Java tutorial
/* Copyright "Open Digital Education", 2014 * * This program is published by "Open Digital Education". * You must indicate the name of the software and the company in any production /contribution * using the software and indicate on the home page of the software industry in question, * "powered by Open Digital Education" with a reference to the website: * * This program is free software, licensed under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. * * You can redistribute this application and/or modify it since you respect the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License. * If you modify the source code and then use this modified source code in your creation, you must make available the source code of your modifications. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with the software. * If not, please see : <>. Full compliance requires reading the terms of this license and following its directives. * */ package; import static fr.wseduc.webutils.Utils.getOrElse; import static fr.wseduc.webutils.Utils.isNotEmpty; import static org.entcore.common.http.response.DefaultResponseHandler.arrayResponseHandler; import static org.entcore.common.http.response.DefaultResponseHandler.defaultResponseHandler; import static org.entcore.common.http.response.DefaultResponseHandler.leftToResponse; import static org.entcore.common.neo4j.Neo4jResult.validUniqueResultHandler; import static org.entcore.common.user.SessionAttributes.PERSON_ATTRIBUTE; import static org.entcore.common.user.SessionAttributes.THEME_ATTRIBUTE; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import; import; import org.entcore.common.http.request.JsonHttpServerRequest; import org.entcore.common.neo4j.Neo; import org.entcore.common.neo4j.Neo4jResult; import org.entcore.common.notification.ConversationNotification; import org.entcore.common.user.UserInfos; import org.entcore.common.user.UserUtils; import org.entcore.common.validation.StringValidation; import; import; import; import fr.wseduc.bus.BusAddress; import; import; import; import; import fr.wseduc.webutils.Either; import fr.wseduc.webutils.I18n; import fr.wseduc.webutils.Server; import fr.wseduc.webutils.http.BaseController; import fr.wseduc.webutils.http.HttpClientUtils; import io.vertx.core.AsyncResult; import io.vertx.core.Handler; import io.vertx.core.Vertx; import io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer; import io.vertx.core.eventbus.Message; import io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient; import io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions; import io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerRequest; import io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray; import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject; public class UserBookController extends BaseController { private Neo neo; private JsonObject config; private JsonObject userBookData; private HttpClient client; private SchoolService schoolService; private UserBookService userBookService; private EventStore eventStore; private ConversationNotification conversationNotification; private enum DirectoryEvent { ACCESS } private static final String ANNUAIRE_MODULE = "Annuaire"; private Map<String, Map<String, String>> activationWelcomeMessage; public void setUserBookService(UserBookService userBookService) { this.userBookService = userBookService; } @Override public void init(final Vertx vertx, JsonObject config, RouteMatcher rm, Map<String,> securedActions) { pathPrefix = "/userbook"; super.init(vertx, config, rm, securedActions); this.neo = new Neo(vertx, Server.getEventBus(vertx), log); this.config = config; userBookData = config.getJsonObject("user-book-data"); final HttpClientOptions options = new HttpClientOptions().setDefaultHost(config.getString("workspace-url")) .setDefaultPort(config.getInteger("workspace-port")).setMaxPoolSize(16).setKeepAlive(false); client = vertx.createHttpClient(options); getWithRegEx(".