Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * This file is part of JEMMA -
 * (C) Copyright 2013 Telecom Italia (
 * JEMMA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version 3
 * or later as published by the Free Software Foundation, which accompanies
 * this distribution and is available at
 * JEMMA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) for more details.
package org.energy_home.jemma.ah.ebrain;

//import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.ebrain.IOverloadStatusListener.OverloadStatus;
import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.ebrain.algo.DailyTariff;
import org.energy_home.jemma.ah.hap.client.M2MHapException;
import org.energy_home.jemma.m2m.ContentInstance;
import org.energy_home.jemma.m2m.ah.ApplianceLog;
import org.energy_home.jemma.m2m.ah.MinMaxPowerInfo;
import org.energy_home.jemma.shal.DeviceInfo;
import org.energy_home.jemma.shal.DeviceListener;
import org.energy_home.jemma.shal.DeviceService;
import org.energy_home.jemma.shal.DeviceConfiguration.DeviceCategory;
import org.energy_home.jemma.shal.DeviceDescriptor.DeviceType;

public class MeteringCore implements IMeteringListener, DeviceListener {
    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(MeteringCore.class.getSimpleName());

    private static final IOverloadStatusListener dummyOverloadListener = new IOverloadStatusListener() {

        public void notifyOverloadStatusUpdate(OverloadStatus status) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub


    private static final ICloudServiceProxy dummyCloudProxy = new ICloudServiceProxy() {
        public void storeEvent(String applianceId, long time, int eventType) throws Exception {

        public void storeApplianceStatistics(String applianceId, long time, ApplianceLog applianceLog)
                throws Exception {

        public ContentInstance retrieveDeliveredEnergySummation(String applianceId) {
            return null;

        public void storeReceivedEnergy(String applianceId, long time, double totalEnergy) throws Exception {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub   

        public void storeDeliveredEnergy(String applianceId, long time, double totalEnergy) throws Exception {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub   

        public void storeDeliveredEnergyCostPowerInfo(String applianceId, EnergyCostInfo eci,
                MinMaxPowerInfo powerInfo) throws Exception {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub         

        public void storeReceivedEnergyCostPowerInfo(String applianceId, EnergyCostInfo eci,
                MinMaxPowerInfo powerInfo) throws Exception {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub      

        public List<Float> retrieveHourlyProducedEnergyForecast(String applianceId) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub
            return null;


    private static final long SMART_INFO_POLLING_MIN_INTERVAL_MILLISEC = 10 * 1000;//30 * 1000
    private static final long SMART_INFO_POLLING_NORMAL_INTERVAL_MILLISEC = 10 * 1000;// 60 * 3 *1000;

    public static final long SMART_INFO_SUMMATION_MIN_INTERVAL = 2;
    public static final long SMART_INFO_SUMMATION_MAX_INTERVAL = 15; //120; MaximumReportingInterval
    public static final double SMART_INFO_SUMMATION_DELTA_VALUE = 5; //1

    public static final long DEFAULT_SUMMATION_MIN_INTERVAL = 120;
    public static final long DEFAULT_SUMMATION_MAX_INTERVAL = 120;
    public static final double DEFAULT_SUMMATION_DELTA_VALUE = 4500;

    public static final long DEFAULT_ONOFF_MIN_INTERVAL = 2;
    public static final long DEFAULT_ONOFF_MAX_INTERVAL = 120;

    public static final long SMART_INFO_INST_DEMAND_MIN_INTERVAL = 2;
    public static final long SMART_INFO_INST_DEMAND_MAX_INTERVAL = 120;
    public static final float SMART_INFO_INST_DEMAND_DELTA_VALUE = 5;

    public static final long DEFAULT_INST_DEMAND_MIN_INTERVAL = 2;
    public static final long DEFAULT_INST_DEMAND_MAX_INTERVAL = 120;
    public static final float DEFAULT_INST_DEMAND_DELTA_VALUE = 5;

    private static MeteringCore instance;

    public static MeteringCore getInstance() {
        if (instance == null)
            instance = new MeteringCore();
        return instance;

    protected Map<String, ApplianceInfo> appliances = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, ApplianceInfo>();

    protected IOnOffProxy onOffProxy;
    protected IMeteringProxy meteringProxy;

    protected ICloudServiceProxy cloudProxy = dummyCloudProxy;

