Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright  "Open Digital Education", 2016
 * This program is published by "Open Digital Education".
 * You must indicate the name of the software and the company in any production /contribution
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 * "powered by Open Digital Education" with a reference to the website:
 * This program is free software, licensed under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
 * You can redistribute this application and/or modify it since you respect the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License.
 * If you modify the source code and then use this modified source code in your creation, you must make available the source code of your modifications.
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package org.entcore.feeder.timetable.udt;

import fr.wseduc.webutils.I18n;
import fr.wseduc.webutils.Utils;
import org.entcore.common.neo4j.Neo4jUtils;
import org.entcore.common.utils.FileUtils;
import org.entcore.common.validation.StringValidation;
import org.entcore.feeder.dictionary.structures.PostImport;
import org.entcore.feeder.timetable.AbstractTimetableImporter;
import org.entcore.feeder.timetable.Slot;
import org.entcore.feeder.utils.JsonUtil;
import org.entcore.feeder.utils.Report;
import org.entcore.feeder.utils.Validator;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat;
import io.vertx.core.AsyncResult;
import io.vertx.core.Handler;
import io.vertx.core.Vertx;
import io.vertx.core.eventbus.Message;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import org.xml.sax.XMLReader;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLReaderFactory;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import static fr.wseduc.webutils.Utils.getOrElse;
import static fr.wseduc.webutils.Utils.isNotEmpty;
import static org.entcore.common.utils.StringUtils.isEmpty;
import static org.entcore.common.utils.StringUtils.padLeft;
import static org.entcore.feeder.dictionary.structures.DefaultProfiles.TEACHER_PROFILE_EXTERNAL_ID;

public class UDTImporter extends AbstractTimetableImporter {

    private static final String STUDENTS_TO_GROUPS = "MATCH (:Structure {externalId:{structureExternalId}})<-[:DEPENDS]-(:ProfileGroup)<-[:IN]-(u:User), "
            + "(fg:FunctionalGroup {externalId:{externalId}}) "
            + "WHERE lower(u.firstName) = {firstName} AND lower(u.lastName) = {lastName} AND u.birthDate = {birthDate} "
            + "MERGE u-[r:IN]->fg "
            + "SET r.lastUpdated = {now}, r.source = {source}, r.inDate = {inDate}, r.outDate = {outDate} ";
    private static final String PERSIST_USED_GROUPS = "MATCH (:Structure {externalId:{structureExternalId}})<-[:DEPENDS]-(fg:FunctionalGroup) "
            + "WHERE fg.idgpe IN {usedGroups} " + "SET fg.usedInCourses = true ";
    public static final String UDT = "UDT";
    public static final String CODE = "code";
    private final Pattern filenameWeekPatter;
    public static final String DATE_FORMAT = "dd/MM/yyyy";
    private int year;
    private long endStudents;
    private Map<String, Set<String>> coens = new HashMap<>();
    private Map<String, JsonObject> fichesT = new HashMap<>();
    private Map<String, String> regroup = new HashMap<>();
    private Map<String, List<JsonObject>> lfts = new HashMap<>();
    private HashMap<Integer, Integer> periods = new HashMap<>(); // key : start, value : end period
    private int maxYearWeek;
    private Vertx vertx;
    private DateTime startDateStudents;
    private Set<DateTime> holidays = new HashSet<>();
    private Set<Integer> holidaysWeeks = new HashSet<>();
    private Map<String, JsonObject> eleves = new HashMap<>();
    private Map<String, String> codeGepDiv = new HashMap<>();
    private Set<String> usedGroupInCourses = new HashSet<>();
    private final boolean authorizeUserCreation;
    private final boolean udcalLowerCase;

    public UDTImporter(Vertx vertx, String uai, String path, String acceptLanguage, boolean authorizeUserCreation) {
        super(uai, path, acceptLanguage);
        this.vertx = vertx;
        this.authorizeUserCreation = authorizeUserCreation;
        udcalLowerCase = vertx.fileSystem().existsBlocking(basePath + "udcal_24.xml");
        if (udcalLowerCase) {
            filenameWeekPatter = Pattern.compile("udcal_[0-9]{2}_([0-9]{2})\\.xml$");
        } else {
            filenameWeekPatter = Pattern.compile("UDCal_[0-9]{2}_([0-9]{2})\\.xml$");

