Java tutorial
/* ************************************************************************************ * Copyright (C) 2001-2011 encuestame: system online surveys Copyright (C) 2011 * encuestame Development Team. * Licensed under the Apache Software License version 2.0 * You may obtain a copy of the License at * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed * under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ************************************************************************************ */ package; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.encuestame.config.startup.EnMePlaceHolderConfigurer; import org.encuestame.core.admin.AdministratorProfile; import; import org.encuestame.core.service.SecurityOperations; import org.encuestame.core.util.ConvertDomainBean; import org.encuestame.core.util.EnMePasswordUtils; import org.encuestame.core.util.EnMeUtils; import org.encuestame.core.util.PasswordGenerator; import*; import; import org.encuestame.util.exception.EnMeException; import org.encuestame.util.exception.EnMeNoResultsFoundException; import org.encuestame.util.exception.EnmeFailOperation; import org.encuestame.util.exception.IllegalSocialActionException; import org.encuestame.utils.EnumerationUtils; import org.encuestame.utils.enums.EnMePermission; import org.encuestame.utils.enums.FollowOperations; import org.encuestame.utils.enums.NotificationEnum; import org.encuestame.utils.enums.Profile; import org.encuestame.utils.json.SocialAccountBean; import; import; import; import org.encuestame.utils.web.UnitGroupBean; import org.encuestame.utils.web.UnitLists; import org.encuestame.utils.web.UnitPermission; import org.encuestame.utils.web.UserAccountBean; import org.jasypt.util.password.StrongPasswordEncryptor; import org.springframework.mail.MailSendException; import; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import java.util.*; /** * Security Service Implementation. * @author Picado, Juan * @since 27/04/2009 11:35:01 */ @Service @Transactional public class SecurityService extends AbstractBaseService implements SecurityOperations { /** * Log. */ private Log log = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass()); /** Default User Permission **/ private static final EnMePermission DEFAULT = EnMePermission.ENCUESTAME_USER; /** * Retrieve Total Own Users. * @param username username * @return total own users. * @throws EnMeNoResultsFoundException exception */ public Long totalOwnUsers(final String username) throws EnMeNoResultsFoundException { return getAccountDao().retrieveTotalUsers(getUserAccount(username).getAccount()); } /** * Find {@link UserAccount} by UserName * @param username user name * @return {@link UserAccount} */ public UserAccountBean findUserByEmail(final String email) { final UserAccount secondary = getAccountDao().getUserByEmail(email); return secondary == null ? null : ConvertDomainBean.convertSecondaryUserToUserBean(secondary); } /** * Load Groups by Client * @return list of groups * @throws EnMeNoResultsFoundException exception */ public List<UnitGroupBean> loadGroups(final String currentUsername) throws EnMeNoResultsFoundException { final UserAccount userAccount = getUserAccount(currentUsername); final List<UnitGroupBean> groupBeans = new ArrayList<UnitGroupBean>(); final List<Group> groupsList = getGroupDao().loadGroupsByUser(userAccount.getAccount()); for (Group groups : groupsList) { groupBeans.add(ConvertDomainBean.convertGroupDomainToBean(groups)); } return groupBeans; } /** * Assing Group to User. * @param user user * @param group group */ public void assingGroupToUser(final UserAccountBean user, final UnitGroupBean group) { //SecUsers userD = getUser(user.getUsername()); // SecPermission perD = loadPermission(permission.getPermission()); //assingGroup(user, group); //TODO: ????/ emtpy?? } /** * Search user by username. * @param username username * @return {@link UserAccountBean} */ //@Cacheable(cacheName = "searchUserByUsername") public UserAccountBean searchUserByUsername(final String username) { final UserAccount userDomain = getAccountDao().getUserByUsername(username); UserAccountBean user = null; if (userDomain != null) { user = ConvertDomainBean.convertSecondaryUserToUserBean(userDomain); } else { log.error("user not found"); } return user; } /** * Load all list of permisssions and covert to permission bean. * @return list of permisssions */ public Collection<UnitPermission> loadAllListPermission() { final Collection<UnitPermission> loadListPermission = new LinkedList<UnitPermission>(); final Collection<Permission> listPermission = getPermissionDao().loadAllPermissions(); for (Iterator<Permission> iterator = listPermission.