Java tutorial
/* * Copyright "Open Digital Education", 2016 * * This program is published by "Open Digital Education". * You must indicate the name of the software and the company in any production /contribution * using the software and indicate on the home page of the software industry in question, * "powered by Open Digital Education" with a reference to the website: * * This program is free software, licensed under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. * * You can redistribute this application and/or modify it since you respect the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License. * If you modify the source code and then use this modified source code in your creation, you must make available the source code of your modifications. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with the software. * If not, please see : <>. Full compliance requires reading the terms of this license and following its directives. */ package org.entcore.feeder.dictionary.users; import org.entcore.common.neo4j.Neo4jUtils; import org.entcore.feeder.timetable.edt.EDTImporter; import org.entcore.feeder.utils.Report; import org.entcore.feeder.utils.TransactionHelper; import org.entcore.feeder.utils.Validator; import io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray; import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import static fr.wseduc.webutils.Utils.getOrElse; import static fr.wseduc.webutils.Utils.isNotEmpty; public class PersEducNat extends AbstractUser { private final Validator personnelValidator = new Validator("dictionary/schema/Personnel.json"); public PersEducNat(TransactionHelper transactionHelper, Report report, String currentSource) { super(transactionHelper, report, currentSource); } public PersEducNat(TransactionHelper transactionHelper, Map<String, String> externalIdMapping, Set<String> userImportedExternalId, Report report, String currentSource) { super(transactionHelper, externalIdMapping, userImportedExternalId, report, currentSource); } public void createOrUpdatePersonnel(JsonObject object, String profileExternalId, JsonArray structuresByFunctions, String[][] linkClasses, String[][] linkGroups, boolean nodeQueries, boolean relationshipQueries) { final String error = personnelValidator.validate(object); if (error != null) { if (object.getJsonArray("profiles") != null && object.getJsonArray("profiles").size() == 1) { report.addIgnored(object.getJsonArray("profiles").getString(0), error, object); } else { report.addIgnored("Personnel", error, object); } log.warn(error); } else { if (nodeQueries) { object.put("source", currentSource); if (userImportedExternalId != null) { userImportedExternalId.add(object.getString("externalId")); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); JsonObject params; sb.append("MERGE (u:`User` { externalId : {externalId}}) "); sb.append("ON CREATE SET = {id}, u.login = {login}, u.activationCode = {activationCode}, "); sb.append("u.displayName = {displayName}, u.created = {created} "); sb.append("WITH u "); if (!EDTImporter.EDT.equals(currentSource)) { sb.append("WHERE u.checksum IS NULL OR u.checksum <> {checksum} "); } sb.append("SET ").append(Neo4jUtils.nodeSetPropertiesFromJson("u", object, "id", "externalId", "login", "activationCode", "displayName", "email", "created")); if (EDTImporter.EDT.equals(currentSource)) { sb.append("RETURN as id, u.IDPN as IDPN, head(u.profiles) as profile"); } params = object; transactionHelper.add(sb.toString(), params); checkUpdateEmail(object); } if (relationshipQueries) { final String externalId = object.getString("externalId"); JsonArray structures = getMappingStructures(object.getJsonArray("structures")); if (externalId != null && structures != null && structures.size() > 0) { String query; JsonObject p = new JsonObject().put("userExternalId", externalId); if (structures.size() == 1) { query = "MATCH (s:Structure {externalId : {structureAdmin}}), (u:User {externalId : {userExternalId}}) " + "MERGE u-[:ADMINISTRATIVE_ATTACHMENT]->s "; p.put("structureAdmin", structures.getString(0)); } else { query = "MATCH (s:Structure), (u:User {externalId : {userExternalId}}) " + "WHERE s.externalId IN {structuresAdmin} " + "MERGE u-[:ADMINISTRATIVE_ATTACHMENT]->s "; p.put("structuresAdmin", structures); } transactionHelper.add(query, p); } if (externalId != null && structuresByFunctions != null && structuresByFunctions.size() > 0) { String query; structuresByFunctions = getMappingStructures(structuresByFunctions); JsonObject p = new JsonObject().put("userExternalId", externalId); if (structuresByFunctions.size() == 1) { query = "MATCH (s:Structure {externalId : {structureAdmin}})<-[:DEPENDS]-(g:ProfileGroup)-[:HAS_PROFILE]->(p:Profile {externalId : {profileExternalId}}), " + "(u:User { externalId : {userExternalId}}) " + "WHERE NOT(HAS(u.mergedWith)) " + "MERGE u-[:IN]->g"; p.put("structureAdmin", structuresByFunctions.getString(0)).put("profileExternalId", profileExternalId); } else { query = "MATCH (s:Structure)<-[:DEPENDS]-(g:ProfileGroup)-[:HAS_PROFILE]->(p:Profile), " + "(u:User { externalId : {userExternalId}}) " + "WHERE s.externalId IN {structuresAdmin} AND NOT(HAS(u.mergedWith)) " + "AND p.externalId = {profileExternalId} " + "MERGE u-[:IN]->g "; p.put("structuresAdmin", structuresByFunctions).put("profileExternalId", profileExternalId); } transactionHelper.add(query, p); String qs = "MATCH (:User {externalId : {userExternalId}})-[r:IN|COMMUNIQUE]-(:Group)-[:DEPENDS]->(s:Structure) " + "WHERE NOT(s.externalId IN {structures}) AND (NOT(HAS(r.source)) OR r.source = {source}) " + "DELETE r"; JsonObject ps = new JsonObject().put("userExternalId", externalId).put("source", currentSource) .put("structures", structuresByFunctions); transactionHelper.add(qs, ps); final String daa = "MATCH (u:User {externalId : {userExternalId}})-[r:ADMINISTRATIVE_ATTACHMENT]->(s:Structure) " + "WHERE NOT(s.externalId IN {structures}) AND (NOT(HAS(r.source)) OR r.source = {source}) " + "DELETE r"; transactionHelper.add(daa, ps.copy().put("structures", getOrElse(structures, new JsonArray()))); } final JsonObject fosm = new JsonObject(); final JsonArray classes = new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray(); if (externalId != null && linkClasses != null) { final JsonObject fcm = new JsonObject(); for (String[] structClass : linkClasses) { if (structClass != null && structClass[0] != null && structClass[1] != null) { classes.add(structClass[1]); if (structClass.length > 2 && isNotEmpty(structClass[2])) { JsonArray fClasses = fcm.getJsonArray(structClass[2]); if (fClasses == null) { fClasses = new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray(); fcm.put(structClass[2], fClasses); } fClasses.add(structClass[1]); } } } String query = "MATCH (c:Class)<-[:DEPENDS]-(g:ProfileGroup)" + "-[:DEPENDS]->(pg:ProfileGroup)-[:HAS_PROFILE]->(p:Profile {externalId : {profileExternalId}}), " + "(u:User { externalId : {userExternalId}}) " + "WHERE c.externalId IN {classes} AND NOT(HAS(u.mergedWith)) " + "MERGE u-[:IN]->g"; JsonObject p0 = new JsonObject().put("userExternalId", externalId) .put("profileExternalId", profileExternalId).put("classes", classes); transactionHelper.add(query, p0); JsonObject p = new JsonObject().put("userExternalId", externalId).put("source", currentSource) .put("classes", classes); fosm.mergeIn(fcm); for (String fos : fcm.fieldNames()) { String q2 = "MATCH (u:User {externalId : {userExternalId}}), (f:FieldOfStudy {externalId:{feId}}) " + "MERGE u-[r:TEACHES_FOS]->f " + "SET r.classes = {classes} "; transactionHelper.add(q2, p.copy().put("classes", fcm.getJsonArray(fos)).put("feId", fos)); } } if (externalId != null) { String q = "MATCH (:User {externalId : {userExternalId}})-[r:IN|COMMUNIQUE]-(:Group)-[:DEPENDS]->(c:Class) " + "WHERE NOT(c.externalId IN {classes}) AND (NOT(HAS(r.source)) OR r.source = {source}) " + "DELETE r"; JsonObject