    public void launch(final Handler<AsyncResult<Report>> handler) throws Exception {
        init(new Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>() {
            public void handle(AsyncResult<Void> event) {
                if (event.failed()) {
                    handler.handle(new DefaultAsyncResult<Report>(event.cause()));
                try {
                    parse(basePath + "UDCal_24.xml");
                    parse(basePath + "UDCal_00.xml");
                    parse(basePath + "semaines.xml");
                    parse(basePath + "UDCal_03.xml");
                    parse(basePath + "UDCal_04.xml");
                    parse(basePath + "UDCal_05.xml");
                    parse(basePath + "UDCal_07.xml");
                    parse(basePath + "UDCal_08.xml");
                    parse(basePath + "UDCal_10.xml");
                    parse(basePath + "UDCal_19.xml");
                    parse(basePath + "UDCal_13.xml");
                    parse(basePath + "UDCal_21.xml");
                    parse(basePath + "UDCal_23.xml");
                    parse(basePath + "UDCal_11.xml");
                    parse(basePath + "UDCal_12.xml");
                    generateCourses(startDateWeek1.getWeekOfWeekyear(), true);
                    final String UCal12Filter = udcalLowerCase ? "udcal_12_[0-9]+.xml" : "UDCal_12_[0-9]+.xml";
                    vertx.fileSystem().readDir(basePath, UCal12Filter, new Handler<AsyncResult<List<String>>>() {
                        public void handle(AsyncResult<List<String>> event) {
                            if (event.succeeded()) {
                                try {
                                    for (String p : event.result()) {
                                        Matcher m = filenameWeekPatter.matcher(p);
                                        if (m.find()) {
                                            final int weekNumber = Integer.parseInt(;
                                            if (periods.containsKey(weekNumber)) {
                                                generateCourses(weekNumber, false);
                                            } else {
                                                log.warn("Ignore week : " + weekNumber);
                                } catch (Exception e) {
                                    handler.handle(new DefaultAsyncResult<Report>(e));
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    handler.handle(new DefaultAsyncResult<Report>(e));

    private void parse(String filePath) throws Exception {
        if (udcalLowerCase) {
            filePath = filePath.toLowerCase();
        InputSource in = new InputSource(new FileInputStream(filePath));
        UDTHandler sh = new UDTHandler(this);
        XMLReader xr = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader();

    void setYear(String year) {
        if (this.year == 0) {
            this.year = Integer.parseInt(year);

    public void setEndStudents(String endStudents) {
        this.endStudents = DateTime.parse(endStudents, DateTimeFormat.forPattern(DATE_FORMAT)).getMillis();

    public void setStartDateStudents(String startDateStudents) {
        this.startDateStudents = DateTime.parse(startDateStudents, DateTimeFormat.forPattern(DATE_FORMAT));
        maxYearWeek = this.startDateStudents.weekOfWeekyear().withMaximumValue().weekOfWeekyear().get();

    void initSchoolYear(JsonObject currentEntity) {
        startDateWeek1 = startDateStudents
        slotDuration = Integer.parseInt(currentEntity.getString("duree_seq")) / 2;
        DateTime h = startDateWeek1;
        while (h.isBefore(startDateStudents)) {
            h = h.plusDays(1);

    void initSchedule(JsonObject e) {
        final String slotKey = e.getString("code_jour") + padLeft(e.getString(CODE), 2, '0')
                + e.getString("code_site");
        Slot s = new Slot(e.getString("hre_deb"), e.getString("hre_fin"), slotDuration);
        slots.put(slotKey, s);

    void initPeriods(JsonObject currentEntity) {
        JsonArray weeks = currentEntity.getJsonArray("semaine");
        if (weeks != null && weeks.size() > 0) {
            int oldWeek = startDateWeek1.getWeekOfWeekyear();
            for (Object o : weeks) {
                if (o instanceof JsonObject) {
                    int week = Integer.parseInt(((JsonObject) o).getString("num"));
                    if (week != oldWeek) {
                        periods.put(oldWeek, (week == 1 ? maxYearWeek : week - 1));
                        oldWeek = week;
            periods.put(oldWeek, new DateTime(endStudents).getWeekOfWeekyear());
            for (int i = new DateTime(endStudents).getWeekOfWeekyear() + 1; i < startDateWeek1
                    .getWeekOfWeekyear(); i++) {