*", "proxyDocument"); eventStore = EventStoreFactory.getFactory().getEventStore(ANNUAIRE_MODULE); if (config.getBoolean("activation-welcome-message", false)) { activationWelcomeMessage = new HashMap<>(); String assetsPath = (String) vertx.sharedData().getLocalMap("server").get("assetPath"); Map<String, String> skins = vertx.sharedData().getLocalMap("skins"); if (skins != null) { activationWelcomeMessage = new HashMap<>(); for (final Map.Entry<String, String> e : skins.entrySet()) { String path = assetsPath + "/assets/themes/" + e.getValue() + "/template/directory/welcome/"; vertx.fileSystem().readDir(path, new Handler<AsyncResult<List<String>>>() { @Override public void handle(AsyncResult<List<String>> event) { if (event.succeeded()) { final Map<String, String> messages = new HashMap<>(); activationWelcomeMessage.put(e.getKey(), messages); for (final String file : event.result()) { vertx.fileSystem().readFile(file, new Handler<AsyncResult<Buffer>>() { @Override public void handle(AsyncResult<Buffer> event) { if (event.succeeded()) { String filename = file.substring( file.lastIndexOf(File.separator) + 1, file.lastIndexOf(".")); messages.put(filename, event.result().toString()); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Load welcome message " + file + " as " + filename); } } } }); } } } }); } } } } @Get("/mon-compte") @SecuredAction(value = "userbook.authent", type = ActionType.AUTHENTICATED) public void monCompte(HttpServerRequest request) { renderView(request); } @Get("/birthday") @SecuredAction(value = "userbook.authent", type = ActionType.AUTHENTICATED) public void birthday(HttpServerRequest request) { renderView(request); } @Get("/mood") @SecuredAction(value = "userbook.authent", type = ActionType.AUTHENTICATED) public void mood(HttpServerRequest request) { renderView(request); } @Get("/annuaire") @SecuredAction(value = "userbook.authent", type = ActionType.AUTHENTICATED) public void annuaire(HttpServerRequest request) { renderView(request); eventStore.createAndStoreEvent(, request); } @Get("/api/search") @SecuredAction(value = "userbook.authent", type = ActionType.AUTHENTICATED) public void search(final HttpServerRequest request) { String name = request.params().get("name"); String structure = request.params().get("structure"); String profile = request.params().get("profile"); String filter = ""; JsonObject params = new JsonObject(); if (name == null || name.trim().isEmpty()) { badRequest(request, ""); return; } if (profile != null && !profile.trim().isEmpty()) { filter += "AND HEAD(m.profiles) = {profile} "; params.put("profile", profile); } if (structure != null && !structure.trim().isEmpty()) { filter += "AND (m)-[:IN]->(:ProfileGroup)-[:DEPENDS]->(:Structure {id: {structureId}}) "; params.put("structureId", structure); } String preFilter = "AND m.displayNameSearchField CONTAINS {search} " + filter; params.put("search", StringValidation.sanitize(name)); String customReturn = "OPTIONAL MATCH visibles-[:USERBOOK]->u " + "RETURN distinct as id, visibles.displayName as displayName, " + "u.mood as mood, u.userid as userId, u.picture as photo, " + "HEAD(visibles.profiles) as type " + "ORDER BY displayName"; UserUtils.findVisibleUsers(eb, request, false, false, preFilter, customReturn, params, new Handler<JsonArray>() { @Override public void handle(JsonArray users) { renderJson(request, users); } }); } @Get("/api/person") @SecuredAction(value = "userbook.authent", type = ActionType.AUTHENTICATED) public void person(final HttpServerRequest request) { UserUtils.getUserInfos(eb, request, new Handler<UserInfos>() { @Override public void handle(final UserInfos user) { if (user != null) { String hobbyVisibility; String personnalInfos; Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>(); if (request.params().get("id") == null) { Object person = user.getAttribute(PERSON_ATTRIBUTE); if (person != null) { renderJson(request, new JsonObject(person.toString())); return; } params.put("userId", user.getUserId()); hobbyVisibility = "PUBLIC|PRIVE"; personnalInfos = "OPTIONAL MATCH u-[r0:SHOW_EMAIL]->() " + "OPTIONAL MATCH u-[r1:SHOW_BIRTHDATE]->() " + "OPTIONAL MATCH u-[r2:SHOW_PHONE]->() " + "OPTIONAL MATCH u-[r3:SHOW_MAIL]->() " + "OPTIONAL MATCH u-[r4:SHOW_HEALTH]->u " + "OPTIONAL MATCH u-[r5:SHOW_MOBILE]->() " + "WITH DISTINCT h, s, c, n, v, u, n2, p, n.address as address, " + " as email, as health, " + "n.homePhone as tel, n.birthDate as birthdate, as mobile, " + "COLLECT(distinct [type(r0),type(r1),type(r2),type(r3),type(r4),type(r5)]) as r "; } else { params.put("userId", request.params().get("id")); hobbyVisibility = "PUBLIC"; personnalInfos = "OPTIONAL MATCH u-[:SHOW_EMAIL]->e " + "OPTIONAL MATCH u-[:SHOW_MAIL]->a " + "OPTIONAL MATCH u-[:SHOW_PHONE]->ph " + "OPTIONAL MATCH u-[:SHOW_MOBILE]->mo " + "OPTIONAL MATCH u-[:SHOW_BIRTHDATE]->b " + "OPTIONAL MATCH u-[:SHOW_HEALTH]->st " + "WITH h, s, c, n, v, u, n2, p, a.address as address, " + " as email, as health, " + "ph.homePhone as tel, b.birthDate as birthdate, as mobile, " + "COLLECT([]) as r "; } String query = "MATCH (n:User) " + "WHERE = {userId} " + "OPTIONAL MATCH n-[:IN]->(:ProfileGroup)-[:HAS_PROFILE]->(p:Profile) " + "OPTIONAL MATCH n-[:IN]->(:ProfileGroup)-[:DEPENDS]->(s:Structure) " + "OPTIONAL MATCH n-[:IN]->(:ProfileGroup)-[:DEPENDS]->(c:Class)-[:BELONGS]->(s) " + "OPTIONAL MATCH (n)-[:USERBOOK]->(u) " + "OPTIONAL MATCH (u)-[v:" + hobbyVisibility + "]->(h1) " + "OPTIONAL MATCH (n)-[:RELATED]-(n2) " + "WITH DISTINCT h1 as h, s, collect(distinct as c, n, v, u, n2, p " + personnalInfos + "WITH COLLECT(DISTINCT {name:, id:, classes: c}) as schools, " + "n, u, n2, address, email, health, tel, mobile, birthdate, r, COLLECT( as type, " + "COLLECT(DISTINCT {visibility: type(v), category: h.category, values: h.values}) as hobbies " + "RETURN DISTINCT " + " as id," + "n.login as login, " + "n.displayName as displayName," + "type," + "address," + "email, " + "tel, " + "mobile, " + "birthdate, " + "HEAD(r) as visibleInfos, " + "schools, " + "n2.displayName as relatedName, " + " as relatedId," + "n2.type as relatedType," + "u.userid as userId," + "u.motto as motto," + "COALESCE(u.picture, {defaultAvatar}) as photo," + "COALESCE(u.mood, {defaultMood}) as mood," + "health," + "hobbies"; params.put("defaultAvatar", userBookData.getString("default-avatar")); params.put("defaultMood", userBookData.getString("default-mood")); neo.send(query, params, new Handler<Message<JsonObject>>() { @Override public void handle(Message<JsonObject> message) { JsonObject r = message.body(); if (request.params().get("id") == null) { UserUtils.addSessionAttribute(eb, user.getUserId(), PERSON_ATTRIBUTE, r.encode(), null); } renderJson(request, r); } }); } else { unauthorized(request); } } }); } @Get("/structures") @SecuredAction(value = "", type = ActionType.AUTHENTICATED) public void showStructures(final HttpServerRequest request) { UserUtils.getUserInfos(eb, request, new Handler<UserInfos>() { @Override public void handle(UserInfos user) { if (user != null) { schoolService.listByUserId(user.getUserId(), arrayResponseHandler(request)); } else { unauthorized(request); } } }); } @Get("/structure/:structId") @SecuredAction(value = "userbook.structure.classes.personnel", type = ActionType.AUTHENTICATED) public void showStructure(final HttpServerRequest request) { String structureId = request.params().get("structId"); String customReturn = "MATCH (s:Structure { id : {structId}})<-[:DEPENDS]-(pg:ProfileGroup)" + "-[:HAS_PROFILE]->(p:Profile {name : 'Personnel'}), visibles-[:IN]->pg " + "OPTIONAL MATCH visibles-[:USERBOOK]->(u:UserBook) " + "RETURN DISTINCT as type, as id, " + "visibles.displayName as displayName, u.mood as mood, " + "u.picture as photo " + "ORDER BY