    private OverloadStatus currentOverloadStatus = OverloadStatus.NoOverloadWarning;
    private IOverloadStatusListener overloadStatusListener = dummyOverloadListener;

    protected DailyTariff dailyTariff;
    protected PowerThresholds powerThresholds = new PowerThresholds(3000);

    protected float peakProducedPower = 0; // Watts/Hour

    protected SmartMeterInfo smartInfoExchange;
    protected SmartMeterInfo smartInfoProduction;

    protected boolean checkMeteringSubscriptions = true;

    protected long smartInfoPollingTimeInterval = SMART_INFO_POLLING_NORMAL_INTERVAL_MILLISEC;
    protected long lastSmartInfoPollingTime = 0;

    protected MeteringCore() {
        try {
            dailyTariff = DailyTariff.getInstance();

        } catch (Exception e) {

    private void refreshCurrentSummationDeliveredSubscription(ApplianceInfo appliance) {
        float formatting = getOrRetrieveSummationFormatting(appliance);
        if (formatting != IMeteringProxy.INVALID_FORMATTING_VALUE) {
            long minReportingInterval = 0;
            long maxReportingInterval = 0;
            double deltaValue = 0;
            DeviceType type = appliance.getApplianceType();

            if (type == DeviceType.Meter) {
                minReportingInterval = SMART_INFO_SUMMATION_MIN_INTERVAL;
                maxReportingInterval = SMART_INFO_SUMMATION_MAX_INTERVAL;
                deltaValue = SMART_INFO_SUMMATION_DELTA_VALUE / formatting;
            } else {
                minReportingInterval = DEFAULT_SUMMATION_MIN_INTERVAL;
                maxReportingInterval = DEFAULT_SUMMATION_MAX_INTERVAL;
                deltaValue = DEFAULT_SUMMATION_DELTA_VALUE / formatting;

            String applianceId = appliance.getApplianceId();

            meteringProxy.subscribeCurrentSummationDelivered(applianceId, minReportingInterval,
                    maxReportingInterval, deltaValue);
            if (checkMeteringSubscriptions) {
                double summation = meteringProxy.getCurrentSummationDelivered(applianceId);
                notifyCurrentSummationDelivered(applianceId, System.currentTimeMillis(), summation);
                // TODO: complete/review logging
      "refreshCurrentSummationDeliveredSubscription - read power and summation for appliance "
                        + applianceId + ": summation=" + summation);


    private void refreshCurrentSummationReceivedSubscription(ApplianceInfo appliance) {
        float formatting = getOrRetrieveSummationFormatting(appliance);
        if (formatting != IMeteringProxy.INVALID_FORMATTING_VALUE) {
            double deltaValue = SMART_INFO_SUMMATION_DELTA_VALUE / formatting;
            String applianceId = appliance.getApplianceId();
            meteringProxy.subscribeCurrentSummationReceived(applianceId, SMART_INFO_SUMMATION_MIN_INTERVAL,
                    SMART_INFO_SUMMATION_MAX_INTERVAL, deltaValue);
            if (checkMeteringSubscriptions) {
                double summation = meteringProxy.getCurrentSummationReceived(applianceId);
                notifyCurrentSummationReceived(applianceId, System.currentTimeMillis(), summation);
                // TODO: complete/review logging
      "refreshCurrentSummationReceivedSubscription - read power and summation for appliance "
                        + applianceId + ": received=" + summation);

    private void refreshInstantaneousDemandSubscription(ApplianceInfo appliance) {
        float formatting = getOrRetrieveDemandFormatting(appliance);
        if (formatting != IMeteringProxy.INVALID_FORMATTING_VALUE) {
            long minReportingInterval = 0;
            long maxReportingInterval = 0;
            float deltaValue = 0;

            if (appliance.getApplianceType() == DeviceType.Meter) {
                minReportingInterval = SMART_INFO_INST_DEMAND_MIN_INTERVAL;
                maxReportingInterval = SMART_INFO_INST_DEMAND_MAX_INTERVAL;
                deltaValue = SMART_INFO_INST_DEMAND_DELTA_VALUE / formatting;
            } else {
                minReportingInterval = DEFAULT_INST_DEMAND_MIN_INTERVAL;
                maxReportingInterval = DEFAULT_INST_DEMAND_MAX_INTERVAL;
                deltaValue = DEFAULT_INST_DEMAND_DELTA_VALUE / formatting;

