Java tutorial
/* * Copyright "Open Digital Education", 2016 * * This program is published by "Open Digital Education". * You must indicate the name of the software and the company in any production /contribution * using the software and indicate on the home page of the software industry in question, * "powered by Open Digital Education" with a reference to the website: * * This program is free software, licensed under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. * * You can redistribute this application and/or modify it since you respect the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License. * If you modify the source code and then use this modified source code in your creation, you must make available the source code of your modifications. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with the software. * If not, please see : <>. Full compliance requires reading the terms of this license and following its directives. */ package org.entcore.feeder.timetable.edt; import fr.wseduc.webutils.DefaultAsyncResult; import fr.wseduc.webutils.I18n; import; import org.entcore.feeder.dictionary.structures.PostImport; import org.entcore.feeder.exceptions.TransactionException; import org.entcore.feeder.exceptions.ValidationException; import org.entcore.feeder.timetable.AbstractTimetableImporter; import org.entcore.feeder.timetable.Slot; import org.entcore.feeder.utils.*; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import io.vertx.core.AsyncResult; import io.vertx.core.Handler; import io.vertx.core.eventbus.Message; import io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray; import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import org.xml.sax.XMLReader; import org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLReaderFactory; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Paths; import; import java.util.*; import static fr.wseduc.webutils.Utils.getOrElse; import static fr.wseduc.webutils.Utils.isEmpty; import static fr.wseduc.webutils.Utils.isNotEmpty; import static org.entcore.feeder.dictionary.structures.DefaultProfiles.PERSONNEL_PROFILE_EXTERNAL_ID; import static org.entcore.feeder.dictionary.structures.DefaultProfiles.TEACHER_PROFILE_EXTERNAL_ID; public class EDTImporter extends AbstractTimetableImporter { private static final String MATCH_PERSEDUCNAT_QUERY = "MATCH (:Structure {UAI : {UAI}})<-[:DEPENDS]-(:ProfileGroup)<-[:IN]-(u:User) " + "WHERE head(u.profiles) IN ['Teacher','Personnel'] AND LOWER(u.lastName) = {lastName} AND LOWER(u.firstName) = {firstName} " + "WITH COLLECT(DISTINCT u) as user " + "WHERE LENGTH(user) = 1 " + "SET HEAD(user).IDPN = {IDPN} " + "RETURN DISTINCT HEAD(user).id as id, HEAD(user).IDPN as IDPN, {profile} as profile"; private static final String STUDENTS_TO_GROUPS = "MATCH (u:User {attachmentId : {idSconet}}), (fg:FunctionalGroup {externalId:{externalId}}) " + "MERGE u-[r:IN]->fg " + "SET r.lastUpdated = {now}, r.source = {source}, r.inDate = {inDate}, r.outDate = {outDate} "; private static final String CLEAN_IDPN = "MATCH (:Structure {UAI : {UAI}})<-[:DEPENDS]-(:ProfileGroup)<-[:IN]-(u:User) " + "WHERE HAS(u.IDPN) AND HEAD(u.profiles) IN ['Relative','Guest', 'Student'] " + "SET u.IDPN = null"; private static final String CLEAN_IDPN_OTHER_STRUCTURE = "MATCH (u:User)-[:IN]->(:ProfileGroup)-[:DEPENDS]->(s:Structure) " + "WHERE u.IDPN starts with {structureExternalId} " + "WITH u, collect(s.externalId) as struct " + "WHERE NOT({structureExternalId} IN struct) " + "SET u.IDPN = null"; private final String mode; public static final String IDENT = "Ident"; public static final String IDPN = "IDPN"; public static final String EDT = "EDT"; private final List<String> ignoreAttributes = Arrays.asList("Etiquette", "Periode", "PartieDeClasse"); private final EDTUtils edtUtils; private final Map<String, JsonObject> notFoundPersEducNat = new HashMap<>(); private final Map<String, String> equipments = new HashMap<>(); private final Map<String, String> personnels = new HashMap<>(); private final Map<String, JsonObject> subClasses = new HashMap<>(); private final Set<String> userImportedPronoteId = new HashSet<>(); public EDTImporter(EDTUtils edtUtils, String uai, String path, String acceptLanguage, String mode) { super(uai, path, acceptLanguage); this.edtUtils = edtUtils; this.mode = mode; } public void launch(final Handler<AsyncResult<Report>> handler) throws Exception { final