    void initHolidays(JsonObject currentEntity) {
        DateTime s = DateTime.parse(currentEntity.getString("debut"), DateTimeFormat.forPattern(DATE_FORMAT));
        DateTime e = DateTime.parse(currentEntity.getString("fin"), DateTimeFormat.forPattern(DATE_FORMAT));
        while (s.isBefore(e)) {
            s = s.plusDays(1);

    void addRoom(JsonObject currentEntity) {
        rooms.put(currentEntity.getString(CODE), currentEntity.getString("nom"));

    protected String getTeacherMappingAttribute() {
        return "externalId";

    protected String getSource() {
        return UDT;

    void addProfesseur(JsonObject currentEntity) {
        try {
            if (isEmpty(currentEntity.getString("code_matppl"))) {
                // Ignore prof without subject.
                // Often this case corresponds to personnel.
            final String id = currentEntity.getString(CODE);
            String externalId = currentEntity.getString("epj");
            final String firstName = currentEntity.getString("prenom");
            final String lastName = currentEntity.getString("nom");
            JsonObject p = persEducNat.applyMapping(currentEntity);
            p.put("profiles", new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray().add("Teacher"));
            if (isEmpty(externalId)) {
                externalId = JsonUtil.checksum(p, JsonUtil.HashAlgorithm.MD5);
            p.put("externalId", externalId);
            String[] teacherId = teachersMapping.get(externalId);
            if (teacherId == null) {
                teacherId = teachersCleanNameMapping.get(Validator.sanitize(firstName + lastName));
            if (teacherId != null && isNotEmpty(teacherId[0])) {
                teachers.put(id, teacherId[0]);
                if (getSource().equals(teacherId[1]) && authorizeUserCreation) {
            } else {
                final String userId = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
                p.put("id", userId);
                p.put("structures", new JsonArray().add(structureExternalId));
                if (authorizeUserCreation) {
                    persEducNat.createOrUpdatePersonnel(p, TEACHER_PROFILE_EXTERNAL_ID, structure, null, null, true,
                teachers.put(id, userId);
        } catch (Exception e) {

    void addSubject(JsonObject s) {
        final String code = s.getString(CODE);
        super.addSubject(code, new JsonObject().put("Code", code).put("Libelle", s.getString("libelle")));

    void addClasse(JsonObject currentEntity) {
        final String id = currentEntity.getString(CODE);
        classes.put(id, currentEntity);
        final String codeGep = currentEntity.getString("code_gep");
        if (isNotEmpty(codeGep)) {
            codeGepDiv.put(id, codeGep);
        final String className = (classesMapping != null) ? getOrElse(classesMapping.getString(id), id, false) : id;
        currentEntity.put("className", className);
        if (className != null) {
            txXDT.add(UNKNOWN_CLASSES, new JsonObject().put("UAI", UAI).put("className", className));

    void addGroup(JsonObject currentEntity) {
        final String id = currentEntity.getString("code_div") + currentEntity.getString(CODE);
        groups.put(id, currentEntity);
        String name = currentEntity.getString("code_div") + " Gr " + currentEntity.getString(CODE);
        if (isEmpty(name)) {
            name = id;
        currentEntity.put("code_gep", codeGepDiv.get(currentEntity.getString("code_div")));
        currentEntity.put("idgpe", currentEntity.remove("id"));
        final String set = "SET " + Neo4jUtils.nodeSetPropertiesFromJson("fg", currentEntity);
        txXDT.add(CREATE_GROUPS + set,
                currentEntity.put("structureExternalId", structureExternalId).put("name", name)
                        .put("displayNameSearchField", Validator.sanitize(name))
                        .put("externalId", structureExternalId + "$" + name).put("id", UUID.randomUUID().toString())
                        .put("source", getSource()));