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { final UnitPermission permissionBean = new UnitPermission(); Permission permission =; if (!permission.equals(EnMePermission.ENCUESTAME_USER)) { //this permissions not should be included. permissionBean.setId(permission.getIdPermission()); permissionBean.setPermission(permission.getPermission().toString()); permissionBean.setDescription(permission.getPermissionDescription()); loadListPermission.add(permissionBean); } } return loadListPermission; } /** * Delete Group Domain. * @param group group */ public void deleteGroup(final Long groupId) { final Group group = getGroupDao().find(groupId); getGroupDao().delete(group); } /** * Delete user. * @param userBean user to delete * @throws EnMeNoResultsFoundException */ public void deleteUser(final UserAccountBean userBean) throws EnMeNoResultsFoundException { final UserAccount userDomain = getUserAccount(userBean.getUsername());"notify delete account"); if (EnMePlaceHolderConfigurer.getBooleanProperty("")) { getMailService().sendDeleteNotification(userBean.getEmail().trim(), getMessageProperties("userMessageDeleteNotification")); }"deleting user"); getAccountDao().delete(userDomain);"user deleted"); } /** * Renew password. * @param userBean {@link UserAccountBean} * @param newPassword new password * @throws EnMeException */ public String renewPassword(final UserAccountBean userBean, String newPassword) throws EnMeException { // search user final UserAccount userDomain = getUserAccount(userBean.getUsername()); // validate user and password if (userDomain != null && newPassword != null) { //set new password userDomain.setPassword(EnMePasswordUtils.encryptPassworD(newPassword)); //TODO: security risk? userBean.setPassword(newPassword); //if notification is suspended we need retrieve password if (EnMePlaceHolderConfigurer.getBooleanProperty("")) { try { getMailService().sendRenewPasswordEmail(userBean); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block //e.printStackTrace(); log.error(e); } //} else { //log.warn("Notifications Email are suspendend"); } //saving user. getAccountDao().saveOrUpdate(userDomain); } else { //if we have a problem with user, we retrieve null value throw new EnMeException("error on renew password"); } return newPassword; } /** * Update a Group. * @param groupBean {@link UnitGroupBean} * @throws EnMeException exception */ public UnitGroupBean updateGroup(UnitGroupBean groupBean) throws EnMeException {"group to search " + groupBean.getId()); final Group group = getGroupDao().find(Long.valueOf(groupBean.getId()));"group found " + group); if (group != null) {"group updated name " + groupBean.getGroupName()); group.setGroupName(groupBean.getGroupName());"group updated description " + groupBean.getGroupDescription()); group.setGroupDescriptionInfo(groupBean.getGroupDescription());"group updated state id " + groupBean.getStateId()); // group.setIdState(Long.valueOf((groupBean.getStateId()))); getGroupDao().saveOrUpdate(group);"group new name " + group.getGroupName());"group new description " + group.getGroupDescriptionInfo()); groupBean = ConvertDomainBean.convertGroupDomainToBean(group); } else { throw new EnMeException("group not found"); } return groupBean; } /** * Get Group by Primary User and Group Id. * @param Long groupId. * @param String username. * @throws EnMeException exception */ public Group getGroupbyIdandUser(final Long groupId, final String username) throws EnMeNoResultsFoundException { return getGroupDao().getGroupByIdandUser(groupId, getUserAccountId(username)); } /** * Update user. * @param userBean user bean. * @throws EnMeException exception */ public void updateUser(final UserAccountBean userBean) {"service update user method"); final UserAccount updateUser = getAccountDao().getUserByUsername(userBean.getUsername());"update user, user found: " + updateUser.getUid()); if (updateUser != null) { updateUser.setUserEmail(userBean.getEmail()); updateUser.setCompleteName(userBean.getName()); updateUser.setUserStatus(userBean.getStatus());"updateing user, user " + updateUser.getUid()); getAccountDao().saveOrUpdate(updateUser); } } /** * Get Users by Group. * @param secGroupId * @return * @throws EnMeNoResultsFoundException */ public Long getUserbyGroup(final Long groupId, final String username) throws EnMeNoResultsFoundException { Long counterUsers = 0L; try { final Group group = getGroupDao().getGroupByIdandUser(groupId, getUserAccountId(username)); if (group != null) { counterUsers = getGroupDao().getCountUserbyGroup(groupId); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: handle exception Group no pertenece a usuario //e.printStackTrace(); log.error(e); } return counterUsers; } /** * Get Users by Groups. * @param user * @return */ public List<Object[]> countUsersbyGroups(final Long groupId, final String username) { List<Object[]> usersbyGroups = null; try { final Group group = getGroupDao().getGroupByIdandUser(groupId, getUserAccountId(username)); if (group != null) { usersbyGroups = getGroupDao().countUsersbyGroups(getUserAccountId(username)); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: handle exception Group don't belong to user //e.printStackTrace(); log.error(e); } return usersbyGroups; } /** * Create a new Group. * @param groupBean group bean * @throws EnMeNoResultsFoundException */ public UnitGroupBean createGroup(final UnitGroupBean groupBean, final String username) throws EnMeNoResultsFoundException { //"Create Group"); final Group groupDomain = new Group(); final Account secUsers = getUserAccount(username).getAccount(); groupDomain.setGroupDescriptionInfo(groupBean.getGroupDescription()); groupDomain.setGroupName(groupBean.getGroupName()); groupDomain.setIdState(null); groupDomain.setAccount(secUsers); getGroupDao().saveOrUpdate(groupDomain); groupBean.setId(groupDomain.getGroupId()); return