type DESC, displayName "; final JsonObject params = new JsonObject().put("structId", structureId); UserUtils.findVisibleUsers(eb, request, true, customReturn, params, new Handler<JsonArray>() { @Override public void handle(final JsonArray personnel) { String customReturn = "MATCH profileGroup-[:DEPENDS]->(c:Class)-[:BELONGS]->(s:Structure { id : {structId}}) " + "RETURN collect(distinct {id:, name:, level: c.level}) as classes, " + "collect(distinct {id:, name:, groupDisplayName: profileGroup.groupDisplayName }) as profileGroups"; UserUtils.findVisibleProfilsGroups(eb, request, customReturn, params, new Handler<JsonArray>() { @Override public void handle(final JsonArray classesAndProfileGroups) { String customReturn = "MATCH manualGroup-[:DEPENDS]->(c)-[:BELONGS*0..1]->(s:Structure { id : {structId}}) " + "WHERE ALL(label IN labels(c) WHERE label IN [\"Structure\", \"Class\"]) " + "RETURN DISTINCT as id, as name, manualGroup.groupDisplayName as groupDisplayName " + "ORDER BY name ASC "; UserUtils.findVisibleManualGroups(eb, request, customReturn, params, new Handler<JsonArray>() { @Override public void handle(JsonArray manualGroups) { JsonObject result = new JsonObject().put("users", personnel).put("classes", classesAndProfileGroups.getJsonObject(0).getJsonArray("classes", new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray())) .put("profileGroups", classesAndProfileGroups.getJsonObject(0).getJsonArray( "profileGroups", new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray())) .put("manualGroups", manualGroups); renderJson(request, result); } }); } }); } }); } @Get("/visible/users/:groupId") @SecuredAction(value = "", type = ActionType.AUTHENTICATED) public void visibleUsersGroup(final HttpServerRequest request) { String groupId = request.params().get("groupId"); if (groupId == null || groupId.trim().isEmpty()) { badRequest(request, "invalid.groupId"); return; } String customReturn = "MATCH (s:Group { id : {groupId}})<-[:IN]-(visibles) " + "RETURN DISTINCT HEAD(visibles.profiles) as type, as id, " + "visibles.displayName as displayName, visibles.login as login " + "ORDER BY type DESC, displayName "; final JsonObject params = new JsonObject().put("groupId", groupId); UserUtils.findVisibleUsers(eb, request, true, false, customReturn, params, new Handler<JsonArray>() { @Override public void handle(final JsonArray users) { renderJson(request, users); } }); } @Get("/api/class") @SecuredAction(value = "userbook.authent", type = ActionType.AUTHENTICATED) public void myClass(final HttpServerRequest request) { String classId = request.params().get("id"); String matchClass; JsonObject params = new JsonObject(); if (classId == null || classId.trim().isEmpty()) { matchClass = "(n:User {id : {userId}})-[:IN]->(pg:ProfileGroup)-[:DEPENDS]->(c:Class) " + "WITH c, profile, visibles MATCH"; } else { matchClass = "(c:Class {id : {classId}}),"; params.put("classId", classId); } String query = "MATCH " + matchClass + " visibles-[:IN]->(:ProfileGroup)-[:DEPENDS]->c " + "WHERE IN ['Student', 'Teacher'] " + "OPTIONAL MATCH visibles-[:USERBOOK]->u " + "RETURN distinct as type, as id, " + "visibles.displayName as displayName, u.mood as mood, " + "u.userid as userId, u.picture as photo " + "ORDER BY type DESC, displayName "; UserUtils.findVisibleUsers(eb, request, true, true, query, params, new Handler<JsonArray>() { @Override public void handle(JsonArray users) { renderJson(request, users); } }); } @Get("/api/edit-userbook-info") @SecuredAction(value = "userbook.authent", type = ActionType.AUTHENTICATED) public void editUserBookInfo(final HttpServerRequest request) { UserUtils.getUserInfos(eb, request, new Handler<UserInfos>() { @Override public void handle(final UserInfos user) { if (user != null) { String prop = request.params().get("prop"); if (prop != null && (prop.startsWith("theme") || "userPreferencesBirthdayClass".equals(prop))) { String