String content; if ("dev".equals(mode)) { String c; try { c = edtUtils.decryptExport(basePath); } catch (JAXBException e) { log.warn("Decrypt failed : " + basePath, e); c = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(basePath))); } content = c; } else { content = edtUtils.decryptExport(basePath); } log.debug(content); init(new Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>() { @Override public void handle(AsyncResult<Void> event) { if (event.succeeded()) { try { txXDT.setAutoSend(false); txXDT.add(CLEAN_IDPN, new JsonObject().put("UAI", UAI)); txXDT.add(CLEAN_IDPN_OTHER_STRUCTURE, new JsonObject().put("structureExternalId", structureExternalId)); parse(content, true); if (txXDT.isEmpty()) { parse(content, false); } else { matchAndCreatePersEducNat(new Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>() { @Override public void handle(AsyncResult<Void> event) { if (event.succeeded()) { try { txXDT = TransactionManager.getTransaction(); parse(content, false); userExternalId(new Handler<Void>() { @Override public void handle(Void v) { commit(handler); } }); } catch (Exception e) { handler.handle(new DefaultAsyncResult<Report>(e)); } } else { handler.handle(new DefaultAsyncResult<Report>(event.cause())); } } }); } } catch (Exception e) { handler.handle(new DefaultAsyncResult<Report>(e)); } } else { handler.handle(new DefaultAsyncResult<Report>(event.cause())); } } }); } private void userExternalId(final Handler<Void> handler) { if (!userImportedPronoteId.isEmpty()) { final String query = "MATCH (u:User) where u.IDPN IN {pronoteIds} RETURN COLLECT(u.externalId) as externalIds"; TransactionManager.getNeo4jHelper().execute(query, new JsonObject().put("pronoteIds", new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray(new ArrayList<>(userImportedPronoteId))), new Handler<Message<JsonObject>>() { @Override public void handle(Message<JsonObject> event) { JsonArray res = event.body().getJsonArray("result"); if ("ok".equals(event.body().getString("status")) && res.size() == 1) { JsonArray r = res.getJsonObject(0).getJsonArray("externalIds"); if (r != null) { userImportedExternalId.addAll(r.getList()); } } handler.handle(null); } }); } else { handler.handle(null); } } private void parse(String content, boolean persEducNatOnly) throws Exception { InputSource in = new InputSource(new StringReader(content)); EDTHandler sh = new EDTHandler(this, persEducNatOnly); XMLReader xr = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader(); xr.setContentHandler(sh); xr.parse(in); } void initSchoolYear(JsonObject schoolYear) { startDateWeek1 = DateTime.parse(schoolYear.getString("DatePremierJourSemaine1")); } void initSchedule(JsonObject currentEntity) { slotDuration = Integer.parseInt(currentEntity.getString("DureePlace")) * 60; for (Object o : currentEntity.getJsonArray("Place")) { if (o instanceof JsonObject) { JsonObject s = (JsonObject) o; slots.put(s.getString("Numero"), new Slot(s.getString("LibelleHeureDebut"), s.getString("LibelleHeureFin"), slotDuration)); } } } void addRoom(JsonObject currentEntity) { rooms.put(currentEntity.getString(IDENT), currentEntity.getString("Nom")); } void addEquipment(JsonObject currentEntity) { equipments.put(currentEntity.getString(IDENT), currentEntity.getString("Nom")); } void addSubject(JsonObject currentEntity) { super.addSubject(currentEntity.getString(IDENT), currentEntity); } void addGroup(JsonObject currentEntity) { final String id = currentEntity.getString(IDENT); groups.put(id, currentEntity); final JsonArray classes = currentEntity.getJsonArray("Classe"); final JsonArray pcs = currentEntity.getJsonArray("PartieDeClasse"); classInGroups(id, classes, this.classes); classInGroups(id, pcs, this.subClasses); final String name = currentEntity.getString("Nom"); txXDT.add(CREATE_GROUPS, new JsonObject().put("structureExternalId", structureExternalId).put("name", name) .put("displayNameSearchField", Validator.sanitize(name)) .put("externalId", structureExternalId + "$" + name).put("id", UUID.randomUUID().toString()) .put("source", getSource())); } private void classInGroups(String id, JsonArray classes, Map<String, JsonObject> ref) { if (classes != null) { for (Object o : classes) { if (o instanceof JsonObject) { final JsonObject j = ref.get(((JsonObject) o).getString(IDENT)); if (j != null) { JsonArray groups = j.getJsonArray("groups"); if (groups == null) { groups = new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray(); j.put("groups", groups); } groups.add(id); } } } } } void addClasse(JsonObject currentEntity) { final String id = currentEntity.getString(IDENT); classes.put(id, currentEntity); final JsonArray pcs = currentEntity.getJsonArray("PartieDeClasse"); final String ocn = currentEntity.getString("Nom"); final String className = (classesMapping != null) ? getOrElse(classesMapping.getString(ocn), ocn, false) : ocn; currentEntity.put("className", className); if (pcs != null) { for (Object o : pcs) { if (o instanceof JsonObject) { final String pcIdent = ((JsonObject) o).getString(IDENT); subClasses.put(pcIdent, ((JsonObject) o).put("className", className)); } } } if (className != null) { txXDT.add(UNKNOWN_CLASSES, new JsonObject().put("UAI", UAI).put("className", className)); } } void addProfesseur(JsonObject currentEntity) { final String id = currentEntity.getString(IDENT); final String idPronote = structureExternalId + "$" + currentEntity.getString(IDPN); userImportedPronoteId.add(idPronote); final String[] teacherId = teachersMapping.get(idPronote); if (teacherId != null && isNotEmpty(teacherId[0])) { teachers.put(id, teacherId[0]); if (getSource().equals(teacherId[1])) { try { final JsonObject user = persEducNat.applyMapping(currentEntity.copy()); updateUser(user.put(IDPN, idPronote)); } catch (ValidationException e) { report.addError("update.user.error"); } } } else { findPersEducNat(currentEntity, idPronote, "Teacher"); } } void addPersonnel(JsonObject currentEntity) { final String id = currentEntity.getString(IDENT); try { final String idPronote = structureExternalId + "$" + Md5.hash(currentEntity.getString("Nom") + currentEntity.getString("Prenom")); findPersEducNat(currentEntity, idPronote, "Personnel"); userImportedPronoteId.add(idPronote); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { log.error("Error hash personnel Id.", e); } } private void findPersEducNat(JsonObject currentEntity, String idPronote, String profile) { log.debug(currentEntity); try { JsonObject p = persEducNat.applyMapping(currentEntity); p.put("profiles", new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray().add(profile)); p.put("externalId", idPronote); p.put(IDPN, idPronote); if (isNotEmpty(p.getString("lastName")) && isNotEmpty(p.getString("firstName"))) { notFoundPersEducNat.put(idPronote, p); txXDT.add(MATCH_PERSEDUCNAT_QUERY, new JsonObject().put("UAI", UAI).put(IDPN, idPronote).put("profile", profile) .put("lastName", p.getString("lastName").toLowerCase()) .put("firstName", p.getString("firstName").toLowerCase())); } else { report.addErrorWithParams("empty.required.user.attribute", p.encode().replaceAll("\\$", "")); } } catch (Exception e) { report.addError(e.getMessage()); } } private void matchAndCreatePersEducNat(final Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler) { txXDT.commit(new Handler<Message<JsonObject>>() { @Override public void handle(Message<JsonObject> event) { JsonArray res = event.body().getJsonArray("results"); if ("ok".equals(event.body().getString("status")) && res != null) { for (Object o : res) { setUsersId(o); } if (!notFoundPersEducNat.isEmpty()) { try { TransactionHelper tx = TransactionManager.getTransaction(); persEducNat.setTransactionHelper(tx); for (JsonObject p : notFoundPersEducNat.values()) { p.put("structures", new JsonArray().add(structureExternalId)); if ("Teacher".equals(p.getJsonArray("profiles").getString(0))) { persEducNat.createOrUpdatePersonnel(p, TEACHER_PROFILE_EXTERNAL_ID, structure, null, null, true, true); } else { persEducNat.createOrUpdatePersonnel(p, PERSONNEL_PROFILE_EXTERNAL_ID, structure, null, null, true, true); } } tx.commit(new Handler<Message<JsonObject>>() { @Override public void handle(Message<JsonObject> event) { JsonArray res = event.body().getJsonArray("results"); if ("ok".equals(event.body().getString("status")) && res != null) { for (Object o : res) { setUsersId(o); } if (notFoundPersEducNat.isEmpty()) { handler.handle(new DefaultAsyncResult<>((Void) null)); } else { for (Map.Entry<String, JsonObject> e : notFoundPersEducNat.entrySet()) { + " : " + e.getValue().encode()); } handler.handle(new DefaultAsyncResult<Void>( new ValidationException("not.found.users.not.empty"))); } } else { handler.handle(new DefaultAsyncResult<Void>( new TransactionException(event.body().getString("message")))); } } }); } catch (TransactionException