Java tutorial
/* Copyright "Open Digital Education", 2014 * * This program is published by "Open Digital Education". * You must indicate the name of the software and the company in any production /contribution * using the software and indicate on the home page of the software industry in question, * "powered by Open Digital Education" with a reference to the website: * * This program is free software, licensed under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. * * You can redistribute this application and/or modify it since you respect the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License. * If you modify the source code and then use this modified source code in your creation, you must make available the source code of your modifications. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with the software. * If not, please see : <>. Full compliance requires reading the terms of this license and following its directives. * */ package org.entcore.feeder.aaf; import static org.entcore.feeder.dictionary.structures.DefaultProfiles.*; import org.entcore.feeder.dictionary.structures.Structure; import io.vertx.core.Handler; import io.vertx.core.Vertx; import io.vertx.core.eventbus.Message; import io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray; import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; public class PersonnelImportProcessing extends BaseImportProcessing { protected PersonnelImportProcessing(String path, Vertx vertx) { super(path, vertx); } @Override public void start(final Handler<Message<JsonObject>> handler) { parse(handler, getNextImportProcessing()); } @Override public String getMappingResource() { return "dictionary/mapping/aaf/PersEducNat.json"; } @Override public void process(JsonObject object) { List<String> c = object.getJsonArray("classes") != null ? object.getJsonArray("classes").getList() : new LinkedList<>(); createGroups(object.getJsonArray("groups"), c, null); createClasses(new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray(c)); createFunctionGroups(object.getJsonArray("functions"), null); createHeadTeacherGroups(object.getJsonArray("headTeacher"), null); linkMef(object.getJsonArray("modules")); String profile = detectProfile(object); object.put("profiles", new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray() .add((TEACHER_PROFILE_EXTERNAL_ID.equals(profile) ? "Teacher" : "Personnel"))); String email = object.getString("email"); if (email != null && !email.trim().isEmpty()) { object.put("emailAcademy", email); } importer.createOrUpdatePersonnel(object, profile, null, null, null, true, false); } protected String detectProfile(JsonObject object) { Boolean isTeacher = object.getBoolean("isTeacher"); if (isTeacher != null) { return isTeacher ? TEACHER_PROFILE_EXTERNAL_ID : PERSONNEL_PROFILE_EXTERNAL_ID; } else { JsonArray functions = object.getJsonArray("functions"); if (object.getBoolean("teaches", false)) { return TEACHER_PROFILE_EXTERNAL_ID; } else if (functions != null && functions.size() > 0) { for (Object function : functions.getList()) { if (function != null && (function.toString().contains("$DOC$") || function.toString().contains("$ENS$"))) { return TEACHER_PROFILE_EXTERNAL_ID; } } } return PERSONNEL_PROFILE_EXTERNAL_ID; } } protected void linkMef(JsonArray modules) { if (modules != null) { for (Object o : modules) { if (!(o instanceof String)) continue; String[] m = ((String) o).split("\\$"); if (m.length == 3) { Structure s = importer.getStructure(m[0]); if (s != null) { s.linkModules(m[1]); } } } } } protected void createGroups(JsonArray groups, List<String> classes, List<String[]> linkStructureGroups) { if (groups != null && groups.size() > 0) { for (Object o : groups) { if (!(o instanceof String)) continue; String[] g = ((String) o).split("\\$"); if (g.length == 2 || g.length == 3) { Structure s = importer.getStructure(g[0]); if (s != null) { String groupExternalId = s.getExternalId() + "$" + g[1]; s.createFunctionalGroupIfAbsent(groupExternalId, g[1]); if (linkStructureGroups != null) { final String[] group = new String[3]; group[0] = s.getExternalId(); group[1] = groupExternalId; group[2] = (g.length == 3) ? g[2] : ""; linkStructureGroups.add(group); } if (classes != null) { final List<String> lc = importer.getGroupClasses().get(groupExternalId); if (lc != null) { classes.addAll(lc); } } } } } } } protected String[][] createClasses(JsonArray classes) { String[][] linkStructureClasses = null; if (classes != null && classes.size() > 0) { linkStructureClasses = new String[classes.size()][3]; int i = 0; for (Object o : classes) { if (!(o instanceof String)) continue; String[] c = ((String) o).split("\\$"); if (c.length == 2 || c.length == 3) { Structure s = importer.getStructure(c[0]); if (s != null) { String classExternalId = s.getExternalId() + "$" + c[1]; s.createClassIfAbsent(classExternalId, c[1]); linkStructureClasses[i][0] = s.getExternalId(); linkStructureClasses[i][1] = classExternalId; linkStructureClasses[i++][2] = (c.length == 3) ? c[2] : ""; } } } } return linkStructureClasses; } protected void createFunctionGroups(JsonArray functions, List<String[]> linkStructureGroups) { if (functions != null && functions.size() > 0) { for (Object o : functions) { if (!(o instanceof String)) continue; String[] g = ((String) o).split("\\$"); if (g.length == 5) { Structure s = importer.getStructure(g[0]); String groupExternalId; if (s != null) { if ("ENS".equals(g[1])) { groupExternalId = s.getExternalId() + "$" + g[3]; s.createFunctionGroupIfAbsent(groupExternalId, g[4], "Discipline"); } else if (!"-".equals(g[1])) { groupExternalId = s.getExternalId() + "$" + g[1]; s.createFunctionGroupIfAbsent(groupExternalId, g[2], "Func"); } else { continue; } if (linkStructureGroups != null) { final String[] group = new String[3]; group[0] = s.getExternalId(); group[1] = groupExternalId; linkStructureGroups.add(group); } } } } } } protected void createHeadTeacherGroups(JsonArray headTeacher, List<String[]> linkStructureGroups) { if (headTeacher != null && headTeacher.size() > 0) { for (Object o : headTeacher) { if (!(o instanceof String)) continue; String[] g = ((String) o).split("\\$"); if (g.length == 2) { Structure s = importer.getStructure(g[0]); if (s != null) { String structureGroupExternalId = s.getExternalId() + "-ht"; String classGroupExternalId = s.getExternalId() + "$" + g[1] + "-ht"; s.createHeadTeacherGroupIfAbsent(structureGroupExternalId, classGroupExternalId, g[1]); if (linkStructureGroups != null) { final String[] structureGroup = new String[2]; structureGroup[0] = s.getExternalId(); structureGroup[1] = structureGroupExternalId; linkStructureGroups.add(structureGroup); final String[] classGroup = new String[2]; classGroup[0] = s.getExternalId(); classGroup[1] = classGroupExternalId; linkStructureGroups.add(classGroup); } } } } } } @Override protected String getFileRegex() { return ".*?PersEducNat_[0-9]{4}\\.xml"; } protected ImportProcessing getNextImportProcessing() { return new PersonnelImportProcessing2(path, vertx); } }