            String applianceId = appliance.getApplianceId();
            meteringProxy.subscribeIstantaneousDemand(applianceId, minReportingInterval, maxReportingInterval,
            if (checkMeteringSubscriptions) {
                float power = meteringProxy.getIstantaneousDemand(applianceId);
                notifyIstantaneousDemandPower(applianceId, System.currentTimeMillis(), power);
                // TODO: complete/review logging
      "refreshInstantaneousDemandSubscription - read power and summation for appliance "
                        + applianceId + ": power=" + power);

    private void checkOverloadStatus() {
        // The following formula takes into accounts monitored appliances instantaneous power consumptions data
        float signedPower = getTotalIstantaneousDemandPower()
                - (getIstantaneousProducedPower() - getIstantaneousSoldPower());

        // Update smart infos polling frequency depending on current instantaneous delivered power
        if (signedPower >= powerThresholds.getNextToContractualThreshold()) {
            smartInfoPollingTimeInterval = SMART_INFO_POLLING_MIN_INTERVAL_MILLISEC;
        } else {
            smartInfoPollingTimeInterval = SMART_INFO_POLLING_NORMAL_INTERVAL_MILLISEC;

        // Generate overload warnings depending on current instantaneous delivered power
        try {
            if (signedPower <= powerThresholds.getContractualThreshold()
                    && !currentOverloadStatus.equals(OverloadStatus.NoOverloadWarning)) {
                currentOverloadStatus = OverloadStatus.NoOverloadWarning;
            } else if (signedPower > powerThresholds.getContractualThreshold()
                    && signedPower <= powerThresholds.getFirstThreshold()
                    && !currentOverloadStatus.equals(OverloadStatus.ContractualPowerThresholdWarning)) {
                currentOverloadStatus = OverloadStatus.ContractualPowerThresholdWarning;
            } else if (signedPower > powerThresholds.getFirstThreshold()
                    && signedPower <= powerThresholds.getSecondThreshold()
                    && !currentOverloadStatus.equals(OverloadStatus.FirstPowerThresholdWarning)) {
                currentOverloadStatus = OverloadStatus.FirstPowerThresholdWarning;
            } else if (signedPower > powerThresholds.getSecondThreshold()
                    && !currentOverloadStatus.equals(OverloadStatus.SecondPowerThresholdWarning)) {
                currentOverloadStatus = OverloadStatus.SecondPowerThresholdWarning;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("checkSmartInfosData error while checking wanrings", e);

    public void periodicTask() {
        log.debug(String.format("Periodic task: %s", appliances));
        if (checkMeteringSubscriptions) {
            for (ApplianceInfo appliance : appliances.values()) {
                if (appliance.isAvailable()) {
                    try {
                        // check if last notifications are still valid, if not renew subscriptions
                        // peakProducedPower > 0 means there is a solar panel
                        if ((appliance == smartInfoExchange || appliance == smartInfoProduction)
                                && peakProducedPower > 0) {
                            if (System.currentTimeMillis()
                                    - ((SmartMeterInfo) appliance).getProducedEnergyTime() > 1500
                                            * DEFAULT_SUMMATION_MAX_INTERVAL) {
                                        "Periodic task - invalid current summation received subscription for appliance %s",

                        if (smartInfoProduction != appliance) {
                            if (System.currentTimeMillis() - appliance.getAccumulatedEnergyTime() > 1500
                                    * DEFAULT_SUMMATION_MAX_INTERVAL) {
                                        "Periodic task - invalid current summation delivered subscription for appliance %s",

                            if (System.currentTimeMillis() - appliance.getIstantaneousPowerTime() > 1500
                                    * DEFAULT_INST_DEMAND_MAX_INTERVAL) {
                                        "Periodic task - invalid instantaneous demand subscription for appliance %s",

                    } catch (Exception e) {
                                "Periodic task error while initializing subscriptions for appliance %s",
                                appliance.getApplianceId()), e);