e) { handler.handle(new DefaultAsyncResult<Void>(e)); } } else { handler.handle(new DefaultAsyncResult<>((Void) null)); } } else { handler.handle(new DefaultAsyncResult<Void>( new TransactionException(event.body().getString("message")))); } } private void setUsersId(Object o) { if ((o instanceof JsonArray) && ((JsonArray) o).size() > 0) { JsonObject j = ((JsonArray) o).getJsonObject(0); String idPronote = j.getString(IDPN); String id = j.getString("id"); String profile = j.getString("profile"); if (isNotEmpty(id) && isNotEmpty(idPronote) && isNotEmpty(profile)) { notFoundPersEducNat.remove(idPronote); if ("Teacher".equals(profile)) { teachersMapping.put(idPronote, new String[] { id, getSource() }); } else { String[] ident = idPronote.split("\\$"); if (ident.length == 2) { personnels.put(ident[1], id); } } } } } }); } void addEleve(JsonObject currentEntity) { final String sconetId = currentEntity.getString("IDSconet"); if (isNotEmpty(sconetId)) { final JsonArray classes = currentEntity.getJsonArray("Classe"); final JsonArray pcs = currentEntity.getJsonArray("PartieDeClasse"); studentToGroups(sconetId, classes, this.classes); studentToGroups(sconetId, pcs, this.subClasses); } } private void studentToGroups(String sconetId, JsonArray classes, Map<String, JsonObject> ref) { if (classes != null) { for (Object o : classes) { if (o instanceof JsonObject) { final String inDate = ((JsonObject) o).getString("DateEntree"); final String outDate = ((JsonObject) o).getString("DateSortie"); final String ident = ((JsonObject) o).getString(IDENT); if (inDate == null || ident == null || outDate == null || DateTime.parse(inDate).isAfterNow()) continue; final JsonObject j = ref.get(ident); if (j != null) { JsonArray groups = j.getJsonArray("groups"); if (groups != null) { for (Object o2 : groups) { JsonObject group = this.groups.get(o2.toString()); if (group != null) { String name = group.getString("Nom"); txXDT.add(STUDENTS_TO_GROUPS, new JsonObject().put("idSconet", sconetId) .put("externalId", structureExternalId + "$" + name).put("source", EDT) .put("inDate", DateTime.parse(inDate).getMillis()) .put("outDate", DateTime.parse(outDate).getMillis()) .put("now", importTimestamp)); } } } } } } } } void addCourse(JsonObject currentEntity) { final List<Long> weeks = new ArrayList<>(); final List<JsonObject> items = new ArrayList<>(); for (String attr : currentEntity.fieldNames()) { if (!ignoreAttributes.contains(attr) && currentEntity.getValue(attr) instanceof JsonArray) { for (Object o : currentEntity.getJsonArray(attr)) { if (!(o instanceof JsonObject)) continue; final JsonObject j = (JsonObject) o; j.put("itemType", attr); final String week = j.getString("Semaines"); if (week != null) { weeks.add(Long.valueOf(week)); items.add(j); } } } } if (log.isDebugEnabled() && currentEntity.containsKey("SemainesAnnulation")) { log.debug(currentEntity.encode()); } final Long cancelWeek = (currentEntity.getString("SemainesAnnulation") != null) ? Long.valueOf(currentEntity.getString("SemainesAnnulation")) : null; BitSet lastWeek = new BitSet(weeks.size()); int startCourseWeek = 0; for (int i = 1; i < 53; i++) { final BitSet currentWeek = new BitSet(weeks.size()); boolean enabledCurrentWeek = false; for (int j = 0; j < weeks.size(); j++) { if (cancelWeek != null && ((1L << i) & cancelWeek) != 0) { currentWeek.set(j, false); } else { final Long week = weeks.get(j); currentWeek.set(j, ((1L << i) & week) != 0); } enabledCurrentWeek = enabledCurrentWeek | currentWeek.get(j); } if (!currentWeek.equals(lastWeek)) { if (startCourseWeek > 0) { persistCourse(generateCourse(startCourseWeek, i - 1, lastWeek, items, currentEntity)); } startCourseWeek = enabledCurrentWeek ? i : 0; lastWeek = currentWeek; } } } private JsonObject generateCourse(int startCourseWeek, int endCourseWeek, BitSet enabledItems, List<JsonObject> items, JsonObject entity) { final int day = Integer.parseInt(entity.getString("Jour")); final int startPlace = Integer.parseInt(entity.getString("NumeroPlaceDebut")); final int placesNumber = Integer.parseInt(entity.getString("NombrePlaces")); DateTime startDate = startDateWeek1.plusWeeks(startCourseWeek - 1).plusDays(day - 1); DateTime endDate = startDate.plusWeeks(endCourseWeek - startCourseWeek); startDate = startDate.plusSeconds(slots.get(entity.getString("NumeroPlaceDebut")).getStart()); endDate = endDate.plusSeconds(slots.get(String.valueOf((startPlace + placesNumber - 