p = new JsonObject().put("userExternalId", externalId).put("source", currentSource) .put("classes", classes); transactionHelper.add(q, p); } final JsonArray groups = new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray(); final JsonObject fgm = new JsonObject(); if (externalId != null && linkGroups != null) { for (String[] structGroup : linkGroups) { if (structGroup != null && structGroup[0] != null && structGroup[1] != null) { groups.add(structGroup[1]); if (structGroup.length > 2 && isNotEmpty(structGroup[2])) { JsonArray fGroups = fgm.getJsonArray(structGroup[2]); if (fGroups == null) { fGroups = new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray(); fgm.put(structGroup[2], fGroups); } fGroups.add(structGroup[1]); } } } String query = "MATCH (g:Group), (u:User {externalId : {userExternalId}}) " + "WHERE (g:FunctionalGroup OR g:FunctionGroup OR g:HTGroup) AND g.externalId IN {groups} " + "MERGE u-[:IN]->g"; JsonObject p = new JsonObject().put("userExternalId", externalId).put("groups", groups); transactionHelper.add(query, p); } if (externalId != null) { final String qdfg = "MATCH (:User {externalId : {userExternalId}})-[r:IN|COMMUNIQUE]-(g:Group) " + "WHERE (g:FunctionalGroup OR g:FunctionGroup OR g:HTGroup) AND " + "NOT(g.externalId IN {groups}) AND (NOT(HAS(r.source)) OR r.source = {source}) " + "DELETE r"; final JsonObject pdfg = new JsonObject().put("userExternalId", externalId) .put("source", currentSource).put("groups", groups); transactionHelper.add(qdfg, pdfg); fosm.mergeIn(fgm); final String deleteOldFoslg = "MATCH (u:User {externalId : {userExternalId}})-[r:TEACHES_FOS]->(f:FieldOfStudy) " + "WHERE NOT(f.externalId IN {fos}) AND (NOT(HAS(r.source)) OR r.source = {source}) " + "DELETE r"; transactionHelper.add(deleteOldFoslg, pdfg.copy().put("fos", new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray(new ArrayList<>(fosm.fieldNames())))); for (String fos : fgm.fieldNames()) { String q2 = "MATCH (u:User {externalId : {userExternalId}}), (f:FieldOfStudy {externalId:{feId}}) " + "MERGE u-[r:TEACHES_FOS]->f " + "SET r.groups = {groups} "; transactionHelper.add(q2, pdfg.copy().put("groups", fgm.getJsonArray(fos)).put("feId", fos)); } } } } } public void createAndLinkSubjects() { createAndLinkSubjects(null); } public void createAndLinkSubjects(String structureExternalId) { final long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); final JsonObject params = new JsonObject().put("now", now).put("source", currentSource); String filter = ""; String filter2 = ""; if (isNotEmpty(structureExternalId)) { filter = " {externalId : {structureExternalId}}"; filter2 = " (:Structure {externalId : {structureExternalId}})<-[:SUBJECT]-"; params.put("structureExternalId", structureExternalId); } final String query = "MATCH (f:FieldOfStudy)<-[r:TEACHES_FOS]-(u:User {source : {source}})-[:IN]->(:ProfileGroup)-[:DEPENDS]->(s:Structure" + filter + ") " + "WHERE (NOT(HAS(s.timetable)) OR s.timetable = '') " + "MERGE s<-[:SUBJECT]-(sub:Subject {externalId: s.externalId + '$' + f.externalId}) " + "ON CREATE SET sub.code = f.externalId, sub.label =, = id(sub) + '-' + {now} " + "SET sub.lastUpdated = {now}, sub.source = {source} " + "WITH r, sub, u, s.externalId as sExternalId " + "MERGE u-[r1:TEACHES]->sub " + "SET r1.classes = FILTER(cId IN coalesce(r.classes, []) WHERE cId starts with sExternalId), " + "r1.groups = FILTER(gId IN coalesce(r.groups, []) WHERE gId starts with sExternalId), " + "r1.lastUpdated = {now}, r.source = {source} "; transactionHelper.add(query, params); final String deleteOldSubjects = "MATCH " + filter2 + "(sub:Subject {source : {source}}) WHERE sub.lastUpdated <> {now} detach delete sub"; transactionHelper.add(deleteOldSubjects, params); final String deleteOldTeaches = "MATCH " + filter2 + "(sub:Subject)<-[r1:TEACHES {source : {source}}]-(u:User) WHERE r1.lastUpdated <> {now} delete r1"; transactionHelper.add(deleteOldTeaches, params); } }