ConvertDomainBean.convertGroupDomainToBean(groupDomain); } /** * Create a new Permisssion. * @param permissionBean {@link UnitPermission} */ public void createPermission(final UnitPermission permissionBean) { final Permission permissionDomain = new Permission(); permissionDomain.setPermission( EnumerationUtils.getEnumFromString(EnMePermission.class, permissionBean.getPermission())); permissionDomain.setPermissionDescription(permissionBean.getDescription()); getPermissionDao().saveOrUpdate(permissionDomain); } /** * Create a user account, generate password for user and send email to confirmate * the account. * @param userBean {@link UserAccountBean} * @throws EnMeException personalize exception * @return if password is not notified is returned */ public void createUser(final UserAccountBean userBean, final String username) throws EnMeException { final UserAccount userAccount = new UserAccount(); final Account account = getUserAccount(username).getAccount(); //validate email and password if (userBean.getEmail() != null && userBean.getUsername() != null) { userAccount.setUserEmail(userBean.getEmail()); userAccount.setUsername(userBean.getUsername()); userAccount.setAccount(account); } else { throw new EnMeException("needed email and username to create user"); } String password = null; if (userBean.getPassword() != null) { password = userBean.getPassword(); userAccount.setPassword(EnMePasswordUtils.encryptPassworD(password)); } else { password = generatePassword(); userAccount.setPassword(EnMePasswordUtils.encryptPassworD(password)); } //TODO: maybe we need create a table for editor permissions userAccount.setCompleteName(userBean.getName() == null ? "" : userBean.getUsername()); userAccount.setUserStatus(Boolean.TRUE); userAccount.setEnjoyDate(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); // send to user the password to her emails final SignUpBean singUpBean = new SignUpBean(); singUpBean.setEmail(userBean.getEmail()); singUpBean.setFullName(userAccount.getCompleteName()); singUpBean.setUsername(userBean.getUsername()); singUpBean.setPassword(password); final String inviteCode = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); userAccount.setInviteCode(inviteCode); try { getMailService().sendConfirmYourAccountEmail(singUpBean, inviteCode); } catch (Exception e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } try { getMailService().sendPasswordConfirmationEmail(singUpBean); } catch (Exception e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } // save user getAccountDao().saveOrUpdate(userAccount); // assing first default group to user final UserAccount retrievedUser = getAccountDao().getUserAccountById(userAccount.getUid()); final Permission permission = getPermissionByName(SecurityService.DEFAULT); if (permission != null) { final List<Permission> all = getPermissionDao().findAllPermissions();"all permission " + all.size());"default permission " + permission); retrievedUser.getSecUserPermissions().add(permission); } else { log.warn("error assing default permissions"); }"saving user"); try { getAccountDao().saveOrUpdate(retrievedUser); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug(e); throw new EnMeException(e.getMessage()); } } /** * Search {@link UserAccount} by email. * @param email email * @return */ public List<UserAccount> searchUsersByEmail(final String email) { return getAccountDao().searchUsersByEmail(email); } /** * Get Permission by {@link EnMePermission}. * @param permission permission. * @return */ public Permission getPermissionByName(final EnMePermission permission) { final Permission permission2 = getPermissionDao().loadPermission(permission); return permission2; } /** * Assign Permissions to {@link UserAccount}. * @param userAccount {@link UserAccount}. * @param permissions List of {@link Permission}. */ private void assingPermission(final UserAccount userAccount, final Set<Permission> permissions) { for (Permission permission : permissions) { if (permission != null) { userAccount.getSecUserPermissions().add(permission); } else { log.error("Error on assing permission to " + userAccount.getUsername()); } } getAccountDao().saveOrUpdate(userAccount); } /** * Assign permission to user. * @param userBean {@link UserAccountBean} * @param permissionBean {@link UnitPermission} * @throws EnMeException exception */ public void assignPermission(final UserAccountBean userBean, final UnitPermission permissionBean) throws EnMeException { UserAccount userDomain = null; Permission permissionDomain = null;"userBean found " + userBean.getId());"permissionBean found " + permissionBean.getId()); if (userBean.getId() != null) { userDomain = getAccountDao().getUserAccountById(userBean.getId());"user found " + userDomain); } if (permissionBean.getId() != null) { permissionDomain = getPermissionDao().getPermissionById(permissionBean.getId());"permission found " + permissionDomain); } if (userDomain != null && permissionDomain != null) {"saving permissions");"permission selected " + permissionDomain.getPermission());"user selected " + userDomain.getUid()); userDomain.getSecUserPermissions().add(permissionDomain); getAccountDao().saveOrUpdate(userDomain);"saved permission " + userDomain.getSecUserPermissions().size()); } else { throw new EnMeException("error adding permission"); } } /** * Assign Permission, * @param userId user id * @param permission {@link EnMePermission}. * @param action * @throws EnMeException exception. */ public void updatePermission(final Long userId, final String loggedUser, final EnMePermission permission, final String action) throws EnMeException { final UserAccount user = getValidateUser(userId, loggedUser); if (user == null) { throw new EnMeNoResultsFoundException("user not found"); } else { log.debug("Update Permission " + permission.toString()); if (action.equals("add")) { user.getSecUserPermissions().add(this.getPermissionByName(permission)); log.debug("Added Permission " + permission.toString()); } else if (action.equals("remove")) { user.getSecUserPermissions().remove(this.getPermissionByName(permission)); log.debug("Removed Permission " + permission.toString()); } getAccountDao().saveOrUpdate(user); } } /** * Assign group to user. * @param groupId userBean * @param userId groupBean * @throws EnMeNoResultsFoundException */ public void assingGroupFromUser(final Long groupId, final Long userId, final String username) throws EnMeNoResultsFoundException { final UserAccount userAccount = getUserAccount(userId); //TODO: I need confirm this user perhaps same group of logged user. //search group by group id and owner user id. final Group group = getGroupDao().getGroupById(groupId, getUserAccount(username).getAccount()); if (group == null) { throw new EnMeNoResultsFoundException("group not found"); } else { //add new group. userAccount.setGroup(group); getAccountDao().saveOrUpdate(userAccount); } } /** * Change User Status. * @param username * @throws EnmeFailOperation */ public void changeUserStatus(final String username) throws EnmeFailOperation { final UserAccount secondaryUser = getAccountDao().getUserByUsername(username); if (secondaryUser != null) { secondaryUser .setUserStatus(secondaryUser.isUserStatus() == null ? false : !secondaryUser.isUserStatus()); getAccountDao().saveOrUpdate(secondaryUser); } else { throw new EnmeFailOperation("Fail Change User Status"); } } /** * Remove {@link Group} from User. * @param userBean {@link UserAccountBean} * @param groupBean {@link UnitGroupBean} * @throws EnMeException */ public void removeGroupFromUser(final UserAccountBean userBean, final UnitGroupBean groupBean) throws EnMeException { //TODO: need be implemented } /** * Load Permission domain and covert to permission bean. * @param permission permission * @return permission bean */ public UnitPermission loadBeanPermission(final EnMePermission permission) { UnitPermission permissionBean = null; final Permission permissionDomain = getPermissionDao().loadPermission(permission); if (permissionDomain != null) { permissionBean = ConvertDomainBean.convertPermissionToBean(permissionDomain); } return permissionBean; } /** * * @return */ private Account createDefaultAccount() { final Account account = new Account(); account.setCreatedAccount(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); account.setEnabled(Boolean.TRUE); getAccountDao().saveOrUpdate(account); return account; } /** * Generate a random password if default password is null. * @param defaultPassword default password. * @return */ private String generateRandomPassword(final String defaultPassword) { final String password = defaultPassword == null ? EnMePasswordUtils.createRandomPassword(EnMePasswordUtils.DEFAULT_LENGTH_PASSWORD) : defaultPassword; return password; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see org.encuestame.core.service.imp.SecurityOperations#createAdministrationUser(org.encuestame.core.config.AdministratorProfile) */ public UserAccountBean createAdministrationUser(final AdministratorProfile administratorProfile) { log.debug("----------- create administration user ---------"); final UserAccount userAccount = new UserAccount(); try { final Account account = this.createDefaultAccount(); // create directory account. // this.createDirectoryAccount(account); // create first user account. userAccount.setUsername(administratorProfile.getUsername()); // generate password. final String password = this.generateRandomPassword(administratorProfile.getPassword()); userAccount.setPassword(encodingPassword(password)); // invite code userAccount.setEnjoyDate(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); // current // date userAccount.setAccount(account); userAccount.setUserStatus(Boolean.TRUE); userAccount.setUserEmail(administratorProfile.getEmail()); userAccount.setCompleteName(administratorProfile.getUsername()); getAccountDao().saveOrUpdate(userAccount); log.debug("administration user ----> " + userAccount.toString()); // default permissions. final Set<Permission> permissions = new HashSet<Permission>(); permissions.add(getPermissionByName(EnMePermission.ENCUESTAME_USER)); permissions.add(getPermissionByName(EnMePermission.ENCUESTAME_ADMIN)); permissions.add(getPermissionByName(EnMePermission.ENCUESTAME_OWNER)); permissions.add(getPermissionByName(EnMePermission.ENCUESTAME_PUBLISHER)); permissions.add(getPermissionByName(EnMePermission.ENCUESTAME_EDITOR)); this.assingPermission(userAccount, permissions); log.debug("administration