Source code

Java tutorial


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package org.entcore.feeder.dictionary.structures;

import org.entcore.common.neo4j.Neo4jUtils;
import org.entcore.feeder.exceptions.ValidationException;
import org.entcore.common.neo4j.Neo4j;
import org.entcore.feeder.utils.TransactionHelper;
import org.entcore.feeder.utils.Validator;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject;

public class Tenant {

    public static final Validator validator = new Validator("dictionary/schema/Tenant.json");

    public static void createOrUpdate(JsonObject object, TransactionHelper transactionHelper)
            throws ValidationException {
        final String error = validator.validate(object);
        if (error != null) {
            throw new ValidationException(error);
        } else {
            String query = "MERGE (t:Tenant { externalId : {externalId}}) " + "ON CREATE SET = {id} "
                    + "WITH t " + "WHERE t.checksum IS NULL OR t.checksum <> {checksum} " + "SET "
                    + Neo4jUtils.nodeSetPropertiesFromJson("t", object, "id") + "RETURN as id ";
            transactionHelper.add(query, object);

    public static void count(TransactionHelper transactionHelper) {
        JsonObject params = new JsonObject();
        String query = "MATCH (t:Tenant) RETURN count(distinct t) as nb";
        transactionHelper.add(query, params);

    public static void list(JsonArray attributes, Integer skip, Integer limit,
            TransactionHelper transactionHelper) {
        StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder("MATCH (t:Tenant) ");
        JsonObject params = new JsonObject();
        if (attributes != null && attributes.size() > 0) {
            query.append("RETURN DISTINCT");
            for (Object attribute : attributes) {
                query.append(" t.").append(attribute).append(" as ").append(attribute).append(",");
            query.deleteCharAt(query.length() - 1);
            query.append(" ");
        } else {
            query.append("RETURN DISTINCT t ");
        if (skip != null && limit != null) {
            query.append("ORDER BY externalId ASC " + "SKIP {skip} " + "LIMIT {limit} ");
            params.put("skip", skip);
            params.put("limit", limit);
        transactionHelper.add(query.toString(), params);
