Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015-Present Entando Inc. ( All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. */ package org.entando.edo.builder; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.entando.edo.model.EdoBean; public class WidgetFileBuilder { private static String getApsadminJspFolder(EdoBean bean) { String folder = bean.getEdoBuilder().getWebinfApsadminFolder() + "jsp" + File.separator; return folder; } private static String getApsJspFolder(EdoBean bean) { String folder = bean.getEdoBuilder().getWebinfApsFolder() + "jsp" + File.separator; return folder; } private static String getSpecialWidgetActionDir(EdoBean bean) { String folder = bean.getEdoBuilder().getJavaControllerFolder() + "portal" + File.separator + "specialwidget" + File.separator + bean.getName().toLowerCase() + File.separator; return folder; } private static String getApsTagsActionDir(EdoBean bean) { String folder = bean.getEdoBuilder().getJavaFolder() + "aps" + File.separator + "tags" + File.separator; return folder; } public static String getSpecialWidgetActionFilePath(EdoBean bean) { String filename = StringUtils.capitalize(bean.getName()) + ""; String finalfile = WidgetFileBuilder.getSpecialWidgetActionDir(bean) + filename; return finalfile; } public static String getSpecialWidgetActionPropertiesFilePath(EdoBean bean, String lang) { String filename = "package_" + lang + ".properties"; String finalfile = WidgetFileBuilder.getSpecialWidgetActionDir(bean) + filename; return finalfile; } public static String getSpecialWidgetActionXmlFilePath(EdoBean bean) { String filename = StringUtils.uncapitalize(bean.getName()) + "SpecialWidget.xml"; String finalfile = WidgetFileBuilder.getSpecialWidgetActionDir(bean) + filename; return finalfile; } public static String getJspSpecialWidgetFilePath(EdoBean bean) { String filename = StringUtils.uncapitalize(bean.getName()) + "-config.jsp"; String finalfile = getApsadminJspFolder(bean) + "portal" + File.separator + "specialwidget" + File.separator + bean.getName().toLowerCase() + File.separator + filename; return finalfile; } public static String getTagListFilePath(EdoBean bean) { String filename = StringUtils.capitalize(bean.getName()) + ""; String finalfile = WidgetFileBuilder.getApsTagsActionDir(bean) + filename; return finalfile; } public static String getTagSingleFilePath(EdoBean bean) { String filename = StringUtils.capitalize(bean.getName()) + ""; String finalfile = WidgetFileBuilder.getApsTagsActionDir(bean) + filename; return finalfile; } public static String getJspWidgetFilePath(EdoBean bean) { String folder = getApsJspFolder(bean); folder = folder + "widgets" + File.separator; String filename = ""; if (bean.getEdoBuilder().isPlugin()) { filename = bean.getEdoBuilder().getPluginName(); } filename = filename + StringUtils.capitalize(bean.getName()) + ".jsp"; String finalfile = folder + filename; return finalfile; } public static String getApsTldFilePath(EdoBean bean) { String filename = null; if (bean.getEdoBuilder().isPlugin()) { filename = bean.getEdoBuilder().getPluginName(); } else { filename = bean.getEdoBuilder().getProjectName(); } filename = filename + "-core.tld"; String path = bean.getEdoBuilder().getTldFolder(); String finalfile = Filebuilder.checkAndRenameFile(bean.getEdoBuilder().getBaseDir(), path, filename); return finalfile; } }