        // Send requests to smart infos depending on current polling frequency   
        try {
            if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastSmartInfoPollingTime >= smartInfoPollingTimeInterval) {
                if (smartInfoExchange != null && smartInfoExchange.isAvailable()) {
                if (smartInfoProduction != null && smartInfoProduction.isAvailable()) {
                lastSmartInfoPollingTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("periodicTask error while reading smart info instantaneous demand", e);
        // Always update forecast data for hourly produced energy (data are cached by cloudProxy locally)
        if (smartInfoProduction != null)

    public IMeteringProxy getMeteringProxy() {
        return meteringProxy;

    public void setMeteringProxy(IMeteringProxy proxy) {
        if (proxy == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The argument cannot be null.");
        meteringProxy = proxy;

    public IOnOffProxy getOnOffProxy() {
        return onOffProxy;

    public void setOnOffProxy(IOnOffProxy proxy) {
        if (proxy == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The argument cannot be null.");
        this.onOffProxy = proxy;

    public ICloudServiceProxy getCloudServiceProxy() {
        return cloudProxy;

    public void setCloudServiceProxy(ICloudServiceProxy proxy) {
        if (proxy != null)
            cloudProxy = proxy;
            cloudProxy = dummyCloudProxy;

    public IOverloadStatusListener getOverloadStatusListener() {
        return overloadStatusListener;

    public void setOverloadStatusListener(IOverloadStatusListener listener) {
        if (listener != null)
            overloadStatusListener = listener;
            overloadStatusListener = dummyOverloadListener;

    public Class<? extends DailyTariff> getDailyTariff() {
        return dailyTariff.getClass();

    public void setDailyTariff(Class<? extends DailyTariff> clazz)
            throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
        dailyTariff = DailyTariff.getInstance(clazz);

    public PowerThresholds getPowerThresholds() {
        return powerThresholds;

    public void setPowerThresholds(PowerThresholds thresholds) {
        powerThresholds = thresholds;

    public float getPeakProducedPower() {
        return peakProducedPower;

    public void setPeakProducedPower(float upper) {
        peakProducedPower = upper;

    public void setCheckMeteringSubscriptions(boolean enabled) {
        checkMeteringSubscriptions = enabled;

    public ApplianceInfo getApplianceInfo(String applianceId) {
        return appliances.get(applianceId);

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @throws M2MHapException
     * @see org.energy_home.jemma.ah.ebrain.IMeteringListener

    // BEWARE: all notification values are raw data that need to be multiplied
    // by the relative formatting
    public void notifyIstantaneousDemandPower(String applianceId, long time, float power) {
        ApplianceInfo appliance = getApplianceInfo(applianceId);

        // instantaneous demand values are discarded for production smart info
        if (appliance == smartInfoProduction)

        if (power == IMeteringProxy.INVALID_INSTANTANEOUS_POWER_VALUE
                || power == IMeteringProxy.INVALID_INSTANTANEOUS_POWER_STANDARD_VALUE) {
            log.warn(String.format("Invalid Instantaneous Demand %f, from %s, at %s", power, applianceId,
            try {
                cloudProxy.storeEvent(applianceId, time, ICloudServiceProxy.EVENT_INVALID_INST_DEMAND_VALUE);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.error("Error while storing event on HAP platform", e);
        } else {
            float formatting = getOrRetrieveDemandFormatting(appliance);
            if (formatting != IMeteringProxy.INVALID_FORMATTING_VALUE)
                power *= formatting;
                power = IMeteringProxy.INVALID_INSTANTANEOUS_POWER_VALUE;

        appliance.setIstantaneousPower(power, time);


    // BEWARE: all notification values are raw data that need to be multiplied
    // by the relative formatting
    public void notifyCurrentSummationDelivered(String applianceId, long time, double totalEnergy) {
        ApplianceInfo appliance = getApplianceInfo(applianceId);

        // current summation delivered values are discarded for production smartinfo
        if (appliance == smartInfoProduction)

        if (totalEnergy == IMeteringProxy.INVALID_ENERGY_CONSUMPTION_VALUE) {
            log.warn(String.format("Invalid Current Summation %f, from %s, at %s", totalEnergy, applianceId,
            try {
                cloudProxy.storeEvent(applianceId, time,
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.error("Error while storing event on HAP platform", e);
        } else {
            float formatting = getOrRetrieveSummationFormatting(appliance);
            if (formatting != IMeteringProxy.INVALID_FORMATTING_VALUE)
                totalEnergy *= formatting;
                totalEnergy = IMeteringProxy.INVALID_ENERGY_CONSUMPTION_VALUE;
        }"Current summation delivered %f, from %s, at %s", totalEnergy, applianceId,

        if (totalEnergy != IMeteringProxy.INVALID_ENERGY_CONSUMPTION_VALUE) {
            try {
                cloudProxy.storeDeliveredEnergy(applianceId, time, totalEnergy);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.error("Error while storing delivered energy on HAP platform", e);
        EnergyCostInfo eci = appliance.updateEnergyCost(time, totalEnergy);
        if (eci != null && eci.isValid()) {
            MinMaxPowerInfo powerInfo = appliance.getMinMaxPowerInfo();
            try {
                cloudProxy.storeDeliveredEnergyCostPowerInfo(applianceId, eci, powerInfo);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.error("Error while storing energy cost power info on HAP platform", e);