user ----> Adding Security label"); //Disabled auto-autenticate, the administrative user should sign in manually //SecurityUtils.authenticate(userAccount); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("new user " + userAccount.getUsername()); log.debug("Get Authoritie Name:{ " + SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getName()); } } catch (Exception e) { //e.printStackTrace(); log.error(e); } final UserAccountBean bean = ConvertDomainBean.convertBasicSecondaryUserToUserBean(userAccount); log.debug("------ administration return ----> userBean " + bean.toString()); return bean; } /** * SingUp User. * @param singUpBean {@link SignUpBean}. * @return {@link UserAccountBean}. * @throws EnMeNoResultsFoundException */ public UserAccount signupUser(final SignUpBean singUpBean, boolean disableEmail) throws EnMeNoResultsFoundException { //FIXME: Validate the email inside this service. log.debug("signupUser " + singUpBean.toString()); //create account/ final Account account = this.createDefaultAccount(); //create directory account. createDirectoryAccount(account); //create first user account. final UserAccount userAccount = new UserAccount(); userAccount.setUsername(singUpBean.getUsername()); //generate password. final String password = singUpBean.getPassword() == null ? EnMePasswordUtils.createRandomPassword(EnMePasswordUtils.DEFAULT_LENGTH_PASSWORD) : singUpBean.getPassword(); userAccount.setPassword(encodingPassword(password)); singUpBean.setPassword(password); //invite code final String inviteCode = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); userAccount.setEnjoyDate(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); //current date userAccount.setAccount(account); userAccount.setUserStatus(Boolean.TRUE); userAccount.setSharedProfile(Boolean.TRUE); userAccount.setUserEmail(singUpBean.getEmail()); userAccount.setCompleteName(singUpBean.getFullName()); userAccount.setInviteCode(inviteCode); //thinking, maybe create invite code table. getAccountDao().saveOrUpdate(userAccount); //create global account directory if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("signupUser created user account"); } //default permissions. final Set<Permission> permissions = new HashSet<Permission>(); permissions.add(getPermissionByName(EnMePermission.ENCUESTAME_USER)); permissions.add(getPermissionByName(EnMePermission.ENCUESTAME_OWNER)); permissions.add(getPermissionByName(EnMePermission.ENCUESTAME_PUBLISHER)); permissions.add(getPermissionByName(EnMePermission.ENCUESTAME_EDITOR)); this.assingPermission(userAccount, permissions); if (!disableEmail) { //test proposes. //send new password if (EnMePlaceHolderConfigurer.getBooleanProperty("")) { //send confirmation account request try { getMailService().sendConfirmYourAccountEmail(singUpBean, inviteCode); } catch (Exception e) { // ENCUESTAME-602 ???? //e.printStackTrace(); log.error(e); } } } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("new user " + userAccount.getUsername()); log.debug("Get Authoritie Name:{ " + SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getName()); } // create a welcome notification createNotification(NotificationEnum.WELCOME_SIGNUP, getMessageProperties("notification.wellcome.account"), null, false, userAccount); //FIXME: disabled, user must sign in from web. // The reason is sometimes there are issues with the auto-login // SecurityUtils.authenticate(userAccount); return userAccount; } /** * User Account Is Activated. * @param signUpBean * @return */ public Boolean isActivated(final SignUpBean signUpBean) { ///FIXME: implementation is needed return true; } /** * Ecrypt Password with Jasypt. * @param password password * @return */ private String encodingPassword(final String password) { final StrongPasswordEncryptor passwordEncryptor = new StrongPasswordEncryptor(); return passwordEncryptor.encryptPassword(password); } /** * Load domain permission. * @param permission permission * @return permission domain */ public Permission loadPermission(final String permission) { return getPermissionDao() .loadPermission(EnumerationUtils.getEnumFromString(EnMePermission.class, permission)); } /** * Load list of {@link Permission}. * @return list of permissions. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<UnitPermission> loadPermissions() { @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") final Set permissionCollection = new HashSet(getPermissionDao().findAllPermissions()); final List<UnitPermission> arrayPermission = new ArrayList<UnitPermission>( ConvertDomainBean.convertSetToUnitPermission(permissionCollection)); return arrayPermission; } /** * Invite some users to register in the system. * @param email list of users * @param code code * @throws Exception excepcion */ public void inviteUser(String email, String code) { if (EnMePlaceHolderConfigurer.getBooleanProperty("")) { try { getMailService().sendInvitation(email, code); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block //e.printStackTrace(); log.error(e); } } } /** * Generate hash code invitation. * @return generated code */ public String generateHashCodeInvitation() { return generatePassword(); } /** * Fetch stats by user account. * @param user * @return */ public void getStatsByUsers(final UserAccountBean user) { final Long id = user.getId(); final List<Long> tweetPoll = getAccountDao().getTotalTweetPollByUser(id); final List<Long> poll = getAccountDao().getTotalPollByUser(id); final List<Long> surveys = getSurveyDaoImp().getTotalSurveyByOwner(id); if (tweetPoll.size() > 0) { user.setTweetPoll(tweetPoll.get(0)); } if (poll.size() > 0) { user.setPoll(poll.get(0)); } if (surveys.size() > 0) { user.setSurvey(surveys.get(0)); } } /** * Send password to user. * @param email email * @param password password * @throws MailSendException * @deprecated should user invitation mail service */ @Deprecated public void sendUserPassword(final String email, final String password) throws MailSendException { if (EnMePlaceHolderConfigurer.getBooleanProperty("")) { try { getMailService().send(email, getMessageProperties("NewPassWordMail"), password); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block //e.printStackTrace(); log.error(e); } } } /** * Generate a password. * @return generate password string */ private String generatePassword() { return PasswordGenerator.getPassword(PasswordGenerator.lowercase + PasswordGenerator.capitals, 10); } /** * Getter. * @return default user permission. */ public String getDefaultUserPermission() { return; } /** * Get Email List by Username. * @param username * @return * @throws EnMeNoResultsFoundException */ public List<UnitLists> getListbyUsername(final String username) throws EnMeNoResultsFoundException { return ConvertDomainBean .convertEmailListToBean(getEmailListsDao().findListbyUser(getUserAccountId(username))); } /** * Get Followers User. * @param username * @return * @throws EnMeNoResultsFoundException */ public Integer getFollowers(final String username) throws EnMeNoResultsFoundException { UserAccount userAcc = getUserAccount(username); final Integer followers = userAcc.getFollowers().size(); return followers; } /** * Follow Operations. * FollowOperations.FOLLOW - to follow user. * FollowOperations.UNFOLLOW - to unfollow user. * @param userAcc * @param myUsername * @param followerUser * @param operation * @throws EnMeNoResultsFoundException */ public void followOperations(final UserAccount userAcc, final String myUsername, final String followerUser, final FollowOperations operation) throws EnMeNoResultsFoundException { final UserAccount myAccount = getUserAccount(myUsername); final UserAccount myFollower = getUserAccount(followerUser); if (FollowOperations.FOLLOW.equals(operation)) { myAccount.getFollowers().add(myFollower); } else if (FollowOperations.UNFOLLOW.equals(operation)) { for (UserAccount dataAccount : myAccount.getFollowers()) { if (myFollower.getUsername().equals(dataAccount.getUsername())) { userAcc.getFollowers().remove(dataAccount); getAccountDao().delete(dataAccount); } } } getAccountDao().saveOrUpdate(myAccount); } /** * Add Followers. * @param myUser * @param followerUser * @return * @throws EnMeNoResultsFoundException */ public UserAccount addFollower(final String myUsername, final String followerUser) throws EnMeNoResultsFoundException { final UserAccount myAccount = getUserAccount(myUsername); final UserAccount myFollower = getUserAccount(followerUser); myAccount.getFollowers().add(myFollower); getAccountDao().saveOrUpdate(myAccount); return myAccount; } /** * Update property for user account. * @param property * @param value * @param username * @throws EnMeNoResultsFoundException */ public void updateAccountProfile(final Profile property, final String value) throws EnMeNoResultsFoundException { log.debug("updating accoutn profile :" + property + " whith value " + value); final UserAccount account = getUserAccount(getUserPrincipalUsername()); if (Profile.USERNAME.equals(property)) { account.setUsername(value.trim()); //TODO: we need update authorities } else if (Profile.EMAIL.equals(property)) { account.setUserEmail(value.trim()); } else if (Profile.WELCOME.equals(property)) { account.setWelcomePage(Boolean.TRUE); } else if (Profile.PAGE_INFO.equals(property)) { // save the opossite that already had saved previously account.setHelpLinks(!account.getHelpLinks()); } else if (Profile.PICTURE.equals(property)) { PictureSource picture = PictureSource.findPictureSource(value); if (picture != null) { account.setPictureSource(picture); } } getAccountDao().merge(account); } /** * Update Account Profile. * @param bio * @param email * @param username * @param language * @param completeName * @throws EnMeNoResultsFoundException */ public void updateAccountProfile(final String bio, final String language, final String completeName, final String username, final String email) throws EnMeNoResultsFoundException { final UserAccount account = getUserAccount(getUserPrincipalUsername()); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("update Account user to update " + account.getUsername()); log.debug("update Account Profile bio " + bio); log.debug("update Account Profile