1))).getEnd()); final JsonObject c = new JsonObject().put("structureId", structureId) .put("subjectId", subjects.get(entity.getJsonArray("Matiere").getJsonObject(0).getString(IDENT))) .put("startDate", startDate.toString()).put("endDate", endDate.toString()) .put("dayOfWeek", startDate.getDayOfWeek()); for (int i = 0; i < enabledItems.size(); i++) { if (enabledItems.get(i)) { final JsonObject item = items.get(i); final String ident = item.getString(IDENT); switch (item.getString("itemType")) { case "Professeur": JsonArray teachersArray = c.getJsonArray("teacherIds"); if (teachersArray == null) { teachersArray = new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray(); c.put("teacherIds", teachersArray); } final String tId = teachers.get(ident); if (isNotEmpty(tId)) { teachersArray.add(tId); } break; case "Classe": JsonArray classesArray = c.getJsonArray("classes"); if (classesArray == null) { classesArray = new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray(); c.put("classes", classesArray); } JsonObject ci = classes.get(ident); if (ci != null) { classesArray.add(ci.getString("className")); } break; case "Groupe": JsonArray groupsArray = c.getJsonArray("groups"); if (groupsArray == null) { groupsArray = new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray(); c.put("groups", groupsArray); } JsonObject g = groups.get(ident); if (g != null) { groupsArray.add(g.getString("Nom")); } break; case "Materiel": JsonArray equipmentsArray = c.getJsonArray("equipmentLabels"); if (equipmentsArray == null) { equipmentsArray = new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray(); c.put("equipmentLabels", equipmentsArray); } final String eId = equipments.get(ident); if (isNotEmpty(eId)) { equipmentsArray.add(eId); } break; case "Salle": JsonArray roomsArray = c.getJsonArray("roomLabels"); if (roomsArray == null) { roomsArray = new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray(); c.put("roomLabels", roomsArray); } final String rId = rooms.get(ident); if (isNotEmpty(rId)) { roomsArray.add(rId); } break; case "Personnel": JsonArray personnelsArray = c.getJsonArray("personnelIds"); if (personnelsArray == null) { personnelsArray = new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray(); c.put("personnelIds", personnelsArray); } final String pId = personnels.get(ident); if (isNotEmpty(pId)) { personnelsArray.add(pId); } break; } } } try { c.put("_id", JsonUtil.checksum(c)); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { log.error("Error generating course checksum", e); } return c; } @Override protected String getSource() { return EDT; } @Override protected String getTeacherMappingAttribute() { return "IDPN"; } public static void launchImport(EDTUtils edtUtils, final Message<JsonObject> message) { launchImport(edtUtils, "prod", message, null); } public static void launchImport(EDTUtils edtUtils, final String mode, final Message<JsonObject> message, final PostImport postImport) { final I18n i18n = I18n.getInstance(); final String acceptLanguage = message.body().getString("language", "fr"); if (edtUtils == null) { JsonObject json = new JsonObject().put("status", "error").put("message", i18n.translate("invalid.edt.key", I18n.DEFAULT_DOMAIN, acceptLanguage)); message.reply(json); return; } final String uai = message.body().getString("UAI"); final String path = message.body().getString("path"); if (isEmpty(uai) || isEmpty(path) || isEmpty(acceptLanguage)) { JsonObject json = new JsonObject().put("status", "error").put("message", i18n.translate("invalid.params", I18n.DEFAULT_DOMAIN, acceptLanguage)); message.reply(json); } try { new EDTImporter(edtUtils, uai, path, acceptLanguage, mode).launch(new Handler<AsyncResult<Report>>() { @Override public void handle(AsyncResult<Report> event) { if (event.succeeded()) { message.reply( new JsonObject().put("status", "ok").put("result", event.result().getResult())); if (postImport != null) { postImport.execute(); } } else { log.error(event.cause().getMessage(), event.cause()); JsonObject json = new JsonObject().put("status", "error").put("message", i18n.translate(event.cause().getMessage(), I18n.DEFAULT_DOMAIN, acceptLanguage)); message.reply(json); } } }); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); JsonObject json = new JsonObject().put("status", "error").put("message", i18n.translate(e.getMessage(), I18n.DEFAULT_DOMAIN, acceptLanguage)); message.reply(json); } } }