attr = prop.replaceAll("\\W+", ""); String neoRequest = "MATCH (n:User)-[:USERBOOK]->(m:UserBook)" + "WHERE = {id} SET m." + attr + "={value}"; Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("id", user.getUserId()); params.put("value", request.params().get("value")); neo.send(neoRequest, params, new Handler<Message<JsonObject>>() { @Override public void handle(Message<JsonObject> res) { renderJson(request, res.body()); } }); UserUtils.removeSessionAttribute(eb, user.getUserId(), THEME_ATTRIBUTE + getHost(request), null); } else { badRequest(request); } } else { unauthorized(request); } } }); } @Get("/api/set-visibility") @SecuredAction(value = "userbook.authent", type = ActionType.AUTHENTICATED) public void setVisibility(final HttpServerRequest request) { UserUtils.getUserInfos(eb, request, new Handler<UserInfos>() { @Override public void handle(UserInfos user) { Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("id", user.getUserId()); params.put("category", request.params().get("category")); String visibility = "PUBLIC".equals(request.params().get("value")) ? "PUBLIC" : "PRIVE"; UserUtils.removeSessionAttribute(eb, user.getUserId(), PERSON_ATTRIBUTE, null); neo.send( "MATCH (n:User)-[:USERBOOK]->(m)-[s]->(p) " + "WHERE = {id} AND p.category={category} " + "DELETE s CREATE (m)-[j:" + visibility + "]->(p) " + "RETURN n,m,j,p", params, request.response()); } }); } @SecuredAction(value = "userbook.authent", type = ActionType.AUTHENTICATED) public void proxyDocument(final HttpServerRequest request) { String defaultImg = request.params().get("userbook-dimg"); JsonObject defaultContent = null; log.debug(defaultImg); if (defaultImg != null) { defaultContent = new JsonObject().put("type", "file").put("content", defaultImg); } HttpClientUtils.proxy(request, client, "\\" + pathPrefix, config.getString("workspace-prefix"), defaultContent); } @SecuredAction("") public void userBookMottoMood() { } @SecuredAction("userbook.switch.theme") public void userBookSwitchTheme() { } @BusAddress("activation.ack") public void initUserBookNode(final Message<JsonObject> message) { JsonObject params = new JsonObject(); params.put("userId", message.body().getString("userId")); params.put("avatar", userBookData.getString("default-avatar")); params.put("theme", userBookData.getString("default-theme", "")); JsonArray queries = new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray(); String query = "MERGE (m:UserBook { userid : {userId}}) " + "SET m.type = 'USERBOOK', m.picture = {avatar}, m.motto = '', " + " = '', m.mood = 'default', m.theme = {theme} " + "WITH m " + "MATCH (n:User {id : {userId}}) " + "CREATE UNIQUE n-[:USERBOOK]->m"; queries.add(Neo.toJsonObject(query, params)); String query2 = "MATCH (n:User)-[:USERBOOK]->m " + "WHERE = {userId} " + "CREATE m-[:PUBLIC]->(c:Hobby {category: {category}, values: {values}})"; if (isNotEmpty(message.body().getString("theme"))) { String query3 = "MATCH (u:User {id:{userId}}) " + "MERGE (u)-[:PREFERS]->(uac:UserAppConf) " + "SET uac.theme = {theme} "; JsonObject paramsTheme = new JsonObject().put("userId", message.body().getString("userId")).put("theme", message.body().getString("theme")); queries.add(Neo.toJsonObject(query3, paramsTheme)); } for (Object hobby : userBookData.getJsonArray("hobbies")) { JsonObject j = params.copy(); j.put("category", (String) hobby); j.put("values", ""); queries.add(Neo.toJsonObject(query2, j)); } neo.sendBatch(queries, (Handler<Message<JsonObject>>) null); welcomeMessage(message); } @BusAddress("send.welcome.message") public void welcomeMessage(Message<JsonObject> message) { if (activationWelcomeMessage != null) { final HttpServerRequest request = new JsonHttpServerRequest(message.body().getJsonObject("request")); Map<String, String> messages = activationWelcomeMessage.get(getHost(request)); if (messages != null) { String welcomeMessage = messages.get(message.body().getString("profile")); if (welcomeMessage == null) { welcomeMessage = messages.get("default"); } if (welcomeMessage != null) { conversationNotification.notify(request, "", new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray().add(message.body().getString("userId")), null, I18n.getInstance().translate("welcome.subject", getHost(request), I18n.acceptLanguage(request)), welcomeMessage, new Handler<Either<String, JsonObject>>() { @Override public void handle(Either<String, JsonObject> r) { if (r.isLeft()) { log.error(r.left().getValue()); } } }); } } } } @BusAddress("userbook.preferences") public void getUserPreferences(final Message<JsonObject> message) { final HttpServerRequest request = new JsonHttpServerRequest(message.body().getJsonObject("request")); final String application = message.body().getString("application"); final String action = message.body().getString("action"); if (action == null) { log.warn("[@BusAddress](userbook.preferences) Invalid action."); message.reply(new JsonObject().put("status", "error").put("message", "Invalid action.")); return; } switch (action) { case "get.currentuser": UserUtils.getUserInfos(eb, request, new Handler<UserInfos>() { public void handle(UserInfos user) { getUserPrefs(user, request, application, new Handler<Either<String, JsonObject>>() { public void handle(Either<String, JsonObject> result) { if (result.isLeft()) { message.reply(new JsonObject().put("status", "error").put("message", result.left().getValue())); } else { message.reply(new JsonObject().put("status", "ok").put("value", result.right().getValue())); } } }); } }); break; case "get.userlist": final JsonArray userIds = message.body().getJsonArray("userIds", new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray()); String query = "MATCH (u:User) " + message.body().getString("additionalMatch", "") + "WHERE IN {userIds} AND u.activationCode IS NULL " + message.body().getString("additionalWhere", "") + "OPTIONAL MATCH (u)-[:PREFERS]->(uac:UserAppConf) " + "RETURN COLLECT(DISTINCT {userId:, userMail:, lastDomain: u.lastDomain, preferences: uac" + message.body().getString("additionalCollectFields", "") + "}) AS preferences"; neo.execute(query, new JsonObject().put("userIds", userIds), Neo4jResult.validResultHandler(new Handler<Either<String, JsonArray>>() { public void handle(Either<String, JsonArray> event) { if (event.isLeft()) { message.reply(new JsonObject().put("status", "error").put("message", event.left().getValue())); return; } JsonArray results = (event.right().getValue().getJsonObject(0)) .getJsonArray("preferences", new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray()); for (Object resultObj : results) { JsonObject result = (JsonObject) resultObj; JsonObject prefs = new JsonObject(); try { prefs = new JsonObject( getOrElse( getOrElse( getOrElse(result.getJsonObject("preferences"), new JsonObject(), false).getJsonObject("data"), new JsonObject(), false).getString(application), "{}", false)); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("UserId [" + result.getString("userId", "") + "] - Bad application preferences format"); } result.put("preferences", prefs); } message.reply(new JsonObject().put("status", "ok").put("results", results)); } })); break; default: message.reply(new JsonObject().put("status", "error").put("message", "Invalid action.")); break; } } @Get("/avatar/:id") @SecuredAction(value = "userbook.authent", type = ActionType.AUTHENTICATED) public void getAvatar(final HttpServerRequest request) { final String id = request.params().get("id"); String thumbnail = request.params().get("thumbnail"); String defAVatar = userBookData.getString("default-avatar"); this.userBookService.getAvatar(id, Optional.ofNullable(thumbnail), defAVatar, request); } @Get("/person/birthday") @SecuredAction(value = "userbook.authent", type = ActionType.AUTHENTICATED) public void personBirthday(final HttpServerRequest request) { Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); int month = c.get(Calendar.MONTH); String[] monthRegex = { "12|01|02", "01|02|03", "02|03|04", "03|04|05", "04|05|06", "05|06|07", "06|07|08", "07|08|09", "08|09|10", "09|10|11", "10|11|12", "11|12|01" }; String query = "MATCH (u:User {id:{userId}})-[:IN]->(:ProfileGroup)-[:DEPENDS]->(c:Class) " + "WITH DISTINCT c, profile, visibles " + "MATCH visibles-[:IN]->(:ProfileGroup)-[:DEPENDS]->(c) " + "WHERE = 'Student' AND visibles.birthDate=~{regex} " + "RETURN distinct as id, visibles.displayName as username, " + "visibles.birthDate as birthDate, COLLECT(distinct [,]) as classes "; JsonObject params = new JsonObject(); params.put("regex", "^[0-9]{4}-(" + monthRegex[month] + ")-(3[01]|[12][0-9]|0[1-9])$"); UserUtils.findVisibleUsers(eb, request, true, true, query, params, new Handler<JsonArray>() { @Override public void handle(JsonArray users) { renderJson(request, users); } }); } @Get("/api/edit-user-info-visibility") @SecuredAction(value = "userbook.authent", type = ActionType.AUTHENTICATED) public void editUserInfoVisibility(final HttpServerRequest request) { final List<String> infos = Arrays.asList("email", "mail", "phone", "mobile", "birthdate", "health"); final String info = request.params().get("info"); if (info == null || !infos.contains(info)) { badRequest(request); return; } UserUtils.getUserInfos(eb, request, new Handler<UserInfos>() { @Override public void handle(UserInfos user) { if (user != null) { Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("id", user.getUserId()); String relationship = "SHOW_" + info.toUpperCase(); String query = ""; if ("public".equals(request.params().get("state"))) { query += "MATCH (n:User)-[:USERBOOK]->u WHERE = {id} "; if ("health".equals(info)) { query += "CREATE u-[r:" + relationship + "]->u "; } else { query += "CREATE u-[r:" + relationship + "]->n "; } } else { query += "MATCH (n:User)-[:USERBOOK]->u-[r:" + relationship + "]->() " + "WHERE = {id} " + "DELETE r"; } UserUtils.removeSessionAttribute(eb, user.getUserId(), PERSON_ATTRIBUTE, null); neo.send(query, params, request.response()); } else { unauthorized(request); } } }); } @Get("/user-preferences") @SecuredAction(value = "userbook.preferences", type = ActionType.AUTHENTICATED) public void userPreferences(final HttpServerRequest request) { UserUtils.getUserInfos(eb, request, new Handler<UserInfos>() { @Override public void handle(UserInfos user) { if (user != null) { Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("id", user.getUserId()); String query = "MATCH (n:User)-[:USERBOOK]->u " + "WHERE = {id} " + "RETURN u.userPreferencesBirthdayClass as userPreferencesBirthdayClass"; neo.send(query, params, request.response()); } else { unauthorized(request); } } }); } @Get("/preference/:application") @SecuredAction(value = "user.preference", type = ActionType.AUTHENTICATED) public void getPreference(final HttpServerRequest request) { UserUtils.getUserInfos(eb, request, new Handler<UserInfos>() { @Override public void handle(final UserInfos user) { if (user != null) { final String application = request.params().get("application").replaceAll("\\W+", ""); getUserPrefs(user, request, application, new Handler<Either<String, JsonObject>>() { public void handle(Either<String, JsonObject> event) { if (event.isLeft()) { badRequest(request, event.left().getValue()); } else { renderJson(request, event.right().getValue()); } } }); } else { badRequest(request); } } }); } private void getUserPrefs(final UserInfos user, final HttpServerRequest request, final String application, final Handler<Either<String, JsonObject>> handler) { if (user != null) { UserUtils.getSession(eb, request, new Handler<JsonObject>() { public void handle(JsonObject session) { final JsonObject cache = session.getJsonObject("cache"); if (cache.containsKey("preferences")) { handler.handle(new Either.Right<String, JsonObject>(new