    void addGroup2(JsonObject currentEntity) {
        final String codeGroup = currentEntity.getString("code_gpe");
        final String name = currentEntity.getString("nom");
        if (isNotEmpty(codeGroup)) {
            final String groupId = currentEntity.getString("code_div") + codeGroup;
            JsonObject group = groups.get(groupId);
            if (group == null) {
                log.warn("addGroup2 :");
            JsonArray groups = group.getJsonArray("groups");
            if (groups == null) {
                groups = new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray();
                group.put("groups", groups);
        } else {
            final String classId = currentEntity.getString("code_div");
            JsonObject classe = classes.get(classId);
            if (classe == null) {
                log.warn("addGroup2 : unknown.class.mapping");
            JsonArray groups = classe.getJsonArray("groups");
            if (groups == null) {
                groups = new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray();
                classe.put("groups", groups);
        regroup.put(currentEntity.getString(CODE), name);
        txXDT.add(CREATE_GROUPS + "SET fg.idrgpmt = {idrgpmt} ",
                new JsonObject().put("structureExternalId", structureExternalId).put("name", name)
                        .put("displayNameSearchField", Validator.sanitize(name))
                        .put("externalId", structureExternalId + "$" + name).put("id", UUID.randomUUID().toString())
                        .put("source", getSource()).put("idrgpmt", currentEntity.getString("id")));

    private void persistUsedGroups() {
        txXDT.add(PERSIST_USED_GROUPS, new JsonObject().put("structureExternalId", structureExternalId)
                .put("usedGroups", new JsonArray(new ArrayList<>(usedGroupInCourses))));

    void eleveMapping(JsonObject currentEntity) {
        eleves.put(currentEntity.getString(CODE), currentEntity);

    void addEleve(JsonObject currentEntity) {
        if ("0".equals(currentEntity.getString("theorique"))) {
        final String ele = currentEntity.getString("ele");
        if (isEmpty(ele)) {
            report.addErrorWithParams("invalid.epj", currentEntity.encode());
        JsonObject eleve = eleves.get(ele);
        if (eleve == null) {
            report.addErrorWithParams("missing.student", currentEntity.encode());
        final String codeGroup = currentEntity.getString("gpe");
        final String codeDiv = currentEntity.getString("code_div");
        JsonArray groups;
        if (isNotEmpty(codeGroup)) {
            JsonObject group = this.groups.get(codeDiv + codeGroup);
            if (group == null) {
                log.warn("addEleve :");
            final String name = group.getString("code_div") + " Gr " + group.getString(CODE);
                    new JsonObject().put("firstName", eleve.getString("prenom", "").toLowerCase())
                            .put("lastName", eleve.getString("nom", "").toLowerCase())
                            .put("birthDate", StringValidation.convertDate(eleve.getString("naissance", "")))
                            .put("externalId", structureExternalId + "$" + name)
                            .put("structureExternalId", structureExternalId).put("source", UDT)
                            .put("inDate", importTimestamp).put("outDate", endStudents)
                            .put("now", importTimestamp));
            groups = group.getJsonArray("groups");

        } else {
            JsonObject classe = classes.get(codeDiv);
            if (classe == null) {
                log.warn("addEleve : unknown.class.mapping");
            groups = classe.getJsonArray("groups");
        if (groups != null) {
            for (Object o2 : groups) {
                        new JsonObject().put("firstName", eleve.getString("prenom", "").toLowerCase())
                                .put("lastName", eleve.getString("nom", "").toLowerCase())
                                .put("birthDate", StringValidation.convertDate(eleve.getString("naissance", "")))
                                .put("externalId", structureExternalId + "$" + o2.toString())
                                .put("structureExternalId", structureExternalId).put("source", UDT)
                                .put("inDate", importTimestamp).put("outDate", endStudents)
                                .put("now", importTimestamp));

    void addCoens(JsonObject currentEntity) {
        final String clf = currentEntity.getString("lignefic");
        Set<String> teachers = coens.get(clf);
        if (teachers == null) {
            teachers = new HashSet<>();
            coens.put(clf, teachers);
        final String externalId = currentEntity.getString("epj");
        String[] teacherId = null;
        if (isNotEmpty(externalId)) {
            teacherId = teachersMapping.get(externalId);
        if (teacherId == null || isEmpty(teacherId[0])) {
            teacherId = new String[] { this.teachers.get(currentEntity.getString("prof")), getSource() };
        if (teacherId != null && isNotEmpty(teacherId[0])) {