    // this method is only called by a smartInfo, either production or exchange
    public void notifyCurrentSummationReceived(String applianceId, long time, double totalEnergy) {
        SmartMeterInfo appliance = (SmartMeterInfo) getApplianceInfo(applianceId);

        if (totalEnergy == IMeteringProxy.INVALID_ENERGY_CONSUMPTION_VALUE) {
            log.warn(String.format("Invalid Current Summation %f, from %s, at %s", totalEnergy, applianceId,
            try {
                cloudProxy.storeEvent(applianceId, time,
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.error("Error while storing event on HAP platform", e);
        } else {
            float formatting = getOrRetrieveSummationFormatting(appliance);
            if (formatting != IMeteringProxy.INVALID_FORMATTING_VALUE)
                totalEnergy *= formatting;
                totalEnergy = IMeteringProxy.INVALID_ENERGY_CONSUMPTION_VALUE;
        }"Current summation received %f, from %s, at %s", totalEnergy, applianceId,
        if (totalEnergy != IMeteringProxy.INVALID_ENERGY_CONSUMPTION_VALUE) {
            try {
                cloudProxy.storeReceivedEnergy(applianceId, time, totalEnergy);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.error("Error while storing received energy on HAP platform", e);
        EnergyCostInfo eci = appliance.updateProducedEnergy(time, totalEnergy);
        if (eci != null && eci.isValid()) {
            MinMaxPowerInfo powerInfo = appliance.getMinMaxPowerInfo();
            try {
                cloudProxy.storeReceivedEnergyCostPowerInfo(applianceId, eci, powerInfo);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.error("Error while storing energy cost power info on HAP platform", e);


    public double getCurrentSummationReceived(String applianceId) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return 0;

     * public MinMaxPowerInfo getInstantaneosPowerInfo(String applianceId) {
     * ApplianceInfo appliance = getApplianceInfo(applianceId);
     * if (appliance != smartInfo) return appliance.getMinMaxPowerInfo();
     * // ENEL fix: we need to see if the current total power is greater than
     * the sum of all smart appliances float summedPower = 0; MinMaxPowerInfo
     * totalPower = smartInfo.getMinMaxPowerInfo();
     * // start by setting the sum with the negative of the smart-info value, as
     * it will be added again in the next loop // and we don't want that
     * summedPower = -smartInfo.getIstantaneousPower(); for (ApplianceInfo a :
     * appliances.values()) { summedPower += a.getIstantaneousPower(); }
     * if (totalPower.getCurrentPower() < summedPower) {
     * totalPower.setCurrentPower(summedPower, System.currentTimeMillis()); }
     * return totalPower; }
     * public double getApplianceAccumulatedEnergy(String applianceId) {
     * ApplianceInfo appliance = getApplianceInfo(applianceId); return
     * appliance.getAccumulatedEnergy(); }
     * public long getApplianceAccumulatedEnergyTime(String applianceId) {
     * ApplianceInfo appliance = getApplianceInfo(applianceId); return
     * appliance.getAccumulatedEnergyTime(); }

    public String getSmartInfoExchangeId() {
        if (smartInfoExchange == null)
            return null;
        return smartInfoExchange.getApplianceId();

    public String getSmartInfoProductionId() {
        if (smartInfoProduction == null)
            return null;
        return smartInfoProduction.getApplianceId();

    public float getIstantaneousProducedPower() {
        if (smartInfoProduction == null)
            return 0;

        float producedPower = smartInfoProduction.getMeanProducedPower();
        //float producedPower = (float) smartInfoProduction.getProducedEnergy();

        if (producedPower > peakProducedPower) {
            log.error("Produced power greater than configured peak power");
            producedPower = peakProducedPower;
        return producedPower;

    public float getIstantaneousSoldPower() {
        if (smartInfoExchange == null)
            return 0;
        float soldPower = smartInfoExchange.getMeanProducedPower();
        if (soldPower > peakProducedPower) {
            log.error("Sold power greater than configured peak power");
            soldPower = peakProducedPower;

        return soldPower;