language " + language); log.debug("update Account Profile username " + username); } account.setCompleteName(completeName); account.setUserEmail(email); account.setUsername(username); account.setLanguage(language == null ? new Locale(EnMeUtils.DEFAULT_LANG).getLanguage() : new Locale(language).getLanguage()); getAccountDao().saveOrUpdate(account); //clear the security context SecurityContextHolder.clearContext(); // login the user SecurityUtils.authenticate(account); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see, java.lang.String) */ public void changeStateSocialAccount(final Long accountId, final String action) throws EnMeNoResultsFoundException, IllegalSocialActionException { final UserAccount userAccount = getUserAccount(getUserPrincipalUsername()); final SocialAccount social = getAccountDao().getSocialAccount(accountId, userAccount.getAccount()); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("changeStateSocialAccount account"); log.debug("changeStateSocialAccount account accountId " + accountId); log.debug("changeStateSocialAccount account action " + action); } if (social == null) { throw new EnMeNoResultsFoundException("social accout not found"); } if ("default".equals(action)) { social.setDefaultSelected(!social.getDefaultSelected()); getAccountDao().saveOrUpdate(social); } else if ("remove".equals(action)) { getAccountDao().delete(social); } else { throw new IllegalSocialActionException(); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see, java.lang.String,, */ @Transactional(readOnly = false) public SocialAccount addNewSocialAccount(final String token, final String tokenSecret, final String expiresToken, final SocialUserProfile socialUserProfile, final SocialProvider socialProvider, final UserAccount userAccount) { return getAccountDao().createSocialAccount(socialUserProfile.getId(), token, tokenSecret, expiresToken, socialUserProfile.getUsername(), socialUserProfile, socialProvider, userAccount); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see org.encuestame.core.service.imp.SecurityOperations#getCurrentSocialAccount(, java.lang.String) */ public SocialAccount getCurrentSocialAccount(final SocialProvider socialProvider, final String socialProfileId) { return getAccountDao().getSocialAccount(socialProvider, socialProfileId); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see org.encuestame.core.service.imp.SecurityOperations#getCurrentSocialAccount(, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) */ public SocialAccount getCurrentSocialAccount(final SocialProvider socialProvider, final String socialProfileId, final String socialUserName) { return getAccountDao().getSocialAccount(socialProvider, socialProfileId, socialUserName); } /** * Get User Logged Scocial Accounts. * @param username * @param provider * @return * @throws EnMeNoResultsFoundException */ public List<SocialAccountBean> getUserLoggedSocialAccount(final String username, final SocialProvider provider) throws EnMeNoResultsFoundException { return ConvertDomainBean.convertListSocialAccountsToBean( getAccountDao().getSocialAccountByAccount(getUserAccount(username).getAccount(), provider)); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see, */ public List<SocialAccountBean> getValidSocialAccounts(final SocialProvider provider, final Boolean addStats) throws EnMeNoResultsFoundException { final List<SocialAccount> socialAccounts = getAccountDao().getSocialVerifiedAccountByUserAccount( getUserAccount(getUserPrincipalUsername()).getAccount(), provider); log.debug("social provider verified:{" + socialAccounts.size()); List<SocialAccountBean> accounts = new ArrayList<SocialAccountBean>(); if (addStats) { accounts = this.addSocialStats(socialAccounts); } else { accounts = ConvertDomainBean.convertListSocialAccountsToBean(socialAccounts); } return accounts; } /** * Add social stats. * @param socialAccount {@link SocialAccount}. * @return list of social accounts. */ private List<SocialAccountBean> addSocialStats(final List<SocialAccount> socialAccounts) { final List<SocialAccountBean> accounts = new ArrayList<SocialAccountBean>(); for (SocialAccount socialAccount : socialAccounts) { log.debug("addSocialStats to " + socialAccount.getId()); final HashMap<String, Long> stats = getAccountDao().getSocialAccountStats(socialAccount); log.debug("addSocialStats stats: " + stats); final SocialAccountBean bean = ConvertDomainBean.convertSocialAccountToBean(socialAccount); log.debug("addSocialStats stats tweetpoll: " + stats.get("tweetpoll")); log.debug("addSocialStats stats poll: " + stats.get("poll")); log.debug("addSocialStats stats survey: " + stats.get("survey")); bean.setTweetpoll(stats.get("tweetpoll")); bean.setPoll(stats.get("poll")); bean.setSurvey(stats.get("survey")); log.debug("addSocialStats bean: " + bean.toString()); accounts.add(bean); } return accounts; } /** * Get {@link UserAccount} by confirmation code. * @param inviteCode * @return * @throws EnMeNoResultsFoundException */ public UserAccountBean getUserAccountbyCode(final String inviteCode) throws EnMeNoResultsFoundException { final UserAccount userAcc; SignUpBean singUp = new SignUpBean(); if (inviteCode == null) { throw new