JsonObject().put("preference", cache.getJsonObject("preferences").getString(application)))); } else { refreshPreferences(user, request, new Handler<Either<String, JsonObject>>() { public void handle(Either<String, JsonObject> event) { if (event.isLeft()) { log.error(event.left().getValue()); handler.handle( new Either.Left<String, JsonObject>("refresh.preferences.failed")); } else { handler.handle(new Either.Right<String, JsonObject>(new JsonObject() .put("preference", event.right().getValue().getString(application)))); } } }); } } }); } else { handler.handle(new Either.Left<String, JsonObject>("bad.user")); } } private void refreshPreferences(final UserInfos user, final HttpServerRequest request, final Handler<Either<String, JsonObject>> handler) { String query = "MATCH (u:User {id:{userId}})-[:PREFERS]->(uac:UserAppConf)" + " RETURN uac AS preferences"; neo.execute(query, new JsonObject().put("userId", user.getUserId()), Neo4jResult.fullNodeMergeHandler("preferences", new Handler<Either<String, JsonObject>>() { @Override public void handle(final Either<String, JsonObject> result) { if (result.isRight()) { UserUtils.addSessionAttribute(eb, user.getUserId(), "preferences", result.right().getValue(), new Handler<Boolean>() { public void handle(Boolean event) { if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(event)) { log.error("Could not add preferences attribute to session."); } } }); } handler.handle(result); } })); } @Put("/preference/:application") @SecuredAction(value = "user.preference", type = ActionType.AUTHENTICATED) public void updatePreference(final HttpServerRequest request) { UserUtils.getUserInfos(eb, request, new Handler<UserInfos>() { @Override public void handle(final UserInfos user) { if (user != null) { final JsonObject params = new JsonObject().put("userId", user.getUserId()); final String application = request.params().get("application").replaceAll("\\W+", ""); request.bodyHandler(new Handler<Buffer>() { @Override public void handle(Buffer body) { params.put("conf", body.toString("UTF-8")); String query = "MATCH (u:User {id:{userId}})" + "MERGE (u)-[:PREFERS]->(uac:UserAppConf)" + " ON CREATE SET uac." + application + " = {conf}" + " ON MATCH SET uac." + application + " = {conf}"; neo.execute(query, params, validUniqueResultHandler(new Handler<Either<String, JsonObject>>() { @Override public void handle(Either<String, JsonObject> result) { if (result.isRight()) { renderJson(request, result.right().getValue()); UserUtils.getSession(eb, request, new Handler<JsonObject>() { public void handle(JsonObject session) { final JsonObject cache = session.getJsonObject("cache"); if (cache.containsKey("preferences")) { JsonObject prefs = cache.getJsonObject("preferences"); prefs.put(application, params.getString("conf")); if ("theme".equals(application)) { prefs.remove(THEME_ATTRIBUTE + getHost(request)); } UserUtils.addSessionAttribute(eb, user.getUserId(), "preferences", prefs, new Handler<Boolean>() { public void handle(Boolean event) { UserUtils.removeSessionAttribute(eb, user.getUserId(), THEME_ATTRIBUTE + getHost(request), null); if (!event) log.error( "Could not add preferences attribute to session."); } }); } } }); } else { leftToResponse(request, result.left()); } } })); } }); } else { badRequest(request); } } }); } @Get("/search/criteria") @SecuredAction(value = "", type = ActionType.AUTHENTICATED) public void searchCriteria(HttpServerRequest request) { UserUtils.getUserInfos(eb, request, user -> { if (user != null) { schoolService.searchCriteria(user.getStructures(), defaultResponseHandler(request)); } else { badRequest(request, "invalid.user"); } }); } public void setSchoolService(SchoolService schoolService) { this.schoolService = schoolService; } public void setConversationNotification(ConversationNotification conversationNotification) { this.conversationNotification = conversationNotification; } }