    public float getTotalIstantaneousDemandPower() {
        // ENEL fix: check if the current total power is greater than the sum of
        // all smart appliances
        float totalPower = 0;
        if (smartInfoExchange != null)
            totalPower = smartInfoExchange.getIstantaneousPower() + getIstantaneousProducedPower()
                    - getIstantaneousSoldPower();
        if (totalPower < 0)
            totalPower = 0;

        float summedPower = 0;
        for (ApplianceInfo a : appliances.values()) {
            if (a != smartInfoExchange && a != smartInfoProduction)
                summedPower += a.getIstantaneousPower();
        return Math.max(summedPower, totalPower);

    public float getIstantaneousDemandPower(String applianceId) {
        ApplianceInfo appliance = getApplianceInfo(applianceId);
        return appliance.getIstantaneousPower();

    public double getCurrentSummationDelivered(String applianceId) {
        ApplianceInfo appliance = getApplianceInfo(applianceId);
        return appliance.getAccumulatedEnergy();

    public EnergyCostInfo getAccumulatedEnergyCost(String applianceId) {
        ApplianceInfo appliance = getApplianceInfo(applianceId);
        return appliance.getAccumulatedEnergyCost();

    private float getOrRetrieveSummationFormatting(ApplianceInfo appliance) {
        float formatting = appliance.getSummationFormatting();
        if (formatting == IMeteringProxy.INVALID_FORMATTING_VALUE) {
            formatting = meteringProxy.getSummationFormatting(appliance.getApplianceId());
        return formatting;

    private float getOrRetrieveDemandFormatting(ApplianceInfo appliance) {
        float formatting = appliance.getDemandFormatting();
        if (formatting == IMeteringProxy.INVALID_FORMATTING_VALUE) {
            formatting = meteringProxy.getDemandFormatting(appliance.getApplianceId());
        return formatting;

    public String getEndPointId() {
        return "EnergyBrain";

    public void notifyDeviceAdded(DeviceInfo info) {
        String applianceId = info.getPersistentId();
        ApplianceInfo appliance = appliances.get(applianceId);
        if (appliance == null) {
            if (info.getConfiguration().getCategory() == DeviceCategory.Meter) {
                smartInfoExchange = new SmartMeterInfo(info);
                appliance = smartInfoExchange;
            } else if (info.getConfiguration().getCategory() == DeviceCategory.ProductionMeter) {
                smartInfoProduction = new SmartMeterInfo(info);
                appliance = smartInfoProduction;
            } else {
                appliance = new ApplianceInfo(info);
            appliances.put(applianceId, appliance);
        if (appliance.getAccumulatedEnergyTime() == 0) {
            ContentInstance ci = cloudProxy.retrieveDeliveredEnergySummation(applianceId);
            if (ci != null) {
                Long timestamp = ci.getId();
                Double energySummation = (Double) ci.getContent();
                appliance.updateEnergyCost(timestamp.longValue(), energySummation.doubleValue());
        if (appliance == smartInfoExchange) {
        } else if (appliance == smartInfoProduction) {

    public void notifyDeviceRemoved(DeviceInfo info) {
        String applianceId = info.getPersistentId();
        if (smartInfoExchange != null && applianceId.equals(smartInfoExchange.getApplianceId())) {
            smartInfoExchange = null;
        } else if (smartInfoProduction != null && applianceId.equals(smartInfoProduction.getApplianceId())) {
            smartInfoProduction = null;

    public void notifyDeviceDescriptorUpdated(DeviceInfo info) {

    public void notifyDeviceConfigurationUpdated(DeviceInfo info) {

    protected void deviceAvailabilityUpdated(String applianceId, boolean isAvailable) {
        ApplianceInfo appliance = getApplianceInfo(applianceId);
        if (appliance.isAvailable()) {
            if (appliance != smartInfoProduction) {
            if ((appliance == smartInfoProduction || appliance == smartInfoExchange) && peakProducedPower > 0) {
        } else {
            appliance.setIstantaneousPower(0, System.currentTimeMillis());

    public void notifyDeviceServiceAvailable(DeviceInfo info, DeviceService deviceService) {
        String applianceId = info.getPersistentId();
        deviceAvailabilityUpdated(applianceId, true);

    public void notifyDeviceServiceUnavailable(DeviceInfo info) {
        String applianceId = info.getPersistentId();
        deviceAvailabilityUpdated(applianceId, false);