    void addFicheT(JsonObject currentEntity) {
        final String id = currentEntity.getString(CODE);
        fichesT.put(id, currentEntity);

    void addCourse(JsonObject entity) {
        final String div = entity.getString("div");
        if (isEmpty(div)) {
        final String fic = entity.getString("fic");
        if (isEmpty(fic)) {
        final String idgpe = entity.getString("idgpe");
        if ("0".equals(entity.getString("rgpmt")) && isNotEmpty(idgpe) && isNotEmpty(entity.getString("gpe"))) {
        final String tmpId = calculateTmpId(entity);
        List<JsonObject> l = lfts.get(tmpId);
        if (l == null) {
            l = new ArrayList<>();
            lfts.put(tmpId, l);

    private String calculateTmpId(JsonObject entity) {
        return entity.getString("div") + entity.getString("mat") + entity.getString("prof")
                + entity.getString("rgpmt") + getOrElse(entity.getString("gpe"), "_", false);

    private void generateCourses(int periodWeek, boolean theoretical) {
        for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> e : getNextHolidaysWeek(periodWeek).entrySet()) {
            for (List<JsonObject> c : lfts.values()) {
                Collections.sort(c, new LftComparator());
                String start = null;
                int current = 0;
                JsonObject previous = null;
                int count = 0;
                for (JsonObject j : c) {
                    int val = Integer.parseInt(j.getString(CODE).substring(0, 3));
                    if (start == null) {
                        start = j.getString("fic");
                        current = val;
                    } else if ((++current) != val || count == c.size()) {
                        persistCourse(generateCourse(start, previous.getString("fic"), previous, e.getKey(),
                                e.getValue(), theoretical));
                        start = j.getString("fic");
                        current = val;
                    previous = j;

    private Map<Integer, Integer> getNextHolidaysWeek(int periodWeek) {
        int endPeriod = periods.get(periodWeek);
        int e = (endPeriod < startDateWeek1.getWeekOfWeekyear()) ? endPeriod + maxYearWeek : endPeriod;
        int startPeriod = periodWeek;
        Map<Integer, Integer> p = new HashMap<>();
        for (int i = periodWeek; i < e; i++) {
            int j = (i > maxYearWeek) ? i - maxYearWeek : i;
            if (startPeriod < 1 && !holidaysWeeks.contains(j)) {
                startPeriod = j;
            if (startPeriod > 0 && (holidaysWeeks.contains(j) && startPeriod != j)) {
                p.put(startPeriod, j);
                startPeriod = 0;

        if (startPeriod > 0) {
            p.put(startPeriod, endPeriod);
        return p;

    private JsonObject generateCourse(String start, String end, JsonObject entity, int periodWeek,
            int endPeriodWeek, boolean theoretical) {
        JsonObject ficheTStart = fichesT.get(start);
        JsonObject ficheTEnd = fichesT.get(end);
        if (ficheTStart == null || ficheTEnd == null) {
            return null;
        final Slot slotStart = slots.get(ficheTStart.getString("jour")
                + padLeft(ficheTStart.getString("demi_seq"), 2, '0') + ficheTStart.getString("site"));
        final Slot slotEnd = slots.get(ficheTEnd.getString("jour")
                + padLeft(ficheTEnd.getString("demi_seq"), 2, '0') + ficheTEnd.getString("site"));
        if (slotStart == null || slotEnd == null) {
            return null;
        final int day = Integer.parseInt(ficheTStart.getString("jour"));
        final int cpw = (periodWeek < startDateWeek1.getWeekOfWeekyear()) ? periodWeek + maxYearWeek : periodWeek;
        DateTime startDate = startDateWeek1.plusWeeks(cpw - startDateWeek1.getWeekOfWeekyear()).plusDays(day - 1);
        while (holidays.contains(startDate)) {
            startDate = startDate.plusWeeks(1);
        startDate = startDate.plusSeconds(slotStart.getStart());
        //final int epw = periods.get(periodWeek);
        final int cepw = (endPeriodWeek < startDateWeek1.getWeekOfWeekyear()) ? endPeriodWeek + maxYearWeek
                : endPeriodWeek;
        DateTime endDate = startDateWeek1.plusWeeks(cepw - startDateWeek1.getWeekOfWeekyear()).plusDays(day - 1);
        while (holidays.contains(endDate)) {
            endDate = endDate.minusWeeks(1);
        endDate = endDate.plusSeconds(slotEnd.getEnd());
        if (endDate.isBefore(startDate)) {
            log.error("endDate before start date. cpw : " + cpw + ", cepw : " + cepw + ", startDateWeek1 : "
                    + startDateWeek1 + ", endPeriodOfWeek : " + endPeriodWeek);
        final Set<String> ce = coens.get(start);
        JsonArray teacherIds;
        if (ce != null && ce.size() > 0) {
            teacherIds = new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray(new ArrayList<>(ce));
        } else {
            teacherIds = new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray();
        final String pId = teachers.get(entity.getString("prof"));
        if (isNotEmpty(pId)) {