EnMeNoResultsFoundException("confirmation code is missing"); } else { userAcc = getAccountDao().getUserAccountbyInvitationCode(inviteCode); if (userAcc != null) { userAcc.setInviteCode(null); userAcc.setUserStatus(Boolean.TRUE); getAccountDao().saveOrUpdate(userAcc); } else { throw new EnMeNoResultsFoundException("confirmation code not found"); } } singUp = ConvertDomainBean.convertUserAccountToSignUpBean(userAcc); if (EnMePlaceHolderConfigurer.getBooleanProperty("")) { try { getMailService().welcomeNotificationAccount(userAcc); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block //e.printStackTrace(); log.error(e); } } return ConvertDomainBean.convertBasicSecondaryUserToUserBean(userAcc); } /** * Refresh the invite code and send new email to user account. * @throws EnMeNoResultsFoundException */ public void refreshInviteCode() throws EnMeNoResultsFoundException { final UserAccount userAccount = getUserAccount(getUserPrincipalUsername()); if (userAccount.getInviteCode() != null) { final SignUpBean singUpBean = new SignUpBean(); singUpBean.setEmail(userAccount.getUserEmail()); singUpBean.setFullName(userAccount.getCompleteName()); singUpBean.setUsername(userAccount.getUsername()); final String inviteCode = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); userAccount.setInviteCode(inviteCode); getAccountDao().saveOrUpdate(userAccount); try { getMailService().sendConfirmYourAccountEmail(singUpBean, inviteCode); } catch (Exception e) { log.fatal("not able to send new invite code"); //e.printStackTrace(); log.error(e); } } else {"invite code requested by " + userAccount.getUsername() + " it's null, nothing to do"); } } /** * Send notification status account. * @param userAccBean */ public void sendNotificationStatusAccount(final UserAccountBean userAccBean) { final SignUpBean singUp = new SignUpBean(); singUp.setCaptcha("CaPtChA"); singUp.setEmail(userAccBean.getEmail()); singUp.setFullName(userAccBean.getName()); singUp.setPassword(userAccBean.getPassword()); singUp.setUsername(userAccBean.getUsername()); getAccountDao().saveOrUpdate(singUp); if (EnMePlaceHolderConfigurer.getBooleanProperty("")) { try { getMailService().sendNotificationStatusAccount(singUp, "Change user status"); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block //e.printStackTrace(); log.error(e); } } } /* Social Account SignIn Connect. * */ /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public void removeUnconfirmedAccount(final Boolean status) { final String expireLimit = EnMePlaceHolderConfigurer.getProperty("account.expire.limit"); final Calendar currentDate = Calendar.getInstance(); final Calendar expireDate = Calendar.getInstance(); expireDate.add(Calendar.DATE, -Integer.parseInt(expireLimit)); log.debug("Before date ----->" + expireDate.getTime()); final List<UserAccount> accountWithoutConfirmation = getAccountDao().getUserAccountsbyStatus(status, expireDate.getTime(), currentDate.getTime()); log.debug("Account without confirmation --->" + accountWithoutConfirmation.size()); for (UserAccount userAcc : accountWithoutConfirmation) { final Account ownerAccount = getAccountDao().getUserById(userAcc.getAccount().getUid()); log.debug("User account id ----> " + userAcc.getUid()); log.debug("Owner account id ----> " + ownerAccount.getUid()); if (ownerAccount != null) { ownerAccount.setEnabled(Boolean.FALSE); getAccountDao().saveOrUpdate(ownerAccount); } } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see org.encuestame.core.service.imp.SecurityOperations#getUserAccountsAvailable(java.lang.Boolean) */ public List<UserAccount> getUserAccountsAvailable(final Boolean status) throws EnMeNoResultsFoundException { final List<UserAccount> userListAvailable = getAccountDao().getUserAccounts(status); return userListAvailable; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * org.encuestame.core.service.imp.SecurityOperations#getUserbyId(java.lang * .Long) */ public UserAccount getUserbyId(final Long id) throws EnMeNoResultsFoundException { final UserAccount user = getAccountDao().getUserAccountById(id); if (user == null) { throw new EnMeNoResultsFoundException("confirmation code not found"); } return user; } /** * * @param currentPath * @param userAccount * @return */ public Boolean checkHelpURL(final String currentPath, final UserAccount userAccount) { List items = this.getAccountDao().getHelpReference(currentPath, userAccount); return items.size() == 0 ? true : false; } /** * * @param path * @param userAccount * @param status */ @Transactional(readOnly = false) public void updateHelpStatus(final String path, final UserAccount userAccount, final Boolean status) { final List<HelpPage> links = getAccountDao().getHelpReference(path, userAccount); //System.out.println("found help page " + links.size()); if (links.size() > 0 && !status) { // previous exist for (HelpPage page : links) { //System.out.println("removed help page " + page.getPagePath()); getAccountDao().delete(page); } } else { // we have to create a new link if (status) { final HelpPage page = new HelpPage(); page.setPagePath(path); page.setUserAccount(userAccount); getAccountDao().saveOrUpdate(page); //System.out.println("created help page " + path); } } } }