsing a nested template array lambda."); } } }); } }