        final JsonObject c = new JsonObject().put("structureId", structureId).put("startDate", startDate.toString())
                .put("endDate", endDate.toString()).put("dayOfWeek", day).put("teacherIds", teacherIds)
                .put("theoretical", theoretical);
        final String sId = subjects.get(entity.getString("mat"));
        if (isNotEmpty(sId)) {
            c.put("subjectId", sId);
        final String rId = rooms.get(entity.getString("salle"));
        if (isNotEmpty(rId)) {
            c.put("roomLabels", new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray().add(rId));
        final JsonObject cId = classes.get(entity.getString("div"));
        if (cId != null && isNotEmpty(cId.getString("className"))) {
            c.put("classes", new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray().add(cId.getString("className")));

        JsonArray groups;
        if (isNotEmpty(entity.getString("rgpmt")) || isNotEmpty(entity.getString("gpe"))) {
            groups = new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray();
            c.put("groups", groups);
            String name = regroup.get(entity.getString("rgpmt"));
            if (isNotEmpty(name)) {
            String gName = entity.getString("gpe");
            if (isNotEmpty(gName)) {
                groups.add(entity.getString("div") + " Gr " + gName);
        try {
            c.put("_id", JsonUtil.checksum(c));
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
            log.error("Error generating course checksum", e);
        return c;

    private class LftComparator implements Comparator<JsonObject> {
        public int compare(JsonObject o1, JsonObject o2) {
            return o1.getString(CODE).compareTo(o2.getString(CODE));

    public static void launchImport(Vertx vertx, final Message<JsonObject> message, boolean udtUserCreation) {
        launchImport(vertx, message, null, udtUserCreation);

    public static void launchImport(Vertx vertx, final Message<JsonObject> message, final PostImport postImport,
            boolean udtUserCreation) {
        final I18n i18n = I18n.getInstance();
        final String uai = message.body().getString("UAI");
        final String path = message.body().getString("path");
        final String acceptLanguage = message.body().getString("language", "fr");

        if (Utils.isEmpty(uai) || Utils.isEmpty(path) || Utils.isEmpty(acceptLanguage)) {
            JsonObject json = new JsonObject().put("status", "error").put("message",
                    i18n.translate("invalid.params", I18n.DEFAULT_DOMAIN, acceptLanguage));

        try {
            final String parentPath = FileUtils.getParentPath(path);
            FileUtils.unzip(path, parentPath);
            new UDTImporter(vertx, uai, parentPath + File.separator, acceptLanguage, udtUserCreation)
                    .launch(new Handler<AsyncResult<Report>>() {
                        public void handle(AsyncResult<Report> event) {
                            if (event.succeeded()) {
                                message.reply(new JsonObject().put("status", "ok").put("result",
                                if (postImport != null) {
                            } else {
                                log.error(event.cause().getMessage(), event.cause());
                                JsonObject json = new JsonObject().put("status", "error").put("message",
                                        i18n.translate(event.cause().getMessage(), I18n.DEFAULT_DOMAIN,
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            JsonObject json = new JsonObject().put("status", "error").put("message",
                    i18n.translate(e.getMessage(), I18n.DEFAULT_DOMAIN, acceptLanguage));